#or maybe just be done with it because one thing for certain I won't ACTUALLY be missed whatsoever lmao
mobolanz · 9 months
Y'know what.... maybe I don't really want to have anything to do with here until further notice.
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weird-is-life · 5 months
Shouldn't I want you?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Summary: Spencer lets you break up with him, thinking he is not enough for you
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: angst, happy ending, arguments, mentions of ice-cream, lots of tears, swear words, use of y/n and pet names, mentions of Spencer being in prison
Spencer has been acting weird lately. And you don't know why. He's been so distant. Making different excuses on why he couldn't make it to the dates.
He's also started texting you less and less. And the calls just seem forced from your side, like he doesn't even want to speak with you while away on cases.
It's honestly breaking your heart, and maybe that's Spencer's plan. To just break your heart so you would break up with him.
It's making you so anxious that you wait everyday for the text from him that will say 'It's over. I'm breaking up with you.' But it doesn't come, and you don't know what to think of it. You don't even know why would he want to break up. You don't think that you've done anything wrong, and you are very certain that Spencer hasn't done anything wrong either. This whole thing is just so unusual.
On the one hand, Spencer is almost ghosting you, but on the other hand he doesn't want to break up? You are so confused about the whole situation.
You are crying over the break-up that hasn't even happened yet, watching your tv with a big bowl of ice cream in your lap. Spencer's supposed to come home today from a case, but you know he's not going to come to your apartment. He hasn't done that in the last few weeks, not since he's started being so distant.
So you sit in a pit of your tears, cheesy rom-coms and a bucket of ice cream. Suddenly, there's a knock on your door, and looking at the clock you know exactly who it is.
You panic, you didn't expect him to come. You quickly wipe your tears away, and hide the ice cream in the freezer. You know that you look puffy anyways as you open the door with a big sigh and a fake smile.
Spencer, of course, sees right through it.
"Hi- what's wrong?" Spencer immediately asks with a frown. He pushes you gently out of the doorway, and steps inside too as he closes the door.
"N-nothing," you lie, trying to force a smile on your face, "what...what are you doing here?"
A quick flash of hurt and confusion passes over Spencer's face, "I wanted to see you."
You suck in a shaky breath,"oh."
"Oh?" Spencer asks, baffled. "Seriously sweetheart, what's wrong?"
"Don't-Don't call me that," you whisper, eyes on the ground.
"What?" Spencer's eyes go wide, "I shouldn't call you sweetheart?"
You sigh, and look up at Spencer. He looks so lost by what you mean, and for a split of a second you think good, let him be confused. You've been confused for the last few weeks because of him. But then you remember that it's Spencer, still very much the Spencer you love.
"Yes, you shouldn't," you sniffle a little, "because it's only hurting me more."
"I-" Spencer starts.
"Spencer, just let me finish. I think that we both know that you don't want to be in a relationship with me anymore. So please Spencer, let's just not do this anymore. I can't keep going on like this, it's-it's just too much. It hurts too much," you say, your cheeks wet with tears yet again.
Spencer stays quiet, it's actually one of the rare times that he doesn't know what to say, and it just breaks your heart even more.
"Y-you won't even say anything? No reason why?" your voice breaks in the middle of the sentence. But looking at Spencer's teary eyes and completely shut mouth, you know, you two are done.
"I-It's over, Spencer. Please just go, you can come take your things some other day," you don't even wait for him to say anything. You go open the door and look anywhere, but him while he slowly leaves.
You don't have the courage to look at him. You hear him sniffle, but don't look. You can't see his broken face, it would be even worse than it already is.
Spencer leaves, and you slam the door shut behind him. It feels like your heart is being cut open by millions of tiny glass pieces as soon as the door closes.
You barely manage to walk towards the couch before you break down. Sobs violently shaking with your body.
A few days go by, and it's only when you don't pick up your phone on like the 20th try does Penelope march into your apartment.
You reluctantly open the door after she knocks, and knocks, insisting she's not leaving until you open the door.
"Hi," you greet her, and you immediately notice her slightly shocked face at the sight of you. And you get it. You haven't slept properly for the last few days, and the almost constant tears can't help either.
"Oh my gosh, honey, come here," Penelope instantly pulls you into an embrace, and you melt into it like a puddle.
She squeezes you tightly until you're ready to let go. "Pen, what...what are you doing here? Did Spencer send you?"
"Don't even say his name. He's in big, big trouble," she says in her own angry way. A small smile appears on your face when she says it.
"I can't believe he's done this. He can be such an idiot sometimes even if he really is a genius," you don't argue with that, but you don't want to talk about Spencer either. He's been on your mind enough as it is right now.
"Can we...can we not talk about it? I just want to get over it, and move on as soon as possible, "you sigh. You let Penelope in, and you want to make her go sit down to the living room while you make the tea, but she insists on staying in the kitchen with you.
"Believe me, honey, I wouldn't want to talk about Spencer if it wasn't important," she starts, and your mind immediately goes to the worst possible scenario.
Seeing your wide, worried eyes she adds, "he's okay. He's just stupid, that's all."
"Yeah," you agree quietly, even if you know that it's not true. Spencer maybe used to be clueless about things like relationships, but that has changed. He was never clueless in your relationship.
"Oh sweetheart, " Penelope rubs your shoulder in comfort, "I could beat him up for making you so sad."
Her very serious tone makes you let out a small chuckle. You and her both know that she wouldn't even hurt a fly let alone Spencer, her dear friend.
"Thanks, Penny, but it's okay, I'm okay. Spencer didn't want to be with me anymore, and i-i made my peace with that or-or at least i will eventually."
"But that's just it. That's what I came here to tell you. Spencer loves you, and he just let dumb people with dumb opinions get to his head," you almost burn yourself with the warm water for the tea when you hear her words.
"What do you mean?" you quizz. You forget about the tea, and turn to her.
"He'd heard some people talk about you and him. Some colleagues saw you two together somewhere, and started gossiping. He heard them say that you're too good for him with him being in prison and all-"
"What? That's just ridiculous," you exclaim, you've never heard such a bullshit before.
Of course, you know that Spencer was in prison, but you also know he was innocent. You knew Spencer even before he went to prison, and maybe he did change a bit, but he was still the same Spencer. The Spencer you've always been in love with.
"Exactly, I told him the same, but he wouldn't listen, " she looks sympathetically at you, "I think that Spencer just loves you so much that he's willing to let you go for better or worse."
You are stunned. You stand there absolutely baffled, and Penelope just looks at you with understanding. It takes you good few minutes to finally say something.
"You knew about this?" you question as you head towards the door with Penelope on your heels.
"No, I found out yesterday otherwise I would have told you sooner," you quickly put on your shoes as you listen to her.
"I know you would. Thank you for telling me this, Pen. You're the best," you give her a tight hug.
"He's at home right now," she tells you, you appreciatively smile at her, and basically run to your car with Spencer on your mind.
When Spencer opens his door, you instantly push yourself inside. You don't give him even a second to react, protest or say anything.
"Spencer Reid!" you start angrily. "I can't fucking believe you. You let us break up over some stupid gossip? And you didn't even tell me?" You say, hurt.
"It's not stupid, it's true-" Spencer starts calmly, a complete contrast to you. But on the inside he feels like he's going to pass out. It was already hard for him without seeing you, but now it feels like hundred times worse.
"Like hell it is!" you argue. "Spencer of course you're enough for me. I don't care what anyone says. It's not even true anyways. I don't care that you've been in prison, i don't care about any of it."
"But it is true. I'm no good for you. You can do so much better, sweetheart. Like look at me," he gestures towards himself, " I'm such a mess, my life is always messy. You don't deserve this kind of life, you deserve so so much better. You don't deserve to be waiting late at night for me to come home, wondering if i even come home. I can't let you have that kind of life. I'm not worth it."
Finally, Spencer lets the tears go down his cheeks freely. He knows what he is giving up by breaking up with you. He'd planned his whole life with you by his side. But it's better this way. Well that's at least what he is telling himself anyway.
"Don't you get it, Spencer?" you laugh dryly from the frustration, "I don't want better. I don't want anyone else. I just want you. I want you, Spence."
You sniffle slightly, and look at Spencer with hopeless eyes begging him to understand.
"You shouldn't, sweetheart, you shouldn't want me," Spencer tells you helplessly, running his hands through his hair.
You take a brave step towards him.
"Why shouldn't I?" you start. "Shouldn't I want the sweetest, the kindest person I know in my life? Shouldn't I want to be with the person that makes me smile, and makes my heart go fast? Shouldn't I want to be with somebody I completely trust? Shouldn't I want my best friend in my life forever? Shouldn't I want somebody who I feel safe with? Shouldn't I be with somebody I love the most?"
"So Spencer you tell me? Shouldn't i? Shouldn't i want you?" your cheeks are wet from the flowing tears, too.
Spencer shakes his head. You're impossible. How could he ever think that you'd just get over him without questioning why. He should have known better than that.
Spencer takes the final step that's between you two, and softly wipes away the tears from your puffy cheeks.
"I just want what's best for you," he whispers with a broken voice. Looking right into your watery eyes.
"Then let me have you!" You point at his chest with a sniffle. You see Spencer's face soften, like he finally understands.
Spencer's hands move from your cheeks to your hips, and he pulls you closer to him. "A-are you sure?"
"Spencer, you're unbelievable, " you say, vexed, "there's no one else for me Spence. No one."
Your words are the final thing for Spencer to breakdown, to allow himself to be with you. He pulls you towards him, hugging you oh so tightly. He hides his face into the space between your neck and shoulder. You feel the wetness of his tears run down your skin.
