#otp: heterosexuality was never an option
khepiari · 9 months
I don't like it when it's in our world, I think there is a One Piece school manga where the ages are either the same or not as high, but when you apply the canonical ages, Law working and Luffy still in school, I don't let to think that I have to call the police or the psychologist and this is my problem, I know, but as pirates Law and Luffy are more equal than in our world (it still scares me sometimes, canonically it is not a problem but there is fanfics where even about pirates this is shady), but I always think that the problem is not always the ship, but rather those who write or draw
Well, when it comes to fandom, this is my personal rule: canon is reference material for me.
“Age-gap” trope is not new, it has existed since the beginning of the fiction genre to be fair. Because people have been marrying/living/romancing between large gaps for time memorial in real-life. Yes, in most cases, it’s young women and older men because of societal beliefs; young women are considered as limited shelf-life goods while men in possession of money are a catch. Age-gap relationships until the advent of modern society benefited off vulnerable young women who had no money or social security.
Historically, age-gap has been extremely common in queer relationships, we have had huge age-gaps too as well, one famous couple being Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy; 30 years. I know fellow queer people in happy relationships where age-gap is over 15 years, and I know fellow heterosexual couples with two years age-gap in miserable marriages. Who gets to be happy in their relationship is relative to contextual environment.
But I am digressing. Coming back to my OTP
As you said, Law and Luffy become a problematic romance if they are placed in a modern setting like High School romance and not the canon timeline. For example, they are put in the context of where one is still in school and the other is a functional adult. Your concerns are valid, but my concern here is; who is this age-gap romance about two 2D fictional characters written on a fan-run website in a tiny slash pairing fandom hurting? Because as far as I know no one is being made to read these stories as part of their school/university literature curriculum. A reader is choosing to read these stories on their own will. Someone might sent you the link, and you can click on it, but you still have to press the consent button to read it, right?
Law and Luffy to me have been equal, since day one both in “canon” and in my fics. Because I have never seen their age-gap as a power dynamic story. I am the person who wrote My Little Husband, I think that story has every trope, problem and issue that people who hate the age-gap associate with. Even in that story, Luffy is an equal, and the active agent in his story. So yeah coming back to what you ended the ask with.
You said about LawLu ship “problem is not always the ship, but rather who writes or draws.” I will simply disagree here. My main reason is that every fic author/fan artist has the right to write/draw/think about their ship how they want. Who are we as consumers of these stories to say “This is bad” and “that is good?”
Yes, your feelings of dislike/ick are valid. That’s why you have been provided with the options of tags, warnings and basic fic ratings.
In my fics, I add the tags and mark the sex scenes out, and if it’s explicit topics or scenes, there are reminders in the text that a reader can skip certain parts. What more can we do to protect the reader’s comfort?
I refuse to endorse the idea that the problem lies with the creator of the ship. Just because someone writes something that makes other people uncomfortable doesn’t mean it’s “bad or wrong”. And just because something makes you comfortable because it aligns with your personal beliefs isn’t necessarily “good or correct”.
Engaging with fiction is a personal experience, so you have to curate what you are looking for. Do you want to be comfortable or do you want to be stirred with feelings? The choices are yours to make and you can indulge in all or none at all. Yet, no one has any right to call a fan creator, “You are the problem for creating something because it makes me feel uncomfortable.”
Will you like it? Let’s say— you go to a pot-luck party with a delicious tumbler of potato stew, and someone willingly tastes a spoonful/eats the entire bowl and then tells you right after that, “You are a bad person and cook as your potato stew made their mouth tingle because of the variation of spices you used for that person’s favourite vegetable?”
No, you won’t.
So my advice is simple: don’t interact with something that makes you uncomfortable and unhappy. Fandom is not the place to measure our morality.
The end.
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tealeavesandthorns · 10 months
Name / Alias: Laura (she/they)
Are you over 18? :Yes / No
  – W R I T I N G –
Are you selective about who you write with? : No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only). --
Are you selective about who you follow? : No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people).
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? : Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / Not Applicable.
What post lengths do you write? : One-Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella / All of the aforementioned. (I prefer single/multi-para for general rp and then cracky stuff and the occasional one liner I enjoy).
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? : No / Gifs / Icons / Yes / Sometimes. (Depends on the thread and such)
Do you write on other platforms? : No / Yes (I've tried it, discord and IM makes me uncomfortable so I'm just sticking with tumblr).
What level of plots do you write? : Unplotted / Open-Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned - Honestly I really like just having a sort of general idea of what we want and then seeing where it takes us.
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? : Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week) / Very Fast (less than three days) - This depends entirely on how my brain is working, if I'm in a good place and excited and stuff it can be the same day a bunch of times....
What types of themes do you like? : Adventure / Romance / Fluff / Angst / Violence / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / All of the aforementioned - I love everything but I have to say that romance, fluff, adventure are all my favs
What genres do you like? : ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Smut / Adventure / Espionage / Dark / Emotional / All of the aforementioned - it just depends what I'm in the mood for, smut I'm not a huge fan off tbh, I'd rather write drabbles for that.
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? : (Not triggers) No / Yes / Sometimes
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? : I honestly don't think there are many things that I find uncomfortable to write, or read, if the subject is handled well. I do struggle with some things though, and some topics and subject matters.
  – S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? : Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? : Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
Do you have OTPs? : No / Chemistry Only / Yes
Do you have NOTPS? : No / Yes
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? : Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Pansexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? : Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
Are you comfortable writing smut? : No / Selectively / Yes
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? : Autoship / During plotting / After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent / Never - It really just entirely depends.
Are you open to toxic ships? : No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure (but they must be handled with care and I need the other mun to be open to talking about our muses oc if I have questions. And there must always be to option of dropping the ship if either one had grown uncomfortable with it. - keeping this from Krys' answer because it's so true!)
Are you open to problematic ships? : No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
Are you open to polyamory shipping? : No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
Are you an exclusive shipper? : Never / Sometimes / Yes - very very rarely do I exclusively ship, I'd rather just be open to stuff and then potentially I sometimes have favourites.....
Does crack shipping ever happen? : Nope / Yes / depends
Stolen from @asoulunbound tagging: YOU!!
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seriousmilkcarton · 4 years
A Small Essay on Why I Ship Naruto & Gaara
As requested by @marcceh, and to prove my point that I really do make up essays in my head defending the ships I feel strongly about, here is an essay about why I ship Naruto and Gaara.
I do not want to demean any other ships, I truly believe that shipping wars are basically nonsense because we are all part of the same fan community and everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be accepted for it (unless you’re racist, homophobic, transphobic or any other kind of intolerant, then your opinion doesn’t mean shit to me). So these are just my opinions, my experience of watching Naruto and the reasons I ship them and not anyone else (as much).
 1.       Gaara is my baby and I want good things for him.
I knew Gaara was going to be my baby the moment he first appeared in the chunin exam arc. I was actually so thrilled and felt so badass because my babies usually aren’t the “bad boys/villains” so having a psychotic killer as my baby, I felt like I just stole from the local convenience store and got a lip piercing. It was very much a “there my baby goes, killing people again (hearteyes)”-situation. So what happened. My only villainesque baby (ever?) became a soft boi. And why? Because Naruto showed him the light. I mean, Naruto was such a fucking inspiration, Gaara went through a 180 degree change from a punk who doesn’t give a fuck about others and kills people for fun to the most innocent and awkward soft boi who just wants to protecc. Naruto being good influence is an understatement.
