#overflow type swimming pool
the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Outing Event Translation - Elegant Vacation (11/11 Epilogue)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Like the Beautiful Sea
Homare: “—I think” … Hmph, after this…
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*knock, knock*
Citron: Homare~!
Homare: What is the matter?
Citron: We’re gathering in the lounge!
*door opens*
Kazunari: Aririn’s here!
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Homare: Oh my, all the members who went to the resort pool the other day are here. Did something happen?
Izumi: So you see, Homare-san… here.
Homare: A letter? It is addressed to “MANKAI Company”. The sender is… why, it’s Kaito-kun!
Citron: I wanted to read it together, so I called everyone over!
Homare: I see. Thank you, Citron-kun.
Taichi: I’m curious what’s inside! Please do the honour of opening it, Homare-san!
Homare: Understood. Now then, unseal it and… Let me read it for you. “To everyone from MANKAI Company. It’s Kaito-kun, the boy you took care of at the resort pool. Thank you very much for back then.” “I was really happy that Takato-san taught me how to swim and that all of you supported me.” “The play you guys held that day also gave me a push on the back.” “I kept practicing from then on, and now I can swim!”
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Citron: Oh! Good for you, Kaito!
Tasuku: He worked hard.
Homare: “After I learned how to swim, I mustered up my courage and confessed to Karen-chan… and it turns out our feelings were mutual!”
Homare: “When I asked Karen-chan what her type was, truth was, she actually liked me…” “But she was embarrassed, so she said her type was someone who could swim so I wouldn’t find out.”
Taichi: EHH! You mean it was mutual from the start!?
Kazunari: What a miraculously happy ending!
Citron: We should go congratulate Kaito later!
Homare: “I had a blast playing with all of you. I will go watch MANKAI Company’s play next time.” …The end.
Izumi: I feel so happy for Kaito-kun.
Tsuzuru: I’m glad he’s going to come watch our play too.
Tasuku: Yeah, that’s right.
Homare: To think there was such a splendid continuation…! Ahh! I’m so touched, I’m overflowing with the desire to write!
Tsuzuru: Ah, Arisugawa-san…?
Homare: I must pen the continuation right away!
Tasuku: Continuation? Of what?
Homare: It just so happens I started to write a love essay! The theme is perfect.
Citron: Ooh! An essay about Kaito’s love!
Taichi: I-I’d love to read it too!
Homare: Please do give it a read once it’s finished.
Izumi: Fufu. I’m looking forward to it.
Homare: (—The feelings flowing within him sparkle like the beautiful, clear, blue sea.) …Hum, the ending has been decided.
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A3! Elegant Vacation - Epilogue Translation
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Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me. By the way, Director’s name will be Izumi.
Epilogue: Like the beautiful sea.
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Homare: “---Those are my thoughts.”... Hm, after this will be… 
- knock knock -
Citron: Homare~! 
Homare: What is it for you to visit? 
Citron: There’s a gathering at the lounge! 
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Kazunari: Here comes Aririn! 
Homare: Hm? All the members from the resort pool day are here. What is happening?
Izumi: Homare-san. Actually… it’s for this. 
Homare: A letter… addressed to Mankai Company. And the sender is… ooh, it’s from Kaito-kun! 
Citron: I wanted to read it with everyone, so I called all of you! 
Homare: I understand. Thank you, Citron-kun. 
Taichi: I’m curious about what’s inside! Please, open it, Homare-san! 
Homare: Alright. I will open the seal… and read it for all of us. 
Homare: “To Mankai Company. It’s me, Kaito, from the resort pool. Thank you for taking care of me at that time.”
Homare: “I was so happy to have Takato-san teach me how to swim, and everyone’s support too.”
Homare: “Your performance on that day motivated me.” 
Homare: “Since then, I kept practicing swimming, and I can swim now!” 
Citron: Oh! Good job, Kaito! 
Tasuku: He did his best. 
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Homare: “That’s why I took courage and confessed to Karen-chan… and it turns out she likes me too! 
Taichi: Really!? 
Homare: “The truth is that the one she liked when I asked her about it was me…”
Homare: “But she was embarrassed, so she said her ideal type is someone who can swim to don’t let me know it.”
Taichi: What!? So that means she liked him from the beginning!?
Kazunari: What a miraculous happy ending! 
Citron: I have to go to congratulate Kaito! 
Homare: “I had a lot of fun with all of you. I will go to watch one of Mankai Company's shows soon.”
Homare: …And that’s all. 
Izumi: I’m so happy for Kaito-kun. 
Tsuzuru: I would be glad if he’d come to one of our shows. 
Tasuku: Yeah, I agree.
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Homare: Who would know there was such a wonderful continuation…! Aah! I’m deeply touched, and my desire to write is now overflowing! 
Tsuzuru: Ah, Arisugawa-san…?
Homare: I must continue my writing now! 
Tasuku: Continue writing what?
Homare: To be honest, I just started to write a love essay! This is perfect for it. 
Citron: Oh! An essay of Kaito’s love! 
Taichi: I-I want to read it! 
Homare: I would be glad to let you read it once I finish. 
Izumi: Fufu, we’re looking forward to it. 
Homare: (---The feelings that flows inside him will shine like the clear blue beautiful sea.)
Homare: …Hm, that will be the last line. 
Notes: This was a stress relieving translation. I might update it later because I only read the epilogue. Feel free to point out any mistake (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Masters of the Scene, Chapter 20 (Bitney Parent Trap AU) - Veronica 
A/N: Thank you so much to @tumble4rpdr for her absolutely amazing feedback as beta, and to anyone to who left comments and kudos and likes: you guys are awesome, and truly know how to keep me inspired. 
Click here for prequels and previous chapters, or here if you’d rather read on AO3. 
Chapter Summary: Bianca gets familiar with the farm, and they all have an extremely awkward family lunch. 
Bianca hated to admit it, but as soon as Courtney was gone, she felt the burden of pressing, immediate guilt being lifted a little from her chest, and she could follow the kids around while acting (and breathing) normally. 
Danny’s room was in no way a ‘baby room’ - it was full of fun, bright colors, joyously reflective of his personality. The overflowing bookcases covering one whole wall showed what an avid reader he was; the dinosaur collection arranged in adorable groups looked, intentionally or not, like multi-species family photos. There was a row of glittering prisms in the windows that cast ever-moving rainbows onto the whole room. 
The kids then showed her the “secret” staircase in the corridor between their bathrooms, which led to a shared loft space. It was basically the world’s coolest indoor treehouse, tricked out like every tween’s fantasy rec room: a giant TV, video games, mini-fridge and popcorn machine, a plush rug, bean bag chairs, mounds of pillows and blankets and cute inflatable furniture. Future den of sin, Bianca noted, while also admiring what a cozy space Courtney had designed for them. 
“Mum doesn’t like us to have too much screen time in our bedrooms,” Danny explained. 
“Good luck controlling that,” Bianca chuckled.
“We’ve told her,” Adore said.
“But also…” Danny gestured around. “Who’s gonna say no to this?” 
Bianca laughed, nodding. Who indeed. 
They continued on. The house was huge, even more spacious than Bianca would have guessed from that amazing kitchen, but it was laid out so thoughtfully, full of personal touches like reclaimed wood, framed photos of the kids at every age, art from all over the world, bursts of color and warmth everywhere. It was a sharp contrast to the cold, sterile interiors Bianca was used to from people with money for this type of space. 
There was a grand entry hall that led into a chic but inviting living room, perfect for entertaining, along with a 16-seat movie theatre. A gently curved staircase led up to several spare bedrooms, in a separate wing from the kids, and another set of stairs led back down into a warm and cozy family room. Next to the library. A library, for christ’s sake. 
By the time they got to the dining room, which easily sat twenty, Bianca had lost count of the number of fireplaces she’d seen. They walked through another living room, this one sunken and half outside. It opened up to a patio with a view of the pristine swimming pool with its cascading waterfalls. 
“The other guest rooms are above the pool house,” Danny said, as they walked past yet another fireplace, “And that’s the outdoor kitchen.” 
He gestured to the other side of the patio, where Courtney was standing in front of a large grill. 
“Hi Mum!” Adore chirped, skipping forward to give Courtney a kiss. 
“Hi darling! Are you all finished?” 
“Yeah, we did most of the house, except your room, but that’s boring.”
“Excuse me, my room is lovely.” 
“Blech, it’s all neutrals.”
Courtney didn’t engage with that insult, just laughed and said, “Well, this’ll be ready in about 10 minutes, if you wanna go up and see the garden.” 
“Are you sure you don’t want some help?” Bianca asked. 
“No, it’s all under control. Mostly leftovers,” Courtney said, waving dismissively at the colorful spread taking shape on the table, which most definitely did not look like ‘leftovers.’ But she clearly wanted them to back off, so that’s what Bianca did, following the kids around the pool, up a curved stone pathway.
She’d been seeing the gardens in Courtney’s videos for years. It started with a few planter boxes, a handful of fruit trees that were already on the property, and the citrus trees that Courtney planted when they’d first moved in. It was a bit sad and sparse in the beginning, but she’d kept at it, adding new boxes every year, building out the space, planting more and more. Eventually hiring a few people to help when it became too much for one person. 
It looked like the Garden of Eden now. Lush, colorful, bursting with life. They wandered around a bit, meandering around the walkways, checking out the fruit and vegetables in various stages of development. It was so much more impressive than Bianca ever thought possible based on videos and pictures. So much more alive, with bees buzzing and butterflies fluttering about. Birds of every kind were chirping and singing, while a squirrel scampered over the path, darting into the nearby trees. 
It wasn’t lost on Bianca that she’d asked, practically demanded, for Courtney to leave this place behind. This place that she’d been pouring her heart and soul into for so long, dismissed as her plants. 
How could she have done that? How would she be able to express remorse for that? To show that she really meant it when she said she was sorry? Would Courtney have any reason to believe her?
Bianca closed her eyes and breathed in. She could feel her heart beating quickly, the shame and regret almost suffocating, out here in the sunshine. For most people, the fresh scents of life and fruit and flowering plants and vibrant sounds of birds would be soothing and wonderful. For Bianca, they suddenly represented her own personal hell. 
