#one's The Event that cost him and sunny half of their vision
theokusgallery · 10 months
Unlike the other anon I wanna see Nick get worse his deranged behavior is very entertaining :3
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Yeah same. He's my creepy little guy. I wanna see him get increasingly unhinged and obsessed and I want to see Sunny slowly realise what the Fuck he's gotten himself into.
Also yeah !! That video is very Nick-coded. (be careful with links though, especially on anon)
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gureishi · 4 years
prompt 2 with v tysm take care of you ^^
Thank you for this wonderful request, and apologies for taking my time writing it!
I thought a whole lot about this prompt and Jihyun and my mind said PINING and I wrote this long, sprawling thing. It’s a slightly different format from my other requests—I hope you don’t mind! Writing this made me feel all kinds of things. ♡♡
two: fall into yours arms again
JihyunxReader, G, words: 3620
97 days
It’s windy today.
You wake up late and throw open the window that you can reach from your bed. The sun’s already high in the sky and beating down through the thin, gauzy curtains. You need to buy new curtains.
The window sticks; you push; it opens. The cool breeze whips through your hair, in stark contrast to the sun—nauseatingly hot and dry. The wind cools your neck, wipes away the last remnants of what you suspect was a nightmare.
Though it’s June, the air still smells of spring. The azaleas in the community garden down the street have wilted, but some of their fragrance is in the air today, and it startles you, spins your head around.
He left in March and the chaos of April and May have been locked away in your memory, behind a wall that says think about this later. Now it’s undeniably summer, the days lengthening, your tendency to sleep through the morning worsening. Time has slowed: the afternoons feel languid and the nights unbearably long. You stretch, letting your shirt—his shirt—fall off your shoulder. It’s long lost its scent by now, grown softer as you’ve slept in it, worn it while cleaning up the little loft you once lived in by yourself. You lived here what feels like forever ago, before you made the misguided decision that led to your life turning upside down and now, somehow, righting itself in ways you still don’t understand.
“I miss you,” you mouth into the wind.
191 days
When you get home you’re shivering, underdressed and underprepared for the turn in the weather. You turn the key in the lock, shoulders hunched against the cruel chill that has abruptly permeated your quiet little neighborhood.
You slip inside and shut the door, the wind chimes jangling harshly. You toss your things haphazardly to the side—keys, bag, sunglasses, coffee cup. Everything you needed for the day except a stupid jacket.
The house is cool, too—the wood floors retain some of the warmth of summer but you haven’t turned the heat on yet out of some convoluted mixture of stubbornness and frugality. You shrug on your thickest, floppiest sweater and move through the house, closing the windows one at a time. You shouldn’t have left them open to begin with.
You survey the mess you’ve made: bag spilling out onto your multicolored shag rug, sunglasses hanging over the hand-painted lamp on the side table. You decide to leave them there.
As you so often do lately, you slip into the well-worn chair at your small desk in the corner, under the little window that faces north. You rub your hands together, gaze at the growing pile of paper, stacked precariously high. You know there’s work to be done, emails to be answered—instead, you pull a new sheet of paper toward you, begin a letter than can never be sent.
“How are you?” you write. “It’s getting cold here. I hope it’s warm where you are.” You pause, well-chewed pen cap in your mouth. Scrawl the words you know he won’t read on the paper you have no way to send to him. “I think about you,” you write. “Every single day.”
277 days
You laugh and wave and laugh again as you see the grey cloud your warm breath makes in the air.
You call out a last goodbye toward your friends’ receding backs and then wrap your scarf more tightly around your neck, feeling the cold more strongly now that you’re alone. You make your way back through your neighborhood, stopping only to pet the head of the tabby cat that your down-the-street neighbor lets roam free. The sun is setting—the midday chill is turning to a biting evening cold.
You approach your little loft: open the gate, half-run down the path. When, you think, will this feel like a home again? How long, you wonder, till this feels more real that those two weeks that are still illuminated in your memory, brighter even than the events of yesterday or last month or last summer?
Automatically, you check your mailbox. Automatically, you riffle through the bills you can just barely pay and the magazines subscribed to by the apartment’s former occupants. At the very bottom, there’s an envelope, one side covered completely in stamps. You climb the steps, peering at it curiously. You recognize the writing.
You trip.
You should get back up and go in the house and turn on the lights—open the letter where it’s warm and bright. But instead you stay right where you are, on the bottom step, jacket twisted up under you. You tear off one mitten, your hands shaking a little, and open the envelope.
“Dearest,” he’s written. “I don’t know if I’ve sent this the right way or how long it will take to reach you.”
There are already frozen tears on your eyelashes, blurring your vision. You wipe them away frantically with your other hand, still engulfed in your warm, chunky mitten.
“There’s no regular post office where I am so I had to improvise,” he goes on. His thin, messy scrawl is the same as you remember it. You can feet your heartbeat in your fingertips. “Still, that’s no excuse. I’ve written so many letters to you and thrown so many away. I never knew where to begin. I hope you can forgive me.”
The tears are falling hard and fast now, and you give up on wiping them, squinting to read the minuscule letters he’s crammed onto one single sheet of paper.
He describes where he’s staying in detail. It’s beautiful and evocative and you can tell that he’s stalling.
He asks after you—how your work has been going, how you’ve settled back into your own home, if you’ve been eating well. He asks after the RFA too, one at a time, by name. This answers a question that’s been lingering in the back of your mind—so it’s true, you think. He’s written to no one else.
The final paragraph is neater that the rest, as if he’s written and re-written it, practiced and copied it over.
“I am trying to live in the present moment and not worry over the future,” he says. “But every night I can’t help but imagine the life we could have together, when we are both ready. Do you imagine it too?” Your eyes are blurry with tears. “I miss you,” he writes, and you mouth the words as you read them, almost able to hear them in his sweet, gentle voice.
“If you don’t feel like writing me, I’ll understand,” he says. “But I’ll be at this address for some time, so please do write, if you like.” You think of all the letters, the ever-growing pile on and under your desk. You giggle through your tears, imagining how much it would cost to send them all. 
He signs the letter “Yours.” At the bottom he’s added cramped letters, so small you have to bend over, nose almost touching the paper, to read them. “By the way,” he writes. “Please call me Jihyun.” 
352 days
To you, March will always be him: the sudden rain showers in the midst of sunny days are his eyes and the scent of plum blossoms in the air is the indescribable warmth of his arms.
There’s a string of pictures now above your bed—you’ve hung each one that he’s sent, strung them up on a piece of bright green yarn. When you told him you’d started doing this, he began sending them with a hole already punched in the top—delicate, perfectly round, just the right size.
You sit on the floor, bare legs extended in front of you, a book propped on your lap.
“All the snow has melted except for the one, long icicle outside my window,” you write. “I think I’ve grown attached to it, and I’ll be sad when it’s gone.”
Your letters have grown longer over the months—his last was five whole pages, front and back. He sends photographs he’s taken of the beautiful landscape where he’s living and sketches he’s made, mostly of nature—and a few of you.
He includes vague references to his companion, and though he’s never mentioned him by name, it’s become clear to you who he’s with. It’s brought you immense comfort to know—if not in much detail—that he is alive and well.
“Tomorrow I’ll be seeing everyone,” you write. “I know you both still need more time, but not being able to give them any news is killing me. Not everyone is doing so well, you know.” You bite your lip, consider crossing off the last few lines. You don’t. He’s healing—and you’d give anything in the world to ensure that he has the space and time he needs. That they both do. But the time you spend with the other members has been dwindling and the evidence of their suffering—some of them more than others—is becoming abundantly clear.
“I think I want to have a party,” you write. “Not for months, maybe longer, but I want to start thinking about it. I think it might help.”
You sip from the glass of water you’ve set on the floor next to you, swirl it around a little to listen to the sound of the ice clinking.
“I miss you desperately,” you write. “And I love you, Jihyun.”
478 days
The song that plays through your headphones is soft and pretty, not nearly loud enough to drown out the shouting of the street vendors and the overall atmosphere of chaos. It’s Sunday, and you’ve ventured into the city to shop. You don’t love the crowds or the fast pace, but you do relish the savory scents drifting from food stalls and the feeling of your thin pants swooshing against your legs.
You hoist the two large fabric grocery bags up; they’re nearly slipping out of your sweat-slick hands again. The mid-afternoon July sun beats down on you. You slow your pace.
It’s been a few weeks since you’ve gotten a letter. This isn’t shocking—he’s staying somewhere new now, and it’s even more remote than before. He has to travel into town to mail his letters, so the gaps between them have grown longer. You’re used to it, but you still can’t help feeling like a cold hand is clenching around your heart whenever you check the mailbox and find it empty.
You reach the train station, grip both bags with one hand so you can tap your card. You go through the motions: standing in the station, boarding the train. As you have so many times, you repeat the words of his last letter in your mind. You know it by heart.
“I bought plane tickets last week,” he wrote. “He hasn’t been feeling well the last few days and we decided together to cancel them.”
This isn’t a first either—the tickets bought, the tickets cancelled. And you know that it isn’t just Jihyun’s “companion” who needs more time. They are both still healing—physically, mentally, emotionally.
“Please tell me when you decide on a date for the party,” he wrote. “I’m sorry to hear the plans aren’t going smoothly. And I’m sorrier that I can’t offer the other members some solace—particularly where it concerns him. I must respect his wish for privacy.”
The train is packed; you set your bags at your feet so you can hold on. The gentle rocking motion is familiar; the air conditioning is a relief.
“I saw a flower yesterday that I couldn’t identify. It was raining here, but the flower’s petals were open. I was afraid it would wilt from the force of the rain, but it didn’t. I watched it for a long time, and saw the raindrops collect inside it. I thought of you.”
The train rumbles to a stop. More people get on. You adjust. A new song plays in your headphones—it’s slow and a little melancholy.
“Every morning I imagine the things I will do with you in our bright and beautiful future,” he wrote.
The train picks up speed again. Sweaty people read newspapers and speak quietly to one another, underscored by the gentle music in your ears. You close your eyes.
555 days
You run to catch the bus, the leaves crunching delightfully under your feet. It’s pulling into your stop as you’re crossing the street and—why does this always happen?—you bow your head and sprint, waving frantically at the driver.
The driver sees you. Smiles. Waits.
“Thank you,” you pant, jumping the steps two at a time. 
“It’s okay. I remember you.”
You stumble to a seat and collapse into it. If you’re late for the bus often enough that the driver remembers you, you’ve really got to try and pull yourself together.
You comb a hand through your sweaty hair. It’s hard, as it turns out, planning an RFA party while keeping up with your old life—you’ve got one foot in the world of working and cleaning and paying bills and the other in the world of CEOs and mysterious guests and anonymous donors.
As you’re catching your breath, you pull the newest letter from your bag. It arrived just this morning—perhaps that was why you almost missed the bus again—and you’ve only read it once so far. You scan the page with eager eyes, searching as you so often do for clues and hints and promises hidden between the lopsided words.
“I made a painting today,” he tells you. “I won’t describe it to you, because I want to show it to you in person.”
But when? you want to ask. You can’t help the frustration that’s creeping under your skin. The bus rocks; you lean your head against the window.
“I’ve realized something,” he writes. “I wonder what you think about it. I feel closer to you than I’ve felt to anyone before. And yet every day I find things I still don’t know about you, because of our circumstances. What are your favorite things to eat? What smells make you reminisce about the past? What music makes you sleepy?”
You sigh, fold up the letter. It’s true, you think. You love him with a warmth that encompasses your whole being—a feeling you’d never even dared to imagine. But how does his face look in the morning when he sleeps through his alarm? Which groceries does he always forget to buy?
You don’t write these questions down. Instead you turn over the letter, scribble on the back. 
“The party will be March 24th.”
641 days
It hardly snows this winter, but it rains. The sound of the rain fills your dreams: it pounds on the roof of your little apartment, and you wake up and run to the kitchen to check that the window is closed. It fills your waking hours, thrumming on your giant umbrella as you navigate the narrow streets of the city. When it lets up, you still hear it, humming in your eardrums, reverberating inside your chest.
You sit at your desk again. No longer is it covered in stacks of paper, records of yearning—those letters have been long sent or put away in pretty boxes with colored lids. Your laptop buzzes, hopelessly trying to cool itself down. You press send and cut the frightening number of messages in your inbox down by just one more.
You lean back in your chair. The rain goes tap tap tap on the roof and you rub your sore neck. It’s a Friday night and even in this weather, you can hear the distant sounds of people gathering at the bar on the corner. You open another email.
“I’m working hard,” you wrote in your last letter to him. “Sometimes I feel that I can barely keep up with it all. Other times I’m sure I’m burying myself in all of this work on purpose, making myself busy so I don’t have to feel lonely.”
You scan the email with expert eyes, dash off a quick reply. Both are true, you suppose—planning a proper party, not one hastily thrown together in a few weeks under extreme circumstances, is a full-time job all on its own. But you are lonely, you think, taking a break to stretch your arms over your head. There are people around you all the time, but your chest feels hollow. “I’m taking good care of myself,” you wrote to him last week. “I do feel fulfilled. But…”
But you can no longer re-create in your mind the exact way that he smells, the sweet freshness of nuzzling your face into his shoulder. You can’t always hear his voice clearly in your mind when you read the sweet, beautiful words he writes to you. “I love you like the way the ocean crashes into the rocks and then spills peacefully over the sand,” he writes. “Does that make sense?”
It does.
You shake your head to clear it, type a few brief, carefully-worded lines.
“I’m ready,” you say out loud, and the words echo in your apartment: warm and cluttered and bright and full to the brim with thoughts of him. “I’m ready when you are.”
702 days
For the first time, you wait to read his letter.
You find it in the mailbox as you’re leaving in the morning and you whisper “patience” to yourself as you walk to the bus. You wait at the light, you cross the street. You sit at the bus stop for two whole minutes before the bus arrives and the driver raises his eyebrows at you in surprise.
