#only i couldn't actually get settled--and when i did my cat started meowing like mad
jontheredrc · 4 months
Well, it's about that time again...and I'm tired. I'm always tired. I've had a few days off in a row here, and I've been using that time to try and fix my sleep schedule. I tried to get a lot of extra sleep in general, too. But none of that really worked out. I've never had a great relationship with sleep and rest, but now it's getting frustrating. They say you shouldn't trust how you feel about yourself after 9 PM or whatever, right? It feels like my brain is always in "after 9 PM" mode, both in mood and just in this constant, general urge to try to get more sleep. But then there's so much I want to do with my time besides sleeping, too. And pursuing any sort of long-term goal seems impossible when I'm feeling this way. I'm sorry, I really do try to find some positives when I write these things, and indeed, there's a lot going right at my job, and my friend's gonna be able to meet her moving expenses goal, and all sorts of stuff. But...man, maybe I really should call out of work, if I feel so tumultuous.
Callout or no, I'm gonna write this in advance because I haven't done one for a few days, and maybe I'll feel better with some of this out in the open. Have a great day, everyone! Love you! 👋💕
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itoshit · 3 years
So. If I sort out all the info you gave me, the Yamaguchi-gumi's leader is called Suguru Geto. Then we have the second biggest Yakuza family, the Sumiyoshi-Kai. Their leader is unknown to almost everyone, but the only noticeable feature is a scar he has on the right corner of his mouth. The Inagawa-Kai was led by Yami, but Sanzu took care of him, and they accepted to stay neutral in this mess.
Yes, exactly. And Geto is a sly and mean man. But it seems like the Sumiyoshi-Kai leader and his executives are not better.
Hm? What d'you mean by that?
I was usually well-informed concerning these things, but when it came to the Sumiyoshi-Kai family, too many mysteries surrounded them. They were purposely hiding important elements such as their identity.
It seems as if he had difficulties controlling his second in command. The man likes to deal with the missions on his own.
So why are they working together then?
I don't know, I just heard that he accepted to stay with the Sumiyoshi-Kai because he had to avenge himself against the Yamaguchi-gumi.
Or Suguru Geto.
Silence settled between her and I, both trying to comprehend everything. Many things were still blurred, and some were missing too. I could feel it. What Natalie told me wasn't completely logical, but we would have to go with what we had for now.
You told me that because you thought that offering an alliance to the Sumiyoshi-Kai would be a good idea, Natalie?
I do think so. But I also know that their leader loves to take the matter in his own hands, so you'll have to be prepared to get a negative response.
Hm. Before finishing this one, did the Yamaguchi-gumi ask you to be an escort again?
By the way Natalie looked away, I guessed the answer. I didn't like her, I hated her. But I despised this Suguru Geto more than her. Why didn't you tell us?
Because..., it would have meant to say goodbye to all the information you needed, Sano. And I couldn't do that.
What prevented you from leaving Japan, hm?
It's Venus for you, actually.
Could I see her at some point? I need to talk with her and-
Don't ask me. I'm not the one who decides for her, I'll ask Vee. But if she refuses, I'm not gonna try to change her mind.
I spent the rest of the morning doing research with the Haitani by my side.
As the afternoon was around the corner, I decided to leave. My head was about to burst with all the new names and information. Driving to Vee's place, I smirked a bit. She would be happy with what I planned, I was sure of it.
Parking in front of her house, I jogged to the porch, knocking before opening the door. I didn't think Vee would actually mind me entering like that. Even if she was naked, it wasn't as if I'd never seen her body before.
Vee baby?
Hearing a laugh from the other side of her house, I frowned. One was hers, I recognised it. But the second one..., a man ?? What the fuck?
Walking quickly down the corridor, I leant on the door frame, a tight smile on my face.
Startling her, I noticed how she turned to me, wiping a tear away from her cheek, while the man looked at me, an eyebrow raised.
Blood boiling in my veins, I breathed deeply, taking several steps to her. Wrapping my arm around Vee's waist and moving my other hand to her jaw, I slammed my lips against hers.
Forcing her mouth to open, I shoved my tongue inside. My hand found her ass. Her hands quickly went to my chest, trying to push me away, but she wasn't really convincing. Her nails were caressing my shoulders, and smirking into the kiss, I opened my eyes throwing a glance at the fucker.
Looking away, he scratched his neck. He was embarrassed, good.
Detaching myself from Vee but keeping her close to my body, I smiled smugly at him.
Sorry, I haven't seen my girlfriend since yesterday. And you are...?
Hehehe does jealous Mikey mean jealous sex??
Mikey was waiting for an answer from Paul, who looked ready to let the ground swallow him whole. And I couldn’t offer much help, still dazed from the kiss Mikey gave me. Possessive prick, I knew he felt me trying to pull away.
I’m Paul, Venus’ new neighbor, he said as he stood, reaching a hand out to Mikey to shake. Rude as ever, my boyfriend only looked at it, but made no moves to return the gesture. I discreetly pinched him to get him to just shake the man’s damn hand but he didn’t budge.
I’m her boyfriend.
I could feel Paul’s gaze on me, like he was trying to find the truth of the statement in my eyes. Baby, don’t look at me! This is your interrogation, not mine. Um, I asked her to give my kitten a checkup before I took her home. He pointed downward at Lex who was trying to waddle her way up to Mikey and I, meowing as if to announce she was still here. Her name is Lex. Venus gave her the name.
She did? Mikey repeated and I nearly kicked Paul out of the house right there. He was obviously trying to get me into some kind of trouble, but I wanted nothing to do with the kind of trouble Mikey’d bring. Nope. Your girlfriend was not involved.
S’not like that, I mumbled, scooping Lex up and handing her to Paul. She squirmed in his arms, mewling at me with her pretty blue eyes. She truly was an adorable cat. Giving him all the results I gathered from her checkups today, I handed Paul a small white paper bag. Her results are in there. She’s healthy, and looks to stay that way. I packed some soluble and non soluble vitamins to assist her growth and some toothpaste for her breath. I also have little packets of formula so you can give her milk if you’d like. And don’t forget you have to come back to the vet for the paperwork.
Thank you, Venus. I’ll see you around.
No problem, I said, following him to the door. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I’d be moving in with the fuming man beside me by the end of the month, and I was kinda surprised Mikey didn’t jump at the opportunity either. I just wanted him out of my house. Now. Mikey was already mad— I could feel it. It was safer to get the guy out now before the guns started blazing.
Clearly Paul didn’t understand the urgency. He turned around right before he could read the door, one hand digging in his pockets. I almost forgot to pay you.
Don’t worry abo- Paul’s hand was already leaving his pockets as I started to speak, but Mikey cut me off. Pay her.
Paul’s hand froze. I-
She was off today. She didn’t have to do shit for your cat, especially not for free. So pay her.
Tensions were rising and I wanted no parts. How about you pay for everything at the vet when you stop by? Deal? Deal. I didn’t wait for an answer, quickly ushering him out of the door with hasty goodbyes and clicking the lock in place when he was fully out.
Crisis averted, but Mikey was still mad. Problem was, I was mad too. And embarrassed. I ignored Mikey as he called for me, cleaning up the area everyone was just in. I continued ignoring him as I returned things to their rightful drawers, bags and cabinets. It was calming in a sense, and I was a bit ready to explain everything to him by the time I had put up my last kit.
The words got caught in my throat. He was right in front of my face when I turned around, most likely at my heels from I first started to move.
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