#orochi (mentioned)
bananabraiined · 1 year
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Fortune favors them.
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doppoorochisimp · 1 year
I actually love Doppo's inhability to befriend anyone unless they've beaten the living shut out of him first
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blackhakumen · 8 months
Mini Fanfic #1168: Comforting With One Another (King of Fighters)
1:46 a.m. at Yabuki's Apartment's Living Room......
It was a dark, clear night in the streets of South Town where almost everyone are at their homes fast asleep for the rest of the evening.
Whereas our two lovebirds, Shingo Yabuki and Leona Heidern, are sitting down on the sofa together holding onto their mugs of hot coco after waking up from their respective nightmares.
Shingo: (Takes a Sip of his Drink Before His Eyes Begins to Sparkle in Awe) My god...... (Takes Another Sip of Coco with a Bright Smile on his Face) This has to be the best cup of coco I've ever tasted! I don't even think mom could ever top something THIS amazing no matter how hard she try!....D-Don't tell her I say that once we see her again, 'Kay? (Chuckles a Bit Awkwardly)
Leona: (Giggles Softly While Playfully Rolling her Eyes) I won't say anything, I promise. And I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Seriah used to make me mug whenever I stayed up late in this hour, until she taught me how to make on myself. (Uses her Plastic Sppon to Whirl her Coco Around a Bit) It's not perfect in comparison, but it does help calm my nerves from time to time. (Takes a Sip of her Drink)
Shingo: (Takes Another Sip Before Nodding in Agreement) Yeah.....I think it's helping my nerves a bit too, Leona-san. Which is great, cause I.....(Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Frowning) Really don't feel like going back to sleep anytime soon......
Leona: (Frowns as Well While Laying her Side of her Head onto Her Boyfriend's Shoulder Next to Her) Me neither. I can't remember the last time I had a nightmare this bothersome.
Shingo: Same.
Shingo/Leona: (Turns to One Another) What was your nightmare about? Oh! Sorry. You first. Please, I insist. (Stare at Each Other For a Brief Second Before Giggling a Bit)
Shingo: (Rubs the Back of his Head Back and Forth) We're both a real mess tonight, aren't we?
Leona: More or less. I can tell mines first if you want.
Shingo: Sure. Take as much time as you need to prepare yourself, okay?
Leona: (Happily Nodded) I will. Thank you. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Frowning and Speaking) My dream.....It....mostly involves my Orochi side.
Shingo: (Frowns in Worry) And....how you lost control?
Leona: For the most part, yes. (Puts Her Mug Down on the Coffee Table In Front of Her) It's not nearly as horrific as the previous dreams I had in the past, but.......('Sigh') It still managed to find it's way into terrify me when I least expected....
Shingo: I see......(Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at the Realization) Wait. You said that you and the Colonel have been doing those special training sessions together that help keep it under check, right? How's that been going along, i-if you don't mind me asking.
Leona: It's been going along smoothly for the most part thankfully. It wasn't without It's challenges mind you, but it still helped me out a lot since then. It made me feel more calm and....more in control than I ever was since then.
Shingo: (Smiles Brightly) That's great! You're making progress and I couldn't any prouder.
Leona: (Snickering a Bit) You sound almost exactly like my father whenever I give him status report.
Shingo: (Starts Snickering as Well) Me? Sounding like the great Colonel Heidern? I don't believe it~
Leona: (Giggles Softly) It's true!~ In private whenever no one was around the area, he would always brag and tell me how proud he is of me and how far I've come to get to where I am now.
Shingo: As he should be! Any parent would be proud of the progress their offsprings would make. (Gently Grabs Hold of his Girlfriend's Habds) And look, I know how scary and stressful this Orochi fiasco gets overtime, but keep doing what you do best in your training. I know what you have it takes to overcome what him and his followers would have thrown on you. Because what your name is?
Leona: (Stares at Shingo in a Brief Second Before Giving him a Determined Smile on her Face and Salutes to Him) Leona Heidern, the first woman in the Ikari Warriors, daughter of Colonel Heidern......(Forms a Bit of a Flirty Smirk on her Face) And the woman you've fallen over heels for~
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) You God darn right! You're amazing, Leona-san, and I believe in you 150% percent, always! (Gives Leona a Thumbs Up While Grinning)
Leona: (Giggles Some More) Thank you, darling!~ It means so much hearing this from you. (Gives Shingo a Kiss on the Cheek) But I'm afraid we're not done here, are we?
Shingo: ('Sighs a Bit in Defeat') No....Not even close.
Leona: (Gently Place her Habd on Top of Shingo's) You know you don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable enough in doing so, right?
Shingo: (Gives Leona a Bit of a Reassuring Smile on his Face) Yeah, but you were brave enough to tell me yours. It's only fair if I return the favor, you know?
Leona: Take as much time as you need to tell me. I won't go anywhere.
Shingo: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. (Takes a Very Deep Breath Himself Before Speaking Again) Okay! So......I'm....certain you've......remember the time i....accidently blurted out the time I.....almost died trying to protect Kyo from a Wild, Orochi Controlled Iori after 11th KOF Tournament ended....
Leona: (Simply Nodded) I remembered, yes. And it still worries me to no end.
Shingo: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah, I figured you say that....But that was the dream I had tonight. Only this time.....No one was there to save us.....I wasn't strong enough to protect Kyo......or to fulfil Chizuru-Senpai's promise.........(Tears Starts Falling Down From his Eyes).....And I....('Sniff') wasn't able to see my mom and sisters again on that night.......
Leona: (Starts Getting Worried) Shingo.......
Shingo: And..... ('Sniff') I know. I know it's dumb of me to keep thinking about that now that I'm.....still alive and breathing....And I'm pretty sure Kyo has already gotten over it a long time ago, but.....('Sniff') I-I don't know! I....('Sniff') Just.... the thought of the possibilities of us not being so lucky at all kept scaring me nonstop!
Leona: It's....starting to get too much for you, isn't it?
Shingo: ('Sighs Heavily') Pretty much, yeah. (Starts Wiping the Tears Away) ('Sniff') Pretty dumb, am I right?
Leona: (Gently Grabs Hold of Shingo's Hand) No it isn't. Believe me, I know what it's like to have past trauma trying to weigh you down at your very lowest at times. But you can't let it take toll out of you forever.
Shingo: (Takes Another Deep Breath as He Starts Calming Himself Down) Yeah....You're right. I still have my whole life ahead of me to look forward to right now. ('Sigh') I just wish it wasn't too.....complicated, you know?
Leona: It's never gets easier down the line, but never lose hope. (Gives Shingo a Reassuring Smile on her Face) I know you have what it takes to overcome it completely one day. And I'll be more than happy to help out and support you every step of the way.
Shingo: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as He Hugs his Girlfriend Lovingly) You really are too good to me~
Leona: (Starts Pouting at her Boyfriend a Little) Don't say that. You know as well as I do that you've brought just as much happiness to me the moment we started becoming friends.
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) I know, I know, I was only kidding. I am really thankful for you making me feel a lot better though.
Leona: (Smiles Softly as She Hugs Shingo Back) Likewise. You're a truly wonderful person, Shingo-Kun and Ihpile I could aspire to become more open and strong willed as you are as I grow another year older today.
Shingo: I'm sure you'll- Wait, another year older today?
Leona: Well, it's technically my birthday today given it's midnight.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) You're BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!? I didn't know that!!
Leona: (Smiles Sheepishly) That's....probably because I've never gotten the chance to tell you until now. My apologies
Shingo: ('Sigh') No. It's my fault for not asking you about it a lot sooner. Now I got a lot planning to do........
Leona: (Starts Yawning a Bit) Let's worry about that when the sun raises back up. I'm sure we'll have plenty to do by then.
Shingo: (Yawns as Well) Definitely. But I'm definitely gonna buy you gift while we're at it.
Leona: Only if you promise not to buy me something too expensive.
Shingo: I'll try. I love you.
Leona: (Kiss the Top of Shingo's Head) I love you too~ Thank you so much.
Happy Birthday, Leona Heidern
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kof-xiii · 11 months
if someone has a whole masterpost or collection of everything about the orochi saga i am begging u to share it please PLEASEE
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bottlepiecemuses · 2 years
Poor Killer Reminding Us How Orochi Cursed Him Forever
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Seriously, even though Wano is now out of mind, Orochi’s actions still has lasting effects. 
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ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years
ame-no-habakiri as a touken danshi please god. the sword closest to the divinity that others can only dream of.
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coockie8 · 5 months
ok i dont know why it never occurrd to me that issuns legs would be hella strong
Poncles are really strong just in general, but Issun's particularly ripped 'cause he travels a lot, a year of which he did so on his own, so without Ammy as a mount. It's probably like that for all the Celestial Envoys since they get out the most.
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@s-erpentes sent: ☭ for otakemaru and orochi
Prompt from: Send ☭ x for a vs. battle quote to your muse || ACCEPTING!
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Battle Intro: [OPPOSING SIDES] "You... This is for my home and for my people, you wretched snake!" "You will taste thunder and lightning again, evil god. This time by my own blade!" "I have nothing more to lose facing you... I will kill you, Orochi, even if I die trying!"
[ALLIED SIDE] "We fight together... for now..." "Watch your back, snake... Never know who or what might strike you."
Victory: "Suzuka... I did it... I saved us all..." "Mount Suzuka will flourish once more with you gone." "Get up, heathen. You've knelt for long enough; I haven't finished punishing you for your crimes!"
Half HP: "I'm not done yet! Strike harder!" "Surprised I'm still standing? Three hundred years of your corruption does wonders for Yokai resiliency."
Low HP: "No... Not yet...!" "Gotta keep.... Going!" "You're going to need a bigger sword..."
Defeat: "Suzuka... Forgive me..." "Come back here you coward... I'm not... Finished yet..."
Death: "More will come for you, snake... More that are stronger than I will ever be, you can't manipulate forever... Some day, you will bite your own tail, and by then it'll be too late for you to save your treacherous self..."
