#or they just had dinner at the Burrow and she needs the peace afterwards
dreamlover31 · 4 years
Love Will Find a Way: Chapter 8
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After six weeks of being placed on bed rest while at the same time, receiving the royal treatment from her soft hearted boyfriend, in which there were daily foot and back rubs, sensuous sponge baths and his long, slender fingers stimulating her inner core; Alexa was given the all clear to return to work. As soon as she walked through the door, she was welcomed by an entourage of all the staff members, as well as the people who sought help there, they all clapped and cheered at the sight of her.
At one point, some of the children came up to her and presented her with drawings they had worked on while she was in the hospital, a smile beamed across her face as she looked at the various works of art. Out of everyone that showed up, the one person she wanted to see the most was Nicole, Alexa found out through Olivia that she tried to visit her in the hospital, but the overwhelming guilt she felt caused her to flee before anyone saw her.
Alexa searched the crowd of people with a hope that she’d come back after everything that had happened, she was about to turn away towards the small table that had a large cake on top of it that read ‘Welcome Back Alexa’ when she heard a small voice:
As she slowly turned towards the sound, her eyes went wide at the person that stood before her.
The two women stared at each other as if they were old friends who had not seen one another in a long time, Alexa stepped forward and placed both of her hands on Nicole’s shoulder, fearing that she might tear off and run away again. Instead, Nicole leapt forward towards Alexa and wrapped her arms around her, Alexa gently soothed her back as she began to cry.
“I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault”
“No it’s not, don’t you ever think that”
“If I hadn’t left him then none of this would have happened”
Alexa slowly released Nicole from her embrace then cupped her face as she looked straight into her eyes and said:
“If you had stayed with that…monster, then you would be dead…listen to me, no one blames you for what happened to me or to Edwin, this is all on him and he can’t hurt you anymore. You’re finally free.”
Nicole nodded as she wiped the tears streaming down her face, then came another round of applause from everyone in the crowd, this time to celebrate Nicole for surviving such a horrific ordeal and to making peace with Alexa. The day of celebration continued with the consumption of the delicious chocolate decadence cake that was Alexa’s favorite and the cool refreshing taste of fruit punch, she watched with joy as the children played various games such as duck, duck, goose and pin the tail on the donkey while the adults danced hilariously badly to one of Katy Perry’s old songs being played on the radio. She was even more thrilled to see Nicole laughing and socializing with the other women, this was the beginning of a new chapter in her life and Alexa was proud to have played a part in it.
As the party was winding down, Alexa could see that the day’s activities were taking its toll on the children, so she suggested that the mothers take them back to their rooms to let them sleep, she watched as one by one the small bodies were being carried off; she would give a small wave to the ones that had their eyes open for a little bit. After most of the people had left, Alexa started to clean up some of the mess that was left behind until she felt a hand on her shoulder, when she looked behind her, she saw that it was Gladys.
“Hey don’t worry about that, I’ve got this”
“No it’s ok, I don’t mind the work”
“Lex, you’re the guest of honor and it’s considered rude to have them clean up afterward”
“Alright…I’ll just head into my office and catch up on some paperwork”
“Honey, you’ve been though a traumatic ordeal. You need some time away from all this, why don’t you and that boyfriend of yours get of town for a while, recharge your batteries and then you can bury yourself in your work”
“Gladys I appreciate your concern, but I’ve spent the last six weeks in bed so I’m ready to get back in the saddle”
“Lex you haven’t taken a vacation in what…four years, it’s time you focused on yourself instead of everyone else”
Alexa paused for a moment as she thought about Gladys’ suggestion, maybe she has a point, I haven’t really been taking care of myself…I’ve been so busy with making sure that everyone else’s needs were taken care of that I really haven’t considered my own.
“Alright, I’ll do it”
“Oh great, I thought I was going to have to deadbolt the locks on every door just to keep you out”
The two women laughed whole heartedly as Alexa pulled out her cell phone from her purse, she scrolled through her list of contacts and found Rafael’s number, she typed away at her keypad as she relayed a text message telling him to come over to her place for dinner tonight; that she had something important to tell him. As soon as the message was sent, she looked up at Gladys who gazed at her with a smirk; Alexa returned with a grin of her own.
“So not that you’ve got me out of here for a while, you have any suggestions as to where I should go on my vacation”
“My cousin has a house on the beach in the Rockaways, she and her husband are out of town visiting relatives so you can stay there and enjoy the scenery”
“And they’re going to be ok with two strangers in their house”
“They know you but it might take a little sweet talking with regards to your boyfriend. Anyway, I’ll call and make the arrangements and I’ll drop the key off at your place when everything’s sorted out”
“Alright, thanks Gladys”
They embraced themselves in a hug as Alexa wrapped up a little to go plate for her and Rafael, she waved good bye to Gladys as she headed out the door. When she arrived back at her apartment, she could see that Rafael wasn’t home yet, she checked her phone earlier but had not received a response to her text. She pulled off her jacket and hung it on the coat rack and then sat her purse on the couch as she made her way towards the bedroom, she quickly changed into a pair of black leggings and a grey shirt as she walked back into the living room where she stretched out on the couch. With the remote in her hand, she began to flip through the channels as she wrapped the blanket that laid across the couch around her, it was then that she heard a beep coming from her purse.
With her phone in hand, she looked at the screen and saw that it was a text from Rafael, in his message he apologized for not getting back to her sooner and that he maybe a couple hours late coming over there. Alexa responded by telling him that it was not a problem for her and that she understood, she also told him that she was going to have dinner ready for him when he got there. After the message was sent, Alexa lifted herself off from the couch and made her way into the kitchen where she took out the necessary tools and ingredients she needed for the meal she was preparing.
Several hours passed after she had sent Rafael that text, she placed his dinner in the microwave and was now back on the couch reading a book, Alexa became deterred from the entrancing storyline by the sound of a key turning the lock to her door. She showed a small smile as she saw the person whom she had been waiting for come strolling through the door, after he put his briefcase by the coat rack, Rafael looked up and winced at Alexa. As he stood in front of her, he gave her a small peck on her forehead and then pressed his against hers.
“How was your day?”
“It was great, everyone at the shelter threw me a welcome back party”
“Oh that was nice of them”
“Yeah I’ll tell you about it, but first you should eat something, I left your dinner in the microwave”
“Thank you”
Rafael kissed her forehead again and then entered the kitchen, after re-heating his meal, he grabbed a dish towel from the counter as well as a fork and a knife then joined Alexa on the couch. Once his plate was cleared with nothing but a few crumbs in its wake, Rafael closed his eyes as he leaned backward on the couch, he felt Alexa snuggle up to him as he let out a soft sigh; the scent of her cherry blossom perfume filled his nostrils while she gently rubbed his belly.
“You worked up quite an appetite huh?”
“Well unfortunately my diet consists of nothing but caffeine”
Alexa lightly giggled as she continued to stroke his midsection and burrowed herself further into him.
“Did you have fun at the party?”
“Yeah it was a blast, the kids there drew me all kinds of pictures…one of them was of me wearing a cape and punching out a bad guy”
Rafael smirked as his thumb gently circled Alexa’s upper left arm.
“But that wasn’t the best part…the best part was seeing Nicole there, she felt so guilty about what happened that she was afraid to visit me in the hospital, she thought that I’d blame her or that everyone else would”
“But it wasn’t her fault”
“I know and that’s what I told her…I’ll tell you Rafi just seeing her smile and laugh and enjoy herself just makes me even more determined to continue my work there”
“I know and that’s what I love about you…so what was it that you wanted to tell me”
“Oh Gladys insisted I take some time off to get my mind right before I officially return to work”
“I think that’s a great idea”
“Yeah I think so too, so she’s going to talk to her cousin and her husband to see if we can use their house in the Rockaways while they’re away, unless you already have other plans”
“I think I can clear my schedule for a weekend getaway with you”
Alexa looked up at Rafael and the two of them shared matching smiles before pressing their lips against each other to signify the level of happiness they shared at the thought of going away together; no court dates, no jilted partners, no worries.
Tagging: @madpanda75 @laceybellerain @tropes-and-tales @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @southern-magnolia @madamsnape921 @karens-imagined-world @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @glimmerglittergirl
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schrijverr · 4 years
Love makes blind
Chapter 3 out of 4
Jonny gets headaches, when the others find out it leads to the revelation that he actually needs glasses. Through the whole process, he and Tim grow closer as xe is there for Jonny.
Getting together, slow burn.
On AO3.
Ships: Jonny d; Ville x Gunpowder Tim
Warnings: There’s a bar brawl. Tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!
A/N: Tim uses xe/xem/xyr pronouns, I myself don’t so if I mess up, I apologize and please point it out to me :)
They had reached a planet and Jonny and Tim were looking to cause some trouble. Ashes had caught onto their plan and promptly joined them when leaving the ship.
They wandered around until they found a seedy bar where a fight would be imminent. A bit smaller than they would otherwise go for, but Brian had told them explicitly to be back on time since they weren’t planning on staying for more than a day.
The patrons gave them dirty looks when they walked in and Jonny couldn't help but grin and wave at them, before ordering a bunch of alcohol.
Tim got a table in the center of the bar and they set to working through the bottles as they waited for someone to start shit they could jump on to join, however, all were prepared to start something themselves if it took too long.
“Hey, four-eyes.” apparently they did not have to wait, Jonny thought as he looked around to see what was happening between who.
Once he was turned around the voice spoke again: “Yeah, you. Who do you think you are smug little librarian prick.”
With a shock Jonny realized the halfway to comatose man was talking to him. Just in case he pointed at himself and asked: “Me?”
“Don’t play dumb, nerd.” the man was swaying, “You think you’re so much better than us. Coming in here with your smug little face.”
“Say that again.” a mix of anger and delight at the confrontation was flowing through his veins.
“Smug little four-eyed freak.” the man said, before punching Jonny in the face.
His glasses flew off, but Jonny had a lot of practice in fighting without them, something the man hadn’t counted on when he’d singled him out, and grabbed the man by the throat and punched him in the face until he collapsed.
Tim and Ashes had gotten up as well as Jonny looked around the bar, face splattered with blood and a manic grin plastered on, he grinned: “Who’s next?”
And that was their cue to start, some senseless violence to get the blood pumping.
In the end they had to resort to running to Aurora with law enforcement on their heels as they laughed while the fire spread through the city.
Tims hands clutched two halves of a pair of glasses. Xe had managed to pick them up before they had to flee and although they were broken, xe still held on tight to them.
Back on Aurora Tim handed them to Jonny as xe said: “They’re a bit broken, but they’re fixable, nothing a little tape won’t help until we can get them to Raph or Nastya.”
Jonny looked at the two halves of his glasses, before he turned to Tim with a broken look on his face as he stated: “That man was mad at me for wearing glasses. Why? What is so bad about wearing glasses, there is so much to say about me, but he picked that?”
Tim looked to Ashes for support, but it seemed they had walked on without them. Xe sighed sadly and told Jonny: “I don’t know, Jonny.”
“I don’t wanna wear em anymore. It’s stupid, I deserve to be beaten up for different things.” Jonny stated and dropped the halves, before stomping off.
Xe picked up the glasses again and sighed to himself, there was way too much to unpack there, even if it had just been badly selected phrasing on Jonnys part.
Still, xe took the glasses to xyr room and gently taped them together, before leaving them at Jonnys door, when the other wouldn't let xem in.
No one saw Jonny for a week after that and the glasses remained outside his door. Tim had told the others what had happened when he’d failed to show up for dinner for the third day in a row. Afterwards xe had caught multiple members of the crew outside his door trying to reason with him about the glasses, no success so far.
Then, suddenly, Tim got woken up in the middle on the night by someone knocking at xyr door, xe groaned and called out: “Yes?”
“Can I come in?” it was Jonny, he sounded tired and hurt.
Immediately Tim was out xyr bed and at the door, sliding it open with a bang. Jonny flinched at the sound as Tim asked: “Are you okay? What’s going on?”
The taped together glasses were perched on his nose, but he had his eyes closed as he miserably said: “The headaches came back.” he was near tears, “I thought I could go without them, but I wasn’t strong enough.”
“Oh, poor thing.” Tim sighed, leading Jonny to xyr bed as xe said: “There is no strength connected to this, you can’t help it, you were good enough.”
Jonny shivered beneath xem at the words and allowed himself to be tucked into Tims bed.
“Did you drink enough?” Tim asked.
He shook his head and admitted: “I didn’t want to leave my room and drinking straight from the tab is too much work.”
“Then I’ll get you a glass.” Tim told him gently.
“You’re leaving me?” he asked, still not opening his eyes, but fear in his voice.
“No, I have a glass in my bathroom, I’ll be back in a moment. Here get comfortable.” xe got the glasses of his face and petted the top of his head for a second.
When xe returned with the glass of water, Jonny was softly swaying back and forth with his eyes closed as he hummed under his breath and fiddled with the blanket.
He startled slightly when the bed dipped under Tims weight, but he relaxed when xe said: “It’s just me. Here, hold out your hand and I’ll give you the water.”
Jonny took it gratefully and started to drink, only slowing down when Tim warned: “Small sips, calm down, dear.”
Again a pet name, Tim wanted to call Jonny them so badly, but xe couldn't, still somehow they managed to slip out at the worst times and xe was always too late to stop them from tumbling out of xyr mouth.
However it didn’t seem like Jonny had noticed as xe took the glass out of Jonnys hands and set it down on the bedside table, before crawling up the bed. Xe asked: “You want to talk about it or just lie here for now? Should I do the same as last time then?”
“Would you mind just- yeah, doing the same?” Jonny sounded small and unsure.
Despite knowing Jonny couldn't see xem, xe smiled anyway: “Of course. Just lie down.”
Jonny sagged against the pillow and Tim carefully laid down on top of him, not believing how much Jonny must trust xem, to keep his eyes closed the entire time and to let Tim take the lead to take care of him.
Xe vowed to never break Jonnys trust as xe got comfortable on his chest, pushing xyr hands under Jonnys shoulder blades as xe waited for Jonny to drop off to dreamland, something xe didn’t have to wait long for.
The next morning xe was awoken again, this time by hands carding through xyr hair and soft vibrations under xyr head as soft melodies drifted through the air. Xe sighed and burrowed into the warm chest as xe mumbled: “Five more minutes.”
Someone chuckled, Jonny, xyr mind registered, which was confirmed when the familiar voice said: “Didn’t mean to wake you up, you can go back to sleep.”
The offer was very tempting, but Tim knew xe was lying on top of Jonny cuddling him and it would probably be weird and less than platonic to go back to sleep while knowing that, so xe rolled off Jonny and said: “No, I’m awake, held you captive long enough under me, sorry for that, by the way, you’re allowed to push me off, you know.”
Jonny shrugged: “Didn’t want to, you seemed too peaceful to wake up and it was the least I could do after barging into your room in the middle of the night.”
The events flooded back and Tim cracked open one eye and asked: “You okay? Want to talk about it now?”
“I rather not talk about it, but I’m fine.” he leaned over Tim and gently slapped the nightstand in search of his glasses, putting them back on his face he sighed: “Better get these fixed, seems like I’m stuck wearing them forever.”
“If you don’t want to talk about it I could take them to Raphaella to get them fixed.” Tim offered, an idea forming in xyr mind.
Jonny smiled at xem, glasses crooked on his face, before he said: “That’s sweet, but I’m taking them to Nastya, haven’t seen her in a while and she likes yelling at me for being stupid.”
“As long as you’re sure.” Tim checked in one last time.
“I am.” Jonny said, “Really I’m fine, just hated that and then with the headache it only amplified the badness.” his voice got soft, “Thank you, for letting me stay here again.”
“It’s what friends do.” Tim told him, wishing they were so much more than that.
Meanwhile Jonny nodded, yes, friends, they were just friends. It didn’t matter that Jonny was trying to spend all his time with Tim and get xyrs attention constantly, that xe was the only person beside Nastya he trusted enough to turn to for comfort.
“I’ll get going then, maybe you can fall asleep again.” he told Tim, wishing he could lie down next to xem and curl up in xyr arms again without him being weird, to soothe the ache in his heart that he felt whenever he looked at Tim knowing xe wasn’t his.
Tim waited until Jonnys footsteps had faded, before xe rolled out of bed and got ready to face the day. Xe’d gotten an idea and with Jonny at Nastyas, this was the perfect time.
Xe set off towards Raphaella sneaking into Jonnys room beforehand to snatch up the pair of goggles that lay on the sink next to some of Jonnys make up and other knickknacks.
Once xe had explained xyr idea to Raphaella she’d clapped in her hands and told xem, she could be done in half an hour, since she had made spare lenses just in case.
With the goggles in hand xe set out to find Jonny and give him the goggles. Xe knew that Nastya would probably be holed up in the engine room, so Jonny would probably be there as well. Xe was about to knock, when xe heard Jonny exclaimed: “Xe doesn’t like me like that, you’re delusional, Nastya.”
“No, you’re just too blind to see.” Nastya replied.
“Of course I’m blind, you have my glasses.” Tim could hear the pleased smirk in the statement.
“You’ve become somehow even more annoying since you got glasses.” Nastya told him, “And you’re deflecting, don’t think I wouldn't notice.”
Jonny groaned, before he whined: “You’re just seeing that, because you want to see that. Xe doesn’t care for me like that, didn’t I just tell you xe told me about being friends this morning? Honestly, I thought you were paying attention.”
