#one of my friends actually said they'd make for some cool tattoos
scourge-arts · 2 years
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These shroom friends are from back in June, but I still think they're neat! I had a lot of fun making funky shapes and picking interesting colours and I should really try some making some more, now that I think about it
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bippot · 2 years
Wife!reader with Bob would be coool....
.....please?....pretty please?........ Maybe there trying for a baby?......
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Summary - Turns out the Dagger Squad don't really know much about Bob. They certainly didn't know he had a wife, yet she provides them with some more information about the reclusive Robert Floyd. She hadn't seen him in three months and was more than prepared to spill all of his well hidden secrets to his friends.
Yet, he still managed to leave the celebration early and, instead of being alone like usual, he has his wife on his arm.
Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Married Couple, Banter, Meet-Cute, Breeding, Odd Couple
Song Recommendation: Hands Down by Dashboard Confessional
Top Gun: Maverick, Robert "Bob" Floyd Masterlist - here
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All was well after the uranium mission. Hangman and Rooster finally stopped yelling at each other at any chance they got - but they didn't do anything with the sexual tension that lingered whenever they were together - and took things one day at a time. There was a need to celebrate. Because they did it. They actually did it. No deaths. A fuck up or two, yet everyone was fine. They were better than fine. They were awesome even!
The Hard Deck was always filled with babes. Maybe something about it being run by a MILF made the beautiful women of Fightertown feel comfortable there and, therefore, made it their bar of choice. This was great for all of the pilots who were fans of the female species.
Bob was a fan of the female species, yet he never indulged himself no matter how much the others egged him on to find a friend for the night. He always claimed it was because he wasn't interested and that was true, but his colleagues mistook his reluctance as a show of how meek and reclusive he really was. Now, that wasn't the case. They'd find that out as they were celebrating the success of the mission.
"Look at Joan Jett over there," Hangman declared as he pointed to a woman at the bar. She was in the process of talking to Penny and had bent over the bar to hear over the rambunctious ramblings of the pilots, her shirt riding up and uncovering a tattoo on her lower back. "Fucking tramp stamp and everything? I could cum in my pants right now." Rooster also couldn't take his eyes off the tattoo in question and nodded his head in agreement.
Hey, at least the two could agree on one thing.
Turning to scour the bar when she had ordered, Y/N turned and rested back against the cool wood of the bar, her eyes scanning the crowd. They landed on the two men looking at her and gave them a sheepish smile but didn't linger. "Wish me luck, man. I'm going in," Bradley said as he slapped Jake on the chest and made his way towards her.
"Hope you crash and burn, loser."
"Yeah, fuck you, Bagman."
Then Brad was by her side, casually leaning on his elbows as he glanced up at her. He tried being suave and doing a fake double take, yet it seemed as if she hadn't noticed his arrival. Her eyes only drifted to him when he moved and accidentally knocked over a mostly empty glass. Luckily, he managed to catch it before it hit the ground and playfully grimaced when a small amount spilled down his jacket. "Oh shit," he cursed and wiped away the liquid with the back of his hand, which caused her to let out a chuckle at his expense. She didn't mean to, but that tiny bit of amusement was enough to make him grin in return.
"Nice catch," she complimented and then reached to grab a serviette in an attempt to help clean up what was left of the mess he'd made. Brad accepted the napkin and soon the wet patch on his Hawaiian shirt would be a distant booze smelling memory. "Pilot or wizzo?"
"Ah, my husband is a wizzo. Usually, you can spot a navy man from a mile away and you are no different, moustache man."
Husband. There was no way Brad would hit on a married woman, not even if he wanted to. He turned back towards Hangman to catch his eye and mouth, "Married," so Jake wouldn't embarrass himself as much if he still decided to flirt with her. The fact that the person he was talking to happened to be in a relationship had never stopped Jake before.
"Married? Tough challenge."
Brad nodded and returned to his conversation with Y/N, who clearly saw their little silent exchange and raised her eyebrow in amusement. He let out an embarrassed "Sorry!" and scratched the nape of his neck. "So, your husband - the wizzo - would I know him?"
Her face was completely deadpan as she replied, "I don't know who you know," and only cracked a smile when the panic had truly crept onto his face. She was just teasing, and he knew it as soon as he saw those pearly whites of hers, making him relax again.
It was at that moment that her husband entered the bar. The other patrons managed to block his line of sight until he reached Hangman. "Hey, four-eyes. Look, Rooster is trying it on with a married chick."