Assist: "Let's show them our combined strength!" "The great Orochi needs my help? Hah!" "Nuh-uh, no one gets to kill you except for me!"
Taunt: "You destroyed my home... Separated me from the only family I have left... Know this, serpent. I will muster the power within my body to cut you down and banish you back from whence you came. It's time you got a taste of your own medicine, behold my Monumental strength! The wrath of the greatest Yokai!"
Reacting to Taunt: "Flouncy words and poisonous charisma? What a loud of crap, raise your sword already." "If I wanted to flirt or trade verbal barbs, I wouldn't be here."
Flee: "Sometimes fighting to run away is a necessity!" "Too strong, we must regroup..."
Reacting to Flee: "Cowardice befitting of a serpent, typical." "Ah yes, Orochi's greatest attack! Running away... Tch."
Tie: "Are you even trying? Take me seriously, you pathetic god!" "Oho! Impressive moves, but let's see how you do against my full strength!"
Perfect Victory: "This is fate, this is justice. Do not rise again, Yamata no Orochi, or I will cut you down with ease once again." "So the snake falls... and yet his presence still lingers. I will be here once you return, to finish what the thunder god started."
Low HP Victory: "So this is what it's like to face a god... that bloody hurt..." "If someone asks me to slay a god again... I think I'll politely decline... Nnngh-!"
Finishing Move: "Behold the Jade Blade of Yasakani!" "With my last breath, I stab at thee!" "Your jugular is exposed, now die!"
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ddollfface · 3 months
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤…
Types of Readers Baki Men Would and Wouldn't Get Along With
Guys, I think I popped off... (don't say anything about my grammar)
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Kaiou Retsu 
Like: If we're talking about romantically, I think Retsu would be the best fit with somebody who's strong, confident, and level-headed. To be confident doesn't equate to being loud, instead, I'd think those who are the most silent are the most confident. If you have to scream out to the world that you're strong, then you're likely overcompensating. Retsu doesn't really like those who are loud (as mentioned above), seeing as he wants somebody who's always thinking of different outcomes, trying to defuse the situation as much as possible, but also having strong morals that he aligns with. Retsu would get along best with someone who loves to communicate and is emotionally mature, that is, if you ever want to have a long-lasting relationship with him.
Dislike: Honestly, I think somebody who's very immature and can't sit still. Retsu is very calm, always observing, and then reacting. He doesn't like to be brash or make split-second decisions because he feels that they'll never amount to anything productive (though he does have his moments lol). But, overall, I do think that Retsu would freeze if he was ever around, or romantically involved with a reader who's very confident, loud, and just scatterbrained. It would freak him out, causing his brain to go into overdrive, and unlock all of his protective instincts. I mean, how do you expect him to react when he never knows what you're doing? You're always speaking your mind and acting on impulse! Who knows what trouble you'll get into!
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Orochi Katsumi
Like: Katsumi needs someone who can keep up with him, someone who isn't afraid to come out of their shell eventually. He wants someone who’s charismatic, allowing for easy conversions between the two of you. Katsumi wants to date his best friend, his partner in crime, his ride or die, if you will. He won’t get along with someone unless they’re similar to him, in the basic sense. You don’t need to be extremely strong (though, he will find that very hot), too outgoing, or loud, you just need to share some common interests. He doesn’t mind someone who’s more introverted, but he does want to be that person they act a fool around, the person they let loose and be themselves, even if they’re still tame. Katsumi is a bratty kid at heart, and he wants special affection from his lover, something that only he can have. In return, they’ll have all his attention, his heart, and soul, something he’d never give to another person. (puppy!bf energy ngl) 
Dislike: At first, I thought that Katsumi would absolutely loathe a shy darling, but the more I thought about it, I realized that he’d actually hate being with someone who’s aloof, or just disinterested (i.e. Shizuku from HXH). Katsumi loves to talk, to run his mouth all day, and if you’re not listening, then it’ll break his heart. He wants to be seen. Like I said in the paragraph above, he wants his lover to be his best friend, the person he relies on and looks to when in need (depending on the situation). Though I do agree with the idea that Katsumi is very egotistical, he’s still insecure (as are most with such a big ego) and cannot handle someone he holds so dear disregarding with ease. He doesn’t want to be replaceable, seeing as he doesn’t think of his darling as such. Therefore, he’s expectantly the same energy in return. He’s your ride or die, so you gotta match that energy, or else it’s over :/
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Matsumoto Kozue (She's my wife btw) 
Likes: Someone who’s playful, caring, and touchy (basically Baki lol). I like to think that Kozue enjoys soft, wholesome relationships, finding comfort in light touches and laying in each other's arms. She wants to be held and cared for, and she holds herself to the same standard. She wants someone who goes with the floor, understanding that life has its ups and downs, and overcoming things as they go. It puts her at ease to know that her partner is competent enough to assess the situation and not get emotionally stunted. Kozue just needs stability in a relationship, and it can be shown in different ways depending on the person she’s dating/and their preferences. You don’t need to be verbally affectionate, telling her that everything is going to be alright, instead, you can use your actions. There are plenty of ways to provide stability, and Kozue eats it up every time. 
Dislikes: Someone who is really hothead and can’t handle change, someone who’s insecure in themselves. Their insecurity (and I mean aggressive insecurity, where they push it onto others, Katou) makes her nervous and it just settles a horrible foundation in the relationship. She gets fidgety, constantly worrying that they’ll have an outburst/mental breakdown. Kozue is a sweetheart, so she obviously cares for her darling, not wanting them to feel unloved and have panic attacks, but it’s difficult since they won’t let her in. She needs someone who’s both physically and emotionally available, someone who won’t push her away when they’re mad. Of course, it makes sense to want space when you’re angry, but when you’re constantly angry, refusing to talk things through, and resorting to violence to get what you want, it’s a no-go for her.
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Kiyosumi Katou
Likes: If you were to ask Kiyosumi what his type is, then he’d tell you with a wide grin that he likes them dumb and fuckable, playing up this playboy facade (that majority of people see through). Maybe he’ll even add a cheeky laugh, saying that a shy thing would be pretty cute too, but don’t be fooled. This man is so needy, wanting any affection he can get. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not a cinnamon roll or whatever the fuck. Kiyosumi is a grown man with some… violent tendencies, and manipulative ones as well. He isn’t mature and acts brash whenever he can, overestimating himself when face-to-face with a stronger opponent. Nevertheless, Kiyousmi wants a lover who’s motherly, or caring, someone who’ll listen and look through his little facade, caring for him even though he’s being an ass. Or in other words, he just wants patience. Deep down Kiyosumi understands that he’s not the easiest to get along with, but once you get past his original cocky attitude and bitchy presence, then you’ll meet a new side of him. A side that’s far calmer, no longer instigating and picking fights, just watching. If anything, he becomes a little pouty (lol), and he’s far more clingy, wanting more domestic affection. But do keep in mind that this will take years to build up to, he needs a foundation of trust to let himself calm down. Once he realizes that you aren’t going anywhere, then he treats you with care 
Dislikes: He loathes stupid people, and I mean genuinely stupid, like a bimbo, not reckless stupid. He cannot maintain a conversation with someone who cannot comprehend that people in the ‘20s could in fact see color… Though he wouldn’t mind fucking around with a bimbo, having a one-night stand and such, he wouldn’t be able to maintain a long-term relationship with them, nor would he be able to respect them. And that’s a pillar of trust for Kiyosumi, if he doesn’t respect you, then you’re not getting anywhere in the relationship. If Kiyosumi thinks you’re lesser than him (be it through smarts or strength), he’ll absolutely bully you to oblivion, never giving you a moment of rest. If he paired with someone genuinely stupid, no matter how kind they are, he would berate them, creating a toxic relationship. Yeah… I do not recommend, it really would just be a messy, one-sided relationship that would just end in tears.
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Hanma Baki 
Likes: This was a little difficult for me since Baki meshes so well with many different types of people, so thinking of a singular personality he goes with is unrealistic. Though if we’re talking about romantic partners, then I think that Baki would really like a S/O who’s kinda bratty, but in a nice way(?). He wants a back-and-forth, some type of conversation that’ll get a chuckle out of him every time he thinks about them. He’d like a comedic darling, whether their comedy is through dark humor, sarcasm, or just being a clutz, he doesn’t care. Baki just wants someone who’s a little lighthearted, who wants to make the situation more enjoyable through humor. This type of darling would have a brighter outlook on the world, seeing the world through a lens of low expectations and easy-flowing thoughts. They don’t have to be loud, nor do they have to be extremely talkative, Baki is okay with some silence. He doesn’t mind just enjoying each other’s presence, but I think he’d like someone with a sense of humor, being drawn in with their witty comebacks/comments.
Dislikes: Honestly, there are not many types of people Baki doesn’t get along with, seeing as he has an easy-going personality that most enjoy. That just means that if he doesn’t like you, then you’re likely a POS. I think that for Baki to not like you, and genuinely dislike your presence, you’d have to be extremely rude and not in a funny way. You’re just annoying and nit-picky, whilst having no accomplishments yourself. Similar to the expression ‘those who live in a glass home shouldn’t throw stones,’ Baki believes that if you haven’t accomplished anything and don’t relate to someone’s struggles, then keep your mouth shut. You don’t have a right to comment and berate others for trying hard, even if they don’t do too well, when you don’t strive for anything yourself. This type of person would just irk Baki, and there’s no way he’d be able to have a romantic (or platonic, for that matter) with them.
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Hanma Yujiro 
Likes: Okay, so this is kind of difficult for me to give an exact personality, seeing as Yujiro doesn’t really love. I don’t think he’s made for the romantic, homey type of love most people share with one another, instead, he was made for blood and war. A more primal love is fitting of him, a love might not be even love to begin with. Well, unless he respects you. I think what could really change the type of personality Yujiro likes depends on the type of romantic relationship he has with reader. If the relationship is that of a sugar baby/plaything, then expect the heartless playing that’s a mindfuck for the average person. But if it’s a genuine relationship, where Yujiro somehow got attached, then it’ll be quiet, a little eerie, but it resembles love far more than the usual mindfuck he gives people. I’m sure I could talk about this for days, so I’ll summarize by stating the basic things he’s looking for in both types of relationships. 
