#parkrose high school
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The Destruction of Black Civilization and The Origin of African Civilization by Chancellor Williams were challenged at the Prince George County high school libraries in 1993 because the two volumes were said to promote “racism against white people.” In a complaint filed with the state, the works were called “racist pornography” written “to provoke emotions and actions of racial prejudice, bias, hatred, and hostility towards citizens and students in Maryland.”
A widely read history of Africans well researched analysis details the development of civilization in Africa. Now ask yourself, what information is contained in this they really did not want you to know? And do you know it?
Challenged and Banned Books by and about African Americans
Young and Black In America by Rae Pace Alexander
1983—After the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union sued the Elk River School Board, the Board reversed its decision to restrict the title to students who have written permission from their parents. (MN)
And the Walls Came Tumbling Down by Ralph D. Abernathy
1989—Burned protest in Denver because it alleges that Martin Luther King, Jr. was involved with three women. E. Napoleon Walton, the publisher of the Denver Cosmopolitan Advertiser, stated, “[Abernathy] has his freedom of speech, and we have our freedom to burn it.” (CO)
And Still I Rise by Maya Angelou
1982—Challenged at the Northside High School in Lafayette, Louisiana. (LA)
1987—Challenged at the Longview school system in Washington because some “students could be harmed by its graphic language.” (WA)
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
1983 – 2009—Over thirty-five challenges in twenty states since the book’s publication.
2009—Challenged in the Newman-Crows Landing School District on a required reading list presented by the Orestimba High English Department. A trustee questioned the qualifications of Orestimba staff to teach a novel depicting African American culture. (CA)
Another Country by James Baldwin
1963—Considered obscene, the book was banned from the New Orleans Public library. After a year of litigation, it was restored. (LA)
Blues for Mister Charlie by James Baldwin
1980—Challenged in Sioux Falls, South Dakota because it’s “pornographic,” and it “tears down Christian principles.” (SD).
Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin
1994—Challenged as required reading in the Hudson Falls Schools because the books has recurring themes of rape, masturbation, violence, and degrading treatment of women. (NY)
1998—Challenged as a ninth-grade summer reading option in Prince William County because the book “was rife with profanity and explicit sex.” (VA)
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin
1989—Removed from the St. Paul High School Library because the book contains obscene language and explicit descriptions of sexual activity. (OR)
Tell Me How Long the Train’s Been Gone by James Baldwin
1983—Four members of the Alabama State Textbook Committee called for its rejection because Baldwin’s work preaches “bitterness and hatred against whites.” (AL)
The Toilet by Amiri Baraka
1969—Expurgated at Eastern High School to eliminate “four-letter words or vernacular.”
Manchild in the Promised Land by Claude Brown
1974 – 1987—Challenged five times in four states. (WI, FL, LA, OH, OR)
1987—Challenged at the Parkrose High School because the content is “violent, the language offensive, and women are degraded.” The protestors also questioned its relevance, claiming that Parkrose students have no need to understand life in a black ghetto. (OR)
A Hero Ain’t Nothin But a Sandwich by Alice Childress
1976 – 1994—Challenged five times in five states. (NY, GA, TX, MD, SC)
1976—Removed from Island Trees School Union Free District High School library along with nine other titles because they were considered “immoral, anti-American, anti-Christian, or just plain filthy.” (NY)
Rainbow Jordan by Alice Childress
1986—Challenged at the Gwinnett County public schools because of “foul language and sexual references.” (GA)
1986—Banned from Spokane middle schools because the book’s storyline about a prostitute’s daughter was “too mature.” (WA)
Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver
1969 -1979—Challenged five times in four states. (CA, CT, NY, WA)
1975—Challenged at the Greenwich High School library because the book is “crime provoking and anti-American as well as obscene and pornographic.” (CT)
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
1994—Retained in the Yakima schools after a five-month dispute over what advanced high school students should read in the classroom. Two parents raised concerns about profanity and images of violence and sexuality in the book and requested that it be removed from the reading list. (WA)
2013—North Carolina school board considers banning the book after the mother of an 11-grader complained, claiming Ellison’s work was inappropriate for 11th grade summer reading, citing both language and subject matter.
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman by Ernest J. Gaines
2006—Challenged as an eighth-grade district-wide reading assignment in the Puyallup schools because “racial slurs and stereotyping are used throughout the book, as well as scenes of sex, rape, and implied incest.”
