#or idk let sangwook be in heaven with jaeheon
rradical · 11 months
another post because I can’t shut up but holy fuck I hope that maybe just maybe sangwook is still a character. like, uimyeong took over the body and all but likeeeeee I’m still rooting for sangwook ! like come on, pretty please Netflix? can we have sangwook againnnnn, pleaseeee !!! (shoutout to that one person who also posted that they were still rooting for sangwook)
or maybe they’d just recycle sangwook’s body for s3 with another actor assuming uimyeong would survive and discard for another body in s3. (also is s3 still genuinely happening 😭 ????)
also I hope the trailers stop, because IDK, it’s a me thing but I feel the more trailers that come out the more the plot is revealed which sucks kinda cuz the show isn’t even out yet. the stills can keep coming tho lol, it’s like little puzzle pieces
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