#para: let's get saucy
laylacooke · 4 years
Let’s Get Saucy || Morelia & Layla
timing: the last week of the Mime POTW parties: @morelias & @laylacooke (ft. Layla’s Mime & Celine Dion) summary: a wolf following a fae following a mime leads to an icky situation. warnings: a mime, the sauce, and some hallucinations
There were several things Morelia had still trouble with. The first one was her telephone. The whole concept of having a mobile, what was it called? cellphone? Was extremely weird for her, and despite having the latest iPhone (according to the salesman, they’re easier to use), she still found herself not using it at all. The second one was airplanes. Really, they were just glorified metallic flying coffins. And the third one was, of course, the internet. It’d taken her approximately a whole year to learn what was google, then another one to learn how to use it. But eventually, she had managed to blend in with the modern crowd, finding her safe haven in what many would call trolling. It wasn’t personal, really. She just enjoyed doing it. Bullying Layla had been fun for a while, but quickly became boring when she started getting few to none responses. So, the moment her eyes spotted a not familiar, but definitely recognizable silhouette striding inside the woods when she was doing her evening jog, Morelia just had to follow. Terrorizing her a little in real life had to be as fun as it was online, right? Especially when the other had no idea she was following her.
Now that Layla wasn’t looking over her shoulder everywhere, she turned, she found time to be a rambunctious teen going on and exploring things she probably didn’t need to explore, and the woods just happened to be one of her favorite places. She could get out of town and just think. Take in nature and not have to worry about who she encountered. However, today wasn’t exactly what she had expected it to be. Instead, she had seen a familiar face so hellbent on following someone, that it made her curious. So, instead of making herself known, she worked on quietly slipping through the woods unnoticed while she followed Morelia. She would eventually pop out and scare her, or at the least, just ask her what she was doing, but for now, she quietly trailed along interested in what the woman found to be so fascinating off the beaten path.
Following the girl had proven to be a little more difficult than Morelia had expected. There was no reason to go that deep into the woods, at least not a reasonable one. There was something off about her, all she knew about her were things she’d learned behind a screen, but the way she walked, how it always seemed like she was disappearing behind a tree… it was shady, to say the least. Despite her high heels, the fae gracefully made her way through branches, leaves and dirt, Layla suddenly disappearing from her sight for a moment, confusion washing over her. Where had she gone to? A small clearing popped in her sight, a weird pond in the middle of it. Was that … Ooze? Oil? Her face scrunched in disgust, as she looked around, searching for the redhead as she surely hadn’t gotten far.
Layla continued to follow Morelia, confusion and curiosity permanently etched on her features. When they had finally come to a clearing, the young wolf stopped. Debating if she wanted to reveal herself, she finally decided to, “What are you doing? And why are you wearing heels in the middle of the damn woods?” She came forward to confront Morelia, but the goo in the middle of the clearing had caught her attention, “And what the fuck is that?” She slowly moved closer to it to inspect. Was Morelia in some kind of cult? Had Layla made the wrong decision in revealing herself? And why did the black pit of yuck smell so good? Questions she all wanted answers to.
The voice made Morelia quickly turn on her heels, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Wasn’t she on the other side of the clearing? Her right hand pointed to the opposite direction from where the red-haired woman came from, her mouth forming a perfectly rounded o. “I was following you.” It didn’t make sense for there to be two Laylas, but she was sure it had been her who she was chasing. “Do you happen to have a twin sister I wasn’t aware of? Does she lack sense of humor like you do?” Ignoring the criticism towards her fashion sense, despite the girl desperately needing to take advice from her, Morelia closed the space between them to get closer to the pit, crouching to get a better look. It didn’t look like anything she’d seen in her life. “How the hell should I know?”
A twin? Was this woman on something? And why did she look so surprised? “Am I really much prettier than you thought, because that perfect O you just formed with your mouth two seconds ago seems to say so.” She grinned. Layla was a lot nicer in person. Sass just wasn’t her thing when there was the chance someone could easily kick her ass. “And I’m the last person on this planet to have a twin.” Focus back on the black goo, Layla slowly leaned over further, “It smells like freshly baked bread.” Sticking her finger down in it, she quickly pulled it back up to inspect it closer, before shoving her finger towards Morelia, “Here. Try it and tell me what it tastes like.”