2.       Gaara loves Naruto more than sand (and really doesn’t make a secret of it).
You know how every time Gaara is on screen, he just babbles on about how Naruto changed him and how he wants to be like him and how he is so happy to be his friend? (basically how much he loves him?) He is so blunt about it, I love it so much. Like – “I think they changed the recipe of the frappé. It tastes different somehow” – “You know what also changed? My view on life. Naruto taught me the meaning of love and friendship. It was when fighting him, I learned the importance of bonds with people. He gave me hope for what lies ahead. I wish to be such a beacon of hope at a point in the future, too. “
3.       I am just a sucker for healthy relationships.
They believe in each other, they support each other, they are good influences on each other, they have the greatest respect for each other but do not shy away when they aren’t in unison about something (i.e. Sasuke). In summary, they stand up for each other and they stand up for themselves. The importance of that in a healthy relationship I cannot stress enough. Also, they are happy when around each other and bring out the best in the other. I cannot find a single toxic trait in their relationship and that just makes me happy.
4.       This show is just too gay (for me to ship straight ships).
Generally, it’s not like I am only into slash ships. I think I am actually quite balanced there. My OTPs in various animes like Fairy Tail and Fullmetal Alchemist are straight. Why? Because there are some nice heterosexual relationships that are worthy of my hype. In Naruto? Not so much (in my opinion [except Shikamaru X Temari]). I mean, yes, of course in the end boy ends up with girl, because that’s the show it is. But the story and the emotion revolve about 98 % around males. Because 1) it’s a shounen and 2) the author was not good in showcasing female talent (Don’t get me wrong, there are female characters with… potential. The show just seldom displays it, unfortunately). So in conclusion, I don’t really have straight ships in Naruto (except Shikamaru X Temari).
5.       It actually changed my mind.
Obviously, as it was not apparent from the start, I didn’t ship NaruGaa from the beginning. In Part 1 I actually shipped Naruto and Sasuke. And usually, once I start shipping something, I never let go of it, for better or for worse (many times worse). My kinda ship is often is the sort of “I would never admit my affection for you, but I actually deeply care for you and would definitely take a bullet”. And I felt a lot of that in Part 1 in SNS (up to the point where Sasuke left the village). I held on to that ship for longer than it did me good, but when Sasuke tried to actually kill Naruto (don’t remember if it was 1st or 2nd or 3rd time), I gave up on it, too. Partly because I saw there was another option, including my baby, including a both-sided love and care. Because like I said, I’m just a sucker for healthy relationships.
6.       They are SO SOFT with each other!
Gaara and Naruto’s interactions are of 3 sorts: “protective husband”, “proud husband” and “soft husband”. Obviously, I love all 3 of them, but let’s talk about the third, because that just makes my heart melt every time. Naruto and Gaara are both very strong and could each bring down armies, respectively, but with each other they are just so SOFT. Alone them saying each others’ names. Best example; when Gaara comes back to life and the first thing he sees is Naruto. Prime example of soft name calling AND super soft look, especially on Naruto’s side. Best example of soft interaction; in the end of that same arc, when they marry shake hands. This was the softest interaction I have ever seen. If I marry at some point, I would be okay with a handshake instead of a kiss, as long as it is THIS LEVEL OF HANDSHAKE.
 And that, my friends, is why Naruto X Gaara is a god tier ship.
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ffamranxii · 5 years
First Impressions Of P5 Characters VS What I Think Now
Then: Ren Amamiya. Soft boi. Good boi. Who the fuck is Akira?
Now: Hooooo boy let’s unpack this three in one character, my friends. Ren is still a good soft boi who did nothing wrong. Akira Kurusu, however is a bastard in love with a feral boy and is the sarcastic fuck. Joker? Goddamn, Joker is a maniac from the depths of hell. What is heterosexuality
Then: Vulgar Boy! He must be the Best Friend(TM) of Ren
Now: Ryuji is best boy and he and Ren are in love and this is a Ryuji hate-free zone!! T^T
Then: Oh she’s cute! If she’s the Lovers, I’m gonna ship her with Ren!
Now: Gaaaaaaaaaaay. Ann x Shiho are OTP
Then: She’s so cute I want twelve!!!
Now: Omg I fucking hate this fucking cat if this motherfucker shits on my bb Ryuji one more time I stg I’ll punt him across Tokyo DO NOT TEMPT ME
Then: Asexual weird AF art boi
Now: Asexual weird AF art boi with a tragic past who is still deeply hurting, and loves lobsters and is definitely best friends with Futaba
Then: Eh. Whatever.
Then: Cute little ginger nerd! I’m love her
Now: 😳 Bb I will love and protect you with Coffee Dad for as long as you live, holy fuck, you need so much therapy, also I think you’ve broken several laws both national and international. Her chat name is CoffeeGremlin you cannot take this from me. NO ONE SHOULD BE DATING FUTABA SHE IS A VICTIM OF HORRIFIC TRAUMA AND ABUSE AND NEEDS TO WORK ON HERSELF BEFORE GETTING INTO A RELATIONSHIP
Then: What a cute little floof! She is sheepwife
Now: Oh god there’s a lot of trauma and emotions to unpack here. Sheepwife 😭 The game makes it seem like you get over your father’s death so quickly but your whole confidant is a metaphor for the close relationship you two used to share and you never really truly get any closure 😭 Sheepwife is one of the most tragic characters because of this. T^T
Then: This bitch is Light Yagami. I bet he kills someone.
After vanilla: Motherfuckin Light Yagami... but at least there was a reason for his crazy, I guess. Sad
Then: So cute. I hope she’s a Phantom Thief
Now: Honorary Phantom Thief. Ann’s wife. Fuckin fight me
Then: *Regina George voice* omg he is SO annoying
Now: Best boi. A good boi. Honorary Phantom Thief fuckin fight me. Mishima is a victim of horrific abuse at the hands of Kamoshida and is treated like shit by both the game and the fandom and I just... don’t get it??? Hug your Mishima today
Then: Ooooooh pretty please be a Phantom Thief you know she’d be something quintessentially Japanese-themed, she and Yusuke would be aesthetic goals
Now: SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A PHANTOM THIEF AND THEY CUT HER? Bullshit. Still a Phantom Thief fuckin fight me. Definitely made the first move with Makoto. Into kinky sex.
Then: I love her
Now: D: I’ve only had Sumire for a day and a half but if anything happens to her I’ll kill everyone in this fandom and then myself. How is she not the protagonist or secondary protagonist of Persona 6? She would basically be just like Maki from P1! That is a HUGE story and they just... you know what FUCK you Atlus. ALSO REMEMBER WHAT I SAID ABOUT HOW NO ONE SHOULD BE DATING FUTABA BECAUSE SHE’S A VICTIM OF HORRIFIC ABUSE AND TRAUMA AND NEEDS TO WORK ON HERSELF BEFORE GETTING INTO A RELATIONSHIP? REPLACE FUTABA WITH SUMIRE THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK
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humongousbastard · 5 years
Tumblr media
Name / Alias: bullshark  Are you over 18?  Yes  /  No. Is your muse(s) over 18?  Yes / No 
When was your blog established? february, on valentine’s day (hahaha HEARTS boxcars)
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only). (if you approach me i probably will! but i don’t reach out to people i can’t imagine a fun thread with)
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone) /  Semi (most people) /  Yes (some people) /  Highly (few people).
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all  / A little  / Some / Mostly /  Strictly /  Not Applicable.
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners  / Single-Para / Multi-Para /  Novella / All of the aforementioned.