A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines
2004—Removed from the college bookstore at Louisiana College, Pineville by the college president “because a love scene described in the book clashes with the school’s Christian values.” (LA)
My House by Nikki Giovanni
1992—Challenged by the Duval County public school libraries because it contains the word “nigger” and was accused of containing excessive vulgarity, racism, and sex. (FL)
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
1979—Responding to criticism from an anti-pornography organization, the Ogden School District restricted circulation of Hansberry’s play. (UT)
Nappy Hair by Carolivia Herron
1998—Challenged in Brooklyn because it was considered racially insensitive. (NY)
The Best Short Stories By Negro Writers an Anthology From 1899 to the Presentedited by Langston Hughes
1976—Removed from Island Trees School Union Free District High School library along with nine other titles because they were considered “immoral, anti-American, anti-Christian, or just plain filthy.” (NY)
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
1997—Challenged for sexual explicitness, but retained on the Stonewall Jackson High School’s academically advanced reading list in Brentsville. A parent objected to the novel’s language and sexual explicitness.
Call Me Charley by Jesse Jackson
1979—Parents of a black fourth-grade student filed suit against Grand Blanc school officials after a teacher read this title to their son’s class. The work includes a black youth “Sambo,” “nigger,” and “coon.”
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcom X with Alex Haley
1993—Challenged in the Duval County Public School district because the slain Black Muslim leader advocated anti-white racism and violence. (FL)
Mirandy and Brother Wind by Patricia McKissack
1991—Challenged at the Glen Springs Elementary School in Gainesville, Florida, because of the book’s use of black dialect. (FL)
Daddy Was a Number Runner by Louise Meriweather
1977—Removed from all Oakland junior high school libraries and its use restricted in senior high schools, following a complaint about the book’s explicit depiction of ghetto life. (CA)
Beloved by Toni Morrison
1995 – 2007—Challenged seven times in six states since its publication. (FL, TX, ME, IL, ID, & KY)
2007—Challenged in the Coeur d’Alene School District. Some parents say the book along with five others should require parental permission for students to read them. (ID)
2013—Parent wants the book removed because she believes it depicts scenes of bestiality, gang rape and an infant’s gruesome murder, content she believes could be too intense for teenage readers.
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
1994 – 2007—Challenged eleven times in nine states since publication. (AK, PA, FL, MA, MD, NH, CA, CO, MI)
2005—Banned from the Littleton curriculum and library shelves after complaints about its explicit sex, including the rape of an eleven-year-old girl by her father. (CO)
2013– The board of education president in Ohio is criticizing the inclusion of the book on the Common Core Standard’s recommended reading list for 11th-graders, labeling the controversial work “pornographic,” and wishes to ban it from the classroom.
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
1993 – 2009—Challenged in five states due to its sexually explicitly language. (OH, GA, FL, MD, MI)
1998—Removed from the St. Mary’s County Schools’ approved text list by the school superintendent overruling a faculty committee recommendation. Complaints referred to the novel as “filth,” “trash,” and “repulsive.” (MD)
Sula by Toni Morrison
2000—Challenged on the Poolesville High School reading list because of the book’s sexual content and language. On October 5, 2000, Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Paul McGuckian dismissed the bid to band the work from the curriculum. The school, however, decided to remove the book from the summer reading list. (MD)
Learning Tree by Gordon Parks
1976 – 2006—Challenged seven times in seven states since publication. (WY, MD, RI, WA, FL, MN, AL)
2006—Challenged on the summer reading list at LeFlore High School in Mobile becdause the author frequently used inappropriate words, such as “nigga,” “bitch,” “bastard,” and “ass.” (AL)
The Black Poets edited by Randall Dudley
1982—Banned for use in English classrooms at the Tinley Park High School because the book “extols murder, rape, theft, incest, sodomy, and other acts.” (IL)
Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold
1994—Challenged in the Spokane elementary school libraries because it stereotypes African Americans as eating fried chicken and watermelon and drinking beer at family picnics. The book is based on the memories of its author’s family rooftop picnics in 1930’s Harlem. The book won the 1992 Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award for its portrayal of minorities. (WA)
Push by Sapphire
2005—Challenged, but retained at Fayetteville High School despite a parent’s complaint that it was sexually explicit. The complainant also submitted a list of more than fifty books, citing the books as too sexually explicit and promoting homosexuality. (AL)
The Friendship by Mildred Taylor
1997—Challenged, but retained in the Prince George’s County school system after a parent claimed that book has “no redeeming value.” (MD)
The Land by Mildred Taylor
2008—Removed from the Turner Elementary School media center shelves in New Tampa as age inappropriate. A parent challenged the book because the novel contains a racial epithet. The book was a 2002 Coretta Scott King Author Award recipient. (FL)
Mississippi Bridge by Mildred Taylor
2001—Challenged by retained at the Donahoe Elementary School library in Sandston despite objections of its “negative content and [that] it’s riddled with prejudice.” The novel by the Newberry Medal-winning author tells the story of a young black man who tries to save white passengers in a bus accident, despite being ordered earlier to give up his seat to “white folks.” (VA)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor
1993 – 2004—Challenged four times in four states. (LA, CA, AL, FL).
