#oops sorry y'all vote fast
jackexmachina · 3 months
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ghost-kitty-cat · 10 months
(Psst Over here! Ok This is a cute little idea I just thought of and I'm gonna do my best to write it out but no promises that it won't be bad, anyways I present to you) Movie Night with the woodworking crew! (+ their listeners) enjoy!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Narrator: The air is clear, the night is young which means it's the perfect time for some movies and that's just what our friends here were up to... let's see how they're doing this fine night... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crash!
Neo: Gage we are definitely not watching that! I severely question your tastes at times!
Gage: Don't act like your movie is any better, I mean who even enjoys boring nature documentaries!
Neo: They are not boring! You are just simply too childish to understand them!
Gage: uh huh says the one who completely hid behind their partner during the scary movie earlier..
Bug: uhhh... Babe you also hid during that movie...
Gage: Bug shh! You're meant to be on my side..
Darling: goodness.... There are no sides! Just pick a movie! You two have been arguing for hours! I mean Sweets has already finished making more snacks by now!
Newbie: To be fair, Sweets works quite fast when it comes to baking…
Sweets: Don't know if that was a compliment or not so I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that…
Newbie: oh... oops... sorry forgot you were in the room... Sorry Sweets…
Sweets: you're lucky I can't stay mad at you children for long..
Darling: Aren't all of us mostly around the same age?...
Desmond: technically yes...but no at the same time…
Darling: holy fudge on toast!... NEWBIE Please tell your boyfriend to quit appearing out of nowhere!
Desmond: I literally been here the whole time...
Newbie: yea.... also what am I meant to do?! I can't control his actions!
Darling: I don't know! Get him a bell or something–
Sweets: Nope! We are not going down that path! Y'all are too young
Gage: Again, we're literally around the same age, we aren't children!
Neo: That's Debatable...
Gage: Shut it Foxy boy!
Law: You both need to knock it off...
Bug: oh great now dad is involved...
Newbie: When did we all get adopted?!..
Law: I would like to know that as well...
Bug: Le simple, If Sweets is mother.. then Law is dad
Newbie: I.... Did you know about this?...
Desmond: I try not to question things at this point...
Darling: Yeah... Yeah... that's nice and all but we still haven't picked a movie yet!
Sweets: mhm... and the snacks are beginning to get cold...
Bug: Alright lets just all take a vote at this point... we'll all suggest different movies and then we vote and whatever movie wins is what we watch, all those who agree with this plan say I..
Everyone: I! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Narrator: and legend has it that they still couldn't decide on a movie and just ended up falling asleep.... maybe one day they will properly have a movie night but for now this is the end~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(This was certainly interesting, I hope you enjoy this somewhat chaotic story!... maybe i might try this again sometime…)
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kayabred · 4 years
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Imagine if Hongjoong was your younger brother oh my god oh my god hiii I know I was gone long I'm so sorry I really have no excuse (。・ω・。)ノ♡
“Eomma~ noona/hyung won't share their food !” he would grin while shouting , making you attack him with tickles
Knocks on your room door while on his phone and goes “yah , eomma said that -----”
Snorts at you but good naturedly
Would pull pranks and post them on tiktok
Very playful with you , you're truly the only one that knows this side of him.
Asks you to check out his work
‘Sleepovers’ in each others room where y'all paint your nails and spill tea and give advice
Used to pout at you when you wouldn't bring him out for ice cream.
Now he pouts at you when you don't give him attention.
“yah , yah , yah noona/hyung . Did you watch the stage?” satisfied boy when you praise him.
Weirdest nicknames . Matching nicknames too.
Your childhoods were wild
“bet you five dollars you can't climb that tree , Hong”
“yah , that's my lunch money for the week !”
You did his homework when he was too tired to
Always scold him good naturedly when he doesn't take care of himself
You raised him to be a good man , good job .
Treated the boys when they debut
“Everyone this is my noona/hyung ,” he would show you off but if any member tried anything he is going to stare at you with a 'wtf face'
You would knock on his door on random days like “hey , eomma and appa's anniversary is tomorrow you wanna sign my card ?” and he'd panic and grab a pen before you burst out laughing , giving it away . So then your parents would hear a shriek as he chases you around the house with a pen.
The kind of siblings that are so close if you try anything they gonna gossip about you over popcorn
Will not let your friends come over if not they gonna 'skrrt pull up in the coupe beep beep' when they see him.
Whines when he doesn't get his way
Movie nights
Video calls and voice calls every now and then , usually at odd hours when he's missing you he'll call you no matter what time cause he knows for a fact you'll always answer
When he used to have such hard times and wouldn't tell your parents , he'd call you to seek comfort and those were the nights you would book a cab and run there as fast as you can.
So thankful that he has you by his side .
During treasure film , when he called your mom , she also passed the phone to you and your voice alone made him grin so wide.
“Hongjoongie , are you eating well ?”
“yeah noona/hyung , I am . How are you ?”
You send him videos of the entire fam in your living room watching their music videos when they're dropped .
One time he forgot your birthday and when he realised it late , he took a day off for the first time in a long time and went home to see you
Always hyping him up
Number 1 Atiny ever , you vote religiously vote for them on fanplus , starplus and thekking guys especially thekking
Always interacting with other fans and that makes him so happy seeing the people he love most together
He has an odd reflex from his childhood which is whenever he breaks something he immediately shouts “noona/hyung!” before realising you aren't there. I have that habit I shout my sister's name everytime I do something wrong oops guilty
Sends you selcas that make you smile
After ateez debut , you suddenly gained eight younger brothers who care about you so much
always supportive , trust him with your life
Surprisingly y'all didn't fight a lot . And if you did fight over something you would somehow end it giggling while play fighting
Playing sports together .
“why can't you be like ---/ Hongjoong ?” the notorious phrase by teachers
“because we're two different people”
Used to rap and sing together at every talent show
Busk for fun and perform for family or each other
Waking each other up with air horns or smacking them with pillows ( the victim will then proceed to throw a pillow or I'd they're particularly refreshed , chase the attacker ). That or plopping next to them and going “yahhhhhh wake upppp” even though y'all both just wanna sleep.
Healthy sibling relationship
Flipping mics competition
Tied and braided his hair while spilling all the tea you have and getting either annoyed humming because you're tugging on his hair too hard followed by him smacking your hand or him just answering along .
Approves of your taste in partners unless they really give off bad vibes
Overall , you both have such a good and wholesome relationship that neither of you would trade for your life.
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