“I was and I’m not seeing things because I want to. I see them, because I have eyes. It’s quite disgusting how mushy you two are even without being together.” Nastya said, “And as for the friend thing, I would bet xe is just trying to keep it as platonic as possible to avoid making you uncomfortable.”
“Still don’t believe you, provide your evidence.” Jonny told her.
Tim felt hope creeping up xyr body, was it possible that Jonny liked xem back? They were talking about xem that was obvious and it seemed like Jonny wanted xem to like him and that Nastya had caught on to xyr feelings for Jonny and if she would give a good enough answer, maybe Jonny would see it too.
Excitedly xe leaned against the door and waited for Nastyas answer. She sighed: “Why do I need to solve your relationship problems?”
“Okay, one, not in a relationship, so not technically relationship problems. Two, I helped you and Aurora get together, so I think you owe me.” Jonny replied.
“Ugh, maybe.”
Jonny cheered, making Tim smile outside, without realizing xe did, at the happy sound from Jonny.
“So, evidence, right. You want evidence?” Nastya waited for Jonny to confirm, “Lets start with how xe looks at you, if I just saw that I would think you personally created the world just for xem. I can see heart eyes from miles away with xem.”
“Yeah, xe might have metal eyes, but it’s almost like they’re heart shaped.” Nastya confirmed, “Then how xe gets around you, that person goes soft.”
“What, that’s just xem. Xe’s nice.”
“God, you get that same disgusting love-sick look that xe gets.” Nastya groaned, “But no, xe’s not always like that, xe melts when you enter a room. It’s physically visible to see xem sag with mushiness. And then xe also gets all nice with you, xe’s an asshole with everyone else, but xe’ll open doors for you, save you a seat, make sure we have your favourite drink on board. It’s sweet, but also disgusting.”
Tim blushed as she just laid out xyr soul for Jonny to inspect and xe was glad that xe couldn't see Jonny right now. Xe didn’t think xe could take it, if Jonny was weirded out by it.
“Xe really does all that?” Jonny asked, his voice was strange, almost a bit float-y, “Not just being friendly, cause we’re friends?”
“No, Jonny, no, please open your goddamn eyes.” there was a fond undertone in Nastyas annoyance, “Want me to go on?”
“There’s more?” Jonny sounded surprised.
“There’s more?” Nastya mocked him, “Of course there is. Xe’s constantly complementing you about every little thing.”
Tim couldn't see Jonny frown slightly at that. He remembered Tims promise to never make him forget that he was good enough, it made him happy inside to know that xe wouldn't break a promise to him and he didn’t like how Nastya had said it.
“Xe’s keeping a promise, nothing more.” Jonny said.
“What kind of promise was that?” Nastya asked.
Jonny didn’t answer and she rolled her eyes: “Whatever it was, it isn’t exactly platonic to promise someone to complement them constantly.”
“It’s a friend thing.” Jonny insisted.
“Well, it didn’t sound very platonic and just a friend thing when xe talked about you with Ashes.” Nastya exclaimed.
Tim froze, how did Nastya know that? Ashes promised not to tell, they swore on their candle collection.
“How do you know that?” see this is why xe liked Jonny, he asked great questions.
“I was fixing something in the vents and overheard them. I didn’t mean to, but Aurora was hurting.” she had the dignity to sound sheepish.
Quietly Jonny asked: “Is it wrong to ask what they talked about?”
“I mean, probably.” Nastya answered.
It was silent for a few beats, then Jonny said: “No, that would be mean. I know I would hate it, if xe knew I was talking about xem like this.”
“Look at you taking the moral high ground.” Tim could barely hear Nastyas reply over the blood rushing past xyr ears. Xe was breaking Jonnys trust by being here, Jonny had the mind to let xem be, but xe had to go and just listen to him.
Xe swallowed hard and clutched the goggles, before running off as fast as xe could to hide away from Jonny in shame. Xe couldn't believe xyrself, how could xe been so selfish?
While Tim was running away Jonny took his now fixed glasses back from Nastya and said: “Thanks for that. I, uh, I’ll see if I talk to xem.”
“I will never breathe a word of this, if you promise to talk to xem to moment you run into xem.” Nastya replied.
“And if I don’t?” Jonny was a bit scared.
“If you don’t and I have to watch you two dance around each other again, I will tell xem what you told me here, myself.” she answered.
“Promise I will then.” he squeaked and hurried out of the room, before she could do anything.
“Don’t be a stranger, well, be a bit of a stranger, but not too much.” she called out after him.
“Yes, m’lady.” he yelled back, knowing he was out of range.
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ronoken · 4 years
Fic Snippit
So, I read tow lovely comments this week and saw someone was kind enough to give me a shout out on Tumblr. So... A quick epilouge piece?
A quick epilouge piece! Comment on this, dammit.
In the really, really far future... 
Caline M. Bourgeois, age 13, stood in the wings of the Francois Dupont auditorium and wrung her hands as the act in front of her finished up. Olive was twirling the crap out of that baton and the blacklight admittedly looked awesome, but she was winding down and that meant Caline was next.
‘Fuck,’ she thought to herself.
She was in a white dress with some (but not too much) frill, accented with two bows holding her sandy blonde hair back in a ponytail. One bow was red, the other yellow. She didn’t want two bows, but her mother insisted this was the best way to keep the peace.
Caline glanced into the audience from where she was hiding, and sure enough, the whole Goddamn family was there. Grandpa, all three Grammas, dad with his phone ready to go, Aunt Emilie, Aunt Camille…
And an empty seat.
Caline frowned and felt her stomach start to knot up. Olive was bowing as the audience politely clapped. Behind her, two stagehands were wheeling out the beat-up school piano for Caline’s performance.
“She didn’t come,” Caline said.
She felt something rustle in the frills on her shoulder.
“Aw shucks, girly,” a voice with a thick, southern drawl said. “Y’all just need ta have some faith. Yer mama may be a bit flighty, but that dere woman ain’t one ta miss her own kin’s recital. No ma’am. She’ll be here. Y’all see.”
Caline smiled and patted the tiny lump hiding in her frills. “Thanks, Ziggy. But,” She looked again at the empty chair. “She’s not here.”
Ziggy popped his head out and patted Caline on the shoulder. “She will be. Jus’ give her time.”
“But I’m going on now!” Caline said, slightly panicked. Out on stage, Ms. Beauréal was going on ad nauseam about how hard the students had worked for the talent show this year, and how excited she was to introduce the next performer. “Ziggy, what do I do?”
“Ya get out there and ya play fer everyone, of course. Yall gonna let yer dad and yer grammas and grampa down?”
Caline bit her lip. Of course the whole family was there. Of course dad was recording. Of course this had to happen today.
“She knew this was important to me, Ziggs. She knew.” Caline muttered as she walked on stage. From the audience, she heard two voices cheering for her.
“Go Caline!” The first one cheered.
“You’re gonna do great! Gramma loves you!” The second one chimed in.
“I love you more!” The first voice said.
“I love you most!” The second one screamed.
There were sounds of a scuffle. Caline ignored them and turned to face the audience. Her eyes drifted to the empty chair…
And sitting there was a woman with short, light brown hair and glasses. She had her phone out to film, and she was waving.
Caline’s eyes went wide. “Mom?” She asked under her breath.
Beside her mom, Caline’s father looked practically spooked. At least one of her Grandmas was frowning and had her arms crossed while her Grandpa was busy laughing into his shoulder. He was doing his best to cover it with a cough.
Caline smiled.
“Toldja,” her shoulder whispered.
Out in the audience, Caline’s mom grinned as she watched her daughter being playing Nocturne No. 2 by Chopin. Caline had worked for two months with her Grandpa on the piece, and the dedication had paid off.
It didn’t hurt that Adrien was a good teacher.
“Where were you?” Marinette quietly hissed beside her daughter.
“Work,” Gina whispered back. Her eyes never left Caline as she played.
“You were almost late,” Marinette growled. “How can you of all people be late?”
“But I wasn’t,” Gina rebuffed. “And she saw me. You think I’d miss today?”
Gina didn’t have to turn her head to see the glare her mother was shooting her. She could feel it.
Gina felt a hand squeeze her shoulder. She glanced back to see Aunt Chloé smiling at her. “Ignore your mother. She’s just mad because she lost a bet.”
At that, Gina did look to her mother. “You bet I wouldn’t be here?”
Marinette blushed and crossed her arms. She turned her attention to her granddaughter on stage. “When they closed the doors, I might have been overly upset.”
Gina nudged her. “Hey, it’s me.”
“I know,” Marinette sighed.
“Shh!” Sabrina shushed them both from behind. “I’m trying to enjoy my granddaughter’s performance!”
They shut up.
Caline had barely finished up when Marinette and Chloé both rocketed to their feet, cheering and applauding wildly. Caline visibly recoiled on stage from the outpouring she was receiving from her grandmothers, but she was still smiling. Mainly because beside Gramma Marinette, her mother was also standing and applauding louder than everyone else put together. She was cheering and whistling and making a scene, and Caline was 100% loving it.
Afterwards, once the other nineteen acts were done (Aurore refused to cut any students that wanted to be on stage. Something about it not being right to deny a student their moment in the spotlight), The family group headed out for a walk by the Seine to grab some dinner and gush about the performance. All three grandmothers had argued over where to eat, but André settled things quickly by loudly asking Caline what she wanted.
So, chilidogs it was.
“Hey,” Gina said as she took a large bite. “You did great up there, sweetie. I am so, so proud of you, you don’t even know.”
Caline blushed and grinned. “Thanks. Um, hey. So, like, where were you? I didn’t think you were coming.” Her eyes drifted to Gina’s green blouse. “Um, there’s some blood on your collar.”
Gina’s smile fell a bit. “Work was a bit much tonight. Sorry about that, but I was doing my best to make sure of things. I, um, I panicked and got the time slightly wrong. Otherwise I would have been in my seat sooner. Sorry.”
Marinette’s eyebrow went up at that. “What things, exactly? Is everything okay?”
Gina nodded. “Everything is fine. Nothing interrupted the recital, and nothing is going to interrupt our dinner. We all get a nice, normal, uneventful evening to ourselves.”
Marinette was the first to catch on. “How many times did you have to go back?” She asked.
“Seven,” Gina fired right back. “It took me over four hours to figure everything out. There were gonna be two akumas tonight, and don’t get me started on the werewolf.”
“Werewolf?” Caline asked.
“There wolf,” Gina quickly replied. “Seriously, how does Aunt Alix do this?”
The group went quiet.
Gina quickly read the room. “Sorry. I know that’s a sore… Look, I know it’s weird, but I’ve honestly seen more of her since she died than I ever did before. It’s nuts in the Burrow. She was super active with monitoring time. In fact, I’m pretty sure she lived in there. Like, right before I got to the school, I ran into her.”
Adrien bit his hip. “Is she okay? Was she okay? Geez, I don’t know what the best wording is for this.”
“She was good. She was in her PJ’s and brushing her teeth. I think she’d been sleeping in a side portal again. Oh,” Gina turned to Marinette. “She also told me to tell you not to worry about your appointment next week and that it’s just a clump of fat cells. You’re okay.”
Chloé laughed a little while Marinette blushed and smirked. “That sounds like her,” the bluenette said. “But did you have to say that in front of everyone?”
Gina shrugged. “You wanna drag me for my punctuality in front of my daughter again?”
Marinette glanced at her daughter. “Touché.”
“I’m just glad you came,” Caline said. “It meant so much.”
Gina smiled and kissed her daughter on the head. “I know, sweetie.” She glanced to her husband and smiled. “I wouldn’t miss tonight for the world.”
Later that night, after Caline had been put to bed, Gina snuck out to the patio for a moment and slipped into a waiting portal.
“Sup, kiddo.” Alix called out from the center of the Burrow. She was transformed and kicked back in a recliner. Even though her hair had long since gone from pink to red to silver, she looked as feisty as ever. She was slurping down a smoothie and swiping through floating ovals, each showing a different moment in time. “You make it on time?”
“Would you please explain to me how the wall clock in the center of time itself is six minutes slow?” Gina huffed. She gestured to a clock floating in the void. “Seriously! I was almost late!”
“But you weren’t,” Alix pointed out. “Look, changing it means going all the way over there and taking it down and fiddling with it, and that’s just a lot of work. I’ve just gotten used to the difference, you know? And if I did it now, then that would completely mess me up going forward. I mean, I’d look at it and be off by six minutes. Screw that.” She slurped her drink.
Gina shook her head and sighed. “You were more tolerable before you died.”
“Which time?” Alix asked with a grin. “Thank you again, by the way. You’re really not supposed to redo things that often, but I do prefer being alive to dead, so no complaints.”
Gina smirked as she stood beside her favorite aunt and watched the portals with her.
“Thanks for your help tonight,” Alix said casually.
“It’s my job,” Gina replied. “You know I won’t say no.”
Alix glanced to her. “You ever get upset that I, um, that you got drafted into all this?”
Gina didn’t answer for a moment. She crossed her arms and settled in place as she thought.
“I used to think being Ladybug was the hardest of our jobs,” Gina said. She glanced to Alix. “I was so wrong.”
“Well, regardless? I’m proud of you, Gina. I always have been.” She considered Gina for a moment. “Hey, I’ve got tonight, okay? Go spend some time with your family.”
“Oh, did you see the recital?” Gina asked.
Alix smiled and swiped the portal in front of her. An image of Caline appeared as she sat at the piano. “You think I’d miss it?”
Gina smiled at her aunt and patted her on the shoulder. “Try not to stay up too late, okay?” She leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Love you, Aunt Alix. Please get some rest. Please?”
“Psssh,” Alix said as she waved her off. “Get out of here. I’ll give you a holler if anything pops up. Promise.”
Gina smiled and turned to leave. Someday, she’d have to tell this version of Alix that her version, the one that had… That wasn’t here anymore, preferred electric blue slushies, not cherry. Still, it was sweet of her to keep popping in and pretending.
Gina wasn’t sure what timeline this Alix was even from, but it didn’t matter. They were all her Aunt, after all.
Gina stopped at the entrance to her portal and glanced back to the woman who was casually kicked back in the recliner, a familiar ghost that if Gina squinted, was enough to help her to forget for a while.
“Good night, Bunnyx,” Gina called out.
“G’night, Time Bandit,” Alix called back. She toasted her with the half-finished slushie.
Smiling, Gina slipped through the portal, and back to home.
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Adversity (Chapter 2)
This is a follow-up to the first chapter here. Cross-posted in AO3.
Overview: Lin and Tenzin are both at the height of their respective careers – she with the Metalbending Police and he with the Air Nation. Questions about their future begin to arise and things come to a head when Lin responded to an emergency call. Would her job take them from each other forever? Eventual HEA. Non-canon compliant, AU. (Notes at the end of the post.)
Tenzin woke up with a start.
From his vantage on his bed, he could see the soft colors of the sky changing as dawn made itself known.
He swore quietly. He did not mean to fall asleep at the island. If he hurried, he figured he could probably still catch Lin before she left for work.
He tried to sit up; only to be weighed down by a toned arm slumped over him. He rubbed off sleep from his eyes and saw his girlfriend lightly slumbering on his chest. The airbender wondered how did the earthbender end up sleeping in his childhood bedroom at Air Temple Island.
Tenzin recognized that it was not a peaceful sleep, however. There were days that she was tense and there were days that she was relaxed. Today, her unblemished sleeping expression was marred by a small frown.
Tenzin skated his fingers on her forearm. His movements jolted her awake.
Without warning, the earthbender shot her arm up - hitting the master airbender on the nose.
Lin bolted upright. "Tenzin - what- oh!" She turned to her side, seeing her lover of more than a decade clutching his nose and rubbing it. "I am so sorry," Lin reached out to touch his face. "I didn't mean to!"
Certain that there was nothing broken and that there was no blood, Tenzin took Lin's hand and held it to his cheek. Time and time again, he forgot that he should never try to startle this law enforcer in her sleep.
"Ten," The uncharacteristically soft voice of the chief of police whispered. "I'm sorry for missing dinner last night. I'm sorry -I just…" Lin trailed off. "I forgot."
Lin was not one to make excuses.  Tenzin loved that about her - she was authentic and honest to a fault. As he looked at her contrite expression, all his annoyances from the previous night faded.
In the light of dawn and in bed, it did not seem so bad.
“It's fine.” He replied, meaning it the first time in the past twenty-four hours, kissing her forehead softly.
After spending a few more quiet moments in each other’s arms, Lin broke the silence. “Were you going to meditate?”
“No, actually, I uh, I planned to get home before you left for the station.” Tenzin rubbed the back of his neck. Then everything came tumbling out. “Honestly, I was really…” He searched for a word to describe his emotions. Annoyed. “Irritated.” He tested it. “At first, at least. Then worried – you didn't even think to let me know you'd be late.”
She motioned to speak but he continued. “I know. I know you said someone from the station would likely get in touch with me if ever – in the event of -.” He did not want to say “an accident” or “death” out loud, being a tad superstitious that way. “And you're Lin Beifong, Chief of the Republic City Metalbending Police. You’re practically indestructible, I know.” He held her tighter. “But to me, you’re Lin Beifong, the woman I love. Take care of yourself.”
“I shouldn’t have worried you, I should have called earlier.” Lin averted her eyes and burrowed in his embrace. She sensed something else was bothering Tenzin. “How was your day yesterday?” She ventured, peeking at his face from her position.
