geniousbh · 4 months
oi minha deusa, eu sua divina escrava e servente, agradeço por todas as suas divinas palavras que respondeu aos meus delírios ☺️☺️☺️ responde mais um aqui pra mim pleasepleaseplease. o lindo do pipe 😫 pedindo a lobinha em namoro (ou casamento🥴) num jogo do river que ele conseguiu arrastar ela
Imagina ele passa dias tentando convencer a orgulhosa da brasileira e quase morreu de apaixonadite aguda quando ela aceitou, ele faz tudo bonitinho, arrumadinho, mimo atrás de mimo, até conseguiu fzr ela colocar uma blusa do river, daí chegam lá bem bonitos e PAM eles aparecem no telão e ela só fica vendo eles cheia de vergonha toda sorridente 😀 sem perceber que tá escrito “quer namorar comigo?” Ele vai virar pra ela e apontar e o resto eu deixo contigo minha consagrada 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚💕💕💕💕💕💕
oooii bebêzitaa!! desculpa a demora, acabei deixando muito acumular nas asks, umas se perderam, outras já foram respondidas pelas demais dyvahs da plataforma, mas enfim estou aqui! 🥰🥰🥰
e seria bem assim mesmo, como membro honorário do fã clube do river, o felipe tem acesso a várias coisas legais, papo de participação na concentração, festas, jantares, enfim, um dondoco mesmo. e ai, depois de 4 anos de namoro, mais certo do que nunca de que você SERÁ a última mulher dele, mãe dos filhos e percursores do sobrenome otaño, ele desembolsa uma graninha e organiza junto da direção do time de te fazer o pedido. e é super brega, os jogares entram com as plaquinhas antes do jogo, e ai seguram discretamente e ao contrário do que você pensa - que é um jogo de classificação e tal - é só um amistoso, então nem se importa com a movimentação unusual ali no campo, fica sentadinha comendo a pipoquinha que ele te comprou.
de repente, é anunciado nos alto falantes "agora o hino da argen- opa, peraí, parece que alguém especial tem uma mensagem importante pra entregar...". e você leva alguns segundos pro seu cérebro computar, enfim levantando e olhando pro telão enorme que começa a rodar um video do seu namoradinho contando várias coisas, desde como tinha sido inesperado te conhecer, até todos os momentos importantes que passaram juntos - e várias fotinhos -, até que ele no vídeo aponta assim 👇🏻👇🏻 pra baixo, e na hora que seus olhos caem no gramado, os jogares enfileirados estão segurando as placas com os dizeres "quer casar comigo?".
sua carinha se transforma em espanto e surpresa no mesmo segundo, tampando a boca e sentindo um cutuquinho no ombro, se virando e vendo pipe se ajoelhar com a caixinha aveludada em mãos. "qué dices, mi amor?". e é como se no mundo todinho vocês fossem as duas únicas pessoas naquele momento, nem ligava pras pessoas gravando com flash e a comemoração da torcida inteira praticamente quando você o abraçava e assentia emocionadinha. deixando que ele colocasse o anel no seu dedo e enfim o beijando; transmitidos na telona de antes. vão sim ficar pra ver o resto do jogo, mas sabe aquela sensação aérea de que "isso é verdade ou tô sonhando?", ia ser o sentimento que prevalece (enquanto o sr gonzalez otaño mesmo não para de sorrir de ponta a ponta, ainda mais com o river ganhando😃).
mais tarde, vocês voltariam pro apartamento dele, e ele jura que nunca te viu tão sem jeito e acanhada. é como se literalmente fosse a primeira vez que ficam sozinhos, e em parte fazia sentido pensar assim... era a primeira noite de vocês como noivos juntos😖 então você fica mega coisadinha quando ele pede pra tomar banho contigo, porque sabe que agora vão comemorar o mais novo status de forma bem prática e carnal🤭
ouve felipe sussurrar teu nome seguido do sobrenome dele bem sôfrego, arrastando a boca pela lateral do seu rosto, "o quê vc acha, bebita? eu acho que fica ainda mais bonito em você...", suas costinhas arqueando contra o azulejo frio enquanto os braços fortes te seguram pelas coxas, levantadinha, deixando que ele metesse fundo, e a voz deste embalando seus pensamentos que oscilavam entre ele vai me partir no meio e "n-ão vejo a hora de ser uma otañ- nnhhm" revirando os olhos e gemendo manhosa quando ele acertava teu pontinho g seguidas vezes, com tuas unhas arranhando a nuquinha e as costas largas dele. "dale nena, pero ahora voy a follarte hasta que olvides tu propio nombre, sí?".
