#only one out of my ten finger doesn't currently have an open wound on it. so
carlyraejepsans · 2 years
i feel like you can calculate how hard the semester is hitting just by looking at the state of my hands lol
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devils-pirate-crew · 1 year
Johnny turns around again after a while, humming to himself as he opens one of the smaller books - its pages are filled with meticulous handwriting, and he flips until he finds a blank page. Dipping a quill on the table in its pot of ink, the surgeon scribbles a few notes, then cracks the well-worn spine until it doesn't threaten to close when he lies it down, open, on the table.
"So," he begins. "You want the good news or bad news first?"
"Uh - " Dawson swallows sharply, gripping the edges of the table-bed. "Good news?"
"There's none," Marino shrugs. "Unless the confirmation that you're not going to die is good news."
"I'll take it," the pilot's mate lies.
"Then there you go." He sets the quill back in the inkwell. "Bad news time. We're going to have to stitch that up." Dawson visibly winces at the information, rocking backwards. Johnny fixes him with an apathethic stare in reply. "Unless you'd rather have a gaping wound exposed to bad air. In which case be my guest, but I'd prefer not to get punished for not doing my job."
The surgeon looks back to his table, sliding a needle onto thread - the lantern that lights the room makes the needle shimmer. "Here's the deal," he continues as he prepares the rest of his tools. "We're going to take off the current bandages - nice work, whoever did that, by the way - and then clean up the wound. After that, we're going to put in the stitches. I originally thought we could do a dry suture, which would have me putting adhesive bandages on your face and sewing those together, but there's a few problems with that. Number one, it'll agitate the scar tissue you already have from - before; number two, the wound is fairly deep and I'm not sure it'll close properly; number three, the suture will fail if we set sail again, because the sea water and wind will destroy the bandages. And I think the captain wants to head back out sooner rather than later. Besides, dry suture is good if you don't want it to scar, which - " he waves a hand dismissively at Dawson, "I don't think you really care about. Not like you can make that much worse."
"Thanks for the compliment," Dawson mutters.
"So we're going to have to go for a standard suture. I think we'll need... nine, ten stitches a finger's width apart - good for the circulation." Marino nods to himself. "Then dress it up again. Probably change the dressings every other day, take the sutures out at two weeks if it's looking good..."
"Can you stop talking and start doing," the pilot's mate almost whines with anxiety.
Johnny nods, taking the required supplies over. "Not a chatter, eh Mercy?" Intercepting Dawson's terrified gaze, the surgeon laughs. "Don't worry. You're probably drunk enough that you won't feel that much, anyway," Marino rationalizes before getting to work.
First, he unwinds the bandages from Dawson's face, depositing them in a fenugreek-scented heap on the bed next to him. Johnny then examines the wound a little more, muttering to himself as he does, before grabbing a bowl in which sits a shallow pool of pungent liquid. He procures a sponge from his tools, dipping it into the liquid and reciting a paternoster before pulling it out, deeming it properly saturated. Taking Dawson's head in one hand, he drags the sponge over the wound - the vinegar stings, and Dawson tries to jerk away on reflex, but Johnny keeps his head steady. Once the cleaning is done, Marino reaches for the needle.
Dawson forces himself to keep breathing. To act like this isn't hurting. To pretend he can't feel anything, not this needle and not the needle years and years ago either. Everything is okay.
he's trying to kill you lock you up going to hurt you shut up shut up he's going to lock you up when he knows throw away the key put you on display for everyone to see run away run away run away listen to us why aren't you LISTENING LISTEN TO US WE WILL SAVE YOU ONLY WE CAN SAVE YOU
Everything is okay.
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
Hi!!! I loved hit my line! Please post the second blurb! I know you’re so busy with college work but if you have the time could you please do a protective Rafe over Y/n and the baby like maybe something happens that feels off or when it comes to y/n actually giving birth! 🥰
a/n: hi my love! i was gonna keep it short but it wound up a little long LOL but i hope you enjoy regardless, this is where i took the idea so i hope you like it!! p.s i wrote this entire thing just now and didn't edit it so sorry hope it doesn't have any major typos oops
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, false labor, anxiety, swearing, kissing
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ambivalence blurb: 23 - rafe cameron
"Cameron, come on. She'll still be here when we get back."
Topper's voice carries all the way from the hood of his Jeep, the one he's currently leaned up against and pretending to gag as he watches Rafe grip your hand and kiss you like his life depends on it.
He's wearing the navy blue polo you bought him for his birthday, which is today, and the reason why Topper and Kelce are waiting on him to go play a round of golf at the Club. He'd loved the polo when he opened it up this morning, and when you showed him what you had sewn on the inside of the breast pocket, he'd teared up and told you it was his favorite gift he'd ever received. The two of you had finally picked a name but kept it private, and you'd put the name there just for him to see whenever he used it.
"Go on," you say against his lips, "I'll be here when you come home."
"Is it too late to cancel?" he whispers.
You laugh, "Yes."
He frowns and kisses you again, throwing his middle finger over his shoulder toward Topper when he groans again.
"Will you come meet us at the Club for lunch? I can come back and get you, or-"
"I'll be there," you smile, "Just text me when you're on the last hole."
"Okay, sweetheart," he agrees, squeezing your hand.
"Jesus, Y/N, can you push him off the porch or something? Tee time's in ten minutes!" Kelce yells from the driveway.
"Go," you say again, grinning widely when he rolls his eyes.
"Fine," he grunts, releasing your hand and placing it on your baby bump. Five and a half months along now; only making it harder for Rafe to leave you any time he has to.
"Happy birthday, handsome," you say, meeting his hand with your own on your stomach.
He smiles, "Thank you, baby. Call me if you need anything, yeah?"
You nod and give him one last kiss before he steps off the porch, flipping off the boys once again when they yell out 'finally!'.
You stand on the porch and watch him climb into the passenger seat, removing his sunglasses from his collar and placing them over his eyes. He presses a kiss to his fingers and then waves at you, which you return with a smile. Kelce waves to you from the backseat and yells something you can't hear over the hum of Topper's engine, but it earns a glare from Rafe.
You laugh and wave one final time before Topper takes off, then turn and walk back into the foyer of the Cameron home. When you close the door behind you, your eyes catch on the picture frames sitting on the mahogany desk resting against the wall adjacent to the stairs. It has a new addition; a photo of you and Rafe from about a month ago, both of you dressed up to celebrate Ward and Rose's wedding anniversary. You smile at it as you pass, heading into the kitchen.
Rose, Wheezie and Sarah are in full work mode, cleaning the kitchen and dining room out from Rafe's surprise birthday breakfast. You'd had to get up extra early to sneak out of the guest house and over here to get to work, but Rafe, being the morning person he is, had come looking for you after his run and walked in all sweaty and concerned.
He'd laughed when he saw the table, decorated to the nines by Rose and all of his favorite foods spread across it, complete with his girl standing at the head of the table. You'd given him a big smile and a kiss, one he didn't expect from you this early in the morning.
Now, as you watch the girls deconstruct it, you smile at the memory. When you step over to the sink to help Sarah with the dishes, she shakes her head.
"Go sit," she says, nodding to the living room, "We've got this."
"Sarah, come on," you groan.
"She's right, honey," Rose cuts in, "You should rest. You've been going nonstop since this morning."
"I'm fine," you say.
"Prove it," Rose challenges, "Go be fine on the couch."
You roll your eyes playfully at her, watching her smile as she rearranges the bouquet of flowers she'd had at the head of the table. You furrow your brows, as if to silently question why she's doing that. She chuckles and explains.
"Rafe asked what I plan to do with them," she tells you, "I told him they were for his birthday breakfast, so he asked me to rearrange them and give them to you."
You smile and shake your head at the boy, unable to believe that even on his birthday, he's still thinking of you. Sarah smiles at you, watching you grin like a little girl.
"He's so sweet," you say quietly.
"That he is," Rose agrees, "They'd look lovely on your kitchen table."
You nod and watch as she wraps a ribbon around the vase, then places it on the counter and tells you to take them to the guest house next time you head out there. You agree and then step over to Wheezie, watching her put leftovers into containers.
Just as you reach the counter, you grab hold of it when you feel a weird, mild pain shooting up your stomach. You wince and shut your eyes, but it passes after you take a deep breath.
"You okay?" Wheezie asks you, glancing hesitantly at Rose, who hasn't noticed.
"I'm fine," you shake your head, giving her a smile, "Let me help."
"You're supposed to be resting," she counters, but when she sees your raised eyebrow, she slides over a container to you and lets you get to work.