Tenzin shifted uncomfortably then sighed. “The air acolytes do not take me seriously. They were laughing quietly most of the session. They were never like that when dad conducted the session.” He huffed. “They probably don’t think I’m an airbending master.”
“It's just the first session.” Lin had another guess why they were laughing but did not speak up about it just yet. “I’m sure they weren’t laughing at you.”
“Why of course they were – they’d look at me then laugh amongst themselves.” Tenzin looked distraught.
“I don’t think so…”
Lin has seen how some of the younger Air Acolytes looked at the youngest airbender.
At the age of thirty-one, he did strike an intimidating yet appealing figure. While lean, his muscular limbs (and hidden well-formed abs, Lin thought smugly) belied a strength that he had acquired on his rigorous training sessions. Not to mention the upbringing of Katara and Aang turned him into quite an intelligent gentleman.
And obviously, Lin supposed, the prospect being the wife of the son of the Avatar does not hurt his chances with the ladies much either.
Wife? Not pausing to think about where that thought came from, she sought to assure him. “You’re doing great, I’m sure of that, Tenzin. Don’t worry so much – they, the Air Acolytes adore you.” She patted his cheek.
Tenzin rolled his eyes, his good mood restored. “You don’t have to be so sarcastic about it. It’s too early.”
Lin made a non-committal noise as she pushed to put her feet on the floor beside the bed.
“I just said it’s too early,” Tenzin reached over to stop her from standing up. “You’re getting up? You really enjoy contradicting me, don’t you?”
Lin laughed. “Well, I do – but yes, I need to go. I just wanted to make sure I got to you before we started today.”
“Let’s eat before you go – I’m sure Mother had some leftovers set aside from last night.” Seeing the woman’s unmoved expression, he changed his suggestion. “Or at least let me make you tea?”
“Tea would be fine.” Lin conceded as she went to change her clothes.
Tenzin got to the kitchen quicker as he did not need a change in clothes, having fallen asleep in his robes.
Lin followed soon afterwards, barefoot but in her daily uniform, carrying an overnight bag.
“You’re going straight to the station?” Tenzin got some cups out as the tea continued to steep.
“Yes, it’s going to be a long day.” Lin did not look forward to these meetings and public speaking engagements. There was a reason why she did not choose to be a diplomat or a councilwoman. She was a woman of action, like her mother.
She rummaged through the bag, checking that she had everything in place.
“How are you getting back to Republic City?” He poured her a cup tea. “I don’t suppose the ferries are operating now.” He leaned back, tugging at his beard while watching her sip her tea. “Or late last night either. How did you get to Air Temple Island anyway?”
She gave him a crooked smile. “I phoned in a favor.”
“What – how – how?” Tenzin stammered, staring at her. “This isn’t illegal, is it?”
“Of course not, it’s me you’re talking to.” Lin scoffed, finishing her drink. “I once helped a dockmaster catch a couple of smugglers in a case I worked on as a detective a few years ago.” She pulled her metal boots from the doorway. “He said I could borrow a boat or a ship anytime I’ll need it.”
“Good morning, children.” Katara entered the room quietly. Only Katara could get away calling the Gaang’s offspring as children, even if most of them are past their thirties.
“Hello, mother.” Tenzin poured her a cup of tea too.
“Lin,” Katara greeted the woman in the Republic City police uniform. “You’re here.”
Lin leaned over to give her adoptive aunt a hug. “Yes, but I’ll need to head on now.” She saw Katara gesture towards the dining table, indicating breakfast.  “Thanks, Aunt, but I’ll need to prep for today.”
The waterbender gave a light laugh seeing Lin make a face, recalling that Toph did not like those kinds of meetings as well. “Well, all right. We’ll see you later?”
Lin gave a non-committal sound as she got up to leave.
“Good luck, sweetie.”
Tenzin moved to give her a quick kiss before she hurried off, the ground reaching to meet her as she bent her way to the docks where her borrowed boat waited.
Tenzin waited inconspicuously at the City Hall lobby. Well, at least as inconspicuous as an airbending master (one of two in the entire world) could be. He fidgeted from the stone bench he was sitting on. He figured he better wait until the council meeting was over. He wanted to take Lin out for an early lunch. If the meeting was good, they can celebrate. If it was particularly challenging (or infuriating, Lin might say), he can help her let off some steam.
He was lost in this reverie when the doors flung open.
There was a lot of commotion as the press started taking photos. Security was able to halt any further movement of the press into the council hall.
The Chief of Police rapidly exited the room, looking ahead and exiting the building; her three metalbenders struggled to catch up. The press followed, her stoic expression not discouraging them from plying her with questions.  
It all happened so fast that Tenzin did not even get to call out to get her attention.
His father and uncle came out of the hall soon afterwards, albeit in a slower pace.
“Son!” Aang noticed him looking at the entryway of city hall. “You’ve come to join us?”
“Uh – Lin – I,” Tenzin’s eyes darted from where Lin just passed to his father, standing in askance at him.
“Let’s go, Tenten.” Sokka slapped his back, never mind that the airbender was a couple of inches taller. “If we’re lucky, we’ll find a good spot.”
“Good spot?”
“Yes, we preferred not to go the VIP route. Lin would have hated that.” Aang started to walk out of city hall, pleasantly surprised that all attention went with the young Beifong woman than the avatar.
“Well, she would have given it to us still if we asked for it.” Sokka considered, holding up his hand, trying to look against the sunlight as though searching for someone.
“Always hated attention,” The airbender stood patiently, waiting. “Very un-Beifong of her, I should think.”
“Who is very un-Beifong?” A voice rang from behind them, coming from one of the pillars.
“Toph!” Sokka rushed to give her a hug, which the blind earthbender deflected with a punch to his forearm.
“Hey, Snoozles.” She stepped aside as the Water Tribe chief greeted his wife who had picked her up from the pier. “Thanks for sending these two old ladies to fetch me – no need to do so though.” Toph Beifong sniggered, as she felt Katara and Suki roll their eyes as the Beifong heiress was only a few years younger than them.
“Good to see you, Sifu.” Aang tilted his head in acknowledgment to his earthbending teacher, who positioned her foot subtly then smiled somewhat sadly in return.
Tenzin tensed as he felt the milky green eyes turn to him. “Chief Beifong –.”
“That’s Toph Beifong to you, Junior,” Toph snarked, but accepted his bow. “I don’t see Lin around, you know.”
“Hi Sweetie,” Katara gave Aang quick kiss on the cheek. “Tenzin, there you are. I was looking for you earlier.”
Tenzin was bewildered at the gathering of their family at the steps of Republic City Hall. “Why are you all here?”
Toph slapped Tenzin upside the head. “I know I’m not the perfect goody-goody mother like your mother here. But don’t you think I’d at least try to be there for my child?”
The younger airbender still looked in confused as the group paired off and proceeded to what Tenzin saw as the direction of the police department.
Tenzin and Toph soon outstripped Suki, Sokka, Katara and Aang as Sokka got sidetracked by a street food vendor.
“It’s more difficult for her, you know.” Toph spoke, breaking the comfortable silence between them.
“I’m sorry?”
“Lin is in a more difficult situation now than I was in the police force.”
The tattooed airbender threw his girlfriend’s mother a glance. “Well, I understand there is a difference being the current chief versus being the actual founder of the entire force…” He trailed off.
“That’s not all of it,” Toph leveled the pavement in ahead of them, removing the uneven placement of bricks which were a result of shoddy workmanship. “I know she truly climbed up the ranks on her own. She deserves this position based on her own merit.” She felt Tenzin nod beside her. “It was different when I first resigned – she was a just a detective then. Captain Lee became my successor; he stayed there for seven years or so. I remained as consultant to the force during that same period. And, you know how Lin was mentored as his eventual successor.”
Tenzin was not sure where this discussion was going. He also was not sure why they were all trudging towards the police headquarters.
“Lin is truly on her own now.” Toph paused as they neared their destination. “I wouldn’t be around – I haven’t been around for some time now. It’s all up to her now to keep everyone in line and help make Republic City safer.”
Having reached the Republic City Police headquarters, Tenzin saw that an assembly was about to begin. The press was already positioned at the forecourt and a crowd of citizens have likewise gathered. The police force was also stationed in the area, with the Republic City Police and the Metalbending Police sectioned separately.
He squinted and easily found the Chief of Police at the head of the stairs, beside a podium which was set up for the occasion. She seemed to be barking out instructions to her subordinates.
Tenzin was surprised to notice that while there were other women police in the force, there were none in the elite Metalbending division. No one, at least, except for their leader.    
“But you’re a girl too.” Tenzin blurted out without thinking.
Toph raised an eyebrow at him, amused. “Why, thank you for noticing. I figured you must have realized that at some point, given that I gave birth to two kids.” She slapped her foot down, sensing the perimeter to see if there are possible threats to the gathering in front of the police department.
“I mean, you and Lin,” Tenzin turned red, stammering. His brother would laugh at him if he were there. Despite being an eloquent speaker, Tenzin easily gets flustered among family and friends. “Lin is a woman too.”
Satisfied with her perimeter check, Toph turned to the airhead beside her. “I’m sure you’d know that pretty well, eh?” She gave a laugh, enjoying the racing heartrate and heat of embarrassment radiating from the man. “I’m also sure you’ve done due to diligence to confirm that she’s a woman?” She took pity at him. “Well, yes, there would probably be similar experiences between my daughter and myself, but she’s her own person. While she would need reminding sometimes, this is very apparent to the police force.” She flicked a hand to indicate the group of uniformed officers. “It’s challenging enough to get into the academy and get a good position in the force. Just think of all the male egos thinking she got a free ride not knowing she probably had to deal with worse as she was raised by me?”
“It would be hard to make sure they get in line,” Tenzin started to understand.
“Yes,” Toph nodded in appreciation. “Mind you, all the old ones – no problem with that. They all trained with me and Lin. They’ve been around longer.” She shook her head in emphasis. “No, I’m not worried about old-timers – they respect her.”
“The rest are probably terrified of Lin,” Tenzin ventured, recalling work stories about the newer officers that Lin shared as they ate dinner at home.
“Don’t be simplistic – I never felt any of the officers look at me the way they do at Lin.” Lin’s mother responded irritably, not being able to get through the man and so deciding to be as blunt as possible now. “They’re all too terrified of me for them to make a move on her. Times change, junior, and I’m no longer around Republic City as much. The mere threat of my presence used to be enough to deter them, but now,” Toph’s tone hardened, facing the general direction of the police force. “Not even her distant manner and aloof comportment can dampen her appeal.” At the airbender’s sharp intake of breath, Toph knew he finally understood what she was telling him. “I’m not threatening you – far from it. I don’t think Lin would do anything about it if she knew; she’s too attached to you for some reason.” Toph rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “I just thought you should know - keep you on your toes, remind you to appreciate my girl. Otherwise, you might have never known; I think you’re a dense airhead like your father.”  Just behind them, she could vaguely hear Suki wheedling some jerky from Sokka to subtly remind him of his healer’s recommendation to lay off salty food. “Or your mother for that matter.” Bending a brick in Sokka’s path so he tripped, tossing the paper bag of jerky in the air. “Definitely from your mother’s side.” The blind woman grinned, opening her palm to catch the paper bag as it fell.
“Hey, that’s mine!”
As his uncle struggled to take the bag from the master metalbender, who cackled as she started to eat the jerky, Tenzin could only watch Lin Beifong from afar, processing all that her mother imparted with him.
The current Chief of Police stood tall and poised amidst the frequent flashing of cameras, consulting a folder on the podium. She was getting ready to begin.
Lin was taller than the average woman from any of the Four Nations. Growing up, she did not feel comfortable about it. Already a bit more athletic than the average Republic City lady in the finishing school that the Beifongs went to, Lin felt her height was an impediment. Tenzin had always appreciated Lin���s height; he used to say that it was the perfect height for him to give her a hug. However, it certainly did not help that Bumi would occasionally tease her that she was possibly taller by a head compared to more than half the men in his regiment. That was until she learned to metalbend and once zipped open his fly while he was chatting up a group of women during one of their parents’ parties. Tenzin smirked in the recollection of Bumi apologizing to the women and to pleading with Toph not to arrest him for indecent exposure.
Watching the woman now, any insecurity seems to have been tamped out as Lin welcomed everyone confidently. Tenzin let her voice wash over him as she gave an introduction and an update regarding the earlier council meeting.
He did not see any reason to doubt the warning the former Chief of Police shared. Scanning over the crowd, he saw everyone listening attentively to her measured statements. He wondered how many of these people (and her people) were harboring romantic (or even less than wholesome and unsavory, he thought darkly) intentions towards his girlfriend.
His girlfriend. It clicked in his mind.
“But I’m her boyfriend. I’m an airbending master.” Tenzin whispered furiously at the oldest Beifong woman. “Shouldn’t I be enough of a deterrent to whatever they might be thinking of doing?”
The blind metalbender let out a snort. “You – not saying this to offend you, junior – are a pacifist. And these,” She nodded towards the sea of metal before them. “Are kick-ass metalbenders off to defend the entire United Republic in any way they can. Do you think they’ll be impressed just because you’re the only Airbender of your generation?” She crossed her arms. “Didn’t think so. Wait a minute – junior, do you even know what we’re doing here?”
“What? Of course, I do.” Tenzin aimed for a blank expression and a steady heartbeat, seeing that Toph had angled herself to face him. He barely caught the tail-end of Lin’s introduction speech.
“And so that is the overview of the achievements of the Republic City Police during the first ninety days of my official term as Chief of Police.” Lin’s voice echoed in the forecourt. “We will now proceed with the details regarding each of these items and how they relate towards the City Council’s performance pillars.”
Tenzin’s eyes widened. He had been too preoccupied with his own concerns that he had failed to check-in on Lin. Today was a milestone day in Lin Beifong’s career as the Chief of the Metalbending and Republic City Police department.
“You forgot – didn’t you?”
The airbender felt the ground gave way below him and then suddenly rise up to launch him to the sky.
“You, airhead! You’re more clueless than Twinkletoes!”
He was vaguely aware of his father trying to calm down Toph and hundreds of people turned to see what the commotion was about. But first, he needed to land.
Using his airbending, Tenzin descended beside the column of earth that Toph had seen fit to eject him from.
He raised a hand and gave a small smile at Lin’s stunned face as she was forced to pause her speech due to the disturbance. The tightening of her lips did not bode too well for him at this point.
Toph stopped arguing with Aang long enough to realize that the forecourt was silent except for them. “What?” She sensed her daughter’s mortification from yards away. “Proud of you, Chief!” She made a fist bump. No one moved a muscle as Lin waved one hand to the side and crossed her other arm to her chest. “Well, fine, let me drag myself and Master Tenzin here to the precinct for disorderly conduct or something.” She bent the ground to attach to Tenzin’s legs and literally dragged him sputtering in indignation, to the side entrance. “Carry on, carry on. See you later!”
Bumi sniggered from beside his mother. “Who would’ve thought it would be Mr Well-Behaved who would be called for a time out today?” He quickly put on his innocent face when Katara glared at him.
Aang smiled brightly at everyone else looking at their corner, waving them to turn their attention to the podium and for Lin to proceed with her speech.
Lin was right: it was going to be a long day and it was not noon yet.
Notes: Thanks lone reader :) Let me know what you think!
Other chapters here:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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sunmoonandeddie · 5 years
feelings are fatal (12/24)
pairing: bucky barnes x reader, past steve rogers x reader
word count: 4,355
summary: After the events of Endgame, you struggle to come to terms with what you’ve lost, though you’re learning that you still have something to gain.
chapter warnings: swearing, mentions of sterilization, gunshot wound, oblivious!reader
a/n: Lmao I’m sorry, y’all.  Feel free to yell at me after, as well as reblog and leave feedback.
Bucky sighed for what Sam thought was probably the millionth time in five minutes.  His eyes kept darting over to the hallway, though he was trying to read something on his tablet, a newspaper or ebook or something.
“You alright, man?” He asked.  He continued to chop the bell peppers for his sandwich, though his focus was on the super soldier.
“Yeah!” He said, a little too quickly and a little too brightly.  A blush spread over his cheeks as he cleared his throat.  “Uh…”  He glanced back at the hallway.  “Have you seen Y/N today?”
“No, why?”
“It’s past noon and she didn’t get breakfast or go to training.”
Ah.  So that’s what it was.  Sam figured that it would have something to do with you—the man trailed after like a lovesick puppy, after all.  It was always “Y/N this” and “Y/N that” and honestly, if he didn’t love you as much as he did, it would’ve been annoying.
Not that he’d ever let Bucky know how sweet it was.
“She’s still upset about the mission,” Bucky said with a slight frown.  He’d been trying for the past four days to get you out of your funk, but nothing was working.
“What if you took her out?” Sam asked.  “It’s been a while since the two of you went on one of your city dates, right?  You could take her to the aquarium or something.”
He raised his eyebrows, looking a little skeptical. “The aquarium?”
“Yeah, man.”  When Bucky just stared at him, he rolled his eyes.  “Come on, the aquarium is a perfect date spot.  It’s cute and romantic and all that shit.”
The super soldier looked so scared that he had to laugh. “Yeah, a date,” he said, clapping his hand on the other man’s back.  “It’s about time that you asked her on one.”
“But she’s not—”
“Yeah, she is.”
Bucky froze, looking at him with wide blue eyes. He looked so hopeful.  “You think so?”