“Are you okay, Mama?” Danny asked. 
“Yeah!” Bianca’s eyes flew open. “Just not used to, uh, being up this high.” 
“Oh. Yeah, but don’t worry. We’re really far from the cliff.”
“There’s a cliff?” Adore asked, eyes wide. 
“It’s like a mile away,” Danny said. “You’re fine.” 
Bianca put her arms around both kids and gestured to a large building on the other side of the gardens, down a gentle slope covered in tall grass and wildflowers. “Is that the famous Barn?” 
“Very nice.” The ‘Barn’ was the space where Courtney had her studio. She knew from watching her YouTube channels that it was where she shot and edited her videos, and also where she had a suite of offices for her nonprofit work. It was bigger than Bianca expected—although at this point, she wasn’t sure why that was a surprise anymore. 
“So, do you want to go see the-” Danny stopped talking as Adore’s stomach let out a loud rumble. “Uh, excuse you, ma’am.”
“Sorry, I’m hungry,” Adore whined. 
“Let’s go check on lunch,” Bianca suggested. 
Lunch, as it turned out, was nearly ready. Courtney asked Danny to retrieve some homemade lemonade from inside, and for Adore to get out the plates and silverware. 
“Can I do anything?” Bianca asked. 
“Uh, sure. Why don’t you help Danny? It’s a lot to carry.” 
“Sure,” Bianca said, rolling her eyes slightly. 
“What?” Courtney’s voice had a bit of an edge to it, the ‘t’ sharper than normal. 
“It…just feels a little like when you ask a three-year-old to help mix the cake batter,” Bianca explained, chuckling. “But yeah, I’ll help Danny.” 
“You really think I would patronize you like that?” Courtney asked, jaw clenched slightly. 
“Well, no…” Small talk, small talk, Bianca’s inner voice warned. “No, that’s not what I…”
Courtney turned back wordlessly to the grill, and Bianca felt her stomach drop. She swallowed quietly and stepped inside, racking her brain for ways to change this tense dynamic. When she and Danny returned, Adore was cheerfully setting the table. 
“You know how to set a table?” Bianca asked, surprised. She’d never seen her do anything remotely like that. She set down the pitcher of raspberry lemonade. 
“Yeah, I’m not a moron,” Adore replied flatly. 
“I don’t think you’re a moron!” Bianca said, “I just think you-”
“Don’t know where forks go?” Adore crossed her arms.
“No!” Bianca sighed slightly, not wanting to get into it with her. “You know what? Forget what I said. You did a great job. And the food looks delicious.” 
The table was laden with an assortment of colorful Middle Eastern salads and dips and a big basket of warm flatbread in the middle. If this was leftovers, then Bianca was the next Queen of England.
“Thanks.” Courtney put down a platter of grilled vegetables that Bianca had to assume were from the garden - eggplant, artichokes, zucchini and yellow squash. It looked incredible. 
As they all sat down to eat, she noticed that Courtney seemed to be avoiding direct eye contact with her, primarily talking to the kids. Bianca supposed she couldn’t blame her, but it still stung. She looked down at her plate, picking at her food, her appetite not what it was a few minutes prior. 
Every so often, though, she would sneak a glance in Courteny’s direction—it was hard not to look at her, after all. 
Upon studying her face a little more, Bianca realized that Courtney may not have rushed getting ready as much as she thought, initially. She was definitely wearing mascara. And lip gloss. Maybe even a little eyeliner and blush. That kind of ‘no makeup’ makeup illusion that Courtney had perfected years ago. Seeing it made Bianca feel a little better for some reason—it had to mean something, that she was putting in effort. 
Maybe it was nothing, but Bianca hung onto it, allowing it to ease her fears a bit. A small ray of hope. At least enough that she could eat a few bites of food. 
“So, were you two good tour guides?” Courtney asked, brushing some hair out of Adore’s eyes. 
“I dunno, were we?” Adore asked, turning to Bianca. 
“Fantastic.” Bianca managed to look up at her with a smile. “Although there was one question you guys couldn’t answer.” 
“What question?” Danny asked.  
“In what universe is this a farmhouse?” Bianca asked, raising an eyebrow and spreading her hands. “This, is a palace. An estate. Or if you’re from where I am…a plantation, maybe.” 
“Oh. Well…Mum calls it a farmhouse,” Adore said, shrugging. She bit into her wrap, unbothered by this simplistic explanation. 
“It used to be smaller,” Danny said. 
“Well, the Grand Canyon used to be a little creek. And your Mum used to—”
“Okay,” Courtney interrupted, clearly not curious about the end of Bianca’s sentence. “‘Farmhouse’ refers to the building style, by the way. Not the size.” 
“Hmph. What size would that be, actually?” Bianca asked, raising her eyebrow curiously. 
“What do you mean?” Courtney spooned some couscous onto her plate, still not making eye contact.
“I mean how big?” she challenged. 
“Like square footage?” Courtney asked innocently.  
“Yeah. Square footage.” Bianca wondered why Courtney was so determined to avoid the question. 
“Off the top of my head?” she asked, finally catching Bianca’s eye, a note in her voice that was almost warm, almost teasing.
“Off the top of your head,” Bianca repeated, staring her down.  
“Oh, it’s so hard for me to remember things in feet, my brain is just rooted in metric-”
“Bullshit,” Bianca said, pointing her fork across the table. She knew that she was being pushy, but she wasn’t prepared to drop it, not now. She was a dog with a bone, finally getting Courtney’s attention, even if it was for a stupid bit of banter. “You know the square footage of your custom-built home, Courtney. Come on.”
“Well, you mean just the house, or like, everything?” Courtney asked, that teasing tone still present. “Because-”
“Everything. All the buildings on the plantation.” Bianca drummed her fingers on the table. She was well aware that Adore and Danny were watching them closely, eyes wide, attention going back and forth between them as if they were at a tennis match. 
Courtney swallowed, trying to sound humble as she said, “Umm, I guess, about fifteen…ish.” 
“Fifteen thousand? Square feet?” 
“Yeah. But that includes the barn, with the offices and—”
“Cheers,” Bianca said, lifting her glass, wishing there was something besides lemonade and sparkling water in there. “Well done.” 
“Thanks.” Courtney met her eyes again, nodding, her own eyes luminous, the pride in her expression only surpassed by her relief. But as quickly as it had appeared, the brightness faded and she looked away quickly. 
Bianca continued to watch her, aching for her to look back up once again, but she didn’t. Fuck. 
“Um…these tomatoes are really good, Mum,” said Adore, after a few moments, breaking the tension. 
“I’m glad you like them,” Courtney said with a smile. 
“They really do live up to the hype,” Bianca said, relieved that Adore had given her this opening.
Courtney didn’t say anything to that, simply letting out a small chuckle while she took a sip of her drink. 
“Although, you know, she won’t eat regular tomatoes anymore. Only heirloom,” Bianca grumbled, rolling her eyes to the sky. When all else failed, falling back on playful grumpiness seemed to be her best technique.
“They taste different!” Adore insisted. 
“When I was growing up, we were lucky to get tomatoes that didn’t come from a can,” Bianca told her. 
“Okay, well, sorry you were poor,” said Adore. “What does that have to do with me?” 
Courtney smothered a laugh behind her hand, as Bianca muttered a good-natured, “smartass,” under her breath. 
“Will you tell her they taste different?” Adore whined, pulling on Courtney’s sleeve. 
“They do taste different,” said Danny, coming to his sister’s defense. “Home-grown tomatoes taste way better than tomatoes from the grocery store.” 
“See! Even Roach agrees.” 
“I’m just saying, you’re not gonna die from a grocery store tomato,” Bianca told her. 
“If you’re gonna get tomatoes from the grocery store, especially out of season, then you should go for small ones. Cherry, grape. They taste the best,” Courtney said, unable to resist a teaching moment. 
“I told you!” Adore shrieked at Bianca accusingly, then turned back to Courtney to complain, “She doesn’t believe me, she always buys those horrible big ones with the vine attached.”
“Nooo, those are the worst ones!” Courtney said, hand to her chest, looking at Bianca like she was a serial killer. 
“I know.” Adore folded her arms smugly and looked over at Bianca. 
“Alright, just eat your lunch,” Bianca said, rolling her eyes. Nothing worse than an 11-year-old who was just told they were right about something. 
After they finished eating, they all helped bring the dishes inside. Courtney began to put the food away while the kids finished clearing and Bianca started loading the dishwasher. 
“Any special way you want me to do this?” Bianca asked, noting that the dishwasher was basically empty. 
“No, however you think it fits best.” 
There was something almost heartbreakingly domestic about it, the two of them in the kitchen together with the kids still outside. Bianca took a deep breath and turned to Courtney, figuring that now was as good a time as any. Plus, the longer she took to bite the bullet, the harder it would be. 
“Listen…” Bianca cleared her throat as Courtney looked up, and she felt her cheeks heat up. She sounded entitled. She swallowed and shook her head slightly, starting again. “Do you think…could we maybe sit down and talk? Just the two of us?” 
Courtney looked at her for a few moments, and Bianca wondered at first if she would say no, before she gave a nod. “Yeah, of course. That sounds good. We should…I mean, yes.” 
Bianca sagged against the counter, relief flooding her veins. 
When the kids came back in with the rest of the dishes, Courtney ushered them upstairs, suggesting that Danny show Adore the story he wrote about camp for school. They both went easily, but not before throwing some coy looks over their shoulders, their eyes full of hope and expectation, making Bianca feel even more nervous than she already was. 
She went back to the dishwasher to finish while Courtney bustled around, brewing coffee and putting some things on a tray. Bianca couldn’t help watching her, how every movement she made was deliberate, almost as if performing an elaborately choreographed dance.
Bianca’s own hands felt clumsy as she glanced back down at the unfamiliar dishwasher. “Are you, um, sure you don’t have a preferred method here?” 
“No, however you do it is totally fine,” Courtney said.
“Is that code for ‘I’ll just rearrange it later’?” Bianca joked.
