#pandemic ramblings
tawaifeddiediaz · 9 months
you know what boils my blood.
over the last 2 weeks, i've seen countless patients walk into my urgent care center, symptomatic for so many things, refusing to get tested for covid and flu, citing that they don't want to knowingly bring it to their holiday tables. i had a patient tell me, verbatim, "i don't want to test for covid, because i don't want to be the asshole who brings it on a plane."
i understand that - i understand that holidays are times where people look forward to meeting loved ones that they might only see once a year, or where they get a break from the hectic back and forth of their lives.
but here's the thing - whether they get tested or not, they will bring whatever they have to their holiday tables. it's pure recklessness to know that you're sick, and walk into someone else's house spreading the disease.
today, january 2, i saw 91 patients, many of them who have tested positive for covid and flu. many of these patients are the same ones who didn't want testing 3 days ago, until their events were over, and now, they will have to reach out to everyone they know to let them know that they were positive because they were showing symptoms well before their event.
the next week or two? we're going to see many, many more, all people with symptoms that started around christmas. these are the only two viruses we test for rapidly in our office, but they are potent and can be fatal in many people.
so here's why i wrote this post, and maybe it's a little late, but - if you care about your loved ones, please get tested if you know you're sick. it doesn't have to be at a clinic if you don't want it to, because the over-the-counter tests work just fine too (if you test within 5-7 days of symptom onset). just...please don't try to run from the knowledge that you might have covid, because immunocompromised people, elderly people, people with co-morbidities like asthma, pregnancy, diabetes, etc...many of them may not recover. and they may not be sitting at your holiday table in the future because of it.
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Do you guys ever think about how crazy it must feel to be the girl who started 123 let’s go bitch??? Like she just said something funny at a concert once and posted it online, and now she’s started a fandom tradition that millions of people participate in across the world, and even 5 years later ​we all still scream it at every show and Taylor quotes it on social media??? THAT’S a real fucking legacy to leave
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quhere · 1 year
….idk sometimes I wanna travel back in time to 2013 and grab myself and shake her like: in just ten years, after the plague has wreacked havoc, the Bad Guys ™ will try to use developments in artificial intelligence to threaten the world’s creatives into economic submission
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razzek · 10 months
One thing that's starting to really get to me with the James Somerton stuff is a real strong undercurrent of disdain toward his fans. And yeah, I was one of them. A good scam artist isn't as easy to spot as y'all seem to think. You forget that you have all the information right now. Two days ago most of you had never heard of him and it would have kept going. Anyone can fall for a scam, nobody is immune. I would love to have had whatever resources you guys think we all should magically know about so I could have kept my sad $5 a month I really needed but thought was going to something worthwhile. Some of us can only devote so much energy into things and when you have no idea whatsoever that something is amiss of course you're not going to go digging for sources, why would you when everything is fine as far as you know? I really wish I could have seen the dissenting opinions on him but for many, many reasons that aren't just that the dissenting voices weren't widely circulating at the time all I had was the thought every now and again that "huh that doesn't seem right" and then go on with my day. And I think that happened to a lot of us. So yeah. Say what you gotta say about Somerton, he has more than earned it with the damage he's caused, but maybe don't shit so hard on his former fans because that is going to be you someday with something, it happens to everyone sooner or later.
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curioscurio · 11 months
Got up early (for me), ate a light and healthy breakfast, applied to some jobs, took a long mental health walk with the dogs, gave one of them a bath, and even did some phone calls and messaging regarding my medication and pharmacy problems and managed to sort it out without breaking down!!! And! Showered!! Kicking ASS at mental health today
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Will there ever be space for covid frustration/anger/distress?
For me it feels like a big untouchable indescribable mass of anger and sadness to think about how people politicized a public health issue and essentially said that they don't care if immunocompromised and other at-risk people died. Like when I think how it could've so easily gone way better my brain feels like it's gonna burst. I literally can't think about it too much or it'll bring my entire mind to a screeching halt as the whole thing screams.
