#online data entry jobs 2021
littledigest · 2 years
Pluto conjunct natal Mercury-Uranus-Neptune
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Pluto has been transiting my natal Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune since 2020. As of 2023, it is moving away from natal Neptune and towards natal Uranus and Mercury.
Neptune in Capricorn 26 degrees in 5th house [natal]
Uranus in Aquarius 2 degrees in 6th house [natal]
Mercury in Aquarius 3 degrees in 6th house[natal]
When Pluto was close to my Neptune, I happened to start or end a creative endeavor. Or, something about the event was Neptunian/Piscean in nature.
Going into 2023, there is a shift from Neptunian events to more Uranian and Mercurial ones.
Notice that until 2023, the events are creativity (Neptune) and hobby (5th house) related. Starting from 2023, my Mercury-Uranus in 6th house conjunction is getting more attention. My sudden job change and the nature of that job are examples of this.
5/12/20 - First day of working out regularly by following YouTube videos. I was working out every day for almost 2 hours. I had NEVER worked out before this. For several months after, I was obsessed with working out; it was therapeutic to me.
6/6/20 - First day of UX/UI design online course
3/23/21 - I made a journal entry this day that I was seriously thinking of going into animation and coding.
6/6/21 - Last day of UX/UI design online course
6/7/21 - The day after, I started my first day of 3D animation class. Pluto is EXACTLY conjunct my natal Neptune on this day.
6/23/21 - I attempted a no-fish-and-seafood diet ❌🐟🦀❌ after watching a documentary about our negative impact on the ecosystem due to overfishing and overconsumption of fish/seafood. Failed, but I really tried.
3/16/22 - Hit with a major internal crisis. Issues from the past came back, and I didn't know where I was headed in life. Felt very uncertain about what I was doing in life.
3/29/22 - Last day of 3D animation class.
6/20/22 - The day I started my Tumblr blog littledigest. Pluto was also opposite natal asteroid Educatio (2440); seems appropriate as I am giving my experiences and take on astrology through this blog.
7/10/22 - The day I reached 100 followers on Tumblr
8/7/22 - I visited a local psychic fair with my mom and sister. 🔮 We've never gone out of our way to go to anything like this before.
10/3/22 - I learned how to use a sewing machine. Making clothes was something that I had been DREAMING about for so long. Did I continue? No, but I'm sure I'll go back to it someday.
11/22/22 - Introduced to a job position that seemed completely out of my league. I wasn't even job searching, but this landed on my lap out of nowhere. Had nothing to do with the job I was doing at the time.
12/12/22 - I got a call back that I got the job. Found out I will be earning a lot more than in my previous job 🤑. Pluto was also square natal asteroid Destinn (6583). Don't know if this job is my DESTINY, but interesting...Maybe I'm on the right path?
1/6/23 - Last day of old job; got a new haircut in the city after work. 💇‍♀️ Realized this was the first time I went to get a haircut on my own IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Prob not significant to you, but it was bonkers to me. How have I never gotten a haircut on my own before?
1/9/23 - First day of my new job. Transit Uranus is conjunct my natal midheaven too. I'm no longer 100% remote; I have to go into the office; my whole routine has changed. This new job of mine is an admin position but for a technology department. [Uranian]
2/8/23 - Met with superior. Afterward, manager tells me superior wants me to work with them on data work. My work becomes less about admin duties. [Mercurial/Uranian]
2/18/23 - Played a gambling card game with my family for the first time and won. Pluto also square natal asteroid Las Vegas (82332). Not Vegas but won some money 💵. [Neptunian/Uranian]
2/26/23 - started this Long Game project on littledigest. Pluto also inconjunct natal asteroid Discovery (9770). I hope this project uncovers something special! [Mercurial/Uranian/Neptunian]
More to come as time goes on
This post is part of a larger study based solely on my personal experiences with Planetary Transits and Returns.
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mariacallous · 1 year
In 2020, Nazia was working at a data entry office in Hyderabad, but dreamed of being a beautician. Then, on YouTube, she saw a video about Urban Company, a platform similar to the US site TaskRabbit, which promises to connect workers—plumbers, electricians, painters, beauticians, and others—with clients who need their services. Workers who join the platform as beauticians often pay upward of $500 to register and receive a salon equipment kit. For Nazia, it felt like an investment worth taking.
When it launched in 2014, Urban Company was revolutionary for India’s disjointed home services market, providing customers with vetted and trained workers through an easy-to-use interface. Nazia was one of tens of thousands of workers who joined the platform, which grew and grew thanks to consecutive rounds of fundraising from investors including Tiger Global and Prosus Ventures, becoming the largest home services provider in India, valued at almost $3 billion. Then it expanded into the United Arab Emirates and Singapore. In 2023, it launched in the US.
For workers it promised an opportunity to work flexibly, and earn well. In 2020, Fair Work, a research group that studies gig work companies, rated the company the best for workers in India, giving it a score of eight out of 10 on parameters that include fair pay and working conditions. (Uber scored one out of 10).
Nazia got stellar ratings and reviews from customers on the platform—so much so that she was invited to pay $300 to upgrade her account to Prime, which gave her access to better-paying jobs.
“Everything was going great,” she says. “With the money I made, I was able to help my family, buy a two-wheeler, and save money for my wedding.”
Urban Company fostered an identity for itself that was different from other gig work platforms, particularly for women. But since the start of the year, things have gone downhill, fast. Thousands of workers have found themselves arbitrarily dumped from the platform for not meeting new targets that they say have been set unattainably high. Nazia is among them. The platform, it seems, is subject to the same cycle of “enshittification” as its peers, sacrificing the incentives it had offered to get workers onto the platform in order to turn a profit—and abandoning its promises of flexibility in the process.
Urban Company declined to comment.
The first sign of trouble at Urban Company started in 2021, as the pandemic hit the home services business. The company slipped in Fairwork’s rankings, scoring five out of 10. Workers twice held protests demanding lower commissions and safer working conditions. After a media storm, Urban Company published a Medium blog introducing a “12 point program” to “improve partner earnings and livelihood”—which included lowering commissions and introducing an SOS helpline for women’s safety. In an attempt to be more transparent, the company started publishing a partner earnings index, but it also filed lawsuits against four protesters for “illegal and unlawful” actions.
But things got really difficult for Urban Company’s workers in 2023. The platform introduced a new rule stipulating that workers had to maintain an acceptance rate of at least 70 percent, a customer rating of at least 4.7 out of 5, and cancel fewer than four jobs per month. Failure meant being blocked from the app. Nazia managed to keep her ratings above 4.8 until May 2023, when they slipped to 4.69. She was temporarily blocked and put into “retraining”—an online video course followed by 10 bookings that she had to take free of charge in an attempt to boost her rating. Unfortunately, for Nazia, her rating did not budge from 4.69. Since then, she’s been out of work.
“It all happened so quickly,” Nazia says. Now she’s stuck with $2,500 in loans.
I spoke to more than a dozen women like Nazia, all of whom asked for anonymity to protect themselves from retribution and say they were blocked by the platform after failing to meet what they believe were unrealistic expectations.