“No. It means that my life is just as busy as yours, so I don’t micromanage the fucking dishwasher. Not everything is a conspiracy against you,” Courtney snapped, dumping a bunch of ice into a ceramic container, the cubes clattering violently against the side. 
“I-” Bianca closed her eyes. Fuck. Why did she continually miscalculate every move, destroying every tentative peace between them? She felt incredibly stupid as she explained hoarsely, “I was kidding. I-I’m sorry.” 
Courtney was silent for a few moments, just standing at the counter, moving slowly, shoulders slumped and head down. Finally, Bianca heard an audible swallow, followed by a soft, whispered, “Fuck.” 
Courtney gripped the edge of the counter, doing her best to breathe. 
Why did Bianca have the ability to get to her like this? Of course it was a joke. She knew that, but it had still gotten under her skin. Because she’d made another joke just like it earlier, about the fucking lemonade. And besides that, Courtney’s nerves were already frayed. Maybe they’d been that way since August. They’d definitely been that way since Bianca had shown up. 
“It was a dumb joke, I’m sorry-”
“Let’s just,” Courtney took another breath. She’d already lost her shit, so she might as well figure out how to reel it back in. “I can…I can deal with the rest of the mess later, let’s just leave it.” 
Bianca turned towards her. “Are you sure?” 
“Yeah. I think…the longer we wait, the more…awkward it’ll get,” Courtney said, biting her lip. She looked over at the coffee maker, which had thankfully finished brewing, and moved towards it, filling the carafe, letting the hot liquid crackle over the ice. 
“Yeah. Okay.” Bianca wiped her hands on a dish towel, her movements careful and unsure. 
“I’m just fixing some iced coffee, because I figured-”
“Bless you.”
“-that we could use it,” she finished, as they exchanged a tense smile, before continuing, “Can you grab that tray?” 
“Of course.” Bianca picked up the tray and followed her outside, back to the patio. 
The fresh air would do both of them good; Courtney could sure use it herself. She poured glasses of iced coffee for both of them as Bianca unloaded the plates from the tray and opened the little tin.
“Those are just some biscotti I made last weekend,” Courtney said.  
“Last weekend? Well, fuck that. I demand fresh biscotti, immediately,” Bianca said. Her voice was as drily sarcastic as ever, but her eyes…somehow, it seemed like she was begging Courtney to please take the joke.  
Courtney rolled her eyes, trying to suppress her smile as she pulled the tray over to her own seat. She sat down and slipped on her reading glasses, opening up her notebook and iPad, making sure all her calendars were visible. She flipped to the page with the dates of all the requested visits that she’d sent to Bianca, along with the notes she’d made about possible alternate dates. 
“Okay, I'm glad we’re finally doing this. It’s much easier in person,” she said. When she looked up, Bianca was staring at her with a confused expression. 
“Sorry, doing…?”
“Going over the dates. For visitation. That’s what we’re doing, right?” Courtney asked, raising her eyebrows.
“Well, I…I mean…” Bianca’s confusion turned to discomfort as she twisted a napkin in her hands. She cleared her throat. 
“You are prepared to go over the dates for our visitation schedule, right?” Courtney asked, trying her best to keep the frustration out of her voice. She’d snapped earlier, and she knew needed to keep control of herself, for both their sakes, “What we’ve been promising the kids since this summer? What I’ve emailed you about at least five times since August?” 
“I, um…sort of had another thing to discuss with you before we-”
“Jesus christ, Bianca!” Courtney exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation. She couldn’t even look at her right now.  
“I just, I didn’t think that was the first-”
Courtney sighed, taking off her glasses to rub her eyes. When she looked back at Bianca, she could see that she was incredibly distressed, almost panicked—face pale, taking short, shallow breaths, eyes glassy, fingers digging into the arms of the chair. It gave her pause, so she took a deep breath, attempting to temper her initial reaction and back off. 
She spoke as gently as possible, given the circumstances, asking, “So then what…if that’s not what you were planning to discuss, then what did you…want to talk about? 
“I…” Bianca took a slow breath and then said, “Well…I mean, it’s been almost a month. I just, first, I wanted to see how you were doing. Are you…are you okay? I mean, how are you?” She closed her eyes briefly, as if to reset. “Sorry, I just mean-”
“I’m okay,” Courtney said, putting her out of her misery. No use making this more painful than it had to be. “I’ve had better months, but…I’ve had worse months, so…I’ll be okay.” 
Bianca nodded, lips pressed together. 
“What about you?” Courtney asked. “Are you?…Okay, that is?” 
“I’m...uh...September’s always kind of…” Bianca shook her head, giving a kind of rueful smile. 
“Right.” Courtney fought an urge to reach for her hand, instead saying, “Well, your show was great. As usual.” 
“You saw it?” Bianca asked, sitting up a little straighter, eyes brightening. She seemed shocked, which surprised Courtney. 
“Of course,” she assured her. “We never miss it. Danny and I, we always watch the live feed. Now it’s a tradition.” 
“And…you liked it?” Bianca asked. Normally Courtney would assume she was just fishing for compliments if she asked something like that, but she seemed strangely vulnerable, both hands still clutching the napkin for dear life.
“Spectacular,” Coutney told her, offering a real smile. “Honestly.” 
Bianca looked down at her hands for a moment, then spoke again, almost shyly, to say, “I, um…I saved you a dress.” 
“Shut up, you did not,” Courtney said. It was possible that Bianca was just kidding around, of course, but she seemed to be serious. How thrilling would it be if she was? “Did you really?” Off Bianca’s decisive nod, she asked, “Which one?”
A coy smile pulled slightly at the corner of Bianca’s lips. “Which one would you have wanted?” 
“I mean, all of them! Are you kidding?” Courtney said. “I’d be honored to wear any of them.” 
“Okay, but…anything you liked more than the others? That really spoke to you?” There was a glimmer in her eye, a spark of her usual mischievousness back, and in spite of herself, Courtney felt it doing something to her, waking up that part of herself that could never resist. 
“Well…I suppose there was one that-” 
“Aha!” Bianca’s eyes lit up. “Okay, here’s the deal. I’ll pull up a photo of the dress I saved, and you describe the one you’re thinking of. And if it’s the same one, great. And if it’s not…then, you can still have the one I picked, and I’ll make you a replica of the one you liked more. Win-win.” 
Courtney narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “What’s the catch?” 
“No catch! I’m just trying to be nice, for once.” Bianca grinned, flashing her dimples, her voice cajoling, “Come on…”
“Okay, fine, fine...” 
Bianca laughed, picking up her phone and scrolling quickly through her photos. “You’re welcome to look up a reference photo too, if you want.”
“I don’t need to.” Courtney took a sip of her iced coffee. 
“Mmm…” Bianca smiled to herself, continuing to scroll. “Got it.”
She placed her phone face down and then folded her hands, looking into Courtney’s eyes and gesturing for her to proceed. Courtney hated to admit how easily she was going along for the ride, but here she was, obeying without another thought. 
“Okay. So, it wasn’t your big show-stopping finale dress or anything. Although I did love that one,” Courtney began, remembering more and more about the dress as she spoke, the way a dream unfurls in your memory the more you talk about it. “It wasn’t even a style I wear that often. It was a cocktail dress, kind of classic Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly style silhouette, off the shoulder, cap sleeves. A tea-length skirt made of layers of hand-painted, sheer fabric. The way it moved was absolutely breathtaking. Then there was a beaded bodice that was so beautiful, so intricate, these swirling blues and yellows with some touches of black and gold around a crescent moon. The colors reminded me of Van Gough’s ‘Starry Night.’ And I’ve always just loved that painting so much…”  
As Courtney’s description trailed off, Bianca flipped over her phone and slid it over, her face dominated by a smug grin. It only took the briefest glance to see that she’d been describing the dress on the screen. 
“No way...” Had she really zeroed in on the exact dress Bianca selected for her? That seemed like an insane coincidence. 
“You think I could ever forget how you went on and on about that painting the time we saw that documentary at The Hammer? And how you wouldn’t stop saying ‘Van Goghhh.’” Bianca exaggerated the Dutch ‘gh’ sound as if she was hacking up a hairball. 
“That’s the correct way to pronounce his name,” Courtney laughed, crossing her arms defiantly.
“Whatever, you sounded pretentious as hell,” Bianca said, grinning. “So…yeah. Of course you have to have that dress.” 
Courtney picked up the phone to look closer, noticing some detailing that she’d missed before, when it was in motion on the runway. 
“Is there embroidery on the skirt?” she marveled. 
“Yeah, on the top layer,” Bianca said. 
“It’s incredible…” Courtney said, zooming in even more to examine the stunning, intricate work. 
“Thanks. Not sure how Van Gogh would feel about the AB stones, but I like to think he’d be cool with the embroidery.” 
“Definitely. I can’t believe I’m going to be seeing it in person,” Courtney said. “Although I’m not sure when I would possibly have an opportunity to wear a dress like this.” 
“I don’t know…the Met Gala?” Bianca suggested.
“You think I get invited to the Met Gala?!” Courtney exclaimed, laughing. Bianca obviously had a very warped impression of what her life was like. 
“Okay, the Oscars then,” Bianca said. 
“Guess again.” 
“Nope.” Courtney shook her head once more. 
“Come on! Creative Arts Emmys. For sure,” she insisted. “You’ve won those.” 
Courtney was a little surprised that Bianca even knew that—probably because the kids had told her, or some news item she’d read in passing. She didn’t linger on thoughts about it though, instead explaining, “That’s a day event. This isn’t a daytime dress.” 
“Hmmm…alright, what about Trader Joe’s, next time you’re buying quinoa?” Bianca asked, then held up her hand. “Sorry, sorry, I forgot, you’re rich now. I obviously meant Whole Foods.” 
“You think I can afford the mortgage, property taxes, and Whole Foods? I have money, but not Oprah money,” Courtney said, winking. 
Bianca laughed, shaking her head. “Fine, Trader Joe’s it is. Costco, if you really wanna save.”
“Ooh, the valley? Dirty.”  
Bianca laughed, her dimples deep in her cheeks, brown eyes shining, and Courtney realized she’d been totally charmed, despite her best efforts to the contrary. 