Will there ever be space to even begin to dismantle that or do I have to live with that in the back of mind for the rest of my life?
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birinboom · 5 months
not sure why but I'm once again thinking about the Kiri x reader roommates to lovers quarantine fic I never got around to writing during the pandemic... (would people even be interested in reading something like that now that it's finally over?)
Kiri is fine as roommates go. He keeps his mess out of the communal areas, he leaves your food alone, he pays rent on time. Most of that, you think, is probably attributed to him only using his room for sleep. It's rare to see him outside of early mornings while you're both preparing for work. After work he usually hangs out with his friends, or goes to the gym, or whatever, coming home long after you've retired to your own room.
You don't really mind; you have the apartment mostly to yourself this way. And it's not like you really know him, anyway. He's just a roommate.
Then the pandemic happens.
You're surprised, to be honest, that he doesn't go stay with one of his friends. But he doesn't, and now you're stuck with him. And you soon learn just how loud he can be; he cranks the volume on the video calls with his friends, laughing boisterously at almost anything they say. He shrieks and hollers at the online games they play. And even though he's quick to turn the volume down when you scowl at him, it still frustrates you to no end.
Until one morning where you discover him on the verge of a breakdown, trying his best to not cry into his cereal. You learn about how lonely he is. How much he misses physical human contact. Cranking the volume makes it feel like his friends are in the same room as him again, but it doesn't change how touch-starved he is.
"Can I have a hug?" he asks, eyes red-rimmed and brimming with tears.
You realize in that moment that you could probably use a hug too. And maybe this is a good opportunity to actually get to know your roommate.
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mumblelard · 16 days
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the end is here or happy friday imaginary constructs
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gilbirda · 8 months
My (subjective) thoughts on how to survive corporate hell while being younger than 30
I'm 27 and I've been working in corporate office job since I was 23 and I have some advice for any youngster out there feeling unsure if they can even make it in office corporate jobs while being younger than 40.
Don't reveal info about yourself. Craft a superficial version of yourself you can share with peers. Pick a hobby or two and repeat the same speech about what you do for fun. Points if you do something people would remember - everyone says sports and/or traveling. Say something original, but safe.
Your company is not your family. You don't owe them a minute more or less than what says in your contract. You are not less if you refuse to work unpaid extra hours. If they demand that of you, get that in writing and take that shit straight to HR.
Know your rights. If you have paid time off, you are entitled to those days off. I'm european so I have a lot of them, and my company is ALWAYS asking me if "I'm sure I can leave my team down for so long". Bitch I can take the days off whenever I want, is my right. The fact that I'm not taking them in the busiest times is a courtesy.
Be careful with what you say. Everyone will be nice, but not everyone is your friend. Some people would sell you for a potato chip, and finding out who would is vital for your survival. (Hint: if someone spills tea about other people to you, they will spill YOUR tea to other people).
Offices are just like high school. Rumors can and will spread like wildfire.
Another "high school" office cliché: cliques. Yes. Same dynamics will form and identifying them will make things easier. My favorite clique to observe is the people that are shooting for the stars and are always around the Biggest Boss licking their shoes. They will also be the first to speak about how a company project improves their personal life because their personal life and work life is one and the same and they ADORE the company.
Being young can play to your advantage. You are fresh and new, and most of the corporate toxic behaviors won't apply to you by default - but Watch Out, they will also underestimate you and dismiss your opinions. Is a constant battle and a delicate dance.
You Will Be Adopted. That's fact. Be quick to learn who exactly is trying to put you under their wing, and if you are comfortable with that dynamic. It mostly depends on what kind of career you want to make in the company - want to climb higher? Stick with the boot lickers (they will introduce you to Important People); want to be up to date with all the gossip? Attach yourself to the Nice Lady Everyone Tell Their Secrets To. Etc.