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 761: Reserve
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Pag 1
1: Please get ready the allen key, the allen key
Time is going by
4: You gotta calm down
Ye.... yessir, teh!!
You're frozen stiff
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Pag 2
1: Sugimoto-san, where do I put this
The supplies box is under the foil bag over there, so put it in there
2: Ah, here?
3: Whose shoulder bag is that?
4: (NdT.: the writing says “Kaburagi”)
7: This way, you won't have to look for it when you'll have to take it out
Oh... thank you so much!
Time is short when you have to hand it over, so you need to take your time with preparation beforehand
8: 40 minutes before the start!!
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Pag 3
1: Alright, let's get your heartbeat up one more time
Yessir, teh
Is he alright?
Soon my role as a reserve will be over
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Pag 4
1: Pfuui, it's hot
Together with the signal gun at the start....
3: No....
4: I guess it's already over?
6: These six people are already rock solid
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Pag 5
1: I'm sure they'll run a good race
2: How about you sit down? Sugimoto-kun
The preparations are almost done
3: And you've been standing on your feet working since this morning
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Pag 6
6: I feel.... disappointed
7: Even though I lost during training camp, I was still told I'd be the reserve
I guess I still “felt like I had a chance”
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Pag 7
1: Say, Sugimoto-kun
Ah, yes!?
2: Why did you start riding bikes?
4: Ah, yeah, I've never told you?
5: Yeah
Well.... it's a silly story
It's just an ordinary story that's not worth listening to- you still want to hear it?
7: My father used to ride a road bike
He suggested it to me but I was scared so I didn't
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Pag 8
1: But, one day.... ah... well, my father's family home is in Okayama
In the north of Okayama at the border with Shimane, there's a huge mountain called “Mt. Daisen”
2: One time, when he made me get on a rental bike and run, he said “let's go there”, and took me there even though I didn't want to
3: For some reason, I was deeply moved
That majestic mountain's scenery kept changing as I advanced
4: I thought it was really interesting
5: Even though I said I was scared of falling, I soon got absorbed in riding
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Pag 9
1: And I thought it was fun
2: I could ride this forever...
3: that's what I thought
4: After that I asked my father to take me to, like, Lake Kawaguch or Hakone on the weekends. We went to Hakone three times, three times (haha)
5: But still, the first time you see the scenery from a mountain is the best
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Pag 10
1: Maybe I wanted to see the scenery for the first time
3: When I became an high-school student, I met Naruko, Onoda, and Imaizumi
Well, I had already heard about Imaizumi in middle school races
Those three....
4: I saw them running in the Inter High giving their whole body and soul
5: I saw them from up close
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Pag 11
1: In my third year, I thought I wanted to see this Inter High's scenery
3: from inside the course
6: For sure
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Pag 12
1: It didn't come true though
3: No no
4: Hahaha!! Why am I talking about such gloomy things before the start!!
Sorry, sorry, forget what I said just now, forget it!! Let's be bright!!
5: I'm their support, after all
My role is to be their backup!! Yes!!
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Pag 13
2: The participants will be at the starting line soon
3: I give up....
4: Ah, ah
What's wrong?
5: Ah, every year we gather cyclists from each school who failed to enter the race in the “selected team”, right?
6: Yeah, the team with white jerseys and number bibs in the 200s!!
There's a vacancy there
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Pag 14
2: Give it your all!
Yes, senpai!!
3: Thirty minutes until the start!!
4: We were informed just now
Are you looking for someone to fill in?
Well... there are conditions... and there's probably no one....
5: who can be ready within fifteen minutes from now
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Pag 15
2: Oooii
3: Oh... it's Touji-san
He's in a hurry
Are there troubles? It's the first time I see Touji-san running
4: Sugimoto!!
5: Huh!?
6: Why are you in such a hurry.... everyone has finished getting ready, we're going soon
Huh? Me?
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Pag 16
1: Do you want to ride in the Inter High!?
2: Huh!?
3: Run!? In the Inter High!? Eh!?
You're saying this to me!?
I just got a call from the director
4: He's speaking with the main office right now
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Pag 17
1: But the the team's six people are rock solid...
2: It's not Sohoku!!