You joke around with her as you two organize the leftovers, which are stacking up quickly. You grab a few of the containers and step over to the fridge, using one hand to pull open the door when the pain in your stomach returns. The containers come toppling out of your arm, only one opening and spilling all over the floor.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Rose asks, reaching out to grab your elbow.
You take two deep breaths, eyes glued shut as you breathe through it. You're sure it will pass like it did before, and it does. When you open your eyes, worry is plastered all over Rose's face. Sarah shuts off the water and steps over, eyebrows furrowed and eyes soft.
"Yes," you say breathlessly, "Oh, I'm so sorry-"
"No, no, it's okay," she counters, "Go sit down. I mean it. We'll get it."
You shake your head to argue, but the stern, mother-like look in your eye makes you nod. Your hand wraps around the bottom of your stomach and you instinctually pat, as if to comfort your baby boy.
Sarah offers her hand silently, and you grab ahold of it and let her lead you into the living room. She lets you sit down on the couch and then brings a blanket over to you, then sits down on the coffee table directly in front of you.
"What's wrong?" she asks.
There's a hint of nervousness in her voice, as if she still feels the wall up between you two and doesn't want to push you too far. Although things have definitely improved and you are civil and even kind to one another, it still feels odd to divulge your feelings to her once again.
"Just a weird feeling. I'm sure it's fine," you say, nodding your head as if to convince yourself and her at once.
"I'm sure it is, too," she agrees, "But, maybe we should stop by a hospital. Just in case."
You shake your head, "I'm just being dramatic. I'm fine, I promise."
She stares at you hesitantly, but ultimately nods and stands up.
"Okay. I'll make you some tea. And call Rafe."
Your eyes dart up to her, immediately shaking your head.
"No, Sarah, don't. He'll worry, and it's nothing to worry about. He needs to enjoy his birthday."
"Y/N," she sighs, placing a hand on her hip, "He'd kill me if I didn't call."
"I'll hide the knives," you counter, earning a smile and a shake of the head from her, "Please."
She sighs again and then nods slowly, inching back toward the kitchen.
"Tea's coming up," she says, then turns and exits the living room.
You sigh and sit back, blocking out the worrying yourself. Although you'd never felt anything like that so far, you don't feel as if it's anything to get worked up over. Especially on Rafe's birthday. The last thing you'd want to do is get him all worried and go to the hospital only to find out it was nothing and you're totally fine.
Rose comes in and sits down on the other end of the couch, sympathy evident on her features. Her phone rests in her hand and at first she's not sure what to say, but you know she's in here because she doesn't want to leave you alone.
"Are you sure you're all right?" she asks after a minute.
"Yes, I'm okay, I promise," you nod, "I'm sorry about the mess."
"No, don't even worry about that," she shakes her head.
You swallow when you feel the weird sensation return, placing a hand on your stomach and tensing when the pain starts to set in.
"What is it?" Rose asks, face draining almost completely of color.
You take one deep breath and exhale, then look up at her, "Um, just a little discomfort."
The pain intensifies, making you lean forward and groan without meaning to. Rose stands up and steps over to you, running a hand through your hair.
"Honey," she says calmly, "I'm sure everything is fine, but I'm going to take you to the hospital just in case."
The thought of going to the hospital without Rafe makes you want to cry. You take in another shaky breath and ignoring the stinging of tears in your eyes, then nod slowly. Your heart sinks; the pain of ruining Rafe's birthday outweighing the pain in your lower stomach. You look up at Rose and frown, standing when she guides you upright.
"I need to call Rafe," you say quietly, your voice almost sounding ashamed.
"We'll call him from the car. Everything's fine, just relax," she promises.
Sarah walks back into the living room with a mug, which almost tumbles out of her hand when she sees the expression on your face.
"What-" she starts, but Rose holds her hand up.
"Get my purse and tell Wheezie to finish cleaning up, all right?" Rose says calmly, already guiding you toward the door.
Sarah just nods, her eyes moving between the two of you before she rushes back into the kitchen.
"How's the pain?" Rose asks.
"It's going away," you say weakly.
She nods and leads you out to the car, helping you into the passenger seat. She brushes the hair back from your face and gives you an encouraging, calm smile, which is exactly what you need. Sarah comes running out of the house with Rose's purse and dives into the backseat, letting Rose take off quickly.
"I have to..." you trail off, feeling your empty back pocket, "Fuck, I forgot my phone. I have to call-"
"I'll call," Sarah places an encouraging hand on your shoulder, giving you a small squeeze.
"Just relax," Rose says again, "Focus on your breathing and let me know if you need me to pull over or anything."
You nod and take a deep breath, trusting Sarah to call him. You close your eyes and try to stay calm, but the worry that something could be wrong has your nerves going like crazy. You'd been doing everything right; eating what you're supposed to eat, getting exercise, sleeping well, keeping your stress levels down.
As if she can read your mind, Rose quietly says, "I'm sure everything is okay."
You open your eyes and look over at her, giving her a small smile. She can see the worrying going on in your head, so she does her best to keep her own at a minimum so she can encourage you.
"Rafe?" Sarah says from the backseat, then she groans, "No, Kelce, I'm serious. Give the phone back to Rafe. I'm not playing - no, give it back to him! Kelce - it's about Y/N. Something's wrong."
You swallow and suck in another deep breath, focusing on the road ahead and keeping your stress levels to a minimum. After a few seconds, Sarah speaks up again.
"Rafe," she sighs, "Yes, she - I don't know. Some sort of pain, I'm not sure - yeah, we're on our way to the hospital. Yes, I'm staying calm..."
Her voice drops, and just as you hold your hand out for the phone, desperate to hear your voice, Sarah speaks up.
"He wants to talk to you."
You grab the phone and turn it in your hands, pressing it to your ear.
"Rafe," you breathe.
"Talk to me, baby. Tell me what you're feeling," he says. Although he sounds calm, you know him and you know he's trying not to freak out.
You can hear the clubs in his golf bag clanking as he walks, the noise rather fast-paced, and you find comfort in knowing that he's on his way.
"It's just this really weird feeling, some pain in my stomach, I don't know-"
"Okay," he encourages calmly, and you hear a car door slam, "Is it coming and going?"
"Okay," he repeats, "Just stay calm for me. I'm sure everything is fine. I've been reading about false labor and how you can have what feels like contractions. Does it feel like that?"
You groan, "Rafe. I've never had a contraction before."
His chuckle coming through the phone seems to calm something deep inside of you. He's calm, he's laughing, and of course he would know what the problem is. You smile despite the pain returning in your stomach, which makes Rose smile, too.
"Fair point," he says, "How far are you from the hospital?"
Your eyes do a quick scan of the road as you recognize where you are, "Five minutes."
"Okay, all right. How about we stay on the phone until you get there."
You smile softly, "Okay. It's starting to hurt again."
"Take a deep breath, sweetheart. It's going to pass," he encourages.
You do as he says, letting him listen to you exhale and inhale again. When he starts to speak again, you feel comforted just by the sound of his voice.
"Hey, guess what?"
"What?" you ask absentmindedly, leaning back into the headrest.
"I was kicking Top's ass on the course."
You laugh through your breathing, the pain momentarily escaping you as you listen to Topper protest from the diver's seat.
"He was not!"
"Yeah, I was, baby," Rafe whispers into the phone.
"Y/N," Kelce speaks loud enough that you can hear him, "Top missed, like, three easy putts. Your dad could've kicked his ass."
"Her dad's actually really good," Rafe informs Kelce.
"Yeah, he is," you agree.
Rafe laughs lightly, "How're we looking on arrival, sweetheart?"
"Two minutes, give or take," you tell him.
In your head, you can see him nod and run a hand through his now messy hair, the hair you're sure he's been fidgeting with since the second Sarah called.
You speak again, "How far are you?"
You don't mean for it to come out so vulnerable, but when you hear him exhale into the phone, a sort of sad, wishing he was with you, sigh, you frown.
"Five minutes," he says, then quickly, "Four. Do not wait for me."
You start to protest, but Rose pulls into view of the hospital and straight up to the front doors.
"Sarah, park the car," she demands and hops out, rushing around to your side.
Sarah gives you another pat on the shoulder and then gets out, running around to the driver's seat. When Rose pulls open your door, she gives you a wide smile and removes the phone from your hand.
"Come on," she grabs your hand, pressing the phone to her ear with her shoulder, "Rafe? I'm taking her inside now. I gotta go."