In Bengaluru, Shabnam—who used a friend’s credit card to pay the $500 joining fee—found that Urban Company started assigning her jobs farther and farther away from home. With rising costs and high commissions, taking these distant trips was “as good as earning nothing,” she says. She turned down the jobs that weren’t economically viable, and soon her response rate—the number of jobs she accepted—dropped to 20 percent. In June, she was dropped from the platform.
Seema, who had worked for Urban Company for five years, had a miscarriage earlier this year. As she was being rushed to the hospital, she didn’t have time to mark in the Urban Company app that she wasn’t able to work that day. Her acceptance rate of bookings fell to 30 percent. She couldn’t get her rate back up to the mandated 80 percent, and she was permanently suspended from the platform. “I went to the office with the doctor’s prescription and everything. They still did not agree to reinstate my account,” Seema says.
In Hyderabad, Sunanda says her account was deactivated earlier this year after a death in the family meant she had to cancel some jobs. She pleaded with a company representative on its helpline and in person—she even submitted the death certificate, but she’s still blocked. “They said they cannot reinstate my account because my rating is not 4.7 or above. I told them my rating is 4.69 and if they give me a chance I will bring it back up, but they refused,” Sunanda, 42, said. “They have given the customers this one weapon: ratings.”
As well as the stick of targets and quotas, Urban Company also offered a carrot for workers: shares in the business.
In 2022, the company announced its Partner Stock Options Program (PSOP), granting shares worth $18 million over the next five to seven years. The following November, they awarded stocks worth approximately $635,000 to 500 partners. But while the PSOPs seemed to be almost guaranteed for workers, the process of accessing them is heavily gamified.
Pratima, an Urban Company beautician, was very excited at the end of 2022 when she realized she’d made it to the top 10 list of workers in her category in Bengaluru. If she continued to stay in the top 10 until April, she was told she’d be granted the company’s stock options that following November. “They call us partners, but don’t treat us like it,” said Pratima, requesting to be referred to under a pseudonym. “I was hoping that if I get a share in the company, maybe then I will be treated like a partner.”
By February, Pratima had completed more than 200 jobs, and she was still in the top 10. Then, a series of low ratings by disgruntled customers pulled down her overall rating, blocking her temporarily and dropping her off the leaderboard. She kept at it, worked back-to-back jobs, and got herself unblocked and back into the rankings. April came around, and she was in the top 10. But then the company seemed to have extended the contest—the leaderboard has kept on counting, but the workers don’t know what’s going on. “It’s like they are making us run a marathon in the name of shares,” she says.
For women who were sold Urban Company’s promises of flexibility and empowerment, the shock of losing their livelihood or being forced to work longer and longer hours has been exacerbated by a sense of betrayal.
“For women especially, a lot of times they have care responsibilities at home, and so there’s hope to find work that’s flexible, that allows them to pick up their kids from school or take junior to the doctor,” says Alexandrea Ravenelle, an author of two books on gig work and a sociology assistant professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. “A lot of these platforms are playing off of that need for flexibility because, for many of the workers who are coming to these platforms, an alternative isn’t a white-collar job in a tech office where they can bring the play pen and set the kid up.”
The mismatch between the promise of these platforms and their reality becomes clear when the businesses move from their early growth phase, in which they are able to burn investors’ cash, to one where they have to start to turn a profit.
When two-sided marketplaces that match workers with clients grow, they try to make things as comfortable as possible for workers to create a deep pool of available services. “The shortcut way to do this is to offer incentives to them—be it sellers, drivers, or other gig workers—showing them that this is a lucrative business,” says Rutvik Doshi, a general partner at VC firm Athera Venture Partners.
Companies spend big on marketing as they try to grow as fast as possible (during the 2021–2022 financial year, Urban Company spent close to $30 million on marketing and clocked a loss of over $60 million), working on the assumption that one day the demand for their services will become organic, the suppliers will start making enough money without incentives, and the platform will be able to raise the commissions it takes off its workers.
But when this doesn’t happen, companies desperately rework their models. When they need to curb spending, or when they struggle to raise new funding, marketing is the first thing they cut. Demand drops, creating an oversupply of workers on the platform. “And the excessive supply on the platforms feels the pinch. That’s the typical cycle with a two-sided marketplace,” Doshi says.
On July 10, Urban Company CEO Abhiraj Bahl released a video to the company’s workers explaining the new strict policies. He said that each year, 45 percent of customers use the platform just once and don’t make a second booking, while 15 to 20 percent of workers leave. “And as a result of all of this, Urban Company is still a loss-making company,” he said in the video, part of which has been viewed by WIRED. “So we are losing customers and we are also losing money.”
He blamed the decline in customers on “poor quality service” and “off-platform jobs”—that is, workers making private arrangements with clients and taking their work off Urban Company, something that’s a serious risk to the company’s model. “It’s kind of an existential question: They need the workers and the customers to stay on their platform in order to remain an intermediary,” says Ambika Tandon, a tech and labor researcher at the Center for Internet and Society think tank.
All of this has led the company to push its workers into a mold that essentially has all the downsides of regular employment but few of the benefits. For workers who joined the platform for its flexibility and autonomy, this reality of platform work becomes difficult to reconcile with.
“Urban Company is trying to imagine an ideal worker for this particular model to be someone who is always available, gives their 100 percent, [doesn’t] cancel at all, has no family responsibilities,” Tandon says. “But a lot of these workers are single parents, who have family responsibility and children to take care of. These are not folks who will fit into this model of having a 80 percent, 90 percent acceptance rate.”
In June, WhatsApp groups used by Urban Company workers were flooded with messages about one of their peers, who had reportedly died by suicide after the company deactivated her account—leaving her with no source of income. Several workers I spoke with said that while the news was shocking, none of them knew the victim. “We were vexed,” Seema from Bengaluru says, “But the problem is that all of us are so isolated from each other. The platform doesn’t have any get-togethers, nothing. We all don’t have any relationships, which is a plus point for Urban Company.”
But, like their peers across the platform economy, Urban Company workers are now getting organized. In June and July, hundreds of Urban Company workers took to the streets in Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and Kolkata. Shabnam was present at one of the protests last month in Bengaluru, demanding that the company reinstate her account. With this, they have joined thousands of Indian gig workers from Uber, Ola, Swiggy, Blinkit and more.
There have been at least half a dozen such protests across different cities in India since the beginning of the year—all of them essentially fighting for the same reasons: better pay and working conditions, a ban on unfair practices, and laws governing gig work that workers can lean on for safety and protection. “It’s not just Urban Company that has been blocking accounts,” said Shaik Salauddin, founder of Telangana Gig and Platform Worker Union. “Ola, Uber, Swiggy, Zomato, Amazon, Flipkart—all aggregator companies are doing this.”
Rikta Krishnaswamy, a coordinator with the All India Gig Workers Union, said that the union has had conversations with the labor departments across different cities, including Delhi and Pune. Another meeting is coming up in Mumbai. “We have raised complaints against these illegal dismissals, and the labor departments in Delhi, Noida, and Gurugram have sent notices to the company for a meeting,” she said. “Let’s see if they actually show up.”