Bloods: Black Veterans of the Vietnam War: An Oral History by Terry Wallace
1987—Banned from the West Hernando Middle School library in Spring Hill because of “harsh language and presents a moral danger to students.” The librarian filled a grievance and the book was returned to the shelves following a ruling by the American Arbitration Association. Forty minutes after the book was returned, the book was removed again, pending a review by an advisory committee. (FL)
Down These Mean Streets by Thomas Piri
1976—Removed from the Island Trees Union Free School District High School library along with nine other titles because they were considered “immoral, anti-American, anti-Christian, or just plain filthy.” Returned to the library after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on June 25, 1982 in Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School District No. 26 et. al. v. Pico et. al., 457 U.S. 853 (1982). (NY)
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
1984 – 2008—Challenged eighteen times since publication. (CA, VA, MI, TN, WY, NC, PA, CT, FL, OR, TX, WV, OH)
1985—Rejected for purchase by Hayward school trustees because of “rough language” and “explicit sex scenes”. (CA)
The Temple of My Familiar by Alice Walker
1997—Removed from the Jackson County school libraries along with sixteen other titles. (WV)
Jubilee by Margaret Walker
1977—Challenged in the Greenville County school libraries by the Titan of the Fourth Province of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan because the novel produces “racial strife and hatred.” (SC)
The Destruction of Black Civilization and The Origin of African Civilization by Chancellor Williams
1993—Challenged at the Prince George County high school libraries because the two volumes promote “racism against white people.” In a complaint filed with the state, the works were called “racist pornography” written “to provoke emotions and actions of racial prejudice, bias, hatred, and hostility towards citizens and students in Maryland.” (MD)
Black Boy by Richard Wright
1972 – 2007—Challenged nine times in seven states since publication. (MI, LA, TN, NY, NE, TX, FL)
1987—Challenged in the Lincoln school libraries because of the novel’s “corruptive, obscene nature.” (NE)
Native Son by Richard Wright
1981—Challenged in North Adam’s due to the book’s “violence, sex, and profanity.” (MA)
1988—Challenged in the Hamilton High School curriculum in Fort Wayne because of the novel’s graphic language and sexual content. (IN)
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Communism The Beginning And The End
I could only see a state like Oregon or maybe Washington starting out what would fall under Free American Communism and learning as well! In Free American Communism the robot builders are the most apreciated because they reduce labor and work in the food serrvice industry and more which frees up hands to be available for other works! Example starting with a suburb like Parkrose. The reasoning is as it progresses and so forth and spreads and people like the suburbs expand and the work industry as well! Robots eliminating jobs is not horrible it only creates more free time and demand for environment work and more. Of course communism would have to make money and be supportive as well! It starts out accepting cash and ofering more at lower prices drawing in money that is only allowed on profit for communist expansion. Its a complex start but after five years should have spread half way across Oregon or Washington a quarter and Oregon a quarter! Working more the 20 hours a week is only required amongst medical which instead they get high perks as doctors but they work two years and get two years off! robots expand into this as well a well planned communism brings doctor traing through medical and military and requires them as military to fill in where needed. military works 24 hours a day and is required all citizens serve from the age of 18 and high school graduate or GED those who fail to comply serve in a military still designed for handicapped, disabled, and low education they all work also and do there part! The military get 4 years on 2 years off unless high rank which high rank gets 4 years off vacationing with required work of five hours a week rent, meals, vacations everything taken care of. People choose amongst lifestyles the gypsy farmer lifestyle of travel an dpich fruit, the apartment lifestyle first lifestyle they like is chosen schooling in military explained etc. Once a military graduate you would have two years leave all expenses paid with a military check in the military would be obligated to protecting its citizens! high rank expansion with high leaves offers more room into higher positions leaving many high ranks so there are to many to have to much control without voting. doctors jobs are more reliant on robot analysis that is free! Things progress in to a civilization that takes a 60 year growth to reach east coast to west coast! enough liked it could be reached in as little as 15-20 years. temporary agencies is where people check in for work and get scheduled with vacation plans and more and vacation traveling is the more popular compared instead of fast food! fast food and restaurants would be fully automated and established to scanners that scan food for disease and more! Could go on that enough to think about! Oh yes Military bases would be positioned and have railways, military bases would exist in triangle tips of even triangle approximately every 250 miles, for example. All freight moves through military railways fully automated and human and robot inspected if within the 250 mile proximity semi trucks deliver cost of delivery and inspection is free! this connects al mining operations to railways! Could explain alot more but thigs always change in republic and democrat discussions.