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No  /  Gifs / Icons /  Yes / Sometimes. (if i used any from canon there would literally be only two faces)
Do you write on other platforms? No  / Yes
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted /  Open-Ended Plots  /  Semi-Plotted /  Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks)  / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days)
What types of themes do you like? Adventure / Romance / Fluff / Angst / Smut / Violence /  Tragedy / Domestic / Family
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror /  Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Adventure /  Espionage / All of the aforementioned
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  / Yes /  Sometimes
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? animal death or abuse. just tagging it with that will get it! just please don’t put a tw before or after, it fucks up the filter
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic /  Platonic  /  Familial / All of the aforementioned
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic /  Familial / All of the aforementioned 
Do you have OTPs? No /  Chemistry Only / Yes
Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual /  Heteroflexible  / Bisexual / Pansexual /  Homoflexible  / Homosexual / Demisexual /  Sapiosexual /  Asexual / Still trying to figure it out (i hc that carapaces don’t have any sexual urges or cultural understanding of them)
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic /  Heteroflexible  / Biromantic /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic   / Panromantic / Demiromantic /  Sapioromantic  / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out
Are you comfortable writing smut? No / Selectively / Yes
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship / During plotting /  After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent /  Never (it SUPER DEPENDS with boxcars part of it is that this man just has a small crush on everyone he meets and then absolutely never acts on it) 
Are you open to toxic ships? No / Selectively  / Yes ( some discussion ) / I am not sure
Are you open to problematic ships?
No /  Selectively / Yes / I am not sure (i wish there was an underline option)
Are you open to polyshipping? No /  Selectively  / Yes / I am not sure
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never  / Sometimes  / Yes / depends
Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope /  Yes  / depends (only if its for a quick one liner joke)
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elisethetraveller · 5 years
Mun info
Name / Alias: A or WolfWithABook Are you over 18?    Yes  /  No Is your muse over 18?  Yes /  No When was your blog established? In the end of December 2018, I don’t remember the exact date.
– W R I T I N G –
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone) /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) /  Highly (few people - mutuals preferred) / Private (mutuals only)
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people)  / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people)
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all  / A little  /  Some / Mostly /  Strictly / Not Applicable
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners  / Single-Para  / Multi-Para  /  Novella / All of the aforementioned It’s been a while since I wrote one-liners and my longer replies take forever to get completed so I usually write Single-Para and Multi-Para
Do you use icons and/or GIFS?
No  / Gifs  / Icons  /  Yes / Sometimes  My muse is an OC so I don’t really have a lot of options for icons/GIFS
Do you write on other platforms? No  /  Yes
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted /  Open-Ended Plots  / Semi-Plotted /  Fully Plotted Epics /  All of the aforementioned I used to prefer unplotted but over time I’ve come to favour at least open-ended and semi-plotted threads.
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) /  Average (1-2 weeks) /  Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days) /  It depends My reply speed varies a lot due to a combination of guilt for not replying fast enough, lack of concentration to write 1 reply finished and occasionally, very rarely, forgetting about a thread. What types of themes do you like? Adventure / Romance / Fluff  / Angst  / Smut /  Violence /  Tragedy  / Domestic  /  Family WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy  /  Supernatural / Science Fiction  / Historical(?)  /  Horror / Comedy / Romantic  / Drama  / Action /  Adventure  /  Espionage / All of the aforementioned
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  / Yes  /  Sometimes Not really no, though some things are weird to write and occasionally I get very uncomfortable with writing smutty things but that usually passes.
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? Not really no.
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic  / Platonic  /  Familial / All of the aforementioned Elise is a lonely soul, she needs some friends (I assume familial is non-biologic though) What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic  / Platonic  /  Familial / All of the aforementioned / I prefer plotting As long as it makes sense I’m open to anything Do you have OTPs? No /  Chemistry Only  /  Yes Yup, and half the time they don’t make sense
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual  /  Heteroflexible  / Bisexual  / Pansexual /  Homoflexible /  Homosexual / Demisexual /  Sapiosexual / ( Grey ) Asexual (verse-dependant) / Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  / Biromantic /  Homoflexible  / Homoromantic   / Panromantic /  Demiromantic /  Sapioromantic  / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out.
Are you comfortable writing smut? No  /  Selectively / Yes I’ll most likely only write smut with mun’s (and muses) I’m comfortable with
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship  / During plotting /  After a couple IC interactions  /  Several IC interactions / Slow burn   /  Plot dependent /  Never It varies a lot
Are you open to toxic ships? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure. Are you open to problematic ships? No /  Selectively /  Yes / I am not sure. Are you open to polyshipping? No /  Selectively /  Yes /  I am not sure. Since that would require a lot of behind-the-scenes coordination I’m selective about that but I’m definitely open to it! Are you an exclusive shipper? Never (Multi-Ship)  / Sometimes  /  Yes A person’s portrayal of a character can be very unique so even if a ship might work with their version it might not work with another mun’s version.
Does crack shipping ever happen? No  /  Yes I haven’t ever really experienced crack shipping so I don’t know how to answer this
– T A G G I N G! –
Tagged by: @legacyof-deathandmadness (Thank you!)
Tagging: @purpletoxicity , @general-kalani , @faolanridire , @asoncruellybanished 
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uppertwo-a · 5 years
– B A S I C S –
NAME:  cheshire or fragile!
ALIAS(ES)/HANDLE(S):  people mostly call me chesh uvu
ARE YOU OVER 18?    yes  /  No
IS YOUR MUSE?   yes  /  no
WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED?  i’ve been rping douma for around 2 months.
– W R I T I N G –
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people)  /  Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people)  /  Yes (some people) /  Highly (few people)  /  Private (mutuals only)
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH DO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all  /  A little  /  Some  /  Mostly /  Strictly  /  Not Applicable
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners /  Single-Para /  Multi-Para  /  Novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No  /  Gifs  /  Icons  /  Yes
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted  /  Open-Ended Plots (set up a meeting and see what happens)  /  Semi-Plotted (one or two steps ahead)  /  Fully Plotted Epics ( plotted beginning, middle, and end )
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) /  Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days)  / It depends
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff  /  Angst /  Smut / Violence / Tragedy  /  Domestic  / Family / Conversational
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy  / Supernatural /  Science Fiction  /  Historical  / Horror /  Comedy /  Romantic / Drama  / Action / Adventure  /  Espionage
ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? (not triggers) No  /  Yes (i struggle a lot with writing arguments, breakups, abandonment, etc) /  Sometimes
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? abuse is the only trigger i have, other topics just deeply disturb me and upset me, but they do not trigger me. i don’t mind how it’s tagged, so long as my blacklist can pick it up.
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No  /  Chemistry Only  /  Yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No /  Yes (if you look at me with any kind of pedophilic ship i will break your fingers)
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual  /  Heteroflexible  /  Bisexual /  Pansexual /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual / Demisexual /  Sapiosexual  /  Asexual
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  / Biromantic /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic   /  Panromantic /  Demiromantic  /  Sapioromantic  /  Aromantic
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship /  During plotting  /  After a couple IC interactions  /  Several IC interactions  /  Slow burn  /  Never
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No  /  Selectively (most of the time i’d say ‘no’, but if i know you really well and you don’t fetishize/romanticize or otherwise try to approve of what’s going on, i’ll allow it) / Yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (incest, canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No  /  Selectively /  Yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? No  /  Selectively /  Yes
ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? Never (there isn’t a ‘no’ option but it’s rare i exclusively ship)  /  Sometimes  / Yes
– T A G G I N G! –
tagging: you!
tagged by: i stole it uwu
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dreamybandee · 5 years
Tumblr media
NAME / ALIAS:  Joy ARE YOU OVER 18?  Yes  /  No IS YOUR MUSE(S) OVER 18?  Yes /  No? WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED? October 14th, 2019
– W R I T I N G  –
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) /  yes (some people) /  Highly (few people)
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH DO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all  / A little  / Some  / Mostly /  Strictly /  Not Applicable
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? one-liners  / Single-para /  Multi-para  /  Novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Yes / Sometimes
DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? No  / Yes / I’m not really sure so I’m adding an idk option here
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted /  open-ended plots  / semi-plotted /  Fully Plotted Epics
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? very slow (more than a month) / slow (3-4 weeks)  / average (1-2 weeks) / fast (less than one week)  /  very fast (less than three days)
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? Adventure / Romance  / Fluff /  angst / Smut / Violence / Tragedy / Domestic /  Family
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( FEEL FREE TO ADD! ) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical /  Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Adventure /  Espionage
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS? HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? Yes. I have one for dr.owning/su.ffocation. It would be greatly appreciated and a ton of help if you tagged that. 