She hangs up before he can protest, which you're sure he will, and hurries you inside. Rose calmly explains to the first person she sees what's happening, and the nurse guides you away from Rose, who isn't permitted to come with you. Rose steps into the waiting area, and just before you're out of an earshot, you hear the voice you'd been dying for. You freeze, letting the nurse think you're having more pain.
"Hi," he's breathless, like he sprinted inside, "Looking for my wife, she just got brought in. She's five-and-a-half months along, having some pain."
You turn around and start walking back up to the front, brushing the nurse off when she attempts to protest. You turn the corner and see him, standing in front of the desk with his messy hair, hat in hand, sunglasses resting in his shirt. He's swallowing, hand patting the countertop repeatedly as he waits for her to locate you.
"Rafe," you say quietly.
His eyes dart up and he finds you instantly, rushing to you with his hands out. He takes ahold of your hands and opens his mouth to speak, then looks to the nurse and quickly figures out what's going on.
"Everything's good," he smiles to you, "Let's just get you checked out, okay, baby?"
You nod to him and he nods to the nurse, silently telling her to lead you both back.
Rafe had been right; Braxton-Hicks contractions being the culprit. Rafe, who apparently had become an expert on all things pregnancy related, had a very intelligent conversation with the doctor about it. He'd exhaled and relaxed the second the doctor announced what it was, but you'd never heard of that before. He explained that you and the baby are both healthy, and there's nothing to worry about.
When he excuses himself, you turn to Rafe and squeeze his hand, finding him to already be looking at you.
"See? Everything's okay. We're doing everything right," he smiles.
You're laid out on the table and Rafe's sitting in the seat beside you, hand still gripping yours as tightly as it had been when he first sat down.
You smile sadly, "Yeah."
"What?" he furrows his eyebrows, questioning your sad expression and the tears in your eyes.
"I didn't want to call you if it was nothing and ruin your birthday, which is exactly what ended up happening, and I'm sorry, Rafe-"
"Baby, no," he stops you immediately, leaning forward and grabbing your other hand as well, "Stop that. You didn't ruin anything. Listen to me."
You meet his eyes, bottom lip jutting out just enough to make his heart break in half. He smiles softly and then continues.
"Finding out that my girl and my baby are both healthy is the best present I could've gotten today, okay? That's all I ever want."
You nod and signal for a kiss, which he gives you. He releases one of your hands and presses it to your bump, stroking softly up and down. You smile, your mind wandering back to Rafe coming into the hospital earlier.
"Rafe," you almost whisper.
"You called me your wife," you smile.
"When you came in here. You called me your wife," you repeat, watching as he remembers.
"Oh," he nods, and you watch his cheeks grow pink, "I - yeah, I did, huh?"
You grin, "Yeah."
His smile matches yours, and he leans in closer, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"Is that okay?" he whispers in your ear.
"It's perfect," you say.
He grins and kisses you once again,  sure that the smile on his face will be permanent as long as he has you.
"We should go tell everyone that everything's okay," you say, sitting up.
"Do you feel up to standing right now?" he asks, not letting go of your hand.
You nod and let Rafe help you off the table, resisting the urge to fall into him and remain in his arms for as long as possible. He presses a kiss to your forehead.
"I know how I want to spend the rest of my birthday," he whispers against your skin, "In bed. With lots of fluids. Resting."
"Rafe," you whine, "It's your birthday. Let the boys take you out or something."
"Oh, and a movie. And a nice, balanced meal. Maybe some ice cream later," he continues, as if you'd never spoken.
You roll your eyes playfully and look up at him, finding a smile on his face.
"I love you," you whisper.
"I love you, too," he replies with a squeeze of your hand, "Come on. We should get you home."
You nod and let him lead you out of the room, knowing that no matter what you say or how you encourage him, you're probably not going to be out of his sight for even a second for the remainder of your pregnancy. Yet, no part of you seems to mind that in the slightest.
Tags: @lurkymurker @scenesofobx @mardema @girlsneedloovee @red-wine06 @itsalexwin @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @malums-trash-can @emotionalbruv @sailnorthreid @milkiane @rafecameronswhore @kotzmagoatz @kookkyra @sarahwasfound @lilgoddesshines @proactivetypeofperson @abrunettefangirlnerd @the-chaotic-cow @absolute-fcking-chaos @kaatelyyynn @jordynsharum @anonymousobxfan @premixed-margarita @princesspogue @gasolinesavages @outlaw-abby @samcaniglia @marveloussensations @dr3aming0utl0udx @thisisthewayrose @iammirrorball @r0und3bitch @thesimpletype @fashphotolife @notdisneychannel @gillybear17 @solllaris @lilacsandwhiskey @i-is-for-inspiring @sksliz @drewstarkey @luversgirl
*if you would like to be added/removed from my taglist at any time, please send me an ask!
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Waiting For A Star To Fall
Nikolai x Selina
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: minor angst and fluff, oral sex (m/f receiving), brief thigh riding, penetration, use of sex toys, language gif by @vousnavezrienvu
A/N: Selina and Nikolai's first date turns into more than they ever imagined. 
This took a stupid amount of time to write and became a pure labor of love. Thank you @magic-multicolored-miracle and @neuroticpuppy for being with me the ENTIRE way.  And @bisexualnathanyoung and @forenschik for being my guinea pig
Tumblr media
September 1992
Selina’s phone rang, but Sunny beat her to it as he threw himself over the arm of the futon in her minuscule apartment.  His elbow rammed into the wall, and Selina insisted he deserved it.
There was a momentary pause.  Selina stood cross-armed with a frown on her face.
“I don't recall anyone with that name living here.  It's just my sister, myself, and the guy from the sixth floor who was murdered in 1985.” 
He waved her off,  “Why would I be fucking with you?  You called here.  My sister didn't give you this number, she's a virtual nun!  She's not one to take up with strange foreign men.”
Selina launched herself at her little brother.  He held the cordless phone above his head and levitated the ten feet towards the ceiling.  His legs curled up underneath so she couldn't grab him by the ankle. 
“EVOLUTIONARY ADVANTAGE!” he shouted and stuck out his tongue.  “You were saying?”
“You aren't evolution!  You're a science experiment that was implanted in our mother by The Men In Black.”
“Low blow.” Sunny flipped Selina off and went back to the caller.  “I mean that may or may not be the woman you ravished lakeside.  I know my sister is her own woman.  You scandalized her though.  I think you made her feel.. feelings.  Rude.” 
He held up his hand.  “HEY! I can speak Russian you know.”  And then Sunny did for the next several minutes occasionally glancing down at his sister.  
Finally, he came back to the couch and held out the receiver to Selina.  “It's for you.  He's very perturbed, and Slavic.  And sexy.”
She yanked the phone from her brother and flipped him off.  “Klaus should've left you in 1989.”  Her voice softened and her cheeks flushed as she finally answered, “Hi.” 
Sunny hovered a few feet off the ground as Selina blabbered on in flirtatious Russian.  He sneered and poked fun at the way his sister wound her finger up in her hair and then released it.  When that didn't work, craving her attention, he began to hold an imaginary conversation with an exaggerated Russian accent.  
Selina threw the first thing she could at her little brother.  The remote control sailed across the room at Sunny who simply held up his hand, palm towards his sister.  The remote hung in the air like he did.  Then he narrowed his eyes which caused the object to lower to the floor. Selina sighed and returned to the conversation. 
“Wait, you wanna take me out?”  A pause.  “You don't have to repay me.  I'm just practicing for when I'm ethically obligated to save someone.” Pause. “Arsonists and thieves too!”  Selina smiled wide as the flames licked her cheeks and ears now.  “How attractive you are doesn't alter Samaritan laws, Nikolai.” 
Sunny rolled his eyes flabbergasted at how his sister’s entire demeanor changed the moment she began to speak to the Russian from Sway Lake.  She was being coy.  Dare he say seductive as she ignored everything he managed to garner attention.  
Sunny had always been the object of his sister’s devotion.  EVERYONE’S devotion really.  As the youngest of eight “children,” it was his birthright.  Now here he was, slowly becoming Selina’s third favorite person.  Not a single soul, no matter how rakish or good in bed, would ever replace Leon. 
“Sure.  Yeah, I’d like that.”  Selina had a dopey grin on her face.  “Tonight?!  I mean can you even get reservations?”  “Trust you?  I don't know why I should, but I guess I will.  I'll meet you there. Do svidaniya, Nik.. KOLYA.”  
Selina hung up the phone and threw a pillow this time at Sunny.  He crashed to the floor having been caught off guard and rubbed his ass.  
“I AM HUMAN!! I'M JUST.. Super.” 
“Super egotistical.”