I cannot stress this enough: Don't say names. On top of everything else in this list, don't say a single name unless you are absolutely sure you are in a safe space. Names have power, and if you complain about someone and say their name, that will have consequences. Maybe that person will learn you are talking shit, or maybe you will unknowingly make a political stance depending on who you are complaining about, maybe you are implying someone is bad at their job.
Don't assume that young people are your friend. This is a tough one I had to learn, but at the end of the day we are all surviving. Other young people will understand you and stick with you, but if an opportunity opens they will take it without saying goodbye. Or they have other priorities and career expectations and just... not be your friend after all. Not because you are also younger than 30 it means you are besties.
You will be bombarded with boomers and gen Xers talking about "the old days" and "how before things were better". That if you "just worked hard enough the company repays you" and such. Ignore them. Corporate job is not what it was, this isn't the old days anymore. Getting in is not as easy and it used to be, the salary doesn't last as much as it used to be and the productivity demanded is higher than ever. Ignore them. Most of them have been pushing buttons for 30 years and wouldn't understand the hellscape the world is becoming in the last 20 years.
You have to accept the reality that none of your 45+ years old coworkers are as qualified as you. The requirements for regular entry level corporate jobs now are insane, and "back in the day" you just had to show up and have a nice smile. Yes, it sucks. Yes, higher ups are the least qualified. Crazy.
Learn how to talk corporate. Learn how to say no, how to set down boundaries, how to politely ask for help. Normal people talk will instantly work against you because you are young. Talk like them and they'll listen.
This got away from me but eh.
Disclaimer this is just based on my experience and my culture - I live in Spain, Europe. I tried to keep this general, but I understand there's a bunch of social dances and understandings that are unique to my culture and may not apply to other people.
I am also autistic and I understand that it affects how I experience social contracts and behaviors.
This is just the bunch of rules I live by and I'm doing my best at surviving. I'm not a corporate rat and if I didn't need money to exist I would definitely quit, but I can't deny I have learned a lot.
If someone has more advice to add please do!
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nell0-0 · 6 months
Do you, too, feel a fondness for gnc Link? Any and all of them!
Hm, I'll be honest, I've been thinking about this ask for a bit and I don't quite get what you mean by gnc Link.
My best guess is the GBC/GBA Zelda games. If that's what you meant, then absolutely! I'm currently playing Minish Cap (I've been taking my time to enjoy the game ^^). Next on my list is alttp and after that I'll probably play the Oracle games (...again. Never got too far before but I'll definitely beat them this time!)
If that's not what you meant, then could you clarify?
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nonsensical-pixels · 4 months
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me rn
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dougielombax · 9 months
“Why shoULD I WEar A mASk! You dO KNow coViD iS ENDEMic nOw, RighT¿!”
Yeah, you know that’s WORSE!!!!
That doesn’t make it any less dangerous!
And I wear one because y’all fuckers are NASTY! Coughing, hacking and spewing all over the fucking place!!!!
Fucking bumbrained animals!
Idiotic human cattle!
Try thinking for once in your thoughtless lives!
It hasn’t gone anywhere and it’s still killing people!
For fuckness’ sake!
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violetsandshrikes · 1 year
They’re removing the 7 day isolation if you test positive + wearing masks in healthcare settings…
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manhattan-gamestop · 2 months
The idea of bringing a victorian boy to now gets memed a lot but I think if you brought someone from 2015 to 2024 they’d fucking faint
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merakiui · 11 months
I would love to read more about your Octavinelle aquarium captivity idea, if you were to ever turn it into a fic 🥰
Aaaaaa I would love to!!! I'm happy to know you would be interested in reading more of this concept. Funnily enough, that plot is loosely based on the plot for a yandere merman oc of mine. <3
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fox-guardian · 6 months
do you think they mask up at the OIAR. it's 2024. like. apart from audio quality (and ofc they'd want crisp audio either way) there's nothing suggesting they're Not masked up over there. if so, then RIP to alice's epic snakebites, they never see the light of day.
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