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic  / Platonic /  Familial / All of the Aforementioned
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No /  Chemistry Only  / Yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No / Yes (Romantic ship of Bandee and Dedede is yikes. ;;)
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual /  Heteroflexible  / Bisexual / Pansexual  /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual / demisexual  /  Sapiosexual /  Asexual  /
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  / Biromantic /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic  /  Panromantic/  Demiromantic /  Sapioromantic  / Aromantic /
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? No  /  Selectively /  Yes /  Privately
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting /  After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent /  Never
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? No / Selectively /  Yes / I am not sure
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
TAGGED BY: Stole it from dash!  TAGGING: Go ahead and steal it!
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thered-blueblur · 5 years
Name / Alias:  CAL/Col
Are you over 18?  Yes  /  No Is your muse over 18?  Yes /  No
When was your blog established? Jan 2020 XD
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people - mutuals preferred) / Private (mutuals only)
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) /  Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people)
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all  / A little  / Some  / Mostly / Strictly /  Not Applicable
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners  / Single-Para /  Multi-Para  /  Novella / All of the aforementioned
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No  /  Gifs  /  Icons  /  Yes / Sometimes
Do you write on other platforms? No  /  Yes
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted  /  Open-Ended Plots  /  Semi-Plotted /  Fully Plotted Epics /  All of the aforementioned
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks)  / Average (1-2 weeks)  /  Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days) /  It depends
What types of themes do you like?
Adventure / Romance /  Fluff /  Angst  / Smut  /  Violence /  Tragedy /  Domestic  /  Family
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy /  Supernatural / Science Fiction /  Historical  /  Horror /  Comedy  / Romantic  /Drama  / Action / Adventure /  Espionage / All of the aforementioned
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  /  Yes  /  Sometimes
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? Medical needles and transorbital lobotomy. Normally I blacklist *needles and *lobotomy. With the option to see it if I click
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic /  Platonic  /  Familial / All of the aforementioned
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial / All of the aforementioned
Do you have OTPs? No /  Chemistry Only  / Yes
Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual  /  Heteroflexible  / Bisexual  /  Pansexual  /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual  /Demisexual  /  Sapiosexual  /  ( Grey ) Asexual  / Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  / Biromantic /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic   /Panromantic  /  Demiromantic  /  Sapioromantic  / Aromantic  / Still trying to figure it out.
Are you comfortable writing smut? No  /  Selectively /  Yes
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship / During plotting  /  After a couple IC interactions  / Several IC interactions / Slow burn /  Plot dependent  /  Never  
Are you open to toxic ships? No / Selectively  /  Yes /  I am not sure
Are you open to problematic ships? No /  Selectively /  Yes
Are you open to polyshipping? No /  Selectively  / Yes /  I am not sure.
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never /  Sometimes  / Yes
Does crack shipping ever happen? No   /  Yes
tagged by : @ring-of-azar tagging : @weaponizedembrace, @smallblueboyscout, @blondeinblue And of course anyone else who wants to do this thing ^_^
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gluttonyqueen · 5 years
Name / Alias: Lana Are you over 18?    Yes  /  No Is your muse over 18?  Yes /  No When was your blog established? the beginning of September 2019, I guess, though I’ve been writing in the fandom since June
– W R I T I N G –
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) /  Highly (few people - mutuals preferred) /  Private (mutuals only)
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people)  /  Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people)  There are certain standards in my head that I can’t put into words. Sometimes it’s the general aesthetic of the blog, but mostly it concerns muses and writing styles. It’s hard for me to write with people whose style doesn’t click well with my own.
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all  / A little  /  Some  / Mostly /  Strictly /  Not Applicable My version of Beelzebub is expanded from what is seen in the show, but the main personality traits are preserved and I never disregard the timeline of canon.
What post lengths do you write? One Liners  / Single-Para  /  Multi-Para  /  Novella / All of the aforementioned I can adapt to anything, though I would prefer lengthier replies unless it’s crack or something less serious than a proper thread. I believe that some moments demand deeper exploration and a more detailed description than others. 
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No  / Gifs  /  Icons  /  Yes / Sometimes
Do you write on other platforms? No  /  Yes But it’s private and not in English. Currently I only focus on one ineffable bureaucracy plot I write with my best friend. 
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted  /  Open-Ended Plots  /  Semi-Plotted /  Fully Plotted Epics /  All of the aforementioned I can improvise as well as plot, and I enjoy starting something with a meme to see where it leads eventually. In terms of plotting, however, it’s best for me to sketch out the main idea and improvise afterwards. 
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) /  Average (1-2 weeks) /  Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days) /  It depends It really depends at the moment. I used to reply rather fast before, but this blog hasn’t been exactly active for quite some time.
What types of themes do you like? Adventure / Romance / Fluff  /  Angst  / Smut /  Violence /  Tragedy  /  Domestic  /  Family   Give me pain on every level. Seriously, it’s not that I don’t like fluff, it’s that I can’t physically write it for more than like two-three replies. I need angst to get me going. It also affects my writing greatly: the wording blossoms in sufferings, but becomes shallow and boring in the moments of happiness. 
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy  /  Supernatural / Science Fiction  /  Historical  /  Horror /  Comedy  / Romantic  / Drama  / Action /  Adventure  /  Espionage / All of the aforementioned
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  /  Yes  /  Sometimes Except anything about my characters having children, unless it’s very well plotted and fits the character/canon in the first place. I can write pregnancies though, I did a few times, though my female muses are never happy about the fact and are 99% likely to get rid of the alien as fast as they can. And obviously, nothing romantic/sexual with underage characters, though age difference doesn’t bother me in ships where one muse is at least 18 and the other is not older than 35. 
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? Nope. But I realize that some people do and I try to respect it best I can.
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial / All of the aforementioned
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial / All of the aforementioned / I prefer plotting If the relationship is canon, be if romantic or whatnot, I have no problem jumping right into it. Everything else is chemistry depending or requires plotting.
Do you have OTPs? No /  Chemistry Only  /  Yes
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual  /  Heteroflexible  /  Bisexual  / Pansexual  /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual / Demisexual /  Sapiosexual / ( Grey ) Asexual (verse-dependant) / Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  /  Biromantic /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic   / Panromantic /  Demiromantic /  Sapioromantic  / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out.
Are you comfortable writing smut? No  /  Selectively /  Yes Sometimes my muse demands it, other times it’s hard to get into that specific mood, so I do write smut with those I want to write it with, but not all the time and not for the pure sake of it.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship  / During plotting /  After a couple IC interactions  /  Several IC interactions / Slow burn   /  Plot dependent /  Never It always depends. Sometimes I specifically seek to write a particular ship, other times it comes up naturally due to chemistry.
Are you open to toxic ships? No / Selectively  / Yes / I am not sure. There are no other options for most of my characters, especially not for Beelz. And toxic ships are more interesting to write for me, as, as I mentioned before, I can’t write fluff. Also, you know, demons are not nice and cuddly by nature.
Are you open to problematic ships? No /  Selectively /  Yes / I am not sure. Except for the age thing mentioned.
Are you open to polyshipping? No /  Selectively /  Yes /  I am not sure.
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never (Multi-Ship)  / Sometimes  /  Yes
Does crack shipping ever happen? No  /  Yes Careful, though. Three minutes later I might end up having feels for the ship.
