#ooc. don't work with kids or animals xD
maskednihilism · 7 months
The Azure Dragon slowly circles the thief, though rather than a visible tail they seem to instead be tethered to Dan Heng's torso, fading into him.
Under most circumstances this is something he would keep hidden from Koski. But perhaps the introduction will prove beneficial. He would like to spar with Sampo at some point without having to hold back as much. So them seeing the dragon in person...
Said dragon pauses after its third loop, coming to a halt to directly face Koski, whereupon it decides to shrink enough to bop it's about against Sampo's unarmed shoulder before laying its head there, claw gripping matching arm but not hard enough to hurt. And no intent on moving soon. Even though they're getting Sampo's jacket wet.
Dan Heng sighs at the sight, but the faint curve to his lips betrays amusement more than frustration. Koski has no right to be upset though, they were told it was made of water. Yet even so, ❝I'll find you a towel later. Be glad it wasn't your hair.❞
@starlighttrain || drago prompt! || from Dan Heng
Now he's seen strange things in his many years. Sampo is a seasoned man after all. But it still doesn't help with how this ghostly looking beast circles him. It's evident as he's frozen in place, face showing his fear.
A small eep! escapes the thief's lips as it decides his shoulder was a good resting place for its head. And it's claw.
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"Oh yes, I'm very glad." Not! What if it went for his face?! His arms?! His...!!
"L-Listen pikkuveli (little brother), he's a friendly dragon right? It's not going to..." he trusted Dan Heng. Truly he did. But beasts were a different breed. Look at Mimi for example. Or Jing Nyan. Or Jing Yuan himself! They were all uncontrollable and did what they wanted!
Truly followers of Elation if there ever was one!
"I think Big Brother has had enough, thank you." Sampo said, gently putting a hand on the creature's chest to push him off. He prays to the Aeons he gets to keep that hand.
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quinloki · 1 year
Omg thank you! I definitely followed all those accounts immediately. I've read some of the Magnet Mondays! I really enjoy those too. I think Kid's character is hard to get 'canon' sometimes since, obviously with him not having a lot of screen time, he's so rough and obstinate. So either he's written like a totally one-dimensional maniac, or it's too OOC (which is whatever; freedom of expression!) and I can't keep immersed in the story.
** Now only if we could get a manga appearance from our boy. Anything really. I'd take another shot of him sitting in a cell at this point ☠️ #TeamKidBetterBeOk #OrIWillQuit
I'm glad - I hope you find tons of stuff to read that delights you \o/
I know what you mean with the "canon" vibe for Kid. There's a lot we can infer, between the anime and the manga, but not much is set in stone. Even so, putting any character in an AU does give more room for wiggle.
Usually, for any character, as long as the broad strokes line up I'm good - sometimes full on out of character (hard yandere for example) is what I'm looking for. I love seeing people's personal takes on characters, and if something doesn't align enough for me to enjoy it I'll usually just move on, because you're not wrong - sometimes someone else's take can just take you right out of it.
It is both the beauty, and the frustration, of fandom and all its different shapes of love it has for the material xD Some of it I do enjoy from a respectable distance. For instance, I don't see Luffy as gluttonous for sex as he is for food, but I've seen some "I can see how you got there" takes about it that I can appreciate the attention to detail on. ^_^
Manga chatter below the cut, enter at your own risk!
As for the manga - I've thought long and hard about how I'd react if Kid was truly down for the count. I just started watching One Piece last year - April 2022, and I really love it. There's just so much and it's just about as perfect as I think something like it could be.
If Kid - and by extension Law - were done being in the story, then that's what it is, and I'll have to be okay with it. Because I want to stay with this until it's end - bitter or sweet as it may be.
For what it's worth, I don't think either are done. Kid and Law might lounge at rock bottom - rightfully so - for a while, but Luffy won't let them stay that way. With Law headed to parts unknown and Luffy headed to Elbaf, the three are going to meet on that island I'm sure of it.
These are, by rights, Luffy's friends. Shanks is, by Luffy's own admission not so much a mentor as a rival. A friendly rival, sure, but Shanks is something for Luffy to overcome.
I don't know, it might just be wishful thinking, but I feel like we're going to find out Luffy's true dream, and something will work out where Luffy, Kid, and Law can and do work together, because their end goals are all just different enough that they can.
The end of the story might not be "the friendship we made along the way" xD but getting to the end is certainly going to a Power of Friendship deal, in that "you can't help but what to follow Luffy" sort of way, and I'm here for it.
But that's just my opinion <3
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