"There's no one else for me, too," he whispers into your shoulder. You hum in agreement, not ready to say anything yet.
After a few minutes you pull away, caressing Spencer's cheek you smile at him. "I love you," you mumble, "Please don't ever let people get to your head like this. At least not without telling me, yeah?"
"Yeah," Spencer says in hushed voice, leaning into your gentle touch. "I love you, thank you for not letting me be an idiot."
You both chuckle, sniffling, and it finally feels like it's all going to be okay. Like your worlds won't be ending after all.
You and Spencer go snuggle on his couch, content to be near each other again after the few days apart, and even if you know that there's still a conversation to be held tomorrow, you feel happy.
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harzilla · 7 days
So I love me some romance but I also love platonic love. Like you can love somebody but not BE in love with them. I just like watching friends willing to be petty for you. Cause you know they would.
I was thinking about this with the house wardens/dorm leaders and thought of an idea. Somebody decides to pull a prank. Maybe it's done because they're trying to be funny or maybe it's done to be vindictive.
But imagine one day you find what appears to be some kind of gift with a love note. Could have been stuck in your desk or left on the doorstep of ramshackle. Wherever you find it, it's clearly labeled for you. You read the note and it appears to be a love confession from one of the dorm leaders! Even apparently signed by them. Except you immediately clock that the love confession is a load of bull. Because one. You happen to be friends with said dorm leader and he's never shown any romantic behavior towards you and two... This letter and gift? Absolutely something they'd never do. Whoever tried did a pretty poor job of imitating them.
Riddle? Letter doesn't sound like he wrote it at all. He has an extremely polite and carefully worded ways to write and y'all know that's not how the queen of hearts rules dictate how to confess your feelings! How could somebody not give you the proper 16 roses per rule #41 of "The Queen's rulebook of traditional romanticism, courting, and all things hat making" revised edition #2. Showing Riddle and he's more upset then you are! How dare somebody pull such a tasteless prank, what disrespect towards you and him! You're not actually hurt by it but you still appreciate his concern. Afterwards he offers to burn it for you, but you end up showing Ace and Deuce and the three of you spend the evening mocking whoever tried to prank you while enjoying a leftover tart while Riddle is looking into how to discipline the perpetrator.
They really thought they could try to make you think Leona would write something so sappy? What are they, stupid? The lion rolling his eyes before dusting the stupid fake love note with his UM after reading just one paragraph because, God it's written so badly he's almost offended by reading such garbage. You want him to dust the flowers for you as well? If not you can go dump them in the dorm's kitchen trash. Don't be surprised if you find out later that Ruggie pranked the perp because Leona was irritated by the ass who pulled him in this.
Azul, who you already know he ain't interested in love. You know full well if he was interested he'd have planned something better then this, you know how much he calculates and plans things. So you end up showing Azul the love letter and of course he didn't write it. Floyd and Jade who end up in the office and of course they're going to tease. "Oh Azul, you suuurreee you don't have a crush on shrimpy?" Jade and Floyd who grab the letter and Floyd starts reading it out loud. The two really getting into the dramatic flare. Floyd who throws himself on the couch as he declares his "love as deep as the sea" ohh whooo is he! Won't you take pity on this sad eels heart? You and Azul who end up both laughing afterwards. Don't be surprised if you notice Jade or Floyd seem to be really interested in a certain student these days, I wonder why?
You really think Kalim of all people would confess with a letter? Does the prankster know Kalim at all? Kalim, who offered you a 15,000 madol carpet for free the other day because he thought the color reminded him of Grim's ears? That Kalim? He's not sure why somebody would pull this as a prank, but your feelings aren't hurt are they? Please talk Kalim down from offering you a shiny new piece or jewelry or trinket to cheer you up. He'll give you something much nicer so you'll feel happy every time you see it.
Is the person trying to prank you trying to humiliate you by using Vil? The guy is already used to being typecast as a villain and somebody tried to use him to hurt you. Well, congrats because they just activated Vil's petty diva mode. The guy knows how to work social media and he's gonna be vague posting just enough that his fans will know what he's posting about and it'd be absolute social destruction if the prankster is ever stupid enough to admit what they did.
Welp. The prankster is getting doxed. The Shrouds can be pretty damn petty when they want to and Idia is no exception. First Idia's shocked, you don't think he wrote it right? No? Ohh good. Because he'd never write something that cringe and why would he write it on a letter when email or text would be just as good? Not that he would though! The perp can run but he can't hide because this amateur thinks he can try some weak prank? You got a genius like him and one of the most powerful AI's in the world via Ortho as friends. Give them an hour at most and the perp and every embarrassing thing they can find about him is going to blasted over every digital screen in NRC.
Oh dear oh dear. They really didn't think this through before trying to use Malleus in a prank? Another one you have to calm down. He doesn't like the idea of your feelings be used for another's amusement at all. You're thankfully he doesn't seem to be angry but then you recognize that look and ohh, "No Malleus I'd rather you not curse whoever tried to prank me. Please don't turn them into a slug." He might pout about it afterwards though. Revenge comes later in the form of Sebek. You don't have to say a thing because everybody will find out somebody was stupid and pathetic enough to try to use Malleus Draconia of all people in a mean spirited prank. Congrats, hope the perp looks forward to the paranoia of what Malleus will do to them if they're ever caught.
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firewasabeast · 28 days
can you do a part two of the eddie thinks tommy's cheating but he's buying a ring fic? this time tommy is actually proposing to evan but it doesn't go the way he planned with eddie, or something? maybe he confused evan by saying this isn't how it went when he proposed to eddie? idk just thinking!
part one can be found here
“Evan... Evan...” Tommy was staring out the window by the kitchen sink. He had just finished washing a couple dishes and pulled the ring box out of his pocket, now practicing the way he'd begin his proposal. “Evan... Evan?”
Tommy jumped, whipping around.
“Evan!” he exclaimed, wide eyed. “You're home.” He'd been so into trying out his proposal he hadn't heard the door.
Buck's eyebrows furrowed. “Yeah. Isn't that why you were saying my name?”
“Oh, um, yeah, I- I just thought you wouldn't be back from Maddie's until later.” He had his hands behind his back, trying to stuff the box into his back pocket. It was not subtle.
“Jee started running a little fever so I headed home early. Tommy, what are you doing?”
Tommy stilled. The box was in his pocket, but just barely. “Fixing my pants,” he answered weakly. “They were falling.”
“Well it's not like I'd mind if they did,” Buck replied, throwing Tommy a cheeky (cheesy) wink. “In fact, it's been a little too long since they have.” He started toward Tommy, which only made Tommy's heart pick up speed. He knew that look. That was Evan's “I wanna grab your ass” look and the one thing he could not do right now is grab Tommy's ass.
Before Buck could reach him, Tommy plastered himself against the countertop and began a sideways scoot to get around him. “I've, um, I have to pee,” he said, motioning toward the bathroom. Never turning away from Buck, he shuffled to the half bath near the entryway and shut himself inside.
It was suspicious. He knew it. There was no simple way of talking himself out of this one. Tommy never denied Evan an ass-grab. It was one of his favorite things, actually.
Sure enough, Evan was at the door in seconds.
“Tommy, are you okay?” Buck asked through the bathroom door. “You're acting weird.”
“I'm fine. Just need to pee.”
“Are you sure? Did something happen? I- Is there... Is there something stuck, you know, up there?”
“Oh my God! No!”
“Because if there is, it- it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It happens a lot. Like a lot. You know that.”
Tommy flung the door back open, giving Buck an exasperated stare. “There is nothing stuck up my butt, Evan. Thank you for your concern.”
“Then why are you acting so strange?” Buck asked. “You know I won't give up until I find out the truth. That's how my brain works, Tommy, I will look over every inch of your body until I find the problem. And if the problem isn't on the outside, I will make you get every scan done to find out what's wrong on the inside, so you better-”
“Okay!” Tommy took a step out of the bathroom and brought his hands to Buck's jaw, rubbing his thumb over his cheeks. “Okay,” he repeated before leaning in for a kiss. Buck sighed into it, relaxing a bit. Even when Tommy pulled away, he kept his eyes closed for a couple extra seconds, like he was waiting for more. “Will you wait for me in the living room?” Tommy asked. “I'll be out in a second.”
Buck tilted his head. “Will you tell me what's wrong then?”
“Nothing's wrong,” Tommy reassured him, “but yes, I will.”
“Okay.” Buck gave him another peck. “But if you're not out in two minutes I'm calling for an ambulance.”
Tommy gave himself a minute in the bathroom to take deep, cleansing breaths. After that he stood straight, looked himself in the mirror, rolled his shoulders, and gave himself a nod. He didn't have much more time. He knew if he wasn't out soon that Evan would actually called 911 and that would be a new level of embarrassing.
He opened the door and peeked his head out, making sure Evan wasn't right there.
Once he was certain Evan was in the living room, he called out, “Just close your eyes for a minute, okay?”
There was a pause, then, “Tommy, honestly, what is going on? Did... Did you buy that doctor costume we talked about? Cause, um, if so, I- I'd like my eyes to be open.”
Tommy rolled his eyes. “No, Evan. Just close them? Please?”
“Fine. Okay, they're closed.”
“I promise.”
Tommy walked quietly out to the living room, getting into position and taking one final deep breath before beginning. “Okay, you can open your eyes.”
When Buck opened his eyes, it took him a second to register that Tommy was kneeling in front of him, on one knee, with a little box in his hand. “What- Oh my God!”
