#only for them i'd travel alone out of my country (i've never done either)
dnp really got me doing spreadsheets to compare what show is the least harmful to my wallet and work
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menyee · 2 years
[22: 04.12] new familiarities
it's been roughly two months since i've arrived to a new city, a new country. arrived with no idea how i'd receive this place, or how this place would receive me, but it's been a pretty familiar ride. from a night of mosquito bites to so many situations and new friends, i expected nothing of the like in the days before my flight.
hell, i had been stuck in a limbo since august, there was nothing that i had expected except that this place could possibly bring me peace.
it did.
figuratively, and physically. i found friends at place called peace. i felt at peace with friends in a neighborhood that brought me peace. i branched out and traveled to nearby cities that embodied peace. peace surrounded me, and i felt at peace.
it was quite instant, too. within a mere three days of being in this new city, i made two friends who then opened a new world of friends who i wished i could experience life with for longer. a small world it is, and especially a small city i'm in.
i had always been afraid of making friends here despite feeling lonely in this couple-focused country because i was afraid of what was to come when i had to leave -- i didn't think i could bear the emotions that would later crush me when it came to the day i had to fly. and i was right. two months later, i'm feeling just that way. as every second moves onto the next, i can't help but to notice how much closer my temporary departure is.
call it fate. call it destiny.
these people that i've met are all older than me. people my age here are still in college, so wherever i go, alone, approached by the cafe/ bar workers or owners, they're all a little more experienced in life than i am. i'm pretty mature for my age as well, so it went both ways, feeling comfortable discussing difficult or silly life questions.
and i'm actually kind of grateful, because career. job. money. stability. have been the only things that have plagued my mind since graduation. i've always wondered if the job that i'm planning towards is the right one for me. i've always wanted to do so many things in my lifetime. but one could argue that it's because of a lack of consistency. perspective.
being surrounded by these creatives and the spaces that they provide has been a very inspiring journey. some are passionate about coffee, some are passionate about wood, some are passionate about music, specifically LPs, and all of them are also just doing it for money. a job that mixes what they like and what they know how to do for a living.
it's a new world to me. all i have done in my life has been nothing of the like. i have only studied "academic things", done part-times for "academic things", volunteered for "academic things", and just everything "academic". i love being creative -- there are so many outlets in creativity, but academia has been my comfort zone. the instilled concept of stability stemming from academia.
i've thought about it many times, if meeting these people and building a bond with them was my sign.
i'm being chased by the clock to make a decision.
is it risk, or is it stability? either way, both have only been just thoughts. maybe it's time to look into things. talk to some friends. maybe that'll help clear my mind.
and. it's always see you later, and never good bye.
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honemura · 2 years
SHUFFLE × The Numbing Noir Neige Black Snow/Episode 3
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〈A few days later〉
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Kohaku: "Hmm… This is the rumored "European Village" I wondered what it'd be like to recreate the local buildings. Does the real Europe has this kinda atmosphere..?"
Rei: "Oh. I, too, have often traveled abroad, and the atmosphere is completely natural This brick architecture looks just like the town where I studied And the church in the distance… It is so well done that it's hard to believe it's only a replica of the real thing"
Nagisa: "…I remember this village was developed during the bubble era theme park boom …I heard that the park was opened when the whole country was booming and continued to operate at a modest pace but it has been working at a loss for many years and was recently closed down"
Rei: "Oh, well. Ran-kun knows a lot Yes, it was an unfortunate end for a theme park, but this old-fashioned atmosphere is very much in keeping with the local character Ran-kun is familiar with the local scenery, isn't he? I heard that you had experience abroad as well"
Nagisa: "…Me? That's right, I think I know a thing or two … I'm not doing anything big enough to go study abroad, though"
Mayoi: "You are all amazing… I've never been to a foreign country… I have not traveled much in Japan, let alone abroad. The only notable trip I have taken was to Hokkaido for the SS qualifying round"
Ritsu: "Well, idol work involves stuff like regional location shooting, and I guess that's enough for some of the indoorsy types, right? I'm not the type of person who wants to travel too far unless I have something to do at my parents' house Familiar places are the best. Futons, beds…🎵"
Mayoi: "R-right..! I think it's the best to be in the place you are used to..! Ufufu. I was wondering what I would do if everyone in the Shuffle Unit had too much life experience, but I'm glad you could relate" (whisper)"And it's not just Sakuma-san, but Ritsu-san as well… When you get in contact with him, he's not as scary a person what you've heard from parents"
Ritsu: "Huh? What's the matter with me?"
Mayoi: "N-no! It's nothing! For that matter, Kohaku, do you have any travel experience? At least, you seem you've never been to Europe"
Kohaku: "Yeah, I haven't had that experience either I'm relieved t'hear ya are the same as me in this regard, Mayoi-han. Even this European village is so out of the ordinary that I was afraid I was the only one who felt out of place Well, we're shooting after this, and it doesn't look like we'll have time to worry 'bout that"
Rei: "Hm. Seems like the staff is gathering Let's greet everyone right away. It looks like little miss has already arrived at the site and is inspecting the situation It will be a good idea to tell them our roles and names so that they will remember us"
Nagisa: "…Yes, that's right. We're new actors, and we should be more polite than usual"
Rei: "Thank you, staff, for coming together for us! I am Sakuma Rei, and I will be playing the role of Hardey, the Reaper of Condemnation in the upcoming production I will give a performance that will live up to the honor of being selected for the lead role. I look forward to your continued support"
Nagisa: "…I am Ran Nagisa. I will be playing the role of The Gravekeeping Reaper. Please give me your best regards …I'm not very good at playing but I will do my best by communicating with all the staff members"
Kohaku: "Uhh, m'name is Oukawa Kohaku, the new idol who plays the role of a Half-Reaper Boy I'm a strong singer, but if there's anything wrong with my intonation, I'd appreciate ya guidance!"
Mayoi: "O-oh, I'm also a newcomer, I'm Ayase Mayoi, who plays The Freezing Reaper… I-I have a bit of stage fright, but I'll do my best!"
Ritsu: "I'm Sakuma Ritsu. I'll be playing the role of The Eternal Reaper I'm happy to be able to create this wonderful work of art with you"
Rei: "It seems that everyone was able to greet the staff properly. Good boys Well, let's put our luggage down and get into our costumes right away, shall we?"
Ritsu: "Wait a minute. I'm still in a middle of my greeting. Can you not just force me to work it like that?"
Rei: "… Oukawa-kun and Ayase-kun. If you need anything, you can count on me. And I will be counting on you"
Mayoi: "Y-yes… To be honest, I've been nervous the whole time, but I'll do my best..!"
Kohaku: "Thanks. I'm so glad ya showed me a good example"
Ritsu: "…Um?" (Now Anija is blatantly ignoring me) (Come to think of it, he was strangely quiet today. I don't think he's been sticky with me) (Or was that just a coincidence, bad timing? …Nah, I'm just thinking too much) (How in heaven's name could that Anija ignore me?)
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