#one of them requires me to have access to me laptop but that hasn't been super accessible to me
khaire-traveler · 4 months
Btw, there are two asks in my inbox that I'm working on giving thorough answers to. Apologies to love anon and beginner anon; I promise you have not been forgotten! 🧡
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marvellousstawler · 2 years
I don't even know if I like visual novels...
The only reason I'm not writing this in a notebook is because I want to draw later and I don't want to hold a pen any longer than I need to. And the only reason I'm writing this at all is because it's my fourth day working from home and my boss hasn't given me any instructions. So, as Bjork's guttural utterances crawl through my tinny work-laptop speaker, let's put my idea where no one will see it; on my tumblr.
Followers of my private notebooks (of which there are exactly one and a half since my best friend hears all the synopses) will be familiar with a trio of OCs currently known as the Orchid Sisters. Coming up is my ten year anniversary of not knowing what to do with them. They, and I, are beginning to get restless. There have been too many disastrous attempts, within several formats.
My best friend, who I won't name since she's online and doesn't need her reputation soiled with my bullshit posts (let's call her Sammy), suggested that I choose a new medium (since I've tried and failed a few of them for this trio) which properly facilitates the tone and setting, and that I go back to the inspirations for this 'series.' I've just deleted a detailed synopsis of the myriad of inspirations which have mutated the non-existent story of these three characters, including "Twilight Eclipse, but just the soundtrack."
Let me jump to the idea because I'm getting bored of writing the history of my own ideas for literally zero audience. Actually, fuck it. It's easier if I just draft it. Enough throat clearing, here goes nothing. Cringe is dead.
Initializing... Authenticating... Greetings, Administrator. You have likely discovered this software installed on your machine with no memory of how it got there or what it is for, considering that this is your first time using it. You also likely put aside your knowledge of cyber safety and clicked on it because you saw a sticky note on your desktop with an arrow pointing toward the application shortcut, reading "Boot up if amnesia strikes -- Z." Since you know very well who Z is and you trust that she's quite well-versed with computers, you followed her advice. MAIN MENU [Help Menu] [Select User] [Settings] [Archive] [Quit] HELP MENU [Introduction] [What is this software?] [Who are you?] [How do I change the user's settings?] [Where are the files located?] WHAT IS THIS SOFTWARE? This is an application designed by Zelda M Green to manage her own amnesia and social anxiety. You are 84% likely to be Zelda Green, and you of course know if you are her, but I am accounting for the fact that the other two users can (but usually will not) access this help menu. Detailed descriptions of Zelda's reasoning behind creating this software can be found in [Archive]->[Development Log]. This application executes simulations of your social interactions from the recent past, and is updated automatically upon cybernetic upload conducted by my robotic avatar during your hours of sleep. As such, it allows you to extract your own memories and observe simulations of them in order to optimize future social interactions. Seeing as how the cybernetic upload feature is still under development, some user-submitted context clues and social responses will require your input during the social simulations. Completed simulations are available for re-viewing in [Archive]->[Memory List]. For Silence: Zaza-nee made a sim where she can see her memories of convos because sometimes she forgets or gets blushy about it. And you and Tata can use it too!
And so on.
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