It's the team with white jerseys and number bibs in the 200s!! There's a vacancy there
3: They asked us to lend them a reserve!!
4: You only have fifteen minutes to get ready
Moreover, it comes with strict conditions!!
6: Still, will you run!?
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Pag 18
1: Sugimoto....!!
2: Sugimoto...!!
3: Sugimoto-kun!?
5: Sugimoto-san!!
6: Ehy ehy
No, no!!
7: Sadatoki, set the wheels on Sugimoto's frame!!
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Pag 19
2: Wa- wait please. This is the third Inter High and I've always been working for this team behind the scenes
And, I mean, supporting is also an important.... role
Ye-yes, that's it
3: The Inter…..
4: High!?
5: This is the important last Inter High, so I'll reliably support Imaizumi, Naruko and Onod-
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Pag 20
1: Is there anyone who would throw away their dreams for someone else?
2: My Colnago
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Pag 21
1: It's a great opportunity
Run!! Take....
2: This chance!!
4: That day was hectic for me
Until up twenty minutes before the starts I was frantically doing preparation for the race for everyone
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Pag 22
1: And after that, somehow, I wore a jersey I had never seen before
2: And, shaking, I was standing at the starting line of the Inter High
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meusonhares · 6 months
oooii!! você poderia fazer um moodboard coquette da Wonyoung (IVE)? muito obrigada. 🌺😪
Aqui, meu bem! Coquette não é meu ponto forte, mas eu tentei e espero que goste. '🤲🏻
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– Caso use, comente "pg" ou reblog. 👋🏻
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eczstasy3 · 8 months
(ughhh i’m so hornyyy for a virgin 🤦🏾‍♀️ sorry for spamming ur inbox i tend to be an attention whore and it’s been a while 😖)
my eyes have watched you intently all day getting turned on from the slightest things you do
/preparing breakfast
/making coffee in the morning
/helping me do my hair, picking out my outfit
i’ve been pent up all day and it’s only when i’m sitting in your lap while u rub my head do you notice i’m getting squirmy “what’s the matter love” i let out a long exaggerated sigh “oh nothing daddy” but my body gives me away i start to throb a bit “baby you do know i can feel you, right darling?” i blush and try hiding in your chest yet you guide me away and lift my chin we stare at each other for a while before my lips part just a bit taking advantage you rub your thumb over my bottom lip
“get up all fours now pretty” “but what if i don’t want to” i reply with a shrug of my shoulders you give me a stern look i still don’t move you take matters into your own hands and grab me by hair and put me on the ground yourself walking away you retrieve a vibrator “put.it.in” you put emphasis on each word this time i don’t hesitate to follow orders you place your hand under my underwear other hand holding the remote
“grind and you better not stop until i say otherwise and while ur at it you tell me what’s wrong” i take a little too long for your liking turning it to the highest setting i get to grinding already messily moaning and making eye contact with the ground slowly you lower it “now.i.won’t.ask.again.go”
“i-i-i i’ve been horny so much m-m-more often this week didn’t want to seem too needy even though i ughh i w-w-wanted you so b-bad” drooling and turning into a babbling mess i lower my head in shame
“now you know brainless sluts like you don’t get to determine that” you wiped at my drool and made me savor it with ur fingers invading my mouth “open drop your tongue” “yes daddy” i blush deeply but nonetheless do what i’ve been instructed taking that opportunity you spit in my mouth “who’s my little cum dump” i breathe heavily “i am” delivering a slap across my face “address.me.properly.slut”
“mmm me daddy i’m your cum dump”
you pull my panties to the side and remove the vibrator smirking at how wet i’ve become you rub at my clit i try and grind into your touch but you slap my ass and tell me to stop you continue the torture “beg.me.for.it” “please forgive me daddy i really need your cock right now pretty pleaseee i’m so sorry” i pout trying to reason with you slide your cock over my cunt i become excited thinking i’ll finally get what i’ve been craving but you come really close to my ear “you know babe i could give you my cock but you don’t deserve it maybe next time you’ll be less bratty and express what you need from me” leaving kisses behind my ear
the night turned into a cock warming session you wipe and kiss my tears away reassuring me you’re almost done torturing me but we both know that’s far from the truth
(again teehee sorry i just oooii let out all my frustration needed to get it off my chest daddy 🤧🤍)(ughh to be a slut for u 😌💜)
That's hot af, got me thinking of having this with my person 😵‍💫
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butane-muses · 6 months
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A VERSE, FOR YOUR TIME || closed, with @bedrydant.
