#paladins are my favorite class and i Love oaths so much
balleater · 2 months
braius being an oath of the ancients paladin brings up a very interesting dynamic going on with its tenets compared to the commandments of asmodeus
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direwombat · 1 year
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ocs as dnd pcs :: deputy sybille la roux
class(es): ranger 6 (gloomstalker) | fighter 3 (battlemaster) | rogue 3 (assassin)
proficiencies: athletics, intimidation, stealth (expertise), perception (expertise), survival
feats: crossbow (gun) expert, alert
initiative: +11
psd by @nuclearstorms
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dranathedragon · 2 months
I’m a D&D nerd, who is currently obsessed with Dead Boy Detectives, so of course the “What class would everyone be?” thought has been tickling me. I’ve seen a few other people post their thoughts on it, and I’ve been reading the amazing “Messrs Payne and Rowland’s Adventuring Agency” by @terresdebrume whenever it updates. Seriously, it’s really good, highly recommend. So I figured I’d throw my hat in the ring and see what anyone else’s thoughts are while I’m at it. Just doing the core four in this post.
So let’s get the easy one out of the way first, Crystal. She’s 100% a sorcerer, her power comes from her bloodline, she was born with it. Because she’s psychic based I’d say she’s specifically an Aberrant Mind sorcerer, without all the deep space tentacle monster baggage. Though she does have disembodied floating eyeballs in her psyche so MAYBE!
Next up is the second easiest, Edwin. He’s a wizard, everyone knows he’s a wizard. What KIND of wizard though? I’m going with Order of Scribes. He loves that little notebook so much, it gained sentience. How awesome would it be, if in this D&D version of the show, Edwin’s notebook didn’t follow him to hell because it was his sentient spell book, and it stayed behind with a purpose? It stayed behind because it KNEW Charles would never leave Edwin there and he would attempt a rescue. It KNEW Charles would go, and it KNEW it had to stay behind to help him. It showed him the things he needed to see, the information and maps that would reunite him with their wizard. I just love that.
Next up is Charles. He was a little tougher. I’ve seen quite a few posts saying that he’s a barbarian, and at this, I must object. At least with the criteria I’m using I suppose. Charles’ power doesn’t come from his rage. The one time we see him using his rage to fight, Edwin’s horrified and worried reaction pretty much confirms this was wildly out of character for him.
Just as an aside, I’m a firm believer of when Edwin said, “That was extreme”, he wasn’t talking about knocking the night nurse off the cliff. He was talking about Charles’ reaction in general, it was an extreme REACTION. He’d never seen Charles act with that much anger, hate, and violence before. He’s not an attacker, he’s a defender. It scared him, but he was scared FOR Charles, not OF him. Our wizard just isn’t great at people’ing. That’s a discussion for a different post though! Back to the topic at hand!
So, if I don’t think he’s a barb, what is he? Well, I’ve got two possible options. One thing that’s said quite a bit in the show, is how charismatic Charles is. And let’s face it, he is. So, using that logic, I’d say he could possibly be a Paladin. Specifically, an Oath of Devotion Paladin. I mean, come on, his power would so come from his extreme devotion to his favorite wizard. That would be a fun one, but there’s my second option which I find slightly more plausible.
It’s shown multiple times in the show, that while Charles claims to be just the brawn, he’s actually very clever and capable of thinking outside the box. Not to mention, he’s all about magic items. Bag of holding, enchanted cricket bat, enchanted jar/paper weight, enchanted lullaby ball, the disguises, the list goes on. So he’s smart and specializes in magic items, that screams Artificer. I’d say he’s a Battle Smith Artificer, some of their specialty spells are based around defending/supporting their allies, and you can’t tell me he wouldn’t find having a little robot pet, sorry STEEL DEFENDER, completely aces. He’d also name it like “Steve” or something and treat it like it was his and Edwin’s child, fight me on that lol. (Jk, don’t fight me I don’t like conflict!) Update: Charles’ lock picking has been mentioned and it just added to this for me as Artificers get expertise in thieves’ tools. How did I forget this?!
So that leaves Niko, who is kind of the wild card. I saw at least one post saying she’d be a bard, but I don’t think that’s accurate. Bards are all about attention (well mostly, I guess whispers would be an exception but she wouldn’t be a whispers anyway) and the whole sprite possession thing seemed to kinda make her uncomfortable with it. Idk, it just doesn’t really fit right to me. On the same thread though, so far in the show, Niko’s only real power is to see the dead. That might be expanded if we get a second season (🤞🏻), but for right now, that’s all she’s got other than being a good friend and excellent reading comprehension skills (which I might revisit this using that last one later). That said, since she got that ability (technically) because of the sprites (more because they almost killed her, but also they’re with her in the igloo so this still might work!) I’d say Niko is a Warlock. Just by the by, I hate that the class is called “Warlock”. That’s a word that came from an old English word meaning “oath breaker or he who breaks their oath”. Warlocks are all about MAKING not BREAKING pacts. Just a weird choice but MOVING ON! Since the sprites seem kind of Fey, I’d say she’d be a Pact of the Archfey. Nothing to do with the pact’s skill set, since we’d have nothing to compare it to, just because they seem fey to me.
So that’s what I’ve got so far. I might think of other characters’ later, like what would Jenny be etc. What do you guys think? I like to hear other people’s opinions on this! It’s fun to bat around!
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gmajortom · 4 months
TAD D&D classes?
