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nutcasewithaknife · 3 months ago
this is the most chaotic thing I've seen in my life HELPPP
[TW for flashing, there's a LOT]
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qlventingspace · 1 year ago
I just thought about Yo and Plug and when Plug said that she should be alone then and they should just break up....
ma dude, you are just proving her point! she has trust issues and fear of abandonment and what you do as the first thing where she's vulnerable and honest with you? YOU BAIL MOTHERFUCKER
you are only making her insecurities bigger and she's gonna close off even more in the future, cause it's kinda self-fulfilling prophecy
I know they were ment to be alluding to SandRay relationship, but man this hit me also for them. Yo doesn't deserve this.
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kenmakaashi · 2 years ago
i think i'm gonna like this~
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watchingblsnowandforever · 7 months ago
Peaceful Property ep. 3
Heyy y'all I'm back =D
I absolutely love what Peaceful Property is doing. And I can officially say that I will see this through till the end even if it is not a BL. That's a big thing for me to say, considering I've left actual BLs for much smaller reasons.
Every episode is like a self-contained story about someone who stayed here because of just one last wish – "I want to finish my lunch, I want to know if I was successful", "I want to get my hair back, even if it is in the form of a wig", "I want her to have this gift for her birthday".
As I said in my ep 1 post, they all talk about some sort of oppression or class differences (even the overarching plot arc, which I will come to in a minute).
The second one talks about the fallible nature of justice, especially for those who cannot afford it. It's a simple thing, to have some semblance of one's old hair before they die, but often, even the simplest of wishes gets vehemently shut down by society. I did kind of realize the cancer point before they announced it, so they're doing good foreshadowing too.
The third ep hit the closest to home, I think. And also to Home. Family is such a fickle thing. I love how they went about it, and as always, adored having P'Jennie back on my screen.
I love how they explored Home's loneliness and lack of a well... home. He has a big house, more money than he can ever spend, but at the end of the day, he has no one to even share food with. Did anyone else guess A'Kid being the villain? No?
No one is that kind and generous, especially when you got the short stick in the inheritance. The lawyer gives me the creeps, honestly.
And I think we all know Kan has some personal agenda for going into the lion's den, so to speak. Something to do with the employees not being paid properly, maybe? I worship the ground she walks on, btw. I wish I was half as scary as she is.
The overarching plot, mentioned somewhere above, is of course, the corruption within the family and how they send Home on a wild goose chase and keep his focus away from the real issues.
I think that's all for this week. If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! ☺️
Here, have a cake 🎂
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lost-my-sanity1 · 7 months ago
wait lemme keep a count of my known people we saw in on sale until now
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fuck-i-like-too-much-stuff · 4 months ago
What ive seen absolutely no one mention- we still have no main, or even proper support roles for our queer elders, p'jennie, p'godji, p'golf and p'pompam- EVEN WHEN WE HAVE A LADYBOYS GROUP.
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offjumpoladulkittiporn · 1 year ago
p'jennie is hanging out with p'nuchie omg!!!
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hughungrybear · 1 year ago
****Late to the party because I managed to fail my driver's licence test, so I'm going to cheer myself up and binge-watch the series on my list 😔****
Me watching Only Friends Ep. 8:
1. Based on the preview, this episode's title (Save Me) seems very apt to what is about to happen.
2. Cheum looked like she swallowed a lemon, but I guess her concerns are nothing compared to what is Sand's feeling as Mew and Ray grind drunk on the dance floor 😔. After all, the shittiest feeling is knowing exactly what is causing your heartache, but are powerless to do anything about it - except walking away that is.
3. Ray admitting he is so "damn happy" when he is with Sand, but still thinking that Mew is the one he loves is so frustrating. I want to reach out and shake this baby boy hard to see some sense. 😤😤😤
4. Wait, why are Yo and Plug fighting??? I thought they were already lovers? <after five seconds> Oh. Oh. Yo, if you are not ready for a relationship, then you should have never started at all. I'm with Plug on this one. 😔 Sidenote: P'Jenny's silent tears in this scene is heartbreaking. 😭😭😭
5. It looks like Mew will be losing everything he worked hard for if he doesn't stop his downward spiral. Although, I'm not sure if Top is the one who can save him. Truthfully, I just want these boys to be able to save themselves.
6. Okay, so at least it looks like Top's intentions are good. Unless he is lying to Cheum (about not caring if Mew comes back to him or not, as long as they save him), I guess there's a glimmer of hope for this character.
7. Gosh, Papang is simply everywhere. Does not matter whether it's BL, comedy, thriller, or your garden-variety lakorn. Papang must be the most tired actor in GMMTV for 2023 😂
8. It sure looks like Nick was summoned, not only for his tech skills, but also to become his senior's next boyfie 😅
9. "If licking your a** can get me this job, I will do it". ~ Nick
Oh. My. Gawd. I do think Papang's character will literally take you up on that offer, Nick. 🫣🫣🫣
10. Oh, at last, Title is here. I have been wondering about his role for this series.
11. Ngl. I just want to slap both Mew and Ray. It is pretty obvious how they are forcing themselves to look like they are having fun with each other's company. My head hurts just by looking at these kids.
