locaboa99 · 3 months
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505 for 2024 President Candidate!!
Markiplier, 505 English va, has just turned 35 and the joke is that he can run for U.S President! But with what happen with Trump and Biden on Live TV I am ready to beg to actually have Markiplier a.k.a 505 run for president.
this is also a W.I.P so let's see when I can finish it!
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cocoishere-23 · 11 months
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Cuttest bear on earth
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wichuizz · 21 days
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Steve pachoncito xq mi amado mí vida mí alma q lo quiero aplastar todo
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itsloriel · 5 months
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via Michis pachoncitos
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Villainous Theory: The Scuffed Villains Merch and Copyright
You can see throughout the Miss Heed and Penumbra's Instagram posts that there are scuffed merchandise versions of the Villainous Gang called Professor Zeppelin, Manticore, and C.Q.D, calling them the "Agents of Dark Hood".
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I theorised with heroes being popular there is a demand for action figures of the heroes as well as their Villains or popular Villains.
(Miss Heed mentions in the Shrunken she doesn't want a SunBlast action figure in her collection because he is outdated but wants the Villainous Gang in it. Miss Heed wants to be surrounded by popular things to boost her popularity. Flug, Demencia, and 5.0.5. are probably well known throughout the public as dangerous Villains through their successful Hero Extermination Services.)
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However if P.E.A.C.E. starts making action figures of the Villains, there will be some possible copyright issues and most likely lawsuits from the Villains for using their image without their permission. (And obviously P.E.A.C.E. and the Villains definitely won't work together because they are enemies.)
So P.E.A.C.E. counters this possible copyright issue by creating scuffed versions of the Villains. So if the Villains say anything about using their image in their slanderous merchandise they can just say "hey these characters have slightly different names and different designs" or just outright deny and say "hey if there is any resemblance to real life it's just a coincidence".
(In one of Miss Heed's Instagram posts she was able to use Coyote's image to make her toy collection but only because she brain washed him into a simp that agrees with everything she says.
[Add on based on @virtuouswhitehatorganization's observation] she still changes Coyote's and Omega's names Zombrad and Chadtomico respectively, even though she doesn't have to, just as a reference and continuity to her old simps, Brad and Chad in her previous collection to show Omega and Coyote are her new simps)
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The Villains appear to not think that much about it.
They are just probably mildly-annoyed by P.E.A.C.E. for getting away with using their image (disappointed but not surprised by P.E.A.C.E.'s actions) but don't really bother to do anything because they have better things to do with their time.
Or maybe some of them don't even notice the resemblance.
Some Villains are probably very chill with it and not make a deal of it and even buy or play the games because they are fun. As shown Ghoul, Dark Phantom, Curie, SunBlast and 5.0.5. (the user playing against SunBlast is Pachoncito, the nickname Flug calls 5.0.5.) are playing the games with the Villainous Gang on it. Penumbra also mentions that it puts in a good mood and is glad he and Curie are having fun playing and she says she might play the games in the future.
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I kinda imagine GoldHeart having his own merch, video games, and probably even movies/ TV shows using the "scuffed Flug's" image and rubs it in Flug's face much to mild annoyance. 😂
Flug doesn't say anything to 5.0.5. and is fine with him playing (maybe encourage him) those games because he can see he is happily enjoying it and having fun.
5.0.5 probably notices the similarities of the scuffed heroes to him and his family and innocently thought it was sweet and nice of the developers to put the reference there.
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kinos-fortress-2 · 9 months
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holi :]
i made some piss mauling for u
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imemeflix · 4 months
Ya les dije que no tengo sobrepeso, no más toy pachoncito.