For starters, Yujiro isn’t normal, the exact opposite actually. He’s the definition of an anomaly, the unusual, the rare, and irreplaceable. It’s likely that there will be no one like Hanma Yujiro to ever exist after he, eventually, dies, though some don’t even know if he’ll ever pass away. As to be expected, Yujiro wants to surround himself with the unusual, especially if they’re to be his “lover,” or plaything, depending on the relationship. He’s somewhat similar to a crow, he likes new things, things no one has ever seen, the unattainable. This means that you’d have to be crazy special, or hella courageous, to earn the respect of Yujiro. And those are the types of people who attract his affection. Yujiro loves to interact with those who discover new things, whether it be a new fighting style, historical movement, or social change. Though Yujiro is egotistical, I do think that Yujiro likes to learn. Yujiro wants to grow, to accomplish, and to conquer, and how will he do that without learning about the world around him? He wants to be the best at everything, so that’s why he wants a darling who’s a specialist.
This means that you’d have to be smart, extremely so, whether that intellectual talent comes from your brain or your instincts, it doesn’t matter to Yujiro. He sees both types as valuable assets. I do think that he’d mingle better with someone who’s on the more observant side, who’s able to read him like a book. That’s the type of person who’d catch his interest, and if they can maintain his interest for many years, then they’ve successfully earned his respect(?). 
Dislikes: It’s safe to say that Yujiro doesn’t like many people. I could probably write a whole book on the many different types of personalities this man doesn’t mesh well with, but won’t because I think there’s a specific type of a person he absolutely despises, consistently that is. Those who are both lazy and chatty are the type that make Yujiro want to smash his head in, or theirs to be realistic, and I think it stems from his constant need to be fighting, moving, using his hands, anything. Yujiro doesn’t like small talk, wanting to just cut to the chase and get over with it, stop talking, and do some action for God’s sake! He hates mindless banter and believes that real men don’t use filler words to lighten the impact of what they say, instead, they should state their opinions with their chest. Because of this, I think that this would carry over to his love life (which is nonexistent, btw). Yujiro wants someone like himself in a sense, someone who knows when to shut up and just act. He gets pissed whenever a girl just talks his ears off, specifically not saying anything of substance, just babbling off about some useless crap he could care less about.
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Biscuit Olivia 
Likes: Honestly, he’s the opposite of Yujiro, instead of hating everyone, this man mixes pretty well. This is likely due to the fact he has quite the ego, leading to him having quite the confidence in everything he does, never doubting himself and how he interacts with others. That being said, I think that Olivia would like someone who’s humble, sweet, and happy. Someone who’s just content being alive and treats everyone with kindness. This type of darling is someone who, though they were kidnapped, and possibly forced into working at the prison, will still reciprocate Olivia’s affections, leaning into his touch, and smiling up at him with kind eyes. They’ll also have a sweet heart, not wanting to spend any of his money. I stand with the Sugar Daddy Olivia movement, there’s no doubt that this man spoils his darling rotten. He spends money on you because he wants to, ‘cause it makes you flush and smile whenever he gives you a bouquet of flowers. But it makes his heart swell, seeing you flush and refuse, saying that it’s far too expensive and that he shouldn’t be spending money left and right. It’s not that they say this from a perspective of insecurity, but that they can’t imagine living a life of complete financial freedom. Of course, he’ll just assure them that he has all the money in the world, there’s nothing to worry about. Just let him take care of you! 
Dislikes: Anyone who doesn’t like Maria is dead in his book. If you don’t rock with his wife, then you don’t rock with him. I cannot imagine Olivia ever having another darling if it isn’t with Maria (in some type of poly relationship), or if she dies from her sickness. If Maria doesn’t like you, then there’s no way for the relationship to work. He needs both of his baby’s to be happy! And how can they both be happy if they’re fighting like cats and dogs? In most situations, Maria likely took an interest in you, and Olivia followed suit. I imagine that Maria doesn’t like many people, so to get on her good side is hella hard. IF you did, then you were probably really genuine, treating her like a normal person, and not the as the Unchainable’s Lover. You may have had some spunk to you, adding some snarky comments, but keeping it respectful and playful. From there, she was attracted to you and thought you were interesting, so she continued to request you (this is assuming that you work at the prison, or Olivia took Maria out somewhere idk). And the rest is history…
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Jun Guevara 
Likes: Jun is a simple man with simple interests and wants, not to take away from his character or anything. Of course, as all humans are, he has complex thoughts and feelings, but he just chooses not to think about them too much. Now, that I say that, Jun doesn’t think, he just acts, listening to his feelings in the moment. That doesn’t mean he isn’t smart, his initial action is fueled and spurred on by his emotions, but is guided by his conscience. Because of this, Jun wants someone similar, a free-spirit if you will. Though he wouldn’t mind someone strong-willed, stubborn, or anxious, I think he’d match far better with someone who’s aloof, going with the flow, and speaking from the heart. They don’t think too deeply about things but aren’t stingy about expressing their inner thoughts and turmoil. They’re like an open book, and Jun respects that, finding it to be a breath of fresh air, something to look forward to. They’d have to be his peace in a sense, being his calm before the storm, voicing any ideas that they have without any inner motivation of taking advantage of him. Bonus points if they like the ocean or traveling, by sea preferably. 
Dislikes: Jun loathes those who are motivated by money and physical things, letting it dictate their decision-making, even if it causes others pain and suffering. These are the type of people that’d befriend someone well off just to sink their teeth into their neck like a leech, using them for what they’re worth before dropping them like they never existed. Jun finds these types of people to be corrupt, both mentally and in the way they lead their lives. For some reason, it brings some type of inner turmoil that he doesn’t want to address, and instead just acts on it, deciding to break, crush, and embarrass thoughts with such surface-level care. Another type of person Jun would hate is someone who liters, someone who doesn’t care for nature or those around them, and just lashes out, ruining the things around him. He finds a lack of care for nature to be an utter turn-off, something that’s also a corrupt way of living. So to put it in simple terms, I think that Jun greatly dislikes those who are sociopathic and act out of their own interests. 
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inspired by: @iskratempestmadness
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
I need some Karou Phantom on the Opera Headcannons, he lives in my head rent-free
Yandere Baki Short Stories:
The Phantom of the Opera
Yandere Phantom Hanayama Kaoru x Christine! Fem Reader x mentioned! Raoul Katsumi Orochi
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Large hands lovingly traced up and down (your name)’s figure from the other side of the mirror. A dark eye observed her ethereal form prepare for her performance in awe. His beautiful muse, the Apple of his eye… his angel.
Hanayama pressed his lips against the mirror, his eye fluttered shut in bliss. Desire had him in its clutches and he had no interest in stoking the fires that burned within him. He desired (your name). He’s been alone for so many years, rotting in this opera house and he finally has an angel of his own… and he’d be damned if he let that Count Katsumi stole her away! All he had ever asked of her was her loyalty and he knew that devilishly handsome man had entranced her. Hanayama would not let her fall under Katsumi’s spell. He would save her!
Hanayama had prepared for his arrival in his dark dwelling for months now. (Your name) would be pampered and doted on endlessly. She would never need to worry about money or food. And certainly not about him having a fickle heart. Hanayama had plenty of connections to keep her satisfied beyond human comprehension. It’s the least he could do…
Hanayama had trained (your name) for months to perfect her melodic voice. She owed him… she belonged to him! And Hanayama would not let her escape his grasp when he finally has the love he’s always wanted within reach… (your name) was his for all of eternity.
Hanayama began to sing to catch his angel’s attention. His heart swelled with pride when she immediately responded with a bright smile. There she was! His obedient song bird…
Their voices perfectly sung together in harmony, his eye never left her form as she twirled in her beautiful gown in her dressing room. Just a bit closer to the mirror… there!
Hanayama pushed the mirror open and quickly snatched up his prize. His large palm pressed firmly against her mouth as he pressed numerous kisses to the side of her face.
“Oh my darling song bird… let’s go home.” Hanayama huskily whispered in her ear. “You needn’t this life any longer… you only need me and the music.”
(Your name) was still entranced by his magical melody as he pulled her through the tunnel behind the mirror. The mirror gently clicked shut behind the duo that would never be seen again.
This Phantom would never be lonely again… they have reached past the point of no return.
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prinzrupprecht · 1 month
Susano’o x Shinto goddess!reader
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Took a break from spamming Okita and Anubis oneshots. Time for some Susano’o this time. Reader has similar story as Kushinadahime in lore. Wanted to recreate it.
Synopsis: You’re one of the goddesses of the Land of Izumo and the daughter of Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi deities. One day a demon serpent that appeared in the Land of Koshi known as the Yamata no Orochi started wrecking havoc and killed many of your beloved sisters leaving you traumatized and the only surviving daughter. Your father had asked the God of Swords to kill the serpent, however, Susano’o had one request. It was for your hand in marriage.
TW: deaths mentioned
WC: 1131
Your father has been in his room for several hours weeping over the loss of one of your sisters who was killed by the eight-forked serpent. You had grown worried and stayed silent. You have been a quiet person for most of your life and even scared that you could be next to die. As you tiptoed across the wooden temple to get some fresh air you nearly had bumped into someone. Huh?
You looked up and your whole face turned red. You recognized who he was immediately due to his appearance and the sword he was carrying wrapped in a bandage. Susano’o-no-Mikoto?! You’ve heard stories of him being the governor of the lands and small descriptions of him through other relatives. “S-Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going—!” You had squeaked causing him to find your embarrassment amusing. Your cheeks flushed bright red immediately as your body trembled at how powerful his authority seemed to be. You felt like you would be crushed within seconds but his expression softened seeing how nearly terrified you were.