“I can't help that the love of our parents turned me into a badass.” 
“I just pray Reginald never finds you.  You're the success to his failure with Klaus.”  Selina meant that last bit with her entire being.  “Now get out, I've a date tonight.” 
“Nikolai, I can't run that fast in these boots!”  Selina yelled as she desperately tried to catch up to her date.  She could hear a fast-approaching man behind her yelling obscenities in a dialect she wasn't familiar with.  Bulgarian or Lithuanian maybe. 
He stopped at the corner.  “We are wearing the same ones, look how fast I'm moving.  I think it must be the several rum and cokes you had.  Come,” Nikolai held out his hand, “we will go faster together.” 
Selina rolled her eyes but linked her hand with his.  Nikolai took off, and she started to laugh.  The exhilaration and adrenaline coursed through her veins.  Never in a million years would she have imagined dining and ditching.  
Nik was so calm as he spoke to the waiter in the dialect they were being bellowed at.  He never blinked.  Then the waiter nodded, took something from him and walked away.  Nikolai stood and clasped Selina’s hand and began to make his way towards the door. 
“Nikolai, shouldn't you pay?” 
There was a slight shake to his head.  He never looked back, just kept going with Selina tight to his side.  They made it to the door before they both had to give chase. 
Selina swung out into the street.  She waved and whistled loudly at an oncoming taxi.  To her shock, it stopped to pull over for them.  Nik was incredulous but had no choice except join his date as she yanked him inside the cab.  
“Bleecker and Christopher, please,” she instructed the taxi driver.  Selina turned to the Russian beside her,  “Are we going to break the law EVERY time we're together?”  
“Yes.  Like a new Bonnie and Clyde.”  Nikolai lifted the hand Selina hadn't realized he was still holding.  His lips brushed the back of it, “Without being shot to death by the FBI.” 
Selina's heart pounded in her ears.  She couldn't remember seeing anyone look attractive in the color orange.  Yet here was the man beside her, currently with a look she could only describe as voracious, pulling it off.  Her cheeks grew hot under the weight of his stare. 
“What?!” came out in an embarrassing giggle. 
“I cannot look at something beautiful?” 
“You don't have to lay it on THAT thick.  I'm taking you back to my apartment already.” 
“I'm not trying to trick you, Lina.  I think you are beautiful. I almost blew my own mission.  Especially under the moonlight.  You made me forget what I was doing.  Your willingness to allow me to do unspeakable things to your body helped,” he teased.  
Selina decided to play coy as the taxi stopped in front of her building.  “Let's see what happens under this month’s full moon.” 
Selina and Nikolai on the fire escape outside her living room window.  Selina a few beers in and a few steps above.  Nikolai nursing a beer of his own while settled between her knees.  His arm under her knee to snake around her calf.  His fingers mindlessly stroked her ankle to the naked foot dangling in his lap. 
They had fallen into a contented silence after nearly two hours of talking.  Sharing stories in Russian and English.  Nik’s curiosity about the photos and books and records she owned was endless.  Selina had a hard time keeping up and answering as he flitted along from keepsake to keepsake. 
Yes, that's Elton John.  Somehow he and her parents were old friends.  He dedicated “Your Song” to her parents every concert they went to.  Selina could never figure out why. 
The somehow dower, yet smiling man, with a giant cigar in his mouth that tossed Selina in the air while little Sunny hung from his back was her Godfather, Tom.  He had been a CIA agent that now lived in a cabin with his beautiful French wife, Ella.  That's where she had been  staying up at Sway Lake.  Yes he did always look like a lion with a thorn in his paw, but he was soft and kind and loving.  
The Lady Godiva on the horse was her mother, Honey, back when she frequented Studio 54.  Selina recalled her hair rivaled only Cher’s at that stage.  Raven colored and long enough to hide her naked body (barely) as she sat side saddle on the white mare.  Her head resting against the back of an equally nude man. Her one arm wrapped around his thin waist. 
Nope, Nik was totally not imagining things.  The man holding the reins did strongly resemble her brother and himself.  That was HER papa, Leon. His hair in perfectly wild curls to his shoulders. His face full of confidence and sex. 
The questions began to wear Selina down.  No one had ever been this inquisitive or interested in her life.  Her family.  Her.  The endless questions, punctuated by making out until their lips chapped, about her personally.  Then, between an anecdote about Luther and rollerskating and tongues fighting for dominance they stopped.  
Now Nikolai lifted Selina’s foot and kissed the top of it.  Then his mouth made its way up her shin.  When he reached her knee, Nik turned abruptly to face the woman behind him.  He set the bottle down on the windowsill before kneeling on the stairs.  He slid the hem of her dress up, fingers hooked into the fabric of her panties to tug them off.  He kissed her inner thigh before letting his tongue trace painfully slow along her sex. 
Selina could only grasp the railing.  Her fingers curved around the cold metal and she cried out in pleasure as Nikolai slipped his tongue inside of her.  
It slid in and out before eventually discovering her clit.  His hands on her ass so that he could pull her onto his face.  Encourage her to ride him as his tongue flicked in circles and then snaked in and out. 
Selina started to lose herself.  Her free hand tugged at Nik’s hair while her hips bucked and the spark grew.  She twitched and cried out louder as his mouth and tongue worked faster.  She opened her eyes to look down at the man keen to make her cum. 
Almost as if he could feel her eyes on him, Nikolai looked up at Selina.  She felt strange, shameless and used her own thumb to wipe away what was on his lips.  She sucked on it briefly then grabbed Nik by the shirt towards her.  Wanting for a kiss.  
Selina revelled in the way she tasted on his lips and inside her own mouth.  Like beer and bitterness.  She had never done that before Nikolai and the lake.  She wanted to do it again, and every time he went down on her.  She wanted to put him in her mouth.  To suck and lick and make him bend and writhe.  
She could, she thought, now.  Selina pushed Nik away at arms length meaning to have him sit on the stairs so she could give him head.  Her fingers deft at the belt buckle and buttons on his pants. She laughed full of nerves as he fumbled, THE OVERCONFIDENT RUSSIAN FUMBLED!! 
Nikolai fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt before he finally came loose.  He yanked his pants and boxers over his hips and held his cock in his hand. Nik parted her legs and started to push inside, but Selina held up her hands.
“What are you doing?”
“Do you not want me to have sex with you?”  He was more shocked than angry. 
Selina ran her hands over his chest and stomach then up around his neck.  “I very much want to fuck you.” Nikolai huffed, but Selina continued, “I mean I've seen you naked and can't get over how fucking sexy you are.”  
“Then what is wrong?  Not here?  Maybe this is not comfortable for you.  We’ll go inside.”  He stood and held out his hand.
“It's probably the same as fucking on a bunch of sticks and acorns.”
Nikolai sniffed again at the use of the word “fucking.”  “Then what is wrong?”
Selina stood and climbed in through the windows.  Her date followed.  “There's an international health crisis.   A incurable disease that passes mostly via sex and fluids?” she shouted from her room as she rummaged through drawers. 
“Do you mean The..AIDS?  Is that not for,” he chose his words carefully, “The gay men?” 
Selina could tell Nik was more confused than anything.  She heard this all the time at the clinic where she volunteered. “Or you could be bisexual or pansexual like my brothers.  Contract it from a man and pass it to a female partner.”  
She appeared in the living room now with a small foil package.  “Or an IV drug user, also like my brother, and get it that way.” 
Selina started to unwrap the condom without noticing that Nikolai was standing completely nude in her living room.  “This is usually where most guys bail.  They're not interested in protection or rubbers.  Mostly just a pump and..” she looked up and paused in her tracks. She was distracted by his body and neck and eyes and jawline.  “Christ on a cracker.”
“What?”  he chuckled.  
“Sorry! I know. I know.  AIDS talk is a bummer.  I get this close to just.. sitting on a dick and I panic?  Everyone in my family got the sexual confidence memo but me.” 
“Why are you panicking now?  You did not freak out by Sway Lake.”  
Nikolai couldn't help the teasing in his voice.  He reached out for Selina to draw her close to his body.  His knee inside of her thighs just like that night.  
Now he unzipped and helped her out of the dress.  “I think it's very sexy when you talk like a nurse. So smart and commanding.”  His hands ran over her bare back and down to her ass as he brushed his nose along her neck up to her ear.  He nipped at the lobe, “That can be very erotic putting a condom on.” 
“Nik,” Selina could only squeak out.  Her body involuntarily started to rock back and forth. 
“It's Kolya.  In Russian we use end of names,” he breathed in her ear.  “Like your sister, Vanya.   Little Ivan.”
