#one thing i love is how mitsugi will see the shit going on and KNOW it's some fuckery afoot and try and warn azuma
i love how mitsugi was lowkey like "i think ppl have been poisoned" and azuma was like "well yeah it could be some virus we don't understand rather than food poisoning!"
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michael-lowell · 6 years
I can’t stop thinking about Paradise ;u;
Now that I did my overrall thoughts, I wanna tackle the endings for a second (well, the ones that have cgs anyways - any ending that doesn’t have a cg is ignored lmao 
Not spoiler free
Mitsugi Good End - I actually really liked that they had one of Azuma’s coworkers actually give a shit about him?? Like ok, as a convenience store worker, you’d be surprised at how some of the people you work start to care about you. Granted, he may have just wanted Azuma back because y’know - more shifts covered LMAO but still. I really liked Mitsugi’s good end! It was comforting to see them being saved.
Mitsugi Bad End 1 ) Hongou - This one was... ew LMAO I didn’t like it, I did like Azuma tied up though A+
Mitsgui Bad End 2 ) Azuma GON CRAZY - I LOVED THIS BAD END!! Azuma going nuts, wanting to protect Mitsugi from the murderer only to really become the murderer himself is just aaahhh. I just loved his little monologues lmao. Also finding torn up, eaten away, bodies was a clue about Takara’s true nature
Matsuda Good End - The more I think back on Matsuda route, the more I liked it. Matsuda is a strange person - he reminds me a lot of Nitta, from Cage, WHO I ADORE and just... his strange love was hard to swallow. But I do remember vaguely a line that he spoke that resonated with me and that was about not even really knowing him - which is true, they all don’t REALLY know each other. Azuma had all these preconceived niceties already decided about Matsuda... anyways - his good end, I really adored the sex scene building up to the main ending - but maaan them just rowing off the island i’m like ‘y’all gonna die out there, i hope some boat finds you both and takes you back to the mainland.
Matsuda Bad End 1) Shimada - I liked this one a lot. Azuma becoming addicted to this drug Shimada was giving him to make him feel numb so he could withstand the pain of Matsuda’s sex and then getting hooked on Shimada having sex with him mmm loved it!
Matsuda Bad End 2 - I REALLY LOVED THIS BAD END TOO. Like this one and the Mitsugi Bad End 2 are my favorites. The scene where Azuma pretty much sells his body for fish for everyone was just uuuughh <3 and then the whole shit with Matsuda starting to murder everyone until finally, Azuma takes him down... just *chef kiss*
Takara Good End - Maybe I just wasn’t a big fan of the exploitation of the reveal, but I did not like Takara’s Good End. I was happy to finally have shit be revealed, and the whole cannibalism family thing was pretty cool - just.. idk? I didn’t really like it. It probably doesn’t help that I’m not very fond of Takara haha
Takara Bad End 2 - Not counting the other bad end because its only cg is an extension to the first scene. BUT WOOOW this bad end. I enjoyed it but as I stated before, I wish it would have been Takara feeding human flesh to Azuma to make him grow addicted to it >.> be a power couple that go around eating people lmao. But I do like how we see into Azuma’s childhood, how abused he was and how he ultimately killed his brother (that hurt man) - and I will not get over his words towards the end of this route - ‘I don’t live to make anyone else happy’, is what I roughly gathered or it could have meant ‘No one is happy because I’m alive.’ Either way I was like ‘wow’.
So yeaaah. I love Paradise, even if I do have some disappointments ^^- I hope my main thoughts didn’t make it sound like I didn’t enjoy the game? Because I did! I’m anxious for the sequel now!
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