Oh buddy. You have no idea what you've just done
Warning: long post ahead
I'll start with Maomao because she is, in my opinion, the most difficult. For all that she'd love necromancy, I can't see her as a necromancy wizard- too much reading of things unrelated to her special interests, for one thing, and for another being a wizard in DnD is fuckin expensive. I don't think she'd be a spores druid either, because druids are generally pretty wise and spiritual which are two things Maomao definitely is not. Which leaves an Alchemist Artificer. That's an intelligence based class that's all about creating contraptions, poisons, and potions- in fact, at a certain level they gain immunity to the poisoned condition and resistance to poison and, I think, acid damage?? Idk I don't have the Player's Handbook in front of me. Anyways. High level Alchemist Artificers also gain access to the Raise Dead spell- which means that eventually, with enough experience and experimentation, Maomao would finally get a taste of some sweet sweet necromancy, despite all of Luomen's protestations.
Jinshi is a Glamour Bard- they're all about beauty and charisma and charming the hell out of people and acquiring secrets as they do so. But wait- there's more. Jinshi is way too fit and inclined towards masochism to simply be a bard; he's also a paladin. A palabard, if you will. Personally I see him as an Oath of Devotion Paladin, but I can also see him as an oath of the ancients, what with all that celestial nymph-like beauty. In any case, charisma is his main stat and he can be persuasive like nobody else when he wants to be, but he's also pretty intelligent and strong and, like any good paladin, prone to self-induced suffering.
Gaoshun I see as being an Oath of the Crown Paladin. They're particularly loyal, law-abiding, duty-bound, long-suffering, and as I've mentioned, all paladins are prone to a lil bit of self-flaggelation. Trust me, I've been playing a paladin for the past two years. In any case, Gaoshun, as Jinshi and the Emperor's attendant, has gotta be a) politically savvy and b) prime bodyguard material. A crown pally is both of those things.
Basen is a straight up Zealot Barbarian. Barbarians are known for their constitution and their strength, and Basen has plenty of both; when barbarian go into a rage they gain resistance to damage done by pretty much any kind of weapon, as well as resistance to falling damage. Zealots are sworn to a cause- in this case, protecting the moon prince (and later lady lishu). Zealots also get a feature at later levels called rage beyond death, which essentially allows them to stay up while raging even if they're at 0 hp and would otherwise be unconscious and making death saves.
My darling Shisui, my beloved bug lady Loulan, would be an Archfey Pact Warlock. I just feel it in my heart. Warlocks are high intelligence and high charisma- and the way she played everybody and helped orchestrate the downfall of the Shi clan screams having the balls and foresight necessary to create a pact with something as tricky and eldritch as an archfey. Also, what is a pixie if not a bug with humanoid features?
Suirei, methinks, would be a Grave Cleric. Clerics are typically healers, but grave clerics are especially good with spells related to death and undeath. One of the spells clerics get is Feign Death, which can put a willing creature into "a cataleptic state indistinguishable from death". Sounds pretty familiar. Moving on.
Lahan, unlike Maomao, does have the resources and patience for books to be a wizard- specifically, a Divination Wizard. Predictions of the future are based on statistics, and what are statistics if not some beautiful numbers?
Rikuson, my beloved, would be a Mastermind Rogue. Am I projecting one of my favorite classes on to him? Yes. Do I think it also fits him objectively? Also yes. Masterminds are really good at strategy, being cool under pressure, and they have excellent memories for voices and languages. Their best feature by far, however, is their ability to help someone as a bonus action, making them both lethal in combat AND a consistent support in battle.
Lihaku is a Champion Fighter. I feel like I don't need to elaborate on this.
Lakan, much like Lahan, would be a wizard- but a Conjuration Wizard. In DnD, not only is conjuration about literally summoning groups of creatures to fight for you, it's also about literally manipulating the field of battle. Also teleportation. Basically- you gotta be good at strategy to be a conjurer. Also full spellcasters are weak ass bitches who will go down from a single hit.
Finally, Luomen is another character I see as being multiclassed- specifically, a Life Cleric/Transmutation Wizard. Like I said earlier, clerics are typically healers- and a life cleric is like, THE healer. I threw in a transmuter multiclass because we KNOW he's studied, and transmuters in particular study alchemy. Clerics are supposed to be fairly charismatic and wizards are known for being extremely intelligent, and both clerics and wizards are supposed to have a good amount of wisdom- personally, I think that describes Luomen in a nutshell.
Anyways, if anybody else has thoughts or differing opinions or suggestions of what other characters who I didn't mention might be, I would love, love, LOVE to hear about them! Or if you just wanna talk about DnD or ask some clarifying questions, please feel free to hit me up :)
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iaus · 3 months
HELLO. for starbreaker questions and prompts: your thoughts/takes/headcanons on things like Jace's metamagic, Porter's paladin auras, other fun elements of their classes that have that type of measurable effect on their physical presence in the world (if that makes any sense!)