“Patience,” you whisper to yourself again as you exit the bus, breathing in the fresh, early-spring air. And “patience,” you think, as you greet the venue manager and listen to her running through the event checklist for what feels like the eight hundredth time.
“Almost,” you tell yourself as you leave, taking a picture on your phone of the orange and purple sky. You board the bus again, watch the sunset fade into star-speckled navy through the smudged window.
“Now,” you say out loud as you unlock the door to your flat, hanging your light jacket and keys on the hooks you’ve recently mounted by the door. “Now.”
You tear into the letter as you make your way to the bedroom, turning on lamps as you go, bathing the room in amber light.
You pull out the paper and your hands, steady all day, start to shake. You hold it up to the light. It’s shorter than usual. He’s written your name at the top and he’s answered your questions, described a walk he took on the waterfront yesterday, offered updates on the plants growing beside the house where he’s staying.
And at the bottom, he’s sketched a picture in light blue ink. His lines are soft and wavy, but the details are clear: it’s two plane tickets. They’re dated.
You inhale sharply.
Thirty-two more days.
734 days
It’s warm, but not too warm. The lights are dim, but not too dim. The air is lightly scented like spring flowers and rain, but it’s not overwhelming, and the chatter of the crowd is enthusiastic and warm.
In other words, you’ve done a very good job.
You step onto the balcony for a moment, patting your red cheeks with both hands. You’ve been receiving compliments all night and it’s made you feel like you’re floating several centimeters off the ground. You’re proud of yourself—you worked hard for this.
But as the night’s worn on, your anticipation has built to a fever pitch, and you have to keep reminding yourself to breathe. If he were arriving on any other day, you’d be meeting him in private— and would you feel more or less nervous, then? You can’t decide.
But of course it’s today, because the most important events of your life always seem to coalesce around each other. There’s a beautiful garden surrounding the party venue and you take comfort in the ivy wrapped around the wrought-iron trellis; it reaches almost as high as your eye level and its balance of sturdiness and delicacy gives you strength.
You slip back inside, take in the groups of expensively-dressed people clustered around tall, elegant tables. There’s a string quartet in one corner and a mouth-watering array of hors d’oeuvres arranged toward the back wall.You straighten out your clothes surreptitiously, sneak a peak at the clock, flash a bright smile at the nearest group of guests .
And then, for a reason you’ll never be able to explain, you know what’s about to happen. Your eyes fly to the door. You gravitate toward it like a moth to a lamp and you know no one else has noticed but somehow you feel that the room has quieted for you.
The door opens. Your hands fly to your mouth.
“Hi,” he says.
He’s always been spring to you but it’s as if he’s brought summer with him. He’s taller than you remember and his collared shirt is open and he’s got the warmest smile you’ve seen in your whole life. Your thrill and worry and hope are reflected in his bright eyes. 
He holds out a hand—cautiously, as if afraid you’ll float away. You take it and his fingers are soft and cool, like the petals of a flower.
“Welcome home,” you say. “Jihyun.”
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in my future mysme writings <3
@currentlyprocrastinating @thesirenwashere  @ultrasupernini​ @cro0kedme​ @otomefoxystar​ @dawn-skies06 @nad-zeta
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Humans are Space Orcs, “What Happened.”
Sorry for any issues this one might have, but I am trying to write it between flights and and scrambling to find a plug that will work, so I hope you like it anyway, and I hope it answers some questions you have 
Three months leave
IT was going to take an extra three months  before the ship would be ready for launch. Even as they spoke, it was docked at the Europa station as they put on the final finishing touches. Until then, it had been Commander Vir’s job to go through files on the personnel he wanted aboard his new crew.
He had suggested some alien additions to make the crew more diverse, which the GA had loved considering that the ship was an amalgamation of both human and alien technology. It had Rundi communications systems, Celzex weaponry, Vrul shields, and  a Tesraki warp core. The design otherwise was completely human. But for those reasons, the project was obviously very time consuming, and they were lucky that it was going to be finished in as little a time as it was.
Sunny hadn’t seen Adam very much in the last month or so considering that he had been working hard to find an extra five hundred members for his crew, and speak with the brass about what he had seen on the other side of the wormhole.
Sunny knew that it was important that Adam do his job, but a part of her was annoyed they hadn’t been able to speak properly since getting back.
Instead, she was stuck in base housing on the cost, alone and with nothing to do aside from long walks on the beach. She had never been the the beach beforehand as anin didn’t have any substantial bodies of water like that, at least near her, and there was something about the endless water that unsettled her. Even Krill and Conn were off doing important things. Krill was giving his services to a level one trauma center in New York, and Conn was helping the base MPs conduct polygraph tests, though he had sort of replaced the polygraph.
That left Sunny alone most days to think.
She hadn’t gotten over Adam’s disappearance, and not how he had tricked her, pushing her from the bridge before turning around and preparing himself for death. She felt a bit cheated, and like a decision had been made for her. She wasn’t stupid, logically she knew that is what she would have done if she were in his place, so she couldnt fault him for that, though she still coudln’t help feeling hurt over it.
And these thoughts she was left to stew on, tossing and turning in the quiet of the night while everyone else was out and busy.
Needless to say she didn’t expect the little bell on her front door to ring late one evening, and when she opened the door she certainly didn’t expect to see Adam waiting on her front porch.
HE was smiling, though the skin around his face and neck were already flushed a light pink with embarrassment.
In his arms, he held a large collection of flowers.
“May I come in?”
“Adam!” Her surprise was a bit delayed 
He shuffled his feet, “I uh, I got the go ahead to take the day off so I…. thought I would see you.”
He shifted again.
He looked better now than he had on returning from his ordeal, face clean-shaven and in clean clothes that actually fit, though she had to admit his cave-man look hadn’t been so bad.
She stepped aside, and he tentatively followed.
She closed the door and he turned to face her, “I uh…. um … well I…. flower…. Or I mean, I got you, flowers I…… Bought some, but also picked…. some ….. I not that that really matters I just.”He sighed took a deep breath and cleared his throat, “I got you flowers.” he held them out, and she took them in half amusement, picking one from the top and popping it into her mouth before setting them down on the little side table.
“Look, I’m sorry we haven't been able to talk since I got back… and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a little bit of me avoiding having a tough conversation.”
“I like that you are at least being honest with me.” She said quietly., “Do you want to sit down?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Actually, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go on a walk…. I.. I think better when I walk.”
She shrugged and agreed, following him outside to where a thin layer of clouds had veiled the sun which was slowly inching towards the horizon. The clouds muted the colors and the sea was grey in the distance.
Together they walked a little ways along the sand, him shifting nervously, and her walking to the side, relaxed though she didn’t feel like it 
The silence stretched on for nearly a mile before Sunny -- growing frustrated -- was forced to break it.
“You tricked me.”
He looked down at his feet, “I did.”
“You tricked me, and because of that I have had some of the worst few months of my life.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I understand you did what you thought you had to, and I get it that if I was in your place, I would have done the same without hesitation, but…. I I feel cheated, and I feel used, and for some reason I can’t stop it.”
He looked away, “I’m not sure what to say.”
“At least say SOMETHING.”
HE turned to face her single green eye wide. Looking down she could sense that his hands were shaking. A part of her felt bad about that, but they needed to have this conversation, and she wasn’t going to let him out of it.
“I… would do it again to save your life, and I won’t apologize for that, but I’m sorry that that’s how you feel.”
“I thought we were a team.”
“And we are.”
She paused, her feet digging hard into the sand, and he drew to a halt beside her, “I need you to understand Adam, when Drev say a team, they mean a battle pair and that means….”
“I know, I know……. I know what it means, and I am agreeing with you.”
“Will, you try, for me.”
“Yes, but sunny, I I don’t know how well it will work out, I…. well I’m broken when it comes to this sort of thing I don’t even know if I can.”
They went silent again and she could see the veins pulsing in the side of his neck. Beads of sweat collected on his brown and face. He looked almost nauseous, like he was scared or something, that too made her feel bad, but she didn’t really know how to help.
On instinct, she reached out a hand, inches from his before pausing, “I…. Can I?”
He paused look down at her hand.
His clenched into a fist.
He was pale whit like snow now.
“I…. I don’t think I can right now but…. Thanks for asking.”
She watched the expression on his face closely, and on his face she saw him proceed through a rapid series of emotions starting with fear, working over to shame, sadness and finally ending on guilt.
He turned away.
She walked up next to him, head tilted, “You don’t have to, Adam, but maybe if you told me why I could better understand. Of course you don’t have to.”
He took a deep shaky breath, “You deserve to know. But just don’t… I don’t know laugh or something. I know logically it wasn’t a big deal but….”
“Adam, I promise I won't laugh, you have my word.”
He nodded his head slowly and sighed, “I can trace it all back to one event I think. It was MY freshman year of high school…. Maybe and I was the awkward, nerdy sci-fi weirdo who believed in UFOs and Aliens.
Adam Sat Under a tree outside the school arms wrapped around his knees back tucked against the bowl of a tree which cast the shadow of its leaves down over the ground to wave and rustle in a light breeze.
It was lunch break, and he was watching the other teens standing around in their cliches. The football jocks were playing a game to one side, the cheerleaders were clustered around a bench, and all the rednecks were sitting in the back of their trucks in the parking lot laughing loudly and occasionally turning on their trucks just to rev the engines as loud as possible.
His hair was long-ish, kind of scruffy and hanging down around his ears. The clothes he wore were baggy hand me downs from his older brother Jeremy (a senior) and shoes with holes in them from his older brother Thomas.
He didn’t mention the holes to his mom, dad was in between jobs right now, not that it was a big deal, he would find work, it was just paperwork in the way, but he didn’t want to worry her with something extra that didn’t matter right now.
He looked down at the ground where he had a stack of books waiting in the grass for him, The Martian, War of the Worlds, and an old tatty compendium of start wars stuff with pictures and diagrams.
The T-shirt he was wearing was one he had purchased online, and had a diagram of the star-trek enterprise on it.
He shuffled his feet in the grass waiting for his brothers to show up and feeling sort of lonely as he waited.
Since he was a little younger, he got out a half an hour before they did, and only got to spend thirty minutes of his half hour lunch break with them, otherwise he tried to avoid people as much as possible. It wasn’t that he was bullied per-se, because he wasn’t really, neglected by his peers was probably a better term for it.
They were nice to him in the way you are nice to small children or crazy people, keeping up polite conversation just long enough to leave as soon as possible. He was used to the treatment, and didn’t bother subjecting people to his presence more than he had to. He knew he was weird.
He was sure he would have a harder time if it were not for his older brothers. Jeremy, who was a popular football player, David because he was student body president, and arguably the best looking guy in school, though he never seemed to be dating anyone, and Thomas, who was a bit of a loose cannon and didn’t mind getting in fights to protect his family members when he wasn’t hanging out with the other weird and unpredictable kids.
He was sitting there thinking about his brothers and staring down at the grass, when he saw a pair of shoes appear in his vision. They were white vans, or something similar with bright green laces, and when he looked up he saw a girl standing over him. The school was small enough that he recognized her immediately. Her name was Amanda and she jumped between the Drill team and the Basketball Girls click.
She was smiling, and he watched her as she turned her head back to her group of friends who were giggling and trying not to look like they were looking over in their direction.
Adam sat up a little straighter, “Can I help you.”
She smiled at him, her cheeks slightly pink, “HI…. Adam.”
He frowned, eyes narrowing suspiciously.
She shuffled her feet, and off in the distance, her friends giggled and looked away.
“Can I help you with something?’ He wondered, waiting for the punchline somewhere. Something about the weird UFO kid, or maybe they were going to ask him to help them do something against school rules, so when they got caught they could all blame it on him. Or maybe they were going to ask him to be the designated Sherpa for their bags or something.
He had been tricked into most of those things before, though by now the teachers and the principal knew that he was just socially stupid and not a troublemaker.
“Relax ok, I’ve just come to say sorry?”
“Sorry for what?”
“Sorry for treating you like you were weird.” When she smiled it seemed genuine, “You see its…. One of my friends.” More giggling I the background, “She thinks you’re cute, but she didn’t know how to act before.”
He glanced past her to where  the group of girls had burst in to excessive giggling.
He frowned again, “I’m not stupid, you know.”
“I didn’t say you were.”
She crossed her arms, “Serious, Adam.”
“Who is this friend of your.” His eyes narrowed, but past that he was looking towards one of the girls in the group. She was pretty  with honey blonde hair and an infectious smile.  She played the violin, and he knew for a fact that she was a comic book nerd. He had seen her carrying them around, and she was a petty good artist too. He felt his face flush a bit but tried to fight it back.”
“She smiled, “Avery.”
His eyes shot wide, and he felt his face turn scarlet. The part of his brain that had been skeptical immediately shut off as the human brain is prone to do when they think something good might be about to happen.
“I… really.”
She grinned, “Really.” She reached into her pocket and passed him a note, “She wants you to meet her by the stadium.”
His hands were shaking a bit as he took the note, but he felt his heart hammering in excitement.
Was this his way out of exile?
He had always been extroverted, starved for all the friends he wanted and all the people he wanted to talk to. Avery had the life that he wished he did, a large circle of friends, and fun things to do every weekend.
Maybe with her around, he would finally have that.
All the better if they were dating, but he was getting ahead of himself.
He watched as the group of girls dispersed and Avery moved towards the back of the building over towards the stadium, her beautiful, honey-blond hair blowing in the wind.
He stood awkwardly gathering up his things and shoving them in his bag without zipping the zipper all the way before turning and cutting around the other side of the school. His heart hammered in his chest and his hands were cold and sweaty as he made his way around the other side of the building and towards the stadium.
His heart only began to race faster when he saw her standing alone under the stadium between the cross-bars and in the shade of the metal benches above.
He approached nervously, his hands shaking in excitement.