“Ok,” Selina didn't want to hear about Vanya right now.  Or Klaus.  Or Diego.  Instead she got down on her knees.  The condom was still in her hand as she used the other to hold his erection towards her mouth.
“Lina, what are you doing?”  
She looked up through her bangs, her tongue darted out to trace around the head of the cock.  “Sucking your dick.  What else does it look like?”  She took it fully in her mouth, letting the tip hit the back of her throat.  
“Fuck,” he mumbled in Russian.  “Dorogoya, stop.”  
Selina sat back with a popping sound, “Did I do it wrong?  I'm like, the LEAST experienced person in this family.”
“You don't have to be an expert.  A blow job is a blow job, we can practice another time.  I want to be inside of you.  And I have been very patient.”
Selina stood, but Nikolai lifted her completely off the ground.  She wrapped her arms and legs around him as they stumbled towards the futon.  Mouths and tongues at war as Nik sat her down on the cushions.  Selina held eye contact as she expertly unrolled the condom down the length of his cock.  She kissed his stomach as he noticeably shuddered.  
Nikolai let his fingers caress Selina’s bottom lip before crawling on top of her.  She still held his erection in her hand as he threw one of her legs over his shoulder.  He held her bent knee to the side as she taunted him with her sex.  Guiding it just inside before digging her nails into his ass so that he buried himself to the hilt. 
Selina clawed at his back as Nik started to undulate.  Over and over, further inside each time.  Their bodies rocked wildly as Selina’s muscles started to shake from the position she was in.  She clung to him desperately as he searched for her neck and chest with his lips.  
Nikolai’s mouth devoured one of her breasts.  He sucked and bit at Selina’s nipple.  She cried out in shock at the sensation.  The sound egged him on to go harder.  
“So you like that too?” His voice raspy in her cleavage. His suckling and biting increased.  She mewled in reply. 
Selina was worried that it wasn't working.  That she couldn't or wouldn't orgasm.  Not like she did when he went down on her.  How she hung from the cliff.  
She WAS being pleasured.  Nikolai was hitting the right spots, but she was so nervous about what she looked like under the lamplight.  His rhythm and pounding, it was pounding, into her was unmatched.  She cried out with exaggeration to indicate she had cum hoping he wouldn't notice. 
“Fuck!” he cried out and propped himself up by the back of the futon.  
Nik’s body arched while his hips made circular motion.  He spasmed and shuddered as his body immediately went into shut down mode.  His face covered in a sheen of sweat as he pressed his forehead into Selina’s neck then pecked it a few times. 
“I.. am sorry, Lina.” There was disappointment in the Russian’s voice as he held the condom so he could pull out.
“For what?”   Her arms and legs still enclosed around his back and hips.  
“You did not.. cum,” Nik’s eyes searched the woman below him.  “I should have tried better.  I just was so turned on by you.”  He swept the damp hair away from her forehead. 
“You were fine!  It was good.  Really good.  I got in my own head is all.  Maybe next time?” 
“You mean later tonight,” he winked then pecked the tip of her nose. “I won't leave until you are honestly screaming my name.”  There were four dimples Selina counted in his smile.  
“Then we’ll sleep on it first.” 
Selina tip toed out to the kitchen both starved and thirsty.  She thought about Nikolai's playful threat about not leaving until she got off and chuckled to herself.  Then she peered around the wall to see him asleep on the futon.  His mouth slightly agape and one hand under his cheek. 
Would it be so bad with him around all the time? She thought as she cracked open a beer.  To not be alone when she came home from a shift?  How nice it would be to have conversations with someone not “related” in some form or another. 
And Nikolai was interested in Selina.  He still dodged questions about himself, answering straightforwardly with no details.  She knew it was because he didn't trust her just yet.  It wasn't like she didn't have secrets of her own, but the more open she COULD be, the more she knew Nik would reciprocate.  It had to be lonely with only one confidante. 
Selina turned around and jumped a mile in the air.  “Motherfucker!”
Nikolai was casually leaning against the doorway watching her contemplate life and drinking a beer.  “She IS very sexy,” he replied with a cheeky grin. 
Selina rolled her eyes and walked towards her kitchen table to keep distance between herself and the Russian.  As if she were daring him to chase her.  Nik made her feel so contradictory.  In control and submissive.  Safe yet dangerous.  Lustful.  
There was no opposite to that, she realized.  The light from her small kitchen window illuminated the lines and definition of his chest and shoulders.  The collarbone that met in the middle and moved up into his thick neck with its Adam's Apple bobbing along as he swallowed.  A sharp intake of breath before he clenched his jaw.  
Selina’s heart pumped into her ears as he casually reached across the table for her, but she ducked out of the way.  His eyebrows knit together in confusion as they danced around for only a few moments until she allowed him to grab her by the elbow.  Her world stood still as he took her in his arms, back to his chest. 
“I have been thinking, rypka, about our little challenge,” Nikolai settled one hand on her breast which he massaged lightly paying close attention to her nipple.  His mouth somewhere behind her ear as his other hand dropped to her sex. 
A finger found its way inside of Selina and she lost the air in her lungs.  It curved and hooked before making a lazy swirl around her clit.  “Already?” was all she managed.  Her nails closed around his wrist and urged him on. 
“I would like to try a different way of having sex with you.  I just don't want you to be offended.”  
Nik let go of Selina and placed her arms on the tabletop.  He spread her hands out; bent her forward so that her top half was pressed into the wood surface.  Then he grabbed her hips so that her ass was flush with his hardened cock.
“No anal,” she moaned.  “Wear a condom,” another instruction. “Bathroom shelf.” She grazed against him. 
“If you insist,” Nikolai replied in Russian. “I will obey.”  
There was a playful slap on Selina’s ass, and she felt herself swell and throb.  A first time for everything. If she enjoyed it, wet from the sting of being struck, it was.. genetic.  
Her brothers, father, even Honey mentioned the occasional pain got them going.  Klaus and Sunny with varying degrees of punishment.  She knew from eavesdropping or snooping that her parents preferred it light: spanking or hair pulling.  Maybe she did as well.  Too vanilla to ask.  Inexperienced to what she wanted from a partner. 
“Do it again?” Selina tried not to sound desperate as Nikolai tore into the condom wrapper.  She almost presented herself to him as she felt the smooth surface on her cheek.
“What?” he was distracted.  There was a strange snap of latex as he adjusted it.  Then taunted Selina with the head of his cock.  He rubbed it along her slit, marveling at how easy it was to slide in. 
“Hitting me?” she asked timidly. 
“Why would I hit you?” Nikolai was offended.  His hand flat on Selina's back as it traveled to her neck and hair.  His fingers combed and intertwined with her dark waves then lightly tugged. 
Selina braced herself as he lost himself up to the hilt.  Nikolai's pelvis met her ass and pulled out to just the tip.  He repeated this until he gained friction.  Her head and hips were his anchor so he could thrust quicker. Their bodies make a clapping noise. 
“My ass.  Like you did.  Hit it.”  She was willing to try anything.  Wanted to cum for him.  She knew she could, she did it alone all the time.
“Really?” Nik was surprised.  His pace was even faster and the table started to creak under the motion.  “Did you like it then?” His hand cracked her flesh but only slightly harder than before.  
Selina cried out.  Her sex ached and was swollen.  Nikolai did it one more time, but she could tell it wasn't really his thing.  Sensed that it bothered him to be serious about erotic corporal punishment.  Playing was different.  His hand did tighten in her hair to bend her head back. 
“I don't know,” was all he mumbled in Russian.  
The hand that spanked Selina now encompassed her own on the table.  He bent to kiss her shoulder as he found his breakneck rhythm. 
“Then just go harder,” Selina found her voice now.  She relaxed and allowed her body to take how deeply he penetrated her.  His cock at that angle hitting a spot she found mythical. 
Nikolai railed into Selina.  The table and their bodies shook almost violently as he pounded into her.  His shaft lost until she felt a pressure in her womb.  He stood straight and clutched at the thick of her hips.  Her curves she inherited from her mother.  They cushioned her as his body and cock pleased her.  That spark and wave rolled over Selina like on the couch.  
They weren't quiet.  Both forgetting about neighbors as Selina mewled and screamed out. Nikolai growled and uttered obscenities in his first language.  They were certain this would be it, that Selina would orgasm and Nik would feel satisfied that he could please her.  
Instead, his body violently shuddered as he exploded inside the condom.  His muscles and adrenaline gave way to Nik almost collapsing on top of Selina.  He faltered prior to catching her up in his arms again.  He held her and whispered apologies to her as they kissed. 