OUGH MY JAM. i love talking about this stuff. i love dnd. i love the game. i will ignore rules as written at the drop of the hat for story telling purposes.
so i know i talked about like stats and such a bit... way back. so i'm gonna reference my little character sheet. (which i keep having to open because i'm so scared of accidentally giving jace spells i don't mean to HELP)
but okay i'm putting this under a read more because i uh. word vomited in the club again.
but on my jace character sheet i have him down with:
heightened spell. i'm not going to lie i picked this one specifically because i feel like he would use things like friends, command, and dominate monster a lot in like. every day life. (i have definitely written more than one scene where he uses command on porter and porter is fucking furious about it. porter will i think almost always fail that save btw. i have his wisdom at a +1 and jace's spell save DC at a 22 soooo. better burn that legendary resistance if you have it babygirl)
subtle spell. which is actually one of my personal favorite metamagics and i think he'd also use this one a lot in his day-to-day life for little things. i know it's nowhere supported in canon (and i'm actually probably going against canon tbh) but i really like jace being a very competent and nasty spellcaster so i've made his character sheet reflect that. like. i can just imagine him in a boring professional development and he uses a subtle spell to detect thoughts everyone in the room to entertain himself. or using a subtle spell friends to get out of a conversation he doesn't want to have.
quickened spell. i like the idea of jace having this frenetic energy all the time even when he's presenting as being chill and laid back. so a quickened spell just enables him to shorten his spells even though an action out of combat is so quick. like he doesn't have time to devote six seconds to this spell and he hand waves the spell so he can get back to his more important tasks.
careful spell. finally this one i selected is like. the one that i think is the most out of place. in my own little universe i really do think jace had plans to be an adventurer. so this was his one little concession for his party. but it's also funny because i revised his spell list a bit (i had him with fireball at first, but went back on that). so i think, now that i think about it, i would probably change this one on his character sheet to extended spell. after switching to a solo adventurer track and leveling up on his own he would be like FUCK THAT i'm never working with anyone ever again.
and this is how porter gets chain lightninged during a teamwork PD
and for porter...
i've done a lot of mulling on his multiclass make up and ended up solidly believing in an 18-2 barb-paladin class which makes him arguably the funniest and most ineffective guy to teach any MCAT paladins because he just has none of the features.
fun fact! i have head canoned him as a path of zealot barb because it feels suiting and the class features.... are fun.... :)
but! i have actually thought about what his oath would be. it's actually really funny because i was so into looking into what i think are less popular oaths that i forgot that there even was an oath of conquest LMAO.
so here is my take on porter's oath (before he becomes an oathbreaker teehee): i think he's an oath of glory. NOW. BEFORE I LOSE YOU. i've put. so much thought into what porter's backstory might be and my argument is that his paladin levels, if he managed to get to an oath, are early like. he might have spent his freshman/sophomore year of aguefort as a paladin.
my headcanon is that his mom and dad are paladins (and his little siblings are a mix of paladins and clerics) but porter was always just born with this rage. so i think porter started aguefort at level 2 (i actually have thoughts about the school system and the leveling and that i think all adventurers at aguefort should at least be level 3 BUT I DIGRESS).
point is i think porter's family wasn't like. evil. i think he came to this plan of taking ankarna's place on his own so he actually started out somewhat fitting with the oath of glory before his rage just became too much and he eventually abandoned his oath. (which leads to the 18-2 barb/pala
BUT. here's the description of oath of glory:
Paladins who take the Oath of Glory believe they and their companions are destined to achieve glory through deeds of heroism. They train diligently and encourage their companions so they're all ready when destiny calls.
kinda... suiting. huh. as long as you ignore the deeds of heroism (ha).
i also really like oath of glory for him because if he DID do something like an 11-9 split he would get some really cool spells like guiding bolt, heroism, enhance ability, magic weapon, haste. it seems to suit him before he got flanderized.
also inspiring smite is SO cool and i see porter as adventurer turned teacher so:
Inspiring Smite. Immediately after you deal damage to a creature with your Divine Smite feature, you can use your Channel Divinity as a bonus action and distribute temporary hit points to creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you, which can include you. The total number of temporary hit points equals 2d8 + your level in this class, divided among the chosen creatures however you like.
Aura of Alacrity. You emanate an aura that fills you and your companions with supernatural speed, allowing you to race across a battlefield in formation. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. In addition, if you aren't incapacitated, the walking speed of any ally who starts their turn within 5 feet of you increases by 10 feet until the end of that turn.
this would be neat. (stuff like this... would also have made him a more interesting final boss.............)
it is interesting to me that porter... did seem like he cared about his students. like. i'm not going to lie porter like personally rankled me for a long time before his evil reveal because he reminded me a lot of teachers that i hated in high school. like i get it. i hate your fucking pedagogy. but. it seems like he had some sort of care. even if it manifested in fucking horrid ways.
but yea i do think oath of glory is a really fun option for porter if he did take an oath at any point. it adds some flavor.
also. i think it is so funny but if porter has only 2 levels in paladin he literally only has 10 lay on hands and smites. you don't get divine health until level 3.
that man can still get diseases.
but i do think he lies and is like i'm a paladin don't worry jace i can c-
never mind.
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how about 1, 25 and 26 for ghost.
thanks for asking!! :) (questions from this ask game)
What circumstances led to your Dark Urge becoming their Class/Subclass?
Ghost is an oathbreaker paladin. There's both a meta reason and a character reason for that. The meta reason is that I enjoy playing paladins so much that every time I've tried to play a different class, I make it less than 3 hours before I start feeling the sense of "man I wish I was playing a paladin," and oathbreaker is my favorite subclass in BG3 (surprise surprise lmao).