“Evan, growing up I never-”
Tommy's mouth hung open as he was stopped mid sentence. “Wh- I'm sorry, what?”
Evan was nodding rapidly. He scooted off the couch until he was kneeling in front of Tommy, on both of his knees, reaching out for any piece of him he could hold onto. “Yes. I'm saying yes!”
“I- I didn't even do my speech.” Even through his shock, tears came to Tommy's eyes. Because Evan had said yes! He said yes!!
“I don't need it. If you're asking, I'm saying yes.”
“I'm asking,” Tommy assured him. “I'm definitely asking.”
“Then you've got an answer.”
Tommy shook his head as he went to pull the ring from the box. “This went way different with Eddie,” he muttered out between sniffs.
“What are you talking about?” Buck asked with a laugh, wiping a tear off his face. “Did you propose to Eddie?”
“He had me fake propose to him, give him the whole speech so I knew it'd be perfect for you.”
“Well,” Buck grabbed Tommy face, bringing him in for a wet kiss, “it... was... perfect,” he said between kisses.
“You don't even know what it was!” Tommy exclaimed, laughing now too, even as he continued to cry.
Buck leaned back and cleared his throat, trying to contain his excitement. “Okay, so, um, what was it then?”
Tommy opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, laughing harder now. “I don't remember! Something about your smile, and thinking about you when I wake up and go to sleep. But it was really good, I promise! You'll have to ask Eddie about it.”
“I will,” Buck promised. He couldn't get rid of the smile on his face. “But for now will you put the damn ring on my finger?”
“Oh my God, yes!” Tommy dropped the box to the side and held out the ring. “It's got morse code on the inside,” he said, tilting it so Evan could see.
Buck blinked a few times to clear his eyes. “I-L-Y.” A new wave of tears began to spill. “Tommy, th- this is the sweetest thing ever. I love you so much.”
He lifted his shaking hand and Tommy held onto it carefully as he slipped the ring on. “I love you, Evan.”
They pulled each other close again, sitting up on their knees as they wrapped their arms around one another and kissed. It went from sweet to hot pretty quickly, both of them moaning into it until Tommy was pulling back with his hands gripped on Evan's waist. “I love you so much, Evan, but I gotta be honest,” a flash of worry came over Buck until Tommy continued, “I cannot kneel like this anymore. My knees are killing me.”
Buck laughed loudly, his head tossing back and face scrunching up. “Let's go to the bedroom,” he suggested, his own knees popping as he stood.
Tommy nodded, letting Buck help to pull him up. “To the bedroom.”
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: I thought I wasn't going to have strong opinions about the Laios-Shuro fight, but...
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Laios was right about this! Yes, they had 2 physical fights first, but it's important to note that Laios was right about this!
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^ -man who would literally kill to stay in this room and observe this private conversation.
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Sir, your unfaltering little wide-eyed, amiable smile while seriously considering topics that are obviously un-smile-worth has charmed me utterly. I wish to study you like an climate-entomologist yearns for the butterfly that causes storms.
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She seems fine.
If I start screencapping Laios's and Marcille's faces in this fight, I will never stop because literally every panel is devasting.
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Kuro has done distinctly the most damage so far this fight, just stabbing and gnawing, and I think we should recognize and appreciate that fact.
I really miss the animation we got of Rin's lightning blast slicing narrowly past Laios.
I love how fast, if reluctantly, Laios accepts that if - not, that Falin is a true "monster", inhuman and hurting people relentlessly and unapologetically, and thus she needs to be killed before she kills them, like any other monster. I also love that Marcille doesn't accept this. Characters!
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+1 to qualification to kingship! Kabru is one again surprised (you can tell by how he's not smiling) (though this might also be due to the significant injuries he just took).
I do have several emotions about how Falin immediately yanks away and kills Kabru, without touching Laios. That's her brother!!
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I really like this little cluster because it says to me that Shuro still has very good "do what Marcille says when she abruptly shouts magic-related directions in combat" instincts. He's a mirror of the "You're already on the Christmas card, buddy" meme - more like, "You're still on the Christmas card." Just like Namari: no one really stops being fond of, and battle companions with, these weirdos.
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I think the most painful part of this probably is that Marcille isn't certain. Maybe this IS her fault. At minimum, she knows she might have mixed the dragon's soul into Falin's, which enabled this even if it didn't create it. But she can't 100% rule out the possibility that it's more her fault than that - which is, of course, the absolute worst thing to say to all of these people looking at her violently askance for using dark magic.
yeahhhhhh "Lunatic Magician" REALLY lacks the oomph of "Mad Mage"
ANGRY LAIOS! It's such a rare expression on him, it's exciting to see.
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Yesss look at my man Chilchuck use available tools in his environment and save this little goober who thinks it's cool to resent adults.
I really like how they show the social consequences of dark magic. Much beyond Shuro's anger: the other mages are now shutting Marcille down, especially where resurrection magic is concerned. She's made herself untrusted by her peers, whether or not the magic she used on Falin is truly "evil."
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I really enjoy the, like, narratively obligatory, not actually real (well, maybe to Rin) "will they-won't they" between Kabru and Rin. In the story that this isn't, where Kabru is the protagonist with his quirky gang of found family who are helping him save the island and prevent another bloodbath like in his angsty backstory, she IS the One (Human) Female on the Team who is obviously his love interest - often the first to challenge him, battle mage rather than healer ie a Strong Female Character who nonetheless doesn't use unfeminine brute force, forced by happenstance to kiss...
Alas! Kabru is not the protagonist of this story, so Rin shall remain disappointed.
Also this montage of people healing and reuniting while in the background Laios and Shuro whale on each other remains SO funny. Flawless comedic timing.
Alright, hot take time: I feel like all the debate I've seen about the Shuro/Laios fight depict it as revealing the friendship basically shattered, and never real in the first place. Whereas I'm mostly warmed by how real it clearly was despite everything that just happened?
Shuro is operating on no food and less sleep, desperate to save the woman he idolizes without truly understanding her loves, who is now apparently a monster who nearly slaughtered his most loyal followers. In the past like 2 weeks, Laios has: watched his sister die to save his life (his little sister, whom he is supposed to protect), walked headfirst into a nigh-unwinnable fight to get her back, held her skull in his hands, got her back and held her in his arms, lost her again about 6 hours later in an even more unwinnable fight, which was proven even more unwinnable when the Mage twisted the dungeon itself against them, saw her again but as a murderous monster now (which might be due to the magic he agreed to use to resurrect her), swiftly and sternly resigned himself to fighting and potentially killing her (his little sister! whom he is supposed to protect!), had her recognize him (and no one else!) despite her monstrosity, watched her be killed (again!) in part thanks to him distracting her, except it didn't work and then she fled.
This is an immature, ignoring-immediate-needs (ie, food, healing) knock-down drag-out fight between two men at the absolute ends of their ropes, who, sure, have built-up resentments against each other and the world, and an inciting incident pushing them over the edge - but mostly neither of them can punch in the face the fact that they can't save Falin. So they punch each other instead.
I won't even address the prologue to the fight, where Laios tells him about the black magic and Shuro promptly tries to strangle him then levels a sword at him. Kabru already nailed that: Shuro was worried about Falin - that the magic had hurt her, that the social consequences would be worse. Laios knew this enough that he didn't fight back, then. But now?
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The first shove is Shuro demanding, Don't you fucking DARE give me false hope.
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I cannot emphasize enough how hard I would also slap someone for suggesting that I wasn't taking the death and monsterization of my younger sibling seriously.
Shuro knows it, too. He doesn't respond to this, he just punches, and Laios punches back. Shuro doesn't speak again until Laios knocks him all the way down, and
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Shuro is at his absolute depth. The lowest point he (feels that he) can go. He cannot save Falin. He's shamed himself as a leader and heir by getting his people killed (they got better, but that's beside the point.) He's been beaten in hand-to-hand combat by this idiot northern peasant. He lets down his guard and pride enough to mutter this self-deprecation aloud...and the idiot northern peasant hears, compounding every shame - and it's infuriating especially because he doesn't even hear properly, just like he never hears properly - he's so frustrating in his friendly but oblivious constant irritation and THIS, Shuro can still be furious about, to avoid his grief/hopelessness/self-loathing/shame. This, he can still fight about!
So he does.
They're both wrong in this fight. They're both right. Laios was consistently inconsiderate; knowing this about himself - because it's not like by his early 20s he didn't know that he didn't Get people the way most people Get people - he should've made more of an effort, and picked up any of the hints Shuro was laying down. Shuro was too caught up in his own pride and out-of-place manners: when it was clear that Laios wasn't going to pick up on even the strongest "hint", he should've said something plainly instead of just letting his resentment build until he was effectively lying to Laios about, if not their entire friendship, certainly the shape of it.
But they were friends. They are friends. This isn't the posture or conversation of two guys who don't like each other.
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It's two guys who are still, in fact, fucking exhausted, physically and emotionally - but they just got rid of a lot of extra, furious, helpless energy, so they're finally satisfied to just sit. Their posture is relaxed and casual; their conversation straightforward and companionable, if serious.
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This is two guys who've sat like this many time at a campfire, in just these poses. Who've kept watch together late at night and stayed awake by talking.
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Laios cares about Falin more than anyone in the world, and even after the words and blows they just exchanged, he's still willing to put Shuro's suit to her. Shuro didn't tell Falin he was interested in her until he proposed to her, but he's telling it all to Laios. Admittedly, this is because Laios is, Shuro assumes, the closest he'll ever get to being able to tell it all to Falin...but still. And he admits vulnerability, which he clearly wouldn't have done before, even to his most loyal and loved companions as they urged him to eat and sleep.