“You’re one of the daughters of Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi?” He was holding his bandage sword up on his shoulder while he stared down at you. You quickly nodded as your eyes trailed down his gold-yellow pauldrons that hung off his left shoulder. You also couldn’t help but admire his bluish-white hair and his thick cloud-shaped eyebrows. He looked marvellous to you as you both stared at each other. You were in your own little world while he was observing your reactions. He figured you probably never left the temple and was curious about him. You also seemed terrified of outsiders and trusted very little. He was enthralled by your beauty at first glance. Susano’o was yet again wondering why he was called down to meet the two children of the mountain god; your parents. He also had no idea someone like you would be here and you already captivated his attention.
Before he could speak again, you had already rushed passed him. You were panicking on the inside that you may have insulted the Sword God. Your whole mind felt weak with a lot of things and losing your siblings took a toll on you. Having that being said, you had wondered why he was here.
“This was a difficult decision asking you to come all the way here since you’re normally busy governing the lands of Japan.” Your father sat on his throne seeing that Susano’o had raised his left eyebrow wondering what was so important for him to be here.
“I had thought something must’ve happened if I’m being asked to come here.” Susano’o hummed as he took in the tension in the room. He could read the expressions of others quite well, something terrible had happened. Susano’o thought back on how skittish you were around him.
“Well, a lot has happened actually, one of the demons merged nearby and has devoured eight of my daughters. We’ll pay you a thousand times over if you can kill this demon,” your father stood up from his throne, but what shocked Susano’o was how he lowered himself to his hands and knees begging the Sword God for help to kill the serpent demon. He didn’t have to beg since Susano’o would’ve gladly killed it without him asking. The amount of pain for your family that has been put through a lot of pain by such a demon. Well, Susano’o wanted one thing in return for killing the demon.
You were just behind the door listening in on their conversation. You heard Susano’o speak up, “I would like your only daughter to become my wife as my request.” He was serious about taking your hand? You covered your mouth as you heard Susano’o boldly ask your parents for your hand in marriage. Your heart was beating too fast. No man has ever taken interest in you. It shocked you a lot knowing this strong and fierce god wanted you as a prize.
“It’s a bit too soon for that, wouldn’t you think? Why not some alcohol instead?” You heard your mother poor him a cup of alcohol which is accepted. Your father coughed loudly but your heart was beating loudly in her chest. Your hands began to tremble next to your sides. Susano’o spoke again, “I’ll kill this serpent to ease the trouble on you and the villagers down below, but I still want my request to be fulfilled afterward.” Susano’o had a look of determination in his eyes. That made your father like him even more and no one other than him would have his approval to take your hand.
“Very well, as you do know she’s the only last daughter I have left.” Your father looked at your mother who was also silently agreeing that Susano’o could have your hand in marriage if he manages to kill the serpent.
Your father spoke your name before proceeding, “come in here.” He knew you were listening and you felt bad you turned around the corner with your head hung low.
“I— I shouldn’t have eavesdropped. My apologies, I was curious.” You stood a few feet away while your father didn’t look like he cared whether you had heard anything. Susano’o couldn’t help but want to know more about you. You were mysterious to You were hiding how red your face was, were you growing a slight crush on the Sword God? He did look incredibly handsome to you at least. You never had other gods ask for your hand considering your sisters were incredibly pretty themselves before they were killed by the serpent demon. The thought sent your mind into depression. Your family was torn away and you’d never see your sisters again because of that demon.
“Sometimes, I feel like I’m next…” you trembled where you stood and looked down. You hated how you were the last surviving daughter. You wondered if your life even mattered or not.
“Don’t fret, you’ll be in good hands.” Your father spoke out catching your attention. He was approving of Susano’o-no-Mikoto.
“I’ll not let any harm come to you.” Susano’o grabbed your hands into his. He was determined to make you his which was working. You started to feel safe around him which brought tears to your eyes.
You quickly nodded while shaking your head from the tears ready to fall. Your parents had watched and knew how their last daughter would be treated well by the Sword God. You had to wait for him to return from his task to be wedded to him. You had watched him leave the temple and your mother comforted you how you had found the perfect suitor.
You were excited for the life ahead of you and hope Susano’o returns safely.
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Note: this was slow burn and I’d probably gonna just make another in the future that actually is more romantic and not slow burn. Next will prob be back with Okita or Anubis one shots again.
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kengan-daddies · 17 days
Hey!!! I have a request for some of the Baki men. But first i would like to so that I personally LOVE your Baki x Motherly reader series! Now on to my request: How would the Baki men react if reader was part time fighter and part time Burlesque dancer? And if your asking what a Burlesque dancer is, basically people who put on very suggestive dances and performances.
For the characters can you please do, Baki, Hanayma, Retsu and Katsumi? Feel free to skip any characters or add!
First Baki ask, LETS GOO!!
Most of there's POV's are relatively the same, aside from their thoughts, Baki's is probably the most different, and with the most 'plot' coming in from the views of a young high schooler.
(S/N) = Stage Name
The boys aren't aware of your second occupation, you're a great warrior and an even greater friend, but to know that you had such a secret life was far beyond them.
Burlesque dancer? - Retsu, Katsumi, Hanayama, and Baki
Anime : Baki: Son of Oger
Characters : Retsu Kaioh, Katsumi Orochi, Hanayama Karou, Baki Hanma
Warnings : Mention of drugs, alcohol, misuse of drugs
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When he went into the club, he wasn't there for anything promiscuous, he was here for business, a meeting with Hanayama, Katsumi, and Baki. It wasn't an ideal place, but it was the most discreet place. The dancers on stage were ignored by him as he kept his eyes on the people around him, taking in his surroundings. It was an atmosphere that he wasn't used to but not unfamiliar with.
He pushed through the sweaty bodies that smelled of alcohol and musk, it wasn't a present smell, but he smelt worst. The sight of people slumped against the walls caught his attention, people slipping pills and others grinding and kissing. It was disgusting but it was also very human. Every sin that you could think of, was in this place.
He didn't hate it, but he didn't agree with it. The lights suddenly dimmed, catching his attention, but he didn't give it much thought. 'Must be the climax of the party.' He thought as he continued on his way. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!"
The sound of men cheering excitedly caught his attention, and he looked around, hearing the excited cheers. "This '(S/N)' must be very talented." He spoke aloud as he looked at the stage. Multiple spotlights came on, lighting up the catwalk, he watched as a young woman walked down the catwalk, her legs like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress. His lights lit up in recognition when he saw her face. "(Y/N)!?" He called out in shock as he watched her approach the crowd of men.
'To think, that this was a means of living for her. She's a warrior, surely she could've made more money by fighting. Hell, she could even ask me for a few dimes, I'm more than willing to give.' He thought his eyes lingered on her for a moment longer before stalking off through the crowd, making his way, admittedly, much smoother through the now still crowd. He could see an opening and he made a beeline for it, unashamed that he might have to stand on a table just to see where his comrades were, but he was most pleased when he saw them.
Baki was the first to notice him. He watched as Baki's eyes widened and a small smile graced his face. His arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said. Retsu nodded.
Walking through the crowd of drunken people was like a maze for him, it wasn't too difficult but it wasn't pleasant either. However, he kept calm as he walked through, making his way to the meeting area. He gave a relieved smile when he saw Baki and Hanayama sitting at the rounded booth, half a bottle of champagne sat in front of Hanayama, along with a champagne glass that he was drinking from. "Hey boys, long time no see." he casually greeted as he walked within hearing distance. Baki and Hanayama both greeted him. Hanayama with a curt nod and Baki with a small smile.
"Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?" He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki.
"What about you, Baki?" He asked. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. 'But... why?... Unless this is just some sort of side gig she just happens to enjoy.' He thought as he watched. Her legs were like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, it's just easy for him to forget that you were a woman. It was always a secondary thought in his mind when it came to you, you were like one of the boys honestly.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Baki's arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. He looked over at Baki before he looked over, from the crowd, Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence. " Hanayama said.
He was the first of the boys to arrive at the club, the first thing he did was flag down a waitress and order himself a bottle of champagne. His fist cup in, and Baki was the first to arrive. A soft pat on his shoulder made him turn around in question, seeing a smiling Baki standing there as he waved at him. "Sup Hanayama." He happily greeted as he walked around. Hanayama nodded in return. "Baki, I'm surprised to see you here so early." He said as he watched Baki get comfortable in the booth.
Baki chuckled in amusement as he looked around the club, honestly so am I." He said. Hanayama looked away from him as he took a sip from his glass. "So, what's this meeting gonna be about?" Baki asked. Hanayama looked over at him as he placed his cup back down. "Honestly, it's just a way for us to get together, along with the topic of Pickle." He said. Baki cocked a brow at him. "That's it? A simple get-together?" He asked in disbelief. Hanayama stared at him for a moment before he looked off from him.
Baki stared at Hanayama for a while longer before he looked off and over towards the stage, seeing the women dance, a relaxed smile on his face. "Well, a simple get-together isn't so bad." He said aloud, Hanayama nodded as he took another sip from his drink. "Hey boys, long time no see." Came a familiar voice, both Baki and Hanayama looked up in curiosity before a familiar gleam shined in their eyes. Hanayama gave him a curt nod and Baki gave him a small smile.
"Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?" He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki.
"What about you, Baki?" He asked. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. Hanayama's eyes widened when he saw that it was you, his mind raced with questions. 'Why?... She's a proud warrior, so why?... Is she struggling to make ends meet?... She could've just asked me and I would've helped her, no payment needed in return.' He thought as he observed her. Her legs were like a cat, her hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, to see you in such a position, made Hanayama slightly sad.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Baki's arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. He looked over at Baki before he looked over, from the crowd, Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said. He'll probably find a way to pull you to the side and get some answers out of you.