She lowered her eyes demurely and swiped through a few more pictures. “You know, I’m a little disappointed,” she said, “Because I really thought I was gonna get two dresses out of this deal.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah, I mean, this blue one with the open back…” she held up the phone, sighing wistfully, lashes fluttering.
“Tell you what,” Bianca said, still grinning. “I’ll talk to the designer for you.” 
“Tell her I’m a big fan,” Courtney teased, sliding the phone back towards Bianca. 
“Will do,” Bianca chuckled, giving her a wink.  
Courtney giggled along, but her smile faltered a little when she caught sight of her notebook, lying on the table. “So, um…I assume that isn’t the real reason you wanted to talk.” She gestured to Bianca’s phone. 
Bianca’s laughter faded as she picked it up, slipping it into the inside pocket of her blazer. She was probably hot in that thing. There was a long, awkward pause, as she cleared her throat, looking deeply uncomfortable. 
Courtney folded her hands, waiting, trying not to rush her. She obviously had something to say, and needed to work up to it. It wasn’t like her to be nervous, or to have a hard time speaking her mind, so this was surely something difficult. 
“Okay…” she finally began. “I guess…I should start with an apology…"
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eisiramdeus · 2 years
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CLLSGNSLIDER, IN HIS LETTERS TO THE CAP’N    ❛   you’re  wonderful   ,   let  me  fuck  you  in  front  of  a  mirror.   ❜
CALIFORNIA GOLD SCALDING SUN, feet stings on white concrete and stone slabs around the large pool. PARTY’S GOOD, PARTY’S LIVELY, beer cans overflowing in the green trash bins around the property, the poolside snacks are good, the bitches are hot, the men fall under the same category of the bitches too (bisexuality is a skillset, and a threat), and there’s some vaguely obnoxious latest-hit-of-the-summer by Calvin Harris or whatever booming from the far end of the club. CARAMEL CURLS GLEAM AGAINST THE SUNLIGHT WITH DEW DROPS of Heaven (it’s pool water) upon his chest, arms, and bare thighs. Speedo’s heavy and form fitting, Navy blue fabric darkened by water drenching it. He’s making way through the just-right sized crowd with ease back to his ‘older friend’ and professional bachelor, of arts. The art of being a total tool, but hey, it’s so wrong yet it works so right. He approaches their high bar table, perpendicular/adjacent to where Ron was standing at finishing a beer. Head cracking side to side to shake off the old age after an invigorating swim, soaked elbows rest on the table, torso leans in, and invariably, his ass sticks out. Blame the height of the table, of course: he needs to lower & bend into it to be able to rest his arms. If you’re looking, that’s a lack of moral character on your part.
... are you looking? Yeah? Good. Just in case you thought you had any game, old bird. No, he chose you first. Setting the record straight. It’s a big social event, thankfully not military in nature, but by nature of who-knows-who, there’s plenty of servicemen type and their proud San Diego supporters. He’s gesturing to one of the servers nearby who takes a detour to their table, he asks for a basil mint lemonade in vodka. It’s not actually on the menu, it’s just his Greek tastes, and he’s a shameless fuck who will ask for it anyway. He is granted his request not long after, immediately sipping through a straw to occupy his mouth & thirst, thumb points at Slider and he nods confidently at the server, who’ll put it on Ron’s tab—they’re together on same table, after all, it’s practical and believable. The server walks away before anyone has the chance to defend themselves here against the many crimes and financial sabotages of Spymaster El Sid. Head turns, resting on the knuckles of his right hand, palest blue eyes smugly facing Slider but from well below his companion’s eye level. ❝I think the mojito’s seventeen dollars here. Fuckin’ crazy, ah?❞ A mocking complaint of the price he won’t pay. Not in money, at least. Oh, but he’s paying stingingly dearly for this. Gambles that fall through. Or that’s just what he wants you to think. Can never know with these intelligence types. Laughter, alcohol, body language, and hard bodies in the sun. The topic of work doesn’t come up once, make love this, make war that; fuck love and fuck war, I just wanna get laid.
BOLD, BRAZEN SPANISH BULL:             ❛   you’re  wonderful   ,   let  me  fuck  you  in  front  of  a  mirror.   ❜ 
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FEARLESS, SAINT MERCURIUS:             ❝...❞ he slowly uprights, becoming less exposed. Eyebrows raise in unison, arms cross just under his the height of his chest, puffing them up, valiant pectorals to stand his ground. There’s a hard fucking swallow that you can see in the apple of his throat, lips twitch almost imperceptibly trying to stifle a grin. No, don’t go asking what did you say, now, you heard him right. ❝Ah.❞ Eyes are darting left to right without decentralizing his head from facing Slider, looking around to see if anyone heard, if anyone cared. If anyone would remembering him this way, a little lacking, perhaps. SPYMASTER, YOU ARE CLEAR TO ENGAGE. HOOK ON TARGET SUCCESSFUL. Well, he’s afraid, someone come pick him up, but, it’s not that simple, and that $17 vodka-exception-made drink is telling him them are fightin’ words. ❝I am right down wonderful, yes, thank ya.❞ Recouping stance, charming fluidity returns to his body language where he’d been a little petrified, it wasn’t the right look for him. Head tilts, arms uncross, hands are resting at his hips, themselves pushing forward, accentuating his Imperial title claims to manhood. ❝Maybe; maybe, yeah, Slidey.❞ Damnit, how the fuck did he know about the fucking mirror thing... ❝You got a mirror in mind?❞ He’s not settling for a bathroom vanity one, by the way. Strictly a bedroom mirror, for the sake of his comfort. You figure out how.
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britsindubai-blog · 8 days
Pool Contractor Dubai
Swimming Pool Contractor In Dubai
Green Creation specializes in designing and constructing high-specification indoor and outdoor swimming pools across the UAE, offering affordable rates without compromising on quality. Imagine your own swimming pool in your garden – a place for family fun and effective exercise. We excel in creating stunning outdoor swimming pools and installing glazed swimming pool enclosures and poolside summer houses. Our process begins with a thorough site survey where we discuss your preferences for size, depth, and finishes, tailored to your lifestyle needs whether it's for exercise or relaxation.
We handle a diverse range of pool designs, from simple lap pools to complex projects featuring infinity edges, linear deck slots, standard deck level overflows, and letterbox surface flows – all meticulously designed with surface distribution channels and balance tank controls.
Swimming Pool Construction Company In Dubai
With a decade of experience in the swimming pool business and a prestigious clientele across the UAE, Green Creation is synonymous with custom design excellence. We specialize in collaborating closely with our clients to bring their "dream pool" to life, starting from the initial concept discussions. Our dedicated design team focuses on achieving both functional and aesthetic goals while adhering to your budgetary constraints.
Our construction teams possess the expertise and craftsmanship to turn our designs into reality, with flexibility to accommodate changes during the process. Our commitment is straightforward: delivering a stress-free experience and creating a backyard oasis tailored specifically for your family's enjoyment. Transparency, budget adherence, and a customer-first approach define our service ethos.
Swimming Pool Repair / Renovation / Maintenance Company In Dubai
Maintaining your pool's optimal performance is crucial to maximizing its longevity and enjoyment. At Green Creation Landscaping, our highly skilled technicians specialize in proactive maintenance and expert repair services for all types of pool issues. From leak detection to equipment malfunctions, surface repairs, and tile replacements, we ensure your pool remains in pristine condition.
We address common pool issues such as rust and rebar stains with comprehensive solutions, ensuring lasting repairs that prevent future recurrence. Cracked tiles and surface cracks are meticulously repaired using advanced techniques and durable materials, preserving the structural integrity of your pool.
Green Creation Landscaping is dedicated to extending the life of your swimming pool while saving you time and money. Our experienced technicians have an eye for detail and the technical know-how to identify and resolve issues efficiently, ensuring your pool is always in expert hands.
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dubaimovies · 9 days
Pool Contractor Dubai
Swimming Pool Contractor In Dubai
Green Creation specializes in designing and constructing high-specification indoor and outdoor swimming pools across the UAE, offering affordable rates without compromising on quality. Imagine your own swimming pool in your garden – a place for family fun and effective exercise. We excel in creating stunning outdoor swimming pools and installing glazed swimming pool enclosures and poolside summer houses. Our process begins with a thorough site survey where we discuss your preferences for size, depth, and finishes, tailored to your lifestyle needs whether it's for exercise or relaxation.
We handle a diverse range of pool designs, from simple lap pools to complex projects featuring infinity edges, linear deck slots, standard deck level overflows, and letterbox surface flows – all meticulously designed with surface distribution channels and balance tank controls.
Swimming Pool Construction Company In Dubai
With a decade of experience in the swimming pool business and a prestigious clientele across the UAE, Green Creation is synonymous with custom design excellence. We specialize in collaborating closely with our clients to bring their "dream pool" to life, starting from the initial concept discussions. Our dedicated design team focuses on achieving both functional and aesthetic goals while adhering to your budgetary constraints.
Our construction teams possess the expertise and craftsmanship to turn our designs into reality, with flexibility to accommodate changes during the process. Our commitment is straightforward: delivering a stress-free experience and creating a backyard oasis tailored specifically for your family's enjoyment. Transparency, budget adherence, and a customer-first approach define our service ethos.
Swimming Pool Repair / Renovation / Maintenance Company In Dubai
Maintaining your pool's optimal performance is crucial to maximizing its longevity and enjoyment. At Green Creation Landscaping, our highly skilled technicians specialize in proactive maintenance and expert repair services for all types of pool issues. From leak detection to equipment malfunctions, surface repairs, and tile replacements, we ensure your pool remains in pristine condition.
We address common pool issues such as rust and rebar stains with comprehensive solutions, ensuring lasting repairs that prevent future recurrence. Cracked tiles and surface cracks are meticulously repaired using advanced techniques and durable materials, preserving the structural integrity of your pool.
Green Creation Landscaping is dedicated to extending the life of your swimming pool while saving you time and money. Our experienced technicians have an eye for detail and the technical know-how to identify and resolve issues efficiently, ensuring your pool is always in expert hands.
