#oneday when im a master blogger with thousands of photos of my own Ill ONLY post MY photos and then you guys wont even be able to escape me
are any of these your original posts? if not, please stop uploading other people's content.
Well... yeah. I can't lie... a chunk of the photos I've posted are mine or my friends. While I'd rather not have to prove myself to the anon ask, I can point out each individual screenshot from me or someone I know if I needed to.
When they're not mine I never take credit and it says very clearly on my account that I will remove or add credit to photos on request if the owner is unhappy.
If I really wanted to get into the technicality of it (this is where law class finally helps me) all photos I use, excluding art, could be used without any 'credit' due to the content being a screenshot of Nintendo brand products that's free to use (mostly) for us lot. So I don't even owe the courtesy of offering removal... of course, I would never not do that - that would just be ridiculously rude. I will always provide the option of removal, no matter the reason. What Im saying is there's, by technicality, no obligation if you want to be literal about it.
All the photos that I dont take myself are pulled from my Pinterest. My special interest is Animal Crossing and I have (as of rn) 5,924 Animal Crossing pins and by no means the time to hunt down each individual owner. And for many of the photos I use, especially the ones from old games, there is the issue of being unable to track down the original poster.... it's not even like Im bad at this... I edit the Animal Crossing Wiki, so you know I can produce sources. Its just that sometimes that source is beyond your reach. That doesn't mean Im not going to post the pretty Animal Crossing photo from 2015 or the meme that got a chuckle out of me. If I see a meme on Pinterest that originated from Tumblr then I don't save it or use it, Ill just find the original.
Finally, art is something that I respect a lot as an artist, so I hesitate to post any art if I don't have the source available to me. You might notice a distinct lack of art on this blog at a baseline and that's because of this concern.
I gotta be honest here man, unless you're the owner of every post Ive ever made then Im not just gonna stop posting. Im at no point claiming to own all these photos, but a good chunk of them are screenshots from old games, with owners who don't even exist in the ac world anymore. Many new screenshots include a handy-dandy watermark which I never remove and in the worst-case scenario most posts can be, at the least, traced back to my Pinterest.
Im not going to stop posting memes, screenshots and the occasional irl AC craft because Anonymous said it was bad. If you have a personal issue because I used something of yours I encourage you to just contact me directly and I can remove it, but until that point please have a nice day.
TL:DR - No. I dont own everything I post and I don't even claim to own everything but yeah a chunk ARE mine or my friends. I dont post art, memes never come from a direct source please be serious, sometimes posts are so old there is no credit and if nobody ever reshared the photos from 2020 and before I think we would be living in a dark and sad timeline. I want to live in Animal Crossing every day, I have given 15 years of my life to this game and you can either join me in loving the vast recorded history of the game or go about your day enjoying your life in your own way, away from me.
If it really is truly a bother, Im happy to place a link to my Pinterest somewhere obvious on my blog so people can see for themselves where I get all this from, if not my own town.
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