“I know so,” he said, nodding towards the hall that his best friend kept staring at.  “She hasn’t mentioned Steve in weeks.  She didn’t get upset at the family.”  A sly smirk tugged at his lips.  “And we all saw you two when she freaked out at family dinner.  Girl’s into you.”  When the other man didn’t move, he gave him a little shove.  “Go on.  She’s gonna want time to shower and get ready, and then it’s at least an hour drive.”
And in theory, asking you out was easy.
But in reality, Bucky stood outside your door for a solid six minutes before finally getting the courage to knock. When there was no answer, he opened the door just a crack to find you burrowed under a mound of blankets.  “Y/N?”  He took a step in and shut the door behind himself.
The crack in the curtains let in a tiny sliver of light, illuminating your hair peeking out from under the comforter.  Since most of the comforter was covering your upper half, your foot was peeking out at the bottom, the other bent as you laid on your stomach.
“Y/N, sugar,” he cooed as he carefully sat on the edge of the bed.  All the anxiety from before had vanished.  All that mattered was making sure you were okay.  “Malen’kaya, I know you’re awake,” he said as he rubbed your ankle.  Knowing that you weren’t going to emerge unless he took drastic measures, his fingers found the bottom of your foot, tickling your soft skin.
You immediately started thrashing, a yelp falling from your lips as you kicked away from him.  A pout was on your pretty lips as you sat up, drawing your knees up to your chest.  “What do you want?” You huffed.
“Nice to see you, too,” he said.  He tugged on the blanket, grinning when you yanked it out of his grasp.  “You need to get up.  We’re going to the city.”
“Why?” You asked, resting your chin your kneecaps.
“Because,” he said, drawing out the word as he reached out, pulling on your legs to drag you closer to him.  His face was just a few inches from yours, his blue eyes locked with yours.  “You’ve been holing yourself up in here for days.  You need some sunshine.”
You shook your head.  “But—”
“I know you’re scared,” Bucky said, resting his forehead against yours.  “But you can’t let fear rule your life.  If you let them scare you into hiding away in your room, HYDRA wins.”  His hands were warm on your calves.  “I’ll be there with you, okay?”
Taking in a deep breath, you nodded.  “Okay.  Just let me shower and get ready.”
“I’ll have lunch ready for you when you’re done.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead, sending shivers down your spine.  “I won’t let anything happen to you, malen’kaya.”
“And this is your bathroom,” Natasha said as she opened up the door on the right side of what was apparently going to be your bedroom.  The redhead chewed her bottom lip nervously as she watched you take it all in.  “Do you like it?”
“I do,” you said, barely audible.  You plastered on a smile for her despite knowing that she’d be able to see right through it. “Thank you, Nat.”
She seemed to relax a little.  “I’ll get out of your hair and let you shower.  We could order pizza afterwards?  If you want?”
“That sounds good,” you said, waiting until the door had shut behind her to let the smile drop.
You knew that she meant well, really.  You did.  But she had been hovering and all you wanted to do was cry.
“No.  No crying,” you told yourself as you stared at the panel in the wall that you assumed controlled the shower.  Natasha had offered to show you how to turn it on while you were walking to your room, but you had declined, insisting that it couldn’t be that hard.
But there was no showerhead for the water to come through, and that was just weird.
You jumped as you finally pressed the right button, the water coming on. It fell in a waterfall from the center of the ceiling and you stared at it in surprise.  “Strange,” you muttered, eying the square that the water had come from.
Natasha had told you that the compound was high tech, but you hadn’t expected that.
Stripping down, you kicked the clothes that the Red Room had given you off to the side.  Just looking at them reminded you of cold nights handcuffed to a bed.
You’d have to burn them later.
There was an ache in your lower belly, a soreness between your legs that still lingered over a week after the procedure that caused it.
Natasha didn’t know yet.  You couldn’t bring yourself to tell her when she’d pulled you into the quinjet.  She’d even asked you if you were okay, if they’d done anything to you.  But between the terrified look in her eyes and the man you’d learn was named Clint in the pilot’s seat, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell her about it.
You’d do it later that night.  Yes.  That would have to do.
The water was as hot as it could go, scalding your skin as you stepped underneath the spray.  But you hardly noticed it.  After a lifetime of cold showers, the heat was all you ever wanted.  You never wanted to feel cold ever again.
You stood under the water for who knows how long before you grabbed the shampoo that had been provided for you.  It felt so good to be able to take your time, lathering it in your hair.  It smelled like coconuts and lime.
By the time you were done washing your body and conditioning your hair, the bathroom had filled with steam.  The mirror was fogged up, the tiles slippery.  But you didn’t notice, too stuck in the luxury of cleanliness.
But the reverie was broken by a knock on the door.  “Y/N, you okay?” Natasha called from the other side.
“Yeah!  I’m okay!” You called back, letting your head fall back against the shower wall with a sigh.
“Where are we going?” You asked Bucky as the two of you slipped into one of Tony’s cars.
Well, now they were considered the team’s.  But whatever.
“It’s a surprise,” he said as he entered the address into the GPS.  Luckily, it didn’t immediately announce where the two of you were going, but that might’ve had to do with the fact that F.R.I.D.A.Y. knew about his little plan and knew not to spoil it.  His eyes flickered over to you as he pulled out of the garage.  “But I promise you, you’ll love it.”
“Pinky promise?”
He was surprised to find your left pinky held up for him to take, your eyebrows raised expectantly.  “Oh, yeah,” he said with a teasing glint in his eyes.  Even so, he still hooked his pink with yours. “My pinky promises.”
It was worth it, seeing the smile that it put on your face.
“Have I ever told you that you’re an asshole?” You asked, leaning forward to fiddle with the radio.
“Not in a few days, but I’m sure it’s coming.”
God, he loved the reactions he could get from you. He loved to watch the way your nose scrunched up as you stuck your tongue out at him, your arms crossed over your chest.  He loved the little smile that you were fighting, the soft roses that bloomed on your cheeks.
You dozed off a few times on the way to the aquarium, but Bucky didn’t mind.  He liked seeing you so peaceful.  You spent so much time worrying about everyone else that you hardly took the time to rest.
He pulled into the parking lot of the New York Aquarium, grinning as he saw the bustling crowds of Coney Island.  It was a little calmer than usual, since it was in the middle of a weekday.  “Sugar,” he said as he gently shook your awake.  As you blinked sleepily at him, he continued, “We’re here.”
“Where’s ‘here?’” You grumbled as you sat up. However, the second that your eyes landed on the sign across the front of the building, you were out of the car and jumping excitedly.  “You brought me to the aquarium?!”
And okay, maybe Sam was a little smarter about dating than Bucky was.  Even though this technically wasn’t a date, since he hadn’t asked you.
Maybe he should’ve done that.
But none of that really mattered as he was watching you try to contain your excitement.  Your eyes were lighter than he’d seen them in the past few days, the rain clouds in your mind having parted for at least a little while.
“Come on, we’ve only got a few hours,” he said, taking your hand in his without a second thought.
He led you through the aquarium, allowing you to stop him and drag him towards every exhibit you wished to see.  Which may have been all of them.
And you felt happy.  For the first time in days, you hadn’t felt the overbearing weight of HYDRA on your shoulders, hadn’t thought about the fact that they were coming for you.  That they wouldn’t stop until they had you or you were dead.
But you knew that Bucky wouldn’t allow that.  Your James.
Because that’s what he had become.  Your James.  You hadn’t really known why you started calling him as such until you were lying in bed the other night, and you realized.  You’d never known his real name, back in the Red Room.  You’d only ever known him as the Soldat or the Asset. You didn’t want another nickname, you just wanted him.
So James he was.
You grew quiet as the two of you wandered through the shark tunnel, coming to a stop as you watched the creatures in wonder. You’d always loved sharks, even though you had a very healthy fear of them.  It was part of why you never went into the ocean too often.  That was their home, and you weren’t about to invade it.
A memory flickered in the back of your mind, like an old film that you hadn’t seen in years.  Of Steve—a younger Steve, who still had a little bit of faith in the world around him, hope in his baby blue eyes—driving you to Letchworth State Park, his hand in yours as he promised that you would like your destination.
The man you were with was so similar and yet so different.  Like the sun and the moon.  Steve burned so brightly, with his habit of seeing the world in black and white and grandiose speeches.  He was beautiful, yes.  But you had flown to close, like Icarus, and you’d fallen back to Earth in a mess of feathers and wax.
But Bucky.  Oh, Bucky. He was like the moon.  He was beautiful in a different way, with his battle scars and hard outer shell.  But if you really knew him, he was the most loving person you’d ever known.  He was the comfort you needed in the darkest night, leather and smoke enveloping you as calloused hands cradled your face softer than you thought possible.
When Steve had taken you to that park, it was because he’d been ignoring you for days, because he felt bad about you being second priority to being Captain America.
Bucky had taken you here because you were his first. He’d always put you first, even before his best friend left, even before the Snap.  He’d taken you here because there was no where else he’d rather be—not the gym, not a mission.  Nowhere.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
You winced as Natasha helped you walk towards the miniature medical bay inside the quinjet, pressing your hand over the wound currently spewing blood.  A bullet was lodged right above your hipbone.  “Bucky, it’s fine,” you said as the redhead helped you up onto the hospital bed.  “Would’ve been a lot worse if they hit bone.”
“Like hell it is!” The brunet snapped, his hands fisted at his sides as he glared at his best friend, who was still standing by the now-closed ramp.  “You got shot!”
“I have to agree with Barnes on this one,” Nat said with a huff as she pulled up your shirt.  She handed you a piece of leather to bite into, since you all were out of morphine and there was no way they’d be able to safely put you under anesthesia.
It reminded Bucky of the war, of seeing young men your age and younger get blown to bits in the middle of Austria, of France.
“We needed food,” Steve said with narrowed eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Then you could’ve gone!”
“Bucky, I offered,” you said, though your words were cut off with a scream of pain as Natasha reached in to pull out the bullet. The strip of leather was forgotten as tears streamed down your cheeks.
Natasha, herself, was crying, too.  She hated seeing you in so much pain, hated that she’d allowed Steve to drag you into this mess after the Accords.  As much as she loved having you close, she much rather would’ve preferred you home and safe, even if it was in a cell.
At least you wouldn’t be suffering from bullet wounds then.
“That doesn’t matter,” the former Winter Soldier said as he made his way to your side.  “You shouldn’t have been out there alone.”
None of you had ever seen him like this.  In the months that you’d spent on the run so far, he’d been quiet and withdrawn, only really talking with Steve.
It hurt, knowing that he didn’t recognize you.
“You and Natasha were on recon, and Sam and I were planning our next move,” Steve argued, not moving from his place by the ramp.
He was as stubborn as a god damn ass, that one.
And, if you were being honest, it kind of really fucking hurt that your boyfriend was choosing to argue with his friend instead of holding your hand while you literally got a bullet pulled out of you.
You let out a whimper, trying to hide the pain, as Natasha poured vodka over the wound.
Bucky immediately took your hand in his, squeezing tightly.  “Squeeze as hard as you need to, sugar,” he said, his heart aching as he watched you. He’d never tell you how much it hurt him that you were in pain, hoping that the others just thought it was because you were his teammate and he was angry with Steve with putting you at risk. “I can take it, I promise.”
“It was a risk she knew—”
“That doesn’t mean she has to take it!” He snapped, his eyes fixing back on the blond.  “And that’s another thing, I don’t think Natasha or I appreciate not being told that she was going to be going out by herself.”  
“I wasn’t aware that I had to ask for your or Natasha’s permission.”
“It’s not asking permission!  It’s being a team!  Letting everyone know where someone is!  We thought Y/N was safe on the quinjet with you, not getting shot while grabbing groceries!  Groceries that are now gone, might I add!”
Steve had never seen his friend so angry at him. Not even back in the forties, before he had the serum pumping through his veins, when he was punching every bully he saw.
Bucky felt your hand squeeze his in a death grip as the redhead wove the needle in and out as quick as possible.  “You should’ve gone with her—”
“She would’ve been more likely to be recognized if—”
“Well, it happened anyway!”  His jaw was clenched as he stared him down.  Fury was absolutely boiling in his veins.  “At least she wouldn’t have been alone, and she wouldn’t have had to run ten blocks back to the jet with a bullet in her side. Maybe you should care more about whether or not your girlfriend gets killed because of your actions, Captain.”
That was a low blow.  There was an audible inhale as the quinjet went deadly quiet. Your eyes flicked back and forth between the two super soldiers, waiting to see which one was going to snap.
Finally, Bucky let out a huff.  He squeezed your hand softly, his eyes meeting yours.  It was a silent apology for getting angry and yelling at your boyfriend, you knew.  Seeing that Natasha was now cleaning the skin around the now stitched up wound and bandaging it up, he let go and stormed off to another end of the quinjet to cool down.
There was a rather pregnant pause before Steve moved forward, sitting in the chair that his best friend had been occupying seconds before.  “I’m so sorry, doll,” he said, his eyes searching your face as he took your hand.
“Yeah,” you said as you forced yourself to smile for your boyfriend of two years.  “I know.”
You stared at Bucky, watching as the blue light from the water above rippled over his face.  He looked so content, being here with you.  He wasn’t thinking about the next mission or training.  He was just enjoying the moment.
His hand was still in yours, his thumb gently caressing the back of yours.  His beard had been growing steadily for the past few months, giving him a bit more than scruff. His long hair was pulled into a half up-half down style that made your mouth water.
He was gorgeous.  He was gorgeous in the way that made you want to wake up to him every morning and see the drool dribbling from his mouth onto your pillow.  You wanted to make him laugh with every stupid joke you could think of.  You wanted to make him moan as you pressed soft open-mouthed kisses to his every single one of his scars.  You wanted to make every bad thing that had ever happened to him disappear.
You wanted him.
Bucky’s brows furrowed as he turned to look at you, seeming to realize that you weren’t looking at the multitude of sharks that were swimming overhead.  “Y/N?”
Without thinking, you stood up on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his, your fingers twisting in the material of his black t-shirt to bring him down to you.  Every stereotypical thing that you’ve ever read seemed to happen all at once.  Butterflies exploded in your stomach.  Your knees went weak, and if it weren’t for Bucky’s arm around your waist, you would’ve fallen to the ground.  Hell, the entire universe outside of the two of you ceased to exist.
Your eyes popped open as you realized what you’d done, jerking away from him.  The spell between the two of you was broken as you took a step back.  “I-I’m so sorry,” you stammered.  Your cheeks flamed as you turned away from him, not wanting to see the rejection in his eyes.  “We… We should go.”
Bucky watched as you walked away, heading for the car.  His heart had shattered inside his chest.  After literal years of pining after you, he’d finally gotten the perfect first kiss with you. It was better than anything he had imagined.  Your lips had felt like rose petals, soft and pliant against his, and he could feel your heartbeat from where his hand had rested flat against your back.
And then you’d pushed him away.
Not only that, you’d ran.  Literally ran away from him.
Sam was wrong.  You weren’t ready.  Or maybe you just weren’t into him.
“Of course, she isn’t,” Bucky muttered to himself as he slapped a hand to his forehead.  “She’s your best friend’s ex-girlfriend, for crying out loud.”
“You alright, son?”
He turned to see an older man standing off to the side.  “Uh…  I don’t know,” he admitted honestly as he turned to look at the sharks.  He needed a few minutes to compose himself before he faced you.
“You want to talk about it?” The man asked, moving to stand next to him.
“I’m in love with this girl,” he started, sighing as his hands gripped the railing.  “And she kissed me, but then she ran.  Said it was a mistake.”
“Was it that girl that just ran out of here like a bat straight outta hell?”
He let out a weak laugh, nodding.  “Yeah, that’s her.”
The old man hummed, shoving his hands into his pockets.  “She’s pretty.”
Bucky felt tears sting his eyes as he nodded.  “The prettiest.”
“I can tell you right now, no girl runs like that if she doesn’t feel anything,” the man said, clapping a hand on his shoulder.
He momentarily wondered what he would think if he told him he was technically older than him.
“Give her time,” he said, his eyes glittering behind his glasses as he watched a shark pass overhead.  “She’s probably just scared of what she’s feeling.”  He couldn’t help but laugh as he shook his head.  “When I met my Joan, I was supposed to be going on a blind date with a different girl.  Told her I loved her the second I saw her.”  He looked back at Bucky, his brown eyes shining with memories.  “You two have that kind of love.  I can see it.  But not everything can happen in the blink of an eye.”
And as much as he wanted to tell the man that he’d been waiting for years, he understood what he was saying.  And yeah, maybe this was two steps forward, one step back, it was still one step further than he had been that morning.
Or was the saying one step forward two steps back?
Oh, well.  Who gives a shit?
“Thank you,” he said, breaking off when he realized he didn’t have the man’s name.
“Stan,” the old man said with a knowing smile, before nodding back towards the way you’d run off.  “Go after her.  And remember, take your time.  Something that lasts has to have a steady foundation.”
Bucky nodded once, before running after you. Even if you didn’t want to acknowledge the kiss that had happened, he at least knew that you felt something for him.
You paced back and forth in front of the car, biting your thumbnail.  Your mind was racing as you waited for Bucky to come out of the aquarium.
How the hell could you have been so stupid?  You were his best friend’s ex-girlfriend!  The one he left without a goodbye!  You were the little seventeen-year-old girl who had a crush on the stoic Winter Soldier with a secret soft spot.
Groaning, you ran your fingers through the hair.
There was no way in hell that he wanted you.
“Y/N?  You okay?”