The music was blaring and it was nearly deafening, Baki wasn't used to coming to these places, hell, most high schoolers weren't... But Baki wasn't a normal high school boy, so this was just a part of the package deal at this point. "Guess being the Oger's son... has its perks." He said aloud to himself as he remembered the bouncer immediately allowing him access once he heard him say his name was "Baki."
He eased his way through the crowd, taking mental notes of every little detail, his young mind acting like a sponge. He couldn't help but notice every little thing, his eyes gleaming in innocent curiosity when he would see the strangest things, from people slumped against the walls to others pouring liquor and slipping pills. It was grotesque and yet he couldn't look away from it all. He looked forward and he sighed with relief when he seen that there was a gap in an opening from between the bodies.
He pushed his way through taking a much-needed breath of slightly fresher air once he was able to pull from the crowd, he looked back at the people with a sheepish grin. "Yeesh... I wonder how they're able to breathe in there... The air is so dense." He said aloud before he looked forward and his eyes gleamed in familiarity and relief when he saw Hanayama sitting at the table, a freshly opened bottle of champagne on the table. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked over to him, coming up from behind him he placed his hand softly and invitingly down on his shoulder, making Hanayama turn around in curiosity.
"Sup Hanayama." He happily greeted him as he walked around. Hanayama nodded in return. "Baki, I'm surprised to see you here so early." Baki gave a quiet sigh as he walked around the booth, sliding in his eyes and taking in the contents of the table before he looked up at Hanayama with a small smile on his face before he chuckled in amusement as he looked around the club, honestly so am I."
He said aloud as he thought over the fact that it was a miracle he even found where Hanayama was sitting. He's never been to a club before so this was all so new to him. Hanayama looked away from him as he took a sip from his glass. Baki looked back at Hanayama, taking in his relaxed poster, his eyes dull with slight boredom. 'Man, I bet he's real familiar with this type of atmosphere... This must be a common site for him.' He thought as he observed Hanayama.
He sat up straight in his seat as he leaned onto the table in front of him. "So, what's this meeting gonna be about?" Baki asked. Hanayama looked over at him as he placed his cup back down. "Honestly, it's just a way for us to get together, along with the topic of Pickle." He said. Baki cocked a brow at him. "That's it? A simple get-together?" He asked in disbelief. Hanayama stared at him for a moment before he looked off from him. Baki stared at Hanayama with a perplexed gaze before he relaxed back in his seat.
'Just a simple get-together?... I mean... I guess there's nothing wrong with that... But in a place like this?... Why not the park or something?...' He thought in confusion as he observed Hanayama in confusion. He'd never be able to understand the man before him, but he will admit, that Hanayama always moved with purpose. Baki stared at Hanayama for a while longer before he looked off and over towards the stage, seeing the women dance, a relaxed smile on his face. "Well, a simple get-together isn't so bad." He said aloud.
"Hey boys, long time no see." Came a familiar voice, both Baki and Hanayama looked up in curiosity before a familiar gleam shined in their eyes. Hanayama gave him a curt nod and Baki gave him a small smile. "Katsumi, how ya been, man?" Baki asked as he watched Katsumi sit on the booth and he scooted his way in. "I've been well, training has been very promising, my students are improving every day. What of you two?"
He asked as he got comfortable. Hanayama shrugged. "I've been well, but not much has happened in my life, it's been the usual but also rather calm... Which is troublesome." He said. Katsumi gave him a small smile of pity. "Yeah, I know what you mean, quiet days are welcomed, but they never promise any good." He agreed. Hanayama nodded before he looked over at Baki. Baki looked between the two, taking in their conversation, he honestly didn't know what the hell they were both talking about.
Small talks were never his strong suit. "What about you, Baki?" Came Hanayama's voice. Baki snapped from his thoughts as he looked up from the table and up towards Hanayama, a wide but sheepish smile on his face. "Hmm?... Oh um, yeah... I've been pretty good too, same ol' same ol', going to school, kicking ass." He said. Katsumi chuckled. "How's school been, Baki?" He asked. Baki looked over at him. "Oh you know, boring as ever." He said with a wave of his hand. Katsumi chuckled. "Oh yeah, I remember those days." He said as he sat back in the booth, a nostalgic smile on his face. Hanayama nodded. They were quiet after that, lost in their own thoughts.
Baki felt a bit out of place, first, he was in a place he wasn't very familiar with... Actually, scratch that, this was like a different world entirely. second, he was talking about his life like it was sooo normal, because yeah... His life is totally normal... and he totally knows how to have a normal conversation about his very normal life... Yeah, know?... Like normal people do.
the lights suddenly dimmed, catching all of their attention. "AND NOW, FOR THE PERFORMANCE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! SHE'S LOVELY, SHE'S AMBITIOUS, AND SHE'S EVER SO SENUAL!! GET READY TO MAKE IT RAIN, FOR (S/N)!!!" Came the announcer's voice, they all looked over towards the stage, watching as the lights slowly lit up the catwalk. "An entrance like this for a single woman? She must be something special." He said aloud. Hanayama nodded. "Yes, she must be for such high praise, and the silence of these men, she must be a fan favorite." He added.
Baki stared in his confusion, wondering what all the hype was. 'She's just another woman... What's so grand about her? Is she like rich? Super attractive?... Tall?' He wondered as he looked around at all the people who've all gone quiet.
A shadowy figure came forth, stepping into the light. Katsumi's eyes widen. "(Y/N)!?" He practically shouted in shock as he stared on. Baki's eyes widen as well when he sees you. 'HUH!?' He thought in surprise. First, this weird ass place, second the very normal small talk, and now this!! What's next, clouds are going to start falling from the sky now??
He watched as you walked down the catwalk, your legs were like a cat, hips swaying like a seductress, he was nearly hypnotized. You're an attractive woman and an amazing fighter, to see you in such a position, was confusing for Baki but at the same time he could understand that bills have to be paid, food needs to be bought, or maybe it was just something you simply enjoyed... Either way, it wasn't really any of his business, you were an adult, and you knew what you were doing.
He looked away from the stage for a moment, letting his eyes trail along the crowd when his eyes widened and a small smile graced his face. His arm suddenly shot out, his finger pointing. "Hey look, Retsu's here." He said, a small smile on his face. Retsu could be seen pulling his leg out before he walked over towards them. "Well, now that all of us are here, let the meeting commence." Hanayama said.
'Thank god... because I don't think I can be here for another second.' Baki thought.
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or0ch1maru · 8 months
orochi sfw hcs? :3
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hii bby :3
pls they’re so cute🥺like look at that smile
• whenever they’re busy working in the lab, I just know they’d have you close to them in one way or another. sitting at their desk? you’re curled up in their lap, head resting on their shoulder
• in one of the corners of their lab, there would be a bed or couch, specifically for you to hang out in. your favorite books, or activities kept in a neat stack on a table nearby
• after long & exhausting missions orochimaru would enjoy nothing more than a glass of sake to unwind. the fridge stocked up on their favorite brand or flavor
• Orochimaru’s favorite food are eggs right? every morning or anytime they’re craving, they would be found in the kitchen cooking. scrambled, hard boiled, deviled eggs, omelets, and the list continues
• I totally believe orochimaru is confident. I mean extremely. They wouldn’t be cocky about it like Hidan or anything, they’re much more humble about it
• isn’t afraid of going shirtless or even fully nude in front of others, will often be found in bed or roaming around without a top on
• enjoys having their hair played with, styled, brushed, etc. if their partner has long nails don’t be surprised when they ask for scratches. on their back, chest, and scalp.
• speaking of hair, orochimaru would have a strict hair care routine too, specific shampoo & conditioner, hair masks, and soft brushes and a single comb to get rid of knots & tangles
• sometimes when working or studying, they’ll put their hair up in a low pony or even a messy bun to keep strands of hair from getting in the way
• I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this somewhere before but wouldn’t really enjoy being little spoon when it comes to cuddles because they don’t like feeling too vulnerable, even if you’ve been together for a long time, they consider themselves as the protector, and never wants to risk something happening
• in bed, has to be on the side that’s closest to the door. If something happens and they need to jump into action, they wouldn’t want to crawl over and accidentally hurt you
• praises.
• simple ‘nice job’ or ‘good work today’ would slip from their lips if you actively help with their research or other lab work
• gentle pats on the back or shoulders would follow the small compliments.
• is definitely into pet names in a relationship. loves calling you baby, sweetheart, doll, prince/princess, love, and so on
• knows how to paint their nails without spilling or messing up, but always comes to you. feels enjoyment doing the smallest yet intimate things with you(outside of bedroom activity lol)
please send in more sfw headcanon prompts, would love to eventually do a list like this for every akatsuki member
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maoam · 2 years
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I wanna talk about something I have mentioned a couple times. Sasuke is a character that by various other characters and by Kishimoto is called by various different Japanese words that imply attractiveness or something preferable, such as beautiful, good-looking, sexy/hot, cool, even cute and pure. No other character has them called this many words as Sasuke. Kishi clearly wrote Sasuke as someone really desirable, to the point some people see traits of how some female characters are often written. It is due to homoeroticism and Kishi’s own bias towards Sasuke.
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Let’s first look at volume 38 which I have always found interesting. It is the volume where Sasuke finally properly comes back to the story and starts to move the plot forward. First we have the cover that people have said looks romantic, like a pair of star-crossed lovers, in which Sasuke is on the front with his shirt open. But that is not all. In the same volume in a matter of few pages we see Sasuke in questionable positions with three different male characters. So Kishimoto just happened to draw Sasuke in these odd positions in a matter of a few days. What is the reason? The reason is simply to imply homoeroticism and Sasuke being desirable in a male-male interaction. It is not even subtle.
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Of course, Kishi doesn’t forget to drop an implication of Naruto desiring Sasuke as well in the very same volume, despite the two not interacting.
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Nor Sasuke’s blunt disinterest in women.
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Another thing is Sasuke tends to lose his clothes in his fights, is it fanservice or is it self service from Kishimoto? When Kishi talked about designing Sasuke and Sai, he used “kakkoii” for Sasuke’s open shirt and Sai’s open stomach. So looks like kakkoii is his G-rated word for sexy.