She turned her head, bright blue eyes catching his.
He stopped in place at the edge of the shadow. But she smiled and waved him in, “Adam over here.”
He followed nervously his feet trailing in the dirt. As she approached she nervously rocked back and fourth on her heels hands in her pockets. He paused a few feet away. She looked up at him through her lashes, and he noted she was wearing little Iron Man earrings.
“Hi.” She said nervously
“Hi.” He replied back
She shuffled her feet, “Look I…. I’m sorry about laughing at you earlier today In class I…. well I think your funny, not, like in a bad way or anything.”
HE knew he was bright red at this moment, probably brighter red than any tomato, “Really?”
“Yeah, so I wanted to say sorry, and…. And maybe make it up to you.”
His heart was in his throat, “Oh, you, you don’t have to.”
“But I want to.”
It went quiet as she stepped forward, and he was frozen in place. She was right in front of him now. She leaned forward a little, and he was frozen in place. Her eyes closed, and then so did his, he waited for the moment, and waited, and waited, but nothing came.
Someone snickered, and he cracked an eye to see Avery’s once pretty face twisted up into a sneer of contempt and malicious amusement.
“April fools.” She jumped at him, and in surprise he tripped backwards over one of the metal bars landing hard. The zipper of his backpack, not all the way done up, erupted outward spilling all his books out onto the dirt.
He turned his head looking around to the cracks in the stadium seats where dozens of eyes stared at him laughing.
Avery stood over him as others began flooding down from their spots laughing.
He crawled back, his head down, “But it’s not even April.” He whispered
“Its not even April.” Someone mimicked from behind, and he ran into soemthing hard looking up to see one of Avery’s friends standing over him. She was state shotput champion last years, and her arms were as big as his head, “What is this.” She reached down and picked his book off the ground.
“Please, give it back.” He said crawling to his knees and reaching up for it.
“The Martian.”
She flipped open a few of the pages. He stood up trying to reach for his book but he was blocked by another two of her friends.
The laughter continued, the mocking voices over and over and over again.
He tried to push forward reaching for his books which had been picked up off the ground.
“Gross, Its all sticky!” the friend yelled.
“No it isn’t.” He protested, it was true, he took very good care of his books. But of course no one listened. A chorus of disgust rose up around him. His books were dropped, one clattering to the rocks its pages bending, the other one landing halfway in a puddle of stagnant water.
He cried out and dove forward pulling it out of the water even as mud dripped form the hardback.
He cradled it in his arms, feeling hot tears of anger and humiliation begin to prickle at the corners of his eyes.
Laughter continued.
Fingers pointed.
HE stood fists clenched ready to hurt someone, but when he turned the same girl from before hand his book in either hand and when he moved she pulled.
There was a sharp ripping noise as the spine of the book tore a quarter, and as he cried out she laughed and dropped it into the puddle.
As a paperback, the book didn’t stand a chance.
Mud and water caked his hands as he reached in to pull it out on his hands and knees. Something hit him hard in the back and he pitched forward into the puddle getting the book wet a second time as the kids laughed.
He scrambled sitting up coughing and spluttering feeling the slimy grittiness of the water on his lips.
Someone knelt down next to him. A voice in his ear, “If you tell anyone. I’ll tell the teacher you tried to touch me.”
Tears dripped down his cheeks as he tried wiping mud from his face. The laughter receded and he was left along kneeling on the gravel.
His face grew hot and read as he stared down at the ruined cover of his book. Hot tears dripped onto the mud coating his hands.
His breathing started up in great gasps his heart hammered so fast he thought it was going to burst out of his chest. His head was going to explode either from anger or frustration he didn’t know. Choked sobs broke from his mouth as he knelt over the books ruined in his hands. He couldn’t breathe. He stood vision clouded face hot wet and muggy from the heat.
And then he ran.
He had no idea where he was going or what he was doing.
His paperback held muddy and dripping in one hand he pelted into the woods and didn’t stop running until his foot caught on a branch and he went rolling into the leaves.
He lay there on his stomach heart still hammering breath still coming in ragged gasps. He just couldn’t calm his breathing down.
He didn’t know where he was.
He felt like he was having a heart attack, or dying, or something. He lay there gasping on the forest floor for hours.
It grew dark. The mud dried on the back of his book and against his chest and hands.
It was only when he heard the voices did he finally sit up, mud caked and bleary eyed.
There were no other sounds for a long moment before the call started up again.
He stumbled over, it was dark so his feet kept coughing on branches and twigs.
“Adam, ADAM! I swear ADAM.”
“Thomas?” He said his voice so raw it was barely above a whisper.
“ADAM!” Footsteps rushed towards him through the trees, and Thomas burst from the foliage his scruffy blind hair run wild, his jeans covered in dirt, “Adam there you are where have you-“
He didn’t have time to say much else as he was hugged tight around the middle.
“Adam I…. what’s wrong. What happened! Who did this to you!”
Thomas looked ready to rip someone apart, but Adam didn’t say anything. He wouldn’t say anything about the event for the next two years.
Sunny stared wide eyed as Adam turned away again.
“Look, I know its stupid, it happens to plenty of kids and they don’t take it the way I did, but. I mean, with the panic attack on top of it, and then a few years later the same thing happened on my first date, so now I just… I can’t…”
Sunny was quiet for a moment while he looked away.
“Who the FUCK do they think they are.” She snarled.
He looked up in surprise, “I what.”
She marched around in a circle, “What the hell kind of person does that to someone. That’s just sick and wrong. That is just… horrible.”  She pulled out her spear, “I swear If i ever meet someone like that if i ever meet THEM, I am going to-”
He caught her arm, “Sunny stop, it was a long time ago.”
“It doesnt matter!”
A small smile cut across his face, “IT doesn't matter sunny, you want to know why.”
“Because I saw their pictures.” he grinned, “Avery got really fat and her friend got hit by a car, not fatally but I consider it Karma doing me a solid.” He paused, “It’ll be ok…. I just need some time. Think you can do that for me?”
She paused and nodded her head, “Yes, I think I can.”
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Sleepless Nights
Summary: Having visions about what’s going to happen on a mission is not easy to deal with. Good thing the visions only come when sleeping. There is an easy solution to this.
Pairing: implied Steve x Reader
Word Count: 5259
A/N: I got a little carried away with this one. Feedback is always appreciated :)
A heavy sigh escaped my lips. I closed my eyes focusing on the smell coming from the machine in front of me. The scent of freshly brewed coffee invaded my nostrils and already warmed me from the inside out. I reopened my eyes leaning my elbows on the counter top while still holding a tight grip on my over-dimensional coffee mug. This way my gaze was on the same level as the sacred device.
I watched the black drops of the holy beverage drip into the coffeepot, slowly filling it up. As I kept my focus on this event, the reason and the worries that were keeping me awake throughout even the ungodly hours of the night were being pushed to the furthest corner of my mind.
However, despite the light burning as bright as the sun itself and the reviving smell of coffee, my eyes started to flutter shut. The ticking of the grandfather clock Tony had insisted on keeping was on beat with the drops of the dark juice falling into the steady growing puddle on the bottom of the pot.
Tick. Drip. Tock. Drop. Tick. Drip. Tock. Drop.
All of a sudden I shot up, shocked about my own carelessness. In the process, I took a surprised step back from the counter paying no regard to the forgotten mug in my hands. I let go of the mug sending it flying to the floor. It broke into pieces as it hit the tiles of the kitchen, making a shattering sound that echoed through the whole compound.
I froze. My gaze went towards the archway at the opposite side of the kitchen marking the entrance. Holding my breath I listened.
There was only the sound of the grandfather clock from the living room and the steady hum of the coffee machine. It looked like everybody was still fast asleep. After a minute or so, I let my breath escape and focused back on the mess I had made.
Eyeing the shattered pieces of porcelain, a frown appeared between my eyebrows and a whine left my mouth. This had been my favorite cup.
I let out a heavy sigh. After this little show of self-pity, I went over to the cupboard underneath the sink and took out a brush and a dustpan and started sweeping the tragic remains of one of my closest friends. At least I had something to do; there was no danger of falling asleep while working.
When I finished cleaning up, I put the tools aside and reached for a new mug inside the cabinet. I was sure Bruce wouldn’t mind if I was taking his for now.
As I came to stand beside the coffee machine once again, the pot now half-way filled to the top and the delicious smell wafting through the kitchen, I noticed a movement from the corner of my eye.
Turning quickly in order to defend myself if it came to a fight, I barely picked up on the shattering sound as the second cup that night was sent flying by my hands.
Steve was standing in the archway, his voice gravelly. He rubbed at his eyes with one hand evidently getting the sleep out of them. He must have just woken up. Probably by the noise I had unintentionally been making.
Upon seeing my friend and colleague, another breath of relief passed my lips. I relaxed against the counter behind me as one hand went up to my chest right above the ferocious beating of my heart. If the breaking of my favorite mug had not woken me up before, the sudden appearance of the blond super soldier sure did the job.
While I looked at him with slightly less widened eyes, I could see the confusion in his gaze about what I was still doing up this late. I could also see the light twitch at the corner of his lips as a smile tried to form on his face, most likely in regard of my disheveled form.
I held his eyes for a moment – or did he hold mine? – until my brain caught up with what had happened. Hadn’t there been a noise of some sort, other than my heavy breathing?
Once more my eyes widened as realization hit me. I looked down. Sure enough in front of my feet was the green mug that had once belonged to Bruce Banner.
“Oh, man.”
I heard Steve chuckling at my whiny tone as I scooped down to pick up the broken pieces.
“Wait, (Y/N). Be careful with that. Here, let me help.”
His voice was filled with concern. I heard the sound of his bare feet against the tile floor as he walked over.
“No, it’s alright. I got this. You aren’t wearing any shoes… or socks for that matter.”
But Steve ignored my objections. Instead he came over with the brush and dustpan that were still laying on the counter top by the trash can. He put them down next to me and carefully reached over to take the shards I had already collected off of my hands.
I grabbed the tools once more – by now I was a real professional with a brush – and started sweeping – once again. Meanwhile, Steve threw away the bigger shards.
“Bruce is going to kill me,” I said underneath my breath. It was supposed to be inaudible, for my ears only, but Captain America had many talents, enhanced hearing being one of them.
“Why would Bruce kill you,” the amusement clear in his voice.
“Because I just destroyed his cup.” I sighed.
I swiped up the last of the mug and stood, throwing away the evidence that it had ever existed.
When I put the tools back into their place underneath the kitchen sink, I could feel Steve’s eyes on me. After I was done, I stood up straight and turned around to face my friend.
Steve was leaning with his back against the other end of the kitchen counter. He had his arms crossed in front of his broad chest that was covered by a blue T-shirt that seemed a couple of sizes too small. I swallowed hard. Then I let my eyes travel all the way up to his face.
It was framed by tousled blond hair, a stark contrast to his usually styled appearance. His blue eyes were as calm as the sea on a sunny day, but his stare was not less intense, however. There was a crease between his eyebrows. It was the one he always got when he was trying to figure something out. I had the sudden urge to reach out my hand and touche it to the crease on his forehead to smooth it out.
“Why were you using Bruce’s mug?”
His question pulled me out of my trance. I had to blink a few times to find my way back to the here and now. The crease between his eyebrows grew more prominent as he awaited my answer.
I opened my mouth, but closed it after a few seconds as I realized I hadn’t caught the meaning of the words.
The sound was a little too high pitched for my liking and it made me cringe. I watched as the lopsided grin I liked so much appeared on his lips. However, this time as he started to speak, I forced myself to not be distracted and listen.
“I asked, why you were using Bruce’s mug.”
I shrugged once trying to play it cool, hoping he would let it go. Unfortunately, he raised an eyebrow questioningly, clearly not content with my wordless reply.
I lowered my gaze to stare at my feet clad in sparkling turquoise fuzzy socks.
“I broke mine earlier,” I mumbled in hopes Steve wouldn’t have heard.
But again, Captain America had super-hearing… Ergo, so did Steve.
His eyebrows shot up in surprise before knitting together in consideration. I could feel his scrutinizing look on me and I couldn’t refrain from squirming slightly. At one point I couldn’t suppress the urge to look up any longer.
His eyes were trained on my face. I could swear I saw the up and downs of waves reflecting in them. I swallowed, my mouth dry.
“Why did you break your mug?” His voice was calm and quiet.
Without taking my eyes off of his, I shrugged again. It was the only reply I was willing to give.
Steve’s expression changed and I could make out even more concern, if possible, shadowing his usually sunny features. Looking into those empathetic eyes, I wanted nothing more than to spill the truth. But would me feeling alleviated be worth burdening Steve with even more worries? As the leader of this team, I decided he had enough to worry about.
When it became evident I wouldn’t start to speak anytime soon, Steve slowly came towards me, stopping only when he was less than a foot away. Upon his close proximity, my heartbeat picked up its rhythm as if trying to escape my chest. I would have prayed he wouldn’t hear it, hadn’t I been distracted by his scent – a mixture of soap and leather – invading my nostrils.
His smell in addition to the fact that my eyes were now focused on his broad chest made me feel dazed. All my thoughts had been turned into thin air.
Out of nowhere I felt a large, calloused hand cupping my chin with so much gentleness that it seemed like a harsh contrast to the roughness one might expect from a soldier with super strength. There was a soft pressure making me look up just to be met with the bluest eyes I had ever seen speckled with tiny green spots.
The universe they held enveloped me whole. I was reminded of a day at the beach filled with sunshine, as I splashed around in the sea with my younger brother. A shiver ran down my spine and a calmness I had experienced the last time on that very day took hold of me.
It only lasted a second. Paradoxically, that calmness was what made me feel on edge. All my muscles were tense.
“You can tell me anything. You know that, right?”
Steve’s voice was almost inaudible and my eyes flicked down to his lips. I was still aware of his intense gaze on me. I bit my bottom lip not only to keep me from talking, but to keep it from quivering.