You looked up to see the man in question standing a few feet away from you.  His brows were furrowed, his weight shifting back and forth between his heels and the balls of his feet.
“Yeah, I’m—”  You broke off, swallowing down the lump in your throat.  “Hi.”
A faint smile lit up his features.  “Hey.”
“I’m really sorry about jumping you like that,” you said slowly, your cheeks flaming as you looked down at the ground.  “Can we just forget about it?”
“Whatever you want,” he said, wincing as he realized how it could’ve been taken.
“Good,” you said with a sigh of relief as you looked up at him again.  “Because you’re my best friend, and I don’t want to ruin this.”
He nodded as he stepped around to the driver’s side, unlocking the car so both of you could get in.  “Me neither,” he reassured you, before starting the car and heading back for the compound.
Leaning your head against the cool glass of the window, you bit your lip as you tried to fight a smile.
Even if he wasn’t into you, it was the best damn kiss you’d ever had.
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spacesnail3000 · 5 years
Brooklyn’s Sweetheart Chapter 9: A Little Game
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Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Chapter Summary: Every game needs rules, but nobody ever said anything about playing fair. 
Word Count: 4,668
Warnings: Language, drinking, smut (dubcon, fingering in public, teasing)
Masterlist / AO3
After they all cleaned up, Bucky made them breakfast in bed and they watched movies in her bedroom as the dog curled up on the floor next to them. Y/N was quiet while they ate, and afterwards she dozed off for a nap, Bucky following quickly afterwards, wrapping himself around her like the grown man koala bear that he is. Steve, who was still a little hungover from his night of binge drinking, was in and out of sleep, but for the most part he was content to watch his lovers nap.
Truthfully, he had never felt more content. Despite her reluctance and fear, he knew this was the right place for her—between him and Bucky, just like it had always been growing up. They could protect her, they would do right by her, and Steve knew she would come around eventually.
The more he thought about it, the more he couldn’t fathom letting her go once they were back in the city. Her father would never allow her to date Steve or Bucky, he was far too protective. But if Steve could get on Stane’s good side, perhaps a marriage could be arranged—
Steve stopped himself, shaken. Was he really thinking about marriage with her, so soon? As he looked down at her, the way her long eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks in her sleep, the lush pout of her lips, he knew that he would never be able to stand by and watch her marry anybody else.
His feelings had been building for years before he even realized it, long before he had even kissed her. And now those feelings were all at the surface and Steve was overwhelmed with emotion, with affection for her, more so than he had ever been before with any other girl he dated. Since he had a taste of her now, he could feel himself growing more obsessed, more possessive, and he wasn’t planning on letting her go.
He would have to figure something out with her father. 
“Mmm,” she lifted her face a little from where it had been smothered in the pillow. She slowly blinked awake and then looked at him, almost like she could hear his thoughts. “Steve?”
“Yeah, sweetheart?” he asked, stroking a hand through her hair.
“W’time s’it?” she slurred, burrowing her face into Steve’s chest. He felt a rush of warmth for her.
He checked the alarm clock, “Almost dinnertime. Wanna wake up?”
“’m cold.”
“Aww, baby,” he cooed, securing her tighter in his arms and pulling the blanket up around her from where Bucky had kicked it off. “There you go, how’s that?”
She was silent for a few more minutes, drifting off to sleep again. Steve relished the feeling of her in his arms, took in the floral scent of her shampoo and conditioner, the sweet smell of her body lotion. Just as he was starting to fall back asleep, she shifted in his arms and looked at him, blinking sleepily.
“Hey, baby,” he smiled fondly, then leaned down to kiss her. Although she tried to pull away at first, she gave in as he anchored her against his chest, too weak with sleep to put up any fight. The kiss was sweet, and soft, and when he pulled away, she was smiling, her cheeks flushed.
“That’s a good girl,” he whispered, brushing hair back from her temples. “I love kissing you,” he told her, voice sweeter and gentler than she had ever heard it. It made her blush more, and she tried to bury her face in his neck again to hide her smile, making a little “hmph” sound. He kept her still with a hand in her hair. “Gimme another kiss, darling.”
She hesitated a moment before tilting her head up, but instead of kissing his lips like he meant, she turned her face and pressed her lips to his cheek. When she pulled back, he could see her suppressing a smile.
“You think you’re funny, don’t you, doll?” In his sleepy stupor, he was amused whereas if he were more awake, he might not tolerate her sass or disobedience. But he was feeling softer, more subdued, calmed knowing that Y/N and Bucky were both by his side. Everything he cared about was safe for now, and he could relax. 
“Well, you never laugh at my jokes, so I know you don’t think I’m funny,” she quipped at him. “It’s okay, though. Some people just have a bad sense of humor.”
“Was that supposed to be a joke?” he deadpanned.
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly.”
“Is it silly to let a guy get some sleep?” came Bucky’s disgruntled mutter from her other side. She giggled at the tickle of his voice vibrating along her spine.
Steve scoffed. “You’ve been sleeping all day, Buck. Time to get up, we need to get our girl some dinner. We slept through lunch.”
“There’s not much food around here,” Bucky said, placing a few gentle kisses on her shoulder blade. “Haven’t gotten the chance to go grocery shopping these past few days.”
“Too busy corrupting our little doll here?” Steve teased with a flick to Bucky’s shoulder.
Y/N spoke up, “Actually, he was on the phone for the past three days straight. I’ve barely seen him since the day you left.”
Steve cocked an eyebrow, sobering a little at this news. “Why is that? The stuff with Loki shouldn’t have kept you on call that much.”
Bucky shrugged one shoulder. “Shit with Nat. You know how she is. And the Maximoff girl.”
“What about Wanda?” Y/N asked, turning to look at him with curious eyes.
“Nothing for you to concern yourself about,” Bucky said, petting her head.
She had a concerned frown on her face. “Please tell me, Wanda’s my friend.” 
“Darling,” Steve said, a warning in his tone. “Drop it.” She huffed but acquiesced, leaning back into Steve’s embrace as he tugged her towards him. “Good girl,” he praised her, dropping a kiss on her forehead. 
A warm feeling spread through her chest when he praised her, and she knew it was totally wrong, but she couldn’t help a small part of herself that wanted to give into him and Bucky. Despite the trauma of that morning, Steve forcibly taking her virginity, she had to admit that she enjoyed it in the end. The experience had been strangely surreal, incredible. It made her feel lax and glowing once they were finished with her, along with the peaceful contentedness that she felt when they took care of her afterwards.
Still, she had doubts. Did she genuinely like Bucky and Steve? Or did she just give into their insistence on defiling her body, too scared to fight back any more? They had forced her hand, forced her pleasure, forced her into every single thing they had done to her. She wondered if she had the choice, would she choose to like them, their actions? But she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. She clearly didn’t have a choice. Steve and Bucky had both made that clear, and she shouldn’t entertain the idea of one. 
That wasn’t that foreign to her, though. When had she ever been given a real, meaningful choice in life? Her father has dictated every moment of it—until now. She was sure he wouldn’t approve of Steve and Bucky activities with her—but for some reason that thrilled her even more, the idea of disobeying her overbearing father. 
Then again, Steve and Bucky were overbearing in much the same way. Often she had wondered what would happen to her once her father was no longer around, and it seemed that Steve and Bucky would potentially fill that role in her life. At least she wouldn’t be lost, alone, with no one to look after her, even if she truly had no free will.
Maybe she could give into them for now—giving in would be easier, after all, the path of least resistance. Even if she had no idea where they would go from here. Was it sustainable to be in a sexual relationship with both of them? And was it purely sexual? This cuddling in bed all day certainly wasn’t sexual, but she didn’t exactly know what constituted being in a real relationship. Additionally, she had no idea if it was proper or not to be with both of them at the same time—but they acted like it was completely normal.
Regardless of what she meant to Steve and Bucky, she had lost her virginity. She didn’t know exactly how to feel about it—she had been expecting a big difference, a life-changing event like that. But she felt the same as she always did, if not maybe more confused. Maybe that’s what sex was supposed to be like—confusing and wonderful all at the same time, and while it felt great, maybe it didn’t really change anything?
Her mind was a mess of thoughts, and nothing really made sense, but she tried to bring herself back to the present and ignore her inner turmoil.
Bucky and Steve were talking about going out for dinner. “I think that seafood place in Edgartown is the best choice,” Bucky was saying.
“Ooh, yes please,” she agreed, perking up in Steve’s arms.
“But we have to go all the way in town,” Steve grumbled, tightening his arms around her waist.
“But they have good lobster rolls,” she pointed out.
“I don’t think so, not tonight.”
An idea sprung to her mind—maybe she could use their affection for her to her advantage. So she tilted her head up and placed a gentle kiss on his jaw, then another on his jugular. “Please, Stevie?” she asked, looking up at him with pleading eyes and a hopeful smile.
When he didn’t answer at first, only surveyed her with hooded eyes, she pressed another kiss to his lips. It was soft and sweet again, and even though he wanted to deepen it, shove his tongue in her mouth, pin her down on the bed and take her there—that would be too easy. Plus, the restaurant closed in an hour, so they didn’t have the time.
Steve took only a moment to indulge before pulling back, eyes glinting. “You’re playin’ a dangerous game, darling.”
A smile broke across her face. “Does that mean we can go to Edgartown?”
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, but we have to leave soon if we wanna make it on time.”
She squealed and clapped her hands together. “Yes! I’m gonna get 4 lobster rolls!”
“You’ll throw up if you eat 4 lobster rolls,” Bucky said.
“You only say that because you can’t eat 4 lobster rolls.”
He scoffed, clutching his chest in offense. “Who do you think you’re dealing with, sugar?” Well, now they would be playing the game of who could eat the most lobster rolls. Lovely.
She was about to argue more, but then Bucky and Steve slipped out of bed at the same time. Her mind was suddenly overloaded—while she had seen their bodies before, she had never taken the time to appreciate them. Now in the dying light of the evening, she could see every line of their hard bodies, every tattoo on their skin, their soft cocks unimposing against strong thighs. 
She realized they were beautiful, and her mind flickered to when the nuns took them on a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. When the class wandered into the Greek and Roman Art exhibit, the nuns adamantly steered them away from all of the beautiful statues of naked people. The glimpses that she saw before Sister Alice reprimanded her for sinning were marvelous, and she couldn’t help but be reminded of those statues now. While it seemed like such a cliché to compare them to Greek gods, that’s how she felt—like some dull girl amongst immortal, inhuman beings, yearning for their attention, if only to bask in their glory for a little bit.
Maybe they had awakened something sexually in her, but she not only wanted to keep staring at them, but also run her hands along those hard muscles, touch them everywhere that they were beautiful to try and capture it. She wondered how it would feel to run her tongue along the “BROOKLYN” tattoo on Steve’s lower abdomen, to feel Bucky’s chest hair on her as he rubbed against her.
Almost as soon as these thoughts crossed her mind, she chastised herself (in the name of Jesus, of course). She shouldn’t be thinking these things! The nuns taught her better—and she was not a desperate whore. Having them force her into those depraved acts (and practically forcing her to enjoy them) was one thing, but actively wanting them—that was something else. Something much worse. God wouldn’t forgive her for that.
She didn’t realize she was blushing in her shame, but the men had seen how she looked at them, they saw how red her face was, her worried expression as she quickly looked away from their bodies. Steve and Bucky shared a smirk, and Bucky winked at him.
“Get dressed, baby,” Steve ordered her, pleased when she obeyed immediately. While Steve and Bucky went to their rooms, Y/N picked out a flirty floral skirt and a white tank top, then tied her hair back with the silk scarf Steve had bought her. 
“Come on, sweetie, let’s get a move on!” Bucky called from downstairs.
After rushing through a coat of mascara and lip gloss (and quickly thanking God that she didn’t have a bruise on her face from where Steve smacked her), she rushed down the stairs and met them at the bottom.
Bucky smiled widely upon seeing her, an almost lecherous grin, while Steve smirked, a plan forming in his mind immediately. She didn’t notice the way either of them looked at her.
“You look lovely,” Bucky complimented, stepping in front of her. He towered above her as he used one finger to tilt her chin up before capturing her lips in a kiss. She sighed into it almost happily before he pulled back.
Steve took his place in front of her, running a hand through her hair, down her neck, the bare skin of her décolletage, before resting it on her waist. His pinky brushed back and forth over the ruffled waistband of her skirt. “This is pretty…”
Blushing, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thank you, Stevie.”
“Now, darling, we’re going to play a little game tonight while we’re out. How ‘bout it?”
“What kind of game?” she asked, her hands came up to rest on his chest, fingers digging into the front of his shirt, brushing over the soft cotton subconsciously. She felt apprehensive at the predatory look on his face.
“You’re gonna let us play with you and you’re gonna do what we say, no arguments. Do you think you can do that?”
“I don’t know what you mean,” she said, a frown causing wrinkles on her forehead. He smoothed them out with his thumb.
“Let me show you.”
Before she could react, he had his hands bunched up under her skirt and was yanking down her panties, forcing her to step out of them before she could collect herself. When he stood back up, she was looking at him with anger sparking in her eyes.
“What are you doing, Steve?” she asked as he surveyed her underwear, silky and light pink. Perfect for their little doll, Steve thought, but unnecessary all the same. “Give them back!”
 “I don’t think so,” he said, stuffing them in his pocket. “I want easy access to you at all times. Panties just get in the way, but this little skirt is really just perfect for it. Well done.”
She bristled at his words, trying to ignore the way her belly fluttered at the praise. “We’ll be in public! Why would you need access to—to… there?”
Steve grinned—she was making his plan just too easy. His hand darted under her skirt again and buried itself in the cleft of her thighs, feeling her soft and warm. “So I can touch your pretty pussy any time I please, baby. That’s part of the game. You’re ours to do what we want with, and I want to be able to touch you all the time.”
They locked eyes for a moment, staring each other down, waiting to see who would break first, but then he pressed down hard on her clit and her body jolted against his, and she broke eye contact first.
“I don’t want to play.”
“You don’t have a choice.” Of course she didn’t. 
Bucky spoke then. “May I make a suggestion?”
“Sure, Buck,” Steve said amicably, still circling her clit. Her pussy was getting wetter with every touch, all against her will.
“I say we lose the bra, too.”
Steve’s smile widened, looking down at her. She wore a nude bra under the tank top, and one of the straps peeked out on her shoulder. “I agree. Go on, sweetheart, lose the bra.”
“What? No!” she cried. Then her nipples would show!
Bucky approached from behind, tracing the bra strap with his finger. “Do what he says, or else your punishment will be way worse than this. I can guarantee it.”
She glanced between them, huffing, but she knew she wouldn’t stand a chance against them. They looked at her predatorily, and she knew they would get what they wanted however they had to force her.
Slowly, she slid the straps down her arms and then unbuckled the strap in back before pulling it out from under her shirt. She rarely went braless, and she felt indecent now—no bra, no panties. Her nipples pebbled against the white tank top, and the material was just thin enough to see the outline of her areola if you looked hard enough.
Steve hadn’t stopped playing with her pussy, and suddenly he slid one finger into her. She was still a little sore from that morning, but the ice pack and Advil they had given her earlier helped a lot. Her cunt was soaking wet by now, which further eased the intrusion of his finger in her.
“Seems like the idea of this is getting you off, sweetheart,” Steve teased her, pumping his finger in and out, then pressing against that spot inside of her that made her fingers and toes feel fuzzy.
She whimpered and her legs buckled, but Steve and Bucky held her up. “It’s—” she gasped when he did it again. “It’s not that—it’s—you keep touching me—that’s—”
“Aw, you broke her brain, baby,” Bucky cooed, kissing her shoulder, sliding the strap of her tank down to bare the skin. “Can’t even put together a sentence.”
“Shut—up—” she growled between surges of pleasure, teeth gritted.
Steve laughed. “Mouthy, baby. Don’t get bratty now—I’ll have to punish you.”
“No, don’t,” she whimpered, sure that her next punishment would be far worse than this morning, based on how her cheek ached when she poked at it.
“Then play the game with us and you won’t get a punishment,” Steve said. “If you’re a good girl tonight, you get to come. That’s how you win the game.”
As Steve’s hand quickened on her pussy, now fucking her with two fingers and circling her clit with his thumb, her breathing quickened along with it. Once she started moving her hips against his hand, he knew it was time to stop.
She whined when he pulled his hand away, watched wide eyed and blushing as he reached over her head for Bucky to lick his fingers clean.
“Mmm,” Bucky moaned once he was finished, “You taste so delicious, baby. But I’ve got the appetite for a lobster roll, so let’s get a move on.”
“Wait, that’s it? But I was good!” she exclaimed, indignant, as they moved her towards the front door. Her skin buzzed with pleasure, and she was so uncomfortably wet between her legs. If she sat down she might soak through her skirt—at least the busy floral print would hide a wet spot.
“Can’t finish the game so soon, sugar.” Steve practically steered her out of the house and into the back seat of the car, buckling her in and running his hands over her body again to tease her. He groped her breasts, pinched her nipples, then teased her up and down her legs, ignoring her aching pussy completely. She whimpered at his touch and reached for him, but then he was pulling back and shutting the door in her face.
She pouted the entire drive until Steve threatened to take her over his lap if she kept being a brat about it.
“You’ll get yours later,” he promised, “I won’t leave you hanging forever—if you’re a good girl, that is.”
“Steve just wants you wet and wanting for him all the time,” Bucky explained. “Wants you begging for it by the end of the night. That’s how he wins the game.”