– T A G G I N G! –
tagged by: @ineffableduality
tagging: whoever wants it
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janiedean · 6 years
Why do you think the SW fandom is so knee-deep in SJ Calvinism? Because I understand wanting representation or being upset because a movie didn’t fulfill your expectations, but the “if you don’t ship X you’re racist” “if you don’t stan Y you’re bigoted” and the harassment over a disappointing movie is surprising just because of how pervasive it is. I was trying to find some St*rmpilot blogs to follow and the amount of hate is Yikes, especially the hate for Rose and the stans of a Certain Ship
eeeeeeh I think it’s because ep. 7 came out at the height of the... well, reaping the seeds the social justice calvinism had sown since 2014 so to speak? I mean, SW is hardly the one fandom where it happened (*cough* voltron and SU *cough*) but as SW is way broader in audience than those other shows that certainly didn’t help, but like, if you think on it, since 2013-ish (but I think before as well, I mean, I’ve been here since 2011 and already when I got here I felt like something was going very wrong when it came to politics-in-fandom-attitude), basically people on tumblr have progressively, when it came to fandoms:
pushed the idea that you have to over-analyze everything you consume through political lens;
pushed the idea that what you like and how you like it also has to be pushed through political lens and what you like says things about who you are as a person or your political leanings;
pushed the idea that if you care for something *problematic* just because you like it you’re excusing it;
pushed the idea that if you were problematic once you can’t ever not be problematic, you can’t change your mind and you can’t learn also because ‘it’s not my job to educate you’ so people either learn themselves or idek what but again, calvinism.
now obviously those politics are tumblr-politics which are also US centric like woah and are also high-school petty like woah, and since more or less then people have:
continuously other-ed lgbt people from *straight*/heterosexual people pushing a narrative where straight = bad and therefore putting it before anything automatically makes it a valid insult which added to the above means that if you ship het you’re already problematic regardless of whether you’re straight or not (and if you are.. lol);
pushed the performative feminism of Doom TM that says men and women should be equal but is like, an excuse to shit on men and on women who like men (see the rampant biphobia around and the whole ‘straight girls are so stupid if they’re into men they should try women’ discourse);
pushed the US terminology when it comes to the POC discourse, in the sense that everything works on the US-centered context where white people = white anglosaxon protestant, poc = everything else without realizing that in the rest of the world white does not equal wasp, that poc = black people only in most of europe (and no one who’s actually black or not white who lives in africa or asia and so on would describe themselves as poc because why the hell would you when your skin color/ethinicity is the norm where you live?), which also goes with the whole white passing debate which where I live would not exist but in that context is a mess because again, oscar i*saac is schroedinger’s poc (as in, he’s poc automatically for american standards because he’s latin-american but like he has the same skin tone as my mother and my mother in italy is white same as 90% of us, which means endless confusion) and assumed that all of us have to accept that terminology/context regardless of whether it’s valid in our countries;
kept on progressively putting minorities against each other in an endless loop of WHO HAS IT WORST/oppression olympics;
kept on progressively split hairs on issues that aren’t exactly, like, that important if there’s more urgent stuff to deal with because 90% of the activism here is performative;
made the 180° turn for which headcanons and shit are seen as, like, doing representation instead of, you know, supporting what rep is there never mind when people decide *one* ship is the right one and if another is canonized and it’s rep it gets thoroughly ignored;
pushed on a mindset for which if something isn’t perfect at the get-go then it’s canceled.
and so on.
like, all of that shit has been continuously not criticized because criticizing it especially if you don’t belong to a minority means that you’re out of line/discussing things that don’t concern you, but if you’re a minority and you criticize it then it’s suddenly YOU BETRAYED OUR CAUSE *INSERT SLUR HERE ABOUT PANDERING TO THE MAJORITY*, and the result exploded in toxic af fandoms, but like... if you look at the issues of the SW sequel trilogy fandom it’s all of that in a nutshell because:
k/ylo ren is automatically the worst because he’s white (horrible), a man (even worse), not canonically attractive (I didn’t touch on that topic bc I’m honestly not up for it mentally but lmao that counts too) and presumably heterosexual (or well, no one said he’s not but you know, since he’s a white dude on the bad side [supposedly] then we don’t give him the benefit of the doubt that he might be bi), so if you like ky/lo ren or relate to him you’re automatically problematic;
shipping re/ylo because automatically problematic because it’s a *straight* (evil) ship made of two white people (when there’s options to ship them both with people that aren’t white, so IT’S RACIST), they have an age gap (BAD BECAUSE POWER IMBALANCE) and it’s enemies to lovers, so it’s a context where people who don’t conceive redemption or that people can become better are basically crying problematic all the time, and the fact that people decided it’s *abusive* when it has like nothing that can equate it to a really abusive relationship says all;
ky/lux being the most popular slash ship immediately means that it’s the fault of the horrible straight (white) women fetishizing the (white) men on the dark side (when it’s most likely because for a while ky/lux was literally the only side of that fandom where people were chill/there wasn’t wank every other moment);
st/ormpilot has been declared The Right Ship because it’s two non-white men and it’s not straight which automatically turns into what I said before about hating other ships that would be rep anyway and feeds into the lowkey oppression olympics racism, because like if finn/rose becomes canon it’s still a mixed/biracial ship because he’s black and she’s asian....... except that it’s not the right ship for people who decided that finn has to be either with rey or poe (and guess what rey is white and poe is... schroedinger’s poc because oscar isaac in europe wouldn’t pass for *poc*), which to me has stank of lowkey racism since tlj came out because sorry but if ‘finn deserves better than rose’ or ‘finn should be with rey because if he doesn’t get rey then it’s unfair’ and the various other bullshit I read on the topic basically says that the white woman is *worthier* than the asian woman or that rose is a downgrade from rey which is fucking bullshit, rose isn’t even a bad character all the contrary. and that’s for the het side of it, but like then it’s not as good as stormpilot because it’s a straight ship (NOOOO THEY MADE FINN STRAIGHT/THEY’RE NOT MAKING THEM GAY THIS IS SUCH BULLSHIT = stuff I legit saw on the tag) and ngl I’m 100% sure that the fact that daisy is Standard Attractive and kelly marie t/ran is lovely but doesn't conform to the usual beauty standard western-viewers apply on asian women did play a role in there, but: what did I say before? the slash ship is automatically better than the het ship never mind that they’re both biracial and rose is actually a rep (asian girls who don’t adhere to stereotypical body shapes - and like, the rep for all body types and shapes should be valid for all women, not just white) that isn’t exactly popular especially in mainstream cinema, so people should be happy.... but since rose is Not A Dude and Not Rey and Not The Right Kind Of Representation For That Crowd, automatically rose is a shit character and deserves to be viciously hated on. and this is a thing done by people who most likely then turn on the other side and talk shit about horrible straight women who hate the only female character for getting in the way of their slash ship without realizing that their rose hate is exactly that. and of course since sto/rmpilot is the two good guys, if you ship that then you also have to hate re/ylo because how can you, a person who ships The Good Ship On The Light Side, support such a problematic enemies to lovers thing? yeah, right, hahaha.
this also tbqh also pairs up with how on tumblr people only recognize mental health issues/abuse victims when the narrative suits them - like, being a bad victim automatically means you lose sympathy and mental health issues are only valid if you aren’t ***privileged*** otherwise why would you have them, which shows transparently in how a lot of people absolutely deny that ky/lo ren is a) an abuse victim, b) obviously mentally ill however it is that he deals with it, but no, he has to be The Most Horrible In Existence Because Otherwise We Should Have Empathy For A Bad Guy Who Also Might Get Redeemed And Redemption Is Not Happening Ever Because Bad People Don’t Deserve it.
like, all of the issues sw sequel trilogy has when it comes to the fandom are direct consequences of the nonsensical social justice calvinism climate on tumblr dot com that no one took care to put a stop to since 2013 and of its ridiculous oppression olympics and pitting people against each other and that was my take. cheers.