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THE INTERIOR of the simulator was calm, that day. The setting of choice? The sunlit streets of Narai-juku, a small town in Nagano Prefecture.
Musashi's idle browsing of Chaldea's archives some time prior had led her towards an entry on the small town, quaint in its size and beautiful in its surrounding scenery. What really caught her attention, though, was a particular row of buildings: intentionally preserved, and nearly untouched from the Edo Period.
To say she felt nostalgic, then, would be a vast understatement. She had to get a look, somehow... and the simulator would prove quite sufficient.
The scene was pristine enough to allow her time and space to sit at the foot of one of its alleyways. She carried her (albeit sheathed) swords yet still, alongside a few intriguing tools— a small brush, a block of ink, a small container of water, a wooden board, and a good few pages of vertically-lined parchment.
Indeed— for the first time in a while, she had once more taken to poetry.
Even past all the generated wanderers minding their business in the streets, though, it wasn't long before another Servant inevitably entered the bounds of the simulator. A few seconds afforded her the chance to feel their presence yet...
...alas, an unexpected one. A fellow Saber— Bedivere, was it? She had to wonder what would bring them here, save for pulling her out for an errand. (At least, she hoped that wasn't the case— she was only getting started with how much she prepared.)
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"Oooii, Bedivere-dono~!" she finally called in greetings. "A pleasant surprise and a half to see you here. I just, uh... hope you don't mind me hogging the simulator for a bit..."
Her chuckle was half-apologetic, all-mirthful, as she glanced up to the knight from where she sat— a wooden stool, upon worn cobblestone. Glancing down at her, one could have seen that she'd bent her knees past waist-height, to get a proper seat on it...
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thex01011000 · 1 month
Oooii sumida
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nakamanokizuna · 3 months
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Please be sure to wear your best attire my King/Queen/Monarch
Shoutmon stared back down at the invitation in their hand. Occasionally flipping it to look at it's back.
In all honesty, neither him or Taiki knew how this invitation got here nor do they remember if they ever got invited to an event of any kind.
The dragon flips over the invitation to it's back again, expecting for someone else's name to appear. When they're met with none, they groan before shouting;
"Oooii, Taiki! Are ya done yet? You better not try wearing that shitty blazer-over-shirt combo again!"
"No, im not!"
The boy shouts back in reply from behind the bathroom door before opening it to show that, he was infact, not wearing that fashion disaster of a combo.
"Especially not after you fussed over it the first time i tried."
"Taiki we had a month to prepare, im not gonna let you half ass it like that one time with Akari."
Taiki chuckled, raising both his hands in surrender. As he approached his partner, eventually the brunette's eyes landed on the invitation in the dragons hand.
"Anyhow, how are we even going to attend without an address...?"
"That's a good que-"
Before Shoutmon could even finish their sentence, something bursts out from the invitation and sparks into the space infront of both of them.
And in it's place, a rift crackles open.
".... Neeeeevermind then!"
"That's... Awfully convenient."
After much consideration and with not much reason to not to, both of them step into the rift.
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athlants · 8 months
ei duende da xuxa, como você está?
oooii, o pior é isso me lembrar algm e ao mesmo tempo não kkkkkkkk eu to bem e você?
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complic1ty · 1 year
OOOII!! poderia fazer bios com msc dos the cranberries? amo muito muito o seu blog
oooi amorzinho ! poderia sim , dsclp a demora . passei um tempao off ! qual o nome da msc ??
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skzoombie · 1 year
Acabei de ver o post do Yuta como marido e eu achei simplesmente perfeito.
O que me fez pensar que ele seria muito daqueles que ficam flertando com a esposa dele num mesa de bar, do tipo "Você vem sempre por aqui??" Eu acho que isso seria muito a cara dele. Cê poderia escrever uma coisa assim???
Oieee! Com certeza vai entra na lista porque tudo que envolve o yuta eu me mobilizo pra escrever
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goldenorchd · 1 year
Leo fs2 Story - Aplaus dengan Sepenuh Hati/Bagian 1
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Nazuna: "Makasih untuk hari ini, ya, Anzu. Berkat kamu, pekerjaanku selesai lebih cepat dari perkiraan. Staff juga banyak membantu, aku senang karena banyak mendapat bantuan." 
Nazuna: "Aku boleh menghubungimu kapan saja? Tapi kamu, 'kan juga sangat sibuk." 