Despite the urge to snap back, Layla had been partially right. It was creepy, borderline stalkery, but Morelia had visited her profile multiple times, mostly to add a face to the username. “Maybe you are.” She quietly admitted, her brows furrowing and eyes closing for a moment as she inhaled deeply, in case she recognized the smell from somewhere, but the only image forming her head being the Strawberry Tarts from Yours, Mime & Ours. “What?! No-- Sto-- ” She couldn’t finish her sentence, as her attempts to move away from Layla’s finger had made her lose her balance. In the panic, the fae didn’t think of anything better but to try to hold onto the girl, only to make them both fall into the pit.
Before Layla could lower her hand and back away, she watched Morelia grab onto her. It was like slow motion as they both toppled over into the pit of goo. Head submerged, she quickly forced herself back up to the surface of the thick sludge gasping for air and spitting out goop. She was covered. Her red hair was now stained a dingy color and she struggled to get to the banked area. But her foe? Where did she go? Layla searched around for her frantically. However, when she tried to call out to her nothing came out of her mouth. Panic setting in, she tried to scream again, but nothing. It was like everything she wanted to yell was stuck in her throat but couldn’t break free.
There were few things that scared Morelia. The sticky, dense ooze surrounding that didn’t let her breath was definitely one of them. Her heartbeat accelerated as her hands desperately tried to find anything to hold onto, panic engulfing her for the few seconds that took her to surface, her head barely out of the pit while the rest of her body was still under. Morelia was panting and coughing out whatever it was they had fallen into, which to her surprise it was extremely delicious, one hand wiping her face to clean the goo. What the fuck, Layla. She mouthed in anger, her eyes suddenly opening wide. What? She tried again, and again, and again, nothing but air leaving her mouth.
Layla was still splashing around trying to find her nemesis. When she noticed Morelia resurface, she found relief, but now she had to find her way out. Doggy paddling to the edge of the ooze’s surface, she threw her arms up and latched onto a clump of grass with each hand. It took all she could muster, but Layla managed to pull herself up and out. Looking back, she realized Morelia was still struggling and offered her a hand to pull her out of the goop the rest of the way.
Reluctantly, Morelia accepted Layla's help to leave the pit of despair. She could swear she had felt a hand brushing her feet, but, again, as far as she knew, ingesting the goop could have hallucinating effects. Maybe she was talking but was too high to notice. After all, how could one just lose their voice from one second to another? Despite the other’s help, Morelia struggled to crawl out of the hole, but once she did, she flopped on her back, ooze everywhere as she breathed heavily, yet silently.
With Morelia free, Layla was able to crawl away from the hellish hole of yuck that they had just survived. Laying on her stomach and her face resting on her forearm, she tried to process everything that was going on, but couldn’t. Instead, all she could hear was the sound of Celine Dion singing “My Heart Will Go On” loudly in her ears and when she tried to speak again, nothing. Layla had only ever gotten high a handful of times in her young life, and it had been in the comfort of her girlfriend’s arms. This was different though. This was more extreme, and as she looked to the world around her, any color that she was able to see after becoming a wolf, was now gone. It was like she was living inside an episode of I Love Lucy, but everything was extremely messed up. And when she turned to look at Morelia, her eyes grew wide at what she was seeing.
A whole different kind of panic started to settle on Morelia. Whatever that thing was -because it clearly wasn’t just a weird, polluted pond-, not only had taken her speech, but also her ability to distinguish color, since a grey palette was now covering everything. She was still coughing, the unwanted goop although delicious had travelled down her throat leaving a stingy sensation. Eventually she sat, cleaning the substance from her clothing as much as she could and failing miserably, only now noticing that she’d lost one of her heels in the pit. Awesome. This was clearly not her week fashion-wise, and now not only she’d had to (potentially) say bye bye to a favorite shirt, but also to a pair of precious shoes. She turned around, pretending to yell at Layla for her stupidity, but once again only air came out, and no matter how much she tried to scream, not even a whimper left her lips. Morelia brought a hand to her throat, and what felt like the first time in her life, she felt like she was about to cry. She moved one hand to her ear, and then pointed at Layla, as in asking can you hear me? 