Bob's eyes darted to his buddy and found out very quickly that Brad was in fact talking to a married chick. His married chick. "Hey, Rooster! Stop hitting on my wife," Bob called out with a smirk. He said it with so much confidence that Jake had to do a double take. Something about being in the presence of his wife really put some pep in Bob's step.
And, of course the other guys would attempt to flirt with Y/N. He knew they would fail to notice the band on her ring finger because, well, her face was too cute to miss. Well, and so was her ass.
The pair at the bar turned to face the voice that was so familiar to both of them and Y/N got that spark in her eyes that always appeared whenever she saw Bob. The one he hadn't seen in person in over three months now. "Why, Mrs Floyd, I didn't expect to see you here."
"I thought I'd surprise you, Mr Floyd."
Just like that, Bob was beside her. He didn't remember moving away from Hangman, but he must've because he was in hugging distance. He opened his arms wide and she immediately stepped into them, allowing him to hug her as tightly as ever. He took a deep breath in as he inhaled her sweet floral perfume and let it fill his senses, giving his heart a moment to calm down before pulling back to get a good look at her face.
"How is it that you get more jaw droppingly beautiful every time I see you? You're still as pretty as a peach," he flirted, gently swiping some hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear. After all the years they'd been together, her cheeks still flushed red whenever he talked like this, which pleased him immensely.
A smirk tugged at her lips as she looked him dead in the eye. "I sucked the souls of all the children in Lenore for a youthful glow," she joked back, the pair completely forgetting that Rooster was stood awkwardly behind them as they embraced.
Getting closer to her ear, Bob couldn't help but playfully retort, "Not the only thing you sucked in Lenore, huh baby?" As he finished speaking, he placed a feather light kiss on her cheekbone, right on the patch of skin next to her hairline. The smile that blossomed on her features only grew more and more pronounced and her eyes widened in disbelief.
Y/N shook her head slowly and giggled while swatting his arm with the back of her hand, causing him to chuckle as well. They were caught up in each other's presence, both revelling in the feeling of being close after being without each other for so long, oblivious to everyone else around them. In their bubble, everything faded into insignificance and all that mattered was that they belonged to each other. Everything else was just background noise.
All of a sudden, Penny broke their little trance as she placed two beers in front of them. She had intended to get Y/N's order to her sooner but had gotten distracted by Maverick. "Sorry for the wait. Lieutenant Floyd knows that Captain Mitchell never lets me get a minute of peace," she teased with a playful wink back at Pete then moved to deal with another customer.
"Lieutenant, you haven't introduced me to all your friends that are staring at us," Y/N pointed out as she handed Bob the drink she'd ordered for him, smiling softly at the expression on his face when she placed the beer in his hand for him. It was such a happy, almost blissful look, that it warmed her heart to see. And, to her delight, it was a look she wished she could give him everyday for the rest of eternity.
"I see you've already met Rooster. And as expected, he was about to hit on you, wasn't he?" Bob replied nonchalantly as he took a sip of his drink.
"Moustache man was about to, yeah."
In all their time together, Bob had never been a jealous man. Insecure at times maybe (she was planning on making sure he was okay when they got a moment alone), but he trusted her completely. Trusting other men? Not so much. If it had been anyone else who had flirted with her, anyone he didn't know and trust, Bob would've put his foot down more.
Alas, he did know Bradley so it was humorous to him. It meant nothing. "Sorry, man," Brad apologised with a sheepish shrug. "My bad. Won't happen again."
"Well, you're forgiven, I suppose," Bob told him with a grin. He couldn't stop himself from letting out a laugh and watching as his friend gave an embarrassed chuckle along with it.
Then they moved on to other introductions. One by one, Y/N met the pilots she'd heard so much about - including Phoenix who she felt like she already knew because Bob spoke about his new best friend in all his daily updates. "You never told me she was so hot! Jesus, if me and ol' Floyd don't work out...."
"Hey!" Bob nudged his wife as Nat winked at Y/N.
Jake was up next. Bob was preparing himself for an endless slew of borderline insulting questions and friendly jabs from the pilot. "This is Hangman. Please don't pay attention to anything he says," Bob teased lightly as he wrapped his arm around Y/N's waist and pulled her closer to his chest, resting his chin on top of her shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting manner.