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wefindjobsuae · 10 days
Pool Contractors in Dubai
Swimming Pool Contractor In Dubai
We design and build high-specification indoor and outdoor swimming pools throughout the UAE at affordable rates with guaranteed quality. Your own swimming pool in the garden – fill the summer with family fun, laughter, and the one of the most effective ways to exercise. We design and construct gorgeous outdoor swimming pools. We also install glazed swimming pool enclosures and poolside summer houses. We’ll carry out a site survey and discuss with you options and preferences for size, depth, and finishes. This will include understanding a little bit about your lifestyle – whether you’ll be using the pool for early morning exercise or cooling off on hot days – so we can ensure we provide the right solution for you. We handle a wide variety of pools, from a simple lap pool to highly complex projects including infinity edge, linear deck slot, standard deck level overflow and letterbox surface flow – all of which require the inclusion of surface distribution channels and balance tank controls.
Swimming Pool Construction Company In Dubai
We have been in the Swimming pool business for a decade, with several top clients in the UAE, our experience and customs designs speak for themselves. Working with the customer closely to help design and build their "dream pool" is our speciality. We start crafting your project from the first handshake. Our design team has a goal-oriented process that brings to life a plan that meets your functional needs and desired aesthetics while maintaining your budget goals. Our construction teams have the experience and craftsmanship to transform our plans into reality while being nimble enough to make changes on the fly if you desire. Our goal is simple. To create a low-stress process resulting in a backyard customized specifically for your family. We stick to your budget and we have no hidden agendas. We follow a “treat people as you would like to be treated” attitude. With this, our highly experienced team will work with you to develop your vision and bring your swimmming pool dreams to life.
Swimming Pool Repair / Renovation / Maintenance Company In Dubai
If you are interested in getting the most from your pool, it is important that you keep up with maintenance and repairs. Green Creation Landscaping technicians are highly skilled in identifying potential issues with your pool, including leak detection, equipment malfunctions, hardware wear and tear, surface flaws and damaged tiles. Let us help you take that proactive step to resolve a minor problem before it becomes a major one! Repair services offered by Green Creation Landscaping include:
Rust & Rebar Stains – We will provide a complete cut out of steel rebar stains and fill it with plaster to prevent their return.
Cracked Tile – Cracked tiles that are caused by earth movement, which is often an indicator of deeper structural problems. To fix underlying cracks, Green Creation Landscaping will take one of two approaches: we will either cut the crack open and fill it with plaster and bonding material or inject it with a highly durable epoxy.
Surface Cracks – This irregular type of cracking often resembles spider webs and occurs when a pool has been left empty for long period of time or when the plaster is old. These cracks can be removed during our normal sandblasting or stripping processes and do not indicate any underlying problems.
Green Creation Landscaping is staffed with knowledgeable and experienced technicians skilled in identifying and resolving your every swimming pool repair needs. We are able to recognize signs that are not noticeable to the untrained eye and extend the life of your swimming pool, saving you money and time. From start to finish, know that the maintenance of your pool are in the hands of qualified technicians with years of experience under their belt.
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topwebdesigndubai · 15 days
Pool Contractor Dubai
Swimming Pool Contractor In Dubai
We design and build high-specification indoor and outdoor swimming pools throughout the UAE at affordable rates with guaranteed quality. Your own swimming pool in the garden – fill the summer with family fun, laughter, and the one of the most effective ways to exercise. We design and construct gorgeous outdoor swimming pools. We also install glazed swimming pool enclosures and poolside summer houses. We’ll carry out a site survey and discuss with you options and preferences for size, depth, and finishes. This will include understanding a little bit about your lifestyle – whether you’ll be using the pool for early morning exercise or cooling off on hot days – so we can ensure we provide the right solution for you. We handle a wide variety of pools, from a simple lap pool to highly complex projects including infinity edge, linear deck slot, standard deck level overflow and letterbox surface flow – all of which require the inclusion of surface distribution channels and balance tank controls.
Swimming Pool Construction Company In Dubai
We have been in the Swimming pool business for a decade, with several top clients in the UAE, our experience and customs designs speak for themselves. Working with the customer closely to help design and build their "dream pool" is our speciality. We start crafting your project from the first handshake. Our design team has a goal-oriented process that brings to life a plan that meets your functional needs and desired aesthetics while maintaining your budget goals. Our construction teams have the experience and craftsmanship to transform our plans into reality while being nimble enough to make changes on the fly if you desire. Our goal is simple. To create a low-stress process resulting in a backyard customized specifically for your family. We stick to your budget and we have no hidden agendas. We follow a “treat people as you would like to be treated” attitude. With this, our highly experienced team will work with you to develop your vision and bring your swimmming pool dreams to life.
Swimming Pool Repair / Renovation / Maintenance Company In Dubai
If you are interested in getting the most from your pool, it is important that you keep up with maintenance and repairs. Green Creation Landscaping technicians are highly skilled in identifying potential issues with your pool, including leak detection, equipment malfunctions, hardware wear and tear, surface flaws and damaged tiles. Let us help you take that proactive step to resolve a minor problem before it becomes a major one! Repair services offered by Green Creation Landscaping include:
Rust & Rebar Stains – We will provide a complete cut out of steel rebar stains and fill it with plaster to prevent their return.
Cracked Tile – Cracked tiles that are caused by earth movement, which is often an indicator of deeper structural problems. To fix underlying cracks, Green Creation Landscaping will take one of two approaches: we will either cut the crack open and fill it with plaster and bonding material or inject it with a highly durable epoxy.
Surface Cracks – This irregular type of cracking often resembles spider webs and occurs when a pool has been left empty for long period of time or when the plaster is old. These cracks can be removed during our normal sandblasting or stripping processes and do not indicate any underlying problems.
Green Creation Landscaping is staffed with knowledgeable and experienced technicians skilled in identifying and resolving your every swimming pool repair needs. We are able to recognize signs that are not noticeable to the untrained eye and extend the life of your swimming pool, saving you money and time. From start to finish, know that the maintenance of your pool are in the hands of qualified technicians with years of experience under their belt.
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johns-brickwork · 19 days
What Sorts Of Surfaces Can Eastwood Jet Laundering Successfully Tidy?
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Preserving the outside of your residential property is essential for both looks and functionality. One of one of the most effective methods to maintain numerous surfaces tidy and free from grime, algae, and other unpleasant aspects is with jet washing. Johns Brickwork and Building And Construction Option, a leading service provider of Eastwood jet washing solutions, concentrates on restoring the charm and integrity of several kinds of surface areas. Here, we explore the types of surfaces that can be efficiently cleansed utilizing jet cleaning techniques used by Johns Brickwork and Building And Construction Option.
Driveways are typically the first thing site visitors see when they reach your residential property. With time, they can accumulate dust, oil stains, moss, and other contaminants. The Eastwood jet washing team at Johns Brickwork utilizes high-pressure washing to:
Get rid of oil spots and oil
Eliminate moss, algae, and weeds
Bring back the initial color and appearance of the surface area
Regular cleansing not just enhances the look of your driveway yet additionally improves safety and security by reducing unsafe problems.
Patios and Decks
Patios and decks are preferred outside living spaces that can quickly come to be unclean and unpleasant because of exposure to the aspects. Johns Brickwork's jet washing services can:
Get rid of dirt, mildew, and algae
Clean in between the voids in decking
Restore the natural appearance of timber and stone surface areas
This helps maintain an inviting outdoor area for leisure and entertainment.
Sidewalks and Courses
Sidewalks and paths can end up being overgrown with weeds and covered in dirt and gunk, which can be unsafe and unpleasant. Eastwood jet washing solutions ensure these areas are:
Free from moss and algae, minimizing slip risks
Cleared of dirt and debris
Looking clean and properly maintained
Routine upkeep of these surface areas boosts the general curb allure of your property.
Structure Exteriors
The exterior wall surfaces of buildings are regularly subjected to the aspects, causing the accumulation of dirt, crud, and pollution residues. Johns Brickwork's professional jet washing services are excellent for:
Removing stubborn stains and marks
Cleansing brick, rock, stucco, and various other materials
Improving the general appearance and value of the residential or commercial property
A clean facade not just looks far better but also aids protect the building material from long-term damages.
Roofs can deal with the development of moss, algae, and lichen, which can cause damage with time. The Eastwood jet cleaning professionals at Johns Brickwork provide roofing system cleaning services that:
Remove organic developments
Avoid water damages by making certain proper drainage
Prolong the life expectancy of roofing materials
Routine roof cleansing is an aggressive procedure to preserve the stability of your home or commercial residential or commercial property.
Blocked seamless gutters can bring about serious water damage problems. Jet washing is an efficient technique to:
Clear out leaves, branches, and various other particles
Ensure correct water flow and drainage
Prevent overflow and potential damage to the foundation
Preserving clean gutters is crucial for the overall health and wellness of your home.
Fencings, whether wooden, plastic, or metal, can collect dust and mold. Eastwood jet washing solutions can:
Get rid of dirt, mold and mildew, and mold
Bring back the original look of the fencing
Lengthen the life of the secure fencing material
This assists keep your building limits looking cool and properly maintained.
Swimming pool Decks
Swimming pool decks are at risk to algae and dirt accumulation, which can be unsafe and harmful. Jet washing can:
Get rid of slippery algae and mold
Clean off sun block, dust, and various other residues
Guarantee a secure and appealing pool area
Routine cleaning maintains the swimming pool location secure and inviting for users.
Industrial Residences
Industrial residential properties require to maintain an expert appearance to bring in customers and customers. Eastwood jet cleaning services offered by Johns Brickwork consist of:
Cleaning parking lots and sidewalks
Keeping shops and facades
Removing graffiti and various other unattractive marks
Normal cleansing makes certain that commercial properties remain welcoming and specialist.
Advantages of Eastwood Jet Washing
Using professional jet cleaning services from Johns Brickwork and Building and construction Solution offers many advantages:
Effective Cleaning: High-pressure cleaning is very effective at removing tough stains, dirt, and natural growths from different surface areas.
Time-Saving: Expert tools and expertise ensure fast and thorough cleaning, saving you effort and time.