Some of the workers whose accounts were blocked have been able to get it reinstated, provided their rating was not lower than 4.7 and they weren’t blocked for trust and safety issues. But, if the video shared by Bahl is any indication, things are only going to get worse by the end of the year. The company has launched a salon quality improvement program called Project Shakti, under which, by December, the performance metrics are going to get even stricter for beauticians: an acceptance rate greater than 80 percent, no more than three monthly cancellations, and “100 percent orders delivered on UC app only.” The rating threshold will continue to be at a minimum of 4.7.
The new policy is being hammered home. Workers whose accounts have been reinstated and those already active on the platform are being called for a meeting to the Urban Company office in small groups of around 10. Some have to watch Bahl’s video. Then they are presented with new terms and conditions to sign, which include consent for them to be permanently blocked from the platform if they miss their targets.
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ecommercebd · 4 months
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uswanth-123 · 6 months
SAP FICO S4 HANA Certification
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Your Gateway to the Future of Finance: SAP FICO S/4HANA Certification
SAP S/4HANA is revolutionizing the way organizations manage their finances. As the market demand for SAP FICO (Financial Accounting and Controlling) consultants with S/4HANA expertise soars, getting certified puts you in a prime position to excel in this fast-growing field.
What is SAP FICO?
SAP FICO is a cornerstone module suite within SAP's ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. It handles two central aspects of business finance:
Financial Accounting (FI): Focuses on external reporting, general ledger, accounts payable/receivable, asset accounting, and consolidation.
Controlling (CO): This person manages internal reporting, cost center accounting, profitability analysis, product costing, and internal budgeting.
SAP S/4HANA represents SAP's latest and most advanced ERP platform. It delivers significant innovations compared to traditional SAP versions:
In-Memory Database (HANA): Drastically accelerates processing and analytics.
Embedded Analytics: Real-time financial insights for faster decision-making.
Simplified Data Model: Streamlines processes and reduces complexity.
Fiori User Interface: Creates a modern, intuitive user experience.
SAP FICO S/4HANA Certifications
To validate your skills and gain an edge in the job market, SAP offers several FICO S/4HANA certifications:
C_TS4FI_2021 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting Associates (SAP S/4HANA 2021): Ideal for entry-level consultants. Demonstrates fundamental FICO understanding across SAP S/4HANA and readiness to work on guided projects.
P_S4FIN_2021 - SAP Certified Application Professional - Financials in SAP S/4HANA for SAP ERP Finance Experts (SAP S/4HANA 2021): Designed for experienced finance professionals (5+ years of SAP implementation experience). Verifies your ability to lead FICO S/4HANA implementation projects independently.
Exam Preparation: The Key to Success
Passing these certifications requires dedicated preparation. Here's a comprehensive plan:
Assess Your Knowledge: Use the exam syllabi on the SAP Training and Certification website to identify areas where you need additional learning.
Take SAP Training Courses: SAP offers official courses tailored to exams. These provide structured learning and invaluable insights (Find official course options at https://training.sap.com).
Leverage Study Resources: You can find a wealth of online content, tutorials, and practice tests on platforms like ERPrep (https://www.erpprep.com).
Hands-on Experience: Practice on an SAP S/4HANA system. Many resources offer access if you still need one in your current role.
Exam Time: Book the exam through SAP's website when you're ready.
Benefits of SAP FICO S/4HANA Certification
Career Boost: Become a sought-after professional in the booming S/4HANA arena.
Salary Premium: Certified professionals command better remuneration.
Validation of Expertise: Prove to employers you understand S/4HANA FICO's complexities.
Expanded Opportunities: Open doors to more significant projects and consulting roles.
You can find more information about SAP Fico in this SAP FICO Link
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speedyposts · 8 months
Rural Kenyans power West’s AI revolution. Now they want more
Naivasha, Kenya – Caroline Njau comes from a family of farmers who tend to fields of maize, wheat, and potatoes in the hilly terrain near Nyahururu, 180 kilometres (112 miles) north of the capital Nairobi.
But Njau has chosen a different path in life.
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These days, the 30-year-old lives in Naivasha, a scenic town at the centre of Kenya’s flower industry and midway between Nyahururu and Nairobi. Seated in her living room with a cup of milk tea, she labels data for artificial intelligence (AI) companies abroad on an app. The sun rises over the unpaved streets of her neighbourhood as she flicks through images of tarmac roads, intersections and sidewalks on her smartphone while carefully drawing boxes around various objects; traffic lights, cars, pedestrians, and signposts. The designer of the app – an American subcontractor to Silicon Valley companies – pays her $3 an hour.
Njau is a so-called annotator, and her annotation of data compiles the building blocks that train artificial intelligence to recognise patterns in real life, in this case, with self-driving cars.
“My parents have not fully embraced technology because they find it hard to learn. But I always loved science. Data annotation creates opportunities, and you do not need a degree to do this – just your phone and an internet connection,” says Njau who studied teaching but has been annotating since 2021.
Kenya is emerging as a hub for such online work, rising to compete with countries like India and the Philippines. The birth of tech start-ups since the late 2000s, followed by the entry of tech outsourcing companies, along with business-friendly policies, skilled labour and high-speed internet have all led to an economy where digital jobs are the bread and butter for a large portion of the youth. In 2021, a survey by Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) showed that at least 1.2 million Kenyans are working online, most of them informally.
But Nairobi’s data annotators have recently revealed a less rosy side to this industry. In a Time article from last year, workers at an outsourcing firm in Nairobi described the “torture” they went through while labelling pieces of texts drawn from the darkest corners of the internet – all in a quest to make OpenAI’s ChatGPT able to recognise harmful content. According to the piece, the workers were paid less than $2 an hour to do this.
Despite these stories, the annotation industry has continued to spread far beyond the cramped office spaces in Nairobi.
In mid-January, when Kenya’s President William Ruto launched a government-sponsored tech hub in Kitale – an agricultural town near the border with Uganda – a young ICT student explained how he had earned $284 in three weeks by training AI for Silicon Valley companies. He had been using Remotasks, an American website where freelancers get paid for labelling data.
The video clip from the tech hub – one among a series of facilities designed to equip learners with marketable tech skills – spread like wildfire on social media and made young Kenyans rush to create Remotasks accounts.
“Many young people are jobless. Even people who graduated in computer science cannot find jobs. The government is doing right by helping young people access online work,” says Kennedy Cheruyot, 24, a recently graduated nurse from Eldoret in western Kenya.
He opened a Remotasks account in 2021 and has continued to work online while looking for a job in hospitals. Some of his friends have entirely left other careers to focus on digital tasks.
“Previously, boys in our culture were supposed to go to the farm, herding the cattle. Now, they stay inside to do online work,” Cheruyot says when we meet at a cafe overlooking Eldoret’s business district. Hardware and agricultural supply stores blend with bright yellow signs advertising internet cafes, so-called “cybers”.
Although Cheruyot’s dream is to own a ranch “like in the Western movies”, he currently spends most of his time looking for more online gigs to pay for rent, food, electricity, water and transport.