Layla’s eyes remained focused on Morelia. Why did it look like she had four eyes and two heads wearing berets? What had she consumed? Blinking a few times and shaking her head, she managed to shake off the image to see Morelia looking normal, aside from being in black, white, and gray. What the fuck? All she could hear was “My Heart Will Go On” playing loudly in her ears, and it made her want to howl in pain. Releasing what she thought was a howl, her mouth made an O shape and she held her head up to the sky, but nothing. Nothing guttural at all. Just silence aside from Celine. Looking to Morelia, she leaned in and watched her once more. Barely understanding her, she shook her head ‘no’.
A different kind of feeling started bubbling in Morelia as she stared at Layla. What was she doing? But most importantly, where did all the trees from the forest go and why were they all black hands and fingers? She could feel a stomachache started to form inside of her, the back of her neck suddenly colder than she remembered. Never in her life she had tried drugs - they always felt like an unnecessary way to doom oneself, numbing her senses and, apparently, making everything seem like a weird adult cartoon from the 80’s. She’d make sure to ask Felix about this later on. Morelia’s eyes blinked repeatedly trying to get rid of the shadowy fingers that replaced the branches, but they continued moving, mocking her and building even more frustration, and the fae felt like screaming again.
The young werewolf just wanted this all to end. Not being able to speak or see what limited colors wolves were privileged to or even howl was just downright annoying. And the next time she watched Titanic, she knew she’d be watching one part on mute. What was this town? Never, in her short life, had she come across something so vile, but smelled so good, yet left her in such a state, that she just wanted to go home and curl up under a blanket. Oh gosh...What would Ari or Celeste think? Well, even if they had said something to her, it’s not like she could have heard them, what with NEAR, FAR, WHEREVER YOU ARE! coming to a crescendo in her head, while the song repeated itself. But she did want to be out of these clothes and into a tub filled with clean, hot water. It’s why, when she got up, despite feeling woozy, Layla walked over to Morelia to grab her so they could at least get away from whatever the hell that stuff bubbling from the ground was.
Being yanked off the floor made her stomach ache even worse, the urge to barf settling inside of her and Morelia had to find all her strength to keep everything in, taking in deep breaths through her nose while her eyes were locked on the floor, knowing that watching the dark hands would only sicken her further. The difference of height due to the missing shoe made her stumble as she walked alongside Layla, and the woman found herself grabbing her arm back in an attempt to keep her from balancing, and maybe because touching the girl  gave her a sense of stability in this weird dream-like situation. She wasn’t completely sure where they were going, but she still appreciated the initiative to at least drag them far enough from the smell. After a minute or so of wandering in the woods, Morelia finally looked up from the dirt and leaves, finding that the trees were back, although still colorless. So, it was the smell that had created the weird illusions. A shaky breath escaped her lips before she looked over at the girl, applying some pressure to her grasp to get her attention. Thanks, she mouthed.
Layla had just wanted to get out of the woods. She wanted to be so far away from it all. She knew whatever the repercussions were would probably last a little while. How was she going to explain this to the people she was living with? Especially with no voice. Feeling Morelia put pressure on her arm, Layla looked over just in time to see the word thanks being mouthed. No problem was her return, but it was all silence. In fact, she had noticed Celine Dion had started to fade out, and she was starting to hear the birds and the rest of nature again. That had brought her some peace of mind. Maybe the effects of whatever this stuff would be gone sooner rather than later, and if they were both lucky, maybe by the time they both got home. I’m sorry for being so mean to you online. She didn’t know if More could read her lips, but she truly was sorry for how snippy she had been.
At some point, Morelia’s grasp on Layla’s arm had softened and shifted so she was now holding her hand, and for a second she thought how funny it would be to walk into someone; the sight of the two of them still covered in goop, aimlessly walking through the woods must surely been a scary one. She could feel the tug of her lips to form a smile, but it only lasted a second, a new bitter feeling settling in her stomach. Anyone else would’ve left her to drown in the pit, it’s what happens when you’re a bitch to ninety percent of the world population; so, in a way, she owed her. Not that she quite minded, as returning a favor could be easily done with some word trickery. She tried to read her lips, only understanding the words sorry and online, but that being enough to know what she meant. Awkwardly, Morelia shook her head slightly, mouthing back: Me too. At least they were nearing the road to end this weird encounter, the mystery of the second Layla unsolved.