Eco-Friendly Solutions: The use of environmentally friendly cleaner guarantees reliable cleaning without hurting the setting.
Improved Residential Or Commercial Property Worth: Routine cleansing and upkeep can significantly boost the worth and look of your building.
Safety: Getting rid of slippery substances like moss and algae from sidewalks and driveways enhances security for locals and site visitors.
Visit Right Here to learn more
For more thorough information on the thorough jet washing services offered by Johns Brickwork and Building Option and to see exactly how they can assist you maintain your property, visit their page.. Their team is ready to offer excellent cleansing solutions tailored to your demand.
Last Ideas
Finally, the Eastwood jet washing solutions offered by Johns Brickwork and Construction Solution are made to efficiently clean a variety of surfaces, ensuring your residential or commercial property looks its ideal. Whether it's your driveway, outdoor patio, roof covering, or industrial property, their specialist team has the skills and devices to provide extraordinary outcomes. With a commitment to top quality, environment-friendly practices, and consumer complete satisfaction, Johns Brickwork is the best solution for all your jet cleaning demands in Eastwood.
For more details or to set up a service, don't hesitate to connect and browse through below. Your building is entitled to the very best care, and with Johns Brickwork and Building Solution, that's precisely what you'll get.
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copperleafhotel · 1 month
Dazzle at Your Next Tirunelveli Soiree: Luxury Stays at Copper Leaf Hotels
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In this blog we have to explore the importance of choosing the Hotels in Tirunelveli, Top Hotels in Tirunelveli, Family Hotel in Tirunelveli, Best Hotel in Tirunelveli, Hotels near Tirunelveli, Best hotels in tirunelveli. Wedding bells ringing in Tirunelveli? Social calendar overflowing with dazzling events? Make a grand entrance and elevate your experience with a stay at Copper Leaf Hotels, your haven of luxury hotels in Tirunelveli. We understand the importance of looking and feeling your best for social gatherings. Our luxurious accommodations, exceptional service, and convenient locations ensure a stress-free and unforgettable stay.
Arrive in Style
Step out of your chauffeured car (upon request) and into the welcoming embrace of Copper Leaf Hotels. Our elegant lobbies set the tone for your luxurious stay. Pamper yourself with a refreshing welcome drink while our attentive staff takes care of your luggage. Check in seamlessly and head straight to your haven of comfort.
Indulge in Unparalleled Opulence
Our spacious rooms and suites are designed to be your sanctuary of luxury. Imagine plush king-sized beds adorned with crisp, high-thread-count linens, inviting you to unwind after a night of celebrating. Opulent bathrooms boast indulgent amenities like rain showers and oversized soaking tubs, providing a private oasis for relaxation (availability of specific amenities may vary by room type). Many suites offer dedicated living areas, perfect for pre-event preparations or intimate gatherings with fellow guests.
Unwind and Recharge Between Events
The social whirl can be exhilarating, but downtime is essential. Our hotels offer a variety of options to unwind and recharge in style. Take a refreshing dip in our sparkling swimming pools (not all locations offer pools). Energize yourself with a workout in our state-of-the-art fitness centers (available at select locations). For ultimate relaxation, some hotels feature rejuvenating spa treatments (services vary by location and may require advance booking). Return to the festivities feeling revitalized and radiant.
A Culinary Journey to Impress
Food is a centerpiece of any social gathering, and Copper Leaf Hotels elevates the dining experience to an art form. Our award-winning restaurants offer a variety of culinary experiences to tantalize your taste buds. Indulge in lavish buffets showcasing delectable local specialties, or explore curated à la carte menus featuring international cuisine, prepared with the freshest ingredients. Many hotels also provide private dining options, allowing you to personalize your celebratory experience with a bespoke culinary journey. Impress your fellow guests with your discerning taste and enjoy conversations over delectable dishes.
Effortless Convenience for a Seamless Celebration
Focus on enjoying the festivities – let Copper Leaf Hotels handle the logistics. Many of our hotels boast prime locations near popular wedding venues and event halls in Tirunelveli. This minimizes travel time, allowing you to arrive feeling refreshed and ready to celebrate. Our friendly staff can also assist with recommendations for transportation or directions, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free arrival.
Exceptional Service for a Memorable Stay
At Copper Leaf Hotels, we believe in exceeding expectations. Our dedicated staff goes the extra mile to ensure your comfort and enjoyment throughout your stay. From personalized recommendations for nearby attractions to arranging airport transfers or garment steaming (upon request), our attentive team is here to cater to your every need. Let them handle the details, allowing you to focus on creating lasting memories and dazzling at your next Tirunelveli soiree.
Elevate Your Social Calendar Experience
Your visit to Tirunelveli for a social function shouldn't be just about attending the event. Make it an unforgettable experience with a stay at Copper Leaf Hotels, your choice for luxury hotel in Tirunelveli. Book your stay today and elevate your social calendar experience to new heights. Let us help you make a grand entrance and create memories that will be cherished for years to come.
Finally , We have the conclusion about choosing the 4 Star Hotels in Tirunelveli, Budget hotels in Tirunelveli, comfortable hotel in tirunelveli, Luxury Hotel in Tirunelveli. For more details visit our website: www.copperleafhotels.com #tirunelvelihotels #hotelsintirunelveli #tirunelveliaccommodation
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Make Memories That Last: Celebrate in Style at Copper Leaf Hotels in Tirunelveli
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 In this blog we have to explore the importance of choosing the Hotels in Tirunelveli, Top Hotels in Tirunelveli, Family Hotel in Tirunelveli, Best Hotel in Tirunelveli, Hotels near Tirunelveli, Best hotels in tirunelveli.
Coming to Tirunelveli for a wedding brimming with joy, a milestone celebration filled with laughter, or a reunion overflowing with warm embraces? Look no further than Copper Leaf Hotels for your home away from home. Our Tirunelveli hotels offer the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and a welcoming atmosphere to elevate your special event. Spacious Comfort for Family Gatherings
Our hotels boast a variety of rooms and suites designed to accommodate families and groups. Imagine interconnected rooms or luxurious suites, allowing everyone to relax and connect in style. Picture cozy evenings spent reminiscing with loved ones, or mornings filled with laughter as everyone prepares for the festivities. Relax in the knowledge that our comfortable accommodations cater to everyone's needs, making you feel right at home.
Conveniently Located for Celebrations
Many Copper Leaf Hotels are situated near popular wedding venues and event halls in Tirunelveli. This minimizes travel time, allowing you to focus on enjoying the celebration without the stress of long commutes. Our friendly staff can also assist with recommendations for transportation or directions, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free arrival.
Unwinding After the Festivities
Wedding celebrations and family gatherings can be exhilarating, but also require some post-festivity rejuvenation. Our hotels provide the perfect sanctuary to unwind and recharge. Sink into plush beds, indulge in a relaxing soak in our opulent bathrooms (subject to room type), or take a refreshing dip in our sparkling swimming pools (available at select locations). Many hotels also feature state-of-the-art fitness centers, allowing you to maintain your workout routine even while celebrating.
Culinary Delights to Share with Loved Ones
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lizseyi · 6 months
Is It OK To Leave Water In Your Swimming Pool Over The Winter - Pool Warehouse
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As we type this, we are heading rapidly through the autumn towards winter, with the associated changes in outdoor conditions. You might have already ceased using your own swimming pool at this time of year, and carried out certain “winterisation” measures, such as putting a winter cover on the pool and adding vital chemicals to the water. Indeed, while we’re on the subject of the water in your swimming pool, it is worth us addressing the question of whether you are supposed to leave the water in your pool over the winter, or instead drain it.
 If you have already done some research into this question online, you are likely to have come across advice indicating that some level of draining of the water in your pool is probably a sensible move for the winter period (presuming, of course, that you won’t be using the pool for swimming during this time). However, the exact answer to the question of whether you should be leaving water in your swimming pool, or instead take it out, will depend on certain other factors, such as the type of pool you have. So, as a leading online store for swimming pool supplies here at Pool Warehouse, we decided to take a look at this topic in greater detail.
 Taking all of the water out of your swimming pool for the winter may be a bad idea
 To give a quick answer to the question we posed above: although this won’t be the case for every single swimming pool, the chances are that it will be fine for you to leave some water in your pool for the colder months. There are various reasons why we give this advice. Firstly, it’s worth bearing in mind that water isn’t only useful to have in your pool when you are swimming in it. That’s because it can also act as a protective layer over the winter, helping to keep the pool liner clean and prevent it from being damaged by the likes of harsh weather and debris. By contrast, if you were to take every last drop of water out of your pool for the winter period, this could leave the pool liner vulnerable to drying out, shrinking, and cracking. Even if you were to place a winter cover on top of your empty pool, there could still be a risk of some debris getting into the pool and causing damage to the liner. And of course, this doesn’t even touch on the matter of how wasteful it is to get rid of all the water from your pool, only to have to refill it again once the spring rolls back around. For the sake of helping the environment and saving you some money too, it could be a good idea to keep your pool – if not quite full – at least full of water to a certain degree.
 So, how much water should be left in your pool when it is winterised? 
Again, we would emphasise that the exact situation can change from one swimming pool to the next, depending on certain factors like the specific type of pool. So, we would urge you to treat what we’re saying here as more general advice, rather than tips that will definitely apply to your own pool. Still, as a “rule of thumb”, if you are closing an in-ground pool for the winter (or a hard-sided above-ground pool), it will probably be a wise move to reduce the water level to just below the skimmers. This will mean that even if any additional water gets into the pool during the winter (the obvious source being rainfall), there will be minimal risk of the pool overflowing, but you will still get the aforementioned benefits of keeping water in your pool for the colder months. If the above applies to you, it is crucial not to reduce the water level too much, especially where the water table is high, as there could be a risk of structural damage being caused to the pool shell. 
On the other hand, your swimming pool might be an above-ground pool, in which case, a slightly different situation applies. It may be easier with this type of pool to simply empty it entirely and neatly pack it away for the winter, storing it in a dry place. This will help ensure no unwanted algae develop in the pool due to excess moisture.