Commodity prices in Kenya have soared since 2022, attributed to a prolonged drought that year and the Russia-Ukraine war. Meanwhile, the Kenyan shilling has continued to depreciate due to demand for dollars from the energy and manufacturing sectors. As the shilling weakens, import prices increase and with them the cost of goods for consumers like Cheruyot.
He expects that, should he land a job as a nurse, he will continue to work online in his spare time, earning from $5 to $20 an hour depending on the task.
“I do not care if the AI companies in the West grow rich because of our work. As long as we are paid. It may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in Kenya,” he says.
But for Njau, the monotonous online tasks are a gateway to something bigger.
“Right now, Kenyan annotators water someone else’s garden. The flowers begin to bloom, but we are not even there to see it,” she says, gesturing towards the green grass outside her brick house.
“I do not want to stay in data annotation, my goal is to advance in technology. I want to know where the data go and how AI is programmed. Technology is taking over whether we like it or not, and us Kenyans should become data scientists,” says Njau who has already trained people with disabilities and young women in data annotation together with the Nairobi-based non-profit Next Step Foundation. Recently, she was awarded a scholarship in AI and data science by the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry.
Programmes like these aim to make Kenya a frontrunner in the technological revolution, explains Nickson Otieno, training manager at Next Step Foundation.
“I will not be surprised if a Kenyan comes up with the next big AI invention. We have an innovative generation and there are many problems to solve. For example, how can AI be used to inform Kenya Power and Lighting Company about blackouts by feeding it with complaints about power cuts posted on social media?” asks Otieno.
Still, there are bumps on the road to make Kenya – and other African countries – stand out as AI innovation hubs. According to Professor Tshilidzi Marwala, a South African scholar of AI and the Rector of the United Nations University, the education systems need an overhaul.
“Africans often receive quite specialised education, which is the case in countries like Kenya and South Africa that have British-oriented education systems. However, specialised education is outdated in a multidisciplinary world,” he argues and brings up an example: to create an AI platform that analyses x-ray images, one must master both medical and computer science.
Much of the conversation regarding AI, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, has focused on the human jobs that risk redundancy, and this is also a real concern in African countries. Marwala, however, believes that many people have “overplayed the significance of AI and confused it with normal automation”. Furthermore, AI might help small-scale businesses thrive.
“If a flower farmer in South Africa uses AI to analyse the soil quality using a camera rather than paying a scientist to do it, this could make the flower production cheaper for the farmer. I foresee AI providing much more efficiency and cost reduction,” he says.
AI apps that rely on data labelled by Kenyans, such as the chatbot ChatGPT, are already popular with young people like Njau and Cheruyot. He finds it “really useful” when in need of recipes or travel itineraries. But it cannot do his work for him.
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smenayetk11 · 9 months
The Best Freelancer Job For Beginners In Data Entry
Looking for the best freelancer job for beginners in data entry? Look no further. Data entry is a highly sought-after freelance job that offers flexibility and great earning potential. Whether you're looking to supplement your income or transition into a full-time freelancing career, data entry is a great option to consider. Data entry has a long history and is a fundamental task in many industries. It involves inputting, organizing, and managing large amounts of data using various software programs. As the volume of data continues to grow, the demand for skilled data entry freelancers is on the rise. In fact, according to recent statistics, the data entry market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2021 to 2028. This presents a great opportunity for beginners to enter the field and make a mark as freelancers. Looking for the best freelancer job in data entry for beginners? Start your journey in the world of data entry by considering freelancing platforms. These platforms offer a wide range of data entry projects that you can work on, allowing you to gain experience and build your skills. With the flexibility to work at your own pace and choose projects that suit your interests, freelancing is an excellent option for beginners in data entry. Get started today and discover the endless opportunities freelancing has to offer!
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Source: unsplash.com
The Best Freelancer Job for Beginners in Data Entry
Data entry is a popular job choice for beginners in the freelance industry. It offers a flexible schedule, the ability to work from home, and requires minimal training or experience. This article aims to guide beginners in finding the best data entry job opportunities that cater to their needs and skill level. Whether you're looking to make some extra money part-time or want to transition into a full-time freelancing career, this article will provide valuable insights to help you get started. If you're new to the world of freelancing and want to explore data entry as a beginner, it's essential to understand the different options available to you. One useful resource for beginners is the article on Workfromhome24h that outlines the top online part-time jobs from home for beginners. It provides a comprehensive overview of various freelance opportunities and how to get started. This article will expand on that information and specifically focus on the best freelancer job options in the field of data entry.
Key Requirements for Beginner Data Entry Freelancers
Before diving into the specific job options, it's important to highlight the key requirements for beginner data entry freelancers. While data entry doesn't typically require specialized skills, there are a few basic prerequisites necessary to excel in this field: - Computer literacy: You should have a good understanding of basic computer operations, such as typing, navigating software, and using spreadsheets. - Attention to detail: Data entry tasks often involve handling large amounts of information, and accuracy is crucial. Paying close attention to detail will ensure the accuracy and quality of your work. - Time management: As a freelancer, you'll need to manage your time effectively and meet deadlines. Prioritizing tasks and staying organized will contribute to your success in data entry. - Reliability and professionalism: Clients rely on freelancers to deliver high-quality work on time. Maintaining professionalism and communication throughout your projects is essential. 1. Online Marketplaces for Data Entry Freelancers Online marketplaces provide a platform for freelancers to connect with clients and find data entry job opportunities. These platforms handle the hiring process, payment transactions, and offer a sense of security for both parties involved. Here are a few popular online marketplaces for data entry freelancers: a. Upwork Upwork is one of the largest online marketplaces for freelancers with a wide variety of job categories, including data entry. It allows beginners to create a profile, showcase their skills, and bid on relevant job postings. Upwork also offers a rating system that helps freelancers build their reputation and credibility. b. Freelancer Freelancer is another popular platform that connects freelancers with clients across different industries. It offers data entry job opportunities and allows beginners to create a profile and bid on relevant projects. Freelancer also provides a ranking system based on performance, facilitating client trust and freelancer growth. c. Fiverr Fiverr operates as a freelance marketplace where freelancers can create "gigs" and offer their services. While it is known for a wide range of creative services, data entry is also a popular category on the platform. Beginners can create a gig specifically for data entry services and attract clients looking for quick and affordable solutions. d. Guru Guru is a freelancing platform that offers a variety of job categories, including data entry. It allows beginners to create a profile, showcase their portfolio, and apply for relevant job postings. Guru also provides a Workroom feature that facilitates effective communication and collaboration between freelancers and clients. 2. Freelance Data Entry Websites In addition to online marketplaces, there are specific websites dedicated solely to freelance data entry jobs. These websites provide a centralized platform for freelancers to find job opportunities and simplify the application process. Here are a few examples: a. Clickworker Clickworker is a platform that offers various micro jobs, including data entry tasks. It allows freelancers to sign up, complete assessments to determine their skill level, and access available tasks. Clickworker provides a straightforward way for beginners to start their freelance data entry journey. b. Microworkers Microworkers is a micro-task platform that offers small data entry jobs that can be completed quickly. The platform allows freelancers to sign up and access various tasks, including form-filling, keyword categorization, and image tagging. It's an excellent option for beginners looking for short and simple data entry tasks. c. Amazon Mechanical Turk Amazon Mechanical Turk, or MTurk, is a crowdsourcing marketplace where businesses can outsource tasks to a pool of workers. It offers various data entry tasks, such as data verification, data cleaning, and transcription. Beginners can sign up as an MTurk worker and choose from the available tasks. 3. Remote Job Boards Remote job boards are websites that aggregate remote job opportunities from different companies and industries. While they may not solely focus on data entry jobs, they often include relevant listings for beginners. Here are a few remote job boards to explore: a. Remote.co Remote.co is a popular remote job board that features a wide range of remote job opportunities, including data entry. It allows beginners to search for jobs based on their skill level and preferences. Remote.co also provides resources and insights for individuals interested in remote work. b. FlexJobs FlexJobs is a subscription-based job board that specializes in remote and flexible job opportunities. It offers a curated list of data entry jobs from reputable companies, ensuring that freelancers can find legitimate and high-quality job options. FlexJobs provides a reliable platform for beginners to navigate the remote job market. c. Remote OK Remote OK is a job board dedicated to listing remote opportunities across various industries. While it doesn't have specific filters for data entry jobs, it provides a comprehensive list of remote job openings. Beginners can search for data entry positions and explore other remote roles that align with their interests and skills.