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Thank you Karin. It is funny how Kishi sometimes has to make a character say something out loud to make sure people got what he was doing.
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With Orochimaru it’s most obvious. There’s obvious sexual subtext to Oro’s pursuit of Sasuke’s body.
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Tobito isn’t much better. Why are the villains around Sasuke like this?
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Or even Kabuto. Kabuto kept trolling Naruto for being obsessed with Sasuke and then he does this. Telling Sasuke he wants him to stay by his side (I didn’t bother to look for the panel but it’s when Sasuke and Itachi fight him) and then this... obvious innuendo with his... thing. Even Orochimaru has to make an ironic comment about it like seriously Kishi? You just couldn’t help yourself with that Oro panel?
Do you understand now what I mean? Kishi does this weird stuff with Sasuke all the time. Oh he’s so sensitive and beautiful and pure I must have him, he’s mine.
And here’s a bit of mythology Kishimoto used. During the confrontation between Orochimaru, Itachi and Sasuke Kishimoto used the legend of Kushinada-hime as an influence. Kushinada-hime was the youngest of the eight daughters of Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi. Kushinada-hime was to be offered as a sacrifice to the eight-headed serpent Yamata-no-Orochi who had a sword inside of him, and who had already devoured seven beautiful maidens, but she was saved by Susanoo, who defeated Yamato-no-Orochi with the Totsuka Sword.
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The Eight-headed Serpent is obviously Orochimaru in the manga. His eight branches technique and the sword inside of him are clear references to the mythology
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The Totsuka Sword is wielded by Itachi’s Susanoo in the manga and it is what defeats Orochi. Just like in the mythology.
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So who is the princess/goddess/maiden that needs to be saved from Yamata-no-Orochi? Well it is our Sasuke of course. Is it any wonder why people think Sasuke is heroine when Kishimoto writes him like this? He just wants to stress how desirable Sasuke is, but that at the end of the day, he’s Naruto’s...
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(Note: I remember a manga Ranma½ also featured Yamata-no-Orochi, but since it was a comedy manga it was a perverted snake who only liked devouring pretty girls.)
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maochira · 5 months
Lesbian!reader as the adoptive daughter of Doppo Orochi. Her relationship to her father, mother and older brother (she would be around 18 or 19). Also how would her big bro react to learning about her crush on a girl.
Anon you just described my Baki self insert omg 😭😭 /pos But I won't write this exactly like my self insert
Tags: fem!lesbian!reader, a bit of hurt/comfort?, a little crack at the end
You were adopted as a baby, and you were about 3 years old when your brother was adopted
Doppo came home and was like "Hey I have a surprise for you" and you thought you were gonna get a new toy but no. You got an older brother
At first you handled the news awfully because you weren't used to sharing your parents' love and attention
It took a few tantrums (and a lot of comfort candy) until you accepted the news. And when you did, you immediately started clinging to Katsumi
Growing up, you and Katsumi had a fairly normal sibling relationship. Sometimes you'd have small competitions about minor things or argue about unimportant things. Besides that you've always loved to mess with your brother
Natsue is literally the best mom ever. Best mom award goes to her
She loves doing art and crafts with you and whatever you create gets displayed somewhere in the house. At this point it's just an art gallery of stuff you made
Doppo is the typical doting girl dad who sometimes needs to be reminded to not spoil you too much. He always gives you hugs that are just a little too tight and accidentally (or intentionally) says and does things that embarrass you right in front of your friends
You were always treated like "the little one who needs to be protected", which means you weren't necessarily actively encouraged to learn how to fight
Katsumi on the other hand was often reminded, especially by your mother, that he has to protect his little sister
That didn't hold you back from learning karate as well, though
Skillwise you've always been behind Katsumi by a lot. While no one really pointed out that difference, it began to frustrate you when puberty hit you and it became an insecurity
Around the time you were 15 you suddenly dropped karate. Your parents and brother often asked for the reasons and you would always respond something like "I want to focus on school" or "My other hobbies became more fun"
Katsumi eventually got the truth out of you. At first he didn't really know what to say, but he didn't want this to have any effects on your sibling bond
He tried to comfort and remind you that the difference between his and your skill doesn't matter because it's not a competition between the two of you. He tried to not push you into picking up karate again, though. He thought that might make you feel forced
You ended up getting back into karate, but wouldn't practice it as much as before. You just started having other priorities as you grew up
The first time you got a crush on a girl you decided not to mention it to anyone at first. You've been sure of being a lesbian for years but never bothered to come out to your family. You knew they'd always love you no matter what
Doppo would occasionally make jokes about how you might end up in a relationship with another underground fighter and you'd only respond how Katsumi is more likely to end up with one of them
When Katsumi finds out about your crush on a girl he just points at you and yells "GIRLLIKER!" Then you point back at him and yell "BOYKISSER!"
Doppo and Natsue overhear that and there's not much of a reaction cause. They already figured out you're into girls
If you liked this, please remember to reblog and add your thoughts in the tags! That's the best way to support and motivate me!
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
When The Smoke Clears
F! Reader X Katsumi Orochi
What’s this?! A Katsumi fic where he is the central focus and has all your love without anyone trying to fuck with your relationship?! It’s more likely than you think. (☞⌐▀͡ ͜ʖ͡▀ )☞
I had forgotten I had written it until I was looking over some old drafts that I started forever ago and never finished. I unearthed this little number that I vaguely remember writing in a fit of passion after originally reading Katsumi’s fight with Pickle. It may be my favorite Baki fight thus far and filled me with all the emotions, so this was born from that lol. And now that the anime released, what a perfect time to finish and post it! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧) Thanks past me and my horrible memory! :D
That being said, since it deals with post battle bullshit, it is a little angsty and you do pop off on Katsumi a little bit in this one. But other than that I just wanted to make something on the sweeter side for our dear boy. He deserves all the love and affection, dammit! 😤 I made it a bit mushy and maybe Katsumi is sorta OOC but to be honest… August has been dreadful and I think I needed it that way to keep me from completely losing it. ^^;
I hope you all enjoy~!
Warnings: Mentions of violence/gore, spoilers up through the Pickle fight w/Katsumi, some language, white lies, you are mean to Katsumi for a lil tiny bit but it’s just cause you are worried. :<
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Katsumi Orochi has always been a horrible liar.
He would slightly scrunch his nose when eating something he disliked, while telling the chef he thought it was delicious. His face would noticeably tighten whenever someone was annoying him, even though he acted like they weren’t a bother at all. His shoulders would sag when he didn’t meet his daily goal, though he’d shrug it off and act like it was no big deal.  When he hadn’t done as well as he had hoped during a tournament placing, he’d always don a bright smile and laugh it off by saying there was always time to improve.
Maybe those excuses worked on other people, but you knew him far too well for them to fool you. Katsumi knew you could see right through him and that any attempts at concealing his true feelings were pointless. So it was only in the privacy of your shared home that he let his guard down, letting you truly experience how his self-perceived short comings broke him down.
These moments of self-doubt seemed to be happening more frequently in the past few weeks, specifically since news of Pickle hit the general population. Pickle’s arrival stirred something in the fighters of Shinshinkai Dojo, and try as he might to convince you otherwise, Katsumi was not exempt from this excitement. He always was a cocky man, often times too arrogant for his own good, and the thrill of besting a beast like Pickle was a siren song he could not ignore.
However his cocksure attitude and the exuberance he had for fighting was a double edged sword, often also being the instigator of the ruts he would find himself in. Through his life he had garnered a fair mix of friends and enemies alike- Admirers who were rooting for him and despisers who were praying for his downfall, all inexorably drawn to his proud aura. It wasn’t until Retsu had easily defeated him in the Maximum tournament that a major change sparked within Katsumi. Though admittedly for the better (nothing opens your eyes to your own faults quite like getting your ass handed to you), the total thrashing he had received at the hands of his friend opened his eyes to what was stunting him previously. It was a hard lesson to learn, but a necessary one to shape him into the man he is now.
But the entirety of his doubt would not be quelled so easily, and it remained festering in his heart to this day. The challenge Pickle posed excited him, but also daunted him. The conflicting feelings irritated him, igniting him with the desire to attack, but fettering him from doing so.
When he got like this, no one experienced his lows and frustrations quite like you did. Katsumi’s anger and disappointment at his own limitations had a way of pouring out of him and spilling into you, making his torment become your own. In public it was so easy to get thrown off by his nonchalance and easy smile, his gusto so great that even if you were able to pick up on the turmoil that lied beneath it, it was easy for him to get you to believe he was OK and move on. 
But when you were alone at night and he was lying in your arms, lulled to sleep by the caress of your hand, it broke your heart to hear his whispered apologies. That he could be better and WOULD be better for you. Your gentle assurances that he was already your hero, that you loved him and no amount of losses or wins would change that, always seemed to fall on deaf ears. It ate you up inside to hear him speak so badly of himself. Since day one you had been his most ardent supporter, whatever flaws or negative self-critiques he had that he believed were imposing on your life were purely in his head.
How many times had you told him his feelings of inadequacy as a lover and provider to you were all nothing more than cruel lies his own brain concocted? You wished he would believe you, get it through his thick skull so that he could have one less thing to fret over. All you ever asked or expected of Katsumi was his love and honesty, and those you had unconditionally.
At least, you had until this morning.
Though usually an early riser, he got up sooner than normal, dressed and ready at the very crack of dawn. Smiling down on you as the sun was just beginning to peek through your bedroom window, he brushed your hair away from your sleep ridden face. He was typically eager to get up and go, but today he lingered in your presence, peppering your face and head with soft kisses. Taking full advantage of your barely woken state to express his love, it both warmed your heart and confused you. Katsumi was well aware you could be quite the grump in the morning so he usually avoided giving you too much attention too early, concerned that he may fully wake and irritate you. His slightly obtrusive presence was out of character, and you couldn’t help but be further roused by it.