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Yeah, they're buddies. If I had to describe it, I'd say: their relationship was built on unsteady, false foundations, but they built something sturdy on it anyway, and the sturdy thing survives even when the foundations shake and re-settle.
Lol at Shuro. "I'm going to report you to the local authorities for your crimes because it's the right thing to do. But if you survive, I'll totally use my power and influence to help you flee the country, and live peacefully on my estate beyond where an extradition treaty can reach you."
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cloudiinumaki · 1 month
can't you see? (when you're oblivious)
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NOTES ! — could've written these two scenarios into oneshots.... was NOTT bothered. anyways man ive been misreading satoru as santa a lot lately i keep on thinking "damn since when was santa in jjk" . honestly need to take a nap asap bc its happened too much... CHARACTERS ! — yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro (separate)
WARNINGS ! — lowercase strikes again (intentionally i swear), but its fluff so no warnings really
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— quite simply, you guys are made for each other. sure, i'm well aware of how smart and determined yuji can be, but i know that that doesn't translate into romance, he's definitely oblivious too.
— when he notices his crush on you first forming, he's definitely the type to sigh forlornly and talk to nobara and megumi about it, dramatic and all about "how cool they are" and so on and so forth. and the whole time he's on this dramatic spiel, she just wants to hit him over the head with her hammer, because how is it not obvious that you've already been liking him for a while???
— unbeknownst to yuji, nobara's already been dealing with terribly similar conversations from you, both of you just as infatuated with each other. that infatuation means that nobara's had to deal with your pining for a while, and you always seem to end up repeating yourself, looping back into the phrase of "can't you see how cute he is?"
— no. nobara cannot see that, but she does allow you to vent your frustrated feelings as one of her closest friends. it's almost sweet how you two mirror each other despite not even knowing. but, it's you two, so she won't actually say it is.
— it's surprising because usually you're quite competent and honestly smart, exorcising and working in a way that's almost methodical, even from megumi's eyes.
— but, megumi's also noted the fact that that same competence of yours obviously didn't translate into competence with crushes, as you were the sole cause he was having to deal with yuji's complaining, overly-dramatic self, and his statements of "they're so cute, you don't get it".
— no, megumi didn't 'get it'. you two were both as stupid as each other, honestly.
— still, nobara insisted that this situation be solved between you and yuji alone, it wouldn't be right for them to interfere anyway… (even if they were starting to reach their wit's ends). all they could really do was push yuji to make his efforts more obvious, if that was even possible.
— but, even when yuji starts trying to leave hints (they're hardly even hints with how obvious he makes it), somehow you manage to not notice it.
— maybe it's a one time thing, he thinks, but as he tries a few times more to make it clear, you're speaking just as usual without missing a single beat.
— he gets you your favourite plushie from the arcade after toiling for ages to beat the clearly rigged machine...
— you both go into one those purikura photobooths with the built-in filters, making the photos as silly as possible, and take an excessive amount of photos.
— you even go and watch the new addition to the line of 'human earthworm' movies together, sharing from the same bucket of popcorn. all things done with just the two of you, looking and feeling just like a date and a confession rolled into one.
— could it really be more obvious how he feels??? (it couldn't).
— honestly, after a while, he did end up wondering if you didn't like him back at all, considering if this silence was just your way of trying not to ruin the really good friendship you guys already shared.
— maybe you'd changed your mind and just didn't want to offend him by saying so..
— maybe he'd misread the situation...
— meanwhile you're mentally freaking out about how good of a friend he is that it almost feels like more, trying and failing to stop yourself from feeling something that you're so certain is unreciprocated.
— this same song and dance continues for a while, until one day, even yuji's generous patience runs thin, and he decides to just tell you upfront.
— he's more careful with his words than usual, not wanting to burden you too much with these feelings and yet having to get them out because he's being driven to insanity with how everything is going…
— at his confession, you look genuinely surprised, replying that you didn't know he felt like that too.
— too???? his mind is sent for a spin at that one word, and you two quickly clear up the matter, both relieved and slightly embarrassed at how incredibly slow you'd been to pick up on the other's feelings.
— yeah, you guys are made for each other.
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— he's not sure how much longer he can take this.
— honestly, when megumi realised what exactly his newfound and highly unusual feelings were, he did feel a sense of foreboding. part of that was probably down to the fact that he realised that he'd have to navigate these new and somewhat uncomfortable feelings towards you…
— and the other part was the fact that if he wanted you to know these feelings, it would take effort.
— from the way megumi had seen you accidentally brush off people who'd been interested in you before, without even knowing that they were interested in you, it was quite obvious that you were the textbook definition of oblivious.
— in battle, you were a capable sorcerer. in training, you were dedicated and hard-working. in matters of like or love… absolutely atrocious, so bad that even he was noticing.
— megumi's not the type to make confessions. he knows he isn't. but he's also quite aware that if he doesn't tell you upfront, you'll never know.
— and, since he's still unsure of what exactly you feel, he's resigned himself to that scenario. the feelings will pass, eventually.
— and, eventually, gojo and nobara will stop teasing him about it. he's really not that obvious, having grown accustommed to keeping his emotions and thoughts safely concealed behind his usual impassive expressions. but, somehow, those two can tell like sharks sense blood, like they have a penchant for finding anything to embarrass megumi with. — it doesn't help that he finds his gaze annoyingly pulled towards you again and again, no matter if you're doing the most mundane thing ever. it certainly doesn't help that whenever he's caught out doing so, he finds his ears going annoyingly red, making it clear to anyone who's noticed this quirk of his that he's embarrassed despite his perfectly calm facial expression.
— after a typical mission for nobara, yuji and him, the topic of you comes up again whilst they're walking back. there's the usual teasing and jokes made lightheartedly, almost routine, and megumi knows their words have no true bite to them.
— but, then nobara asks, "but really, you're not going to tell them about it?" her tone's almost concerned by the prospect, clearly disapproving of his current plan. "you shouldn't just assume their answer will be a straight 'no'."
— he hears her words, recognising the truth in them with reluctance… but, why should he complicate what's already good enough with these clunky feelings of his? it's really not as important as they're making it out to be.
— megumi doesn't entertain her with an articulated response, simply humming in acknowledgement. what was he even supposed to say?
— when he glances at the two a few moments later, the silence stretching uncomfortably long, he notices nobara and yuji fixing him with the same, slightly judging look.
— he rolls his eyes, and lets the conversation slip back into less controversial topics, but he can't help but think about what nobara said for a while after.
— perhaps it's better to say something, anything. if it doesn't go to plan, then he can just act like he never said it and disregard any memory of it. right? those thoughts didn't ease his mind much.
— as he's heading to his dorm that night, he overhears the slight voices from inside your room, clearly you and nobara chatting about something, the door left ajar. he's not an eavesdropper, never has been one, so he continues walking down the hallway until he unintentionally hears something that makes him freeze.
— you were complaining about how you still liked your crush even though he didn't care… he hadn't even known you'd had one?
— and, then before he'd even had the time to deal with the slight stirrings of jealousy he felt bubbling up, you mentioned him by name??? as your crush??
— what was he even supposed to do with that information?
— he obviously wasn't meant to learn this knowledge, was almost about to give up his feelings anyway, yet this was the moment he found out? the universe had a weird sense of humour.
— before he'd had the chance to mentally unpack this new information, he'd heard the shuffling of you getting up and your brief explanation to nobara of "getting some water". so, of course, you'd see each other, standing in the hallway silently.
— and, of course it was the most awkward silence for a few moments before you asked in your usual voice, trying to remain calm and go insane, just to confirm that you had the worst luck of any jujutsu sorcerer yet, "did you hear all of that?"
— …there's not even a point in him lying to save face.
— needless to say, after one painful but relieving conversation outside (he couldn't confess to you in a hallway, especially not when nobara might hear), you'd both cleared up the misunderstandings that had plagued you and were now officially... something. you didn't want to rush it, and neither did he, but nobara noticed you returning to your dorm with your glass of water in a distinctly happier mood, your earlier complaints about megumi suddenly subsiding.
— you didn't tell her specifically what had happened, but it was already quite clear. you were oblivious to more than just love, nobara was beginning to notice. you were also oblivious to the fact that you were stupidly easy to read.
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aledethanlast · 1 year
I want to clarify something about my Lawyer!Andrew post:
Andrew is not doing this to impress people. In fact he actively doesn't want to impress people. He is done being a superman who holds everyone's lives in his hands. It's not good for his mental health when he's doing it and it's not good for anyone when that he fails, because the law is too big and some of these fuckers are just legitimately dumber and more guilty than his literal murderous mafia husband.
Anyways. Andrew wakes up in the morning, goes to his closet and shoves aside the 15k dollar Armani suits so he can put on the two piece he got at Macy's (then tailored to fit, cause he still has standards), and a matching tie.
He goes to the office. Brad asks him if he heard about the latest draft picks. Andrew stares him down until Brad goes to Andrew's desk and drops a quarter in the "Asking Andrew about Exy" jar. Andrew's coworkers seem to think that he's gonna buy the office a Foosball table with the jar money. They are wrong. It is for a new cat tower. Also, no Andrew hasn't seen it, but he got the rundown from Neil and Kevin, so he knows enough to tell Brad not to bother with a season pass for the Sealions this year.
He has two cases to deal with today. The first is a vehicular manslaughter charge. The client is pleading self defense, and that the victim was a stalker. Andrew likes her because, despite bursting into tears every time they have a trial prep session, she actually listens to instructions and knows when to shut the fuck up. He's confident.
