#otherwise i hope this works bc i'm excited for this heCK
animosus-blog1 · 6 years
@kariio   /   SC.
  howling winds pull and tug at the ends of his coat and his scarf, hefty boots leaving a trail in the near KNEE DEEP snow as his trek up the mountain continues. even with multiple spells cast to help keep him warm in this blistering cold climate, he’s still had to bundle himself up in a hat and thick pair of gloves. it’s tough going but, despite of all that, newt is no less aware of his surroundings.
he’s getting CLOSE. he’s spotted chunks of fur snagged on the branches of a couple trees now, and there are trails in the snow throughout the area --- he can guess APPROXIMATELY how old they are by the amount of snow that has built back up in them, but the very fact that they’re visible in a place like this tells him that even the ones almost hidden can’t be more than a few days old.
     the creature comes through here often. its den MUST be nearby.
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unlike many of his ventures to track down magical creatures in order to study them, this particular one is more unique in that... he isn’t quite SURE what he’s tracking. no, actually, he has NO IDEA what this beast is --- he’s never heard of anything quite like it. given the habitat it resides in, it’s not at all impossible to imagine this is something previously undiscovered. however, with how FRIGHTENED the townspeople in the small, nearby village are, newt suspects he hasn’t got the greatest amount of time to gain the creature’s trust and find it a more suitable home, further away from the ever-expanding territory of humankind.
  ‘man-eater,’ he’s heard. ‘MONSTER.’ with the language barrier between himself and the people native to the area, he’s only managed to understand the bare minimum of the rumours that drew him to the mountain and, though he PLANS to learn more of what has happened between the townspeople and this creature, newt wants to get a first look at what he’s dealing with. perhaps even initiate his attempts at building trust and begin his study. he doesn’t believe a WORD of the ‘evil’ of the beast that the townsfolk claim, but he IS prepared for anything --- including attack.
up ahead, as he climbs up the last of a steep incline onto flatter ground, lies a rocky cliff-face in which he can spot a few holes --- most notably, a particularly LARGE opening which appears quite deep. a cave, one with several trails leading to and from it. he’s found it. rather than move closer, as the small space would put him at a DANGEROUS DISADVANTAGE should the creature prove aggressive on initially sighting him, newt crouches down in the snow several feet away and waits. it’ll come out sometime, if it’s even home at the moment, and keeping his distance provides more opportunity for learning through observation. ideal, given he has NO IDEA of the best way to approach this creature.
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dorkwithfeelings · 2 years
begging screaming crying sobbing and pleading for dylan and ryan content
literally anything cute and fluffy or like,,, them during the aftermath of it all, reuniting w/each other, bc the quarry didn't show us the characters interact with each other after everything ended so now i have No Closure and i desperately crave it
i need it like i need air
I'm so excited for my first request ahhh-- I just hope it doesn't disappoint! I agree with the no closure, not just with these two but also with everyone else! Looks like us fans have to do all the hard work ourselves. Anyways, I hope you can enjoy this little piece! I poured my heart into it <3
DISCLAIMER - This is by no means beta read, but I did my best!
Title: A Little Closure (totally not because I didn't know what else to call it)
Summary: Dylan and Ryan take a moment to reflect while waiting for the cops to arrive.
Pairing: Dylan x Ryan
Word Count: 768
Genre: Fluff...?
Warnings: Some swearing and mentions of injury.
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Whispers of the morning breeze mingled with the song of waking birds in the air around the otherwise quiet group of trauma-ridden camp counselors. They’d survived the night by the skin of their teeth, but what else would they have to fight? The cops would be involved, the public would find out about everything and that all boiled down to one question. Who in the world was going to believe anything they’d say? It was bittersweet to think that their battle was only just starting.
Dylan perched his butt on one of the bottom few steps that led up to the lodge entrance, running scabby fingers through his sweat-soaked, blood-crusted hair. To say he felt gross would be a massive understatement. He was filthy and in so much pain. The stump where his other hand once was throbbed, bandages grimy and in desperate need of changing. It had been easy to forget the stump throughout the night, always having something else to worry about in its place.
Everything was all a teeny bit fucked up.
“That was one heck of a rough night, huh?” Came Ryan’s voice, tone soft and a little gravelly. Dylan looked up at him, having been so distracted he’d not noticed him approaching. He shrugged, lips forming a lop-sided smile, nothing short of exhausted.
“Oh, you think?” Dylan questioned, trying to pull off his usual humor. “I thought it was a breeze. Probably had worse nights, honestly.”
“Worse than getting your hand cut off?” Ryan arched a brow, crossing his arms.
“Pfft, a minor inconvenience.”
Engulfed by silence, each boy let out a sigh. Ryan sat down beside Dylan, leaving a small gap between them. 
After allowing the silence to hang for a moment, Ryan spoke up again. “It’s alright to show emotion, y’know?”
Huffing through his nose, Dylan propped his elbows on his thighs and looked at Ryan, chin resting in his one remaining hand.
“I think all genuine emotion has been sucked out of me right now, so I’m overcompensating with supreme sarcasm.” There was no other way for Dylan to put it. He felt numb, for the most part. “I’m sure it’ll all hit me for real soon, then I’ll end up breaking down and sobbing, all that jazz.” His tone was dry, holding very little of his usual witty charm.
“That doesn’t sound pleasant. Like, at all.” Ryan remarked.
“Well, sometimes life isn’t pleasant,” Dylan replied.
Ryan didn’t like seeing him this way. It made his gut churn. Dylan was so full of life before the shit hit the fan last night, bad jokes coming out one after another, presence alone enough 
to keep the good vibes afloat.
“We’ve got a long road ahead, man.” It was Dylan breaking the silence once again. “When the police and medics get here, they’re gonna be asking questions… I’ve gotta somehow convince them that I asked you to cut my hand off, because I was munched on by a werewolf.”
Ryan pulled a face that perfectly represented ‘oh fuck’, because oh fuck. He’’d been so caught up in making it out alive that he hadn’t realized until now just how much convincing they were going to have to do. The same probably went for the others too.
“You see, officer, I screamed at my friend here to cut off my hand because a creature of myth busted through the radio hut roof and mauled on my wrist.” Dylan recited to the air, Ryan watching and knowing they were probably going to get hauled off somewhere for psychiatric therapy.
It felt like the whole world was about to declare war against them, and that they were destined to lose.
But if one thing was for sure, it was that Ryan would not let Dylan lose all hope in this situation. They still had to get to know each other better, after all. There was a kiss that Ryan intended to follow up on, and while now wasn’t really the right time, he was sure one would come along.
Putting his hand on Dylan’s shoulder, Ryan gave an encouraging squeeze. “You’re not alone in all this. I got your back, through thick and thin.”
And there it was. Dylan’s ever vibrant smile shining through for the first time since truth or dare at the firepit, paired with a little glimmer of surprise in his eyes.
“It’s cool to have your back,” He chimed, slowly arching a brow too. “But can I have your number too?”
And as the dull rumbling of police vehicles pulling in towards the lodge grew closer, Ryan rolled his eyes. 
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