The other reason is that the package of abilities associated with oathbreaker paladins lines up well with how I see Ghost, independent of the narrative associated with the paladin class. He is first and foremost a physically-powerful combatant skilled with many different weapons. (As an aside, I think he's got a few different weapons of choice for different purposes—in difficult fights, he wields a glaive or a halberd, the weapons with which he's actually the most skilled, but he takes a certain pleasure in wreaking havoc with a weighty warhammer or maul, and he loves the intimacy of close combat with a dagger in each hand. In game, the weapon I almost always have equipped on him is the Halberd of Vigilance.) But his weapon-using is augmented by an innate dark magic woven into his very being, manifested as much in his supernatural fortitude, might, and recovery as it is in the casting of spells. So I don't really see him as a standard swore-an-oath paladin, but he is a warrior empowered by divine magic.
25. How does your Dark Urge feel about Sceleritas Fel?
I answered this one here, but the gist of it is a mixed bag, because Ghost likes being revered but hates being manipulated, and Sceleritas does both.
26. How does your Dark Urge feel about Bhaal?
Ghost has more than a fair bit of contempt for gods of all sorts and the people that follow them; as far as he's concerned, Bhaal's greatest relevance to him is that he exists because of Bhaal, and Bhaal is more or less immaterial to everything following Ghost's creation. He was perfectly happy to use his connection to Bhaal to take a position of power within the Cult of Bhaal, and he likes being worshipped for his status as the more-or-less handmade child of a deity, but he's no zealot himself.
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Tav Banter and Dialogue 28. Party banter with Karlach
Ohhhh that is quite challenging because I never thought of it before. I do not know if I really nailed it but this is what comes to mind.
My Tav and Karlach are close friends.
Option 1:
Context: Òrfhlaith gave up her Bard powers (which unleashed her supressed storm sorcereress powers) and took up the class of Paladin (Oath of the Ancients), Òrflhaith is the old version for Orla.
Karlach: "So Òrfhlaith... How many times have people pronounced your name wrong?"
Òrfhlaith:" More than I can count, actually."
Karlach: "Couldn't they have given you a more direct name? Larissa? Claire... Karlach?
Òrflhaith: Two Karlachs? Thats exessive! And propably very confusing in battle.
Karlach: That is true.
Karlach: But seriously: What does it even mean?"
Orfhlaith: "Golden Princess. Not that I look much like it nowadays... Maybe I should rename myself Golden Knight?"
Karlach: "You could come and rescue me anytime for sure."
Option 2
Context: Òrflaith lost her ability to play music instruments and (at that point so before the end of Act 2/Beginning of Act 3) she did not try to sing again, because of the fear of having lost that ability too.
Òrflaith: Karlach, would you care to show me your favorite bar in Baldurs Gate someday?
Karlach: Oh,I would LOVE to.! Just imagine the cold beer, loud music and some pretty faces. Would you sing for us?
Òrfhlaith: Oh... I'm not sure. I haven't tried since...You know?
Karlach: I understand. But if you feel like serenating your goold ol' pal, I will lbe the happiest woman on earth.
Òrfhlaith: Well, then I'll see what I can do.
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maehem-1 · 8 months
Worldbuilding rule to live by: If you like something, put it into your world. I wanna ramble about how I've lived by that rule in the current world I use for my DND games. This is also the flagship post of my personal DND tag! It's a long one, enjoy my ramblings!
I've created many homebrew items based off of Guilty Gear. My favorite is my adaptation of Ky's Thunderseal. I also managed a decent adaptation of Sol Badguy as a PC (I think PSI Warrior is a good subclass for him… actually, that gives me an idea. What if Psionics isn't a natural thing, like becoming a gear? Like if you have psionics it counts as a different creature type. That'd be so much more dramatic/impactful than “magic but different”)
Speaking of Ky's Thunderseal, it was wielded by someone important in my world's history: my Jetstream Sam stand-in, because I love MGR:R. I also have his murasama, mechanical arm, and chin guard thing as items discoverable in his tomb. The arm? I was reading Beowulf at the time, so you can use it to rip someone's arm off. It's dope.
Dwarves. I love me a good Dwarven mountain home. Dwarves are a really well developed part of my world, though it's not very unique because I LOVE the classic dwarf archetype. Grudges, ale, and forging, baby!
On that note, Hobgoblins. I love a wandering hobgoblin legion, remnant of a Hobgoblin Empire. This stems from Jort of the Order Undivided by The Bard Ilthari. Unfortunately, for all my love of the bright nosed folk, in my current game I've devolved them to lowly slavers of Goblins, without much hope of increased complexity like Jort gave them, since, well, I feel like I leaned too hard into the cruel slavery thing too fast and it's hard to come back from that. If they lean into the
A lot of my favorite DND things stem from Order Undivided, I also have a Senket analogue npc, and my dwarves are mostly modeled after Kazador. I've been working on an arcane Oath for Julian. I also love Gnolls quite a bit, and learned up on Yeenoghu to possibly use as a villain. Hell, my love of tactical heroic play stems from the paladins being able to defeat much greater numbers by gathering allies and taking tactical positions. I long for the day I play a game where I command armies like the Warmaster himself.