Layla was slightly surprised when she felt Morelia take her hand. It had meant that whatever beef they had online no longer mattered. They were in a good spot. Of course, falling in a pit of goo and almost drowning would do that to a person. But seeing me too come from More’s lips brought a soft smile to her face. There was relief in knowing they had found mutual ground. And it was something Layla wouldn’t forget anytime soon. She was just relieved knowing that they were safe and well on their way to hot showers and hopefully never speaking of this horror again. Let me rephrase that. Thinking of this horror again, because Layla wanted her voice back, and she’d hoped it would come back sooner rather than later. But she knew one person she would be a little kinder to the next time they crossed paths, whether that be online or in person.
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blissedtm · 3 years
ooc: hi guys, just thought i would add in some desired connections to try and get the ball rolling with plots and whatnot! if anyone is interested in any of these roles, please don’t be afraid to slide in the dm’s or simply like/comment on this and i will come to you.
best friends ~ this can only spread across multiple different muses, as cassie is really quite the social butterfly. random texts, phonecalls, coffee dates and shopping spree’s will be a regular for this connection.
confidants ~ this connection is a little more on the deeper end of the scale, all of the above will absolutely still apply to this connection, but these friends trust each other with even their deepest of secrets and fears. it’s a very safe environment for the pair to air thoughts and feelings on any situation.
role model ~ this connection i can see between maybe cassie and an older muse, someone she could look up to in all walks of life, in every sense. this is the person she thinks of and looks to whenever she finds herself in a difficult situation. she trusts their wisdom with her life.
ride or die ~ this person is perhaps a bit of a recluse, somehow always finding themselves in some form of drama, but cassie would never turn her back on this person and always seems to be there when the going gets tough… and vice versa.
drunk friends ~ aka two people who do not spend time together sober but get along only when drunk. very much bad influences on each other; always trying to get the other one to do something outrageous.
enemies to friends ~ these two really didn’t see eye to eye for the longest time, but a similar circumstance which happened in both parties lives saw them have something in common.. which formed a mutual respect between the two who now are on friendly terms, who often refer back to when they dislikes each other.
platonic soulmates ~ the closest of close friends. most would think on the outskirts that this is more of a romantic connection, but it definitely isn’t. they do love each other but it’s a pure love. a solid, silent understanding of each other, they can communicate without words.
former lovers to friends ~ this was a fling that happened a long, long time ago. years before cassie’s marriage, it wasn’t anything serious.. a little bit of fun on dull nights they would call it.. now quite close friends, but nothing more.
flirtationship ~ as the title explains, a very flirtatious connection, based solely on the fact they enjoy the teasing and naughtiness that comes with their friendship. very unlikely it would ever go further than that for whatever reason, but they enjoy it regardless.
one night stand ~ so basically, this one is a little saucy.. one of cassie’s secrets is that she was unfaithful at the tail end of her marriage. her depression got the better of her and it led to this one night of passion with this person, they haven’t really spoke about it since.. but now the divorce is about to go through, they might start acknowledging it.
second first kiss ~ aka the first kiss they had with someone of the same gender. safe to say cassie has became quite promiscuous in this stage of her life.. and is enjoying exploring her sexuality. this lady being the first of this experience.
one sided romance ~ quite sad, but in her current vulnerable state, cassie has very much developed a total infatuation with this person.. part of her thinks that this could actually be the real deal, unfortunately for her the counterpart doesn’t feel the same way.
friends with benefits ~ a, the classic. we all enjoy letting off a little steam and this pair are no different. very much a sexual compatibility, they are aware of their boundaries when it comes to this agreement.. and both are happy with it.
blind date ~ something a little more fun, set up by fellow colleagues, both going through similar things.. we could do a cute para and see where it goes from there, doesn’t have to lead to anything serious.
experimented with their sexuality together ~ similar to the above, except these two females went all the way together. sharing a first with each other.
one leads the other on ~ somewhat similar to the one sided romance above, except cassie plays the villain this time… leads some poor soul on, not to her own acknowledgment, however. she thought it was something lighthearted and when the other halves feelings were revealed, she had to kindly cut off their connection.