Im more sith for real if all joined the sith what do they get good meals, bed, and more.
if all joined the republic what do they get fights drunk screwing whatever drunk
democrats what do you get a bunch of poppy talk with no place to go and making enemies
sith are the heroes you asked me in star wars, its the jedi that are misleading volatile wild animal being that screw anything for a beer spreading chaos to refuse doing there part cause they are lazy drunks.
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Portland High School -Former Football Star, Coach, Tackles Gunman
Portland High School -Former Football Star, Coach, Tackles Gunman
On Friday, NBC reported that an 18 year old student carrying a shotgun was tackled to the ground by a former Oregon Ducks Football player and coach, Keanon Lowe. The coach also works security at the Portland High School (Parkrose). Hero, of that there is no doubt.
Cassy Feigum, 18, a senior at Parkrose HS says she was taking a test when she heard there was someone with a gun on campus at the…
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Teen who brought loaded shotgun to Oregon school gets probation
Teen who brought loaded shotgun to Oregon school gets probation
Back in May, Angel Granados-Diaz brought a shotgun loaded with only one shell to Parkrose High School in Portland, Oregon. Before he could do any damage in the school, Granados-Diaz was stopped by the school’s football coach and security guard Keanon Lowe. Lowe is a former player for the Oregon Ducks football team so one can assume he stopped the problem with authority.
Granados-Diaz was clad in…
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lydia simone tate. twenty-nine. parkrose hs librarian. eastleigh.
super warm natured and sweet as pie, lydia is a st. mawes local who’s been in town for the last fifteen years. she’s the eldest of three sisters (one sister remains open!), she’s always been labeled the responsible one from her parents and well, anyone else thats known her. coming from a very devout family, lydia was pretty much the token easy child for her parents, and as one would expect of the oldest, was very type a. she’s organized to a t, is always the mom of every group, and is definitely the one to have extra snacks in per purse on a night out. while she originally planned to still be married be a published author by this point in her life, with maybe one or two kids running around, lifes given her a few twists and turns that she couldn’t pre-plan in her all american girl journal when she was 11. who woulda thunk it?
at age 18 she married her high school sweetheart, wesley burke, after the two had been together for over 3 years. they felt destined to be together, until two years into their marriage, wesley applied to a school over 8 hours away, and lydia couldn’t imagine leaving the roots she’d planted in st. mawes. after days of fighting, they weren’t able to put their differences aside and decided to divorce. a little after moving back in with her family, her application to join a prestigious writing program was denied, and it set her on her path to be a librarian, sort of accidentally. through it all though, she’s had her two best girlfriends, one from high school, one from college, and they’ll go through anything together - i’ll be requesting them too! they’ve gotten her through all the rough times, and she’s been there through their’s as well!
right now in her life lydia feels like she’s doing fine. she’s recently been dating someone new (im thinkin adam driver for reasons but i’m super open if anyones interested), she has her little apartment, her cute ginger cat louie, her family she can’t stand, and her besties. everything’s going just swell, until someone comes back and confuses everything she feels like she’s been handling just fine.
so for her we have one sister left (mimi is making the second sister with zendaya!!), who will probably be the youngest! i’m then requesting her two bffs, who are super open face wise, but should be similarly aged (one should have graduated with her in hs in 2008 at parkrose), and then we’ll be doubling up with another old high school bud for her and wesley. lastly, i need her current bo (possible fiance???), who is pretty open but should at least be decent on surface level, since lydia isn’t typically one to go after some bad boys. otherwise, she’s super open!!
