#oscar gonna put them new balances so far up salacias ass he'll taste rubber
pipartuuli · 1 year
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Kloktober 2023 Day 7 - Missing AOTD scene
They'd let him get too close. They'd been so focused on Nathan's injuries - serious injuries, enough to have downed the vocalist - that none of Dethklok had noticed one of Salacia's fanatical devotees creeping close, machete in hand, raising it in preparation to strike--!
The would-be assassin, sporting a new fist-sized hole in the center mass of his torso courtesy of the buckshot that had ripped its way through him, collapsed onto the snow with a soft thud, dead. The four still-conscious members of Dethklok wheeled around to determine the source of the gunshot. There on the ridge were two familiar figures: Nathan's mother and father. Rose, her entire five-foot-two frame trembling with maternal rage, still held a double barreled shotgun leveled, ready to fire another round if their attacker dared to show any residual signs of life.
Over the cacophony of the battle raging behind them, the band could just make out her battlecry: "Not my baby you don't, you bastard!"
Would have LOVED to see the parents in the final battle! Could totally see them all cresting the ridge, holding various makeshift weapons. They might not always be the best parents or easiest to get along with, but no one - NO ONE - touches their babies, dammit!!
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