#one of the coolest monsties ever
0bir · 6 months
roblox art again
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journey-to-the-attic · 11 months
Any ideas on what monster Madame would be?
I don't know how much you know about the monsters in Monster Hunter, but I feel like a Stygian Zinogre could work. Or a Diablos.
And how do the brothers feel about this tiny human having a monster, a creature that they likely would have inly heard of in stories as capable of wiping out large numbers of demons? Obviously there would be caution but I feel like some of them would also find it kind of interesting or cool. Maybe as she bonds with them, the brothers occasionally, with her close supervision, help her take care of her monstie?
ahh i really don't know enough about monster hunter to say for certain, but whichever looks the most brutally intimidating... looking up the ones you mentioned, both look good!! let's go with the stygian zinogre, because it's a super cool name
the twins are just incredibly impressed, levi and mammon don't really think so to them it's the COOLEST thing ever, asmo and satan are equal parts cautious and admiring, and lucifer is So intimidated but absolutely refuses to give this away
of all the brothers, satan and beel would try befriending the monsters! mammon, asmo and levi are too scared to go near them, so's lucifer but won't admit it (don't tell noctifer), and belphie just can't be bothered
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doorbloggr · 3 years
Thursday 22/7/21 - Media Recommendations #11
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
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This week, doing a bit of catchup on stuff I've been obsessed with over the last couple weeks. I did miss doing this last week, so I might do another recommendation of just music over the weekend.
Anime: Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
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Chunibyo, also known as Middle School Syndrome, is a Japanese slang used to refer to that stage of adolescence that many kids go through where they live out fantasy worlds in which they are the coolest, edgiest, most far out character. Most people who go through a phase like this; where they dress up as their edgy OC and pretend to fight demons in public; come out the other side extremely embarrassed that they ever thought an existence like that would be OK.
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions is about the experience of Yuuta Togashi, who recently started highschool after recovering from a particularly cringey case of Chunibyo. He attends a school very far away from anyone who'd remember that side of him, but he soon meets a young girl name Rikka Takanashi, who is ridiculously deep into her own dark world of Chunibyo.
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Rikka soon learns about the depths of Yuuta's painfully cringe past, and commits herself to bringing out Yuuta's dark, cool alter ego again, while stuck in her own delusional world. Yuuta and a few other misfits form an adorable friend group where each bounce off each other and ride the line between maturity and delusions.
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The anime is beautiful and characters are adorable. Each has their own arc they are working through, and each grow from the imagination and maturity from the others. The message I took away from this anime was that people may grow and change far from what they used to be, but imaginative fantasies are not always a bad thing.
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If you like romance, cutesy stories, fun highschool friendship style stories, you'll really enjoy Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions. And if you were like me, and had your own even mild Chunibyo phase, you'll enjoy it even more.
Videogame: Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
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Are you sick of Pokémon? Yeah me too.
Monster Hunter is an action RPG series full of fun character/weapon design, and fantastic creature design. Although the main series games have an intuitive but deep combat and movement system, they have never been fantastic at world building. Not that they need it, Monster Hunter games are all about the hunt. But the creatures, races and landscape would lend themselves well to a spin-off of deeper lore and story. Luckily, the Monster Hunter Stories series has recently come into existence.
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I never played the first game, but this newest entry to the spin-off series is easily accessible as a first entry to the series. Rather than an action RPG, MHStories games are open world, encounter and turn-based JRPGs. I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I've been trying to ease myself deeper into the RPG genre recently, and MHS2 was a very good choice for a dive into JRPGs.
Combat takes 2 main forms:
You control the Rider, your self-insert Monster-friendly main character, who, like the Hunters of the main series, are equipped with weapons you use to fight wild enemy monsters. There are slashing, piercing, and blunt weapons, all of which have varying levels of effectiveness on different parts of different monsters, which helpfully you can have three of, and switch mid-battle.
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The Monsties are domesticated Monsters that the Rider has raised from eggs, and they fight alongside you. Although Monsties will typically choose their own actions, you have some level of influence over their attacks. Monsties (and wild monsters too) will fight with one of three types of attack: Power, Speed, and Technical.
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During combat, opponents will go in head to heads, and enter a rock paper scissors match, where the winner does bigger damage, and the loser's attack is almost negligable. Speed>Power>Technical>Speed. Although at the start, it may seem a guessing game on when the Player should choose Power, Speed, or Technical, you soon learn that each enemy monster will favour certain attacks over others, and when you learn their patterns, they become easy to read. Ally Monsties also favour attack types, so it becomes beneficial to switch in an ally monster that has a good match up against your opponent.
Rather than dwell any further on the combat, I'll just say that it has scratched an itch that Pokémon stopped being able to scratch ages ago.
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Monster Hunter Stories 2 also provides a different take on the world of the series. There are societies, legends, villages of various races, and the Hunters of the main series have their own part in the world that conflict and coexist with that of Riders. The overworld and submaps are beautiful and fun to explore, and every now and then, you will find Monster Dens, which is where you find Monster Eggs, which you retrieve and hatch to grow and customise your party of 6 Monsties.
I won't say anything more, lest I spoil the experience that you really should see for yourself. Monster Hunter Stories 2 is a fantastic, beautiful and engaging game that if you have any passing interest at all in, I reccomend you try the Demo on Switch for yourself.
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