#papyrus accidentally stretches theirs beyond recognition and sans is like ''you know what? you can keep it. it's free marketing anyway''
carlyraejepsans · 2 years
shut uppp i just noticed sans' sweater is just big enough on frisk that their fingers don't poke past the sleeves. i am inconsolable
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tyranttortoise · 8 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for UT/UF/US/SF skelebros for how they approach and act around their crush? (And maybe throw in how they confess if youre feeling up to it? ;) )
He doesn’t really act different around his crush, although he does enjoy teasing them with jokes/puns, but that’s just part of his personality.  They’re a long-time friend that he spends most of his free time with, and they get along really well with Papyrus.  Sans takes them along with him to Grillby’s frequently, as well as invites them over to his house to watch movies/play video games.  If they play a competitive game against Sans, he won’t go easy on them and let them win; he’s a casual show-off.  Sans enjoys their company as much as he enjoys Papyrus’s–and that’s a huge freaking deal for him.  
Confession time!  Usually, Sans isn’t one for long-winded speeches, but he can throw together one when it matters.  And hoo boy, it matters.  Well until the next Reset at least.  
“hey, so we’ve been buddies for a long time now, huh?  i don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but paps really enjoys having you around.“  There’s a pause, and then a short, breathy chuckle.  "i do, too.  it’s really nice.  and.. uh, paps let me borrow an old book of his.. this weird dating manual.  you and i go eat together, we spend a lot of time together, and we hang out all the time, and according to that book.. well, we’re technically dating already.”  He winks.  "so why not throw a label on this and see where it goes?“  
He acts super casual about it because he’s not sure if they return his feelings or just see him as a good pal.  He’ll shrug off any rejection with a joke and continue the friendship as normal if it comes to that.
Papyrus is adamant about showing his crush that he’s called THE GREAT PAPYRUS for a reason.  He wants to make the BEST POSSIBLE IMPRESSION, so he always tries a little too hard, be it with his choice in attire (all of which are homemade customized shirts) or dabbing actual marinara sauce behind the space where his ears would be.  Their opinion matters the most to him (besides Sans’s opinion, of course), and he’s constantly texting and/or calling them.  His crush is someone that complimented him; flattery is the way to his heart.  He also thinks they’re the most amazing person in the world, no matter what.  He cooks for them constantly, and he’s always inviting them over for dinner so he can showcase his culinary masterpieces.
Confession time!  Well, Papyrus doesn’t really confess first.  His crush has to actively flirt with him–or stroke his ego enough for him to conclude it must be flirting.  GASP!  "YOU’RE.. FLIRTING WITH ME?!  ARE YOU COMPLETELY TAKEN IN BY MY GREATNESS?”  With his shining eyesockets, how can they possibly say no?  But let’s be honest, even if they get embarrassed and deny it, Papyrus is still going to roll with it.  "NO NEED TO BE SHY OR INTIMIDATED BY ME!  IT’S COMPLETELY NATURAL TO DEVELOP INTENSE FEELINGS FOR YOUR COOL, GREAT FRIEND!  AFTER ALL..“  His cheeks start to turn pink and he trails off a little.. but then he takes their hands in his and leans down to eye level.  "I MYSELF HAVE THESE FEELINGS FOR MY COOL, GREAT FRIEND!”  
Next thing they know, it’s DATING START!
He’s a bit of a perv around his crush–and by that, I mean he makes dirty jokes, uses every pet name he can think of (though sweetheart, doll, and darlin’ are his favs), and constantly tries to initiate any kind of physical touch.  They’re going to see him without his shirt “accidentally”, and he’s going to nap with his head in their lap at some point or another.  Even if they’re his crush, he doesn’t tolerate them saying anything negative about his brother.  But his crush could either be someone that gets along fine with the boss and makes dirty jokes right back at Sans, or they could be the exact opposite and the picture of innocence.  He spends a lot of the time he should be working slacking off them instead.  He’s prone to pranking and teasing them mercilessly.