Well, she most certainly wasn’t going to beg for anything—that just wasn’t ladylike. 
And she definitely didn’t feel ladylike without any undergarments. As they walked through the docks, even the gentlest winds had her yanking her skirt down, praying that nobody saw what was (or wasn’t) underneath.
Steve’s or Bucky’s hands would occasionally slip underneath, squeezing her ass, brushing along the inside of her thighs, and she thought she might explode. Despite how nervous she was, her wetness hadn’t dried up. It dripped down her thighs, and she was so slick she thought she would leave a puddle wherever she sat—and wouldn’t that be embarrassing.
It wasn’t until they sat down at a booth in the restaurant and ordered their meals did she really understand the problem. Each boy beside her rested a hand on one of her thighs, innocuously at first, but she noticed them slipping higher and higher. 
Steve and Bucky were talking about something pointless—the Knicks’ newest point guard and how the Nets had been doing last season—she didn’t know. How could she care about basketball when all of a sudden Bucky’s fingers were on her pussy and then ohmygod they were inside of her and they were in public!!!!
She whined, sure that her face was as flushed as a tomato.
“Quiet, baby,” Steve chastised her, “We’re talking here.”
“But Steve—”
“Shhh.” He pulled his hand away from her thigh to wrap his arm around her shoulders instead, pulling her against him as she slumped down. He stroked her hair, her neck, her shoulder, while his other hand drifted over to rest on her thigh instead. “If anyone catches onto our little game,” he murmured in her ear, lips brushing against her earlobe, “Then you lose.”
“Be good, let us play with you,” Bucky whispered to her, the scent of his woody aftershave washing over her when he got close.
It was too many things to focus on at once. She let out a shuddering breath as Bucky steadily pumped his fingers in and out of her, occasionally pulling out and flicking or pinching her clit. Her eyes drifted closed and the din of the restaurant dimmed, her mind focusing solely on the pleasure she was receiving.
Steve’s hand came down to cup her breast, fondling it briefly before he slipped his fingers underneath the hem and took her breast fully in his hand. While she was apprehensive about his groping her so obviously in public, that was at the back of her mind, and she was quickly becoming disinhibited as Bucky brought her closer to release. She moaned at the feeling of his warm hands on her, and both men shushed her instantly.
“Gotta keep quiet, baby,” Bucky crooned, crowding his body around her so nobody would catch Steve with his hand down her shirt. “Can’t let anyone know what we’re doing to you.”
“Please,” she whimpered when Steve pinched her nipple. 
Her noise only caused him to pinch it harder, digging his short nails in. “We told you to be quiet, darling,” he reprimanded her. “Don’t make me punish you right here.” The stern tone of his voice along with the pain in her nipple only heightened her senses, pushing her closer to the edge.
Bucky hummed in her ear at the feeling of her pussy fluttering on his fingers. “You like it when Steve talks to you like that, don’t you, sugar? When he plays with you in public like this? You act all sweet, but really you’re just a dirty little girl.”
She was practically on the verge of her orgasm, but then suddenly Steve’s hand was back on her shoulder and Bucky’s fingers had stilled but remained inside of her. When she opened her eyes, she saw their waiter approaching from far away.
“Did he see anything?” she gasped.
“You’d better hope not,” Steve growled in her ear, giving her shoulder a tight squeeze. 
“Here, we’ve got the lobster rolls, crab cakes, smoked scallops…” She drowned out the sound of their waiter’s voice as he set down plate after plate of delicious food, food that she would normally be salivating over, but now she could only focus on the way her body yearned to be touched. As the waiter set down the last plate, he caught sight of her flushed face, his eyes flickering down to her breasts, her hard nipples. “Everything okay here?”
“Everything’s fine,” Steve said firmly. The hand on her shoulder caged her in possessively—a signal to the waiter that she was taken. He turned to her and smiled. “Right baby?” 
She nodded, trying to smile, but maybe grimacing instead. The waiter frowned but left them with their entrees. 
“This food looks delicious,” Bucky said, finally pulling his hand away from her center. He discreetly wiped his hands on his napkin before digging into his first lobster roll.
Well, Y/N hardly had an appetite anymore. She stared at Bucky, betrayed and forlorn, needy, wanting, willing to do almost anything so they would stop teasing her. “Bucky,” she whined softly, tone a little reedy, “Please let me finish.”
“The only thing you’ll be finishing right now is your food,” he responded. “Game’s not over yet.”
“Eat your food, baby,” Steve commanded sternly before biting into a crab cake.
Her appetite gradually returned, and although she didn’t eat more lobster rolls than Bucky, she was glad they came all the way out here for food. Even if their treatment of her was embarrassing and anxiety inducing, the food here was almost so good that it was all worth it. 
Steve allowed her a few sips of his gin while Bucky let her to try his pale ale, which she thought was disgusting, and by the time they were done with their food, she felt a little looser, a little giggly. She would never admit it to them, but the alcohol had some kind of relaxing effect on her and it only enhanced her senses. Her arousal never really subsided, as evidenced by her increasingly slick thighs.
Rather than squirming in her seat and squeezing her thighs together, however, she tried to remain still so as not to alert them of her predicament. She couldn’t fathom what they would do if they found out how horny she suddenly was.
If only she noticed their predatory gazes directed at her all throughout dinner, then maybe she would have realized that she was not hiding her arousal nearly as well as she thought. Steve’s mind reeled with all of the ideas he had for her, and their bodies buzzed with anticipation for the night ahead. Truthfully, all three were excited for the rest of their little game, eager to see how it would conclude, and who would win by the end of the night.
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gold-from-straw · 6 years
Consequences - ch 3/3
How Cuba went down in the Consequences ‘verse... especially tackling Charles’ STUPID ‘just following orders’ comment! I hope you like it ^_^ Thank you so much for all the love this has had! This has been the first full fic I’ve written for this ship and everyone’s so lovely! I’ve got another story to come soon, the chapters will be a lot shorter but there are more of them. Thank you!
There was something different in Charles now, a resignation. He was quieter, even with the children’s training, spoke less of morality and the greater good, and when Erik narrowed his eyes at that realisation, he simply sent an image of his stepbrother being led off into one car to return to California while his stepfather carried on into New York city without a backwards glance. Who am I to speak of ethics? he asked softly, and turned to walk away.
Erik followed him, caught up with him in the corridor outside the study and pushed him against the wall, kissing him breathless. “You’re the only one I’d listen to,” he answered, and lifted him up, breathing kisses into his neck as he clung to him like he was drowning.
They lay close together afterwards, not bothering to emerge for dinner, wrapped in each other’s arms until the sun rose on the day they’d be flying to Cuba.
Charles flew with his jaw set, his eyes hard, and Erik was the one left to encourage the team, keep them calm and safe. He kept his focus on them, on the serenity needed to protect the children, both older and also so much younger than he had been when he first hunted down the same evil.
He faced Shaw. He heard Charles’ voice in his head, calming him, talking him down from the panic. I will not let you die here, Charles said, and Erik found his balance. He whipped the helmet away from his monster, felt Charles’ mind wrapping around Shaw’s, holding it in place while Erik drove the coin forwards, his mother’s brave smile at the front of his every thought.
As the coin burrowed into Shaw's skull, Erik thought he heard a truncated scream of pain .But it was gone in an instant, and he kept his focus, driving the coin through and out, ending it. He almost slumped when he saw Shaw’s body fall an empty, lifeless thing with no more power than a stuffed animal, and for a moment hysteria overwhelmed him. Was this it? Was it truly over? How could that be possible, with him still living? Charles had told him, over and over, breathed into his ear, into his very mind as they moved together, as they played chess, as they handed each other coffee, he wasn’t going to let Erik die destroying Shaw, but… he hadn’t realised until now that it had all felt like a dream, an impossible wish.
He stumbled out of the risen submarine, met Charles’ eyes as he staggered out of the downed jet, and laughed. Charles smiled, his face tense, and Erik started forwards to him, and stopped.
“The missiles… they’re firing…”
“Charles, check! They’re both firing, both navies.”
Charles turned to the ships, his face going slack with horror, and he turned back to Erik, speechless.
“Oh my God,” Raven said, almost under her breath. Moira raced back to the jet, screaming into the radio.
Erik felt the rage rise in his blood again, tipping the balance, only this time, the balance had shifted. Shaw was dead. He had done the impossible, and come out the other side, alive. He held up his hand as the missiles screamed towards them, and stopped them, every single one bobbing in the air, peacefully.
How dare they? How dare they try to take everything from him again, after everything he’d lost, everything they had all given to stop the annihilation of their world, and the humans had the audacity to fire on him? He turned the missiles, his focus complete, and every single one aimed itself towards its origin.
“Erik… Erik, please, no…” Charles’ voice shook, and he reached out to touch Erik’s arm. Flashes of panic started to come through. Going to die Someone save us.
Erik projected calm towards him. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to Charles, not to any of them. Our Father, who art in Heaven. “Please… oh God, there are innocent people on those boats!”
The panic rose as the missiles got closer to the ships, I’m never going to see them again and Erik wished, selfishly, please God let us get through this that he could block out Charles’ worry, my children, what will they do the way it was disrupting his concentration. Will she name the baby after me
He frowned, and several missiles fell into the water. “What?”
“They’re just oh God I should never have signed on following my little girl, only four orders will it hurt Erik”
And suddenly, I don’t think I can handle feeling them all die.
“What?” he said sharply, and all the missiles fell. Erik turned and grabbed Charles’ wrists, shaking him, and the skin contact made the voices flow faster are we safe oh my God my heart is it gone what are we going to do oh God please don’t let them tell us to fire I can’t do this we’re outgunned I just want my babies I just want my mother oh God, my head
“Charles!” Erik snapped. “Block them out, shut them down!”
“I… I can’t, it hurts!”
“You, Azazel,” he said, turning to the teleporter, held tightly by Hank. Like all of Shaw’s people, he had seemed to deflate when Erik had emerged unscathed. “Take all of us away - if you get us all to safety you can go wherever you like after that, I don’t care, just…”
He nodded, and everyone gathered together, linking hands. Erik wrapped his arm around Charles’ waist, held Moira’s hand tightly, and nodded. The beach disappeared in red smoke.
They appeared in a field, and Charles sighed, his tense muscles relaxing and slumping closer to Erik. Erik glared at Azazel, not willing to trust him yet. “Where are we?”
“Wisconsin,” Azazel said. “Am I free to go now?”
“He’s telling the truth, Erik,” said Charles, straightening up. “Although,” he added, looking from face to face in the Hellfire club. “You’re welcome to come with us, if you’re interested in a different path for mutantkind. One that doesn’t lead to a nuclear winter.”
“The humans obviously aim to destroy us,” Erik ground out. “We’d be better staying together, all of us.”
“Not all of them wish to destroy us,” Charles said softly, glancing to Moira.
Erik rolled his eyes. “Only the ones in power, Charles.”
Charles made a face, and rubbed his temples. “I’m too tired to argue.” He looked up at Janos, Angel and Azazel, shifting uncomfortably. It didn’t take a telepath to see their mistrust and confusion. “The offer stands. Stay as long as you like.”
“Why are you so trusting?” Angel shook her head.
He gave a false smile. “I’m a telepath. I don’t have to trust you. I know when someone means me harm.” His face hardened. “And you should know I am perfectly capable of protecting myself and those I care about.”
Angel stared at him, then nodded once, sharply. “I’m in.”
Janos shrugged. Azazel held out his hand. Erik held tight to Charles’ shoulder, just in case the teleporter had a trick up his sleeve, but Charles simply shook on the agreement. “If I give you the location of the mansion, will you be able to take us all there?”
He nodded, and the world disappeared once more, replaced by the lawn outside the Westchester mansion. Erik felt something under his ribs uncoil at the sight of the pretentious old pile. As if some part of his body and mind recognised it as home. Charles smiled tiredly at him, and at that, his entire soul recognised home.
They couldn’t simply collapse into their room as they both wanted. There were rooms to find for the new people, by unspoken agreement in a different wing to the current inhabitants of the house. There were ground rules to cover, and even, thanks to Alex and Angel, a screaming fight about Darwin, which resulted in both of them storming off in opposite directions, Alex down to the bunker to burn off some grief.
When Erik started noticing Charles wincing and rubbing his temple every time someone snapped or glared, he realised the steady migraine he was feeling wasn’t actually his own. He slapped some money in Sean’s hand, told him to call for pizza, and hauled Charles off to bed.
“I’m really fine,” he protested, which was clearly utter rubbish by the way he was rubbing his eye socket. “I should be there to keep the peace.”
“It’ll be good for them to sort out their own problems - you’re not their parent, Charles.”
He sighed and let Erik manhandle him into the huge, dimly lit room. “It’s only eight o’clock. Would you like a drink?”
Erik just shrugged and sat on the window seat, staring out at the dusk. Now that he was finally at rest, his mind went back through the battle. It had always been like this. He’d focus on the present until the fight was over, then, exhausted, he’d revisit it and dwell, and analyse.
It was a good thing. He always remembered more than he realised at first, and he’d learned new techniques and strategies from analysing his own actions after the fact. He was just a little surprised that it was hitting him while he was still in Charles’ company. He had thought it would wait until he was completely alone.
Now he revisited the beach, a fierce pride at having lifted the sub, irritation at having lost his focus and allowed Riptide to knock the jet off course. At least he had been able to stop Charles from tumbling around as they crashed, and he shuddered at how close they had been to ending the battle there.
The fight with Shaw drew out in his mind, every moment observed from every angle. Charles was right, there was no new peace to be found from killing the man, but he did feel like he could take a breath at last, his greatest demon vanquished, his greatest threat eliminated.
And then the nukes. He clenched his fists at his sides, the thought of those ungrateful, stupid humans turning their weapons on them - and Charles! Now, without the whirlwind of voices coming through from the humans’ minds he remembered what Charles had said, how he’d tried to stop him - ‘they’re just following orders’. How dare he? What was he thinking?
There was a clatter of glass on glass and Erik looked up to see Charles staring at him in horror, whiskey dripping onto the tablecloth. “Erik… oh my friend, I’m so… I can’t believe I said it like that, I’m so sorry.”
Erik raised his eyebrows as Charles approached him, his hands fluttering. “I’m sorry, I heard… my boundaries are all shot to hell since… but I’m so sorry for being so thoughtless!”
“Charles, Charles! It’s fine,” he said, standing and touching Charles’ cheek.
“It’s not,” said Charles, looking distraught. Erik could hear his regret, and a current of fear underpinning it, and he frowned. Charles closed his eyes, and the fear peaked. Stupid stupid careless insensitive stupid boy.
“Charles! Calm down, you’re projecting.” Charles gasped and opened his eyes again, and the sound cut off completely. So did the throbbing pain in his head. Erik had expected that at least some of the pain would have been his own headache.
He pushed it to the side for a moment, running his fingertips through Charles’ hair. “It was… a stupid thing to say,” he admitted, and Charles nodded, eyes damp. “I’ve already lost one family to men who were just following orders - and I know that’s all it is for some of them. They were just too weak, too scared to do what was right, so they did what was easy.” He pulled Charles close and kissed him on the forehead. “I refuse to lose another family to men just following orders.”
Charles whimpered and pressed himself close to Erik, his fingers gripping his shirt. “Erik, I know… I know you probably don’t want me anywhere near… it’s so selfish, but… please…”
“What is it, liebchen?” he asked, trying to pull back to look at Charles’ face.
Charles struggled against him, trying to press closer. “I… I need…”
“What do you need, love? Anything.”
Charles reached up a trembling hand to Erik’s temple. “Please?” he whispered.
Erik held his hand there and nodded. “Of course.”
Before he even finished speaking Charles was sinking into his mind with another whimper, and he gasped. Charles seemed to be completely immersed in him, his mind spreading out with a greedy sigh, tangling into his very soul. I’m sorry I’m sorry so selfish I need you, your mind, so safe, I’m so sorry.
“Why are you sorry?” he asked, with a little laugh.
 It must feel so invasive… I just… you’re my anchor. You feel so wonderful.
“I’m glad to hear my mind is comfortable. And it doesn’t feel invasive,” he said, wrapping his arms around Charles’ back, plastering him against his chest. “I like it.”
“You… you do?” So cool so safe doesn’t hurt any more
“Why was it hurting?” Erik frowned.
Charles pulled back, tendrils of thought going silent. Erik tightened his arms. “Charles,” he said, warningly.
“It’s fine, I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. Don’t lie to me, my friend. What was it? When you heard all the sailors?”
Charles shook his head, and tried to pull back again, but as he did so, a memory slipped out. A coin, a struggle to hold two minds, and a scream that went on and on.
Erik stumbled back, gasping, his hands pressed up to his head.
“Erik! Erik, are you OK?” Charles scrambled for him, touching him on the face, the head, the hands.
“Wh… why didn’t you tell me?” he croaked, his throat as raw as if it had been him screaming. “You felt Shaw die, you felt the coin… I hurt you!” His eyes widened with horror. “The scream that cut off, that was you!”
“I’m so sorry,” Charles said, his blue eyes rimmed with red and tears. “I never meant for you to feel it, I pulled back from you as soon as…”
“I don’t want you to apologise for that!” he shouted. “I hurt you, Charles, how can you be apologising?” He grabbed his hands, torn between shaking him and protecting him from the world. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have… I would have…”
Charles closed his eyes. “There was nothing you could have done, no other way for us to… to kill Shaw. And I know we had to, I agree with that. I told you I would take the consequences with you, Erik, and this was one of them. If I hadn’t been in control of his mind, he would have been able to absorb the energy of the coin.”
