#or someone will say something like nashvul. murvul. cookevul. knoxvul. and she has to 'teach them' to speak 'properly'
cuntwrap--supreme ยท 2 days
Having to explain to my 57 year old mother that, no, it is not funny to send me photos of a clearly exhausted woman at the airport at 3am who had an accent she thinks makes her stupid. Like. Just tell me what she said that was funny. I don't need a series of photos of this woman exhaustedly explaining to your coworkers what she needs.
#we've been in the south for 20+ years and she still corrects people on pronunciations and thinks southern accent = stupidity#watched her have an entire meltdown over my brother saying 'y'all' a few weeks ago#fully threatened to slap the kid if he didn't stop the 'hillbilly nonsense'#like dude. you're the one who had kids in tennessee. you cannot get mad if they say y'all.#or someone will say something like nashvul. murvul. cookevul. knoxvul. and she has to 'teach them' to speak 'properly'#who is it hurting if someone says shebvul instead of Shelbyville?#does everyone else know what's being said? cool. then ignore it and move on.#go back to the midwest where you can act superior to everyone else with your 'neutral american accent'#people speak differently everywhere. ps i know you're fighting that southern illinois plainsbilly accent. i hear it sometimes.#bitch wholly forced herself to sound less like she's from southern IL because she thinks they sound unintelligent too#it's wild#accents#southern accent#classism#probably#since she thinks cool rich people don't have accents#racism#also 100%. because she'll make fun of black people for saying finna over white people for saying y'all any day.#and i get it. she's only this way because she's a miserable person.#but at some point she has to admit SHE is the problem and like... work on that?#she's just so miserable and makes it anyone else's problem. it's exhausting.#she apparently ruined my grandma's funeral by throwing a random hissy fit and calling everyone fuckers and cunts#i was not there bc the whole family went to hawaii for it????? and that was simply wildly unaffordable.#but yeah. she explained it and it all boiled down to 'no one cared about my input so i caused a huge scene that almost got me disowned'#wild shit. horribly dysfunctional woman. it's surprising I'm half as together as i am having been raised by her.
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