Mitsuru: "Abang! Kakak Anzu! Kalau nggak cepat nanti kutinggal, lho!" 
Nazuna: "Oooii~ Mitsuru-chin, jangan berjalan terlalu jauh! Nanti tersesat, lho?" 
Mitsuru: "Nggak akan tersesat, kok. Aku, 'kan, sudah dewasa! Ng? Ada suara musik dari arah sana, sepertinya menarik!" 
Nazuna: "Duh, baru juga dibilangin jangan lari. Kita juga kejar, yuk, Anzu." 
Nazuna: "Mitsuru-chin .... itu dia disana, meloncat-loncat diantara kerumunan. Sepertinya ada yang sedang bermain piano ... Anzu, lihat." 
Leo/Madara: ♪~♪~♪~ 
Nazuna: "Duet antara Leo-chin dan Madara-chin? Tidak heran banyak yang menonton. Ah, mereka melihat kemari." 
Nazuna: "Hm? Melodinya berganti, lagu ini ...." 
Mitsuru: "Yahoo! Ini lagunya Ra*bits! Abang dan Kakak Anzu, ayo menari bersamaku!" 
Nazuna: "Tungg-Jangan tarik tanganku!" 
Mitsuru: "Ahaha! Bernyanyi dan menari itu menyenangkan!"
Setelah pertunjukan berakhir .... 
Leo: "Anzu, Nazu, Mittsu, kebetulan banget kita ketemu disini. Kalian lagi ngapain? Ah, tunggu, tunggu! Kalau dijawab nanti jadi nggak menarik, biar kutebak!" 
Mitsuru: "Hmmm, nggak ngerti? Kami sedang dalam perjalanan pulang habis bekerja." 
Leo: "Jangan kasih tahu jawabannya, dong, Nazu bego!" 
Nazuna: "Eh? Ini salahku? Kalian sendiri, kenapa mengadakan pertunjukan piano jalanan di tempat seperti ini?" 
Leo: "Cuma hari ini, kok, soalnya setelah ini aku ada konser di aula musik." 
Madara: "Sebelumnya, pertunjukan cello sebelum konserku disini mendapat sambutan baik, jadi aku diminta melakukannya lagi tahun ini. Lalu aku mengundang Leo untuk duet piano." 
Leo: "Kalian baru pulang kerja, 'kan? Mau nonton konsernya, nggak? Nanti kuberi tiket." 
Nazuna: "Terimakasih undangannya, tapi maaf, Ra*bits ada rapat setelah ini." 
Leo: "Kalau gitu apa boleh buat, Anzu gimana?" 
Leo: "Karena bisa jadi referensi untuk "feature live", maka kamu akan menonton? Begitu, ya." 
Leo: "Tapi "feature live" itu apa, ya? Rasanya aku juga dengar itu baru-baru ini. Anzu, kok kamu kelihatan kesal? Eh, gara-gara aku?" 
Leo: "Aah, aku ingat! Ini tentang konser solo-ku, 'kan?" 
Nazuna: "Eeeh ... bisa-bisanya kamu lupa hal sepenting itu?" 
Leo: "Bukan begitu, soalnya waktu aku sedang memikirkan mau menampilkan konser yang seperti apa, tiba-tiba inspirasi datang! Wahahaha!" 
Leo: "Kalau dipikir-pikir, inspirasi datang lagi! Mama, pinjam kertas dan pulpen!" 
Madara: "Boleh, tapi nanti di ruang ganti, ya. Konsernya hampir dimulai." 
Leo: "Uwaah, aku diangkat!? Aku bisa jalan sendiri! Turunkan aku!" 
Madara: "Ups, jangan berontak. Kalau begitu cukup sekian, sampai jumpa di lain kesempatan!" 
Nazuna: "Semangat konsernya, Leo-chin dan Madara-chin! Sampai jumpa, Anzu!" 
Mitsuru: "Sampai jumpa lagi, semuanya, Bye bye!"
Aula musik, setelah konser .... 
Eichi: "Wah, selamat siang, Anzu-chan." 
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Eichi: "Mengapa kamu tercengang begitu? Sebegitu anehnya melihatku di tempat seperti ini?" 
Keito: "Jangan berkilah, kau yang mendekatinya diam-diam agar dia terkejut, 'kan." 
Keito: "Hm, ada apa, Anzu? Kau ingin tahu kenapa kami ada disini?" 