12. Oh, Nick. Listen to Sand. STOP MOVING IN CIRCLES!!! BOSTON AIN'T WORTH IT. 😑😑😑
13. Ray, make up your damn mind. Either you love Mew or you want Sand. Pick an effing lane. Good for Sand for shutting that sh*t down.
14. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Atom (Title) and Cheum are siblings??? And Atom is interested in Boston? And if Boston take Atom up on his offer? What then??? Wtf will happen?
15. Sand still worrying about Ray despite everything is just depressingly sad.
Still not convinced that leopards (Top) can truly changed their spots. Looks like Sand will not be able to stay away from Ray. And Boston literally screwing Cheum's lil bro will definitely not go well. Gods, now I'm even more depressed after watching this episode lol. 😅
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feychild1225 · 6 months ago
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Does anyone know if Jennie's character has a name. I don't remember one so I might just go meta and call her character P'Jennie
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kenmakaashi · 2 years ago
p'jennie you look so stunning hiiiiiiiii <33333
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gaykey · 1 year ago
p'jennie looking goooorge here
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isismutti · 3 years ago
I'm obsessed with this photo
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P'Jennie is Stunning
And now let me spread P'Jennie's words:
"Gender is not sane. It's not sane to call a rainbow black and white."
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sapphorarelyreads · 4 years ago
Part 1
1. Fluke Natouch Siripongthon - Born: 1 June 1996 (age 25 years)
He is famous for his role as Pharm in the Studio Wabi Sabi Series - Until we meet again (The Red Thread - 2019-2020) and Bank in My Bromance. He is an out gay actor. He posts videos on his YouTube channel.
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2. Earth Katsamonnat Namwirote also known as Cooheart - He was born on November 1, 1996 and made his acting debut in 2017. He is known for his roles of Tar in Love by Chance (2018), it's sequel A Chance to love(2020) and of Intouch in Until We Meet again (2019-2020) and his latest character Ozone in Studio WabiSabi 7 project episode 1 alongside Santa. He is also an out gay actor.He regularly livestreams Genshin Impact on his YouTube channel
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3. Gun Korawit Boonsri - Born: 6 August 1992 (age 29 years). He is known for playing Green in GMMTV series 2gether and Still 2gether. He posts videos on his youtube channel along with his boyfriend Pea.
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4. Plustor Pronpiphat Pattanasettanon - He was born on 13 March 1996.
He is well known for his roles in Friendzone(2018-2019) and Friendzone 2 : Dangerous Area(2020-2021) as Stud and as Copper in My Dear Loser: Edge of 17 (2017-2018). He has been in a relationship with his boyfriend Kan for more than a year. This is his YouTube channel
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5. Porsche Apiwat Apiwatsayree - Born: August 31, 1975. He is known for playing Bright in Together with me and Together with me: The Next Chapter. He is married to his husband (7 years) Arm. This is his YouTube Channel
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6. Both Nattapong Chinsoponsap - Born: February 29, 1988. He is an actor, VJ and a Dentist. He has a YouTube Channel where he makes videos with his boyfriend, Newyear. He is known for his role of Both in Top Secret Together (2021) alongside Newyear.
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7. Newyear Kitiwhut Sawutdimilin - Born: January 1, 1995. Newyear is a model/actor/MC/online persona. He is a rookie actor who has received his first role as Pound in I Am Your King The Series (2017) Currently, he owns a cafe in Thailand called Pink Capsule and makes YouTube videos with his long time boyfriend, Both and stars as Newyear in Top Secret Together (2021).
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8. Jennie Panhan also known as Watchara Sukchum - Born: 30 October 1986 (age 34 years) is a Thai actress and host. She is known for being a host of several GMMTV shows such as Toey Tiew Thai: The Route, Hungry Sister and Jen Jud God Jig. As an actress, she is known for her support roles in Room Alone 401-410, 3 Will Be Free(Mae) and The Shipper(Yommathut) and 46 days(Pang). She is a trans woman. She posts videos on her youtube channel.
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9. Godji Tachakorn Boonlupyanun also known as Tama Godji - Born: September 2, 1985 is a Thai actress, host, and producer. She is known for her role of Finne in Nabi, my stepdarling (2021) and as a producer of School Rangers . She is a trans woman. This is her YouTube Channel
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10. Bruce Sirikorn Kananurak - Born: February 2,1993. He is a Thai actor known for his roles as Aey in Lovely Writer The Series (2021) and Lovely Writer Special Episode and Part G in iStoriesG. He has a boyfriend and a YouTube Channel
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@absolutebl @jenniepanhan @disaster-j @pink-akuma-watching-in-queer @lesbianpetekao @sarawatine @coldties
Part 2
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meu-light · 3 years ago
Pran: What's PP?
P'Jennie: PP-Billkin, I would say.
Is it me or we're all really sharing one single brain cell?
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sunsetandthemoon · 3 years ago
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them: s2? special episodes? nanon: so we have new merch out ohm: 😴😴😴
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rares-posts · 2 years ago
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Fans were speculating that offgun were together tonight because of these two pics before jennie dropped that:
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