I'm a big fan of Mathew Colville, and NOT a fan of dealing with worldbuilding other Planes, so I stole his concept of the cities of Hell and slapped it on my material plane! Also makes it easier to port the Illrigger class into my world's normal rotation. Ditto for my interest in the Underdark, though I think I'm closer to forgotten realms than he is. I also stole Count Nekodemus of Castle Rend, though only in name. Mine is Baron Orwell Nicodemus, and he's a Tortle (and a little bit of an asshole, in the bureaucratic sense). I think I just like the name :3
I've loved smash bros for a really long time, since I was twelve playing Smash 4. I recently got into it again, both through videos about the history of the competitive scene and by playing Ultimate again after so long. This, of course, led me to the Five Gods of Melee. Suddenly, I had an idea for the pantheon I've been putting off structuring. Five Gods, chosen by competition between all lesser deities called Representatives. (I thought it sounded cool). Each representative also gets two associated damage types, and I'm considering adding some bonus related to them (maybe the cleric can replace their spell's damage type with one of those types instead? Incompatible with channel divinity to avoid tempest cleric shenanigans?). If this turns into a slay the gods campaign, I'm definitely going to lose my mind because none of my players would understand Leffen jokes
One of the only Representatives I've come up with, an idea I've had since the beginning, is basically a god of bloodsport/gladiatorial competitions. I decided to model them off of Technoblade, as a memorial to the Blood God himself.
I love the old traditions of DND. All that dungeon crawly, noodly bullshit. Love it. I make sure to have a lot of dungeons in my world, and am always prepping more my players will probs never see. I've also way expanded my world so that it's much more of a points of light setting, though my players are in the most densely populated area (due to being the only place that existed before geographical expansion) I also need room to improvise new locations. I love my current “canon,” but that just hurts my ability to say “there's a mountain way over there that has a ___, ___ and ___, because… that mountain should've been on our map, no? When you map the whole world, it gets so very small, doesn't it?
Legend of Zelda. My old world had a bit more of it, but I try to incorporate Zelda dungeon design into my dungeons when I can.
When I develop my Underdark better, I want to include a lot of Hollow Knight inspo. The Drow wearing masks, stuff like that.
Really this has just become a ramble about my DND campaign world and I love it
I frequently give creatures multiple creature types. Oozes are also aberrations, many Gnolls are also Fiends, etc. As I just came up with a half hour ago, Psionics characters would get a second creature type, what to call it yet I don't know.
Elves. Hooo boy. I'm not a fan. They live so long, it's too hard to create ancient history with them around. Which is, honestly, the entire appeal of elves. The reincarnation/ embodiment of living history aspect is the only interesting angle I can find personally. Whenever someone wants to play an elf, they never want to lean into the Elrond of it all. They just want to play a taller human, usually with a bow and arrow. So I don't have Elves. Simple as. Of course, they do exist, they're just incredibly rare. They were driven off the mainland for ~reasons~ and hang out on this island made entirely out of trees. Mostly old ass elves and really young ones (born on the island) are still alive, with very few survivors of the between generations. Lead by a Baelnorn, ‘cause they're cool. Drow are the exception, because they're also cool, but they're rare on the surface for different, more obvious reasons. If someone ever tells me they want to play an elf, I'll publicly decline the offer, then catch them alone and give them the lowdown. Half Elves know nothing of their elven heritage, since it's been so watered down by now, though they still get mechanical benefits.
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grapesodatozier · 1 year
"hey boss sorry I’m late I was zoned out in the shower thinking about what dnd 5e class each of the losers would be" -me this morning
lol anyway here’s what I came up with!! would love to hear others’ thoughts on this!! my personal character interpretations are very book heavy with cherry-picked movie influences and a respectable scoop of fanon interpretations I like lol so I think there’s a lot of options here and I think it would be so fun to hear other people’s interpretations of this!!
bill: oath of vengeance paladin whose god is maturin. his favorite spell is compelled duel. no further elaboration needed.
mike: farm boy mike made me consider druid or ranger, but I think his motivations are very strong around maintaining derry’s history, and he’s incredibly dedicated to that, so I think knowledge domain cleric makes most sense to me (his god is also maturin, bike maturin acolyte boyfriends so real <3 )
ben: book ben is soooo fighter. that man threw back an insane amount of alcohol, went back to derry no question, stomped on some alien eggs, and took decades to confess to a cute, corny little 3 line love poem, then respectfully swept his childhood love off her feet. that’s just so fighter to me. like there is nothing more Fighter than starting your story alone in a tavern venting vaguely about your past heroic exploits to the bartender. fighter for sure with some significant levels in artificer for his architecture career
stan: wizardddddd he literally escapes pennywise with the powers of his bird watching guidebook!!!! literally got magic powers from a book in canon!!!!! also he's very happy being an accountant and i feel like math and desk jobs feel very wizard to me lol. also it would be so interesting to explore his feelings about being able to shape reality when he's so attached to maintaining reality. but. he literally changed reality with his book like!!!! so much to think about here.