As a beginner in data entry freelancing, there are numerous job opportunities available to you. Whether you choose to explore online marketplaces, freelance data entry websites, or remote job boards, it's essential to understand your strengths, preferences, and goals. Take the time to build your skills, create a professional profile, and stay consistent in delivering high-quality work. With dedication and perseverance, you can establish a successful career in the field of data entry freelancing. For more in-depth information and detailed guidance on finding the right data entry job online without investment, visit Workfromhome24h.
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Source: unsplash.com
Frequently Asked Questions
Data entry is a popular freelancing job that is often recommended for beginners due to its simplicity and high demand. If you are new to the freelancing world and want to start with data entry, you might have some questions. Here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions about the best freelancer job for beginners in data entry. 1. What are the benefits of choosing data entry as a freelancer job for beginners? Data entry offers several benefits for beginners in freelancing. Firstly, it requires minimal skills and can be learned quickly. Secondly, there is a high demand for data entry services, so you will have a consistent flow of projects. Thirdly, data entry tasks are often straightforward and repetitive, allowing you to build a routine and increase your speed over time. Additionally, data entry jobs usually offer flexible working hours, allowing you to work at your own pace and choose projects that align with your interests. It is also a great way to gain experience and develop your skills further in the freelancing industry. 2. How can I improve my data entry skills as a beginner? To improve your data entry skills as a beginner, you can follow these steps: - Practice regularly: The more you practice, the better you will get at data entry. Set aside dedicated time to work on data entry tasks and aim to improve your speed and accuracy. - Learn keyboard shortcuts: Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts for common actions in data entry software. This will help you save time and increase your efficiency. - Take online courses or tutorials: There are many online resources available that can provide you with additional training and tips for data entry. Explore these courses to enhance your skills. - Seek feedback and learn from mistakes: Ask for feedback from clients or peers to identify areas for improvement. Learn from your mistakes and strive to constantly enhance your data entry skills. 3. What are the common tools and software used in data entry? Data entry typically requires the use of various tools and software to complete tasks efficiently. Some common tools and software used in data entry include: - Microsoft Excel: Excel is widely used for organizing and managing data. It provides features such as sorting, filtering, and data validation, which are essential for data entry tasks. - Data entry software: There are many specialized data entry software available that offer features specifically designed for data entry tasks, such as auto-fill, error checking, and data formatting. - Optical character recognition (OCR) software: OCR software is used to convert physical documents or images into editable text. This is particularly useful when dealing with handwritten or printed documents. It is important to familiarize yourself with these tools and software to efficiently carry out data entry tasks and meet client requirements. 4. How can I find data entry projects as a beginner freelancer? As a beginner freelancer in data entry, there are several ways to find projects: - Freelance platforms: Sign up on popular freelance platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. These platforms have a dedicated category for data entry jobs where you can find relevant projects. - Networking: Reach out to your network and let them know about your data entry services. They might have contacts or referrals for data entry projects. - Online job boards: Explore online job boards that list freelance data entry projects. Keep an eye out for new opportunities and apply to the ones that align with your skills and interests. - Direct outreach: Proactively reach out to businesses or individuals who might require data entry services. Send personalized pitches or proposals showcasing your skills and how you can add value to their projects. 5. How can I stand out as a beginner freelancer in data entry? To stand out as a beginner freelancer in data entry, you can follow these tips: - Develop a professional portfolio: Create a portfolio showcasing your past data entry projects Data entry is an excellent freelancing job for beginners. It requires basic computer skills and attention to detail. The job involves entering data into spreadsheets, databases, and other digital formats. It's a great way to start building experience in the freelancing world. By taking on data entry projects, beginners can develop their skills in accuracy, organization, and time management. Additionally, data entry provides flexible working hours, allowing freelancers to work from the comfort of their own homes. Overall, data entry offers a simple and accessible entry point for beginners in the freelancing industry. Earn $100-$1000 Weekly Using Easiest Copy-Paste Income Method Read the full article
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sophiamerlin · 11 months
Unlocking the Earning Potential of AWS Certified Developers
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If you want to advance your career at the AWS Course in Pune, you need to take a systematic approach and join up for a course that best suits your interests and will greatly expand your learning path.
One common question that arises is, “What is the salary for an AWS certified developer?” In this blog post, we will delve into the factors influencing AWS certified developer salaries and provide insights into the average compensation levels.
Factors Impacting AWS Certified Developer Salaries:
a. Experience: The number of years of experience a developer possesses plays a significant role in salary determination. Junior or entry-level positions may offer salaries ranging from $70,000 to $90,000 per year, while senior developers with extensive experience can earn over $150,000 annually.
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If you want to learn more about AWS Certification Online, you contact best institute because they offer certifications and job placement opportunities. Experienced teachers can help you learn better. You can find these services both online and offline. Take things step by step and consider enrolling in a course if you’re interested.
c. Certification Level: AWS provides different certification levels, such as the AWS Certified Developer — Associate and AWS Certified Developer — Professional. Higher-level certifications generally command higher salaries due to their advanced skill requirements and the value they bring to organizations.
d. Industry and Company Size: The industry and company size also influence salaries. Tech companies, startups, and industries like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce with critical technology infrastructure tend to offer competitive salaries to AWS certified developers.e. Additional Skills: Proficiency in additional programming languages, frameworks, or tools commonly used with AWS, such as Python, Java, or Docker, can further impact salary negotiations.
Average Salary Range for AWS Certified Developers: According to Glassdoor data from 2021, the average salary for an AWS certified developer in the United States is approximately $110,000 per year. However, it is important to note that this figure is an average, and actual salaries can vary based on the factors mentioned above.