(ps: I also ship sto/rmpilot like woah and it’s my otp but there’s a reason why I unfollowed most SP blogs I followed and why I don’t go into the tag anymore - I’m not here for the anti-rose racism dressed up as performative wokeness, I’m not here to get lectured about as a white person I fetishize poc gay men if I ship it - yes I read that too - and I’m not here to read a bunch of meta about how re/ylo is a bad ship and blah blah blah, so yeah. I feel you.) (pps: ky/lo ren isn’t even my favorite character and I care relatively but gdi the way the fandom approaches him is honestly mindboggling in that sense, and I don’t mean people who actually dislike him because fair reasons, I mean people who can’t recognize his abuse victim status and the precarious status of his mental health. like, not all abuse victims and mentally ill people are the right victim or come from the right background and you can be cool motive still murder and still recognize that he’s like that because he has issues, not because he was drawn that way. /bye)
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succubused · 6 years
or isa who is the love of my life
mood i would die for him
favorite thing about them
i’ve made a post about this before but i love what a walking contradiction he is, like he’s always going on about how nobodies don’t have emotions, nobodies don’t feel friendship, etc etc but then he turns around and 1. is clearly deeply hurt when he feels like axel doesn’t consider their friendship to be important anymore 2. he is a BERSERKER a battle style that relies on VERY INTENSE EMOTION namely ANGER like ok saix just because ur repressing your emotions doesn’t mean they aren’t there
he clearly feels things very deeply and has a complicated relationship with that and i like that about him
least favorite thing about them
he deals in absolutes and i think he’s so smart but he just doesn’t think of other options as possibilities once he’s decided to go somewhere with something. like, axel is friends with roxas now and he’s acting weird so he hates me and our past means nothing to him. oh axel’s gone now so xemnas is my only option for moving forward. he doesn’t seem to be able to change his mind about things once past a certain point and like mood but i don’t like that about myself either
favorite line
“Do you know what happens to those who lose their true purpose? Inevitably, they destroy themselves.”
idk i feel like saix and zexion would understand one another fairly well at least before things started to get ugly between all the nobodies given that they are the only two members of org xiii with like more than 3 brain cells between them. like we never really got to see them interact but i feel like the sheer sardonic potential would be off the shits & isa and ienzo being friends in general is good content
also kind of have a soft spot for isa and de-norted terra being friends after everything is over because they can relate to one another re: having been possessed by the sociopath raisin and it’d be interesting to see which parts of him isa finds familiar and which completely changed once he has access to his heart again/gets rid of xehanort’s influence entirely
wow i wonder what it is anyway lea and isa are married
not a fan of saix/xemnas idk like i see where people come from w that but i feel like 1. xemnas being the primary vessel through which xehanort manipulates saix makes it inherently unhealthy to begin with 2. xemnas/terranort v2/whatever u wanna go with is too out of it to be getting down w anyone imo 3. the power imbalance is.......bad. anyway like i said saix is in love w axel and even considering xemnas as a rebound makes me go big think emoji in bold font. dont like that
random headcanon
sad one you already know about which is that his scar came from an escape attempt and xigbar marked him in order to deter him from doing so again/to track him if he did
nice one is that when lea and isa were dumb teenagers they gave each other amateur moon and sun tattoos like silly little stick and pokes and saix still has his right there on his ankle & he pretends to say it’s an artifact of a childish impulse but secretly he loves it
unpopular opinion
saix did nothing wrong
also lea shouldn’t save him, saix should snap back into isa at a critical moment to save lea
song i associate with them
the wasted one // camikaze & mack moses
won’t let me gowon’t let me staylook at all the pieces of my mind that you played
you told me things to grab a hold of memaybe you should find another fantasy
colored traces and painted placesi’m gone,all I ever wanted was your love
like daggers // clavvs
think you could get the best of mekeep underestimating mebe careful what you say to mesay to me
say you wanna playi ain't no paper tigerbetcha run away cause I got claws like daggers
ultraviolent [adrenochrome] // crywolf
i've been splintering apartbreaking open from the startgates of heaven are closingwhat did you do in my head, weren't you laying in my bedtelling me I was chosen?now I don't even know you and that's the best part of itand I know you’re the only thing that I see in colorthis heart is torturing methe only pain I understandi can't escapethe weight of your ultraviolent heart
favorite picture of them
look at this smug bastard
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“xemnas said its my turn on kingdom hearts”
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and of course.....the most iconic and least heterosexual moment of saix’s career
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followerofmercy · 6 years
The Wordsworth ask meme was really interesting, you should do Ariella too!
My other favorite!!! We’ll act like she’s alive. 
01. Name: Ariella Lucida Consolas (formerly Ariella Mariah Lucidas)02. Nickname(s): Air, Snowy (almost always goes by Ariel or Ariella)03. Gender/Species: Female, Skeleton monster04. Sexuality: Heterosexual, only attracted to other skeletons and elementals 05. Best Friend: Gertrude, the dragon lady who co-owns the butcher shop, and Wordsworth, her husband. 06. Relationship Status: Married to Wordsworth, formerly engaged to another guy07: Crush/Significant Other: Wordsworth (my otp 08. Least Favourite Person: The man who owns the grocery stall across from the butcher shop - he’s condescending and kept trying to sabotage their business until her and Gertrude went out all fire and ice to haze him.  09. Favourite Food: Unfortunately, said annoying man makes a killer sweet potato casserole. She’s been trying to steal the recipe. 10. Favourite Place: There are caverns on near the coast that fill with water. Interesting creatures live there, many of which give off light that reflects off the water in gorgeous patterns and colors. It’s quiet, surreal and far removed from the rest of the world (despite only being a few yards below). She also loves the bowels of Queen Ytt’s palace - the air is cool and dry and the stone shows the marks of generations of workers. Being able to see their handiwork makes her proud of her own effect on the world, no matter how insignificant it feels sometimes.11. Valued Attributes: Long-suffering, resourceful, calm, collected and unfailingly loyal. Very emotionally and mentally strong. 12. Dreams: Becoming independent (which she did!), becoming a botanist/botany illustrator and having her husband and kids help with it - plants were scarce in the skeleton homeland and life wasn’t valued like it is in the monster nation. She kept a lot of plants once she moved and got exposed to the wide variety available, especially cold-weather plants that didn’t normally grow in the area. Unfortunately, she died before she could get the schooling or write a book on what she learned. 13. Nightmares: Being saddled with more unwanted responsibilities, being responsible for someone’s bad decisions, going back to the skeleton homeland, losing her kids, getting in a bad marriage and ending up like her mother14. A Secret: She and Gertrude love doing karaoke together. She also kinda wishes one of her sons ended up a daughter instead - probably Cid. (Not that she wishes she never had Cid, but that if either Cid or Patrick was a girl, Cid’d do better)15. Best Day: It wasn’t her best day as in her most enjoyable, but it was the day she sat alone on a boat watching the skeleton homeland fade on the horizon, surrounded by species she’d never seen before with nothing but a duffel bag and the money she got from selling her engagement ring and some things that wouldn’t be missed from her (ex)fiancé’s house. She had never been so terrified. One of the skeleton merchants, one with a ram’s skull, offered her a blanket and told her all about the monster nation. She later fell asleep and, when she woke up, saw her new home glittering with torchlights and framed by the rising sun. And she was alone. But she was free. She was doing this.