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Membrane x Fem! Reader x Clembrane (OOO BABY A TRIPLE)
TW: Toxic Relationships, Mental Illness, Roleplay, Degradation, BDSM
(Y/N)'s POV
It was weird, what we had. It wasn't the norm, but things couldn't be too normal when there is a failed clone of a man along with said man living in the same household.
The norm was very different in the Membrane home. Instead of a nuclear family system,  Membrane allowed Clem to be a second father to his children. Meaning I was unofficially married to both of them. When one was busy, the other was there to spend time with me. Not to mention it meant the kids had more chances to play with their dads.
In reality, the only con was the cooking situation. Both of them were cooking disasters. One made toast with a blowtorch and the other made semi-edible pudding appear out of nowhere. Needless to say, neither were allowed in the kitchen. Due to that, I did all the cooking. Which lead to a good thing about the situation. Every meal, we would eat as a family. And it was comforting to know that no matter what I made, it would be better than anyone else could do.
But I still had my doubts. I try to be a good wife for my husbands. I spend time with the kids with them, I cook for them, I occasionally clean... but it never feels good enough. No matter how much I kid myself, Clem isn't human, and Membrane cares about science more than he cares about me.
It wasn't the norm, that's for sure. But it was our norm. And the closest we could get to a real family. After all this talk, I should probably say where they are. Membrane was going to be coming home any minute now and Clem was currently outside with the kids. I didn't feel like joining them, so I was preparing dinner.
Lately, Membrane has been bringing home his work attitude—not the friendly goofball I fell in love with. He was distant, and more reserved. Outgoing, still, but he was different. He didn't treat me like a wife—more like that of a coworker he was having an affair with.
Distantly, the door slammed. He was home.
"How was work tod-" he cut me off before I could finish.
"Office. Now." His smooth baritone voice whispered. I set down the potato I was peeling and followed him to his office. He only ever ordered me around like that for sex.
My eyelids drooped. I wasn't feeling it right now, but maybe I would once we got into it. It may happen. Even if I had the strength to say no, he wouldn't take it as an answer. I slowly trudged my way to his office.
He was waiting for me. He cleared off his desk and shoved me on it. It hurt.
"You want that promotion?" He asked. So this was our roleplay this time. It took everything in me to shake my head yes. He yanked me off the desk and forced me onto my knees.
"Then you better get to work." I unbuttoned his pants, unzipping them as well. His cock's outline bulged through his underwear and top. It was stuck standing vertically via the waistband. I pulled his boxers down and it landed right next to my mouth.
I took a deep breath and sighed outwardly before running my tongue across his length. After a few licks, he grew impatient and forced me to suck on his dick.
He groaned as I began to hum against him. "Estás como una puta, ¿sabes?" He said. It hurt, but I didn't let it faze me. I just continued to suck and hollow out my cheeks. "Apuesto que te encanta el sabor de mi semen." He moaned out.
Each dirty comment both dampened my mood and my panties. While I hated it, it never failed to get me wet. I began to whine on his dick. The vibration sent him over the edge and caused him to cum in my mouth without warning. The saltiness caught me off guard; I almost gagged.
He wiped some semen off of my lips and kissed me, tasting himself. In this motion he lifted me and carried me up by my thighs and started to go to the bedroom. Despite my safety being secure, I held onto him for my life. We broke the kiss and panted, gasping for air. He continued to carry me to the bedroom as he laid kisses upon my neck.
He pushed the door open and threw me onto the bed. I went ahead and took off my clothes as he did the same. Once we were down to our underwear, he got on top of me and pinned my hands above my head.
He dragged his tongue across my neck, making me shudder in anticipation.  "Me dejas regresar el favor, mi amor." He whispered into my neck. "Quiero."
"Then go ahead." I breathed. He released my hands and shifted his head towards my sex. He spread my legs like butter. He stuck out his tongue and licked up and down my vagina before entering. I felt him from inside me. Tasting me. Teasing me. He shifted my hips and prodded even further. My hands clutched his hair as he pleasured me. The constant sensation of his tongue pulsing within me drove me crazy in the best of ways. I tried my best to stifle my moans and whimpers, but was only partially successful. It was enough for the kids not to hear at least.