“I’m leaving a bit early today love,” his whisper tickled your ear, causing you to hunch your shoulders. He chuckled, placing one more kiss on your temple. “…Thank you for sticking by my side. You deserve only happiness throughout your life.”
In your sleepy haze you almost felt you had dreamed his words, but as you squinted at him in the bedroom doorway, the look on his face filled you with concern. He kept his eyes trained on you, staring at you as if they were looking at something very far away. They held a wistful glimmer typically reserved only for painful goodbyes, and paired with the crooked smile on his lips, you couldn’t help feeling that if you let Katsumi leave now, you would regret it the rest of your life.
“Katsu?” You slowly pushed yourself up into a seated position, rubbing the grogginess from your eyes in the process. “Where are you going this early?”
When you turned your full attention back to the door, he was gone.
You dragged yourself out of bed, calling out for him as you padded around the entire apartment. Your cries remained unanswered, as did calls and texts to his cell phone, which made sense when you discovered he had left his phone discarded on the kitchen table.
Seating yourself at the table, you rested your chin in your palm, eying his phone with trepidation. Katsumi wasn’t one of those people who were glued to their phone, if anything he griped at you for how much time you spent on yours. But still, to leave so abruptly, without any means to contact him directly and little explanation to where he was headed… It wasn’t like Katsumi at all.
Distantly, you heard the TV in the background. You must have forgotten to turn it off before you headed to bed yesterday, the volume just quiet enough to blend in as background noise. The usually obnoxious banter of the morning news came as a welcome change today, the sound of other voices keeping you from feeling totally abandoned.  Your eyes flicked to the screen, a ‘breaking story’ about Pickle the hot topic again this morning.
You hadn’t been too keen on the Pickle hype from the get go. You understood it, sure. It was extremely exciting to discover such an intact specimen of humanity from a time when dinosaurs walked the earth, and even more astounding that they were able to revive him, get him up walking and interacting with people and his environment. You were just as tuned in as the rest of the planet, intrigued to hear what breakthroughs and discoveries come from reanimating this prehistoric man.
At the same time however, you couldn’t help feel disgusted over what a media circus his awakening had caused. From the initial live on air assault of that female reporter, to the subsequent late night talk shows hosting a multitude of specials on the moral standpoint of his existence, it all felt dirty to you. You couldn’t help but feel bad for Pickle in most instances. Alone in a foreign world he didn’t understand, surrounded by swarms of people requesting things of him he couldn’t comprehend, it must be an incredibly bewildering and lonely life. You felt equally bad for the people he unintentionally hurt, damaged (sometimes irrevocably) by simply coming in contact with someone so feral.
And that is what put you off about Pickle the most, was how dangerous he was.
Not that he was a direct threat to you, per se, but as soon as news of him hit the media, the entire dojo was abuzz. He was all anyone could seem to talk about or focus on. His strength, his combat style, what it would feel like to fight him. The conversations reminded you of children on the playground coming up with pretend battle scenarios with their friends, their eyes lighting up as they discussed it during warm ups and spars. The first of the group to be truly captivated was Retsu, which took you by surprise. Retsu is one of the most disciplined men you know, so to see him become so single mindedly obsessed over one fight with a single opponent was disconcerting to you.
Curiosity was expected, but all-encompassing obsession could drive people to do unfortunate things, and that was the mindset that encompassed the men around you.
You weren’t thrilled when you learned a whole squad of fighters (Retsu, Katsumi and Doppo amongst them) had broken into a heavily monitored government facility just to come in contact with Pickle, especially when you found out the extent of their plan was ‘get in, find Pickle, fight’. You and Natsue made sure to give them all an earful they weren’t soon to forget when they returned.
You had a hard time comprehending their thought process. Was it worth risking getting arrested for potentially the rest of your life for the chance to battle one person? They all turned rather sheepish under your scolding, but their unified response only boiled down to ‘you just wouldn’t understand.’ You didn’t deny this; there was plenty in the world of fighting you had a hard time empathizing with. But that sentiment could go both ways, because you were positive they couldn’t begin to fathom the myriad of emotions that flowed through you as you watched their walk of shame back to the dojo, knowing  that should it come down to it, they left ready to die at Pickle’s hands. Did they even consider how their loss may affect the people around them, or was the appeal of a once in a lifetime battle so strong that they didn’t care?
You were no fan of Yujiro Hanma, but in this instance you were thankful he was able to get your boys home without further incident.
Alas, things only got worse after Retsu orchestrated the first battle against Pickle. At the time you were not privy to it happening, most likely because Retsu knew just how against the idea you would be and how much it would hurt you to know he was going to participate anyway.
Nothing could quite prepare you for seeing him in that hospital bed, leg half missing and shoulder torn to shreds. Retsu was one of your best friends, undoubtedly one of the strongest and most capable people you know. To see him reduced to a prone state, covered in bandages, chunks of his body missing… You were surprised you were able to hold your tears until you left the room.
Before even leaving the hospital, you had made Katsumi swear to you that he would stay away from Pickle. That whatever devil was sitting on his shoulder, whispering in his ear to go fight that monster of a man, was ignored from here on out. He had looked you in the eye, earnestly promising you he would stay away from Pickle. You had his word.
But now you feared it was all just idle chatter.
You wanted to have faith, and forced yourself to give Katsumi some time. Maybe he just went out for a jog, or had to run an early errand before going to the dojo? Surely you were blowing this whole thing out of proportion and only assuming the worst.
But the longer you waited, the more your anxiety mounted. You only lasted an hour before you started to make calls.
Doppo, Retsu, Baki, you even grew desperate and tried Katou-none of them answered your call. After a few attempts you were able to get through to Natsue, but she offered very little in the form of comfort, only telling you in a rushed tone that she had been in contact with Katsumi briefly and all was well, before saying she needed to go and disconnecting the call.
The hours that ticked by were maddening. The wait got so overbearing that you eventually decided to go to Shinshinkai to seek answers on your own. If no one would respond to you, you would just have to go to them and force answers from them yourself.
But to your great surprise when you had arrived to the dojo, you found it closed. Locked up and void of any inhabitants, you were dazed. Never before had you ever seen the dojo completely closed and locked up, with nary a soul in sight. Sure, there were holidays and week days where attendance was waning, but the building itself was never fully uninhabited. In fact, some people where there so often it felt like they practically lived there.
However as dumbfounding as it was, it did not change the fact that the Dojo was in fact closed for the day. There wasn’t even a sign on the door explaining why, and when you cupped your hands against the window for a better look inside, you were met with empty dark halls as far as the eye could see.
The building loomed over you, cold and barren as it mocked your attempt at clarification. Planting yourself on the front steps, you buried your face in your hands.  Completely discouraged, the dreadful, creeping realization that Katsumi had gone against his vow over took you. Though you could come to no other conclusion, your mind still struggled to come to terms with it. Did he really go after Pickle? Would he put himself in danger like that and not tell you? Heaviness had settled on your soul, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
… What if Katsumi never returned home?
As if triggered by that horrid thought, your phone began to noisily ring, cutting the tension with its piercing jingle. Fumbling as you fished the phone from your pocket, the screen lit up to show the caller was Retsu.
“Retsu,” Your hurried voice answered before he could greet you, “Where’s Katsumi?”
Save for some background noises you could not decipher, there was silence on the other end. Your heart was pounding in your chest, the hand holding your phone shaking so bad you were worried you may drop the damn thing. After several agonizingly long seconds passed, Retsu let out a heavy sigh.
“He’s at the Ebara memorial hospital,” his voice sounded strained, like he dreaded telling you the news, “We all are. He’s in private room 309 in the ICU. Please come when you can.”
Your body turned to ice at the revelation. Your hand sprang to cover your mouth, muffling the sob that was desperate to come out.
“… (Name),” Retsu questioned on the other end, his voice much softer than previously, “… He’s beat up, but he’s OK. Please, take deep breaths and be safe getting here. The last thing any of us want is you getting into an accident and hurting yourself over this.”
You released a shaky breath, forcing yourself to calm down, “Thank you, Retsu. Tell Katsumi I’ll be there soon.”
You had spent the whole cab ride there mentally readying yourself for what awaited you. Was Katsumi in a coma, could he talk? What if he was hurt so badly you couldn’t recognize him? What if he was beaten so intensely he had become a vegetable? You tried to quell your concerns with Retsu’s reassuring words, but your anxiety kept winning out in the end. ‘OK’ was not the descriptor you were looking for, you wanted to hear that Katsumi was safe and in one piece, up and functioning. You wanted an explanation about the lack of communication- reassurance that it was just some big misunderstanding and he was sorry to make you worry.
But that was just your desire speaking, and the reality of the situation was that he truly had broken a promise to you and got himself hurt in the process, bad enough to be in an ICU in god knows what condition.  Tears stung your eyes as you forced yourself to breath, focus on the fact that Katsumi was alive and being cared for, that he was no longer in danger. But even the relief those facts brought was diminished in your heart, overshadowed by the immense pain you felt over his betrayal and what state you may discover him in.
When you arrived at the hospital, Retsu greeted you in the entrance lobby. His eyes were serious, but a tired smile graced his lips when he saw you rush through the door. As he led you to Katsumi’s room he did his best to try and soothe you, telling you that Katsumi was awake and alert, heavily drugged so that his pain was nearly nonexistent. You only half listened, nodding every now and again to let Retsu know you heard him, even if the words weren’t truly absorbing. Your sole focus was getting to Katsumi, seeing with your own two eyes that he was as alive and well as Retsu was stating he was.
Just as you had reached the door to Katsumi’s room, Retsu halted you from going any further. Shooting him a look, he placed a heavy hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“I know you are upset,” his words were deliberate, his eyes fixed on yours as he spoke calmly, “And you have every right to be. We kept this fight from you to protect you, but I now see that even with our best intention, that has done more harm than good.  Just please understand (Name)… You are the most important person to Katsumi. He did not do this to cause you any misery or strife. I know I may have no right to ask this, but try not to be too hard on him.”