Becoming an AWS certified developer can open up numerous career opportunities and competitive salaries. The salary range for AWS certified developers can vary widely based on factors such as experience, location, certification level, industry, company size, and additional skills. It is advisable to research the current salary trends in your specific location and industry to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information.
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marketingscapers · 1 year
Does Digital Marketing Pay Well ?
For the question Does Digital Marketing Pay Well ? Digital marketing can offer competitive salaries, but the exact pay can vary widely depending on factors such as location, experience, specialization, and the size and type of the company you work for. Here are some general considerations :
1. Experience: Typically, those with more experience in digital marketing tend to earn higher salaries. Entry-level positions may offer lower pay, while senior roles or positions that require specialized skills or management responsibilities can command higher salaries.
2. Location: Salaries in digital marketing can vary significantly by location. In cities with a high cost of living or a strong demand for digital marketing professionals, salaries may be higher to compensate for the cost of living.
3. Specialization: Digital marketing encompasses various specialties, such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and more. Specialized roles in these areas may offer different pay scales.
4. Company Size: The size and type of the company you work for can also impact your salary. Larger companies or agencies may offer higher salaries and more comprehensive benefits packages, while smaller businesses may offer competitive salaries but with a different work environment.
5. Industry: The industry you work in can influence your pay. Some industries, such as technology and e-commerce, may pay higher salaries for digital marketing roles due to their emphasis on online marketing strategies.
6. Education and Certifications: Having relevant certifications and a strong educational background in digital marketing can enhance your earning potential.
To give you a rough idea, here’s a general salary range for digital marketing roles in the United States as of last data updates in September 2021:
- Entry-level positions (e.g., digital marketing coordinator, social media assistant): $35,000 to $55,000 per year. - Mid-level positions (e.g., digital marketing manager, SEO specialist): $55,000 to $90,000 per year. - Senior-level positions (e.g., director of digital marketing, digital marketing strategist): $90,000 to $150,000 or more per year.
Keep in mind that these figures are approximate, and the actual salaries can vary. The best way to determine the salary potential in digital marketing in your specific location and circumstances is to research job postings, network with professionals in the field, and consider factors like your experience and skills. Additionally, the field of digital marketing is dynamic, so staying up-to-date with industry trends and continuously improving your skills can help you command a higher salary over time.
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networkbds · 1 year
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how many jobs are in las vegas
How Many Jobs Are in Las Vegas: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you looking to move to Las Vegas and wondering about the job opportunities? Or maybe you're just curious about the employment landscape of the city? Either way, you've come to the right place! In this article, we will explore how many jobs are in Las Vegas and delve into the different industries and positions available.
How Many Jobs Are in Las Vegas?
Las Vegas is a bustling city with a thriving job market. According to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of April 2021, there are approximately 954,000 jobs in the Las Vegas metropolitan area. This includes both full-time and part-time positions across various industries.
Industries with the Most Jobs in Las Vegas
The city of Las Vegas has a diverse economy with a range of industries providing employment opportunities. Here are some of the top industries in the city, along with the number of jobs they provide:
Hospitality and Tourism
Las Vegas is known as the entertainment capital of the world and the hospitality and tourism industry is the city's primary employer. It provides approximately 30% of all jobs in Las Vegas, with over 290,000 employees.
Healthcare and Social Assistance
The healthcare industry is the second-largest employer in Las Vegas, with over 80,000 jobs. It includes hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other medical facilities. The social assistance industry, which includes organizations that provide social services, also provides significant employment opportunities.
Retail Trade
The retail trade industry is also a significant employer in Las Vegas, with over 95,000 jobs. This includes everything from large department stores to small boutiques and specialty shops.
The construction industry provides over 60,000 jobs in Las Vegas, with a focus on building commercial and residential properties.
Education Services
The education services industry employs over 40,000 people in Las Vegas, including teachers, administrators, and support staff.
Other Industries with Employment Opportunities in Las Vegas
There are also several other industries that provide employment opportunities in Las Vegas, including:
Finance and Insurance
Information Technology
Transportation and Warehousing
Professional and Business Services
Job Opportunities in Las Vegas
Now that we've looked at the different industries in Las Vegas let's explore some of the job opportunities available:
Hotel and Resort Jobs
As the hospitality and tourism industry is the primary employer in Las Vegas, there are plenty of job opportunities in hotels and resorts. This includes positions in housekeeping, food and beverage, front desk, and management.
Casino Jobs
Las Vegas is famous for its casinos, and these establishments offer a range of employment opportunities, including dealers, security personnel, and gaming machine technicians.
Healthcare Jobs
With over 80,000 jobs in the healthcare industry, there are plenty of opportunities for medical professionals in Las Vegas. This includes positions in hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities.
Education Jobs
The education services industry is also a significant employer in Las Vegas, with a range of job opportunities available in schools and universities.
Construction Jobs
The construction industry is also a source of employment opportunities in Las Vegas, with jobs ranging from entry-level laborers to experienced engineers and project managers.
Retail Jobs
The retail trade industry offers job opportunities ranging from sales associates to store managers in a variety of retail settings.
Here are some frequently asked questions about job opportunities in Las Vegas:
1. How do I find a job in Las Vegas?
There are several job search websites and resources available online that can help you find employment opportunities in Las Vegas. You can also check with local staffing agencies or visit job fairs or job fairs hosted by various organizations and employers.
2. What is the minimum wage in Las Vegas?
The minimum wage in Las Vegas is currently $8.00 per hour for employees who do not receive employer-sponsored health insurance, and $7.25 per hour for those who do.
3. What qualifications do I need to work in the hospitality industry in Las Vegas?
The qualifications required for working in the hospitality industry vary depending on the position you are applying for. Entry-level positions, such as housekeeping or food and beverage, typically do not require any formal education or qualifications. However, management positions may require a degree in hospitality management or a related field.
4. Are there opportunities for remote work in Las Vegas?
There are remote job opportunities available in Las Vegas, particularly in industries such as information technology and customer service. However, the majority of jobs in the city require employees to be physically present.
5. What is the job market like in Las Vegas during the pandemic?
Like many cities, Las Vegas has been impacted by the pandemic, with job losses in some industries, particularly hospitality and tourism. However, the job market is slowly recovering, with job opportunities starting to open up again as restrictions are lifted.
6. What is the average salary in Las Vegas?
The average salary in Las Vegas varies depending on the industry and position. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual wage for all occupations in Las Vegas is $49,810.
In conclusion, Las Vegas is a city with a thriving job market, with opportunities available in a range of industries. Hospitality and tourism are the primary employers in the city, but there are also significant employment opportunities in healthcare, retail, construction, education, and other industries. With a little research and determination, job seekers can find a rewarding career in this bustling and exciting city.
So, if you're considering a move to Las Vegas, don't hesitate! There are plenty of job opportunities available, and the city's unique culture and entertainment options make it an attractive place to live and work.
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ecommercebd · 1 year
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nightkitchentarot · 1 year
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earnmoneyonlineseo · 1 year
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Data entry is really a broad term that encompasses variety of occupations. people that perform data entry include electronic data processors, typists, word processors, transcribers, coders, and clerks. While any of those jobs could also be done from a foreign location, data entry jobs from home are often quite different from those wiped out an office.