It wasn't long before I lost myself to him. I felt my eyes cross as a knot in my stomach began to unravel. And just like that, I came on his face. He lapped up what he could hungrily. After he decided he was done, he lifted himself up and looked me in my eyes.
"Te cogeré muy fuerte, verás estrellas para meses." My face was already flushed, but it somehow got redder at the saucy Spanish.
He smirked, put a condom on, and began to position his cock to line up with me. I was still coming down from my high when, using his hand, he lifted me up by my ass and sheathed himself in me. He paused momentarily to let me adjust, but after that, he was ruthless. He began at a brisk pace, pumping inside me like there was no tomorrow. Maybe he wanted it to be over with. Maybe he was just doing this to get off. But it didn't matter. In the moment all that mattered was us. My nails clawed his back, leaving long red trails down his shoulder blades. He continued to thrust while I tried to keep quiet. If we were lucky, Clem was rebuilding the "spaceship" the kids found and no one would hear.
The act continued until he managed to hit my G-spot. I bit down sharply on my lip and tasted blood. He got the hint and re adjusted his position so that he would be focused on that point. Recklessly, he slammed into me. Over. And over. And over. The familiar knot reappeared and was dangerously close to coming undone.
"Babe- I'm close!" I choked out between moans. He grunted a small "mhmm" and kept thrusting. It quickly turned sloppy as he picked up the pace. A few moments later, I came once more. Seconds later, I felt the condom fill inside me. It was still weird how much cum he actually produces.
Carefully he pulled out and tossed the used condom in the trash. I was still splayed out on the bed as he began to pull his clothes back on.
"Where are you going?" I asked in a moment of clarity. He looked at my trembling form and continued to walk away.
My heart broke as I heard his heavy footsteps echo through the halls. I covered myself with the bedsheets and softly began to sob. I felt used. Abandoned. Neglected. Tears stained the sheets as I heard another set of footsteps near the door.
"Have you come back here to taunt me?" I barked. I pulled the sheets up to cover my breasts as the door began to open. It was Clem. I reached out for him and he came rushing to me.
"What's wROng, (Y/N)?" He asked. (I'm gonna get sick of writing his voice I'm already telling you.)
"He just left me here, Clem." I sputtered. "He fucked me and then he LEFT!"
Clem put a comforting hand on my back and began to rub circles. He let me cry openly into his broad chest as I mumbled about what had happened.
"I didn't even want to do it in the first place! I was just cooking dinner and he said-"
"Shhhhh. (Y/N). YoU nEEd to cAlm dOWn." He didn't looked me in the eye when I finally stopped crying. I tried to meet his gaze, but he kept avoiding me.
"Please don't ignore me, Clem." I mumbled, barely above a whisper.
He took my head in his rounded hands and said in the softest voice he could, "(Y/N). I wOuld nEVer lEAve yOU."
I looked up to him with pleading eyes. "Never?
"NEVeR." He said. I smiled as one last tears rolled down my cheek.
I embraced him the best I could. "Thank you, Clem," I began. "Thank you so much."
He returned the hug and placed his head on top of mine. I heard him whisper several sweet nothings as I began to drift off to sleep.
He pulled away slightly, before I tugged him closer. "Stay with me. Please." I begged. I didn't want to be left again. I didn't think I could handle it.
I scooted over and made room for him on the bed. I gently patted next to me in hopes that he would lay down next to me.
He hesitated, but decided to do it. He laid down next to me and we started spooning. I heard a surprised gasp from Clem when he pulled my closer underneath the sheets.
"(Y/N)!" He whisper shouted.
"Yes, Clem?"
"YoU'Re nAked!!!" I couldn't help but laugh at his childish nature. I turned towards him and pressed myself closer.
"Yes, Clem. I am naked." I laughed. He was so precious and pure. If the the neighbor boy really did make him, he managed to get the best parts of Membrane in there.
"ShOUld I bE nAked??" He asked. Once again, a giggle bubbles up from my throat.
"Only if you want to, Clem. Only if you want to." I said, reaching out and writing something on a sticky note.
"I'm gOing to kEEp mY clOthes On, thAnk yOu vERy muCH." He said, turning up his nonexistent nose to the idea of dressing himself down.