“Kolya,” she whispered back.  “It's fine.  I was really close.  We have other times to  experiment.”  Selina swept his damp curls back. 
Nikolai leaned into her hand, “You want to keep being with me?” 
“That's what dating is,” she laughed under her breath. “I like being with you.  I wanna know more about YOU though.  Come on,” Selina took his hand.  “Let's actually go to bed and talk.”
Selina reached blindly for Nikolai after her alarm went off.  Sitting up, she slammed the clock and turned to see an empty space on the side of the bed he had fallen asleep on. 
She knew he wasn't obligated to be there when she woke up.  This time waking up alone left a weird knot in her stomach.  
“Fuck,” she tossed herself back and threw a pillow over her head to scream.  Her arms and legs failed around like a toddler throwing a fit. 
How long was enough before she called him?  Would he just disappear now? Klaus called it, funnily enough, ghosting.  Why did everything Nik say tread a weird line between romantic and calculating?  And why did Selina want him to keep saying things, anything at all, to her? 
How does someone know they're falling in love? How did Honey and Leon?  Klaus and Dave.  Allison and Ray.  Diego and Patch or Lila.  Vanya and Sissy.  Uncle Tom and Aunt Ella.  Poor Luther.
Selina’s family had a knack for impulsive behavior when it came to attraction.  Her mom moved to a foreign country with a man she had slept with for money.  Klaus fought in Vietnam for a closeted man that kissed him once. Sunny went home with, to Selina’s chagrin, anyone who showered him with the simplest of affection. And Selina had laid down and spread her legs for a Russian committing arson.  
“Lina you are awake?” Nikolai asked from the other room. 
She threw a bathrobe on and wandered into the kitchen.  “You came back.”
Nik was reaching above her tiny sink for coffee mugs and plates.  “Did you not want me to?”
He set the dishes out and opened a box to pull out some pastries and bagels.  Then poured coffee and handed Selina the cup. 
“I wasn’t sure what you liked,” he offered her the plate.  “Greek, Italian and Russian,” a satisfied grin flashed across his face.
“Well that was kind of you,” she smiled back and helped herself to a cannoli and Russian tea cookie.  “Yes, I wanted you to come back. I think I kinda always do?” she questioned her own intentions with a mouthful of pastry. 
Nik leaned over and kissed Selina.  His tongue darted out to taste the sweet ricotta filling on her lips; she reciprocated.  Her own slipping to the back of his mouth to catch him off guard. Nik steadied himself on her hips. 
There was a muddled sound of pleasure when Selina’s fingers unbuttoned Nikolai’s shirt in expert time.  Their mouths never separated as she went to work on his belt and pants as he struggled to take his boots off. 
“This was not my plan for this morning,” Nik breathed heavily in Russian. 
“I'm just really interested in us reaching that goal,” Selina helped him out of his clothes.  
Kissing again, they could feel their lips start to chap already as Selina began backing Nik into her room until he hit the foot of her bed.  As he leaned back, she climbed on his lap.  Her hands seized his cock and settled it in the folds of her sex.  Selina rolled her hips.
“What are you doing!?” Nikolai could only cry out. Astonished by the lack of a condom.  
“I'm sick of being the safe one,” she raised up on her knees so that she was above him.  Her hands on his face and neck as she snaked her tongue to the back of his teeth again.  
Selina shoved him back on the bed and threw off her robe.  She straddled Nikolai like a woman possessed, took his hands and placed them on her breasts as she rode him.  Still not penetrated.
Nik lost himself for a moment.  He massaged the breasts.  One hand teased a nipple, pinched it,  before sitting up to devour it.  Selina held him to her chest, clung to the hair on the back of his head and pulled in her excitement.  Her fingers found the gnarly scar and she rocked harder on his lap. 
“I want you to fuck me until I cum.” 
Nikolai looked up and held her back, “It is not fucking at this point.  Not for me, Lina.  Also you must not compromise your principles for anyone.  I do not want this for you.”  
Selina groaned with exasperation.  Her walls were swollen and slick and wanting.  “It's not a compromise, Nik.  Everyone jumps in my family and trusts they’ll fly while I stand on the cliff pacing back and forth.” 
He blinked, mouth just slightly agape.  That face.  Selina knew that face.  She loved that face.  She loved this face. “Lina, you are extraordinary.  You don't need to have a big life just yet.  It will happen.” 
“Kolya,” her words softer now as she relaxed, “I love you.”
“Do you?!” a dopey grin spread across Nikolai's face.  “It is the same for me I think?  I've never done this, you know.  “That I love you.”  
He kissed Selina before turning under her to rummage around the nightstand drawer. “Now we will go back to the way you prefer?  If I need to I will get..” he stopped and held something aloft.  Now his smile and dimples were devilish. 
He studied it before making it buzz with a push of a button.  “Pocket Rocket?! Lina, are you secretly naughty?" he giggled. 
"I don't think it's a secret to you anymore,” she reached for it.  Her cheeks turned red. 
"Who do you fantasize about when you use it?" Nikolai held it to Selina’s breasts.  He watched with fascination as her nipples hardened.  He let it travel over her stomach and back up. 
Selina moaned and twisted. "You're just trying to get me to say you, but I've had it since I turned twenty.  So mostly you know.. Keanu Reeves..”  
“But not me?" his eyebrow cocked.  Nikolai traced the vibrator along her hips and over her pelvic bone.  
"Once in a while,” her words came out breathless.
"As a Russian, I'm already superior at using it because rocket?” he waggled his brows now.  “We can now?  With you on top?”
The toy found her slit and slid inside easily.  It buzzed and made the air rush out of Selina’s lungs.  She dug her nails into Nikolai's chest while he started to use the vibrator to have sex with her.  Found a pattern of in and out while she bucked and writhed.  
Selina reached back to anchor herself on one of Nik’s thighs. It allowed him better access to her clit.  He Marveled at the way she agonized under his hand as it manipulated her.  His free hand on her ass to coax her faster as SHE undulated now as he had done on the couch.  Her hips danced separately from her upper half.
Nikolai rolled Selina on her back all of a sudden.  Her hair hung off the bed as he propped up on an elbow.  He worked the vibrator in circles.  In and out of her slick walls before going after the clit.  
Selina got tangled up in the sheets as she felt a warmth spread from her stomach to her sex.  Her thighs started to tighten around Nik's hand as she thrust her hips off the bed.  Eyes clamped shut as the first wave washed over her body.  Neck exposed for him to suck and bite which urged another orgasm to burn through her.  
Nikolai was stunned by her silence.  Selina’s mouth opened in a silent cry as she came a third time in succession.  This last time she managed a strangled scream of his name which he swallowed with a kiss.  
A shiver ran through Selina while she relaxed.  Her fingers traced patterns along Nikolai's bicep as her eyes closed.  Cumming was like a sedative.  Nikolai cupping her face and drawing it to his for a lazy kiss was a sedative.  The rain she had no idea was pouring in buckets outside her window was also a sedative.  
The vibrator continued buzzing until it didn't.  The room grew quiet save for the breaths that came from Nik’s nose.  Still heavy with his still hardened bulge pressed into Selina’s hip.  There was no move to get on top of her.  To have sex with her so he, too, could cum.  She started to idly jerk him off. 
“Lina stop,” he gently took her hand.  “This was about you, not me.  It'll go away eventually.  Like I will,” he said that last bit with a challenge in his voice.  
Selina curled on her side towards Nikolai.  “Or maybe don't go?” 
“Ty khochesh', chtoby ya ostalsya?” You want me to stay?
“Po krayney mere, yeshche odno polnoluniye.”
At least one more full moon.
Tag list: @elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @messengeronthemoon @nightmonsters @070188 @rob-private @firstpersonnarrator @ghouls-buddy @frogs--are--bitches @maerenee930 @duck-noises @bwritesstuff @sylvertyger @a-ghoulish-tale @icecoffeegirl @iamsexytrash @clumsyramen @falloutby @inspiremeandsetmefree @philodenmonstera @seancekitsch @the-freckled-luba @violetrainbow412-blog
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moon-u · 4 years
Jean kirstein x reader || aot
Title : wings of freedom
Pairing : jean kirstein x reader
Chapter summary : it is during a perilous mission that they realize how precious time is
Notes : I wrote this overnight and was very tired, but I absolutely wanted to finish it and post it ASAP. I was hanging out on YouTube and I came across an edit on jean, it prompted me to write this
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__ ☕︎ __
We were in the field, in the middle of a perilous mission.
