#one of my friends who used to come to famoly functions (they used to babysit my baby cousin but doesn't now) changed their name and most
greygilberti · 1 year
There's a book I bought from a book fair in middle school called Posion. I don't remember explicitly what the book is about, BUT what I do remember is that in the culture, people could change their name once they reached a certain age.
Now why can't we do that?
When a parent names their child, it is for THE PARENT. Especially if they name that child after a dead relative or parent. That is NOT for the child, and when that person grows up and decides to change it, no one should give them grief. People don't have problems with nicknames, so why should they have problems with name changes?
Another point, too, is surnames. People change surnames and could argue that those are more important for family line stuff, right? So whyyyyy do people have suuuuch a big problem!? Why can't people not freak out over suff that doesn't- in the grand scheme of things- MATTER.
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