The way Steve was interacting with me, his calm and gentle manner somehow sent my emotions into turmoil. Tears were threatening to spill down my cheeks, a sob was stuck in my throat making it impossible for me to breathe properly. It cost me all my strength to keep myself hidden from the member of my team so close to me.
It was silent for an eternity. The only sounds were my accelerated heartbeat and the soothing humming of the coffee machine. Even Steve was holding his breath not wanting to miss any of my words should I decide to open up to him.
Heartbeats later, Steve let out his breath in way of a sigh. He let go of my chin. However, he didn’t step away. A breeze of cold air made me shiver, nonetheless.
“I think coffee doesn’t help with sleeping problems,” Steve joked attempting to lighten the mood.
I inhaled a shaky breath, releasing the lump that had been stuck in my throat. A tear slipped past my guard and I hurried to wipe it away, hoping Steve hadn’t seen.
“That’s-” I cleared my throat. “That’s kinda the point.”
My eyes widened. I was surprised my voice worked. Actually, I was surprised I said anything at all. I surely didn’t mean to.
I risked to sneak a peak at Steve to gouge his reaction. His eyes once again on me, a slight smile appeared on his lips. It didn’t quite reach his eyes and I knew he was just trying to be kind by not pushing me further to explain.
“Right then.”
The blond super soldier walked over to the cabinet and took out two mugs. He filled them with coffee before setting them on the kitchen island. He sat down on one of the stools and took a sip.
I watched closely, trying to see what he was about to do next. But he just kept sitting at the counter contently nursing his drink.
After a little while I tentatively walked over sitting myself down on the stool next to his. I stared at the cup in front of me.
It was the one I had made Steve the first Christmas after having joined the Avengers. He had been the one to welcome me and shown me around. We had hit it off instantly and spent quite some time talking to each other about everything and nothing. It was easy talking to Steve. During one of our conversations he had told me about his favorite piece of art and I had tried to recreate it, painting it on a mug. I had been insecure about my gift when the day actually arrived, but Steve loved it and gladly replaced the mug he had used before – the one with the star on a blue background, a very considerate gift from Tony – with this new one.
Surprised I looked over at him, checking which cup he was using. My suspicions were confirmed as I recognized it. He was drinking out of his hated mug – Tony’s gift – that now belonged to Bucky.
I couldn’t help but stare as my brain reeled trying to figure out what this might mean.
“Is something wrong? God, do I have something on my face,” Steve inquired, putting down his cup and wiping at his mouth.
Shaking my head I quickly averted my eyes and took my own cup in my hands to hide my burning face. I guided the mug toward my lips, the smell of freshly brewed coffee making me close my eyes in satisfaction. The smell always seemed to calm my nerves.
However, before I could take a sip I moved the mug away from my face just to place it back on the counter. I took a deep breath all the while silently cursing myself for what I was about to do. Then I released it in one forceful exhale.
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Steve putting down his own cup. His focus was only on me now.
“I’m scared.” The words came out in a whisper. I didn’t dare speak any louder. The words were too heavy.
I counted ten ticks of the grandfather clock before Steve matched my voice.
“Scared of what?”
“Of sleeping.”
Ten more ticks.
“It’s because of your visions.”
It wasn’t a question but I nodded my confirmation, nevertheless.
“They are stronger before a mission,” I started to explain. “It always feels like I’m really there in that moment... But that’s not the worst.”
This time, after ten ticks, Steve stayed silent, letting me decided when to keep going in my own time. It was as if he could sense when I needed someone to push me and when I would get to it on my own.
I swallowed once, gathering the courage to continue.
“I’m scared that some day it won’t just be the destruction of buildings I see. That it won’t be just injuries, which is always bad enough… I’m scared to see-” A sob broke me off. The lump from earlier was back in my throat.
Steve moved at the noise, turning on his stool to fully face me. An expression of pain was set in his face as he was hurting while seeing me like this. He reached out his hand, lightly putting it on mine intending to show me he was there with me and I could share my pain; showing me that I didn’t have to go through it alone.
Without thinking about it, I grabbed his hand holding on to it as if it was the only thing tethering me to reality. The action came to me like a reflex. Steve returned the squeeze of my hand, giving me strength to continue.
“I’m scared I’ll see one of you die.”
I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. They cascaded freely from my eyes.  
Two seconds after the words finally freed themselves from my sealed lips, two strong arms circled around my form, enveloping me in a tight, warm hug.
My arms went around Steve of their own accord; my fingers clawing at his shirt. Steve held me close against his chest as my body was shaking from sobs that forced their way out. Tears were streaming down my face, snot running out of my nose. I knew the sight wasn’t pretty like in the movies, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t. All the emotions inside of me wouldn’t stay captive any longer. They demanded to be released.
I didn’t know for how long I had been crying when the dam eventually sealed. The only thing I knew was: Steve had been holding onto me the entire time; he was still there.
The two of us stayed like this, I safe in his arms, for a moment longer while I tried to catch my breath and compose myself at least a little.
As I moved away, Steve not letting me go farther than half an arms length so he could still have me close, I wiped off the wet paths that the tears had left on my face.
When my sight wasn’t blurry anymore, I noticed the drenched patch of Steve’s shirt clinging to his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s okay,” Steve interrupted my apology, wiping it away as if it was an unimportant speck of dust.
One of his hands let go of my waist as he reached up to wipe at the last remaining tear stains on my face with his thumb. In that moment I was thankful that my face was already red, swollen and blotchy.
His thumb lingered on my cheek before he cupped it with his large hand. The gesture was so sweet and comforting, I couldn’t stop myself from leaning into the touch.
“I understand that you would rather stay awake than seeing those kinds of scenes play out before your eyes.”
I recoiled at his words as they reminded me of why I was here now, in Steve arms. But Steve had a firm grip on my waist. He wouldn’t let me run away. Not again. Not ever. Especially not like this.
“I get it.” Steve held my gaze with his so I wouldn’t avert my eyes. He needed me to hear this. He needed me to understand.
“I can’t even imagine how it must feel like to experience visions like that. But,” he sighed, “you have to sleep. Especially before a mission. Without enough sleep you might loose your focus and that’s when... those things happen. I wish there would be a way around this, but there isn’t. But I can promise you that, as long as I am here, nothing is going to happen to anyone on this team. You hear me?”
I stared at him. Although his words were supposed to comfort me, which they mostly did, my heart still felt heavy.
“And what about you? Who is going to protect you when you are busy protecting the others?”
I was scared of this answer, this scenario, but I had to ask the question anyway. Uncertainty was even worse than knowing. If you didn’t know what was going to happen, you wouldn’t know how to stop it from happening.
Surprisingly, a smile pulled on one corner of Steve’s lips giving me the lopsided grin I loved so much.
“I’ve got you for that, don’t I?”
It wasn’t relief that flooded my body at his reply. It was something else warming and calming me just as much. A weight was not lifted off of my soul completely, but rather part of it was placed somewhere else. I didn’t have to carry this secret, this burden, around alone any longer.
However, Steve might have alleviated my fear of my visions becoming reality, but the fear of still having them wasn’t so easy to get rid off.
“I’m still scared of sleeping. The visions will still come.”
It was like starting telling Steve about my fears made my confessions now come out easier. I trusted him. I always had. But I knew something had shifted. Especially, as Steve uttered his next words.
“But you won’t have to face them alone.”
He said it as if it was a secret only the two of us would share.
He got up. I watched, curious to see what he was going to do.
After taking the milk out of the refrigerator and dividing it into two cups, he put them into the microwave. While the milk was warming up, Steve poured away the coffee, cleaned the two mugs we had been using as well as the coffee pot and got rid of any evidence that the two of us had been there during the night at all.  
He worked in silence. I didn’t mind, it was comfortable. His presence had, for some reason I didn’t understand myself, a calming effect on me.
Just one second before the microwave chimed, Steve hit the stop button and took out the drinks. Before he left the kitchen, he poured some honey in each cup and announced it as the beverage his mother had sworn on for sleeping problems. I followed him out of the kitchen staying a bit behind to see where he was leading us.
Instead of turning into the living room or getting off the elevator on his floor, he was heading towards my room. In front of the closed door he turned to look at me expectantly. Confused about all his actions up until then, I just looked back with one eyebrow raised. Suddenly, Steve turned a deep red.
“I just thought your bedroom would be a good place to sit and talk and drink the milk. I mean better than the kitchen, you know,” he started stumbling over his words. “I mean, in case any one would wander into the kitchen because they are looking for some water or something. Here we would be away from any prying eyes.”
The crimson color was spreading from his neck all the way up into his face and to the roots of his hair. I was certain, if it had been possible, his hair would have turned red, too.
“I mean not that we would be doing anything… I mean besides talking and drinking warm milk. I don’t mean-”
He interrupted himself at that point. Defeated and clearly embarrassed he let his head hang down. I wasn’t sure, but I thought I had heard the word ‘shoot’ leave his mouth. My mouth was twitching as I tried to keep the amusement hidden from view. I was still confused about what exactly he had intended to explain with that spate of words.
A second later, it hit me. I felt so stupid and I had to close my eyes for a moment to get over my own stupidity. Then I rushed to open the door.
“Oh, sure, of course. I’m sorry. Really sorry. Here you go. Please, come in.”
My face was glowing from heat. Surely, Steve and I could have made a contest out of ‘who was the deeper red’. It would have been close.
“Are you sure?”
I could see that Steve had grown uncertain and hesitant by my reaction or rather lack thereof.  I threw him an encouraging smile.
“Of course.”
Steve took a deep breath before entering and I wondered what that was about. I dismissed the thought as soon as it occurred. I had enough on my plate. The last thing I wanted to do was figuring out why Steve was like he was and did what he did. It was just a Steve-thing.
Once inside with the door closed, he put the cup down on my nightstand. Then he looked around the room aimlessly. The tension was palpable. There was an awkwardness between us I didn’t know where it came from. Spending time with Steve had always been easy-going. There was never a conversation forced between the two of us. Being with Steve was comfortable. This was the opposite.
I didn’t know how I could disperse the tension between us, so I did the first best thing that came to mind. I sat down on my bed settling into the cushions.
When I was settled, I patted on the empty space next to me signaling Steve to sit down and get comfortable himself.
After a moment of hesitation he eventually sat down. However, I could see his tense muscles, even through his layers of clothing. It seemed like he was prepared to fight someone at any minute.
I rolled my eyes. This whole weirdness of the situation was starting to annoy me.
“You know, it might be more comfortable to lean into the pillows behind you instead of sitting up straight. Nobody’s going to attack you in here, you know.”
I tried to make my words sound like a joke while simultaneously showing Steve that he didn’t have to be weirded out by whatever it was that was weirding him out.
He got the message. Tentatively he leaned further back, moving closer to me as to not awkwardly lay and sit at the same time. It took him a few moments, but after a while he began to relax more and more.
When I was satisfied with Steve’s mostly relaxed posture, I grabbed the two cups from my nightstand and handed one to Steve. After, I encircled my cup with my hands and took a sip. The sweet drink warmed my insides and I felt the tension leaving my body altogether.
We sat like that in silence, each one of us listening to their own thoughts. Never had I felt so at peace with someone else. Usually, sitting silently with someone was stressing me out. I would always feel like I had to fill the emptiness between us with meaningless words, but this was different. It was a whole new experience. It was comfortable and cozy.
After ten minutes, Steve broke the silence.
“If you could travel anywhere, where would you want to go?”
At first I was dumbfounded by the apparently random question coming out of nowhere. Then I understood what he was trying to do. I appreciated him attempting to distract me and not make me talk or think about my visions. So I played along.
“Oh, I would love to see…”
We fell into a nice conversation then, alternating between asking each other random questions. The easiness came back step by step and soon enough it seemed impossible that we might have had an awkward moment between us.
Within the conversation I saw a new side to Steve and learned something about the person he really was instead of the person everyone always tried to make him out to be. I also felt myself opening up to him, even though it might not have been evident in regard to the topics of our conversation.
When I had finished my milk with honey, I put the mug back down on my nightstand. Then, still chatting with Steve, I scooted closer to his warmth. On instinct, Steve reached an arm around my body, pulling me so close, my head was resting on his chest. Soon enough the steady heartbeat under my ear, his velvety voice encompassing me, and his even breaths lulled me to sleep.
When I awoke a couple of hours later, panting, sweating, Steve was there to calm and reassure me. He would listen to my vision and I would tell him. For the first time, I didn’t have to deal with it on my own. For the first time, someone was willing to listen to gruesome details that were haunting me even during daytime - especially during daytime. For the first time, I had help carrying this burden. So eventually, I fell back asleep. The last thing I felt was the touch of Steve’s fingers playing with my hair.
In the morning, Steve was still there holding me in his arms as he continued sleeping peacefully for a few more minutes. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his calm features. Never had I felt so well rested before a mission, although four hours of sleep was not ideal yet. Baby steps.
When Steve’s eyes started to flutter and his blue eyes shimmered through his long dark lashes, my breath caught in my throat. I wasn’t sure whether it was the view in front of me or the nervousness taking hold of me.
“Good morning.” His voice was a gravel whisper just like last night in the kitchen.
I had expected it to be awkward between us, but the way he said ‘good morning’ – without a hint of unease – erased that fear instantly.
“Morning,” I replied smiling. Steve returned that smile with his own, which made the sun rise over the ocean he held in his eyes.
We stayed like this, silently gazing at each other, cuddled up in the blankets until we were both fully awake. However, at one point we had to leave the comfort of my room to get ready for the mission. But not without coffee first.
As the two of us entered the kitchen everyone was already up and making themselves breakfast. Bruce was standing confused in front of the cabinet wondering as to why his mug was gone.
“I could have sworn it had been there yesterday. (Y/N), have you seen my coffee mug,” he asked as I walked in.