Confession time!  Start!  Uh.. I said, start!  “…..”..Whoops.It turns out, when Red’s directly confronted about his feelings, he locks up and starts sweating.  The confession is dragged out of him when he’s not mentally prepared because his crush is tired of trying to figure out if he’s serious or just teasing them for shits ‘n giggles.  He gulps and starts to deflect with another joke, but his crush either shuts him down and insists or starts to walk away.  Sans catches their hand and pulls them to him, where he presses his teeth against their lips for the longest five seconds of both of their lives.  When he pulls back, his face is bright red, and he’s looking away, all of his confidence gone in an instant.  “there.  ok?  i’m bein’ serious.  it’s not all a joke or whatever.”
He comes across as having sharp edges, but around his crush, he’s.. softer.  He still rants and insists he’s TERRIBLE with pride, but he does little things to get their attention on him.  Any form of recognition or a compliment goes straight to his head, though he says things like “OF COURSE I’M THE BEST AT IT” with his arms crossed and a slight pink tinge to his cheekbones.  He’s protective of his crush; if anyone upsets them, he demands to know who, and they’re going to be in a world of hurt.  He’s not big on initiating physical contact, but if his crush were to lean against him on the couch, he definitely wouldn’t pull away.  He’d start to get flustered and lose all concentration except for where their bodies are touching. When he invites them over for dinner, he expects them to be HONORED that he made lasagna, and “WELL IF YOU INSIST”, they can stay and watch a movie or something afterward.  
Confession start!  No, not happening.  He’s bad at voicing his feelings, so his crush would have to do it first.  He’s prone to misunderstandings, however, so he might take something they say wrong.  If they use love in a sentence, it suddenly becomes “WHAT’S THIS ABOUT LOVE?  SO YOU FINALLY ADMIT YOU’VE FALLEN FOR ME!  I KNEW IT!!  IT WAS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE YOU FINALLY REVEALED YOUR TRUE FEELINGS!”  He looks so smug, so happy–but his crush was really about to finish their sentence with 'I love that little dog that always shows up in your kitchen.’  Papyrus presses on, oblivious. “I SUPPOSE THIS MEANS I SHOULD REWARD THE COURAGE IT TOOK YOU TO REVEAL THOSE FEELINGS TO SOMEONE AS GREAT AND TERRIBLE AS I AM!  FINE THEN, LET’S GO ON A DATE.”
Things either get really awkward, or the crush rolls with it and goes on the date.
Blueberry doesn’t do a good job at keeping the fact that he has a crush on the down-low.  He talks about his crush constantly when they’re not around, and when they are, he does everything to get their attention.  He’s constantly telling them that they’re amazing, he’s interested in anything that they’re passionate about, and he wants to take them EVERYWHERE with him.  Of course, his brother is still included in these adventures because Sans is all about being surrounded by his two favorite people.  He isn’t shy about physical contact and frequently cuddles up to his crush.  They’re also invited over for every taco night, and their tacos get an extra helping of GLITTER.  His crush could either be someone as active as he is, capable of keeping up with him.. or someone that feels entirely overwhelmed by his energy.  Either way, Sans has fallen and fallen hard, and he’s not afraid to let the world know.
Speaking of which, it’s confession time!  Sans is walking with his crush through the park, his arm looped through theirs to escort them like a proper gentleman in companionable silence.  Out of the blue, he turns to them with a wide grin and says, “YOU’RE GREAT, YOU KNOW THAT?  AND YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE EQUALLY AS GREAT?!  IF WE WENT ON A DATE TOGETHER!”    
Don’t hurt that little sweetheart.
Stretch is too lazy to actively chase after his crush.  He’ll send a one-word text every now and then or pop out of nowhere to ask them to go to Muffet’s, but beyond that, he’s not acting different or putting in any special effort.  He affectionately teases his crush, and he’ll fall asleep against them pretty much any time the two of them end up on the couch, but he does all of that stuff with his brother, too.  If they’re shorter than him, he props his arm on their shoulder and leans, and he has a thing for stroking their hair.  His crush is someone that encourages his brother, but.. someone that also might be prone to getting frustrated or angry.  He finds it cute.  