I turned back at him. "Then you don't have to." I snuggled closer to him. He was practically a nonhuman heater.
Smiling, I placed a kiss on his chin as I got comfortable. I smiled. This is what our relationship should be, Miguel. This is what I need it to be.
And though I may not have it with you right now, I'm happy to have it in with Clem.
Outside POV
Miguel cleaned up the half prepared dinner and ordered Foodio to come out of retirement and make something once more, to which he eagerly accepted. For the remainder of time before the food was ready, he simply worked.
Gaz eyed her dad suspiciously as he ate. She was smart enough to know what happened. And she was smart enough to know he should have stayed.
Once Dib left to go back to terrorizing Zim, she confronted her father about it. The argument between the man and his child got heated. Gaz finally convinced him to check on (Y/N).
Trudging up the stairs, he opened the door to see (Y/N) and Clem cuddling and sleeping together. On the nightstand, there was a post-it note with (Y/N)'s handwriting on it.
"I miss the times like this, Miguel. We need to come back to this."
That night Membrane got into bed with them. It wasn't much, but it was the start of him trying to be there.
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artificiallovc · 6 years
PLOTS I WANT FOR SPECIFIC CHARACTERS UWU ~                 please hmu if you want to do one of these
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** PLEASE NOTE !! ** i’m going to be pretty selective of who i pick.  i’m writing out the plots that i REALLY want for my certain characters. which includes head canoning & the like so it doesn’t die out & i have to research for a new partner for the idea … & all that jazz … you feel me ? uwu. i keep getting these plots only for people to flake a reply in  -- and i just really want some long term. but if ur interested, please feel free to hmu !!!
JOJO : one of the biggest things i want for her is a plot based off the entirety of the drama Just Between Lovers. pretty much there’s a guy she finds beat up and she takes him to get fixed up — and after that they keep running into each other until they’re acquaintances ( through school, work, etc ). & she starts reprimanding him for always being beat up & not taking care of himself & all that good jazz. on the flip side he breaks her out of her shell of being cynical of love and cynical of boys & stuff. he’s eventually super soft 4 her after a long while & she just loves him but hE CYNICAL TOO ! n just a mess. but a cute mess. angst. fluff. the whole shebang. HERE  ARE  SOME   REFERENCE  GIFS. 
HAILEY : something a little based off THIS picture and THIS plot. just minus the abusive relationship and change it for her really dark past that she has to get over. i would just really like to get some major character development & some real loving relationship going for her bc she’s just so broken kjfdsfhs ok thx ilu i don’t have an open for this but !!! i’m always willing to throw something out there u know?????? i will warn that this plot will include mentions of r*pe, severe depression, and thoughts of suicide.
JESSICA : much like hailey she’s pretty depressed ?? kind of has has a lot of people abandon her throughout her life & she’s v. v. lonely lmao. uhhh idk i just want a cute ship where she finally puts her trust in someone and they don’t let her down like people usually do. u feel me ??? pretty simple but i just want her to have some lovin’. prob a male bc she’s more inclined to boys romantically ok thx.
HYORIN : i just want a saucy f/f ship for her. she’s kind of a Grade A bitch so they’d lowkey have to be a power couple.
HYUNKI && JOHNNY : for these two i pretty much want the same shit for both of them so i’m lumping it in one para, they’re both 100% cynical of love & sleep around instead of relationships. hyunki is more on the side of being on the down low sad and covers it up with drinking & smoking. & johnny just never thought love was a real thing & doesn’t believe in it & is a huge dickhead. so i want a plot for each of them were a sweet lil baby sticks by them & make them love & feel & stuff. obv separate threads, and keep in mind they’re vastly different despite it being the same kind of plot uwu. i don’t have opens for these but am willing to throw u something. for johnny — if it’s something we seriously plot out and i know it’s official, ur bb grill will legit be the only shippy relationship i will have for him ( minus his sex buddies LOL ).
ALEC : so this is gonna be short & sweet. even tho alec is only 22 i really want a like …. cute sugar baby/daddy type of ship. where he super spoils someone & it’s rly cute but he’s super possessive despite that not being in the desc of baby/daddy stuff. & he’s just ‘nah ur mine’ and !!!! and yeah lmao. give alec someone to spoil n love.
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