I felt my face growing hot and my eyes widen a little. I didn’t want to explain why I had been awake in the middle of the night destroying first my mug and then Bruce’s. But before I could find the courage to speak up, Steve jumped in.
“That’s my fault. I was making some warm milk because I couldn’t sleep, and when I reached for my cup in the cabinet, I accidentally bumped against yours and it fell and shattered. I’m really sorry, Bruce, I promise I’ll get you a new one.”
Bruce scowled a little but nodded in understanding. Steve washed the cup he had used the night before and handed it to his friend so he could get the coffee that would make him useful.
Afterwards, Steve gave me his favorite cup to keep using for my beloved black elixir leaving him mug-less. I wanted to protest, but Steve just shook his head and went to make himself some cereal. Gratefully, I walked over to pour myself some coffee.
Never before had a smile as bright as the one illuminating my features at that moment played on my face at the advent of a mission.  If our team mates were surprised by this, they kept it to themselves.
As I sat down at the counter, I glanced at Steve watching him chat with Bucky. I felt like the smile on my face wouldn’t disappear any time soon.
Outside of the battlefield I might not have any idea what my future held. But if the previous night had been any clue, for once I was excited for what lay ahead.
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rockygirl99 · 5 years
Star war oc
|(Don’t be cocky. It’s unbecoming, on you. I can pull it off.)|
Full Name:
Layla Luna organa solo
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation:
Straight and has a boyfriend (in the future they get married)
v Lieutenant  
v Adviser
v Poe-princess, doll, Ms Darmoron
v Han-beaches, sweet pea, darling
v Fin, Rey- Ms solo, Lay,
Force Sensitivity or Not?
yes, she never showed signs of being force sensitive or being able used it when she was young. She tried to become a Jedi, but she never able to properly use them force. She was able to use it but not fully.
But when she was a little girl. She was able to feel people emotion and able to understand them and tell when people were lying. She was also able to see and feel the spirit of her grandfather and able to talk to her. She likes to talk to him about what on her mind and asked for his advice. And when she grows up this grow stronger and stayed with her.
she couldn’t complete her training since it got destroyed and everyone was killed by Kylo Ren.  She didn’t have a light gold but when her, Han, Finn and ray went to Mas, she found a lightsabre and it was calling to her. It was a gold one.  And the fours inside of her open and she was able to use it. She knew that there was a bigger story to this, but she didn’t know what. The force was now open to her and it was big. She was able to finish her training and become a powerful Jedi.
Evil, good, neutral, or both?
Good, both of her parents fought against the dark side has since torn her family apart and cost her nearly everything. She wanted to be like her parents. Even if she wasn't forced sensitivity as a child but she had a connection to the light and want to do good.
v Commander of the rebellion
v piolet
v Jedi
. She didn’t have a light gold but when her, Han, Finn and ray went to Mas, she found a lightsabre and it was calling to her. It was a gold one. She knew there was a bigger story about this and she was determined to find out.
Her dad gave her the guns, it was when they wear going on a mission, they both knew by the fours, he was not coming home so he gave her those guns he made for her. They have L.Solo on them. This was a goodbye present.
    Powers and skills:
Power of the Force: As the daughter of the skywalker, she was immensely powerful and had an amazingly a strong connection to the Force, then thought in ever showed because it was waiting the right moment to show if self and when she was ready. She was still able to use it but fully or only in an emergency.
But she can feel people emotion and understand them and tell when people are lying. She got this power when she was born and was able to do this since she can remember and for the rest of life will. She also can see her grandfather spirit and talk to him. Became a mentor to her and help her through her life.
She tried to be a Jedi with Luke but couldn’t properly use the fours.  But once it opens to her because she was now ready. She is able to use into her full abilities.  She is stronger than any Force-user currently alive; his force powers rivalled that of Luke, even though she doesn’t know this. From her training with Luke in the past she able to control this, and when she and Rey go and see Luke bring him back to the rebellion, she can complete her training and became a true Jedi.
Master at pattern recognition and analysis - in other words, she picks up on patterns that others do not notice.
Force Push: she utilized Force Push to send his opponents flying through the air, causing them serious injury or temporarily incapacitating them/knocked them unconscious. But she can only do this, but she is in immediately in danger.
Force Pull: she utilized Force Pull to pull his opponents or objects towards him.
Mind Trick: she utilized Mind Trick to control the minds of other sentient beings, however, it did not work on individuals who have very strong wills.
Force Vision: she utilized Force Vision to have visions of the past, the present, and the future. However, like all Force-users, his visions were not always clear or sometimes had visions even when he was not utilizing this power at will.
Force Sense: Rey utilizes Force sense to sense another sentient being's emotions, the future, ripples in the Force caused by momentous or traumatic events, or impending danger and the presence of the dark side. 
Expert of deception/Manipulator: Despite ultimately having a moral compass, Lena can be very receptive to the point where people - for better or worse - would prevalently assume that she knows or intends less than what the well-rounded and accomplished Lena actually does.
Master at pattern recognition and analysis - in other words, she picks up on patterns that others do not notice.
Stealth/Infiltration/Escape artist: Sara is highly capable of entering and leaving buildings without being seen, regardless of their security.
Gifted Intellect: She possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. Romanoff also possesses a vast knowledge of human anatomy, displayed by her often-using joint locks and hitting enemies in the weakest parts of their bodies; for example, the crotch, stomach, armpits, and the head.
She loves to fly, ever since she was a little girl, she loves the idea to try. [Lana Fitz1] She begs her father to teach her, so when she was eight he thought her. They bonded over this and she got close with her dad from this. And when she was eleven she was able to fly like an expert, she was even better than adults. And when she was an adult she was the best in the galaxy.  She is always trying to get better at it and is known to be one of the best piolets in the galaxy, most people say she even better than Poe Dameron. But she always says he is a lot better. She flies ships like nobody’s business but she gets that from both sides of her family.
Transporting: she knows how to use all kinds of ships, it does matter what it is. She can fly it. But her dad gave her a special X-wing, that she loves. She always used it and it’s her main ship.
|(Oh, no! no! No! I want to hear all about your stupid plan!)|
Skin Color(s): tan
Hair: she has light brown hair.
Hairstyles:  she usually has in natural. On missions, she has her hair in a ponytail. But for special events, she has in half up and half down.
Eyes: browns eyes that look like her mother eyes but have a hint of the mischief like her father.
Unique Feature(s): she has a few tattoos. She got her first one when she was 25 years old. Each one has a special meaning for her.  She has a should tattoos that was four birds. This represents her family that she loves but when Ben went to the dark side. She decided to make one of the birds have a broken wing to show Ben.  
She has two on her wrist on each side. One of them reminds her to always have hope. Something she is always told to have by her family. Sometimes she forgets it, but she always wants to have and treasure.
The one on her other wrist represents Poe a very important person in her life. And her side shows the rebellion that she loves, her work, the thing she protects and wanted to show in secret. Her last one is on her calf and it represents herself and her love too music, which is very important in her life.
Layla is a very brave, independent, and street-smart woman who is more than capable of taking care of herself.  She is a perfect mix of both her mother and father. But she also herself. People always say that she reminds them of her parents when they were young.  
She often uses dry humour and sarcasm to distract and distance herself from situations and people that make her uncomfortable, or simply to lighten the mood during, particularly stressful situations just like her father. People always say she is like him at those moments.  Still, regardless of how protective she is of herself, she often sees the best in other people, such as with her brother. She has been shown capable of holding her own in most situations.  she always wants to do the right thing and make the world a better place.  However, she is not above withholding crucial information from known allies if it meant to move off any plans she starts but has, thus far, done in good conscience. In addition, she is quite intelligent and insightful like her mother, going along with the determination and in the imposing disposition of her name (not to mention the extensive contacts and replete resources at their disposal), these qualities make her an invaluable ally for those who has her solid loyalty and, at the same time, a very dangerous individual to anyone who would dare count her as an enemy, or underestimate what she is capable of.
she will become is a very strict person in meeting or planning a mission, criticizing the bad behaviour and habits of the other members of the rebellion, causing most of them to apologize, fearing that they might invoke her wrath. And if you don’t you will she will become show her fire, wit and spunk, and put them in their place, you take absolutely zero shit from anyone and will defend your friends and family, with a heartbeat. You got this from your mum and dad, which both did this when they were younger. She will call out her friends if they are doing something reckless, cross the line or plan stupid but she will do it a lot calmer and nicer but if they keep doing it or don’t listen then you will pull out your fire and make sure they get your point. You always know if you were up to something good or bad.
she can be carefree when off-duty, such as when bonding with the members of her team following a successful mission. She is usually a person with a bright and sunny character. She is attentive and soothes with her warmth of heart, the loneliness of the people. She shows a great deal of concern and strong attachment to her companions.  This shows that she is also a very caring and friendly person, as she does everything in her capabilities to ensure their safety; but when she realizes that she is incapable of it, her bonds are replaced by her anxiousness. It has been noted many times by many people, that "her smile is warm, and I could be happy forever about it.". Ever since she was at a young age everyone told her to smile with a smile that "is a rival to the sun". As she grows up, she carries this on. She has demonstrated that she hates being lied to and finding out that someone she cares about has lied to her is one of the worst sins a person can commit in her eyes.  
o   Kind-heart
o   Fearless
o   Adventurous
o   Have faith in others
o   Courageous
·       Dwells on bad times
·       Impulsive
·       Inpatient
·       Restless
·       Short-tempered
She is the daughter of Leia and Han Solo. she loves her family, even though sometimes she felt she favour her brother. When she was little, she creates a bond with her father by flying. She was never close to her brother, but she still loves him. She always had a connection with the force, even though she couldn’t really use it. She able to feel people emotion, able to understand them and tell when people were lying. She was also able to see and feel the spirit of her grandfather and able to talk to her. She likes to talk to him about what on her mind and asked for his advice. He became a mentor to her.
When she was 15 she was sent with her brother to the Jedi temple to become a Jedi. She didn’t really want to but want to make her mum and dad proud. When she was there she didn’t have many friends and felt lonely. She was very popular, and people talk to her but only because of her name so many people hated her because of that.  She was very good in some area but couldn’t use to force proudly or fully. But her grandfather spirit helps her used the force and taught her. Luke was there for her and help her but favour her brother.
But she did have one friend, they ever told each other names but they create a bond, that could be broken. He was a training to be a pilot near there. (it was a camp). He gave her a bracelet that was promised to always find her.
But one day her brother went to the dark side and killed everyone. He tried to convict her to join him, but she said No and never will, so he stabs her and felt her die. She almost died but the force kept her alive until the rebellion came to save her. She closes herself off after that and throws herself into her work.
she travels the world and helps people. She creates a name for herself. She did use the force in these missions but only if she had too because she couldn’t really use it. The main reason that her name got big because she was helping a village, but they need more supplies, so she decides to go the first order and steal some of the supplies.  And she did it without getting caught.
She is the one person that steal from them without getting caught or killed, that how the news spread that they were a Jedi helping people, but it would never show itself and do it in disappear as soon it came. They called it their spirit walker. The reason why she didn’t get caught was that her grandfather gave her a necklace that protects her and makes sure the first order doesn’t find her. It erased anyone mind if they see her, but only if she doesn’t want to be seen or notice. That way she never got caught the necklace would make sure she is safe, and no one would find her.
But most importantly it helps her know who she can trust and not to trust. The necklace would grow for a different thing. (blue for someone you can trust, red for untrusty, yellow for when she is happy, light blue for when she is sad, dark purple for when she is scared, green for love of her family, violet for love of her friends, black for the dark side, white for peace or relax, pink is for love or romance and so much more).
He told her that this is very important for her future and it would help her in life and that she should never take it off. She trusts him, so she never did.
One day, her mum contacted her for a special mission. About finding a special look and she agrees, after a lot of searching and dipping she went to the place she thought it was, but she bumped into someone. He almost ruined the mission because he was attracting attention and some stormtuber saw them and thought they were trouble, so they ran. He got injured and even though he almost ruined your mission, that necklace was growly blue, so she knew she could trust him.
He tried to lie to you about why he was out, but you could tell when you were lying. He finally told you that he wasn’t supposed to be out, but he heard about the mission and wanted to find out it and help. You admired that and told him so, but he couldn’t help you, that the general only spent you and it was too dangers. After a lot of agreeing he finally agrees to go back to the base but only if after you finish it you would tell him, and you agree. And like when you were a child you still didn’t tell each other names. Both of you felt a connection and that night you two talk and laugh.
But after that, he had two leave and go back to the base. You two said your goodbye and before he left he said, “you know, I am going to find you, so you can tell me about this mission” and wink. And for the first time, your necklace would grow a pink.
You were surprised because it never glows that colour and you told him, you didn’t know what it meant. Little did neither of you know that was the start your happy ending, the thing you both would fight for and your first love that you will love forever. With a final goodbye and a kiss on the cheek, he got in his ship and left but when he left you said, “you will always find me, but force doesn’t let me see him again”.  
After that you continued your mission. You did find the book and learned about the chosen one that your grandfather was chosen to destroy the empire and the force has chosen someone to destroy the first order and start a new world with the help with a starship. you were able to escape but you didn’t know what to do, this book was too dangers for the rebellion or the first order to have. But you didn’t finish reading what you started, it said that two people from the same family will fight and the light one will win in the end, but blood will be spirit.
And all it said about the future. You decide to write down what it said and burned the book so no-one will know about it. It was too dangers. You went back to the rebellion base and went with your mother. She was happy to see but wanted to know what happened you told her everything and showed her what it said and what you did. She thought you did the right thing and you two decide to keep this a secret. And she convicted you two join the Rebellion. After a lot of thought, you said yes and became a commander and her adviser. your job was that you were a pilot for mission, in the meantime to teach new recruits, and help with your mum with anything she needs.  