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Hood River Valley Eagle Basketball tonight...the HRV boys host Parkrose...airtime at 6:15 p.m. on KIHR AM 1340/98.3 FM and online at player.listenlive.co/59591 @hrvathletics @OSAASports @hrvbasketball (at Hood River Valley High School) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7KDxFRH-l1/?igshid=la2qjy05j6pg
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This story ended in astonishing fashion
Keanon Lowe should become the embodiment of compassion and courage all rolled up in one extraordinary human being.
The video I have included with this blog post was recorded at Parkrose High School, in Portland, Ore. I graduated from Parkrose High School in 1967, which gives this story a significant bit of special poignance for me.
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This story ended in astonishing fashion
Keanon Lowe should become the embodiment of compassion and courage all rolled up in one extraordinary human being.
The video I have included with this blog post was recorded at Parkrose High School, in Portland, Ore. I graduated from Parkrose High School in 1967, which gives this story a significant bit of special poignance for me.
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Watch High School Football 2019 Live Stream Live On : http://bit.ly/HS-Football-Live
Twin Falls vs Highland Idaho High School Football LIVE 05:30 PM West Monroe vs Byrd Louisiana High School Football LIVE 05:30 PM North Community vs Patrick Henry Minnesota High School Football LIVE 05:30 PM Patrick Henry vs North Community Minnesota High School Football LIVE 05:30 PM Parkrose vs Blanchet Catholic Oregon High School Football LIVE 05:30 PM Parkrose vs Benson Tech Oregon High School Football LIVE 05:30 PM Nikiski vs Ketchikan Alaska High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Barrow vs Monroe Catholic Alaska High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Lathrop vs Soldotna Alaska High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Eagle River vs Kodiak Alaska High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Rock Point vs Red Rock Arizona High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Chinle vs Winslow Arizona High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Marina vs James Lick California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Calistoga vs Pinewood California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Stellar Prep vs McCallie California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Point Arena vs Round Valley California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Elsie Allen vs California School for the Deaf California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Ferndale vs Fortuna California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Fort Bragg vs Durham California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Mercy vs Happy Camp California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Princeton vs Dunsmuir California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Greenville vs Butte Valley California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Burney vs Tulelake California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Calvary Christian Academy vs San Pasqual Academy California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Mount Miguel vs Santa Fe Christian California High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Holyoke vs Bridgeport Colorado High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM McClave vs Elbert Colorado High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Springfield vs Sargent Colorado High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Swink vs Sanford Colorado High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Gilpin County vs Sedgwick County Colorado High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Wilby vs Oxford Connecticut High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Plainfield vs Waterford Connecticut High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Edwin O. Smith vs Bristol Central Connecticut High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Woodstock Academy vs Ledyard Connecticut High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM CREC vs Capital Prep/Achievement First Connecticut High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Prince RVT vs VRVTGRVTWRVT Connecticut High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM McKean vs Dickinson Delaware High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Sussex Tech vs Coolidge Delaware High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Forest Hill vs Palm Beach Gardens Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Fernandina Beach vs Wolfson Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Booker T. Washington vs Columbus Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Buchholz vs Atlantic Coast Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Tate vs Leon Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Westside vs Andrew Jackson Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM West Nassau vs Baldwin Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Lee vs Ribault Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Yulee vs PSFAS Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Baker County vs White Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Village Academy vs Suncoast Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM Atlantic vs Glades Central Florida High School Football LIVE 06:00 PM
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Via Oregon Live:
A distraught student entered a classroom Friday at Parkrose High School wearing a black trench coat and carrying a shotgun but didn’t hurt anyone before he was tackled in the hallway by the football coach, police and witnesses said.
Parents and students reported Coach Keanon Lowe, one of Oregon’s most prominent high school and college football players of the past decade, took the armed male student to the ground.
Lowe, also Parkrose’s head track and field coach, works as a security guard at the school, several people said.