The second is grand larceny. The guy is so super incredibly guilty but Brad gave him this case because he knows Andrew loves police misconduct cases and this one is just so full of protocol breaches that Andrew only had to show Neil the file for him to burst out laughing.
Janet says he has a call waiting. Janet is the highest paid paralegal in the county, because she also filters his celebrity mail. Technically Neil's pr firm still represents him, but Janet knows to turn down the DA's gala invitations without needing to argue with him.
He picks up the phone. It's the DA. The man invites him to the police gala because he knows Andrew ignored the emails. Andrew assumes the man was banking on Andrew giving a polite refusal he can wheedle or harangue into compliance. The man is new to the job, so Andrew will forgive this embarrassing miscalculation.
They spend the next hour discussing court dates for a certain case. Andrew's client for that one is disabled and only has partial aid, and he won't let them set court dates that they know she won't be able to attend. The DA, despite his embarrassing naivate, seems to be on the same page in this regard, so hopefully this will go well when they bring the matter to the judge.
In the span of this phone call, two of Brad's clients come into the office, and within five minutes of walking in are made to contribute to the jar. They don't get their questions answered, because he's on the phone, and they're not Brad.
He has court tomorrow. Court is annoying, because it's a room full of strangers who hear his name and forget why he's there, and he's not allowed to bring the jar. Court is a chore, because he has to walk people through their own idiocy, and then occasionally convince the room of just how stupid or brilliant it actually was.
Court is also, maybe, just a teensy bit fun, because whatever the stereotype of a lawyer is, Andrew really isn't it, and that makes people take him a lot less seriously until he starts quoting their words back to them faster than the stenographer.
(Janet also filters job offers. They tend to crop up every few months.)
(It used to be more fun, back in the early days when Neil would sit in sometimes, until he remembered just how horrifically boring the whole thing is. But that's fine. Andrew is happy having his own thing.)
But really, court is easy. It's a place where your word has weight, where promises are binding, and when everything is going to shit, nobody looks at Andrew like he's the freak for keeping his head.
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suzukiblu · 4 days
Man, does Clark panic adopting not count as kon-napping(+ match-napping)?
Oh well, I suppose I won't request anything for WIP Wednesday. Have fun with everyone's prompts. :]
I mean it definitely does imo, but I ruled out a bunch of WIP options that technically count as Kon-napping for one reason or another, 'cuz keeping the list to five options is just way easier for me. Keeping open five documents to jump around is just way kinder on the ol' laptop, y'know? Though for you, fren, since you have been an excellent source of inspo/motivation in the past, I will totally give you some panic-adoption I already had written and just hadn't posted yet, lol. 💛
(( chrono || non-chrono ))
“I didn’t call ahead, so–oh, damn, how did I forget to call, it’s practically lunchtime,” Superman mutters under his own breath. Match stares blankly at him. So does Thirteen, but Match can’t even bring himself to be irritated about it, because it’s the only possible logical reaction to be having right now. Or just ever, possibly, in regards to Superman. 
“Uh,” Thirteen says, shifting uncomfortably in the air and still half-behind Match, annoyingly but unsurprisingly. “Like, we could just . . . do this some other time, maybe, we don’t need to, y’know . . . bug ‘em or whatever. Like, we don’t need to do, uh . . . whatever you’re doing all at once.” 
Superman once again gets that strange look that Match would call “pained” on anyone else’s face, then just–sighs, and shakes his head. 
“I should’ve done it already,” Superman says, his voice just barely tight. “For both of you.” 
“I mean–we literally don’t even know what you are doing, man,” Thirteen says, looking frustrated and uncertain. “Like, you said you didn’t want us to go back to Cadmus or the Agenda but like, then you said we should go home even though we were already at the Fortress, and then you brought us all the way out here to your–to, uh–you know, and–” 
“To my parents’ house,” Superman says. 
. . . Match actually should just take Thirteen and go to Cadmus right now. Superman is clearly an irresponsible idiot of an owner, if he’s going to keep telling him these things. 
Really, the only thing Superman’s done so far as his owner is steal him and also dress him up in a little outfit, from a certain point of view, Match realizes, and tries not to grimace at the thought of being, effectively, another damn dog. 
Which–he is that, more or less. Obviously. He’s–a possession. A weapon. A thing. Not–
Just–the same treatment as the dog, short of getting his damn ears scratched. 
It’s . . . 
Are you fucking STUPID? he wants to ask instead of finishing that thought, but that wouldn’t be any smarter–or safer–to do. 
“Uh,” Thirteen says, and swallows uncomfortably. “Uh–yeah. That.”
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Gonna be real under the cut
As someone who has been bullied all of my schooltime because I was too awkward, too fat, because my dad left us, because of how my hair looked, because I was wearing the same pants for two days in a row, because I had respect for my teachers, because i never had a boyfriend, because i didn't drink....
I am so glad the internet wasn't around back then.
If shit like what is happening currently in this fandom would have been happened to me twenty years ago?
I don't want to imagine what I would have done to make it stop.
Bullies have always been the same.
Mirroring their insecurites on someone who thinks won't fight back (or in this day and age can't because you can't censor the internet and reporting will only get you so far)
If you are one of the people "confessing" on that certain blog
You are nothing more than a bully.
If you have a problem with someone and don't want to use the block button for whatever reason, you get into the inbox of the person you feel is "mistreating you" and ask them why. You don't go around sending hateful messages hiding behind the anonymity this website provides under the impression that it's "confessing".
If you genuinely feel offended that not everyone (of the so called big blogs) talks to you, that you're not instantly are getting the notes on the fics you post, that you don't have enough followers, that you dont feel welcome in a fandom....
Things like this can take years.
And it takes work. It takes constant writing. It takes constant making gifs. Constant making art.
And yeah sometimes people chose to not reblog other fics/content? So what? Big deal. No one has to!
Like it is some kind of obligation once you hit your made up big blog follower number to reblog every single content from anyone. wtf?
Of course things mutuals post get reblogged more often, because they are on our dashboards.
Personally I used to find new writers/fics by going into the Pedro tag. The tag that is now swamped with hatefull "confessions" so I just don't go looking anymore. You think this will get you the exposure you want to?
Maybe it will, but not in the way you have been dreaming of.
And you bet your ass we are gonna reblog our shit as often as we want to. . And if I want to reblog my own fic twenty times because i am proud of it? Not your problem. The unfollow and block button is there for a reason. USE IT.
Because, newsflash, these are our own fucking blogs and we can do whatever we want with it
Like you.
Who choses to bully people for the fucked up reasons your little brains think are valid.
But bullying is never okay and I hope one day you realize and care that you actually hurt people. Sometimes to a point where you can't be sorry anymore cause they're gone.
I guess what I wanna say with this post is grow up.
And don't even get me started on how people over the age of 30 are creepy for still being in fandom.
You do know what a hobby is, right?
The majority of the content you love so much would be gone if we all would be gone. Maybe keep that in mind the next time you get into some inbox to call people out you never have bothered to get to know in the first place.
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vechter · 1 month
👀 please elaborate on ur Cass and Damian thoughts, I’m also always thinking about what their dynamic could’ve been
omg i have so many!!!
okay, so initially, in batgirl 2009 #5 (iffy about character portrayals in this comic but that's a whole other thing), we see damian kind of anticipatory and even excited to meet cass:
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it's super interesting to me because at that point, damian is still grappling with being a product of the league, still very much figuring out his role in this group of people his father chose.
and cass is one of them. cass, who's respected and considered formidable even by the loa. cass, who has also killed! i think in damian's eyes, they've had similar upbringings and he probably expects a certain degree of kinship with her.
because yes, dick, steph and alfred are coming to accept him, have purposely and actively showed that they care for him but they don't understand him! they don't know what growing up in that kind of isolation, with that demand for perfection is like.
damian's primary arc being dick's robin is about acceptance, from others but also, from himself! some heartbreaking panels below from red robin 2009 #14:
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for damian, who is still actively fighting against his own instincts, who wasn't someone his father- a near mythical figure- chose, cass is someone who can, maybe, not only understand him but is also incontrovertible proof that people can change, that their childhoods don't define them. so, he already has somewhat high expectations for when they eventually meet, as we see in their first real interaction in gates of gotham 2011 #2:
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gates of gotham is actually a great comic but unfortunately cannot consider the editorial nuance of cass being pushed aside by dc and removed from gotham entirely. but if you consider the implications, tim and steph definitely talk about her- probably dick and alfred, too. at this point, all of them respect and consider cass one of their own- she's accepted, she's even loved.
and that's probably something that damian is plagued and intrigued by. here's this girl who was brought up by someone the bats deem morally bankrupt, who changed her life around and went from being a would-be assassin to a hero (just like him!). she meets even his father's impossible standards, who has assigned her a whole city with batman inc. he lashes out at her when he thinks she hasn't accepted him (at this point, cass hasn't even done anything except come back to gotham lol so you can see how much damian struggles with acceptance, especially from someone he considers his peer!):
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it's a deeply skewed view bc we know how much cass struggles with her own redemption but damian is still just a kid, lacking the emotional maturity to fully understand her.
i won't go into all the events of gates of gotham because it starts off with friction between them and they eventually end up working as a team and everything's sort of hunky-dory. but i think if flashpoint hadn't happened and we had actually gotten a deeply exploratory continuation of the nuances of the complicated bat-dynamics after bruce's return- we would definitely see more friction between cass and damian.
for cass, who sees everything- damian would be painful to witness. her own fears, her own guilt staring back at her. and i absolutely adore cass but she isn't going to be capable of tact or the kind of support that damian is passively seeking from everyone, but especially from her! cass is incredibly compassionate but her world-view is also so deeply jaded by her feelings about the life she took.
damian's initial robin tenure would be about developing his own moral code + coming to grips with what kind culpability he has in his own childhood- and cass would probably not see that bone-crippling regret and remorse and guilt she has, or even the one she often sees in bruce, and it would not sit right with her! sure, damian is a kid but she was a kid, too. and she can never get over what she did so for her to see damian coming to terms with his childhood would be like looking at a distorted reflection. i think it's also possible there would be something like- i don't want to say jealousy- but a complicated kind of resentment, not just from cass's end but also from damian's.