16. Worst Day: Very possibly when she ran out of money when she moved to the monster nation. She had no idea what to do. She had a rough life growing up, but not, like, super rough. Not hood rat rough. She didn’t know what to do with no friends, no family (useless as they may be), no money and no way to get more. She couldn’t get a job right off the boat in the harbor town since it was filled with immigrants in similar positions, didn’t know or trust anyone enough to ask for charity and even she couldn’t stay calm. She was…20? Ish? Young to be completely on her own. Her only options seemed to be stealing or prostitution, neither of which she wanted to do. A local church took her in for the night (she spent the night prior hidden under a pier), gave her some food and provided transport and a job in a town farther inland. (The other worst day was when she was sick, only part conscious, and could sorta hear Wordsworth talking to her. He sounded so heartbroken and scared - he was crying but trying to be quiet to keep from upsetting the boys - and she was so angry that she couldn’t get up and be there for him and their boys. At this point, she kinda knew she wasn’t getting better and just wanted more time with them.) 17. Favourite Outfit: She has a practical but beautiful business casual blouse and slacks (which she totally didn’t steal from Wordsworth’s old teenage clothes. Not at all). The shirt was powder blue and the slacks are black.The shirt was cut/stitched so the waist was narrower than the shoulders and give her a recognizable female figure (to other species at least) so she doesn’t keep getting called sir. She also has black dressy boots that go midway up her tibia/calf. 18. Weapon of Choice: Harsh words followed by ice magic shards to the eyes or a crowbar to the back of the head19. Role in RPG: [tank/dps/healer/healtank/et cetra]: Buffing/Support20. First Thought in the Morning: “I’m home.” 
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tevinterson · 6 years
Tagged by: Stolen!!  Tagging: ur it!
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– B A S I C S –
NAME :  Liz ARE YOU OVER 18?   YES / No IS YOUR MUSE?   YES / No → verse dependent but generally yes
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / OC / Divergent → huge question mark here because ???? not much is known about Felix other than a few codex entry mentions and a casual ( almost dismissive ) name drop here and there in conversation and about 2 minutes worth of actual dialogue if that?? So I have a lot of space to fill... ( I think this is what made me stick with him tbh )
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One liners / Single para / Multi-para / Novella
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / Open ended plots / Semi-plotted / Fully Plotted Epics 
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than Three Days)  → I am deeply and eternally sorry for the long periods of silence on all my blogs!!!
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Conversational / Hurt-comfort
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romance / Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage / Everything
ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? (not triggers) No / Yes → I am pretty open to pushing my muses to their limits but just check with me first!! Hard pass on pedophilia, incest, rape, being underage and huge age gaps in relationships. To say those things make me feel uncomfortable is putting it mildly.
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? NO / Yes → No triggers worth mentioning. There is always that option to unfollow. 
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual / Enemies → Discuss these things with me.  I am all for world building and developing relationships! ( also I don’t know what they mean by physical. Is that like... excessive hugging? )
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual / Former.→ again...physical? Like, do they wrestle for the game controls or the last pizza slice? 
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry only / Yes → Felix is difficult to ship romantically with because he is only seen though the lens of his illness and for being that Nice Nerd From Tevinter who is also Tainted. No one gets to meet him before he was tainted but I have my headcanons and he was charming and adorable and attractive without trying to be attractive.  Dorian is someone my Felix compares all others. He loves him but he knows it’s not wise to get involved with his father’s apprentice so he will never act on it. 
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No / Yes   Probably? Nothing specific but I have this long established rule of thumb to avoid toxic ships. 
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Pansexual / Demisexual / Asexual / Attracted to masculinity / Attracted to femininity /  Attracted to androgyny
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Aromantic / Polyamorous
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? NO / Selectively / Yes   → this would definitely depend on verse and time period for onvious reasons.
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC Interactions / Slow burn  → We must talk about it ooc tho. 
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes / Depends on muse  → a ship doesn’t have to be perfect but things like age difference or any type of abusive relationship will not go down well. But seriously give me scenarios where the two are from opposing factions, separated by terrible events or forbidden to see each other ( and of course in Felix’s case: the inevitable prospect of dying ) enemies to friends / lovers or whatever all depend on the muses and why they were enemies in the first place and what caused this to change.
ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? No / Sometimes / YES   → IF shipping actually happens, I honestly don’t see myself having more than one even though my rules say multi. It seriously has to make some sort sense / contain mutual chemistry and we must both enjoy it. 
DOES CRACK SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? No / Sometimes / Yes  → Not yet at least. So I dunno? ( I mean what ship with Felix isn’t crack? )
DOES CROSSOVER SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? No / Yes / Depends → Again it could but I wouldn’t know yet??? And if it did there would really have to have to be some serious build up, context and chemistry. I can’t just shove two rando muses together in an empty blank space and say “Ok, now KISS!” Never going to happen. 
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curtisandlewis · 6 years
A Guide to The Playhouse
The Playhouse is a fic of my own creation and my baby. It originated from my need to write about the parties that Jerry, Tony, and Janet revolved their lives around that occurred at the building in Jerry's backyard affectionately named The Playhouse. As I sat down to plot this epic story that spanned from 1948 to 1953 relationships developed complexity, conflict was practically handed to me, and I got the gift of writing scene after scene of Jerry with Tony. They're not my OTP but are my biggest obsession. However, I am completely changing the storyline.
I knew from the start the "The Playhouse" would not be a fairytale. The relationships are complex and can be unhealthy and abusive. Mental illness, trauma, sex addiction, abuse of drugs and alcohol all contribute to risky and abusive behaviors. BDSM is also at the core of the story both being practiced in safe and dangerous ways. I thought it would be sufficient just include warnings at the beginning of each chapter as I do for any of my fics that can be "problematic" but I now realize the twenty or so thousand words I have written are not just "problematic" but can be harmful especially to anyone like me. I have written this guide to explain why I wrote those words and hopefully reverse any damage they have done.  
To anyone that read what I wrote and got the impression that certain sexual acts were more taboo or wrong than others, I am truly sorry. That is a fucked up way to live. I wouldn’t wish anyone to have shame for who they are or what they want in a consensual sexual relationship. Think about the sex you enjoy, without shame or restriction. Read the sex scenes that entertain you the most. Write the kind of sex you want to see in the world and is the most fun for you to write. Choose to masturbate and explore your body in the ways you want. Or choose not to touch yourself. Have sex in any way you and your partner/partners desire and consent to. Or choose not to have sex at all. It is your decision to make. That is your right as a person who is in charge of their own body. Please learn from my mistakes. 
I just want to make it clear that the film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey came out in February 9, 2015. I had no idea about the book until I saw the trailer for the movie. The first chapter of "The Playhouse" was published May 17, 2014, and I had been writing and planning several months before that. I have never read Fifty Shades of Grey and I only saw the first half hour (I couldn't make it to the sex scenes) of the movie in 2016. After I saw Christian Grey say the infamous line, "I don't make love. I fuck. Hard." I worried that Tony was similar to Christian Grey and that his relationship with Jerry was similar to the one in the movie. However, I NEVER presented their sexual relationship as a love story to be watched on Valentine's day. It may be that the two stories have nothing in common but I obsessively worried that they were and that I wrote something deeply problematic.
In March of 2015, I wrote a spin off of "The Playhouse" about the first time Tony humps Jerry (their fave activity). After I wrote it I felt like I had done something wrong. Not too long after something bad happened to a member of my family. I believed by writing the words in that story I had caused the bad thing because I was being punished. I now know I have OCD and this is how OCD works against you. It makes you believe you caused something when there is no logical way you could have caused it to happen. This is why "The Playhouse" has not been updated in over two years. I can look back now and realize the reason why I felt like I had done something wrong is that the characters were acting in a way that was wrong to who they were. I had projected my anxiety and shame onto them.
From here on out there will be liberal use of sex terms and discussion of sex  
What you need to know: I have anxiety writing anal sexual stimulation or anal sex due to many toxic beliefs and stigmas I internalized over the years. To avoid writing these scenes I made Dean's character believe due to his internalized homophobia that it was wrong for a man to penetrate another man or be penetrated by any gender even if in masturbation. Since the age of sixteen, Jerry has had curiosity about being penetrated. Tony has wanted to top Jerry since Jerry's sixteenth birthday (the fic that sparked my OCD) that is six years starting from chapter one of the story. To again, avoid having to write any penetrative scenes I had to write Dean being emotionally abusive and using shame and threats to control Jerry's sexual behavior. All of this because I as a writer did not realize I could just not fucking write anal sex scenes. I thought if I wrote a bunch of dry humping scenes you would think I was weird so instead, I wrote horribly abusive relationships...