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theornurin · 13 days
happy birthday to the most iconic (and my) emo kitty in the world ☆૮꒰•༝ •。꒱ა🐾
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El amorcito de mi alma está de pumpeaños y, por supuesto no podría faltar un pequeñito pedazo de mi para ti, en este precioso regalito de los que te aman. Nada me hace más feliz de pasar este día a tu lado para celebrarte a ti y a tu vida, que estás vivito y pese a todo lo bueno tanto lo malo que ha pasado todos estos años, alrededor de ya 23 añitos sigues caminando en este sendero que es la vida, aprendiendo y luchando por todo lo que quieres y deseas. Me da gusto tomarte la manito, se que el camino a lo largo de todos estos meses no ha sido el más perfectos, ha habido roquitas y muchas veces son porque ciegamente las coloco y tropiezo, pero algo que conforta mi corazóncito es que de cualquier forma no sueltas mi mano y me impulsas a levantarme porque no solo lo hago por ti, sino por mi y porque yo también quiero impulsarte a levantar y poner curitas en tus rodillas cuando llegas a rasparte o lastimarte, curarte con todo mi amor incondicional. Quiero agradecerte por cada cosita que haces día con día por mí, desde la más chiquita hasta la más grande y muchas veces no sé de qué forma agradecerte todo y sé que con besitos babosos no es sufiente pero te voy a seguir llenando de babas + hostigándote para hacer cositas juntos y hacer que la confianza que habita entre nosotros crezca y sea la más fuerte del mundo. Muchas veces soy medio menso con las palabras [creo que lo estoy siendo ahora] o llego a enredarme con cada pedacito, aun sigo tratando de poder expresar lo que hay dentro de mi cabecita, pero quiero que nunca olvides que solo quiero lo más precioso para ti, saber siempre que eres feliz o cuando estas triste poder hacerte reír, porque no me importa llegar a ser un payaso o el circo entero con tal de ver esas preciosas perlas llamadas dientecitos y la curva mas sexy del mundo que se encuentra en tus labios y se formula cada que sonríes. Quiero verte crecer, quiero verte brillar y agradecer cada dia por tenerte en mi vida, quiero verte ser simplemente feliz y darte la manita cuando bajes la colina, ayudarte a levantar y muchas cosas mas que si sigo no terminaría nunca. Nunca vayas a olvidar siquiera en momentos de vulnerabilidad de la preciosa persona que eres para toda las gente que estamos hoy aquí, reunidos solo para recordarte el maravilloso complemento que eres a nuestras vidas, lo importante que eres y desearte un femlis theito-fest. Gracias por ser la persona más auténtica en el mundo, y ser la otra mitad que siempre voy a necesitar, porque no existe un Mimi sin su precioso gatito pachoncito.
Bomnita vida y precioso pumpe, amor de mi vida. 🖤
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suckaysuamigos200 · 2 months
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para el día 31 y último de Chibijuly hoy le toca a creampuff
para este día decidí dibujar a este adorable unicornio pachoncito comiendo un delicioso y dulce creampuff, gracias a todos por disfrutar de estos dibujos espero que les haya gustado 🦄.
For the 31st and last day of Chibijuly today it's Creampuff's turn
For this day I decided to draw this adorable chubby unicorn eating a delicious and sweet creampuff, thank you all for enjoying these drawings I hope you liked it 🦄..
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galacticonejos · 6 months
Su trademark son los Conejos ofc 🐰✨️ <3 pero también yo asoció su arte con el espacio 💫, los colores pastel (en especial el rosado y turqueza) y los bichitos pachoncitos todos cutes tipo Sanrio 💖🤣✨️
Conejos y bichitos!!!! ✨🐰🐇🐰🐇🐰🐇🐰🐇✨
Gracias Ram! Jeje Conejos™ 💖 aww me alegro que los considere corrongos. Jaja si es cierto uso mucho rosado y turquesa adfghjk
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moonchildreads · 1 year
Comfort Movie Tag 🎥
Rules: post 10 of your favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people!
I got tagged by the wonderfully funny and lovely @munsonology and as a film school alumni, I went bonkers on this one lmao I am so sorry I'm gonna add a breakline now before the list starts
School of Rock (2023) Dir. by Richard Linklater my fave movie of all time. no questions asked. saw it as a kid and it rewired my brain completely. my dad and i quote bits of the latin dub constantly ("porque soy sexy! y pachoncito!"). jack black my beloved 💙
Company (2008) Dir. by Lonny Price i am a sondheim stan through and through and company is my fave musical of all time. this specific revival is my fave musical of all time. do not question why i'm obsessed with it, i just am. raúl esparza gave the performance of a lifetime as bobby and i will never not be upset that he lost the tony!!!! 😡
Mulan (1998) Dir. by Tony Bancroft & Barry Cook mulan is the best disney princess, you cannot change my mind. best soundtrack, best characters, shang having a bisexual awakening, what more could you want? this one is also heavy on the quotes back at my burrow (get it? because i'm bunny? i'll see myself out) the original is great and the latin dub is fantastic too, every time i do something stupid my dad breaks out the "deshonor! deshonor sobre toda tu familia! deshonrada tú! deshonrada tu vaca!"
Whiplash (2014) Dir. by Damien Chazelle look. i recognise this soundtrack playing on the telly when i'm in a different room with headphones on. it's THAT embedded into my mind. this movie came at a time where i was really doubting if film school was the right choice for me and single-handedly reignited my passion for filmmaking. i owe everything to it.
Four Brothers (2005) Dir. by John Singleton no shame in admitting jack mercer was my eddie munson before eddie munson existed. is this movie problematic? yes. does it hold a special place in my heart because it was always playing on the telly when i came home from school? also yes.