(also, a begrudging sort of respect from damian for cass's abilities expressed in somewhat snide comments)
this is not to say that they couldn't or wouldn't have a good dynamic! i think if they continued to spend time together, they would eventually come to an understanding (just like gates of gotham lol except a much more nuanced and complicated route to getting there) and while it would not be the kind of understanding either of them were expecting- it would be good! and there would be a very strong foundation of kindness in it.
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iiwaijime · 1 month
fake dating ft. oliver aiku
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wc; 735
cws; gn!reader, angst ending, aiku is a bitc, hurt no comfort, situationship vibes, may make a p2 . not proofread .
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fake dating with oliver aiku!
except you're actually falling in love.
i mean at first it's a win-win thing — everyone gets along with aiku, but they're also really fucking scared of him, so they stop bothering you or hitting on you. meanwhile, aiku's fangirls also lessen (to a certain degree). not to mention, he's also giving you a(n admittedly small) chunk of his big fat football player salary. still, it's like 100k yen per month, who could possibly be stupid enough to say no? not you, of course.
you're not sure when exactly you start regretting all of this — maybe it's when the pet names used for show sneak into your private conversations, or maybe it's that one day you realise that whenever he's done with a match, the first thing he does is look for you. maybe it's when you actually start caring about how you present yourself to him, maybe it's when he starts spending nights at yours.
however, thinking of the past and regretting your choices doesn't quite change the position you're in right now, losing your shit and sobbing your eyes out. you hate yourself for ever thinking anything good would come of this. at least he won't see you like this, you think-
but then your front door opens and closes, and shit, maybe you shouldn't have given him one of your extra keys, because now he's halfway down the hall, and you're feverishly wiping at your eyes to maybe look a bit more presentable. but also you're like, really good at all this- hiding your feelings and such. so when he's finally in your room, there's a cheery smile on your face as you greet him.
"hey," he murmurs, wrapping his arms around you. you feel a quick kiss pressed to your cheek, a light brush of stubble, before he pulls back to show you what he's holding. "look, i gotchu some candy."
"thank you," you say. you're not quite sure what to feel — none of this is supposed to be real, so why is he acting like a boyfriend in private too? you wish he would go away so you can rot with your feelings in peace again. "you really didn't have to."
"i wanted to," he grins, then looks at you seriously again. "you can drop the act now, by the way."
"what act?" what the hell is he talking about?
"why are you sad?" he asks, pulling you to your bed. he falls back onto th mattress, and you sit down on the edge, beside him.
"i'm not," you lie.
"dude, you look like you're gonna cry." all six feet and three inches of oliver aiku is sprawled out across your bed as he attempts — in vain — to have a heart-to-heart conversation with his fake partner.
"fuck off." your voice breaks.
"you gotta tell me what's wrong," he says with a shrug. he doesn't look at you.
"i just can't do it anymore," you say, taking in a huge breath. "any of this."
"why not?"
"i don't know what's real anymore," you say forlornly.
"what, like schizophrenia?" oliver asks, sitting up.
"no, what the hell! i meant, whatever the fuck we're doing."
"what about it? it's just for a bit more, now."
"yeah, but you keep acting like my boyfriend when you don't need to, and i— i like you!"
"oh," says oliver, and you know it's over. "i'm sorry, y/n, i really am."
you look away, unable to bring yourself to meet his eyes.
"i don't think we should continue this," he adds when you remain silent, and you nod, ashamed of the tears prickling at your eyes. oliver aiku, perceptive as always, notices it and turns to you.
"i'm not saying that i don't want to date you, just... i'm not ready for a committed relationship right now, you get me? you're gorgeous and amazing and all, it's just me who's the problem."
"it's okay, i understand," you reply. the floor is suddenly much more interesting than it ever was before, and if you look into his multicoloured eyes, the ground will turn into lava, and you into stone, and the world will explode.
oliver aiku pats your shoulder, once, then gets up and walks away. the bag of candy is bunched up in one of your hands; the other fists the material of you — no, his jersey. you should've never said yes.
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yeah idk ab this one. angst yum yum. um. err. part 2 where they make up maybe
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fun-k-board · 4 months
AAAA YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!! :3333 could I maybe request CG Storm and CG Rogue? Maybe them and a little reader who’s a bit on the fussy/ tantrum-y side?
Thank you!!!!! ^^ (u probably know who this is but I’m too scared to come off anon 😭)
X-MEN '97 - Little reader who's fussy and tends to have tantrums
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Note(s): HEHHE I KNOW!! It's alright tbh I'm terrified of coming off anon too (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
Powered through writing this because you're cool as hell and I like you! 💪 I don't and didn't really have the most idk 'attentive' family, so I'm not the best judge on how to take care of kids or people in a kids mindset, I may be a little bad at writing for caregivers and age regression in general because of this.
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'Hey, hey now sugah, let's calm down, you don't want to go in time out and I don't want to send ya. Explain to me why you don't like the food, I'm perfectly alright gettin' you somethin' different, there ain't no need to get upset.'
Anna can sometimes tell when you're about to have a tantrum or become more fussy than usual, even if you tend to take a while to throw a full fit, she'll watch you carefully and try to prevent one from fully forming. Gently kissing you on the forehead and brushing back your hair, asking what's wrong with a worried look on her face.
The moment you start yelling, kicking, or even crying, maybe after ignoring her question, she finds it hard not to just fold and give you what you want, after all, you're just so cute. However, her sense of responsibility and care for you overwhelms her need to coddle you.
Anna will say your name firmly, getting you to pay attention to her, and only her. She'll get a tissue for you and wipe your tears away, and ask firmly what you're sad or angry about and if you could possibly explain it to her.
If you can't verbally, for whatever reason, she'll give you the opportunity to write it on paper or she'll play a guessing game with you, the guessing game is only for when you're extremely upset and need cheering up though.
If you explain, in whatever format you need to, that you're upset because of an issue that's causing you distress, maybe food triggered sensory issues, someone was mean to you, etc, then she'll let you off the hook because you clearly didn't mean to cause any harm and you were just acting out.
Rogue will give you a bit of a talking to, telling you that crying and throwing things makes it difficult to help, but that's about it. Given it's not your fault she isn't actually too mad, she just wants you to understand that she won't know how to help if you're kicking and screaming.
If, however, your outburst was because of a silly reason, say you don't like the colour crayons and you throw them at her, she won't be as quick to accept it and move on.
She's still very sympathetic and won't ever raise her voice at you, even when you've done something especially terrible for no apparent reason.
Anna is very lenient and her 'punishments' usually just include a minute or so sitting in the corner, maybe withholding drawing from you for the day, but she always makes sure to explain in detail why you're being punished and it's usually only a last resort.
Rogue is very sweet even when she's being stern, her eyes can't help but go soft and her tone slips from that firm scolding one she uses when you're being bad, to a sweet almost coo-like baby voice.
Afterwards she comforts you like there's no tomorrow, telling you that she didn't want to hurt your feelings by taking away something or sending you to the corner, but you just need to learn some manners and how to handle yourself.
If you're fussy in terms of only liking clothes of a certain colour, food cut or made in a certain way, or things being done in a particular order, she absolutely doesn't mind doing these things for you! When it comes to cooking Rogue tends to ask for Gambit's help, she's not the worst cook in the world, but she can't do it like Remy can.
When it comes to removing parts of food, maybe you like to remove the crusts of bread and have them separate or not at all, she'll happily cut them off for you and maybe even eat the crusts while talking to you.
Sometimes she matches clothes with you! After all, 'If you like these clothes, they must be the best ones they got!' She says with a grin.
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'My child, it's important to remember your manners when speaking to those around you. I am not angry, but you must tell me what is wrong if I am to correct my mistake or you are able to grow.'
The moment she notices you starting to throw a tantrum, which is fairly fast even if your signs are just a deep frown, asking you if everythings alright and most of the time avoiding any tantrums before they begin.
However, sometimes you refuse to tell her what's wrong, perhaps you go straight to throwing toys or food, pouting, yelling, in replying she will simply hold a gentle hand on your shoulder and kindly repeat her question on what the matter is. Her tone is gentle and her face is one of genuine concern.
Like Rogue, if you're in distress because of something that's not your fault, or maybe you're just overwhelmed, she will never hold it against you at all. If you're comfortable with it and it's something you need to calm down, Storm will pick you up and give you a tight hug, if not, she's alright with just holding a hand on your shoulder, or even removing her hand and only speaking to you.
Ororo will get on one knee, bending down to speak to you in a hushed whisper, she'll tell you that it's all okay, that she'll help you and make it better, give you different food, turn off the lights, whatever you need, she can give it to you.
However, if you're just being fussy to perhaps get a reaction out of her, she'll raise her brow in an almost amused action, as if she finds your attempts to be aggravating as cute as a cat nibbling on its owner's hand. If you're throwing a fit just to throw one, she will definitely tell you sternly that you cannot do such things, at least not in her care.