Soldiers were dying, and the shrill cries echoed incessantly in our ears.
It was such a horrible sight that we had before our eyes. Our comrades, who had promised to offer body and soul to embody hope within its walls, disappeared one after the other.
What was going on? Is this a nightmare?
Why doesn't it stop? Is there even an end to this massacre
My gaze was empty of emotion. I was holding myself
right there, looking at our friends, our acquaintances, the people we had known for almost 5 years, suffering, crying, screaming in agony ... begging ... so that it wasn't their last day. Their last smiles, their last breaths, their last thoughts.
He was praying, what's the point? Was there even someone to have faith in? If so, why are we sending these demons who have decimated hundreds of thousands of lives in front of other human beings while wisely biding their hours within these walls. Serve four hours for these giants devoid of feeling, all that we were. Cattle to be hunted.
My mind suddenly woke up, bringing me back to harsh reality. Even though all of this was unfolding in front of my eyes, there was still hope. We won't lose like that. I wouldn't lose like that by doing nothing
My legs finally began to move, causing me to run at full speed on the high roofs. I had to fight. I have to fight.
My three-dimensional gear carried me through the air, making me feel light, powerful. Eliminating as many titans as possible on the way, about thirty were slaughtered with my blades glistening with hot blood.
We had been ordered to withdraw to a base in order to draft a new strategic plan. Given that fighting without a specific plan brought nothing but victims by the hundreds on the counter.
Once the plan was in place and hesitantly approved by everyone, I turned to return to my strategic position. This plan was really very risky, but the best we had on hand so far. The only hope we hung up on. Most of the best soldiers were either seriously wounded or dead like heroes.
"Do you really think we have a chance of winning against them ?? I'm telling you, we would have a better chance of surviving by retreating"
I automatically stopped my steps when I heard his hopeless words. Is that how everyone saw the situation. To retreat because it was risky?
"face it ... this humanity no longer has any hopes that it clings to, you made it obvious"
The soldiers nodded at his words.
"It's a beautiful speech you have there kirstein" I said without emotion, my eyes fixed on the floor. The people around me moved away from me, creating a space, a bule around me. "I did not know that we had a good talker within our ranks"
"they all agree with my words though"
"Do you want to get killed too? Is that really what you want y / n?"
"yes" I said, looking up at him, looking him in the eye, "I don't mind getting eaten alive if that means dying for a good cause"
"How can you think of yourself as soldiers by giving up like that? By influencing a whole regiment of fighters on top of it. Shits like you ,are hoping to have a good life without lifting a finger to get it, that's all what matters ... Do you think you can hope for a future by thinking this way?
I walked slowly towards him
"You say there is no more hope and we have to make it obvious, but here within these walls, as long as we live, that hope is us. How can we hope for a future without fear if hope itself gives up the fight for unnecessary reasons?
"go ahead" I said "follow him if you really want to. Anyway a soldier who fights for no reason is already dead after the first step on the attack ground. Personally I will fight until the end. go away while i fight for your comfortable and loving life, i am not afraid to sacrifice myself for a better future.
“I looked up, looking at them all one by one.
"after my death, and only after my death. You can come to my grave and tell me that there is no more hope, that I was wrong. That I would have fought for nothing, perished for nothing" I said fixing my gaze on his chocolate eyes
“I'd rather die this way than give up without fighting to the end. I would push my limits like It was taught me so well in these five years
“Watch me die and go. Or… follow me and fight. In the name of your families, of your dead comrades, of your desire for revenge, of your ardent hatred towards these vile creatures. Fight for a reason or give up for no reason. Dying here or there, there won't be much difference anyway.
"Me y / n f / n, I would fight body and soul. As I promised during my first initiation, such as the salvation that I made that day in the name of this humanity"
I left the room without letting any glance at the person who was looking at me now, watching me go, wide-eyed and open mouth in shock at my words.
With my three-dimensional gear, I roamed the streets eliminating as many titans as possible. Blood was on my head from these vile things. There were still no soldiers. So I really used my saliva in the wind, what a waste of time. I eliminated ten of them before landing on a roof to change my blades. One of my blades was stuck in my gear and I was taking too long. Much too long. In the current situation, no soldier could afford to stay more than five minutes in a fixed place, as open as a roof. It was almost suicide.
I had almost managed to sort it out, when a gigantic hand grabbed my waist, sending me up into the air. A twenty meter titans held me in the air, erasing all gravity from my suspended body. My blade had fallen. I couldn't die now. I haven't eliminated enough.
He led me quietly to his large canines full of blood , to devour me. I took a last breath, closing my eyes, thinking the pain would be more bearable this way. I automatically reopened them when I heard a familiar sound. Three-dimensional equipment. Someone was coming towards me. He was followed by a hundred people flying in the air.
He sliced ​​off the titan's finger taking me with him in the air, pressed against his chest. He made us enter a building breaking the window. We were rolling on the ground, with some shard of glass below us. I stood up, looking at my savior. Jean kirschtein.
I looked at him in surprise. My words had finally served.
"don't look at me like that. It's just that you found the right words to talk to the herds of cowards that we were 10 minutes ago" he said ruffling his jacket, sending the few pieces of glass on the ground.
I gave him a slight smile, proud of myself.
So I had succeeded
"Hey, I saved your life, you could at least thank me, you-"
" thank you so much "
"you know I said it just like that" he said scratching his neck
"you will appreciate it later kirstein we have no time to-"
"why kirstein eh?"
"That's your damn last name"
“Well for the record my parents spawned me with a name,” he said sarcastically.
I sighed and walked over to the window, I needed to get my blade. I was ready to let go of my three-dimensional when a hand grabbing my wrist stopped me
He slammed me against the wall, smashing his lips against mine. His hand passed over my cheek, stroking. He pulled me by the waist, pressing my body against mine. He deepens the kiss. He nibbled on my lower lip, and his tongue entered my mouth, dancing a fierce struggle with mine. I was still eyes wide open, shocked, and motionless in the face of his strong grip. After a while my eyes danced firmly enjoying the possible last kiss I would receive from a man before I died in battle
He pulled back a tiny bit, grading his hand on my waist and his hand on my cheek. He was looking me in the eye, with a slightly choppy breath from the hot kiss he had started.
He pecked my lips quickly, silencing me.
"Shut up. I absolutely wanted to do it before I died. So on the one hand it's your fault I'm here" he said in a humorless tone "I was a coward earlier, but like Usually, your words opened my eyes ... you always had the right words to give hope "
He was heading for the windows smashed by our shattering entrance.
"So this is your last wish?" I said watching him go
He turned around "Truly .. it's one of my last wishes" he chuckled "if I would have completed the list entirely you wouldn't be standing here fully dressed" he gave me a smirk.
He was about to jump
"don't get killed"
He didn't turn around, his back facing me. He stood there for a few seconds, before jumping up and activating his gear. Flying it through the air.
More than return to combat now.
In the end, all our efforts paid off. We got rid of these monsters one after another. Once back, soldiers came to thank me for spitting in their faces all these words which had lit them in the darkness into which fear had plunged them.
I had not seen kirschtein again. I was looking for him without really doing it. Glancing around as soon as a boy looked like that horse's head.
I got up then, heading to my dorm before curfew. I was walking peacefully through the halls, when a strong grip on my wrist made me follow the person who had dragged me behind her.
Given the dim light, I couldn't clearly see who was dragging me, but I could clearly recognize who I was looking for by their scent. He ended his way in an empty room, lit by a single, insignificant little candle.
He kissed me again, like this moment, but with a lot more passion. Pushing me against the wall. The room was silent, and only a few noises were heard, those of our lips meeting.
The kiss was coming to an end, he pressed his forehead to mine, panting. We had lasted well over three minutes.
"I didn't know horses kiss so well" I said mockingly
"tch. You just messed up everything f / n"
"I…" He reconnected our lips a second time, silencing me, then looked at me with a smile.
"Tell me" I said walking away, "do you do one last will, or ..."
"y / n f / n" he said with a sigh, "you never noticed did you?"
"You never noticed .. how I was obsessed with you" he confessed looking at the ground.
"It's creepy jean" I said smiling
"You can't help but ruin the mood, eh?" He said chuckling "in truth I myself hadn't realized all this, how much I wanted you. always believed it was pure admiration as a soldier. It's true you were always the best at anything you did. After jealousy followed, when I saw you often hanging out with jeager and his groups of clowns. Then love. earlier, for the first time. I felt a greater fear than dying eaten by these beasts. I saw how determined you were. And seeing you go"
"seeing you leave .. I thought that would be the last time I would see you. That's what made me change my mind. I didn't want to see you die without my being able to time to call you mine "
"I was so scared" I saw a tear about to fall from her beautiful eyes.