bev: i kinda want bev to be a rogue, but i think that's just what she initially tries to be. she wants to fly under the radar so bad but she never can. honestly i think she's a barbarian!! it's what she deserves!!! 2017 babygirl kills her dad by bashing him over the head with a toilet cover!!! that's some barbarian shit she has so much anger and rage that she deserves to let out!!!!! also her premonitions about It coming back? danger sense. decades in advance danger sense lmao
eddie: listen. i considered rogue. killing your childhood bully with a broken perrier bottle is some rogue shit. i also considered monk, bc our boy loves to go fast!! but i think the most fitting class for him is ranger. his "super power" is always knowing where to go and where he is. he uses it in the sewers, he uses it to drive around new york city better than anyone else. knowing your terrain that effortlessly is some ranger shit. also he's happiest just chilling on a grassy hill or hanging out in the barrens!! nature baby boy!! also rangers can be a dex class so it still works for him wanting to run and run and run
richie: okay i spent way too much time thinking about richie's bc he's my favorite <3 lol so this is gonna be long. listen we all have biases okay. anyways he's obviously a bard like hello he can change his voice and convince people he's someone else. basically literally casts silvery barbs in book canon. constantly performing. described as having "exhausting charm." support class 100%, while everyone leans on bill he's the one bill leans on. favorite spell is disguise self bc he wants so badly to be someone else. but i don't think he's just a bard. i think he pretends to be just a bard, but such a big part of richie's character is being afraid of things inside himself that he'd like to ignore but can't control. It shows him a werewolf with his name on it which yeah I'm very pro bisexual interpretation of that but more generally is just about feeling like he's got smth uncontrollable and scary that he doesn't understand within him. all of which screams wild magic sorcerer!! so i think he's a wild magic sorcerer who learns bard stuff so he can pretend he's only a bard bc he's scared of his natural magic
okay ty for reading please feel free to share your thoughts if you have them <3
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emahriel · 9 months
Hi! First of all I just want to say that I adore your blog and Fjorn! One of my favorite tumblrs 100% (:
I have a question about oc’s and development and backstory. I have a Female high elf (rogue) and i’m trying to write a backstory for her, like where she comes from, her family, past lovers etc what happened before she met the companions basically. But its SO hard and usually i have no problem with this but with bg3 i feel like i’m more limited with the ideas, because i want it to make sense with the bg3/dnd universe. Like the place she grow up in etc, i feel like that has to be a place related to high elfs in the bg3/dnd universe if that makes sense? Anyway do you have any tips when writing backstorys for your oc? Thanks a lot!
Hello there! Thank you so much for the love, I appreciate it! I’m gonna be honest, I don’t have very good tips when it comes to writing backstories and I feel like I’m still in the process of figuring that out myself – but I’ll share tidbits from my process if it can help!
Generally speaking, I take specific concepts or ideas from other medias/characters I like to start with (for instance, the idea of a tragic past and trying to escape from someone for years until a nautiloid snatches my Tav away – a miracle in disguise, aka the beginning of bg3). I also knew I wanted my character to somewhat go through the following states: good – evil – neutral.
Thus began the process of reading! So the first thing I did was figure out if there was a good race that would work with that. I was thinking of a Drow or maybe a Tiefling, but I eventually settled for Aasimar despite them not being in the game. Then I stumbled upon Fallen Aasimar and was like damn… this is perfect for the concept of a ‘‘damned’’ character. After figuring that out, I thought about the class and what would fit the best. Tbh I had just watched The Witcher: Blood Origin (wasn’t great) so a big inspiration for Fjorn was Merwyn and Fjall (with Fjall being assigned as her protector, and Merwyn – an Empress- being evil), so I settled for Paladin since they swear Oaths and it worked with that concept. It wasn’t until Larian announced Paladins and showcased Oathbreakers during the Panel from Hell for Patch 9 that I decided that’s what I would choose for him. Dark Knight is one of the most interesting classes for me in FFXIV, and I really wanted to have something similar for Fjorn; I thought it fitted the idea of ‘‘sometimes you have to do bad in order to do good’’.
So yeah, I take characteristics from other characters that I really love and just combine all of my favorite things together! It’s not really a tip, but something worth mentioning is that the different Wikis out there are extremely useful: Forgotten Realms Wiki, DnD 5th Edition Wikidot, Baldur’s Gate Wiki, DnD Beyond, (wouldn’t recommend Fextralife), etc. I also spent quite some time on reddit just looking up other people’s DnD OC concepts, which did spark some ideas! I wouldn’t worry tooooo much about things not making sense though, the one thing I love about DnD is that you can go absolutely wild and get away with almost anything.
In your case, would probs start reading up about high elves, although I feel like they could come from nearly anywhere. According to different wikis, there are different kinds of high elves in the Forgotten Realms: moon elf, sun elf, star elf, dark elf and llewyrr. There’s most likely way more info about them out there, possibly also more kinds, but this could serve as a base. Click on one and then read about them until one catches your eyes and just go from there since they may have different cultures, different upbringing, different characteristics, etc.
Sorry this is kinda all over the place, but I hope this helps you a bit more!
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thuranni · 2 years
what's your least favorite subclass from your favorite class and what's your favorite subclass from your least favorite class?
favorite class/least favorite subclass: i am first and foremost a paladin player, i love smites, i love playing the face, i love half-casters and packing a punch. most of the subclasses are pretty strong but overall i think oath of the crown is my least favorite mechanically for a variety of reasons; i think most of the kit (divine allegiance and exalted champion) is pretty similar to redemption kit in ways that are slightly worse. i'd honestly lean more into a bodyguard angle for a sole charge for the crown kit and make it much more of a protective subclass
least favorite class/favorite subclass: not for any mechanical reason but because i can't ever play one without getting glass canon'd: sorcerers are really easy to knock down! (i also don't play nonmulticlassed, non-bladesinger wizards often for this reason; i'm multiclassing my girl evangeline down the line.) i love metamagic and a lot of the class abilities but i just don't like the spell list and i hate being squishy lol. but holy shit i love love love the flavor and mechanics of shadow sorcerers and would play one if being so easily squished was not a problem for me.