I don't think that Storm is the type to use the corner or naughty step as a punishment, after all, she has her own fear of tight, dark places, you may fear loneliness, or abandonment, she does not wish her own troubles onto a mind like yours.
Instead, she talks to you, more importantly, she'll help you figure out what you did wrong, how to improve next time, and reflect on her own actions to see if the trouble was caused by a mistake on her part. It won't be an in depth conversation, she tends to use stuffed animals as an aid to show you an outsiders perspective.
If you're struggling with saying your words out loud, never fear, she has tons of paper and crayons, or pencils, pen, markers, etc if that's what you prefer, just for you! She keeps them in her room for whenever you regress and want to keep near her when doing so.
Ororo will advise you to draw your feelings, maybe even write a letter if that's more what you're comfortable with. She doesn't mind bad spelling or handwriting, she's quite good at deciphering even the most atrociously unintelligible handwriting.
At most, and only if you've been really bad, she'll lead you to your room, or hers, just to make sure you don't get embarrassed and act out further. Storm will tell you what you did wrong as firmly as she can so that you'll understand. It's only a light scolding though, she never ever raises her voice when you're around unless you need or want her to.
If she ever does raise her voice and it startles or frightens you, she will apologise, regardless of if you've done something wrong or not. It's never her intention to harm you, you've entrusted her to care for you and she will do anything in her power to achieve that goal.
If your fussiness is about certain clothes, textures, toys, etc, she absolutely doesn't mind exclusively getting you certain clothes or toys, and she won't be angry at all if you throw a tantrum over texture or taste, because she's fully aware it can be distressing to have an unfavourable texture of clothing of food.
Ororo will always ask questions about something before she gets it for you, after a while she knows pretty much all of your likes and dislikes.
She's a great cook and can switch the taste or texture in something with just a flick of her wrist, something she doesn't mind doing, especially if the food she's already making is something that causes a lot of stress.
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mcflymemes · 3 months
AS SAID BY KASUMI GOTO *  assorted dialogue from mass effect 2 and 3, adjust as necessary
i swear to god, i didn't touch anything.
in case i don't see you again, thanks. that was a lot of fun.
and the "boxers or briefs" question is finally answered.
there's a certain aura about you. like you've seen things no one else has.
there's no way you're recruiting me to fight in a galactic war.
i wouldn't bring you here if it wasn't dangerous.
this is our stop.
you say the nicest things.
i'm a thief. stealing? it's who i am.
by the way, are you going to call security?
hey, come on. i never get caught.
ugh, i really need to avoid dairy.
you know, twenty years from now, this could be worth a fortune.
all right. i'm in.
nice working with you again.
this place has more money than it knows what to do with.
well... nobody's perfect.
hey, i'm nostalgic, not dead.
i like the seedier towns. they're prettier.
maybe when we're done with the mayhem thing, i could come back and... recover a thing or two.
now stop bothering me!
this is all i have left.
i imagine with all that's happened, old friends are becoming a luxury.
you know what i haven't had in ages? ramen.
come back later. i'm sure i'll have more to talk about.
i'm not really sure what to do with myself.
i'll stay off the grid. no one will know i exist.
well, that didn't go as expected.
we've never seen each other in person.
no one knows what i look like.
if we're lucky, you won't even have to draw your gun.
i always expect trouble. that's why you're here.
we should probably wrap this up.
see you on the ship.
you'd look really out of place at a society party in armor, don't you think?
i was just thinking about you.
i go through everyone's drawers.
[name] won't be able to keep his eyes off you.
getting it back will be easier with your help.
please tell me your password, [name].
good to finally meet you. i'm a fan.
my grandmother used to make the best ramen.
honestly, i'm shocked they didn't come to see me sooner.
it's my fault for being hard to find.
i'm the best thief in the business, not the most famous. need to watch my step to keep it that way.
i needed to make sure all this was legit.
you're the real deal.
even without knowing what you looked like, i knew it was you.
that's a bit of a story.
they were looking for me, so i trailed them to find out why.
i guess it slipped their minds.
i'm planning to get it back.
you'll get a briefing when the time comes.
i have a way in, and i think you're going to love it.
you'll want to look presentable.
you look great. you should wear this stuff more often.
you have been waiting patiently.
they won't hassle you over a sidearm.
you have excellent taste in underwear.
i thought about living here for a while, but everybody's so tight-ass.
it's all about money to these people.
i do what i do for the love of it. these people do it because they don't know any better.
i'm not a scientist.
this is why i don't put strange liquids in my mouth.
it's a plant!
was i that obvious?
people are talking out there... and i hear it all.
sounds like you two had a nice date.
it's nice to be able to look out a window for a change.
how many bedrooms does this place have?
i'm not really lactose intolerant, i just don't put up with lactose's stupid drama.
there's something about the feel of actual paper in your hands.
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painted-bees · 4 months
You know, if/when Margie ever goes to get assessed for ADHD or such, it'll be over some executive function-related failure on a project that she had hoped would prove to her that she can excel at things so long as she actually 'cares' about them. It'd be something music related for sure--maybe some kind of collaborative videogame music charity thing that some other online music nerds have organized together--I dunno what the indie online musician equivalent of a "zine" is lmfao
Like, it's not even a big prestige thing, and she's not getting any money from it--but it's an exciting project and she gets to compose covers of her favorite viddy game songs and have her music featured alongside other artists she enjoys. But--you know, there's a hard deadline. And there are certain expectations--she want's to make something good and memorable with this.
She gets started on it, and it's going well--well enough for her to be like, "great, I can come back to this later and I'll have it done no problem!" And then she forgets. And then she gets a reminder in her email that submissions are due by the end of the week. The email was sent on Monday, it's Thursday evening. She panics, and tries to put together the rest of the composition that same night, dismayed beyond words that she had put this thing off until literally the last minute. And it's not coming together, she had this great sound and idea in her head, and now it's failing to materialize for her. Her mounting frustration and panic has built up past being a helpful motivator, and is now actively sabotaging her efforts until she can't do anything but cry about it. It's 3 am, the work isn't done, it's isn't going to get done...she utterly failed. At this thing she's good at, that she wanted to do, that she was eager to be a part of.
Materially, she loses nothing by being like "well, I can ask for an extension, and if that's not possible then oh well." It wasn't a paid gig, it wasn't some huge, prestigious feature, there were no awards or accolades on the line, really. But it was supposed to be an easy thing she could do to remind herself that she's perfectly capable at completing things if she just--yanno--cares enoug, puts her mind to it and deems it worth her effort. It was supposed to be easy self-reassurance. And she failed.
and so she's crying in the wee hours of the morning over some small, unremarkable thing that she had chosen to do, for free, in her spare time because she hung all her confidence and self-worth on her ability to complete it in a manner that she could be proud of.
And Raf's the one holding her, trying to figure out how to impress on her that this whole fiasco is not...a suitable way of measuring her worth. Like--it's not proof that she's 'lazy'. This isn't what laziness looks like, this isn't what a "lack of care" or "lack of motivation" looks like. Ugly crying over a low-stakes, free-time, "for fun" project after forcing yourself to work fruitlessly through the night is...disordered. Like, Raf of all people, gets it. He completely understands lmao but it requires attention and help. It's not the first time he's suggested to Margie that she should book an assessment. He's offered to help her get the process started several times in the past. She's always been very "yeahhh...nah" about it. He figured it was because she was afraid of being told that there was something """wrong """ with her. Which--he empathized with a lot, and so never really pressed her about it.
But, over this specific event, it becomes clear that what Margie is most afraid of is hearing and knowing definitively that's there's nothing wrong with her. She worries that her inability to complete things on time, to remember things, to keep organized and clean and to prioritize things is just something everyone has to deal with, and they just care enough to deal with it properly--while she has somehow internalized that crying about it means she won't have to worry about it anymore. Maybe cuz she was spoiled growing up, like her parents use to suggest; that she was never truly forced to face the consequences of her inaction. And, for what ever reason, that'd mean she's just...a bad person.
And once Raf realizes that this is what has been keeping her away from getting assessed, he commits to fully pleading with her to get assessed, promising that no possible outcome will change his opinion of her at his very core. And it works. He's able to get a referral for her from his therapist, gets her booked, and over the course of three appointments, she goes through the assessment--feeling an undeterred mix of anxiety and shame all the while 'cus what if they just think "this girl walks in with a latte and a 'problem' but her real problem is that she has never experienced a real struggle in her life lol" or "she's exaggerating things just so she can get drugs, no way is anyone actually this stupid" or "this is a huge waste of time". That's not how it turns out, of course. Between the self assessment, the assessment she had to give to 3 trusted friends/family members to fill out, the IQ test, the cognitive ability tests, and whatever else happened during the dialogue between her and the psychologist--Margie gets her ADHD diagnosis and an autism diagnosis. She gets Raf to sit in with her while the psychologist goes over the results with her, 'cus she doesn't trust her ability to recite any of that information to him herself afterward lmao To her surprise (and to Raf's quiet, triumphant validation for calling it correctly), Margie's IQ is, apparently, a very sexy 136...but is undercut by remarkably low results on tests pertaining to certain cognitive abilities--to the point of qualifying as significant impairments.