"I noticed that time was our most precious thing right now. And even though it's limited. I want to use it up with you."
"I love you" he said with a sigh "and until today this is the biggest evidence I have been confronted with" he said looking at me
I kept silent about his confession. Jean kirschtein. Stood in front of me. Redness visible on his cheeks. Admitting that he loves me.
"If you want to reject me, do it quickly. Please. It's embarrassing enough like that and-"
This time, it was I who interrupted her, fixing her lips to mine. I ran my hands behind his neck, pulling him closer, He slid his hands against my waist, hugging me tightly.
He pulled back looking at me with the biggest smile ever
"I guess that means yes," he scolded me to himself, supporting me against his chest. Take me in deep admiration.
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sauveteen · 6 years
3.25 Year Anniversary | s.m
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"You're really trying to lie with your face all red like that?"
"But I swear I'm not lying!" Is what Shawn claims, but the way he's biting down on his lip to hide his painfully obvious smile tells you something completely different. Your boyfriend's cheeks are stained red — and by stained, you don't mean the soft, rosy blush he gets after a cold day out or a heated makeout session. You're talking tomato, crimson, I-look-like-I-took-a-snowball-to-the-face red. The kind of blush you've only seen on him when he's a) lying, or b) ecstatic.
Something — more specifically, the twinkle in his tired eyes — tells you that the current reason for his expression is a mix between the two.
You hum, a lame attempt to humour him. Placing your bag on the counter, you hold your hand out, "Can I at least see?"
It takes a little convincing and a lot of pecks for him to finally place his hand in yours, an angry gash cutting across his palm. Wincing, you immediately twist towards the shelf that holds your first aid box, but Shawn's grip on your waist anchors you there.
"I've cleaned it already. I'm stupid, but not that stupid, you know?"
"What about a bandage?"
"We're all out. Shouldn't have used them to wrap me a birthday present, don't you think?" His grin is wide, and voice teasing, so you can't help but join in on his mirth. Giggling softly, you tuck your hair behind your ear, bringing his hand up to your palm to press soft, butterfly kisses against his wound. He sighs, contended, and pulls you in by his other hand. Dropping a kiss to the top of your head, Shawn lets his fingers tangle into your hair. You hum against his chest, the warmth from his knitted sweater pressing into your cheek.
"I just don't get it, though..," Belatedly, you pull away, "So you're saying you got that while washing dishes?"
"Yes, hunny. I've told you like ten times already."
"But Shawn... we have a dishwasher."
"And?" Shawn presses impatiently, hurriedly trying to pull you back in. You resist, however, leaning away from his touch.
"And you hate doing the dishes."
"I just wanted to do something nice for you!"
"Are you sure?" You purse your lips, gaze falling to his cut hand, "You sure you're good?"
"Yes, yes, yes," Shawn places his hands on your face, pulling your face upwards to press a sweet kiss against your lips, "How can I not be good when my second favourite girl in the world is here with me?"
Your eyes narrow in suspicion, "Second favourite, huh?"
"First is Beyoncé. Always. Sorry, babe, you're gonna have to do a little more than be cute to top Queen B."
"Queen B doesn't take care of your annoying morning wood every morning, does she?"
"I mean, yeah," Shawn tilts his head to the side, a little smirk gracing his features, "But she's not the one who causes it either, soo.."
You chuckle, swatting his chest with the back of your hand before moving underneath his arms and out of his grip. A soft whine of protest follows you as you pad around the kitchen, Shawn's doe-like eyes watching your every moment. You breathe a sigh of relief once your hair cascades down your shoulders, placing your scrunchie on the island. Proceeding to take off your heels, you chuck them towards the living room, telling yourself you'd bother with those later. Coming home to the sight of your boyfriend tumbling around clumsily in the kitchen had been contending, but you can now slowly feel the tiredness of the day weighing in your shoulders. Making your way back to him, you place your hand on Shawn's face, leaning up to kiss the corner of his mouth.
"I'll go get changed, 'kay?"
Shawn answers with a nod, but his movements are too practiced. Rehearsed, almost. You try not to let yourself be bothered by his antics, making your way over to the living room. The sight that greets you has you gasping audibly, hands flying to your mouth to hide your surprise. Turning back to see Shawn casually leaning against the doorframe, a shit eating grin on his face, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans.
"This—I— what?" You manage to stutter, stealing glances at the marvellous spread before you. The entire living room has been decked out in candles, a massive blanket fort stretching from the beginning of the hall to the doors leading to the balcony. Your mind is screaming three things — one, oh my God this is a big safety hazard, two, Jesus Christ that must've taken a shit load of time, and three (and this one you say aloud), "What?"
Shawn's making his way over to you, patting himself on the back for his stealthy trick that had distracted you into completely avoiding the living room earlier. He had wanted to see your expression, more than he wanted you to enjoy the actual setup itself. What Shawn needed was to gauge the look on your face as you took in the hardwork he had put into your surprise, the amount of time he had spent lighting and blowing candles. Because sometimes — sometimes words fell short to describe his love for you. Sometimes he had to go all out.
And you loved him to death for it.
"Happy three point two five year anniversary!" Shawn announces giddily, placing his hands on your waist, slightly lifting you off the ground. His happiness is so damn contagious that you're joining in on his laughter not long after, your hands on his shoulders as he twirls you around. When Shawn finally sets you back down, the both of you stumble for a few moments, unable to find your grip on the ground.
You hold his arm to steady yourself, eyes mapping the layout behind you, "Shawn, baby, I love you so much — but you know a quarter of an anniversary is not a real thing, right?"
"I knew you've had a long month and were shit booked with meetings today. Just wanted to do something nice for mon amour. What, I can't celebrate my love for you anymore? Rude!" Shawn looks genuinely hurt, bottom lip jutted out. Before you can apologise and convince him of your happiness, however, his face breaks out into a grin, "Just kidding! Ha! Got you, bitch."
"You're a baby."
"What did you say?" Shawn tips his head forward, his ear turned towards your face, "I'm your baby? Yeah, sounds about right."
You're too busy staring at the candles to send another retort his way, your hand intertwining with his again. Eyes dancing with love for the boy you so luckily ended up with. Your finger brushes against his wound, causing him to hiss slightly and for your eyebrows to furrow.
"And this? You didn't get this while washing the dishes, did you?" You slide his palm open again, concerned eyes now flitting between him and his hand. There's a sheepish glow to his face as you wait for him to answer, an eyebrow raised expectantly. When he finally does, you don't know whether you want to laugh or reprimand him for being the most stupid twenty year old you know.
"So I wanted to have wine ready, right?"
"And I don't know how to use that twisty corky thingy, right? You always do that for me."
"So I kinda... sorta... might've used a knife?"
Your eyes are as wide as saucers, lips parting in surprise. Your mouth open and closes, reminding Shawn of a dazed goldfish, but he pinches his lips shut as he waits for your reaction. And then you're screeching, hitting his chest with balled fists, but your laughter seeps into your anger, causing you to giggle between your words.
"You—fucking—dumbass!" You manage to let out, chasing him as he tries running away from you, "You could've killed yourself!"
"But I didn't!"
"But you could've! All over a bottle of wine?"
"I will have you know, though.." Shawn holds up a finger, gripping both your wrists in his giant hand, "That it was a Chateau Pierre de Montignac."
"Oh, thank God," You let out a relieved sigh, "That changes everything."
"It does, doesn't it?" Shawn lets your hands go, "It's like plum—"
"No it doesn't! I don't care what brand it was, Shawn, you could've seriously hurt yourself!"
"But I didn't!"
"Shawn!" You exclaim laughing, not finding it within you to be mad at him anymore, "Come on! It's not funny."
"I'm not the one who's laughing, though?"
"I hate you," You mutter, softly shaking your head. The smile on your face says completely otherwise, though. Your arms go around his waist and you press your face against his chest, Shawn's heartbeat thumping softly against your cheek. Allowing your eyes to flutter close as you breathe him in. He smells like the laundry detergent you fought over in the middle of a grocery store because, apparently, Olives suck ass and he would leave you if he had to use your detergent again. So despite him bullying you into switching detergents, his warmth and presence smells like home.
"A reveleation like that, and on our 3.25 anniversary? Damn, you're really out for blood tonight."
"Shut up and kiss me, idiot."
"Yes ma'am."
taglist: @muffinmendussy @fuckneymar
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