Soon learn that the man that almost ruined your mission, was there. Your mother introduced both of you even though both of you already meant. You two decide to keep it a secret because he wasn’t supposed to be out. You didn’t tell him all about your mission and he did respect that, but you tell him a little about it. You two became friend’s quickie and soon best friends. You still went on a mission as the spirit walker, somewhere in secret, somewhere from your mother, if it was a dangerous one, Poe would come with you. even though you couldn’t tell him all the mission, you always told him a little bit.
You again made a name for yourself in the base and is one of the most about in the base for much different reason. Because you’re a Leia and Han daughter, you get a lot of attention just from that, alone. You work very closely with your mother, so people asked a lot of question. She very admired form the base because of her pilot skills, and her intelligence, especially with battle plans. You also got a lot of attention because you were a commander, but you didn’t have to up the ranks.
But You became the hope for a lot of people, They all can tell that you really cared about the retaliation and fiercely loyal and protective friend. she is willing to go down fighting for her friends, regardless of how futile it might seem. you became the hope for some people Because she always knew what to say to get everyone to believe in winning, before every mission you would do a small pep talk. Almost everyone thought you would become the new generally if something happened to Leia. You and Leia deceived to keep it a secret that you were the spirit walker and only close people knew who you really were and are.
And the force helps someone if they are rude, question your help or closed the line with you or to anyone you cared for she will become is a very strict person, criticizing the bad behaviour and habits of the other guild members, causing most of them to apologize, fearing that they might invoke her wrath. And if you don’t you will she will become show her fire, wit and spunk, and put them in their place, you take absolutely zero shit from anyone and will defend your friends and family, with a heartbeat. You got this from your mum and dad, which both did this when they were younger.  you always know if you were up to something good or bad.
But you had a problem even though you were admired and there were people generally kind to you or just respected you. but there were still people would still be wanting to talk to you because of your name and people tried to charm you for different reason, some just because you were attractive and just want to have a hook up, some want to go up the ranks and some because of admiration but there were only a few who wanted to get to know you for you. You still had some people that were your friends that really cared for you, and it didn’t really border you, but sometimes it did, and you would think about it a lot. But your friends and family help you through it.
of the force awakens and the last Jedi.  
(Mother/creator)- you were always close with her and you loved her. she was always there for you. You are being the biggest emotional crutch for her especially in hard times and giving her hope and strength. After the temple got destroyed and she asked could she leave and travel the galaxy, she understands why and said she could but write to her daily and came visit which she did. But one day she found out about a book with had a legend that shows the future, which could have changed everything, she only trusts her daughter with it. After the mission, she asked her to join the rebellion and became a Commander and her adviser.
And after a lot of convicting she said yes, her always asking you for your opinion about decisions she must make and really relying on your judgement. She always asking you for your opinion about decisions she must make and really relying on your judgement Especially when it comes to new people. She always makes sure that you know that you can also always talk to her when something wrong and you’re important to him. She always felt an urge to protect you even though she known are strong and know how to handle yourself.  
She always looks after you and makes sure you are safe. she is being able to comprehend that you want to be alone when you feel like it and telling people to back off when they annoy you or want to urge you to something you don’t want to. 
(Father/creator)- you weren’t very close with your dad but that change because you always wanted to fly. And you finally confused him to teach you how to fly. You two created a boned of this. Sometimes you would call him Popes and it would make him smile.  He always protects you from any harm and encoring you to the right thing. He asked you advised all the time about everything, and really take what you said to heart.  He is always getting you stuff he thought you might like making you laugh and he get embarrassed by how much he knows you. but when we went away you missed him.
You tried to contact him, but it didn’t work. So, after year, you meet him on the falcon. There were so many emotions, so you did the first thing that came to your minded, you hit him. After a lot of agreeing, you told him everything how you felt and that him leaving broke you. and you are still receiving only a few people in the galaxy see the real her. He was shocked but for a time saw him how much him leaving broke you.  He told you that he was truly sorry and that he was so proud of you. You two had a big heart to heart. And that day you two talk about life and had a good laugh.
You felt like you had your father back. You that was short last because when you two were doing a dangers mission, you both felt that he wasn’t coming home. On that moment on the fly con you two said your goodbye, he told you that he was truly sorry, he was so proud of you, that this wasn’t your fault. But to live your life, enjoy it and have an epic adventure. That you are going to rule the world. You told him that you love him, and you forgive him and that you will. On that day he gave you two guns he made for you for a goodbye gift and it has L.solo on it.
(brother)- You were never really close to your brother. You were always in your brother shadow. You loved him but weren’t that closed with him. And once he loved you too, saw you as his little sister that he wanted to protect. but when he went to the dark side because he saw the power in you even if you didn’t see it yourself. He wanted you to rule by his side, but you said no, and you never will. Then you two started to fight because it didn’t join in you were against him and you need to die. he was determined to kill you and he almost did.  He stabbed you and left you to die. He thought he killed you that night. but the fours kept you alive until the rebellion came to save you. her brother despises her and pretends she doesn’t exist because she is the living reminder of that “weakness” in him because he fears that you are more powerful than him.
Until he found out that there was a Map too Luke Skywalker and he need to find it. When we went to the place he found, her and Poe. He was shocked and took you and Poe.
Once you were you were in your cell and wake, he started to ask you question about how you survived. And a little bit in him still cared about you. He saw how much you grow to a beautiful strong woman and she was still strong with the force. Once you didn’t answer, you tried to read your mind, you tried to fight him. He saw that you still didn’t know about the power in you, you cared about the piolet but most important the book. But before he could read more, he heard a voice in his ear, a voice that was projecting you and he admired because once of his darkness, Anakin Skywalker.
“let her go Boy!” it said, it scared him and realised you could talk to him, he yelled at you about how and about the book, he wanted that book because he knew if he got it, he could destroy the rebellion and he was trying to talk to him for years. You made him bad because you said he never will and never tell him where it was or what was inside it.  He tried to torture you, but you were too powerful than him and push him back. So, he decides to try something new, he took you to Poe and torture him and said if you told him to wear it was he would stop. And you told him where it was. But once you escape he wanted to get you back to answer and the book. He feared you because you knew about the book and read it. And you would be more powerful than him and destroyed him.
When she was 16, she started to train to be a Jedi by Luke but couldn’t properly use the fours. She was the best student in political strategy, galactic law, the science and language. She wrote everything she learned in a notebook, so she never forgets.  But she couldn’t use the fours properly, so she wasn’t able to do half of the training. She was trained by Master Luke. But he always favours her brother inside of her, so he spends more time with him than her. Because of this felt alone. But her grandfather spirit has been watching her and helping her with the force. She was always able to see him and talk to him.  
She could use the force but not fully. He helped her and his spirit is in her protecting her, guiding her, he saw all the power in her, and saw her pure heart, even if she didn’t see it herself. When she felt like she was going to give up, he could encourage her not too. He always says that even though she could use the fours fully, she has the heart of a Jedi and ever give up on that. He became a mentor to her. Luke was three for her and help her but still favour her brother.
After the temple got destroyed, she never got to finish her training. She gave up on being a Jedi because of what happened, but she did a little hope. she would make sure that all the knowledge she learned wouldn’t fade, and parasitic it in secrets.
(political strategy, galactic law, the science and language.) and with the help with her grandfather, she was able to be kept able to use the force (even though she couldn’t use it fully). but when the force open to her, she wanted to finish her training and became Jedi.
So, when she and Rey went to find Luke and bring him home, she got him to finish her training. Over a few days, he taught her, to use a lightsabre, control, and the ways in the force and techniques (force jump, telekinesis, force pull, push, force persuasion) and its three application. She writes everything she learned over those days in a notebook, so she never forgets like she did before. Before he did, he told about how proud he was of her and that she was finished with her training and now she was a true Jedi, like he saw in her.
Love Interest:
Your love life was very strange. You never really had a boyfriend, you lose some much in your life that you were afraid of the idea of love. You meet Poe when you were teenagers (you were 17 and he was 21). You were running away from you bully’s, he and BB-8 founded you and bandage you up. And for that day on, you three would meet up. But you never told each other’s names but neither of your minds that, you both like that you didn’t have to pretend to be something else because of a name. but once the temple got destroyed.   You close yourself off and throw yourself in work. You would travel the plants in your ship and do-little mission to help people.
One day Your mum contacted you to do a secret mission that only you she trusts with. And you agree after a lot of thought. When you were on that mission you bumped into Poe. They didn’t recognise each other because they were both now adults and didn’t know each other names.  He wasn’t supposed to be out. He almost ruined your mission, he got injured when both of you were running away from storm tuber.
Your sticker him up for some reason they both contact to each other, something was pulling to each other. Little did you know that once you both made a promise to always find each other and they did. That night you both talk tonight away and laugh forgetting about the world. But he had to leave, and you had to get back on the mission.
A few months later you went to the rebellion to see your mother and you saw Poe. Your mother wanted you to say and became a commander. And after a lot of thinking, you said yes. She introduced you to two even though you two already meet. You two became best friend overnight Poe develops a crush on you. But you were still afraid of the idea of love, you lose some many people, and you were afraid the idea of lose him.
But little did you know he already made a promise to himself to steal your heart and make you his. Before when you were young you had a big crush on him but you still do a little, but you were afraid to love him.  
One day, after you two were reunited after you both thought each other died, but you found a bracelet he made for you. and he realised who you were, he showed you the drawing he did of it. When he made it. And you realised too. That when you both had your first kiss.  
| (if you guys don’t come back alive, I’m going to be really pissed)|
  Pleace don't copy my idea, I spent awhole mouth working on this idea and making it. It was a lot of hard work.
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liannyeong · 7 years
So put your hands up (if you like me)
Summary: Beneath all that warm and sunny side to Park Sungjin, he was the coldest person she ever met.
Word count: 2959
Pairing: Sungjin X OC
Warning(s): uhh 80% slightly angsty... i believe it’s slightly.
A/N: Based on this. Okay tbh I don’t really like the title but it’s the only thing I could think of with my tired brain. and uh if you actually knew the song (and actually sang it when you read the title) then you’d know that it’s We The King’s Say You Like Me. OH and I’m not really pleased with the ending but well this idea has been on the shelves for so long and I actually wrote like the first half of it longggggg ago and it was chucked away and finally, i pulled it back out and finished it off. :D Achievement unlocked!
She doesn't remember the exact moment she fell for him, but she does remember how her heart flutters at every act he did. The way he smiles, it was as if he was the sun: bright, warm, blinding. His pearl white teeth gets exposed, and his eyes crinkle into small slits. The way he laughs, it was the most beautiful thing she has ever heard. His shoulders would shake and his hand would go up to his mouth to cover it. He would lean sideways, and then straighten his back up again the next moment. The way he brushes his hair back everytime his bangs fall onto his forehead, it was dazzling. She doesn't understand why he keeps his hair at that length when he's always pushing it away. Nevertheless, she thinks he's gorgeous.
She couldn't remember how she first saw him, but she can remember the way he stands on stage with his bandmates. A guitar slung over his torso, guitar picks slotted at the microphone stand. She remembers the way he would move to the music, mouthing the lyrics when it wasn't his part. She remembers the way he threads his hair back, the way sweat collects at his forehead and trickles down to his chin. She remembers his wide smile as he performs, and the way his face scrunches as he pours out his feelings into an emotional song.
She remembers all the beautiful things of him, but it hurts so bad. The memories of the beautiful side of him brings ache to her chest, and it burns her eyes. All beautiful things come with a price, and falling for dashing male like him brought great tragedy to her.
Beneath all that warm and sunny side to Park Sungjin, he was the coldest person she ever met.
"I like you," she confesses, cheeks flustered in a deep shade of red, head a little bowed. She stands right in front of the brunette-haired boy, who is clad in a baseball cap and a plain black shirt, paired with navy jeans. He has a haversack slung over his shoulder, a hand gripping onto the strap, the other shoved into the front pocket of his pants.
There's a long pause and a blank stare from him.
"Okay," he says slowly, tone indifferent. "So?"
She rarely sees Sungjin around after the confession, all thanks to the huge university campus and their different majors. Their faculty buildings are far apart, minimizing any opportunity of bumping into each other. She tries not to look out for him in the crowd, but it has become a habit for all the years of liking him. She tries to avoid going for any musical performances that the university would hold, but she always end up going anyway, what more with her friends that love such events. She ends up being dragged along, painfully watching the boy she likes performing on stage. As much as she wants to run away at the sight of him, she wants to stay, wants to see the beautiful boy she falls for again. She thinks it is fine, liking him from afar, pretending nothing happened. She thinks she would be fine living like that for the rest of her university years. 
That was what she thought.
Their eyes meet and in that second, she feels putty all over. Her legs feel wobbly, and she swears she could have collapsed right there. There is a flash of recognition in Sungjin's eyes, but it disappears way too soon for her to confirm it. His eyes go elsewhere, and she feels her chest constricting. It becomes hard for her to breathe and subconsciously, she takes a step back. She needs something to hold on to, wants to grab onto her friend but at the same time, she doesn't wish to drag the mood of her friends down. So she ends up backing up till the end of the crowd, before turning around and dashing off far from the sound of the concert. She bolts into the nearest washroom, slamming the door shut and locking herself up in the furthest cubicle. She pants hard, hands pressed against the door, body bent forward as she tries to catch her breath. Her eyes prick and in a matter of seconds, tears fall. She slides herself down, squatting right in front of the door, burying her face into her knees, wrapping her arms around them.
Of course Sungjin would not feel anything when he sees her. Of course Sungjin would pretend not to know her. What was she expecting? It's been months, close to a year! So many days of avoiding her like the plague, pretending like she's invisible. Besides, having being coldly treated, of course it meant that Sungjin doesn't care if they bump into each other in the streets randomly.
She lets her tears drench her black jeans. Her legs ache so much for staying in that squatting position for so long, but she doesn't care. Her legs start feeling numb, but she reckons it is better that way. Perhaps soon her heart will go numb too, and there would be no more pain when she sees him.