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dailylogistics · 2 years
More than just a gig worker | This report ‘delivers’ insights into their lives, dreams
India’s gig economy has been growing daily. According to data by NITI Aayog, India has 7.7 million gig workers, and the numbers are expected to swell to 23.5 million by 2029-30.
But do you know who these gig workers are? Borzo, has released a report, ‘Understanding the Life of Gig Delivery Partners,’ to present in-depth insights into the lives of gig delivery partners.
The data suggests that 84 percent of gig workers prefer to use the local language while delivering orders and a staggering 82 percent prefer the local language for online interaction on the delivery app. This further highlights the need to upgrade apps with local language preferences to build comfort, trust and loyalty among customers and gig workers.
The survey also pointed out that 34 percent of the gig workers enjoy working out at the gym, 19 percent like social service or helping in social causes, 15 percent prefer music and 13 percent like playing and watching sports.
“India is known for its multiculturalism and rich diversity. India’s gig economy in the delivery profession has drastically changed with the entry and scale of multiple players. There is a need for a deeper understanding of this profession that can help solve various pain points,” said Eugene Panfilov, General Manager, Borzo, India.
Additionally, 38 percent of gig workers in India have studied up to Class 12, and 29 percent are graduates with a degree in B.Com, B.A. or B.Sc. Some of the workers are currently pursuing M.Sc, MCA or have left the course mid-way. The Industrial Training Institute (ITI) has also seen participation in its courses from the gig partners. Fifty-seven percent of gig delivery workers hold a second job while 43 percent perform deliveries full-time.
Little respect and few upskilling opportunities
Gig workers in India often face disrespectful behaviour and their schedules leave them with little opportunity to upskill.
“You people don’t know how to do anything else, that’s why you are in this job, so at least do this work properly, ” said a man as he drove his car away from 20-year-old Rajesh Yadav’s bike, which had hit his car at a junction.
“Humari kaun hi izzzat karega hum to ye aap logon ki tarah bade offices mai kaam thodi karte hai (people usually don’t respect us as we don’t do corporate jobs),” said Yadav, who is a bike rider with a taxi app.
Kumar, who migrated from Begusarai, Bihar, to Delhi in 2021 to prepare for his engineering exams, took up a gig job to manage his finances, now it’s almost been a year, and he has not been able to switch because of financial problems and workload and no way to upskill.
As per another survey by CIIE.CO, a startup platform built at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad, from the 4,070 individuals surveyed, over 2,000 were 30 years of age or younger. It also pointed out that most of the respondents surveyed had worked in a gig economy platform as their first job. This is representative of young India finding the gig economy and its platforms as crucial sources of financial support and work opportunities.
“Gig working jobs offer flexibility, this helps them (people from the younger generation who are just starting) consider several career options before having to settle down on one by spending time acquiring the education and skills necessary for the job that interests them the most,” said Ujani Ghosh, Manager, Thought Leadership and Policy, IET India.
BetterPlace, a full-stack tech platform for frontline workforce management, recently released its index report for 2022, which showed that in FY22, eight million frontline jobs were created in the country. The report further mentioned that, even though there is huge demand and an adequate supply of employable frontline and gig workers in the ecosystem, their growth is stunted after a point due to a lack of digital and industry-specific skills.
The government and companies have been working towards making upskilling possible for gig workers. Policies like Skill India Mission & India’s National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) have focused on that, and online food delivery platform Swiggy announced a skilling initiative to offer free learning opportunities to thousands of delivery executives and their children.
Experts suggest that knowing the gig worker and understanding their needs and skills is important for companies at a time when the gig economy is reaching new heights.
Source: https://www.cnbctv18.com/education/more-than-just-a-gig-worker-this-report-delivers-insights-into-their-lives-dreams-16190101.htm Website: https://borzodelivery.com/in
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sla-roni · 2 years
What Would Be The Future Scope of Data Science and Data Scientist
Data has emerged as the new oil that aids in advancing companies, ranking among the most important resources for businesses. Organizations are becoming more aware of the value of making data-driven choices across a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, and pharmaceuticals. The field of data science and related occupations are quickly gaining popularity in India as part of an effort to create several data-harnessing techniques. This article will provide a thorough analysis of the need for data scientists in India and how that demand is anticipated to increase going forward.
Indian data science market size
Data is sometimes referred to as the future oil for organizations, and analytics has developed into an engine that drives companies to derive important insights. The future application of data science is being driven by the potent mix of both. 
The necessity to use this vast quantity of data and the tremendous inflow of data have combined to create a significant employment market in data science. The Harvard Business Review named data science as "one of the hottest careers in 2021," opening up a whole new range of employment opportunities. There is room for massive data-related activities like data scientists, data analytics, big data engineers, big data managers, and data architects, particularly in a growing nation like India.
India has a high demand for data scientists.
Over the past several years, being a data scientist has been a profitable professional path. Other variables have boosted the demand for data scientists in India, in addition to the growing relevance of data and the need to refine it.
Covid-19 Pandemic: 
When Covid-19 swept throughout India, most procedures started taking place online. As everything was done online, a tonne of data was produced as a result of these operations, which spurred the development of data scientists in India. Massive data sets must be analyzed for a thorough understanding due to the recent increases in e-commerce platforms, online transactions, and the number of students choosing online courses. In turn, this has expanded the potential of data science in India.
Low Entry Barrier
Due to the fact that this business is more recent, professionals there face less rivalry. A career in data science is open to professionals with a variety of backgrounds, including computer science, engineering, natural science, mathematics, and statistics. All you need to succeed as a data scientist is a technique for addressing problems and solid programming skills, both of which you can learn on the job.
Good Salary
Recognize that the majority of us long for a job that combines acceptable income with an appealing job description. These days, jobs in data science are among the highest paying ones. The usual salary for a data scientist is between INR 600,000 and 700,000, and this goes for new hires as well. 
How to find a data science job in India?
Let's first learn about the qualifications needed to become a data scientist before diving into how to find a job in data science in India. Some of the key data science abilities include the following:
Competent in SAS, R, and Python
Good at math and statistics
Thorough familiarity with methods like logistic regression and linear regression
Strong communication abilities
Good at knowing the business
Knowledge of Excel
Even fresh grads might receive attractive job offers if they demonstrate a good body of work, such as a well-made portfolio. This comprises a professionally written résumé with any pertinent experience, education, and, if applicable, project information.
How to write a CV for a job in data science
While having knowledge is helpful, having a degree in the same subject improves your skill set. Try to secure a data science internship as a newcomer or someone just getting started in this profession, even if it is unpaid. An internship's objective is to get practical experience working on connected tasks.
Moreover, you may include the pertinent GitHub link on LinkedIn. Also, taking part in different online competitions will aid in increasing exposure to the industry. Employers could take note of your learning and technical comprehension as a result of all these efforts.
Participate in regional data science meetings that are frequently held in major cities like New Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, and others to expand your professional network. Having a larger network of contacts in the same or a related field can make it easier for you to contact employers right away.