“You say you will take the consequences with me, but it seems like you’re unwilling to actually share these consequences with me! Charles…” he cupped his face in both hands. “Are you trying to punish yourself?”
“No! Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Because that would, truly, be ridiculous. Sebastian Shaw was a monster, who did his best to turn me into a monster just like him, and you do not need to force yourself to suffer for his death.”
“I’m not, Erik,” he said, sighing and slumping into him. “It really was the only way.”
“Then why, when you started feeling the pain, did you pull away from my mind? We were in this together, I would have borne the pain with you. I should have, as the one inflicting it.”
“It… it would have distracted you.”
He raised his eyebrows. “It could have distracted you, but you managed to hold him immobile the entire time. You may say you’re not punishing yourself, but I think you are. I think you’re punishing yourself for your stepbrother, as well.”
Charles seemed to give up, closing his eyes and looking wretched. “My stepbrother… I went too far.”
“He was hurting you. He hurt Raven. What were you supposed to do? Just allow him to do so?”
“I was stronger than him--”
“No, you weren’t. Your mind was stronger than his, it’s true, but you weren’t in full control of your powers then. You acted out of fear for you and your sister, and you stopped the abuse.”
“I went too far. I could have--”
“But you didn’t. You can’t punish yourself for that forever, you know.”
“I deserve to be punished for taking a life.” Charles was almost whispering now, and Erik wrapped his arms around him. Even now he could feel flashes of pain and grief and guilt.
“You know, you can come back,” he said softly, lifting Charles’ hand to brush over his temple.
Charles looked up in shock. “Oh, I’m sorry, am I… God, my defences are just shocking right now, I’m so sorry.”
“Stop saying sorry, Charles! I’ve said before, you’re welcome.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, looking up, deep blue glinting through black lashes. “I know it’s uncomfortable and intrusive, and--I just, your mind, it anchors me, I sometimes don’t even… I think my mind reaches out for yours without my intent.”
“I like it,” he shrugged. “I like the thought that I’m holding you in my mind. Protecting you.”
Charles stared at him for a moment, then surged forwards and kissed him, and their minds sank into each other at the same time. Charles sighed and went pliant in his arms, nuzzling into his neck, tendrils of thought twining around Erik’s, soft and peaceful.
“We’ll face it all together,” he said softly, stroking Charles’ hair, the strands matted with sand and sweat. “We’ll fight, and we’ll protect each other, and we won’t let anyone get away with treating us, or other mutants, like we’ve been treated. And we’ll face the consequences together, you hear? No more hiding the pain from me.”
Charles didn’t answer, but pressed even closer, clinging on, and in his mind Erik felt a whisper of yes, thank you, I love you. He smiled, and wrapped him in love.
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empressfiend · 6 years
A Cat and His Magnificent Owner - Part 7 (Malec Fic)
#shifter!alec #cat!alec #immortalfriends #humanau #fluff
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 Read on Ao3. (FiendMaz)
Beta: @beyondthehunt
Catarina grabbed Alec's hand with a firm hold, eyes dancing in mirth. “How nice to finally meet you… formally.”
And Alec internally lamented the fact that she clearly recognised him.
Being a Sunday, The Clocktower tables were filled with guests busily chattering and eating as the polite wait staff milled about catering to their every need. The noise was low and the tables were evenly spaced but Alec still felt uncomfortable sat in the second room where even the blue theme did nothing to soothe him.
“Alexander dear, you have to stop fidgeting.” Magnus tugged on one of Alec’s hands and clasped their fingers together. “Why don’t you have some more wine?”
“Getting me tipsy won’t help!”
Magnus bit his lip. “It might.”
“Don’t laugh!” Alec whined. He could clearly see the corners of his boyfriend’s lips twitching from underneath the press of perfectly-aligned teeth. “And no, it won’t.”
“I’m not laughing,” Magnus defended with what he probably thought was a straight face.
“Sure,” Alec glared half-heartedly. Then turned paler than he already was when he saw Catarina enter the restaurant with a pair of shadows behind her. “They’re,” He clutched harder onto Magnus’ hand and received a wince. “Here.”
“Are they?”
Alec stood up, shoulders tense and brows furrowed. He nearly fidgeted again but was barred by the hand still clutching his own. He managed a small smile when another hand landed on his shoulder to give him a supportive squeeze.
“Everything will be just fine, darling.” Magnus promised.
Even without looking, Alec knew his boyfriend sported that wide grin he loved. He took in a deep breath and in no time, was faced with the mixed expressions on the trio of friends. “Hello, it’s nice to formally meet you all.” His shoulders tensed further as he offered his free hand for any of the three to accept.
“Yes,” Catarina grabbed the hand with a firm hold, eyes dancing in mirth. “How nice to finally meet you… formally.”
Alec internally lamented the fact that she clearly recognised him.
“Catarina Loss. You can call me Cat.”
“I’m –,” Alec paused when he remembered that Magnus called him by his name even as a cat. He threw a panicked look over at his boyfriend who, unfortunately, didn’t understand his trail of thought but saved him nonetheless with a smooth kiss to the cheek and a smooth, “my boyfriend.”
“You’re not what I imagined,” Ragnor mused as the handshake mercifully finished. “But you’re somehow familiar.”
Alec fought back a cringe. He’d rather the other two males not remember him, thank you very much. “I’m not very distinctive.”
“What’s your name?” Raphael interrupted.
Alec paused then, resigned, met Raphael’s scrutinizing gaze straight-on. “Alexander Lightwood. You… can call me Alec.” He held his breath as he waited for their reactions and thought to himself that Magnus was right in that it was probably better to not have pretended to just be a cat for so long.
Catarina’s smile morphed into a Cheshire grin and she wagged her fingers at all of them. “Called it!” When no one responded, she rolled her eyes at the quiet duo beside her then motioned for them all to sit. “Come on, have some manners. Sit, sit!”
“Yes, let’s sit.” Magnus agreed and he, along with an immensely grateful Alec, sat down on their respective seats. “We haven’t ordered yet so while you two,” he motioned to the yet-to-have-spoken duo, “get your mouths to work again, look over the menu. Gerard will be by shortly to get the orders.”
Catarina put her hands primly on top of her menu. “I already know what I want so – Alec, hm? Tell me, what exactly did you and Magnus do during that trip to the Maldives?”
“Huh?” The utterance slipped out before Alec could help himself. He had expected many things; upset over his insistence to hide as a cat, teasing about the unfortunate first encounter which he knew Cat remembered even if the other two didn’t, questions about his relations to the Lightwood name or even grievance about his behaviour when he was a cat. “Uh, we… I don’t really like the beach,” He admitted.
“Mmhm,” Catarina urged.
Alec scratched at his nape. “Well, we mostly used the Jacuzzi and pool. Sometimes Magnus would book us a private dinner by the beach and we’d take a swim afterwards. I didn’t really do much there other than relax while you two did whatever it was you did and do my work when I could convince Magnus to leave me behind.”
“And how long have you two known each other?”
“Six months and sixteen days,” Magnus declared proudly.
Catarina tilted her head. “So that would make it two months or so when we went to Maldives.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes fondly. “If it were anyone else other than you, Magnus, I’d be offended but I know you. You’re probably still on your honeymoon period.”
“Right!” Ragnor snapped his menu shut, having finally found his voice again. “I’m not as forgiving as Cat. You both owe me a new wardrobe and I want the First Folio.” His eyes were gleaming and while Alec had absolutely no idea what on earth the First Folio was, he sure as hell wasn’t going to promise anything when anyone had that look.
Magnus snorted. “In your dreams, Rags. But if you’re that desperate for a new wardrobe, I will gladly snatch up this opportunity.”
“No –,” Ragnor looked horrified. “I meant I want my clothes replaced!”
“You said and I quote, ‘new wardrobe’,” Magnus reminded with a gloat.
Ragnor pointed at Magnus then Alec then Magnus again then settled on Alec. “I’ll forgive you for everything if you convince that magpie to leave me and my wardrobe alone!”
“Done,” Magnus cut-in swiftly.
Alec stifled a laugh at Ragnor’s betrayed look. He was heaps more at ease now than he was when the day started and he couldn’t believe he was so scared of meeting these people when, really, they were quite harmless. His relief was such that he had a slight urge to shift and show his thanks in a feline way – though only to Catarina. He’d rather not be affectionate with the odd-smelling Ragnor and puppy-scented Raphael.
 Oh wait. Raphael.
In tune as they were, Magnus turned his focus to the last of the trio at the same time. “Raph?”
“Told you not to call me that.” Raphael muttered. He lowered his menu to glance at the lovers then put it back up. “I want my money back for the seafood takeout you stole from me.”
“Isn’t it great then that I’m paying for this meal?” Magnus grinned.
Raphael’s scoff was audible to all of them.
  The open book’s page ruffled slightly as the wind drifted inside the bedroom through the open balcony doors. Alec was in his cat form again, eyes closed and resting peacefully, his head on top of one side of the book he had been reading. His ears flicked when the bed dipped and jostled his small body before a warm hand curled possessively around his belly to move him to a warm lap.
“Today went well, didn’t it?”
Alec purred contentedly in response and burrowed deeper into his lover’s body.
“I told you not to worry,” Magnus murmured.
Meow. Alec butted his head against Magnus’ hand in an affectionate gesture and resumed purring happily, utterly content. The morning had gone well despite his doomsday predictions and he felt as if he should be awaiting for the other shoe to drop. But then perhaps being as optimistic as Magnus had its merits…
Alec pondered upon under the gentle rubbing he was receiving when the doorbell rang to disrupt their peace and, more importantly, his thoughts on optimism. Alec huffed and rolled over in his comfortable position on Magnus’ lap to stare up defiantly, unwilling for either of them to answer the door.
His ears twitched when the doorbell rang again and he grumpily jumped down from the couch to follow his lover to the door. It was just as well that the other shoe drop sooner rather than later. Still, whoever was on the other side would deserve every bit of clothes shredding he deemed necessary
Alec sat down beside sparkly leather boots as Magnus swung the door open to reveal their surprise guest and thought he should have expected this after all.
“Raphael! What a surprise… you brought a dog.” Magnus ended dryly.
The sullen-faced Latino had indeed brought along a dog. A corgi. No, a corgi shifter, to be exact, and one that Alec recognised. Alec perked up in vindictive glee at this then pawed his lover’s leg to indicate his want to be picked up so he could be on eye-level with them.
Magnus bent down and he happily walked along those bulging muscles to drape himself along strong shoulders. He smirked at Raphael as their guests were welcomed into their home with a, “come in, come in,” and received a sly calculating glance for his trouble.
Meanwhile, the corgi trotted along obediently, panting, as they all settled on the couch.
Alec eyed Raphael who was glancing at him occasionally with a strangely proud expression whilst chatting. It was as if the man believed him to be scared of the dog since he was on Magnus which was hardly true. So, he lifted himself up to a stand from around Magnus’ shoulders ready to pounce when a golden-tan hand blocked his path.
Alec purred when he felt his lover smooth his fur down and wiggled forward to affectionately rub his head against the soft palm. He melted on his lover’s right shoulder as a strong sense of contentment relaxed him. Eyes closed and his legs stretched out on Magnus’ shoulder, his body rumbled with the force of his purring as Alec forgot his plan momentarily and promptly fell into a nap.
Moments later he was jostled from his sleep as he felt long fingers wrap around his belly to lower him onto the couch beside the lounging corgi. He blearily blinked his eyes open and glared sleepily at his lover for disturbing him but saw that Magnus was preoccupied with showing off the magazine his lover had featured on most recently.
He yawned and stretched out his body, paws out front, then blinked a few more times to shake away the drowsiness. His eyes were still heavy-lidded when he looked back at Magnus, mouth open to call for attention, but instead, he found himself being watched by a very smug Raphael with his lover nowhere in sight.
Alec tilted his head.
“Go.” Raphael ordered softly.
Indignant and confused, Alec raised himself up to his full height and hissed but realised his mistake once he saw that Raphael’s line of sight was above his head. He turned around and saw the corgi’s wide eyes staring at him. He smirked as he cocked his head and gave the shifter a challenging glare.
The corgi took a few steps forward and stretched a paw out which may have looked like a threat to Raphael as the man let out a pleased hum but to Alec and his view of the shifter’s terrified eyes, was an offer of peace. He huffed and turned his nose at the offering. Then, without warning, he pounced at the corgi and sank his claws into the shifter’s neck.
Almost immediately, the corgi started whining with his ears flat on its head. Alec moved to sit atop its body looking proud and regal by the time Magnus arrived back into the living room with a magazine. His lover regarded him with an amused smile which he returned with a self-satisfied purr that only increased in volume by the sight of Raphael’s face bright with disbelief.
Happy with the effect he had on Raphael and the proud glint in Magnus’ eyes, he put his paw on top of the corgi’s head and started patting. Good Simon, he meowed and he revelled in the whine he received in response as well as Magnus’ precious peals of laughter.
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hermioneweaslcy · 4 years
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— is that TEA LEONI? oh, no it’s just HERMIONE GRANGER-WEASLEY. SHE is a 49 year old MUGGLEBORN witch, whose occupation is HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MAGICAL LAW ENFORCEMENT. i guess that’s why her former house is GRYFFINDOR. she is prepared for the uprising, her alliance is ORDER SUPPORTING.
BIRTHDAY — 19 September 1979
SOCIAL MEDIA — @mugglebornweasley
RESIDENCE — with her husband, Ron Weasley
Hermione Jean Granger Weasley. When she married Ron, Hermione considered keeping her last name, but ultimately to her, family was more important, and she loves having the same last name as her kids.
muggleborn — it’s been a thing that has often defined Hermione’s life circumstances, but she’s never let it define her. She’s proud of who she is and where she came from, and she’ll fight to prove anyone wrong who underestimates her because of her ancestry. Her parents may be muggles, but they’re smart, and even more importantly, they’re decent people.
19 September 1979 — having a birthday so close to the start of term meant that it was never all that specially celebrated during her time at Hogwarts, but Hermione never minded. She’s not one to like being fussed over, so her family still does her a favor and doesn’t make a big deal of it. She appreciates the cake that Molly bakes for her birthday dinner every year, though.
cis-female (she/her), heterosexual — Hermione has never been attracted to other women, just men — and honestly, mostly just Ron.
Gryffindor — Some think Ravenclaw would have been a better option for someone as intelligent and booksmart as Hermione, but her courage and stubborn tendencies made her a perfect fit for Gryffindor, and she’s proud to have been sorted where she was. She knows that she learned more about what being a good witch truly means from her housemates than she ever would have learned from the more book-loving Ravenclaws.
Hermione never intended to go into politics – she would have been happy mastering various academic disciplines and maybe one day settling at Hogwarts. But Kingsley had other ideas for her, and after she finished up her final year at Hogwarts alongside Ginny (and without Ron & Harry), she didn’t have the heart to refuse Kingsley when he asked her to take a job in his new Ministry that was desperately grasping to reform – and quickly. She’s long since given up hope that there’s any other career path for her, because she knows that walking away before she’s finished making their world a better place is not an option. But sometimes she wonders if Harry is better suited to this job than her – he’s used to people vehemently disagreeing with him, after all. And it’s hard for her to work underneath a Minister that she disagrees with so strongly — Hermione’s never been all that good at holding her tongue, but now it seems that her job often depends on that.
Married to Ron Weasley. Some might think they’re polar opposites, but there really has never been anyone else for Hermione. She knows they bring out the best in each other (and admittedly, sometimes the worst as well, but always in order to work on becoming better people). She just doesn’t see anyone else but Ron.
But also, chemistry is fine too LOL.
Hermione’s parents, Jean and Thomas Granger, both came from small families and were married later in life. After having Hermione, they chose not to have any other children, and she had a childhood that included very little contact with people her own age outside of primary school. All of her cousins were much older than her and her peers never seemed to like her much, so Hermione spent most of her time with the adults in her life or else buried in a book. As a result, Hermione is now often overwhelmed at the enormous size of the family that she married into. She loves the Weasleys and maintains close relationships with them, but she still finds it hard to find her footing among their rambunctious ways. Her parents often left her to her own devices, especially once she began at Hogwarts, so she finds Molly’s tendency to want to be overly involved even in her adult children’s lives to be a little smothering.
Hermione loves being a mother, though. Reese, Rose, and Hugo are her greatest accomplishments, and she would do anything for them. As unused as she is to a big and bustling family, she loves being a part of it, and is so thankful to the way that the Weasley family has always accepted her as one of their own, especially after she married Ron.
Eighteen and suddenly Hermione is free from the pressures of war that she’s lived under since becoming best friends with the Chosen One. Her formative years all took place under this pressure, so it’s hard for her to really comprehend who she is in a world at peace. In their younger years, there was hope that she could become more relaxed and lighthearted, but now she can’t seem to learn how to laugh again, let alone go anywhere without constantly looking over her shoulder. The months that follow the battle find Hermione living with the Weasleys, unable to face returning to her parents and living with people who just didn’t understand. She spends most of her days that summer at Hogwarts, helping to rebuild the castle in time for another year. The time she isn’t at Hogwarts or the Weasley’s, she’s with Harry, trying to help bring him out of his fits of depression.