Pride & Prejudice (2005) Dir. by Joe Wright if you see someone telling joseph quinn that he has bewitched them body and soul, and they love, they love, they love him, and wish from that day forth to never be parted from him, it's probably me. 🤷‍♀️
Accepted (2006) Dir. by Steve Pink tied with four brothers as the stupidest movie on this list, this one is also very nostalgia based. truthfully, when i got to film school i realised i was kinda attending south harmon institute of technology and that sealed the deal for me lol
The House Bunny (2008) Dir. by Fred Wolf so dumb! so charming! huge cast of wonderful women who learn to accept each other as they are! love love LOVE this one, i used to have it in my laptop while i was away at college (this one, 21 jump street, and maze runner, odd collection, i know) and i watched it a lot when i was sad and lonely and missed my home 💕
Back to the Future (1985) Dir. by Robert Zemeckis there is only one rule in my family regarding movies: if you catch this one, you leave it on. you drop everything you're doing and you sit and watch. my eldest cousin has already shown this one to his son multiple times, and he's barely 4 💀
Monsters Inc. (2001) Dir. by Pete Docter we scare because we care!!!! my dad says boo reminds him of me because i was always in pigtails as a kid (still am, you'll have to pry them from my cold dead hands) and my mum keeps calling sully "osito" instead of "gatito" so this is a running gag in my house, we love monsters inc!!!!
Honorable Mentions: Legally Blonde (1&2, and the musical), Kinky Boots: The Musical, Now You See Me 2, tick, tick... BOOM!, Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé, The Devil Wears Prada, The Mummy (all) and the LOTR trilogy.
tagging: @so-inlove-with-the-wrongworld, @gutterratt, @justahappycloud and @duquesademiel (you do not have to explain why you like each movie, i'm just insane, you know this by now)
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soyunrinoceronte · 3 months
Te amo Augustus waters siempre quise un esposo tan pachoncito como tú perdón por no admitirlo hace 10 años
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escribiendome · 1 year
Exterior: En la sala viendo desde el cerro de la silla con la banda MS
Interior: Pensando qué afortunada Ana Balero de tener a Alan tan cerquita, es un hombre bien pachoncito y bonito.
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Has escuchado hablar del cacui
de su llanto
como cocodrilo,
entonces hablemos de aquel Pokémon
una especie de roedor
el capibara
inmenso castor sudamericano
¿Cuál es su chiste, cuál es su gracia?
es pachoncito
y todo el tiempo está sonriendo
¿Bidoof o el capibara?
A este punto no los sé diferenciar
acaso no son el mismo
pequeños osos roedor
de Sudamérica rockers.
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coperniccus · 1 year
*le deja un peluche bien pachoncito* (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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paper-gold-theories · 2 years
Imagine Flug trying to distract Goldheart by kissing him, hoping the shock gives him and the others enough time to escape-
Only to be caught off guard when Goldheart starts kissing back
Flug, [explaining his plan to Demencia]: Ok, I managed to hack into the system and get the P.E.A.C.E. access codes and in the comms, Pachoncito confirmed that he found the secret underground exit tunnel. Here's the plan: I'll kiss GoldHeart to catch him off guard and blast him with my laser, while you sneak past him into the vents with the codes and find Pachoncito then escape the building. I'll catch up with you guys later in Dark Phantom's castle in Noctis.
Demencia, (with the knowing SpongeBob look): ....You just wanna kiss your Arch-Nemesis, don't you.
Flug, sputters: NO!
Flug, explaining: The kiss is specifically to shock him -
Demencia: Uh-huh ~
Flug: So that he wouldn't expect -
Demencia: Sure ~
Flug: LET ME FINISH!! When I take out my gun to shoot him!!
Demencia: Kinky ~
Flug, flustered: Shut-up! We don't have time for this, we have to act now before the other Golden Rule Members get here! *already quickly walking away*
Demencia, trailing behind: Whatever you say "Dr. Denial". ~
Flug proceeds with his plan runs up to GoldHeart without warning and grabs him by the collar and starts smaking face with him but pulls back in shock when GoldHeart starts kissing him back.
Flug, flustered: Wha?
GoldHeart, moans: Finally, you have no idea how long I always wanted to do that. (Proceed to pull a flustered Flug back in for a second round.)
Demencia almost chokes on her own spit as she tries to hold back her cackling when she saw GoldHeart pulling Flug back in, so that she will not to draw attention to herself while she attempts to sneak into the vents. And continues to hold it in as much as she could while in the vents.
But she immediately bursts out laughing when she meets up with 5.0.5. and as they are escaping through the tunnels.
5.0.5. asks if his dad is ok, Demencia managed to choke out between her laughs that he's fine. 5.0.5. then asks her why is she laughing, she just replied vaguely that she saw something funny on the way here.
Flug managed to get back to Noctis, the other Villains there asked if he was ok and how did his battle with GoldHeart went, seeing that he was disheveled, flustered, limping and had bruises (hickeys) on his neck, but all anyone could get out of Flug that day were flustered incoherent words and gibberish. Meanwhile, people were wondering why Demencia was cackling like a witch all day every time she looked at Flug, much to his embarrassment, but they couldn't get anything out of her either....
(Earlier, Flug forgot to use his laser and GoldHeart totally knew what's up but decided to go along with it anyways to get with Flug.)
So plan failed successfully....
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