You gave Retsu a quick nod, steeling yourself as you focused your attention back to the door, “Please, let me see him.”
When the door was pushed open, a rush of emotions washed over you. Frozen in the entryway, words could not describe the consolation you felt seeing him sitting up in the hospital bed, his eyes lighting up in recognition as they passed over you. Your body began to shake, overcome with relief to see him breathing and attentive, elation coursing through you so fiercely you felt lightheaded. Another wave of happiness overtook you when he smiled at you, bright and full of love, the frigid grip of fear instantly began to loosen its hold on your heart.
But when you took in the rest of him, your joy began to waver. He was covered from head to toe in wounds, vicious purple and black bruising marring his pale flesh, cuts and scrapes painting him in strokes of vibrant red. And that was just the areas you could see-A vast majority of his body was wrapped up in bandages, as if someone was trying to mummify him while still alive, giving him a very macabre essence.
The most shocking however was the notable absence of his right arm. Despite the discourteousness you exhibited by staring at such an injury, you couldn’t look away. Katsumi noticed you honing in on it, his smile weakening at the concern reflecting in your eyes. He looked abashed, like a child caught by their mother after doing something they knew they shouldn’t have. He shifted his body slightly as if to try and hide the missing limb, growing increasingly bothered over how it was unsettling you.
“Hi baby. I’m glad you came.”
His words broke your spell, and you rushed to his side, stopping just as you reached the bed. You wanted desperately to fling your arms around his neck, pull him close to you and feel his warmth, experience firsthand the life force that thrummed through him. But you stopped yourself from doing so, partially out of fear of hurting him, but more so over just how jarring he looked close up. You were sure the doctors did all they could to clean him up, but blood still seeped through his bandages, irritated flesh held together by countless stitches made him look far too corpse like for your liking. His eyes seemed so tired, and you had a hard time discerning if the heavy bags and dark shadows that rested beneath them were due to exhaustion or were another lesion from the fight.
Tears began to pour from your eyes, coming in a violent downpour. Your breathing grew labored as you wept, your hands balling into tight fists at your side.
His name came out strained, and his shoulders tensed as he watched you cry. You saw his right shoulder quiver, a deep frown immediately engulfing his face. He must have tried to reach out to you with his phantom limb, his body not yet use to its absence. But the reminder of what he had lost didn’t upset him nearly as much as your tears did.
“Shut up!”
You cut him off, a look of surprise flashing across his features over the bite in your voice. Your anger startled you as well-it had consumed you in a flash, leaving you with no choice but to ride it out and voice the worst of the pain you were feeling. Distressed, garbled words began to spill from your lips in an exasperated tirade, a culmination of all the frustration you had felt up to this point.
“What the hell is wrong with you,” your voice wavered, tears so heavy you could barely make out the man by your side, “Why did you do this Katsumi?! You promised me you would stay away from Pickle! You PROMISED me you wouldn’t fight him! Do you know how fucking scared I was when you left this morning? Do you know how horrible it felt not being able to get ahold of anyone for answers, how shitty it was to be left clueless? I thought you were dead Katsu! I thought I may lose you forever and I spent this entire day broken over the thought that I would have to live the rest of this life without you in it!”
Your hands wiped roughly at your eyes, trying in vain to clear the mucus and tears from your reddened face. Katsumi opened his mouth to respond, but thought better of it, letting you continue your vent uninterrupted.
“Was it worth it? Fighting Pickle, losing a limb and nearly your life, driving me to the brink of heartbreak? Did it scratch your itch? Do you feel better now? I just don’t get it, wasn’t it enough to see what was done to Retsu, or were you really so blinded with stupid levels of machismo that you felt you were untouchable? What would have happened if you actually died? How do you think Doppo and Natsue would have felt, or all the people in the dojo? What would I have ever done without you? If I lost you, I wouldn’t even want to live anymore you dumbass idiot! This whole thing is so fucking stupid!”
For a short time, the only sound that could be heard in the room was your muffled cries. Retsu had long since left, leaving you and Katsumi alone to wallow in your oppressive grief. Slowly, your tears began to die down, shrinking down from a raging torrent to small sniffles and hiccups. After sufficient time was given to collect yourself, Katsumi quietly addressed you.
“… (Name)?”
You looked up at him, slightly embarrassed now that your passionate explosion had died down. He took a deep breath before continuing, turning his full attention your way.
“I’m not expecting you to understand why I did this,” His words came out like a caress, gentle and kind, matching the sincere look he held in his eyes, “Honestly, I am not sure I completely understand it myself. What you said is correct; I did this for my own selfish reasons. I single mindedly went after Pickle to test myself, to prove that I could take him on, and out of fear of missing out on a once in a lifetime opportunity.”
He took a deep breath before continuing, “Though you may hate to hear it, I don’t regret this fight at all, even with the lasting damage it did to my body. But what I do regret is how this has impacted you, and I realize now the way I went about this in regards to you was all wrong. I should have never hidden my intentions, I was just so afraid of upsetting you that I convinced myself that this was the best way to handle it. You know me, I guess I had to take the hard path to find out just how wrong I was.”  He gave a forlorn chuckle.
“I never want to hurt you. I never want to make you cry. The moment you became mine I vowed to keep you happy and smiling, but I broke that vow and went against my promise to you. You have every right to be mad, and I understand if you stay mad at me for a while, but I want you to know this. I only took on Pickle because I earnestly believed I had a chance at beating him, and I only believed I had a chance of winning because of how strong I have become.”
A wide smile spread over his face as he beamed at you, his eyes softening as he held your gaze.
“I am only this strong largely thanks to you, (Name),” He averted his eyes, a small blush gracing his cheeks as he continued, “Without your ceaseless support and steadfast love and commitment, I would have never made it this far. You give me strength, and each victory I claim is just as much yours as it is my own. I love you with all that I am, and I’ll be damned if I let anyone tear me away from you prematurely, be it caveman or otherwise.”
He laughed a bit, returning his focus back your way, “So please, stop crying baby. I’m here, and I don’t intend on going anywhere anytime soon.”
The warmth in his voice caused a fresh bout of tears to cloud your vision. You looked at your feet, unable to stand the pious endearment he was heaping upon you.
“I’m sorry,” your voice broke, your hands going to cover your face in embarrassment, “I’m sorry I yelled at you Katsu. I said horrible things to you that I didn’t mean, I was just so worried I couldn’t stand it…”
As your voice trailed off, you felt his hand rest softly atop your head. Pulling your attention back his way, you stared at his radiant smile through your fingers, butterflies flitting through your stomach as your eyes drank him in.
“No, I’m glad you can be honest with me. Sometimes I need someone to give me a verbal lashing to bring me back down to earth,” he chuckled, shooting you a worn out smirk, “And besides, you’re right, it is stupid. Though I did consider your feelings, I let my own overcloud my better judgment. I should have never kept you in the dark. I’m so sorry, baby. I never meant to hurt you like this.”
He leaned over, placing his wrapped hand on your wet cheek, wiping away any tears that lingered. Slowly, he guided your face towards his until your foreheads were touching.
“Thank you for loving an idiot like me,” He murmured, tears dotting his own eyes as they gazed at you tenderly, “I’ll never betray your trust again, you have my word.”
Unable to stand it any longer, you flung your arms around him, pulling him into a gentle embrace, gingerly stroking his hair and face as you cried out the last of your sorrow. He in turn buried his face into your chest, whispering words of love and thanks as if he were chanting a spell to help drive away your residual woes.
Seconds turned into minutes as you held each other. After an indiscriminate amount of time had passed your tears had been quelled, and an air of peace replaced the stagnant feeling of the once oppressive hospital room. Katsumi listened to your heart beat, sighing happily as he lost himself in your hold. You smiled down at him, kissing the crown of his head softly.
“Now that you scratched that itch, which do you prefer,” you asked teasingly, a sly smile taking over your face, “Pickle’s hold, or mine? If you answer incorrectly here I am going to use your weakened state to my advantage and kick your ass.”
Katsumi laughed loudly, pulling away till he was looking up at you, “Are you threatening a wounded man right now? And here I thought you were a sweet, gentle girl…”
“Only to nice people,” you flicked his forehead playfully, “Not mean people, like you. It’s going to take quite a bit to make this up to me, you know.”
“Oh yeah?” He cocked his brow, “Why not shoot me some ideas. Whatever it is to get back in my lady loves good graces, I’m all ears.”
“Hmm,” you mused, finger tapping your cheek, “How about setting up a fight for me? Pickle has pissed me off sufficiently by hurting not just my friends, but now also the love of my life. I think I have enough rage built up in me that I can finish the job you all started, don’t you agree?”
Another laugh, “As much as I would love to see that, I want you as far away from Pickle as possible, thank you. If that man laid his hands on you in any capacity I would be forced to break my promise and go after him again, understand? I think we both lose in that scenario.”
“You’re right,” you sighed dramatically, sitting yourself down on a seat beside his bed, “Well, I will think of something. But in the meantime, the only request I make is that you let me stay by your side, at least until you are back to full health. I’ve had more than my share of anxiety attacks today alone, so I would feel much better if you let me oversee your healing.”
He shot you a suggestive look, a smirk ghosting his lips. “What a coincidence, I was hoping for a hot stay at home nurse to be on standby should I need any assistance.”
“You’re pushing your luck,” you held back a laugh, but couldn’t stop the smile that overtook your face, “I will let your suggestive comment slide this time because I am feeling benevolent, but if you don’t take your healing seriously you are going to be in a world of trouble, understood?”
He leaned back in the bed, a thoughtful expression engulfing his face as he closed his eyes, “I hear you loud and clear and leave myself in your capable hands.”
You stood up, leaning over to place a gentle kiss on his lips, one that he reciprocated with a pleased hum. “I love you, Katsumi.”
“Love you too,” he kissed you again, smiling against your lips as he tugged you closer, “And I’ll make sure you never doubt that for the rest of our lives.”
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