“I’m just happy everyone was OK,” Lowe said as he walked out of the school’s fine arts building into a school parking lot shortly after police had cleared the school and talked to witnesses. “I’m happy I was able to be there for the kids and for the community.”
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We need to take a harder look at public school environments and what’s pushing kids to these extremes. I know that HS was shitty and abusive for me, and that teachers there were shit and didn’t fucking care. In fact, they’d turn a blind eye to bullying and other shit.
Cause I don’t see this shit happening in private or religious High Schools.
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Thefts, break-ins and confrontations: Retirement community feels impact of nearby homeless camp
Thefts, break-ins and confrontations: Retirement community feels impact of nearby homeless camp
While at the homeless camp in Northeast Portland a homeless couple broke into a KGW news car, stealing equipment and personal bags. PORTLAND, Ore. — A line of RVs and campers has formed outside a retirement community on Northeast Sandy Boulevard and 143rd. It moved in a few weeks ago after the city cleared them from the Parkrose High and Middle Schools. “It’s pure hell,” said Bambi Alvey, who…

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Read Book Hometown Victory: A Coach's Story of Football, Fate, and Coming Home EBOOK -- Keanon Lowe
Read PDF Hometown Victory: A Coach's Story of Football, Fate, and Coming Home Ebook Online PDF Download and Download PDF Hometown Victory: A Coach's Story of Football, Fate, and Coming Home Ebook Online PDF Download.
Hometown Victory: A Coach's Story of Football, Fate, and Coming Home
By : Keanon Lowe

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DESCRIPTION : The Blindside meets Friday Night Lights in Keanon Lowe's Hometown Victory when an NFL coach returns home after losing a friend to coach a team of struggling high school kids on a 23-game losing streak.Keanon Lowe was working as an offensive analyst for the San Francisco 49ers when his childhood friend and former high school teammate suddenly died from an opioid overdose. Keanon dropped everything––including the plum NFL job he had been working towards since childhood––leading him to a position as football coach at a struggling high school back in his hometown. At the time, Parkrose High School was in the middle of a 23-game losing streak--they were the ultimate underdogs.In many ways, the road to Parkrose was paved by Keanon's life-defining experiences––from a childhood spent dodging racist bullies and finding the support and mentorship he craved on the football team, to an NFL season where he worked closely with Colin Kaepernick as he evolved his sideline protest. Keanon was drawn
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[The Parkrose High School principal] questioned why the city and police didn’t change their response if they knew the Proud Boys — a far right and frequently violent group — were diverting the event to one of the most racially diverse neighborhoods in the city.
She also said the lack of response perpetuates a deep-seated sentiment among residents of the area that neighborhoods like Parkrose don’t see as many investments in services or policing.
“It does send that message — where does Parkrose fit into the city of Portland?” Ouche said. “We are a part of it, but it didn’t seem like that yesterday.”
Parkrose School District Superintendent Michael Lopes Serrao said the same question crossed his mind, and he found himself wondering if the police would have stuck to their hands-off strategy if the Proud Boys had shown up in Eastmoreland.
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Meet Princess Natalie Mathers, a senior from Parkrose High School, and welcome her to the Rose Festival Court presented by Unitus Community Credit Union. Natalie is a 4-year varsity volleyball team captain, Mock Trial team member, AVID tutor, plays softball, and is the first chair leader of the trombone section in band. She plans to attend the University of Oregon to pursue a degree in education or law. You can read her full bio and speech here:

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With chip on his shoulder, Washington State guard and Portland native Isaac Bonton lights up Oregon State on 34-point night - Sat, 18 Jan 2020 PST
Isaac Bonton wasn’t totally shunned by the colleges in his home state. The 6-foot-2, 175-pound point guard and former two-star prospect from Portland’s Parkrose High School did have one offer in the state of the Oregon. It came from the WCC and the University of Portland. With chip on his shoulder, Washington State guard and Portland native Isaac Bonton lights up Oregon State on 34-point night - Sat, 18 Jan 2020 PST
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This near-tragedy hits where it hurts
I was a bit slow on the uptake to get the details quickly, but when some of them rolled in, I shuddered to the bone.
A security guard at Parkrose (Ore.) High School tackled an armed student and prevented a tragedy at a place I now quite well.
I attended and graduated from high school at Parkrose, which is now part of the Portland Public School District. Fifty-two years ago, when I obtained my…
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