#or I should just make gifs on my other acc like everyone clearly wants me to
myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
i love both yuzu and shoma very dearly so i can't stand it when fans of one hate on the other, but someone found footage of yuzuru apparently making fun of shoma and i'm heartbroken not knowing what to think :<<
Well it will always depend on who you ask what you see in said footage. And it also depends what the interpretation of "making fun of someone" is. Did you see the footage with the "proof"?
Though I am not sure what video you are referring too, there are countless of interactions where I have seen various interpretation depending on what message the person wanted to bring across. (If you can tell me the exact video and who - Yuzu anti or Shoma anti - claimed Yuzu made fun of Shoma maybe I can clear context)
For example: There are ppl who say when Shoma had trouble getting on the chair at an interview in Pyeongchang 2018 Yuzu was making fun of Shoma. To me it just looks like Yuzu laughed because the situation was funny. And who wouldn't laugh tbh? I would. Had Yuzu bad intentions while laughing? I don't think so.
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There are also Shoma fans Yuzu antis who claim Yuzu is a bully towards Shoma because of such moments like the one above and other examples that to me look just like having fun with each other.
Look I can't tell ppl what to think but I'd rather believe my own eyes and their words rather than some Yuzu antis who need a reason to hate Yuzu as a bully towards Shoma or Shoma antis who use it to say Shoma and Yuzu aren't friends and Yuzu hates Shoma.
I can just repeat I don't know the true nature of their relationship, but we can assume the worst or we can assume the best. I'd rather assume the best. Yuzu once said "we are good friends" and I rather believe his words then some claims by ppl who don't like Yuzu or Shoma.
I hate this narrative of both anti sides that either -Yuzu or Shoma- is a villain and the other the poor victim. I just wish that even if ppl don't believe in their friendship they at least would believe in their respect for one another. They are humans and relationships are complicated and they for sure have their inside jokes and sidekicks like many teammates or friends have. And who claims to "know" all about their relationship is clearly lying. We just get little glimpses of their interactions and we should not forget that these are our interpretations not the ultimate truth. We don't know them personally. I personally will always believe the best in ppl.
Lastly some advice as a Yuzu AND Shoma fan. There are sadly many Yuzu antis among Shoma fans and many Shoma antis among Yuzu fans. So if it's concerning both Yuzu and Shoma you should take either site with a grain of salt. Unless you know the acc is a fan of both I would not give a negative interpretation of one of their interactions too much thought. Believe me their so called "video proof" is mostly quite laughable and can be seen differently. Always remember that there are ppl who want others to believe a certain narrative so that their hate towards Yuzu or Shoma seems justified. It's actually about their own feelings not about Yuzu's or Shoma's feelings.
Sad how when I first learned more about Yuzu and Shoma and saw their interactions back in 2015 it seemed to me that everyone in the fandom liked both of them...I couldn't have been more wrong...and it's sadly even worse among the Japanese fandom. 😢 You have no idea what wild interpretation I encountered over Yuzu and Shoma over the years. Some are downright ridiculous.
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