Quick History lesson, since the medieval times it was believed evil for a man to be penetrated because he was in a passive role that was reserved for women. Men that were penetrated were put to death while women who had sex with women without penetration were encouraged to do so for their health. These toxic beliefs are deep within history and still exist in society.
Allow me to get a little bit personal. I’ve always had anxiety writing anal sex scenes. I’ve written it very rarely in the past ten years that I have been writing sex scenes. I wrote mostly oral sex because it was less "homosexual" than anal sex. (I had a lot of internalized crap I was dealing with). Even though it’s absolutely possible for two men to have a sexual relationship and never have anal sex, I thought it would be too weird for Dean and Jerry to be having sex for six years and never try it. Also as a writer, I enjoy writing them being physically intimate but not having sex. That word I see in fanfiction tags: frottage (such a weird word). You know the act of two men rubbing up against each other. It just offers so many more options than manual sex or oral sex ever could. THE FACT YOU DON’T HAVE TO TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF. How convenient is that? But I never saw it as the main option for sexual gratification. It was always presented as either foreplay or the only option because the characters couldn’t have sex. What made me feel weirder is that I enjoyed writing “humping” scenes (also a strange word) This is “frottage” but front to back instead of front to front. All of the advantages of anal sex without any of the problems. It required no prep. Whoever is on top can do it as hard and fast as they want and not hurt their partner. Likewise, to show intimacy it can be done in a gentle and romantic way, maybe even being left for special occasions like anniversaries. It’s also very easy for Tony and Jerry to take turns being top and Jerry doesn’t always have to be in the passive submissive role. Speaking of submissive it’s also easy to incorporate BDSM without it becoming too intense. Have you read those stories where the guy bleeds? You know what I mean. I didn’t want Jerry to bleed. And if he did I didn’t want it to be sexy. I wanted it to show that his sex addiction was getting out of hand or their BDSM relationship was becoming reckless. They can do it again, and again, and again. It wouldn’t put nearly the amount of strain on Jerry’s body that intercourse would. And of course, if you read “The Playhouse” you know that I use it an awful lot in group sex situations and to show just how fucking possessive Dean can be. As you can see there were a lot of positives to writing scenes in this way but that didn’t stop me from feeling weird about it. I probably read only one scene like that in my life. Before that, I saw it only a few times in movies and it made me go hmmm. I felt it was something that wasn’t really talked about or done. It wasn’t presented as an alternative to sex or even an option. I thought if I were to write the scenes I wanted to, people who read them would say, “Why don’t they just fuck already? What the fuck am I reading? This is so weird.”
I projected all of my toxicity onto Jerry. It started out simple enough I heard a lot of jokes as a kid that went, you must have known your husband was “gay” because he liked your finger up his ass. Because all women that enjoy receiving oral sex are “lesbian” right? (I hope you saw the sarcasm in that) Then I noticed there weren’t a lot of heterosexual married couples in movies having non vaginal intercourse. Sometimes you could see the couple in the “doggystyle” position but the wife was still being penetrated in her vagina. When I saw the other form of intercourse it was gay men or people not in love. I think that had a lasting effect on me. But what was worse is that I watched a movie with a BDSM theme. The woman worked as a dominatrix (hated her job btw) and her male partner confessed to her that he liked to be penetrated and dominated. Her reaction was so verbally abusive it was disgusting. Instead of thinking you are a horribly abusive person and he needs to leave you I internalized it as oh I guess it’s really not okay for men to want that. I have struggled with internalized homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia. I have dealt with it all. I just didn’t have the tools back then to see things as they are. An abusive woman who had a very illogical view of the world and a media that didn’t have the imagination or the knowledge of what sexual relationships could be.
These are the general reasons why I wrote: "The Playhouse" with such problematic themes and why I have decided to no longer continue those themes.
The lesson I learned from this was to not project my toxic shit onto my characters and make them act in ways that are not authentic to who they are. I give myself the permission to write what makes me happy and fulfilled.
DEAN: What you need to know: Dean has internalized homophobia due to childhood trauma. He was taught if a man is penetrated by a person of any gender they will instantly become homosexual and not a man.
As a young boy Dean was told by his mother don't be a f...well, I'm sure you can guess what she said. All his life he was reprimanded (sometimes with hitting) for behavior that was too "homosexual" Behaviors like, crying, telling someone he loved them and showing emotion. As he got older his so called friends just made his internalized homophobia worse. He was terrified that he wasn't masculine enough and that he had to be a man like they said or else be nothing. Along the way Dean was taught the rules, he lives his life by:
A man never says "I love you" even to his own family
A man never ever says "I love you" to another man
A man never lets anyone see him cry or be emotional
A man must keep people at a distance
A man has sex with women and has sex often
A man has a wife and children and whatever he can get on the side
A man can do "guy stuff" with other guys as a form of bonding or just a quick way to get off.
A man does not suck cock
A man can get his cock sucked by another man and be secure in his manhood because he is in the active "manly" role
A man must never ever under any circumstance be penetrated by anyone even himself. A man must not fantasize or actively desire to be penetrated otherwise he is a homosexual and will no longer be a man. He will be nothing.
That is the reasoning for Dean's problematic and abusive behavior towards Jerry. He tries to control Jerry's sexual behavior and desires because if Jerry were to be homosexual Dean would have to end their sexual relationship (He could never think of ending their friendship). 
The truth is that in real life during the time Dean was growing up this was NOT the belief. It was believed a man could have anal sex with another man as long as he was the one doing the penetrating. This meant he was in the active "male" role. It was actually preferred to penetrate a feminine homosexual man because they were believed to not be men and to be a third gender. Jerry is bisexual, not homosexual but close enough to be a PERFECT candidate. The only worry Dean would have is hurting his pally that first time. They could happily fuck for the whole ten years of their partnership and Dean would think of himself as nothing but the picture of masculine heterosexuality.
and of course
What you need to know: Dean is emotionally and at times verbally abusive to Jerry and arguably to his wife Betty as well.
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eriexplosion · 7 years
J A Z (z) Y for ships meme ^_^
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
This is how I find like 90% of my fandoms I’ll be totally honest, I didn’t know what Steven Universe was until I saw it on the Internet and I didn’t know what the lone gunmen were until @thesylverlining kept putting them on my dash and I didn’t know what Lucifer was until I saw it on Tumblr. Devilman Crybaby? ALSO TUMBLR. I don’t get out much I find everything on the internet.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Right now I’m of course in x files hell so I’m super into any combination of the gunmen and Mulder (who I ship in a giant 4 way pile), shipping Langly with any decent man that wanders into his view, and also the Mulder and Scully friendship. I’m also still crying over a dozen combos of every member of Dethklok and my good old standby Quark/Everyone
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
OKAY SO, NICHE FANDOMS, I NEED TO KNOW WHY I’M DRAWN TO THEM? Just lately it’s been increasingly ‘you know what I need? a fandom with like 3 whole people in it.’ and then I get in it and I have to spend all my time either making the content (HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE LAZY WHEN I AM HAVING TO ACTUALLY MAKE THINGS TO SEE THEM) or dragging other people into it
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.) 
Also because I want to put something for the second Z: the worst part about being interested in the lone gunmen is there is an okay chunk of fic but it’s all written in the 90s and 00s which, as you know from DS9 90s fic hell, is almost uniformly extremely bad.
Also they all think Langly is either a heterosexual or a top and I take extreme umbrage with that idea, absolute extreme umbrage.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Right now the good place, never watched it, see lots of it and nod along a lot IT LOOKS GOOD AND I’LL PROBABLY CATCH IT AT SOME POINT the thing is that I don’t usually have Secondhand Fandoms for long because I get lured into looking at it 75% of the time.
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