Confession time!  Papy’s crush is fed up with mixed signals.  Sometimes it seems like Papyrus is flirting with them, and other times, he seems completely uninterested.  They just can’t figure him out, and they end up inadvertently picking a fight with him because their irritation over the situation clearly shows.  "Ugh, I hate you!“ they shout, mostly to test the waters and see if that would get a reaction from him, or if he–
It does.  Stretch fills their vision in a moment, planting a palm on either side of their head and trapping them against a wall.  His grin is tight, and he’s looking at them carefully, his gaze searching their now-flushed face.  "you’re lying,” he states oh-so-matter-of-factly.  The flounder, caught off-guard and either insist or wave it off.  "you don’t hate me.“
"You hate me,” they grumble, still irritated over the fight.  Papyrus catches their chin with one hand, forcing them to meet his gaze.  Slowly, his lazy grin becomes a smirk.
“you don’t believe that, either.”  He tilts his head, leaning in close just to watch their cheeks burn brighter.  "in fact, i feel quite the opposite.  so don’t ever say you hate me, hun.“
ORRRR none of that happens and Stretch just casually texts his crush "wanna go on a date this sat?”   Ya'know, whichever floats your ship more.  
He’s quite demanding of his crush’s attention, and by that, I mean that he demands every second of it.  He’s the type that texts them constantly, sending multiple texts whenever they take longer than two minutes to reply.  Sleeping is no excuse!  He expects constant admiration, and if his crush doesn’t give it to him, he’s confused because WHO DOESN’T FIND HIM INCREDIBLE?  AREN’T THEY HONORED THAT HE CHOSE TO SHOW THEM AFFECTION?!  However, this just makes him want to impress them more.  He’ll shower them with gifts, sparing no expense, trying to use money to get their attention if he has to.  His crush is someone that isn’t exactly his friend.. They could be someone in the grocery store that complimented his shoes or someone that passed him on the sidewalk and said hello.  He’s quick to crush on someone, and he doesn’t make his feelings a secret, so he’s no stranger to rejection.  That still doesn’t mean he takes it well.
Confession time!  Blackberry just straight up tells them, “I’M GREAT IN EVERY WAY AND COULD EASILY KILL YOU SIX WAYS FROM SUNDAY, BUT I’M CHOOSING TO SPARE YOU INSTEAD, SO LET’S DATE!”  It usually doesn’t end well, and if they try to spare his feelings, he thinks they’re merely playing hard to get and starts pursuing them with gifts.  This goes on until they either go on a date or Papyrus gets involved.  
And they really don’t want the latter.
He’s a pretty chill guy by nature, always bowing to his brother’s demands without a second thought, so when someone catches his eye, Papyrus is pretty chill about his pursuit.  His crush is an acquaintance, someone who doesn’t automatically hate his brother, and who seems to become easily flustered where Papy’s presence is concerned. He takes a strange delight in this and casually touches his crush whenever they’re around.  A brush of his phalanges against their hand here, a bump of shoulders there.. and he’s not above using magic to create a situation, such as causing them to trip right into his chest so he can steady them, his hands lingering.  They don’t necessarily hang out together much.  It’s probably more like Paps knows where they work and frequents the place to make idle conversation.  But he does manage to ask for their number, and he keeps in touch that way.. though his texts mostly come late at night, when his brother is asleep and Papyrus is wide awake.  
For his confession, Papyrus doesn’t really confess anything out loud.  "when’s your shift end?  wanna grab a coffee or somethin’?“ he’ll ask casually, and when they agree, the two will spend a pleasant night talking (unless Blackberry finds out and calls for his brother.  As much as it sucks, Paps picks his brother over his crush every time).  Papyrus closes the evening by walking them home/to their car, and when he turns to leave, he says, "oh, i forgot somethin’.”  Then, he promptly turns on his heel, pulls his crush against him, and kisses them.  It’s the kind of kiss that leaves the crush breathless, and they get to experience a (literally) magical tongue first-hand.  When Paps pulls away, he winks, tells them he had a good time, and then walks away.    What a surprisingly smooth operator.
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