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urlboss · 1 year
Question for the dnd enjoyer,
What are your favorite species and class?
Top 3 in no particular order. tbh my opinion will be warped by my own worldbuilding unrelated to dnd
Hobbits (Halflings): Very Cool, Very Smol. Also in my world they're fighting an independence war against the elves so there's a bunch of story that can happen there.
Tieflings: Very hot. Very devilish. Tieflings are just really cool to look at and imagine.
Elves: Also Hot. Love exploring the diverse culture of elves in my worldbuilding.
BONUS, Behelderlings: Not an official dnd race so that's why it's a bonus, but i really like the concept i came up with. Visually they're like humanoid beholderkin. I'll loredump about them if you ask. They make for fun NPCs
Again let's do a Top 3 in no particular order. For clarity, I haven't played/read the rules in a decent while so I'll be more thinking about concept than mechanics.
Wizard: The scholarly aspect that's baked into how the Wizard works gives it a lot of fun ways to interact with the world. Also there is a lot of easy room to add interesting flavor to wizard without much effort, because of it's diversity of options and open ended concept.
Rogue: Really bad-ass and versatile. I love the way it, despite being a martial class, gives focus to having some sort of mental strength that has a big effect on the character, giving the choice to be cunning, smart, or charming, each with their own fun roleplaying aspects.
Warlock/Paladin: Putting together because I like them for similar reasons. Whether by Pact or Oath, being supernaturally bound to some higher power is such a powerful concept and a great hook for storylines as well. "Who do you serve and why?" being a question built into this class is great for coming up with an interesting, and potentially conflicted, character.
Now especially when it comes to classes, it's important to remember that your character sheet is an imperfect representation of your character within the rules of the game. If you have a strong idea of what kind of character you want to play, you might find yourself picking a class that seemingly doesn't fit your character conceptually, but works perfectly for the features and abilities. Don't hesitate to make those sorts of unconventional decisions. The goal of character creation is to make a character that's fun for you to play, so don't feel restricted to the imagination of the developers.
Anyway that's all :D
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What is Rhys ideal “retired from adventuring”? How does/did Rhys feel about the title of Champion? And (because I’m currently watching the dnd movie) would you like to expand on his dnd build? I believe you said paladin/barb? ❤️
Retired from adventuring: Cyrus has a very hard time conceptualizing not adventuring for himself, but it's very important to ME that he gets to grow old and grey and happy. I dunno if this is where he'd actually end up, but he would love to be a hahren for an alienage. He wants to be able to continue looking after everyone & provide for the wellbeing of his community after he can't pick up his sword anymore.
Also, in the spirit of my other favorite fictional characters (Caleb Widogast, Elim Garak...), he has a garden he cares about and loves and tends to with Merrill's help.
Champion title: It fits like a glove, so snug it's easy to forget what's supposed to be beneath.
Among Cyrus' most irrational fears is that one day he's going to take off his armor and there's not going to be anything underneath.
D&D Build: Y E A H. My level 20 build for him is 12 Paladin (base class)/8 Barbarian. His pally subclass is Oath of Devotion because he IS the quintessential knight. His barb subclass is Ancestral Guardians, and his guardian spirits are Kirkwall itself :)
The one thing I'm meh about with his build is I gave him too many reactions between Spirit Shield, Protection fighting style, and the Sentinel feat, but his whole deal is defense, so...
Things I LOVE about his build include:
+3 to all saving throws, advantage on strength & dexterity saving throws + proficiency in wisdom & charisma saving throws. just try to fuck with him.
his feats are: Inspiring Leader (Everyone Loves Him And Will Do Whatever He Asks Of Them), Sentinel (Don't Fuck With My Friends), Skill Expert (to grab the perception skill and expertise in persuasion), and Martial Adept (bait & switch and goading attack as his two maneuvers for more Don't Fuck With My Friends vibes)
He's a sword and shield fighter, obviously, with rage & sacred weapon to boost attack & damage (yknow it's not relevant for this build but sacred weapon + the great weapon master feat would really minimize the -5 penalty)
He has spells but mostly uses them for divine smites because, y'know, he's not actually a spellcaster & he can't use spells while raging, but I love all the Devotion auto prepares so much (protection from evil/good, sanctuary, lesser restoration, zone of truth, beacon of hope, dispel magic). They feel very appropriate for him having the templar specialization.
You know what doesn't get a lot of love for its flavor potential? Unarmored defense. I have. So many thoughts about Cyrus' physicality and body bc Trans Projection, and I think gaining unarmored defense when he first multiclasses into barbarian is really narratively meaningful. It's the culmination of his body breaking down & being healed back up so many times that arcane defenses permanently reside Within him. It also lets him shed the heavy armor (which has some strange dysphoria feelings wrapped up in it) in favor of looser fitting fancy boy clothes, which he LOVES. He looks like a sorcerer, he hits like a paladin.
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separatist-apologist · 5 months
so i just finished my first bg3 campaign and it was so fun. i made my tav a wood elf/fighter, but i wanted to try something else for my next playthrough. what's your race/class for your tav? i was contemplating trying a tiefling, but i'm also thinking of doing a dark urge run so maybe a dragon or drow? though i'm not sure i'm ready for pure evil because i love my tiefling babies too much. i love being being to just smack the crap out of enemies, but i think i had the most fun with shadowheart's cleric powers. then i was thinking maybe a bard or a monk since none of the companions are one, but idk how they play. and i feel like if i play as a paladin i would break my oath by accident in like 3mins. i was also thinking maybe i could try a sorcerer, but idk if there's a big difference between them and wizards/warlocks and we already have gale and wyll.
all this rambling to say i need some advise lol. i had so much fun i want to start a new campaign, but there's just so many choices. and i know you can change your class with withers, but idk that feels kind of cheesy sometimes. help me obi won sepnobi, you're my only hope.
