#or a bunch of Danny & Ward's scenes in S1
laylainalaska · 6 years
Iron Fist Week Day 5: Favorite Scene
There’s just, like ... SO MANY scenes that I love. Fight scenes, funny scenes, sweet scenes, hurt/comforty scenes. 
Just to pick a few actually quite a lot more than a few:
The flashback of the kids in 1x01. It’s just such a good snapshot of them at that age, and tells you so much about their personalities and relationships in a very short space.
The Danny/Colleen doing katas together scene in 1x12. It’s so beautifully choreographed and hot. 
The entire climax and fight on the roof in 1x13: Ward working against his dad, “we can’t leave Ward up there”, that bit where Danny crashes through the window and again when he blows the glass out of the windows, everyone getting to have their part to play and everyone getting to be awesome and all the teamwork, which is my favorite kind of climax boss fight.
Colleen and Danny in the restaurant in 2x01, fighting over food and trying to outdo each other in “horrible training” stories. SO CUTE I DIED.
That scene in 2x05 where everyone is helping Danny when he’s hurt. It’s just such a lovely and heart-melting contrast with early season one when he was so alone.
Every scene with Danny and Ward in 2x05-06. It’s so great. I couldn’t really pick a favorite bit: Ward’s attempts to be emotionally supportive, all their talking about addiction, the I-love-you’s, snarking at each other after Danny’s feeling better.
Misty and Colleen’s fight with the Crane Sisters. So fun and badass!
The “waiting at the hospital” scene in 2x07. All the worry for Danny! I love Misty waiting with Colleen, and I love that we saw Ward there, even though he’s only in it for 0.5 seconds and they could so easily have not showed him being there, and I love that part with Colleen holding Danny’s hand. And just generally the way the scene was put together with the music and the cold lighting. It’s so good.
That moment when Colleen’s hand lights up at the end of 2x09.
And again with Colleen delivering the knockout blow to Davos and getting the whole “hero pose” scene.
Ward shooting Davos’s henchdude and the “thank you/call me Ward” exchange with Misty and rescuing Joy.
Danny’s fight with Davos in 2x09 and the gentle way he lowers him to the floor.
Colleen and Misty’s bantery goodbyes and their hug. “Knight ... Wing ... got a ring to it.” :D
“Come with me” at the end of 2x10. I squeaked in delight!
Colleen’s katana lighting up. YESSSS.
That final scene in the bar in Hokkaido.
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bookoftheironfist · 6 years
    Raven Metzner has been going around to various social media sites and answering fan questions. Here are a few comments that I found particularly enlightening/exciting: 
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    I am clinging to hope that the K’un-Lun situation has remained vague for the sake of fostering mystery, and not just because of communication lapses between showrunners. At the end of Iron Fist Season 1 it had apparently vanished. In The Defenders Danny was convinced it had been destroyed, but the Hand leaders seemed to believe otherwise (since they were trying to get back there). In Luke Cage Season 2, Danny seemed to have decided it was not gone, because he joked about bringing Luke there. And then in Iron Fist Season 2, he and Davos were clearly convinced it had been destroyed. I need a definite answer, and I’m extremely relieved to know Raven feels the same way. And heck, “Lei Kung coming through the portal to get Danny for the tournament could be an amazing way to end S3″? How about an amazing way to start S3?!
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(I’ll caption these Discord ones because they’re kind of hard to read.)
Q: “Are we ever going to see K’un-Lun for all its glory? Are there any other mythical creatures besides dragons that could be introduced in the future?”
A: “I thought EP201 was pretty glorious but it would be very cool to see more of the mystical city. There are lots of cool mythic creatures in the Iron Fist comics and in general. I’m very interested in building out some more of the mythology in the series for sure.”
*Bangs fists on table* H’ylthri! H’ylthri! H’ylthri! H’ylthri!...
    Raven has been asked a bunch of times about showing Shou-Lao, and I’m not including those here because his answer is as expected: the budget won’t allow it.
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    This is pretty close to Lei Kung’s mindset in the comics too, but nice to have it confirmed, since that moment was very subtle. 
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    I too considered that final fight a huge cop-out, so this provides some context. Metzner is working with long-form storytelling here, and Danny and Davos’s story has not yet reached its epic conclusion-- which is great news. 
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Q: “Who in real life would be the most worthy of the Iron Fist?”
A: “Wow this is a great question. I feel very strongly that the person who has the Fist should be the person who would be least likely to use it.”
    This is significant insight to how Metzner views the Iron Fist. I partly agree, though not entirely, and it sheds light on his decisions regarding Danny this season.
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    I’m really excited to see more of this version of Mary, and it seems safe to assume that these “amazing back story elements” will make their way into a potential Season 3. I can’t wait!
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Q: “Could you talk a bit about your thought process behind Joy’s arc this season?”
A: “I adore Jessica Stroup. We couldn’t ignore that last scene with she and Davos at the end of S1 so we built on it. I also loved the idea that Joy’s plan was NOT at all Davos’ plan - I think it’s great when there is dissection [sic] among the antagonists. I also felt there was SO MUCH the character needed to say to Danny and Ward after the way she was treated in S1-- so I made sure she had the chance to say them.”
    Some commentary on Joy’s arc! I thought it needed more development and time, particularly in regards to her dynamic with Danny, but I loved a lot of what was done with Joy this season.   
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    We might actually get a superhero origin for Sam...
    For anyone unfamiliar, Sam Chung (Colleen’s co-worker at the clinic this season) is a Daredevil character from Charles Soule’s run. In the comics he is an undocumented immigrant from China who invents an invisibility suit, and trains alongside Matt using the codename Blindspot. Since he is such a new character, it was really exciting to have him even remotely referenced in the Netflix-verse. Obviously, he is not exactly the same character in the show, but seeing him actually become a superhero in that universe would be amazing. 
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    This was his answer when asked about his favorite easter egg. I missed this one! Very cool. The image on the left is from the cover of Daughters of the Dragon (2006) #5. 
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Q: “I know you can’t talk much about the future of Danny on Iron Fist, but what direction would you like to see for the character in the future?”
A: “I want to continue to evolve him. My goal is to get him to the place where he is in the comics-- centered, powerful, confident-- the best Martial Artist in the Marvel U.”
    As much as I may disagree with some of his methods, it is comforting to be reassured that he wants what we all want for Danny.
    Also be sure to check out this interview, conducted by Connor McKenna of the fantastic Immortal Iron Fist Podcast. It’s very insightful: 
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