 Make our store your number one destination for swimming pool supplies!
 Hopefully, all the above will have helped you feel more knowledgeable in relation to whether water should be left in your swimming pool over the winter. This, in turn, will assist your efforts to make more informed decisions on the winterisation of your pool for the months immediately ahead. This time of year, when you might not be so distracted and busy with actually using your pool, could be an excellent moment to browse an online store like Pool Warehouse.
Pick up some essential swimming pool supplies right now, during this relatively quiet time, and you can better help ensure you are well prepared for when brighter and drier conditions return. With orders of more than £100 for stock items (except pool covers) able to be delivered for free to UK mainland addresses (although we would advise you to consult our delivery page for the latest and most complete information), Pool Warehouse really can be your dependable, go-to source of swimming pool supplies. 
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Winter Is Coming! Don't Forget To Cover Your Pool!
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You can find your pool cover here
Winter is a time of harsh weather conditions, and as the temperature drops, it becomes increasingly important to take the necessary precautions to protect our possessions. One such possession that often goes overlooked is our swimming pool. Often regarded as a summer staple, we tend to forget the potential damage that winter can inflict upon it. In order to ensure the longevity and functionality of our pool, it is essential to cover it during the winter months.
Covering the pool during winter serves several purposes. Firstly, it prevents debris like leaves, sticks, and other natural elements from falling into the pool and clogging the filters. This not only saves time and effort in cleaning but also decreases the risk of equipment damage. Secondly, a pool cover prevents water from accumulating on the surface of the pool, which can lead to overflows and damage to the pool’s structure. By keeping excess water away, the cover helps in maintaining the pool’s integrity. Lastly, covering the pool during winter reduces the risk of accidents, such as someone accidentally falling into an unprotected pool.
There are different types of pool covers available in the market, ranging from manual to automatic ones. While manual covers require more effort in terms of installation and removal, they are cost-effective and often do the job just as well. Automatic covers, on the other hand, offer convenience, but they tend to be more expensive. Irrespective of the type of cover, it is vital to ensure that it is securely fastened over the pool using the provided hooks or clips to keep it in place, protecting it from the harsh winter elements.
In conclusion, covering your pool during the winter months is an essential step in maintaining its functionality and longevity. By preventing debris accumulation, excessive water accumulation, and potential accidents, this simple protective measure ensures that your pool remains in top condition when summer returns. So, as winter sets in, don’t forget to cover your pool, because a little effort now will save you a lot of time, money, and hassle in the long run.
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newszblog · 9 months
Infinity Pools vs. Traditional Pools
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When it comes to designing the perfect aquatic oasis in your backyard, the choice between an infinity pool and a traditional pool is one that carries significant implications for your aesthetics, functionality, and budget. Infinity pools, with their mesmerizing vanishing edges, exude luxury and elegance, while traditional pools offer a more classic appeal. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of swimming pools, comparing the features, costs, and considerations for both types. By the end of this article, you'll be equipped with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision about the pool that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Learn how much does an infinity pool cost.
Infinity Pools: A Vision of Elegance
What is an Infinity Pool?
Infinity pools, also known as vanishing edge or negative edge pools, are architectural marvels that create a stunning visual effect where the pool's edge seems to blend seamlessly with the surrounding landscape, creating an illusion of an endless horizon. These pools are often associated with upscale resorts and luxurious estates, providing an unparalleled sense of relaxation and aesthetic appeal.
Design and Aesthetics
One of the most captivating features of an infinity pool is its ability to create a tranquil and visually striking atmosphere. Their design often involves positioning the pool at a higher elevation than the surrounding area, allowing water to flow over the edges into a catch basin below. This "vanishing edge" effect not only adds drama but also offers breathtaking views, making your pool an architectural masterpiece.
Space and Layout
Infinity pools typically require a spacious outdoor area with a natural slope or a raised platform to achieve the desired effect. The design process involves meticulous planning to ensure that the water overflows seamlessly, requiring expert engineering and construction skills.
How Much Does an Infinity Pool Cost?
The cost of installing an infinity pool can vary widely depending on several factors. On average, you can expect to invest anywhere from $70,000 to $150,000 or more. The price fluctuates based on the size of the pool, the complexity of the design, the choice of materials, and the location of your property.
Pros of Infinity Pools
Aesthetic Appeal: Infinity pools offer unparalleled beauty and visual appeal, elevating the ambiance of your outdoor space.
Stunning Views: The vanishing edge creates a picturesque vista that enhances your overall pool experience.
Luxurious Feel: They are associated with luxury and opulence, making them a status symbol for many homeowners.
Cons of Infinity Pools
Higher Costs: The initial investment for an infinity pool is significantly higher compared to traditional pools.
Space Requirements: You need ample space and the right topography to install an infinity pool.
Maintenance Challenges: The vanishing edge design may require more maintenance to ensure it remains visually striking.
Traditional Pools: Timeless Comfort
What is a Traditional Pool?
Traditional pools, often referred to as "rectangular" or "classic" pools, are the familiar, rectangular or oval-shaped water bodies that have been a staple in American backyards for decades. These pools prioritize functionality and comfort over architectural innovation.
Design and Aesthetics
Traditional pools are celebrated for their straightforward and timeless design. They come in various sizes and can be customized to fit your available space. The clean lines and simplicity of their design offer a sense of familiarity and comfort that appeals to many homeowners.
Space and Layout
Unlike infinity pools, traditional pools are more versatile in terms of space requirements. They can be installed in a variety of backyard configurations, making them a practical choice for a wide range of properties.
How Much Does a Traditional Pool Cost?
The cost of a traditional pool varies depending on factors such as size, materials, and additional features. On average, you can expect to spend between $30,000 and $70,000 for a basic, mid-sized traditional pool. This makes traditional pools a more budget-friendly option compared to their infinity pool counterparts.
Pros of Traditional Pools
Affordability: Traditional pools are generally more budget-friendly and cost-effective.
Versatility: They can fit into various backyard layouts and sizes, making them suitable for most properties.
Ease of Maintenance: Traditional pools are often easier to maintain due to their simple design.
Cons of Traditional Pools
Aesthetically Traditional: Some homeowners may find traditional pools less visually striking compared to infinity pools.
Limited Views: Traditional pools do not offer the dramatic views and visual effects of infinity pools.
Design Limitations: The shape and design of traditional pools may have limitations for those seeking a unique, customized look.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Pool
Budget and Cost Considerations
When deciding between an infinity pool and a traditional pool, your budget will play a crucial role. Consider not only the initial installation costs but also long-term maintenance expenses. Keep in mind that an infinity pool tends to be the more expensive option, both in terms of installation and upkeep.
Available Space
Evaluate your backyard's size and layout. Infinity pools require specific topography and space for the vanishing edge effect, while traditional pools are more adaptable to different settings. Ensure your chosen pool style complements your outdoor area.
Design Preferences
Think about your aesthetic preferences. Do you want a pool that creates a breathtaking visual impact, like an infinity pool? Or are you more inclined toward the classic and familiar look of a traditional pool? Your personal style and the overall design of your home should guide your decision.
Intended Use
Consider how you plan to use your pool. If you prioritize swimming and water activities, a traditional pool may be more practical. However, if you seek a luxurious and visually captivating pool experience, an infinity pool could be the ideal choice.
Choosing between an infinity pool and a traditional pool is a decision that involves careful consideration of your budget, space, design preferences, and intended use. While infinity pools offer unmatched beauty and elegance, traditional pools provide practicality and affordability. Ultimately, the choice comes down to what aligns best with your lifestyle and the atmosphere you want to create in your backyard. Whichever option you choose, remember that with proper maintenance and care, your pool will be a source of enjoyment for years to come.
So, how much does an infinity pool cost? The cost of an infinity pool can range from $70,000 to $150,000 or more, depending on various factors. Keep in mind that this price includes the initial installation and doesn't factor in ongoing maintenance expenses, which can vary based on your location and specific pool features.
By carefully weighing the pros and cons of both infinity and traditional pools, you can make an informed decision that transforms your backyard into the perfect oasis for relaxation, recreation, and enjoyment.