When the time comes, Hermione returns to school without her two best guys by her side, but at least she has Ginny. She’s disappointed that Harry and Ron aren’t interested in finishing their education, but she’s not really surprised. Ron was never that motivated anyway, and there are too many ghosts here at Hogwarts for Harry to bear coming back so soon. Without them, though Hogwarts just doesn’t feel the same, and though Hermione’s happy to be back in academia, she’s glad when they finish the year and head out into the real world.
Hermione’s real preference would be getting an apprenticeship of some sort in Arithmancy, Potions, or Transfiguration (or all of them, honestly) and then after she masters those, maybe going into the teaching world. But the Ministry still has a lot of reform to go and she knows they need all the help they can get, so she can’t sit back and watch them flounder when she could offer her determination to the cause. SPEW is still very much near and dear to her heart, so she seeks a job in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. It’s hard for her to find traction, but she stays stubborn and persistent, and slowly she’s able to help implement new regulations that improve the lives of many magical creatures, including House Elves.
Hermione and Ron became serious from the moment they kissed in the Battle of Hogwarts, immediately becoming an item afterwards. They never actually had a define-the-relationship sort of conversation, they just fell into each other, like they had always hoped they might. Their relationship wasn’t instantly easier now that they were able to admit they were in love with each other, but it did help both of their insecurities to die down a bit. They were married only a couple of years after Hermione graduated from Hogwarts, much to Molly’s delight and Harry’s slight chagrin. They decided to wait for a couple of years at least to have children, though, because Hermione wanted to advance enough in her career to make a difference before being tied down in that way.
When Ron and Hermione did begin trying for children, she found it difficult to conceive, but after a few years of trying to be patient and not agonize over it, Reese was born, and Rose and Hugo followed a couple of years after that. Hermione was delighted to be a parent, and while it wasn’t necessarily the big family she imagined, it was her family, and she loved them dearly. She was happy to have so many nieces and nephews for her children to grow up surrounded by, and weekly dinners at the Burrow were a time that everyone looked forward to.
Eventually, Hermione found herself working her way up in the Ministry (albeit somewhat unintentionally – she was just quick to offer opinions on things, and since she was a part of the Golden Trio, people tended to listen to her and take notice). She was eventually promoted to the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, where she did a lot of good getting rid of some outdated and truly atrocious laws that were in place.
Hermione was never naive enough to believe that darkness wouldn’t creep its’ way back in, even with all of the reform that their world has done. Still, it’s surprising and unsettling the way that things have developed, especially considering the restrictions that are being put in place to keep Hermione’s two worlds separate.
0 notes
uprising-hqarchive · 4 years
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welcome to the wizarding world, kate!
we’re glad to have you. don’t forget to check the current timeline of events, and send in your account within the NEXT 24 HOURS. most importantly; don’t forget to have fun!
NAME/ALIAS, PRONOUNS — Kate, she/her TIMEZONE AND ACTIVITY — EST, I’m usually on most days and able to do replies every 1-3 days depending on what’s going on. I also tend to lurk on the ooc discord :) ANYTHING ELSE? — nope!
— is that TEA LEONI? oh, no it’s just HERMIONE GRANGER-WEASLEY. SHE is a 49 year old MUGGLEBORN witch, whose occupation is HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MAGICAL LAW ENFORCEMENT. i guess that’s why her former house is GRYFFINDOR. she is prepared for the uprising, her alliance is ORDER SUPPORTING.
BIRTHDAY: 19 September 1979
SOCIAL MEDIA: @mugglebornweasley
RESIDENCE: with her husband, Ron Weasley
Hermione Jean Granger Weasley. When she married Ron, Hermione considered keeping her last name, but ultimately to her, family was more important, and she loves having the same last name as her kids.
muggleborn — it’s been a thing that has often defined Hermione’s life circumstances, but she’s never let it define her. She’s proud of who she is and where she came from, and she’ll fight to prove anyone wrong who underestimates her because of her ancestry. Her parents may be muggles, but they’re smart, and even more importantly, they’re decent people.
19 September 1979 — having a birthday so close to the start of term meant that it was never all that specially celebrated during her time at Hogwarts, but Hermione never minded. She’s not one to like being fussed over, so her family still does her a favor and doesn’t make a big deal of it. She appreciates the cake that Molly bakes for her birthday dinner every year, though.
cis-female (she/her), heterosexual — Hermione has never been attracted to other women, just men — and honestly, mostly just Ron.
Gryffindor — Some think Ravenclaw would have been a better option for someone as intelligent and booksmart as Hermione, but her courage and stubborn tendencies made her a perfect fit for Gryffindor, and she’s proud to have been sorted where she was. She knows that she learned more about what being a good witch truly means from her housemates than she ever would have learned from the more book-loving Ravenclaws.
Hermione never intended to go into politics – she would have been happy mastering various academic disciplines and maybe one day settling at Hogwarts. But Kingsley had other ideas for her, and after she finished up her final year at Hogwarts alongside Ginny (and without Ron & Harry), she didn’t have the heart to refuse Kingsley when he asked her to take a job in his new Ministry that was desperately grasping to reform – and quickly. She’s long since given up hope that there’s any other career path for her, because she knows that walking away before she’s finished making their world a better place is not an option. But sometimes she wonders if Harry is better suited to this job than her – he’s used to people vehemently disagreeing with him, after all. And it’s hard for her to work underneath a Minister that she disagrees with so strongly — Hermione’s never been all that good at holding her tongue, but now it seems that her job often depends on that.
Married to Ron Weasley. Some might think they’re polar opposites, but there really has never been anyone else for Hermione. She knows they bring out the best in each other (and admittedly, sometimes the worst as well, but always in order to work on becoming better people). She just doesn’t see anyone else but Ron.
But also, chemistry is fine too LOL.
Hermione’s parents, Jean and Thomas Granger, both came from small families and were married later in life. After having Hermione, they chose not to have any other children, and she had a childhood that included very little contact with people her own age outside of primary school. All of her cousins were much older than her and her peers never seemed to like her much, so Hermione spent most of her time with the adults in her life or else buried in a book. As a result, Hermione is now often overwhelmed at the enormous size of the family that she married into. She loves the Weasleys and maintains close relationships with them, but she still finds it hard to find her footing among their rambunctious ways. Her parents often left her to her own devices, especially once she began at Hogwarts, so she finds Molly’s tendency to want to be overly involved even in her adult children’s lives to be a little smothering.
Hermione loves being a mother, though. Rose and Hugo are her greatest accomplishments, and she would do anything for them. As unused as she is to a big and bustling family, she loves being a part of it, and is so thankful to the way that the Weasley family has always accepted her as one of their own, especially after she married Ron.
Eighteen and suddenly Hermione is free from the pressures of war that she’s lived under since becoming best friends with the Chosen One. Her formative years all took place under this pressure, so it’s hard for her to really comprehend who she is in a world at peace. In their younger years, there was hope that she could become more relaxed and lighthearted, but now she can’t seem to learn how to laugh again, let alone go anywhere without constantly looking over her shoulder. The months that follow the battle find Hermione living with the Weasleys, unable to face returning to her parents and living with people who just didn’t understand. She spends most of her days that summer at Hogwarts, helping to rebuild the castle in time for another year. The time she isn’t at Hogwarts or the Weasley’s, she’s with Harry, trying to help bring him out of his fits of depression.
When the time comes, Hermione returns to school without her two best guys by her side, but at least she has Ginny. She’s disappointed that Harry and Ron aren’t interested in finishing their education, but she’s not really surprised. Ron was never that motivated anyway, and there are too many ghosts here at Hogwarts for Harry to bear coming back so soon. Without them, though Hogwarts just doesn’t feel the same, and though Hermione’s happy to be back in academia, she’s glad when they finish the year and head out into the real world.
Hermione’s real preference would be getting an apprenticeship of some sort in Arithmancy, Potions, or Transfiguration (or all of them, honestly) and then after she masters those, maybe going into the teaching world. But the Ministry still has a lot of reform to go and she knows they need all the help they can get, so she can’t sit back and watch them flounder when she could offer her determination to the cause. SPEW is still very much near and dear to her heart, so she seeks a job in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. It’s hard for her to find traction, but she stays stubborn and persistent, and slowly she’s able to help implement new regulations that improve the lives of many magical creatures, including House Elves.
Hermione and Ron became serious from the moment they kissed in the Battle of Hogwarts, immediately becoming an item afterwards. They never actually had a define-the-relationship sort of conversation, they just fell into each other, like they had always hoped they might. Their relationship wasn’t instantly easier now that they were able to admit they were in love with each other, but it did help both of their insecurities to die down a bit. They were married only a couple of years after Hermione graduated from Hogwarts, much to Molly’s delight and Harry’s slight chagrin. They decided to wait for a couple of years at least to have children, though, because Hermione wanted to advance enough in her career to make a difference before being tied down in that way.
When Ron and Hermione did begin trying for children, she found it difficult to conceive, but after a few years of trying to be patient and not agonize over it, Rose was born, and Hugo followed a couple of years after that. Hermione was delighted to be a parent, and while it wasn’t necessarily the big family she imagined, it was her family, and she loved them dearly. She was happy to have so many nieces and nephews for her children to grow up surrounded by, and weekly dinners at the Burrow were a time that everyone looked forward to.
Eventually, Hermione found herself working her way up in the Ministry (albeit somewhat unintentionally – she was just quick to offer opinions on things, and since she was a part of the Golden Trio, people tended to listen to her and take notice). She was eventually promoted to the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, where she did a lot of good getting rid of some outdated and truly atrocious laws that were in place.
Hermione was never naive enough to believe that darkness wouldn’t creep its’ way back in, even with all of the reform that their world has done. Still, it’s surprising and unsettling the way that things have developed, especially considering the restrictions that are being put in place to keep Hermione’s two worlds separate.
0 notes
matskreider-blog · 7 years
How about “I can’t stand how they’re looking at you.” for Pekka/Juuse or “You’re an idiot. I’m an idiot. We’re the co-presidents of the Idiot Club.” for Mats/Chris? 😇 I love your writing btw!
awwwh thank you nonny!! once again, when y’all say “or” i see “both, must do both” so here we are!
8. “I can’t stand how they’re looking at you.” boss & baby au.
Juuse is the Boss’ property.
(Not that Pekka would ever put that into words, but the sentiment is apparent. Juuse is his own person and can make his own decisions, but a slight against him is a slight against Pekka, a mistake very few can afford to make.)
But, like with all rare and prized possessions, they become distanced from their original purpose, and instead turn into a symbol. They’re hosting a few guests from Finland, that Pekka had been entertaining since they’d arrived the night prior. Juuse hadn’t made any appearances thus far, on Pekka’s request.
At first he’d wondered if it was because Pekka was ashamed of him, but that thought had been shut down rather quickly. Then, he’d been asked to dress to impress, and to come out to dinner with them. They’d be going to a restaurant of Pekka’s choosing, and they’d be arriving together.
He chose one of his favorite dresses, floor length and a deep blue to match Pekka’s tie. When he makes his way down the stairs to the foyer, where Pekka was waiting for him, he’s greeted with a low whistle. “You like?” he asks as he comes to the foot of the stairs.
Pekka makes a motion for him to turn around, and he does, revealing the low cut back of the dress. Juuse shivers as he feels Pekka’s fingers trailing up his bare skin, but he obediently stands still.
“You look stunning, little one,” Pekka murmurs, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the back of Juuse’s neck, before fastening a thin diamond choker around his neck. “Are you ready?”
Juuse touches the choker, still in disbelief that this is the turn his life took. “Do you think they’ll like me, Daddy?”
“I think they’ll adore you, sweetheart. Now, your chariot awaits,” he says, offering his arm. Juuse laughs and takes it. They get to the restaurant – one of the many Pekka controls – and slip in the side entrance. The table is filled, save for a chair at the head of the table, and one immediately to the chair’s left. They approach the table, and the meaningless chatter goes silent.
“Gentlemen, this is my Juuse. I do hope you’ll be on your best behavior,” Pekka says as he pulls out Juuse’s chair, letting him sit down. He introduces himself to the baby faced Finn next to him, finding out that his name is Olli and that he’s not much older than Juuse. They converse amicably for a few minutes. The food and wine flows freely, as does conversation. It’s relaxing for Juuse to be able to speak as much Finnish as he pleases. Even after his years in America, he still struggles with his accent when he speaks English, and it keeps him quiet. Now, he feels like he belongs.  
He also feels the way some of the older Finns further down the table keep looking at him throughout the meal. He’s torn about telling Pekka about it, but it appears that he’s noticed it enough himself.
“Some people can be so rude,” he mutters to Juuse, who puts his wine glass back down with a confused look.
“How do you mean, Daddy?”
“I can’t stand the way they’re looking at you. Who taught them any sort of manners?” Pekka says just loud enough for the offending parties to hear and quickly redirect their attention elsewhere. “I do hope that they know enough not to touch what isn’t theirs.”
“Of course, Daddy,” Juuse murmurs, sliding his hand over and taking Pekka’s fingers into his grip. “I don’t think they would try anything.”
“They better not, but I wouldn’t be opposed to showing them just who it is that you belong to, right sweetheart?” The possessive language is for the others, Juuse knows this, but he wouldn’t mind a reminder. He guides Pekka’s hand off the table and down to the slit in his dress, letting him feel his bare skin.
“I wouldn’t mind,” he murmurs, meeting Pekka’s gaze. His fingers trail higher, and Juuse can’t repress the shiver. Especially when he moves his hand to the inside of Juuse’s thigh.
It’s going to be a good night.
12. “You’re an idiot. I’m an idiot. We’re the co-presidents of the Idiot Club.” normal verse, trans!mats.
Chris is home for all of 30 seconds before Mats is coming downstairs with a carefully guarded expression on his face. He waits just long enough for Chris to take his jacket off before burrowing into his chest and sighing, shaky and uncertain, into the fabric of his sweater. Strong arms wrap around him, pulling him in close, and he wonders what the hell happened while he was gone. Chris waits for a few moments, and then he hears Mats mumble, “You smell good.”
It gets him a soft laugh, before Chris leans back enough to say, “Thank you, I try for that every day. You okay though?”
Mats looks up at him, wide eyes looking tired, if not tearful, even as he shakes his head. “Mom called today.”
Chris groans inwardly, already knowing how this went. Mats’ mom wasn’t necessarily the most supportive, but she didn’t hesitate to use her “child” – she refused to call Mats her son – to prove that she wasn’t a bigot. It…wasn’t the nicest of relationships, and calls from her always drained Mats. So he picks Mats up, getting no protests from the Norwegian, and carries him over to their bed, curling up under the covers with him. Sometimes he wanted to talk about it afterwards, and sometimes he didn’t.
Today, it seemed like a “hug the empty husk of my boyfriend and hope he comes back soon” kind of day. So Chris does, pulling Mats in close and hugging him tightly. “You know I love you,” he murmurs after a few moments of silence. “So fucking much. The boys do too, in a different way. And you belong. You always have.”
Mats grabs fistfuls of his sweater, but doesn’t say anything else for a good long while. Chris, having said his piece, is content to relax in bed with him, in silence. Eventually, their apartment turns orange from the glow of the setting winter sun. Chris is awake, as calm as he can be knowing that Mats is somewhere, deep inside right now, and it’s up to him when he chooses to speak again.
“Mats,” he murmurs softly. “We need to eat something. I’m gonna go grab some food, okay? Think we have leftovers I can reheat.” Mats doesn’t respond, he didn’t think he would, and when he tries to slide out of Mats’ embrace, he lets him. He kisses his forehead as he departs, wandering into the kitchen and hoping he doesn’t have to do too much.
In the end, he only finds some leftover steak, which is too heavy for Chris, but maybe Mats would want some? He closes the fridge and looks over to ask, but instead Mats is there, holding a blanket around his shoulders. He hopes he covers his jump of surprise, but Mats’ blank expression doesn’t do much to answer.
“We have steak, or I could make pancakes or something…?”
“…pancakes are fine,” Mats mumbles, shuffling closer and leaning against Chris. He wraps an arm around him as he moves sideways, pulling out the stuff he needed with one hand.
“Want blueberries or anything in them?” He feels Mats shake his head against his chest, and he nods, setting to work. Somehow, he’s able to make a pretty damn good batch of pancakes, and he takes their plates and the syrup that Mats likes – the real stuff, as opposed to the sugary fake stuff that Chris was raised on – over to the bed. They sit on the edge, legs spread onto the floor towards the windows as they eat.
It takes a little bit longer of peaceful eating before Mats sets his plate aside and snuggles back up to Chris. “…Am I an idiot for thinking that she’s ever going to listen to me? And, like…actually care?” Mats mumbles, and Chris’ heart breaks.
“No, no, babe. Not at all. It’s normal to hope that your mom will come around.”
“I just feel like…hoping for that is so stupid.”
“If you’re stupid for hoping for that, then mark me down as a downright ignoramus,” Chris responds. At that, Mats snorts and looks up at him.
“I think you made up that word. But…wait why do you say that?”
“Babe, I see how much it hurts you every time. Of course I’m going to hope that she comes around. I don’t like seeing you hurt.”
Mats is quiet, and when Chris looks down, he’s wiping his eyes with the blanket wrapped around his shoulders. “I hate you for making me so emotional.”
“No, you don’t. But I meant it. If you’re an idiot, I’m an idiot. We’re the co-presidents of the Idiot Club. Tell Brady and Jimmy to watch out, we’re gunning for their title,” Chris says, and that gets an approximation of the laugh Chris had been waiting all day to hear.
“Love you, Chris.”
“Love you too, short stuff.”
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