#only tangentially but i don't want to tag a massive rant against kikuchi in the vhd tag
winterscribe · 7 years
Warning: Mention of Canon Typical Violence (and this canon is Violent as Hell.)
Ok, so originally my idea was to continue trying to incorporate some of D’s canon backstory into my fic as Kikuchi reveals it. However, its now clear that... isn’t gonna work. 
Canon is badly written and contradictory leaving me confused and in desperate need of a reread to try and figure things out. At first I thought it was because I read the books out of order and decided to do a reread, but no. no it is that badly written and contradictory and Kikuchi needs to figure out that feeding us a handful of tidbits here and there (that, again, Contradict Each Other!) is not suspenseful and mysterious, it is in fact, annoying as hell.
Seriously. Like book 1 they mention a rumor the sacred ancestor fell for a human woman but book two Drac tells D he was conceived on a pile of corpses while his mother was fucked into a vegetative state... like... wtf. Unless that was supposed to be some twisted metaphor, but it wasn’t written like that. I don’t have the book in front of me, but I remember I reread that part a bunch of times over the years trying to figure out if it was literal or figurative. It could go either way I guess but that’s what I’m saying- Nothing is every stated out right, everything is hints and adding this throwaway line in book 3 to this throwaway line in book 17 to get a vague picture of what MIGHT have happened. 
It might make more sense if I could read it through in order in a few months.  Unfortunately canon is also depressing as hell, so I can only reread it when my mental heath doesn’t require all media I consume to have a happy ending at bare minimum. That sometimes means 6 solid months where I can’t touch anything VHD related except my own Happy AU
 Seriously, I’ve been stuck on chapter 1 of book 11 for over a year because Fuck you Kikuchi Baron Byron deserved better and I can’t get past his intro without getting depressed. Fuck. You. God that end gutted me. 
AND NOW, the more I hear about details from later books (I only got to... 18? 20 maybe, I’m not in front of my bookshelf atm) It just gets weirder and weirder. I mean... maybe Kikuchi has a logical explanation for why the being that created the whole universe can’t fix the fatal extinction level flaw of his master race he created??? But uh... looking at the first 20 books... I uh... don’t have much faith in his ability to both create and COHERENTLY EXPLAIN such a complex plot device in a way that won’t leave me staring at the page scratching my head in confusion. Like... dude. dude. If you’re gonna over complicate something ya gotta explain it in plain language, not exaggerated details and complicated metaphors. 
I suppose what this means is pass me the gasoline, I’mma bout to start a bonfire with 90% of canon. 
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