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waterfiltergurus · 1 year
8 Common Water Borne Diseases You Don't Want to Get
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Most of us are lucky to have access to an endless supply of clean, pathogen-free drinking water. City water in the US is treated with chemical disinfectants to kill microorganisms and protect water as it travels through the distribution system to our home. However, that doesn't mean that you're guaranteed never to be exposed to pathogens in your water at some point in your life, especially if you regularly travel to developing countries or you get your drinking water from a private well. Researching waterborne diseases is the first step towards reducing your likelihood of getting sick from your drinking water. 📌 Key Takeaways: - Waterborne pathogens come from human and animal waste. - Some of the common water-related illnesses are E. coli, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, cyclosporiasis, legionellosis, typhoid fever, noroviruses, and cholera. - You can reduce your risk of exposure to diseases in drinking water by practicing good hygiene, getting vaccinated before visiting certain countries, filtering/disinfecting potentially unclean drinking water or drinking bottled water, and taking steps to prevent contamination of private wells. 🧫 Where Do Waterborne Pathogens Come From? The most common sources of waterborne pathogens are human and animal waste. There are a few ways that water supplies may become contaminated by these sources, including by proximity to leaking or overflowing septic systems, direct contamination (such as animals pooping in rivers or streams), or agricultural runoff. Extreme weather, such as flooding, hurricane rainfall, and storm surges may also cause contamination of normally clean water sources with microbes and pathogens. ⚗️ What Is A Waterborne Disease? A waterborne disease is a water-related illness that's caused by drinking water that's contaminated with microscopic organisms that are dangerous to human health. There are tens of different organisms that could contaminate drinking water supplies, including various species of bacteria, viruses, and protozoan cysts. Waterborne diseases simply wouldn't exist if we were all able to follow safe hygiene and sanitation practices. Thankfully, water-related disease has been declining in the past few decades, but that doesn't mean the problem is even close to being resolved. Note: A waterborne disease is caused by disease-causing microorganisms, and is NOT the same as an adverse health effect that's caused by drinking high levels of non-living contaminants (such as lead and arsenic) with health risks. These contaminants could still make you sick, but they don't cause infectious diseases. 🩺 Common Waterborne Diseases Here are some of the common waterborne diseases that you may be exposed to if you drink from an unclean water source: Escherichia Coli (E. coli) E. coli is a type of bacteria that has both beneficial and dangerous strains. Dangerous E. coli is spread via contamination from animal waste. Some of the most commonly reported symptoms of dangerous E. coli strains include: - Diarrhea - Stomach cramps - Fever Symptoms usually occur within 3-4 days of being exposed to the pathogen, but it may take up to 14 days for symptoms to present themselves. It usually takes 5-10 days for symptoms to go away. Most people recover from E. coli without treatment, with rest, hydration (with clean water), and over-the-counter medication for diarrhea. However, children and older people are more likely to develop life-threatening symptoms, and you should contact your doctor if you or anyone else has bloody diarrhea. The best way to avoid E. coli is to stay away from drinking water supplies that are possibly contaminated with animal or human feces. Giardiasis Giardiasis is a waterborne disease that's caused by a tiny parasite called giardia. Giardia can contaminate surface water and groundwater supplies, including ponds, wells, streams, and even swimming pools. Giardia is only present in water supplies if they're contaminated by infected people or animals. Some of the common symptoms of giardiasis include: - Abdominal pain - Diarrhea - Nausea - Cramps - Bloating - Weight loss Giardiasis usually runs its course after 2-6 weeks. However, it can cause long-term complications, especially in the intestines. There are no treatments that prevent giardiasis, but you can avoid the infection with good sanitation and hygiene management, including washing your hands often, drinking clean, uncontaminated water, and avoiding swallowing water while swimming. If your symptoms don't lessen over time, you may need to make an appointment with your doctor, who will likely prescribe you antibiotics or anti-parasitic medications. Cryptosporidiosis Cryptosporidiosis is a diarrheal disease that's caused by ingesting food or water that's contaminated with a parasite called cryptosporidium, Crypto is one of the most common recreational water diseases in the USA, and is spread from the fecal matter of an infected person or animal. You may be exposed to crypto through contact with animals, swimming in contaminated water, drinking contaminated water, or eating contaminated foods. Some of the common symptoms of crypto are: - Watery diarrhea - Vomiting - Stomach pain - Loss of appetite - Fever - Weight loss Most healthy people should recover from cryptosporidiosis after about 14 days. It's common for crypto symptoms to come and go in intensity, so you may have several cycles of feeling better, then worse, then better again before you eventually recover. Drinking plenty of clean water should help you to recover without the risk of dehydration. You can reduce your likelihood of exposure to crypto by washing your hands regularly with soapy water, only drinking filtered, disinfected water, avoiding swallowing water while swimming in lakes or rivers, and washing your hands after touching animals or being in animal environments. Cyclosporiasis Cyclosporiasis is a waterborne illness that's caused by exposure to cyclospora cayetanensis, a parasite that affects the intestinal tract and causes diarrhea. The contaminant infects people who eat or drink unsafe food and water. It's a problem in many tropical, developing countries, and is less common in the US, but outbreaks occasionally occur due to importing contaminated food. Some of the symptoms of Cyclosporiasis include: - Watery diarrhea - Vomiting - Loss of appetite - Stomach cramps - Weight loss - Nausea - Muscle aches - Lethargy You'll likely experience symptoms within one week after coming in contact with food or drinking water contaminated with this parasite, and the illness may last from a few days to a month or longer. Cyclosporiasis is another disease that causes relapses, so your symptoms may go away and return several times before you properly recover from the illness. Most people should recover from cyclosporiasis by resting and drinking plenty of clean water. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic treatment if your symptoms are severe or persistent. Legionellosis Legionellosis is a collection of diseases that are caused by inhaling airborne water droplets that contain legionella bacteria. The most serious and well known of these diseases is legionnaires' disease. You don't get sick from drinking water contaminated with legionella, but you may be affected by inhaling water vapor (such as from cooking water, spas and jacuzzis, or shower water). Some of the symptoms of legionnaires' disease are: - Fever and high temperature - Muscle aches - Cough - Diarrhea - Headache Sometimes, legionnaires' disease can evolve into pneumonia, which can be fatal, especially to older people and people with compromised immune systems. Most cases of legionnaires' are treated with antibiotics. Diagnosing legionnaires' disease can often be difficult because its symptoms are similar to the flu. Your doctor may ask for a urine sample or take a sample of your blood for testing. 👨‍🔬 Continue Reading: Legionella Treatment in Water: A Comprehensive Guide Typhoid Fever Typhoid fever is a waterborne disease characterized by loss of appetite and prolonged episodes of fever. This disease is caused by salmonella typhi bacteria, which is transmitted in contaminated water and food. Typhoid fever is thankfully rare in industrialized parts of the world, but it still occurs in developing countries. Some of the symptoms of typhoid fever are: - Nausea - Fever - Headache - Constipation or diarrhea - Sweating - Loss of appetite - Weight loss If you're planning to travel to a region that has poor sanitation and substandard drinking water quality, you can get a vaccination that will prevent you from getting this specific waterborne disease from ingesting contaminated drinking water. Antibiotic treatment is the most effective way to treat typhoid fever. Noroviruses Noroviruses are a group of viruses, otherwise known as viral gastroenteritis, which cause the stomach and the intestines to become inflamed. You can become infected with noroviruses, after drinking, or swimming in and swallowing, water contaminated with the viruses, as well as from eating foods that have been contaminated by an infected person. Common symptoms of noroviruses include: - Nausea - Diarrhea - Vomiting - Fever - Muscle aches - Headache Symptoms usually appear within 24-48 hours of contact with the virus, and usually lasts for 1-2 days. All types of noroviruses are very contagious and may be dangerous if they infect young children, the elderly, or people with weakened immune systems. Cholera Cholera is a diarrheal disease that causes intestinal infection as a result of exposure to the Vibrio cholerae bacteria, usually in contaminated water or food. The symptoms of cholera vary from one person to the next. While most people experience mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, around 1 in 10 people experience severe symptoms, including: - Severe watery diarrhea - Vomiting - Restlessness - Leg cramps - Thirst Dehydration is one of the most serious side effects of cholera, and can lead to kidney failure, coma, shock, and even death if left untreated. Cholera outbreaks haven't occurred in the US for at least the past century, but the disease still exists in many developing countries and is still a major global health concern. 📉 How To Reduce Your Risk Of Waterborne Diseases Fortunately, folks who live in the US and have access to a municipal drinking water supply are unlikely to be exposed to many of the waterborne diseases on this list. However, if you get your water from a private well or you're planning on traveling to a country with poor sanitation and dirty drinking water, here are some of the ways you can reduce your risk of contracting waterborne diseases. - Get vaccinated - Before you book a trip, Google what vaccines you might need, or be advised to get, in order to travel safely. Many of these vaccines aren't offered to US citizens because we're not at risk of certain microorganisms that are present in other parts of the world, so don't assume that you're already vaccinated. - Practice good personal hygiene - Regardless of your situation, one of the easiest ways to prevent waterborne diseases is to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly, especially after using the toilet and handling animals, and before cooking. - Prevent contamination of private wells - If you're on a private well, prevent drinking water contamination by ensuring the ground around the well slopes away, which will drain runoff in the opposite direction. Any septic tanks on your property should be at least 50 feet away from the well. - Disinfect/filter your water - Depending on your situation, you may also need to disinfect or filter your drinking water. There are disinfection systems, like UV purifiers and chlorination systems, that you can install in your home to treat well water. Or, if you're traveling abroad, consider a portable water purification device, like a bottle filter or a squeeze filter, that you can use to purify a potentially contaminated drinking water supply. - Drink bottled water - If in doubt, stick to filtered bottled water, especially if you're traveling overseas. Related Posts: - Discover the 6 Best UV Water Purifier Systems 🔚 Final Word Waterborne diseases are thankfully rare in the US - but that doesn't mean that you're completely safe against exposure to disease-causing pathogens in your local drinking water supply. If you have any reason to believe that your drinking water quality might be compromised, switch to bottled water and test your water for waterborne contaminants. Or, if you think you've contracted one of the water-related diseases on this list, especially if you're experiencing severe diarrhea or any other symptoms that have persisted for several weeks, contact your doctor to arrange a checkup. Read the full article
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ktronicglobal · 1 year
Automatic Water Level Control Valve – Ktronics Global
An automatic water level control valve is a device that is designed to regulate the level of water in a tank or reservoir. It works by automatically opening or closing a valve to maintain a consistent water level.
There are several types of automatic water level control valves available on the market, including float valves, pressure valves, and electronic sensors. Float valves are the most common and work by using a buoyant float that rises and falls with the water level. As the water level rises, the float lifts a lever, which in turn opens the valve to allow more water in. As the water level falls, the float drops, and the lever closes the valve to prevent further water from entering. Automatic Water Level Control Valve
Pressure valves work by sensing the pressure of the water in the tank or reservoir. As the water level rises, the pressure increases, and the valve opens to allow more water in. As the water level falls, the pressure decreases, and the valve closes to prevent further water from entering.
Electronic sensors use sensors to detect the water level and can be programmed to control the valve based on specific settings.
An automatic water level control valve is useful in preventing overflows or underflows in tanks or reservoirs, which can cause damage to the surrounding area and waste water. It is commonly used in applications such as irrigation systems, swimming pools, and water storage tanks.
Special Feature of an  Automatic water level control valve
Its ability to maintain a consistent water level without the need for manual adjustment or intervention. This can save time and effort, as well as prevent potential water damage. Automatic Water Level Control Valve
Another special feature is the ability to adjust the valve's settings to accommodate specific water level requirements. For example, in an irrigation system, the valve can be programmed to maintain a certain water level to ensure proper water distribution to crops.
Some automatic water level control valves also come equipped with fail-safe mechanisms to prevent overflows or underflows in the event of a malfunction. This can provide added peace of mind and ensure the safety of the surrounding area.
Additionally, some automatic water level control valves are designed to be energy-efficient, using minimal power to operate. This can reduce energy costs and make the device more environmentally friendly.
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