Okay so I did play a monk- I did a wood elf for the extra movement speed so I'd take that route OR half wood elf. You could also just do any race and use one of the bonuses for alert, I think? Whichever one adds to your movement speed, I forget off the top of my head.
For monk, way of the open hand is the BEST subclass. Don't let the 4 elements seduce you- those spells SUCK and monks do CRAZY damage unarmed and with just their bare hands. I took Orin down in two turns and she never got a chance to hit me because I stunned her on my last hit, then she forfeits her turn, and you just wipe her out. It's the easiest time I've ever had in every high level boss battle. If you build your monk right, you can do an incredible amount of damage per hit, and you get three/four (I forget the final number) hits per turn. I cannot recommend the monk enough.
PLUS if you get the cursed amulet from the grymforge, you get some fun little monk dialogue, too.
I always play DUrge- if you've never done a Durge run, plan to play as a redeemed DUrge or DUrge doing their best because in my opinion, that is hands down the most narratively satisfying story for a player character. It puts you directly into the plot, too.
I have played a paladin which I think is my favorite class in the game. If you're worried about breaking your oath, try Oath of Vengeance first- its REALLY hard to break your oath (trust me on that hahahaha- I break my oath all the time in act 1 because I want the hags hair.)
This is so long but sorcerer is a good class for a Tav because of the high charisma. I prefer wizard to sorcerer because they can learn two spells to every one a sorcerer knows, so a wizards spell book is larger and Gale can also learn scrolls, too. Sorcerer's get that quickened spell though, which is nice. I played once as a draconic sorcerer and it was fine, but not my favorite.
The most fun I ever had was playing the cleric of Mystra while romancing Gale and the monk- we just dominated every fight in the game.
Right now I'm playing the emo cleric of Lathander and I'm having a really good time- I did human for her. I really like playing as a human- its my second most played race just behind Tiefling which is also fun!
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Hi Morri! Happy blorbo blursday!
This is a semi-unconventional ask, since it’s not about the characters that you’re writing, but what is your favorite DND or ttrpg character to play and why?
// @cryptid-s-wips
NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR ASKING ME ABOUT D&D. This shit is my special interest, and has been for MONTHS.
Okay, okay, buckle your seatbelt. I have a lot to say about this. (Note: the only ttrpg I'm familair with atm is d&d 5e, so just assume everything I say is about that.)
This is going under the cut, because it's about 6 miles long.
My favorite class is rogues by far. They're just so awesome??? Like, not only do they have sneak attack (my beloved), but they also get so many amazing subclasses?? Like, swashbuckler, assassin, arcane trickster are all amazing. (I'm aware this is most definitely biased by my obsession with thief/pirate/etc. characters in writing, but idc. Let me live my dream.) I have at least 4 thief characters out of my 20 or so character concepts.
Aside from rogues I love fighters, because I love stabbing people (IN GAME, I SWEAR). I've yet to play a paladin, but that would also probably be up there because it's a good balance between fighting and magic. (Smite, my beloved.) Also, Oath of Vengeance is such a sexy concept.
I will say that Warlocks have some of the best concept possibilities, though. Just the number of possibilities. Did they sell their soul? Did they ask nicely? Did they have a choice at all? What is their relationship with their patron like? (For example, I have one warlock whose patron possesses them every so often, forcing them to do things they would never agree to do. When they come to, they've received new powers. It should be noted that they didn't ask for the pact at all. But I also have a warlock who has a decent relationship with their patron, and is very happy to have their gift, and uses it to help people.)
Also, it should be known that I have a tiefling obsession. Best race in-game, hands down. Idk, I just love them so much. The horns, the tails, the colored skin, I love it all. (It will come as no surprise that I have both tiefling rogue and tiefling warlock concepts.)
When it comes to my actual characters, I have WAY too many. (The current count for concepts is 20...) The one thing they all have in common is very complicated, always traumatic, backstories. I haven't played most of them (I've only played 3 in campaigns, and one more in a oneshot, but two of those campaigns got cut very short.)
Here's a pic of my character database that I made in notion:
Tumblr media
My favorite characters on that list are Laverna (who I've had as a concept for 2 years), Zen (the warlock I mentioned, the one who gets possessed), Alarion (half-drow ranger who started out as a sorcerer concept, but I realized that was Not Right for him.), Avra (shadar-kai assassin rogue!!!), Asra (human fighter with so much shit in her background), Rook (half-elf pirate swashbuckler who makes his debut on Satuday!!!!), Sabe ("what life is there for a warforged with no war?"), Elira (aka Ellie, autistic former gifted kid abjuration wizard with a cat familiar), and the Feylost Bard (wandered out of the woods/feywild with no memories whatsoever. Has a very uncanny valley aura about them.)
Okay, I promise I'll shut up now, but if you want to read more about my characters, I made a post about them all here, which I just updated for this ask. <3
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corvidcasting · 4 years
I wonder what Oath Travis will pick... I’m excited to see
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