#or clout's plot armor was so heavy that it dragged his route down the Supreme Abyss
randomnameless · 4 months
Golden Shower :
The battle's only going to get tougher from here on out. The Immortal Corps is ready to go! Then let loose! Blot out the sky with your arrows!
"who gives a fuck"
Alas, plot armour and Clout being the main lead means we have, instead of this very badass sequence where Rhea and her randoms dgaf about fiery arrows :
"Eek! Something's falling from the sky!"
Flayn, you saw the same thing happen at the same place 1000 years ago, it's not different!
"We are in serious peril! Everyone, fall back!"
Seteth :(
You intercepted a random who was totes going to be shield bashed with your wyven, 1000 years ago, when you weren't giving any fucks about those arrows, why are they suddenly a "serious peril"??
I'll forever wonder why the people who made that intro sequence spent so much time detailing how Claude's tactics against Rhea 1k years ago didn't work, to fart on this intro and suddenly make them work - but I guess when you join Supreme Leader, your plot armor becomes as huge and unsightly as possible, regardless of the rest of the game, to make sure the protags win.
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