#ooc. please click the read more and links for videos illustrating what I've explained ! ^ ^
rosavulpes · 1 month
Dragon of the Darkness Flame
The destructive , eternally burning creature that is bound to Blake's right arm , manifested on his skin in the form of markings no different to a tattoo as he would explain himself if asked .
Encountered during the events of Volume 9 and constrained to him through the use of unique bandages that completely encase his right arm . The wrappings going as far up to his shoulder and then down to his finger tips , keeping the creature's power suppressed to the point where Blake remains in control of it , if at least mostly so .
The bandages were given to him by the Blacksmith at Blake's own insistence , his defiant multiple refusals to have himself separated from the dragon when offered as attempting to keep it under control without them caused him to feel near constant excruciating pain . The antithesis of the Blacksmith's definition of Balance . But Blake saw it as an opportunity , to obtain a strong weapon he could use against Cinder , and Salem . It was the also the reason as to why Blake was able to leave the Ever After with the dragon as the bandages kept it's presence suppressed within his body .
I've included a summary below of my current headcanons , and ideas for how Blake's abilities improved following the acquisition of his new ability .
Physical Abilities :
Partial Heat Resistance - Even with the bandages still on . Blake's body is able to tolerate higher temperatures much better than before even without having to use his semblance to block it out thanks to the dragon's presence within his body . He is not completely immune to burns or scarring when put against very intense external heat if he is without the stamina needed to use his semblance to protect himself from it but your not going to see him sweating in Vacuo even if he's wearing heavy clothing out in the sun .
Partial Flame manipulation - Even with bandages still on . If touching someone with either one of his hands , or if someone is touching his body . He can channel the power of the black dragon through his aura , burning them with it . Expect intense burns .
Partially Enhanced Physical Traits - Even with the bandages still on . He's able to siphon energy from the dragon , bolstering his aura , and his semblance's defensive abilities with it . Allowing him to move faster ( still not as fast as Ruby ) , and hit harder than before . His reaction time is also improved .
Techniques :
Black Dragon Wave ( Dragon of the Darkness Flame ) - The bandages are removed only for a short period of time . The Black Dragon is mostly released from it's bindings , and directly used against his opponent . Physically channeled in the form of pitch black flames that race towards his opponent regardless of the distance . The flames completely consume anything in it's path . Blake doesn't have full control over it , which is why it isn't possible to fully release it in that state . He can only direct it towards the opponent .
White Dragon Wave , Kirin - The name Blake gave to the special variation of the Dragon born of his technique of using the Black Dragon to heat up the upper atmosphere by constantly releasing strong waves of of the Black Dragon Wave . By heating up the atmosphere so consistently , or by already being within the area of one . He's able to create a localized storm cloud . From there , he draws in the ambient energy in the atmosphere into the form of a White Dragon comprised of lightning that he calls Kirin .
It's an attack that can only be used once per fight , and depending on the scenario before a fight , is highly likely to leave Blake drained of aura , and stamina afterwards . The tradeoff being that Kirin's destructive power , for however brief it is , is far greater than that of the Black Dragon's .
Black Dragon Sword - The bandages are loosened , but remain on . Blake focuses the flames of Black Dragon into the form of a sword , in which he can either use an actual sword as the medium ( though it'll likely break afterwards ) or he solidifies his aura as the medium for it . Thanks to the intense heat of the flames , the sword can pierce through heavy armor .
Black Dragon Absorption - ( Click the read more for visual references ) Blake completely undoes his bandages , and turns the Black Dragon free on himself . Absorbing it , trapping it completely within his body without the aid of the bandages . By keeping it trapped within his body , he has access to it's full strength . Blake becomes the Black Dragon itself . All previously listed physical abilities are boosted to their maximum potential as there are no longer an restrictions in place for either of the two .
However , this form isn't permanent and it's duration still entirely depends on how much stamina Blake has to endure the strain it puts on his body . Once the technique expires , he'll be very heavily drained of strength , and likely will not be able to continue fighting .
White Dragon Absorption - more to come in the future .
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