She lost track of time in the cubicle, until she feels vibration in her pocket. She wipes her tears away, and pulls her phone out of her pocket. The clock on her phone shows that it's 11.12pm, and she bets the concert's long over. Her friends have sent her messages, asking about her whereabouts. She comes up with the lamest excuse ever "bad tummy ache :(" just to be left alone.
She stays in the cubicle for awhile more, before standing up slowly, letting the blood flows down to her lower limbs. Then she exits the cubicle, approaching the sink. She looks into the mirror, her eyes all puffy and red from the crying, her face badly stained with tears. She splashes her face with water, hoping it would wash away the tears she has cried. And perhaps also wash the pain away, along with her memories of Sungjin.
Days went by and she goes by as if nothing happened. She goes to her classes, laughs about as per normal. Her friends doesn't see the pain beneath all those smiles. They don't realize that she has not rested properly, for she has been busy all week long: catching up on studies, hanging out with friends, just doing something. She doesn't stop for a moment for herself. She keeps herself occupied with various activities because she knows that if she were to be left alone, her mind would be lost to the thoughts of Sungjin. She would constantly think of him, and it would not be good emotionally.
She's at the crossroad just outside the vicinity of her university campus, arms crossed as she waits for the green man. Her ears are plugged with her earpiece, blasting songs of various genres: from rock to ballads to EDM to jazz, and perhaps one or two classical music. She leans against the traffic post, staring into space. She sees the green light comes on in her peripheral vision, and just crosses the road without thought. Just then, she was pulled back abruptly. The next thing she knows, she's on the concrete ground, propped on her elbows and staring at the cars that drive by.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed? It wasn't the green man that flashed, but the green light for the vehicles!" a rather husky voice booms over the loud traffic. She blinks at the road, before slowly tilting her head up, her gaze directed towards a male that towers over her. A frown across his forehead, hidden behind the strands of dark brown hair.
"Get up, will you? People are looking at you weirdly," he says again. His hand is stretched out in front of her, and she's tempted to take it, but resists instead. God knows what would happen to her heart if she took that large hand. She pushes herself up and brushes the dust off her hands and clothes. Sungjin seems to be taken aback that she didn't take his hand, but she doesn't comment on it.
"Thank you," she says quickly, avoiding looking at him at all costs. She sticks close to the traffic light post, wanting to get away as far as possible from the male. The green man finally lights up and she scurries across the road. She walks as fast as her legs could take her, wanting to disappear from the male's sight for good. However, the male catches up to her. He keeps a safe distance between them, never too close nor too far. He's always there, as if he's a guardian angel sent to protect her. But no, she doesn't need protection from someone who hurt her.
"What are you doing?" she questions, a little agitated that the male is hot on her heels. They're at another road junction, the red man on.
"Ensuring you're safe till you reach your destination," he says so casually, as if it's a norm to do that. 
"I'm an independent woman if you haven't noticed. I'm a grown up and I can take care of myself!" she barks.
"Yeah? And you can't look left and right before crossing the road, when an elementary school kid knows that?" he retorts. She falls silent, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. It wasn't her fault that she was distracted. She was just lost in thoughts. It's not really her fault. Blame the thoughts instead! She wants to argue back but she's pushed across the road, like a ball caught in the ocean currents. Why, oh why, is Sungjin doing this to her? What is he trying to do by being her 'knight in shining armor'?
As soon as they safely crossed over, she swats his arm away. "Thank you, really, but I'm fine from here," she says coldly.
"How far left?" Sungjin ignores her statement.
"Not far, so you can go back," she dismisses him. She turns on her heels to her right, and was about to take a step when Sungjin speaks again. "Let me walk you there then, since it's near."
"No thank you." She glares at him.
He ignores her once more. "Let's go," he says airily, walking towards her direction.
"Why are you doing this?" she bursts out, halting Sungjin in his tracks. "Stop doing this. Stop it. Just go away!" She sends a piercing gaze at him, demanding for answers. Her fists are clenched tight at her sides, and her teeth is gritted tight. Sungjin lets out a sigh, and closes the gap between them.
"I know you hate me right now. After all that happened. But I..." he hesitates. "I saw you at my gig the other night. I didn't expect you to turn up after all that happened."
"What's it to you if I came or not?" she snaps. She thinks she's seeing things when there is a flicker of hurt in Sungjin's face. She reckons it's real, but at the same time, how can it be? Sungjin, who has been avoiding her like the plague after her confession, can't be feeling hurt by it. He treated her coldly, ignoring her as if she was invisible to his eyes. But what if that hurt expression is real? What would it mean? No! she shouts to herself internally. She convinces herself that she doesn't care of hurling harsh words at him. That she doesn't care if she hurts him now. He deserves it!
But she ends up saying "My friends dragged me to watch it anyway," just to ease the atmosphere. "Not like I wanted to be there anyway," she adds quickly. A lie. 
"I know."
"You do?" She raises her eyebrows, surprised.
"I gave Youngju the tickets. I..." Sungjin trails off, eyes on the ground, head hung low, a hand scratching the back of his neck. It's as if he's guilty of something. "I wanted to see if you'd come."
Her eyes widen. Did he hoped for her to come? But... why? Does he have feelings for her? Or is it that he want to atone for his sins? 
"I saw your friends. But I only saw a glimpse of you. In the next moment you were gone. I thought I was imagining things but Youngju told me you came."
"What's it to you if I came or not?" she repeats her question, her tone as sharp as before, though this time, she's really curious of his answer.
"Because I wanted to see you," Sungjins answers a while later, his eyes flicking into hers. "I was wrong, in the past. I treated you coldly, I avoided you, I ignored you. I became a jerk after you confessed your feelings. I was just..." He seems exasperated at saying his thoughts out. "I just didn't know how to handle it. It was something new to have someone confess to me and I was just so damn clueless about what to do. That's why I avoided you. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I had the same feelings, if I liked you back or not. I was afraid I'd give you false hopes. That it was all nothing but a lie. That if I told you to wait if my feelings are the same, you'd be waiting for so long. I was afraid of so many things and I just didn't know how to handle it all and I'm just so sorry for the hurt I have caused you," Sungjin rattles on non-stop. While it's a little too much of information for her head to process at one go, she appreciates that he's giving her the answer she wanted. She's pleased that he's telling her the truth.
"It's all in the past anyway. It's been nearly a year," she concludes. "You don't have to worry anymore." She doesn't wish her old wound to be cut open once again, although it has never healed yet.
"Do you not like me anymore?"
Her heart stops for a second, her mouth sealed shut. How can she answer such a question? When has she stopped liking him? Never. As much as Sungjin has hurt her unintentionally now that she knows the truth, her feelings didn't stop growing. During those painful times when Sungjin decided to treat her invisible, she had watched him from afar. She loved him from afar, capturing and storing the beautiful moments of him laughing hard, his perfectly straight white teeth flashing brightly in the sea of crowded people. It's during these moments when she notices more about him than before. She notices the change in his hairstyles despite the fact that he maintains the length: from his bangs being down and settled against his forehead to being slicked back smartly. She notices how he would play with the piercings on his left ear as he speaks when he's a little nervous. And how he would get lost in the music that his band plays for their performances, his eyes closed, his head tilted back a little as he strums his guitar. And when he takes his turn in singing, his a little husky voice complements the music so beautifully. She has never stopped liking him. Not even once.
"I never stopped liking you," she confesses. "I never did." She forces a smile though it feels too tight on her lips. "So if you're gonna reject me once again, I'm-"
"I like you too," Sungjin confesses, his cheeks colored in a dark shade of red.
"W-what?" she blurts out, rather speechless at the sudden revelation.
"I'm not repeating it again!" Sungjin exclaims, his cheeks flushed with an even darker shade of red, which has already spread to his whole face.
They fall in silence, but her thoughts are whizzing about messily. Her legs go wobbly as her mind rewinds to the moment seconds ago. Did Sungjin just confessed to her? She feels as if her legs are melting, not able to keep her upright. Her insides are churning as if there are butterflies all over, wanting to escape. She feels as if her chest can split open to let those butterflies out. Like a broken record, her mind keeps replaying that same words that he uttered. The next thing she knows, she sees a bright white light in the distance and she wonders if it's all a dream. She's pulled back, and nearly - very nearly - she could have fallen into his arms. They stand facing each other in close proximity. Sungjin's arm is half-wrapped around her though she doesn't feel his hand at all. She looks over her shoulder and realizes that it's because his hand grasps at her bag. She has to crane her neck up to look at the male's face properly. Upclose like this, she can see how flawless his skin is, how clean it is from any acne and pimples. There's a little stubble along his chin, but otherwise, smooth.
"Why are you always trying to get yourself killed?" Sungjin asks, adding a small laugh afterwards. He lets go off her bag, and steps back, providing the considerable gap they always maintained.
"You're the one who's killing me." She smiles wide. Sungjin chuckles, and nods in agreement.
"Are you heading home?" he nods at the direction they were supposed to be walking long ago.
She nods.
"Shall I send you home then?"
She smiles wide and nods again. Gone are the days when she liked him from afar. Gone are the days when she had to constantly battle the pain of liking him. They stroll along the street, side by side, catching up with all the times they missed. Everything's good now. 
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dracoandluna · 7 years
Prompt: Wedding Crasher
Draco was miserable. This, he knew, was not what most people felt on the day of their wedding.
He stared glumly out the window in the room that had been his since he was born. The day was bright and sunny, the perfect spring day- a perfect contrast to the gray clouds that swirled within his mind.
"Draco, it's time for you to take your place," his father's voice cut through his solemn thoughts, and he turned to where father was standing in the archway of his door. Lucius was dressed in regal black robes that probably cost more than what most people made in a year. Draco was dressed in even more expensive robes.
Stifling a sigh, he nodded to his father and followed him outside, where to ceremony was to take place.
Taking in the setting, Draco had to give it to his mother, Narcissa had truly outdone herself this time. It was to be expected of course, this was the one and only wedding of the Malfoy heir, it was an event that was to be talked about for months by the rest of the aristocratic pureblood society.
Taking his place at the end of the red carpet on a raised stand, Draco hardly noticed the coy smile Zabini, his best man gave him. In the crowd he caught sight of Crabbe and Nott too, but the sight of them didn't make Draco feel any better.
Because he knew with every ounce of his being, the person who he truly wished was here was not present in the crowd. This fact clung heavy on his heart, threatening to break his breastbone in two.
His hands were limp by his side when the organ began to play that tune that sounded more like a death march than anything (ah, irony), indicating Astoria's arrival. He knew his face held no expression when Astoria came into view with her father leading her down the aisle; that was all he could manage honestly, any other attempt would just betray how utterly desolate he felt.
Astoria on her part was playing the beautiful pureblood wife part perfectly, looking at him as if he was the only person in the world. Draco would have snorted had he not been in front of an audience, he knew how little she cared for him. The feeling was mutual.
Moving his eyes away from his proceeding wife-to-be, he glanced over at the audience on the bride's side. His mouth nearly fell open from shock.
There sitting in the stands as if she were right at home was none other than Luna Lovegood.
He knew for a bloody fact that neither his, nor Astoria's family had invited her. In fact, when his and Luna's relationship had been discovered by his parents, it was all Draco could do to stop his father from exiling the poor girl to the other side of the globe.
Luna on her part only smiled and waved at him when she noticed his heavy gaze on her, which partly made Draco want to smash his head into a wall in frustration and partly made him want to run over and sweep her over into his arms.
Looking closely, Draco noticed that there was a slight gray blurring around her, indicating a Notice Me Not charm. Unable to help himself, he smiled. He would notice Luna even if she was wearing Potter's infamous invisibility cloak.
Astoria had reached her spot besides him at the altar, forcing Draco to move his gaze from Luna to his wife to be. Now that the audience couldn't see the whole of her face, her eyes had dimmed considerably, and Draco realized glumly that neither of them wanted this wedding to go through; him more than ever now that he knew Luna was there.
But Draco was a coward, so he only stood there like a simpering fool as the ancient vows were read aloud, his body feeling like lead, gaze on Astoria's face, but vision unfocused.
"And now, if anyone has any objection to whether or not these two people should be united in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace," the ancient looking man read from the paper in his hands, not even bothering to look up. It was absolutely unheard of for any interruption during an aristocratic pureblood marriage to have happened.
The time of two heartbeats passed when a sweet tinkling voice called out, "I do."
Draco whirled towards Luna so quickly he actually stumbled. There she stood, with an easy confidence and a dreamy smile, her right hand raised in the summer air.
A collective gasp went throughout the audience, and everyone, including his fiery father, were stunned silent.
Taking the quiet as an ok to continue (the pastor was too shocked to ask her a follow up question; in his 50 years of service, no one had actually bloody spoken up), Luna continued.
"Draco and I love each other, very much if I may add, and I do believe that he will be utterly unhappy marrying someone else."
Draco stood with his mouth hanging open, when it fell even further open.
"You!" Robert Greengrass bellowed. "My family did not take the side of neutrality during the war just for a blood traitor like yourself to steal our youngest daughter's husband!"
Instantly everyone began whispering furiously, but Luna stood her ground, not at all looking affected by the outburst.
"Now let's all calm down here," Narcissa spoke up, trying to do some damage control before the ceremony went to complete shit. She held a tight grip on Lucius's wand arm, Draco noted in the back of his mind, still overwhelmed by what was happening.
Suddenly, the cunning mind of his that had landed him in Slytherin began working, and a slow smirk began to grow on Draco's face.
Quickly schooling his features into one of abject horror, Draco took a dramatic step away from Astoria.
"Mr. Greengrass!" he exclaimed, placing a hand on top of his racing heart, making sure he had the attention of everyone present. He could feel Luna smiling at him.