Eichi: "Sebenarnya, kami penonton tetap konser ini." 
Eichi: "Fufu ... bercanda. Ini kali kedua aku menerima undangan, tapi tahun ini, Tsukinaga-kun yang mengundangku secara pribadi. Waktu konser terakhir, situasinya kurang baik hingga aku harus sangat berhati-hati. Tapi sekarang kami bisa saling bicara satu sama lain dengan normal." 
Eichi: "Nada bicaranya padaku juga berubah seiring waktu, itu membuatku terharu." 
Eichi: "Oh, iya, Anzu-chan, aku ingin menanyakan ini padamu. Kamu tahu apa judul lagu yang dibawakan Tsukinaga-kun waktu encore?" 
Eichi: "Semua lagu yang dibawakan hari ini adalah musik klasik yang terkenal, aku jadi sedih karena tidak tahu apa lagu yang terakhir dimainkan." 
Keito: "Kau tahu nadanya, tapi tidak dengan judul lagunya?" 
Eichi: "Hee ... Tsukinaga-kun membuatnya ketika mengajarimu menggubah lagu? Begitu, ya, makanya kamu tahu nadanya, tapi tidak dengan judul lagunya. Pantas aku tidak mengenalnya." 
Leo: "Oooi, Anzu! Maaf membuatmu menunggu! Mama harus bicara dengan pihak manajemen, jadi dia pergi duluan." 
Leo: "Anzu menikmati konsernya, nggak? Lagu terakhir tadi, kamu betulan ingat, ya? Ahahaha!" 
Leo: "Waktu itu lagunya belum kita kasih judul, ya? Pihak manajemen juga menanyakan itu. Karena nggak bisa memasukkan namamu, jadi kupilih lagu yang kubuat waktu mengajarimu menggubah." 
Keito: "Kau selalu begitu ...." 
Leo: "Iya, 'kan?" 
Leo: "Lho, Keito? Tenshi juga, kalian datang!?" 
Eichi: "Eeeh ... kami benar-benar dilupakan, nih?" 
Keito: "Bukannya kau yang mengundang kami ...." 
End of Aplaus dengan Sepenuh Hati/Bagian 1
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pelucies · 2 years
oi anjo, desculpa incomodar você mas, poderia divulgar o meu blog por favor? comecei agora e ficaria muito feliz se pode-se 💗
claro que sim!!!
Hey hey guys! follow @wisflore the moodboards are sooo damn cool!
oooii gente bora seguir o blog @wisflore ? os mood são nível van gogh de tao belos!!!
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Faz um tempinho que não faço pedido e queria fazer um hoje. Fiz o mesmo pedido em outro tumblr e resolvi fazer aqui no seu também porque sou apaixonada por sua escrita e nesse momento tô sem ideia para outro imagine e esse já está na minha cabeça a um tempo hahaha.
Então, eu queria um com o Harry bad boy estilo motoqueiro, sabe? A s/n é nova na escola e tem o mesmo estilo que ele (motoqueira), mas ela é mais reclusa, na sua. Ele se interessa por ela de cara porque ela é diferente das outras garotas do colégio e isso o chama atenção. Ele tenta se aproximar dela, jogando seu charme de bad boy, mas leva um fora por ser convencido demais. Ele faz de tudo para conquistar ela, até que ela cede e aceita sair com ele. Ele consegue fazer ela se divertir e no fim do encontro acaba acontecendo.
Acho que acabei me empolgando demais, desculpa hahahah ❤️
oooii, meu amor! obrigada pelo elogio haha ❤️seu pedido acabou de sair! espero mesmo que tenha alcançado suas expectativas.
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returning-tonowhere · 5 months
oii meu bem passa na minha nova conta @i4bunnie aproveita e divulga também
Oooii, já segui, seguem a bunny gente!!!!
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cupcek · 7 months
oioroir so qria ta dizendo q seu blog e bem lindocudo pra vc nau pra de posta podi fz 1 mb do sunghoon pufavuu
Oooii meu docinho, muito obrigada pelo elogio, vc n sabe o quanto isso me faz feliz e agradecida ☹ mto obgda!! Aqui está seu mood mb ★ espero q goste
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a-m-a-r-t-3-sz · 11 months
Oii! Como foi o seu dia hoje?
Oooii. Cansativo, como todos os dias... Mas bom, gosto da correria. E o seu ?
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