How to Find a Data Scientist Job
Learn Mathematics
Strong computational skills might set you apart from the competition. Calculus and algebra are useful since they are employed in deep learning and machine learning. Having a thorough grasp of statistics and probability facilitates the ability to evaluate and display data to get insights.
Understand the Fundamentals
Building and implementing machine learning models is essential to have a thorough grasp of data science. Various organizations offer free practical training.
Learn How to Program
Learning popular programming languages for data science, such SAS, Python, JavaScript, Hadoop, and R, will put you ahead of the competition since you'll be able to finish your task quickly with just a few lines of code.
Explore the Data Science Field
As a dedicated data science enthusiast, you must participate in various online competitions and supervised hackathons to hone the skill of turning unstructured data into useful insights. Top data science businesses provide a lot of momentum to work that is published on GitHub under directed oversight.
Find what is best for your career by reading this blog that entitled as “What Would Be The Future Scope of Data Science and Data Scientist”
Future Prospects of Data Scientists
Data is providing a wealth of opportunities for data scientists in all public and private sectors worldwide. We will now explore the industries where employment in data science might be produced in 2023.
To monitor patient health, analyze illness trends, and prevent sickness, data science is essential in the healthcare industry. Data engineers are needed in the healthcare sector so that automated systems may be created for the processing of complicated data in clinical applications. The use of data science in the healthcare industry has made it possible to provide better patient care, quicker and more accurate diagnosis, preventative measures, more tailored treatment, and more informed decision-making. Jobs in data science will grow significantly in the future due to its high relevance. It will substantially generate 20,000 new employment in the healthcare sector by 2023.
Aviation and Airlines
Companies in the aviation and airline sectors utilize data to set their rates, optimize their routes, and perform preventative maintenance. To gather and evaluate the airline's data, such as route length and altitude, aircraft type and weight, weather, etc., data scientists are required. It will be simple to improve the services offered to passengers by having a better understanding of how they operate via the use of data science. In 2023, this sector will add about 3,000 new jobs for data scientists.
Online purchases and Internet usage are on the rise, and so are fraudulent activities. To stop losses and identify such fraudulent acts, businesses are implementing Data Science tools. It provides a methodical approach to identifying malicious attacks on digital infrastructure. To comprehend data patterns and develop powerful algorithms to secure the data, it also uses machine learning technology. Large volumes of data are managed and the best solutions are found with the aid of data scientists. Data scientists will be more in demand in 2023 as more than 5,000 new jobs are added.
The study of genomes is known as genomics. A genome is an entity made up of all of the DNA. To better effectively examine the sequencing, function, mapping, structure, and evolution of genomes, scientists are now using data science tools. Soon, it will result in revolutionary improvements in the medical sciences. In the end, it would result in the addition of additional employment in the Data Science sector in 2023.
We would be dealing with autonomous, environmentally friendly cars using the highways by 2023. A significant need for Data Science specialists would exist for the production of such autonomous cars. In the year 2023, up to 25,000 skilled workers in the field of data science are expected to find employment in the automobile sector.
Software Development
Software development is where data science is most frequently used. Machine learning and data science are used by industries to create automated software development solutions. Thus, there is a high need for Data Science candidates in this sector. Indeed projects that by 2023, there will be 1 lakh more positions in the field of data science.
The e-commerce sector makes use of client data to enhance customer service and the user experience. Businesses require Data Science experts to manage user data. There are over 273,000 online retailers operating in the world. This indicates that in 2023, this sector would provide a significant amount of employment in the field of data science.
Careers in Data Science
If you have knowledge in data science, you can discover a variety of jobs that will help you develop in your career. In addition to the position of data scientist, several other professional categories are also available.
Data Analyst: By analyzing data with the use of data analysis technology, data analysts collaborate with their teams to develop business plans and insights.
Data Engineer: Data engineers offer an ordered, uniform data flow, which enables data-driven models such as machine learning models and data analysis.
Machine Learning Engineer: You will be tasked with developing the models and algorithms required for automated machine operation in your capacity as a machine learning engineer.
Business Analyst: By applying data analysis, business analysts assist organizations in improving their processes, goods, services, and software.
Data Architect: A data architect is a professional who creates the data strategy for the company, which includes data security, data quality standards, and data flow across the organization.
Data Administrator: The person in charge of using, managing, coordinating, and administering the database management system is known as a database administrator (DBA).
Data Manager: A data manager employs coding abilities to keep databases secure while assessing the demands of the company or research group.
Marketing Analyst: They research to ascertain the needs and preferences of consumers and evaluate the effectiveness of a company's marketing and sales strategy.
Data Scientist's Salaries in India
The names of the top Indian corporations are listed below, together with the usual base pay that each of them offers:
TCS: 652,075 per year
Mahindra: 873,057 per year
IBM: 1,067,758 per year
INR837,251/year for Infosys
Capgemini India Pvt Ltd: 950,000 INR per year
Several cutting-edge technological ideas, like Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and deep learning, to mention a few, are included in data science. Data science has become significantly more influential as a result of advancements in technology. Enroll in the Top Data Science Course in Chennai at SLA to learn how to attain your professional objective.
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001-harsh · 2 years
#Online Programs*. Start certification of Java by Appwars Technologies- Helping clients in their career growth. Emeritus Online CoursesEmeritus Online CoursesCloselearn Java ProgrammingTop 10 Reasons Why You Should Learn Java ProgrammingON DECEMBER 9, 2022Java is one of the most popular programming languages used for producing applications and websites across multiple platforms. It is a flexible, scalable, and versatile programming language and a popular choice for providing worldwide Internet solutions. So what makes Java stand out among other programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and PHP, and why should you learn Java programming? Let’s understand how it can further your career growth.generic strip bannerImportance of Learning Java ProgrammingAccording to Stack Overflow’s developer surveys for 2022, Java is one of the top 10 most commonly used programming languages and a popular choice among people learning to code. It can be found in almost every operating system and application. Its ease of use and versatile nature makes Java a favored programming language among small and large businesses, including big tech corporations like Google, Twitter, Netflix, Amazon, Meta, LinkedIn, and Amazon. Benefits of Learning JavaLearning Java can make you eligible for a wide range of lucrative job opportunities across the industry. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers, is projected to grow 25% from 2021 to 2031, with 162,900 job openings each year on average over the decade. Java developers are among the most in-demand and highly-paid professionals in the tech industry. According to Glassdoor, the average annual salary of a Java developer in the U.S. is $98,560. A Java developer also ranks at number 9 in Glassdoor’s list of top 50 best jobs in 2022, with a job satisfaction rating of 4.1 out of 5. Apart from the lucrative nature of the profession, here are the top 10 reasons why you should learn java programming. Top 10 Reasons to Learn Java1. Java is Easy to LearnJava is beginner-friendly and one of the most popular programming languages among new developers. It has a syntax similar to English and enables you to write, debug, compile, and learn java programming fast. 2. Java is Versatile Java follows the ‘write once and run anywhere’ principle and can be used for programming applications using different platforms. It has various features such as data binding, platform-independent characteristics, dynamic coding, and multiple security features, making it a versatile programming language. You can call/WhatsApp on 9911169001.
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