"The Malfoy family was coerced to do terrible things in the name of ideologies we do not believe in!" Draco half lied. He had been forced to do a lot of things, but at the time, he had believed in that pureblood supremancy bullshit. "I for one, refuse to be associated with a family that still holds on to beliefs that were held by Voldemort!"
Oh hell yeah, Draco had just fucking name dropped the dark lord. The reporters present were furiously scribbling down what was transpiring, and Draco was growing nearly blind by all the flash photography.
"Draco!" his father hissed, but Draco interrupted him by raising a hand.
"I Draco Lucius Malfoy, cannot and will not in good conscious move forward with this marriage, due to principle and integrity," he announced, before turning to Luna, who had made her way towards him during all the excitement.
"And will instead be honored to take the hand of the fair and lovely Luna Lovegood, esteemed war hero and close friend of Harry Potter," he wanted to gag speaking for the bloody choosen one in such a fond tone, but he had to effectively and publicly trap his parents so that they could later make no objection to him marrying Luna.
At once the reporters hounded him, asking him a million questions a minute. Astoria looked relieved, and Mrs. Greengrass looked as if she were seconds away from cursing a pale Robert Greengrass.
Lucius Malfoy was visibly shaking, but to Draco's utter smugness, could not say anything lest putting himself on the fast track back to Azkaban for treachery. Narcissa was tight lipped but her eyes were relaxed; she understood that he had effectively raised the Malfoy name in society, despite going against their wishes.
Draco cared nothing about this all, for he finally had what he wished for.  Leaning down to give Luna a kiss square on his lips, Draco apparated them both away.
Who needed to be brave when you had Luna Lovegood to save you?
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lazyupdates · 6 years
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2018 has been a rather eventful year for Bollywood so far. One thing that we learnt in this year is that Indian audiences are looking for good content in movies. Gone are the days when having an A-list star in your film was good enough to attract people in numbers. Times have changed and Bollywood is adapting to the change as well. Movies like Raazi and PadMan might not have performed at the box office the same way had they released a few years back. So, with first half of 2018 gone by, we list some of Bollywood’s best offerings so far.
Padmaavat Director: Sanjay Leela Bhansali Release Date: 25 January, 2018
Padmaavat was directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The film is loosely based on the poem Padmaavat which was written by Malik Muhammad Jayasi. The movie stars Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor in leading roles. Aditi Rao Hydari, Jim Sarbh, Raza Murad, and Anupriya Goenka featured in supporting roles. With a budget of approximately INR 190 crore, Padmaavat is regarded as one of the most expensive films to be made in India. Initially, Padmaavat was scheduled for a release on 1 December 2017. However, due to Karni Sena protests the release got delayed and the makers had to face an uphill battle for its release. The Karni Sena requested the government for a nation-wide ban on the film and even went far as putting a bounty on Deepika Padukone. Eventually, when the film did release there was no stopping it from setting the box-office on fire. Padmaavat was a story about Rani Padmavati, who felt sacrificing her life was better than surrendering to the enemy. In the movie, Sultan Allauddin Khilji (Ranveer Singh) tries everything he can to get Rani Padmavati who was married to Maharawal Ratan Singh (Shahid Kapoor) at the time. Khilji was an extremely powerful ruler who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Bhansali made use of technology to recreate the era. Real-life sets were used as well and the result was a never-seen-before opulence. The film made clever use of IMAX technology and 3D, which gave it depth and added to its grandness. Ranveer’s portrayal of Allauddin Khilji was something Bollywood had never witnessed before. The character of Khilji was so dark and intense that even playing the character on screen took a toll on Ranveer Singh. When asked about the same Ranveer said.”It was a huge risk. I was very apprehensive about taking the risk but Bhansali was very persistent in his pursuit of me and he is the one who convinced me that I would be able to pull it off. I went with his conviction. I can never say no to Bhansali, given the amount he has contributed to my career and to me as an artiste.”
Padmaavat broke many box-office records and made it to the 300 crepe club too.
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Pad Man Release Date: 9 February, 2018 Director: R Balki
Through PadMan, Akshay was trying to convey the story of Arunachalam Muruganantham, who invented a low-cost sanitary pad making machine and helped spread awareness about menstrual hygiene in rural India. Akshay Kumar’s main purpose in doing the movie is to break the taboo around this biological fact, more so in the rural areas of India. The makers of Pad Man made it with a vision of spreading awareness not the commercial aspect. In India, it is not a surprise that movies are watched by everyone and everywhere. So, Akshay tried to utilise this median to give out the message he wanted. Apart from this, the makers felt that this will even give an impetus to politicians to take matters like these more seriously. Akshay also stated in an interview with a leading daily, that his biggest victory of Pad Man was the fact that people are able to talk about sanitary pads openly. The film release date was scheduled for 13 April 2018, however it was later changed to 26 January 2018. But, on 19 January it was announced that Pad Man has postponed its release to 9 February 2018 to avoid a clash with Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmaavat. The main reason for the delay in the release of Pad Man was known when Akshay Kumar revealed that Sanjay Leela Bhansali had requested him to postpone the release of his film in order to avoid a clash. In an interaction with the media, AKshay Kumar said, “He (Sanjay Leela Bhansali) has gone through a lot. It is essential for them to release the film at this time, their stakes are higher than mine,”. The film received an amazing response from the audience and went on to do business worth INR 120 crores globally.
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Sonu Ki Titu Ki Sweety Release Date: 23 February, 2018 DIrector: Luv Ranjan
Sonu Ki Titu Ki Sweety was a comedy drama which was directed by Luv Ranjan. The movie starred Kartik Aaryan, Nushrat Barucha and Sunny Singh in leading roles. The combination of Kartik and Luv has already delivered hits like Pyaar Ka Punchnama and Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2. Although the movie received mixed reviews from the critics, it was a hit with the audience. The movie revolves around two friends, Sonu (Kartik Aaryan) and Titu (Sunny Singh). The two are shown to be the best of friends, but things change when Sweety (Nushrat Barucha) comes into their lives. Sonu is fed up with dating girls and believes that getting married will solve his problems of dealing with heartbreak. His family arranges a meeting for him with Sweety and they instantly hit off. Sweety is shown to be the “perfect bride”. But, Sonu finds this too good to be true and starts getting doubts about her. Eventually, Sonu finds out from Sweety herself that she is a schemer and plans to do the same with Titu. Despite several attempts of breaking the marriage, Sonu couldn’t succeed. At the night of the wedding, Sonu gives Titu an ultimatum saying that “It is either her or me.” Titu valued his friendship more than anything else in the world so he sacrificed his love for Sonu as well. Eventually, he finds out that Sonu was not just speculating but there was actual truth in what he was saying. Sonu Ki Titu Ki Sweety became the sleeper hit of the year. The collaboration of Luv Ranjan and Kartik Aaryan has already worked wonders at the box office with the Pyar Ka Punchnama series but with Sonu Ki Titu Ki Sweety the took it a notch higher.
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Raid Release Date: 16 March 2018 Director : Raj Kumar Gupta
Raid was a crime thriller directed by Rajkumar Gupta and written by Ritesh Shah. The movie featured Ajay Devgn, Illeana D’cruz and Saurabh Shukla. The film was inspired by real life IT raids that were conducted by officers of the Indian Revenue Service during the 1980s. The film was a story about IRS Officer Amey Patnaik (Ajay Devgn), who is the Deputy Commissioner of the Income Tax Department. He once receives an anonymous tip about black money being hoarded by MLA Rameshwar Singh. The movie is about Amey’s chase of the cash, while ensuring his officers and his family are safe. Ajay Devgn’s performance in the film received a lot of praise from the critics and the audience. Ajay played his character of the IRS officer with dedication which made it look very authentic. Saurabh Shukla’s performance as Rameshwar Singh too won hearts of many people. His quirky lines mad his character the most interesting part of the film. The film entered the 100 Crowe club too.
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Raazi Date: 11 May 2018 Director : Meghna Gulzar
Alia Bhatt has perhaps mastered the art of balancing commercial cinema with socially relevant cinema. In fact, she started her career in this way as well. After making her debut with Student of The Year, which was a commercial film, she went ahead and did a film like Highway. We have seen her in films like 2 States and Badrinath Ki Dulhania but to offset these commercial entertainers she also is seen in films like Udta Punjab and Dear Zindagi. Alia Bhatt’s last release Raazi was a film based on the book Calling Sehmat by Harinder Sikka. A novel which was inspired by the almost-unbelievable real-life story of the woman who Sikka named Sehmat, to protect her identity. Harinder Sikka had gone to cover the Kargil war and write about the many intelligence failures of the Indian army. However, during his stint there, an army officer pointed out that there had been people who were risking everything to provide the army with top secret information. Turns out, Sehmat was that army officer’s mother, a Kashmiri Muslim, who married a Pakistani officer to spy and provide classified information to Indian intelligence during the 1971 Indo-Pak war. Harinder was so fascinated by the courage and patriotism of this woman that he tracked her down. He met her in Malerkotla in Punab, where she was living at the time and got her to open up about her life’s story. Credit must go to the director Meghna Gulzar for the way she portrayed Sehmat’s story. Raazi as a film didn’t take any sides. It didn’t portray Pakistan in a bad light nor India in a good one. It showed that humanity and ruthlessness exist on both sides. This is a significant departure from the patriotic films of yesteryear – we are habituated to seeing a good vs evil theme, and having Pakistanis depicted as soulless warmongers. However, it did give us a good glimpse of how many people are sacrificing their lives for our country, something for which they don’t ever get credit for. You’ll feel proud of such unsung heroes of your country after this one! Raazi also went on to be Alia Bhatt’s biggest hit as the litfitime collections of the film amounted to Rs 123.47 crores approx.
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Parmanu Release Date : 25 May 2018 Director : Abhishek Sharma
Parmanu was a recreation of the events that occurred back in 1998 when India tricked the American intelligence while carrying out the successful nuclear testing in Pokhran. John’s character Ashwath is the architect of the plan. He initially formulated the plan in 1995 but was refused when he wanted to bring it in action by his superiors. The government approach him three years later in 1998 and how he executes it with the help of his chosen team forms the crux of the film. That very event changed the world’s perspective towards our nation and it was indeed a proud moment for us all. Parmanu is a tightly scripted film which will give you ample of thrills and drama to keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the film. There are no commercial compromises, and the director has mixed all the elements perfectly to give you a touching patriotic story which proves that unsung heroes can be remembered and honoured on any day. A special mention must go to John Abraham who risked producing a movie on a topic which many would consider tricly. Apart from being a courageous producer of this film, he carried it well on his shoulders as the main lead. He was ably supported by talented actors like Boman Irani, Vikas Kumar and Yogendra Tiku. Diana Penty and Anuja Sathe did justice to their limited characters. The film managed to collect a total of Rs. 65.36 crore during its run at the box office.
Veere Di Wedding Release Date: 1 June 2018 Director: Shashanka Gosh
Veere Di Wedding starred Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja, Swara Bhaskar and Shikha Talsania in leading roles. The movie is designed to push the idea that girls too have fun just like boys. And the performance by the four leads in the film sure do make you believe that. With Veere Di Wedding, Kareena Kapoor Khan made her return to Bollywood after almost two years with her last release being Ki and Ka in 2016 in which she was seen opposite Arjun Kapoor. Kareena plays the role of Kalindi Puri, a commitment phobic girl who is enjoying her relationship with Rishabh Malhotra (Sumeet Vyas) until he proposes. Despite hesitating earlier, Kalindi decides to take the plunge. What follows is a series of hilarious situations that we see in a typical Punjabi wedding. Director Shashanka Gosh ticks all the boxes and does a great job in developing great chemistry amongst the leading ladies which form the crux of the film. The film strongly gives out the message that each one of comes with their own set of flaws and that is okay to not be perfect. The film was more of a wake up call for the society to come on term with today’s times. Girls do drink, smoke and swear and that it is absolutely fine if they do so. Sonam spoke about the same in an interview with a leading daily. She said, “I don’t think this question would be posed to men that you are drinking, smoking and abusing or sexually active, does this make you less of a man? Just because people saw four girls who are in a certain urban setting being realistic to what young urban working women, what their lifestyle is… a lot of us who come from this background, we do curse, we do drink.. And we are sexually active. We are not sitting waiting till we get married. Just because we are showing that on screen why is that becoming an issue? When we allow our male characters to be as close to reality as possible, why can’t we let our women have that?” Veere Di Wedding proved that a film with female characters as leads too can mint money at the box office as the film went on to earn a total of INR 81.13 crores.
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Sanju Director : Rajkumar Hirani Release Date : 29 June 2018
We have been watching him on the big screen since decades now, so watching Sanjay Dutt’s chequered story unfold on screen has naturally got all of us excited and how. Ranbir Kapoor has undergone an amazing body transformation which makes him look and feel like Sanjay Dutt. It’s just not the looks, Ranbir has also managed to imbibe all the mannerisms of Sanjay Dutt. The little things like the tone of his voice and his body language are replicated extremely well by Ranbir on-screen.
The film has a host of other talented actors like Sonam Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Manisha Koirala, Dia Mirza, Paresh Rawal, Vicky Kaushal and Jim Sarbh in the sway as well. The performances by Paresh Rawal and Vicky Kaushal too have received a lot of praise along with Ranbir, since they are playing key characters in the movie as well.
It seems like director Rajkumar Hirani has cracked the formula of what works at the box office and his track record more than justifies that. Sanju has already broken several record’s in a very short time at the box office. The film got the biggest opening for a Bollywood movie in 2018, a title which was held by Salman Khan’s Race 3. The collections of Sanju on 1st July 2018 were the highest for any Hindi film until now. Sanju (INR 46.71 crores) beat the record set by Baahubali 2 (Hindi) (INR 46.50 crores). It has not even been a week since the release of Sanju and the collections already are inching towards the INR 150 crore mark as on the fourth day they stand at INR 145.41 crores.
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