On the list of treatments, medication is suggested as a footnote following a list of things including therapy, habit-building and behavioral exercises, dietary suggestions, and further reading suggestions. Which comes to her as a relief, because it's gonna take her a few more years before she's comfortable with the idea of medicating (imagining in her mind that one unfortunate unofficial Calvin and Hobbes comic that has made her fear losing her enthusiasm for her creative musical endeavors lmao). Until then though, the therapy is, perhaps, the most helpful treatment suggestion on that list. Aside from contributing to supportive mental/emotional/behavioral exercises--after the initial relief of "omg there WAS something wrong, I'm not just a bad, lazy, uncaring person!!"--the backlog of hurt that follows the "I needed help but they punished me instead" revelation provides a lot to work through.
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comphetkoncass · 1 year
little fic about tim's love language being contingency plans
The thing is, Tim has a way of attacking Kon’s problems like a puzzle. Like a riddle, waiting to be solved. 
Tim’s plans also don’t involve much feeling, usually, even if the issue is purely an emotional one. While Tim is decent at listening and empathizing, at a certain point he always gets his Robin face on. A signal that, while he’s still certainly listening, there’s a chemical reaction in his brain, completely out of his control, that activates his detective skills. His problem-solving skills. 
It has taken Kon a combined two lifetimes, four years, five collective identities, and two–maybe three?–timelines, but Kon has finally gotten Tim to at least ask before starting to strategize. But lately, Tim has undergone some personal growth, and Kon is starting to wonder if, perhaps, he has learned to not even ask. To instead, politely wait for a signal – a sign, an invitation, even– that said advice is actually wanted. 
Kon would like to take the credit for training him, he really would. But he has a feeling he’s only one of many factors. 
Today, Kon is sitting face-down on Tim’s bed. Krypto sits on top of Kon’s back, the world’s most powerful emotional support dog pinning him in place. Preventing him, more like, from leaving before he's gotten all his complicated, messy, unwanted feelings out. Also preventing him from looking up at his boyfriend before Kon is done feelings-dumping, because otherwise Kon just won't finish talking, and it will go unsaid.
So Kon can’t see it; he can't see the detective face for himself. Can’t verify, for sure, absolutely, 100%, that TIm’s detective face is on. 
But he knows it’s there. 
He’s just spent half an hour talking about his latest identity crisis. Of course Tim’s detective face is on. It’s probably been on since minute two. 
However, Tim is also running his fingers through Kon’s hair, and making the occasional appropriate comment, always generous and rational and kind, always active listening, and– listen, Kon isn’t immune to the soft victim support voice. He’s definitely not immune to the Robin leader voice, but the softer, empathetic, gentle one Tim uses with people who need help? And when it bleeds in so subtly into his regular speaking voice that it’s not immediately obvious that’s where he pulling it from? 
Incredible. Show-stopping. Kon could listen to it all day, if he wasn’t the one monopolizing the conversation by info-dumping all his problems. 
Finally though, he finishes the garbled, soft, self-deprecating speech about how he’ll never be completely free of Lex’s braingook (yes, that is the scientific name for it, thank-you-very-much) and how that means he’s always going to have a chip on his shoulder until Lex dies and even then Kon’s going to have to worry about some secret chip in his brain that transfers Lex’s consciousness to his or what-the-fuck-ever. 
He can hear the comment Tim wants to make. The unspoken, soft little, 'You know, we could probably test you for that... A chip would definitely show up on an MRI...'
Instead, Tim only pauses the briefest, softest moment. “...That must be really stressful for you, worrying about that.” 
Kon looks up, just a little. Sees Tim’s best poker face. 
Then sighs, and bids the victim comfort voice goodbye. “Okay, I give in,” he says, and moves to cross his arms in Tim’s lap instead. Krypto lets out an annoyed little huff at being jostled from Kon's back, but he soon hops off Kon’s back and moves to lay at his side instead. Kon rubs him behind the ears, Krypto butts his head against his hand, and all is well again. “C’mon, out with it.”
“Hm? Out with what?” Tim asks, still in the same plaintive tone. “What do you mean?” 
“Relax, you can stop the sympathy. I know you want to start strategizing how to solve all my problems,” Kon says, and leans up in what he hopes is a very kissable position, because he really wants one. “You’ve suffered enough, I know you’ve already thought through eighteen different plans.” 
Tim lets out a shuddering breath, immediately sagging his shoulders. “Thank you,” he says, sounding exhausted. Distracted, and clearly already thinking of how to phrase his plans, he meets Kon halfway for a kiss. It's even a proper kiss, soft and sweet, and it really does make Kon feel better. Then, to his surprise, Tim also presses a more tender one just between his brows. “I really do empathize, though. Just so you know. This isn’t me not empathizing. But I mean, if you're giving me explicit permission it's not like I haven't been starting to think about how we could test for these and help you stop worrying about them-” 
Kon shakes his head, fond and sweet. “I know. Your love language is solving people’s problems for them, I've accepted this about you."
Tim looks the tiniest bit offended. "I- that's not a love language."
"It is for you," Kon says. Then, he grins, looking up at his boyfriend through his lashes. "So come on. If it's your love language... Show me you love me.” 
Tim’s cheeks bloom red. But he smiles instead of shying away, then runs his fingers through Kon’s hair again, gentle and sweet. “Get comfortable then, because I’ve got a lot of- love to show. To finish the metaphor, I mean. There’s only five so far, but number three is kind of complicated, you're going to want to take notes, but I could summarize it again for you afterwards, when you're less cozy-”
Yeah, Kon thinks. There’s no denying how much Tim loves him. He might be a strategist at heart, but Tim also wouldn’t make immediate contingency plans for just anyone, either. 
Kon curls up on Tim’s lap soon after, with Krypto snuggled up onto his chest. As long as Tim keeps stroking his hair, Kon doesn’t mind the clinical approach to his problems. It’s nice to have a boyfriend who can both meet him where he’s at, and say what he really feels. Even nicer, he thinks, to know that it’s all coming from a place of genuine affection. 
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hello-vampire-kitty · 10 months
Servamp chapter 136 spoilers
I only read the chapter once so I haven't understood some parts because I haven't looked up the meaning of some words, that's what I'll do when I get to properly translate the chapter, but in the meantime, I'm just going over a few pages so you can get an idea of what's going on.
Oh my God, this chapter reveled so much!
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I haven't talked about this, because I still have a few chapters to work on, but the previous one ended with Lily saying that everything was done in order to make the revived Count become the 9th Servamp with Mikuni as his Eve.
If that's the plan, could it mean that Mikuni will break his contract with Jeje or will it be possible to also keep him too?
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Lily reveals to Misono that initially he wanted to put Kuro in Mikuni's path, but that would have been a great risk if Tsubaki went after Kuro, so instead he chose Mahiru.
"As someone from a family of magicians that could be easily monitored and who didn't posses the combat skills of a magician...And most of all, he was the son of a certain man"
Lily tells Misono about Touma being Mahiru's father, who was a hindrance because Touma was close to the realization of the Count's reincarnation. Lily thought that if Tsubaki would target Mahiru, Touma would be dealt with if he tried protecting Mahiru.
Lily didn't think that Touma would try shooting his son, but he was wrong.
"Love is the most difficult to read."
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Lily tells Misono about his mother and what we knew about her was a lie. To start off her name was Tatsunami Hokaze which is so weird and perhaps it was a mistake because it happened before that some character's name were misspelled, like it happened with Pisca (it was even brought up by Tanaka on Twitter) and I recall one time where Tsurugi's name was written Rurugi xD
So, I looked up Hokaze (歩風) and it seems to be a boy's name and I have found the readings Ayuka or Honoka for girl names, so maybe one of those is actually her name?
Well, if it won't be mentioned by Tanaka if it was a misspelling, for now she will be called Hokaze.
Moving on, I noticed that in the first panel on the left, if you look closely at the book she's holding, it most likely "Jane Eyre" written on the cover, so we have a literary work that's associated with her.
Alright, so she was one of the orphans Lily brought to the Alicein house, like Dodo and Mitsuki.
Lily described her as ambitious woman and he encouraged her to get into Mikado's good graces. If she became his mistress, she could control him from the shadows.
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The letters from his mother that Misono read were censored by Mikuni and crafted a beautiful story. In Japanese it specifically says検閲 which means censorship, so that seems to imply that he didn't fabricate the letters entirely, some things that were written in them might have been left unchanged.
Poor Misono :((
Man, the drama of this family...
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So, we get to see Lily's past and I'm assuming (because it doesn't say) that he was selling his body? That's the impression I get from that image with the old guy who's giving him money...
Alright, moving on to Kuro's fight against Tsubaki!
It's awesome how Kuro made the candlestick into a sword! It looks cool!
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Tsubaki says that demon Kuro was apparently sensei's "something", that he called things such as friend or brother and the demon was sort of like a familiar.
Kuro wants to hear from Tsubaki why is he obsessed with the Count, but Tsubaki isn't reluctant to tell him.
Kuro uses "Elpsis" to try looking into his memories and it's so cool that he can use Mahiru's ability, like he even changed the sword into a staff like Mahiru's!
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Tsubaki had a little sister :(
So, apparently the reason he wanted to revive sensei isn't because he cared about him. He wants the ritual to be fulfilled because he awaits what comes after. Tsubaki made a promise with sensei, the latter telling him that he would make his little sister happy.
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What could that mean? If she's dead, could it mean that he will bring her to life? It doesn't mention what happened to her...
Oh boy, so, I feel sorry for Misono because of how much he was deceived and we also find out that Tsubaki wasn't actually looking forward to be reunited with sensei because they had a deep bond or something, he even admits in this chapter that he's probably just a means to sensei's objective to be united with Kuro, because sensei was only interested in him.
So yeah, that's about it. I want to end the post by saying that I thank you for the patience with the scanlations, I still have three more chapters to finish until I start working on this one.
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