#or spread misinformation about marginalized groups they know nothing about that actively harm's privileged people's perceptions
the-adas · 6 months
people who hate tiktok wholeheartedly and yet use tumblr like a perfect news source are the funniest breed of people to me
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thatheathen · 3 years
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TERF’s are insufferable antagonistic cyber harassers.
This type anti-trans rhetoric by these hateful fake feminists are why trans youth want to commit suicide or what increases their depression. This targeted cyber-bullying doesn’t “detransition” anyone as that population is in the 0.00 bracket which isn’t growing as like they you to believe.
Isn’t that their goal to get trans kids to de-transition? Do all you ghoulish transphobes want trans youth to harm themselves? You’re part of the problem if that’s the case. It’s not up to you in how others see or express themselves that isn’t harming anyone else. Being trans is not inherently dangerous in any way. TERF rhetoric and their hate mobs are dangerous. White Supremacists are dangerous. Conservatives and GOP members who commit more sexual assaults in bathrooms are dangerous. Proud Boys literally call for violence on trans women and TERF’s are ok with that.
And this isn’t my view here it’s just a fact; TERF’s are actively contributing to the transgender violence they believe they’re not apart of — as the transphobia, transmisogyny, transmisandry, and misogyny towards any kind of cisgender women is all violence. It leads to suicide, suicide attempts, or murder.
Bigots of all stripes are only getting more aggressive as LGBTQ rights become more established. This to TERF’s is oppression or erasing what it is to be a man or woman. Imagine that? Imagine thinking trans adults and non-binary teens have any structural power over anyone else? Wild huh?
That’s the difference between us and the TERF/Gender Critical hate groups. We’re not trying to erase anyone’s identity by using the state or harass them into self-harm online based on their gender expression. We don’t do this as much as Dave Chappelle wants you to believe. And to my mind (at least) any hate group disguised as some justifiable force of good, or legitimate movement, that targets marginalized groups do not deserve any civility.
You are not obligated to interact with hateful people or convert them. Tell them to fuck off. That doesn’t make you mean or a cruel person. I get enough threats from terfs and other transphobes to know there’s nothing I could do or say that can match a TERF’s or literal fascist’s privileged position of power. It’s just not the same. They make this evident and clear with their own words.
TERF’s are a hate group. TERF is fascist, it’s in the DNA. TERF’s perpetuate transgender violence through their cyber bullying, going onto rightwing media, and spreading misinformation about trans women specifically building fear into people who are probably genuinely curious to learn about trans people. Especially curious parents who only want what’s best for their kid. But some will stumble across PragerU anti-trans videos that are full of anti-science and meager research deliberately lying for profit and to stir up controversy in hopes policies are written amongst the culture war nonsense. TERF’s are vile bigots and are not just bigots towards queer folk. Remember that.
TERFS will NOT erase us [trans people], but we will erase and smash their toxic violent ideology enough to where all transphobes will feel unsafe to be so cruel and and spew all this hate; a projection of their insecurities. Transphobes ought to be fearful of getting charged with hate crimes or fired from their job cuz nobody wants a hateful weirdo running amok in polite society. Watch as they take “smashing TERF ideology” as “violence against cis women” binding their body and gender into transphobia as if it’s a personality trait. I see through you.
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