#paola and me
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openingadoor · 10 months ago
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Berlin, City Smell Research. Sissel Tolaas (Norwegian, born 1962) 2004.
Glass and smell simulation
Each bottle: 5 7/8 x 7 1/16 x 2 3/8" (15 x 18 x 6 cm)
“Smell immediately locates you in a space,” says artist, designer, chemist, and odor theorist Sissel Tolaas. “It gives you new tools to perceive your surroundings.” Throughout her career Tolaas has worked provocatively with smell, applying headspace technology—used in the perfume industry to capture and synthesize natural scents—to render essences ranging from the objectionable (sweat, rotten fish, dog feces) to the everyday (fresh laundry, kebabs, shoe shop) and put them into an archive of more than seven thousand scents. From this archive she has created fragrances that do not adhere to the usual definitions of what smells good or desirable; instead, her aim is to stimulate emotional responses, evoke memories, and recreate places in all their chaos and specificity. While conducting her City Smell Research, which was presented at the Berlin Biennale in 2004, Tolaasworked in various Berlin districts to distill an essential scent for each one, creating an olfactory map of the city. The scents are contained in bottles that physically recall the city map and compass points. This work is not simply the charting of a landscape of smell; it also explores the potential of smell as information that enhances and subverts the physical and symbolic boundaries of the urban ecosystem.
found via Talk to Me curated by Paola Antonelli
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kabukiaku · 8 months ago
i hope tobias forge knows that his ocs and music has made such an impact on me that it has developed into a new hobby, got even MORE obsessed with miniatures, and branched out my artistic skills to the point where I can customize or make doll clothing and have the sewing skills of an intermediate. thank you tobbe, for making me so delusional, in the best way 🖤
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Jackson's Diary things I've made today because Season 3 has been released
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can-vas-ron-ald · 4 months ago
I am Ronald Evanoff, I am 17 years old and my home country is Russia. I am queer and ace. He/him. Maybe she/they also, I don't know. Favorite color is blue, favorite food is raspberries.
English is second language, do not be rude.
My askbox is open, use it.
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People from my universe: @canvasdavidgobrrr @devious-devious @kenasachick @canvasbrendamillerbabe @pamcookingspray
People from other universe: @jacksonsmithforreal @real-pamela-lopez @x-ercampbelll @definitelydaymiller @brenda-miller-forreal @200percent-timothy-jd @itsmejolie @yourstrulyelijah @ken-okamoto-official @normanfuckingrockwell11 @lovemariahb @ricky-fr-fr @martyforreal @coffeeandcats4life @dylan-mylastnamehasntbeensaid @baileyserveslattes @jdcharl @ownerofcup-o-cat @harrycampbell4132 @hardyharharuokamato @lucyfurr-jd @williammillerjd @wowlookatmeimsohandsom @mama-miller-jd
Things: @atvstatic @defsnotdeathnote @scribbler-scribbler
Me, but more nice: @the-official-rocking-russian-man
Rules: No inappropriate asks/replies/comments, I am still a minor no matter how I look. You can ask things about fast-pass. You cannot spam ask me things. You can talk to me in DM if you want. You cannot be homophobic and/or transphobic. I do not own this character, or any of the ones mentioned above, they belong to Paola Batalla.
Have a good day.
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direwombat · 5 months ago
tagged by @deputy-morgan-malone and @lilywatt to do this "your [oc's] familiar" quiz (thank youuuu~ this was a fun one)
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The Wolf is an animal that is both revered and hated in its symbolism. Oftentimes, the negative idea of Wolves is as an aggressive, instinctive creature that is distrusting of others. In other views, it is seen as a intuitive and free; A representation of the beauty of the wild and the great unknown. In a similar way, you are seen differently depending on the viewpoint of others. You may come off as dark or intimidating at first, but are undeniably loyal to those who have gained your trust. A Wolf familiar guides their master's instincts and decisions, lets them know who they can trust, and protects them. This familiar represents: Intelligence / Distrust of people / Strong loyalty / Unpredictability / Mystery / Freedom
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Though often having a reputation as a trickster, the Fox familiar is actually a good mentor to their master. They are some of the best animals as guides through difficult situations, using wisdom, cunning, and intelligence to lead the way. Being very seclusive and quiet, you are very likely a more introverted individual, though that doesn't stop you from being kind and helping others. Like the fox, you are very aware of your environment and the people around you, and are hard to catch off-guard.
A Fox familiar may act as a teacher or mentor to their master, helping them through difficult situations and keeping them aware of the world. This familiar represents: Intelligence / Being secluded / Cleverness / Awareness / Quick-thinking / Wisdom
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Though often overlooked, the Butterfly familiar is a major symbol of one who has had a major change or transformation in their life. Very likely, you have gone through many struggles in life, many of them within yourself, as you tried to find who you were and what your purpose was. Maybe you are still going through that, or maybe you have had a breakthrough and discovered who you truly are inside. Butterflies represent a lively, inspired individual, and understanding life's deepest secrets.
A Butterfly familiar helps their master stay sure of themselves and remain themselves, as well as inspire them throughout life.
This familiar represents: Transformation / Breakthrough in character /Understanding / Secrets / Liveliness / Inspiration / Uniqueness
taglist (opt in/out)
@wrathfulrook, @cloudofbutterflies92, @voidika, @la-grosse-patate,
@g0dspeeed, @omen-speaker, @confidentandgood, @tommyarashikage,
@cassietrn, @trench-rot, @harmonyowl, @fourlittleseedlings, @carlosoliveiraa
@aceghosts, @adelaidedrubman, @finding-comfort-in-rain, @socially-awkward-skeleton,
@theladyshenanigan (i can't remember your fc5 blog 💀 im sorry), @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable, @inafieldofdaisies
@alexxmason, @deputyash, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else who wants to do this one!
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vvalliu · 1 year ago
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C’è Ancora Domani - 2023
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casualavocados · 1 year ago
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"Do you think Angelica and Paola will be alright?"
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gifsforallseries · 2 months ago
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Tv Show " Elite "
S01 E01
please, like/reblog if you use it
don’t redistribute and claim as your own
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lonely-north-star · 21 days ago
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tentatively offers my lads mc (Paula) and my twst mc (Paola)…….. ft what fob album reminds me of them
LADS Paula is kinda like. Flirty, confident, and gets what she wants. She’s independent as hell and works a little too much..
Twst Paola is like, super smiley and you won’t catch her not. She’s pretty stubborn and tries hard to stay optimistic, always wears gloves…
anyway sorry these two have been consuming my mind and all I've been drawing akdjwj
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thesunxlx · 8 months ago
HI your art is so neat CAN I REQUEST SOME PAOLA EGONU????
You are so welcome have some messy quick sketches. exhausted queen of my heart
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Bonus Alessia Orro because in opposition to the volleyball world in its entirety, I do think that setters should be, in fact, allowed to talk and just have rights generally. But thats just me
more italvolley on Patreon
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aitata-troybel · 23 days ago
nah i'm doing something, if they were doing a hear me out cake, what would be the ptp cast (popee, kedamono, paul, paola, frog, papi, etc) put in?
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loo011 · 6 months ago
Human Lucy-furr!!! 😭💕💕💕💕💕
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kabukiaku · 11 months ago
embracing terzomega like how i would embrace shadamy from sonic in my teen years. now THAT was a ship I was so dedicated to growing up.
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Eaten Alive (1980)
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unfioreapezzi · 1 year ago
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Meme di Sanremo 2024
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taiturner · 1 year ago
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THE PURGE ◆ 2x08 "Before the Sirens"
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