"Your words wound me, Bobby-boy. They really do."
Hangman was an honest man. He had a question on his mind and was planning on asking it because the two of them seemed like an odd pairing. Bob, the quiet and reserved Navy man who seemed like he'd be in bed before 8pm every night if he had the chance, and Y/N, the girl who looked as if she'd just gotten back from snorting cocaine with the other groupies.
"I don't get it. How did you manage to bag her?"
There it was.
'Plain dumb luck, I guess," Bob brushed off dismissively that caused his wife to frown a little.
Luck had never been a component of their relationship. Her love for him was not a fluke, she loved him for who he was - his intelligence, his sense of humour, the way he cared about others, how loyal he was to those close to him - not some abstract notion of how lucky he was. He was the reason for her love, so whenever he said things like that it irked her.
"Yeah, I'm lucky that Robbie even talked to me in the first place," Y/N replied with an almost dreamy tone. "He was doing this whole shy, nervous play for the first... I don't know how many weeks. Four? Five?"
"Four," Bob corrected gently. "And, I can assure you, it wasn't a play."
Y/N chuckled in response, "Now I can't get him to shut up," and looked back at Bob to catch a small smile that graced his lips.
Looking at the couple, Jake realised that there could be no doubt about it; the two were made for each other. It wasn't an instance where the only the guy was head over heels with the pretty lady who had found out that the Navy often pays pretty well. It was reciprocal. Sure, Bob looked like a lovesick puppy when he looked at her, but so did she when she saw him.
Bob had the life Jake wanted. Yet, as much as he wanted to be jealous, he couldn't. All he could do was wish his friend the best because it was clear that Bob deserved every happiness and the woman at his side was the perfect fit.
After being introduced to everyone, Y/N sat and answered all the questions they threw at her. It seemed as if Bob hadn't told them anything about his life, which wasn't surprising to her. He was a private person so she guessed he'd do that. Before each inquiry, she looked towards her husband as if she were mentally saying 'You good with them knowing this?' and would only respond honestly if he nodded.
Until Phoenix asked, "So how did you guys meet?" and Y/N knew Bob would want to answer that himself. He always did. It was one of his favourite stories to tell and he'd done it so many times at this point, he'd got it down to a T. Yet, he always changed one detail and she wasn't going to let him get away with it today.
Clearing his throat, Bob prepared himself for his speech. He really hated how everyone's eyes were on him and waiting for his explanation, but it was okay: Y/N's thumb was gently caressing the nape of his neck in neat little circles as she always did when he needed calming.
"I, uh, used to be in a band and -"
An incredulous roar erupted from the table. Less than a sentence in and they'd already thrown him off his rhythm. Y/N snickered as she looked at his surprised expression. Was it so outlandish that prim and proper Robert Floyd had once been in a band?
"Go back, go back, we can't move on with that without knowing everything about this band of yours!" Rooster exclaimed while throwing his arms up in a dramatic fashion. The entire crew was getting more excited than ever at the prospect of knowing Bob's life.
Phoenix urged, "Come on, loser. What was the name of your band?" and Bob had to give in.
"Needle Drop..."
"That's not what it was called when we met and you know it, Robert."
Busted. Bob's eyes pleaded with his wife for help. She merely laughed and shook her head as she took a sip of her beer to hide the smug look on her face. There was no way she was letting him avoid answering this question honestly, only because she found the real answer hilarious.
"It was called The Blue...." He trailed off, his eyes flickering between the expectant faces of his friends. None of them had caught the last bit since Bob had muffled it when he put his hand over his face in embarrassment.
"The Blue, what? Speak up, Bobby-boy."
"The Blue Ballers Magnum."
The group exploded into laughter that filled the bar and Bob could practically feel Y/N shaking with silent giggles next to him. A soft, affectionate smile spread across his face and he rested a hand against her lower back to playfully squeeze her hip to get her back for forcing him to divulge that secret. It was funny enough, but he still found it a little irritating that he had to admit it in front of everybody. His face was a beautiful pink shade but he didn't care. He wanted to share that moment. With Y/N. With his friends. Why not open up to his comrades?
"Why did you ever change the name?" Coyote added.
"My mama didn't like it," He blurted out bluntly causing another bout of laughter from the table and let his foreheads fall to Y/N's shoulder to conceal his face from view. She chuckled softly under her breath, brushing her fingers through his hair soothingly.
"Lieutenant Robert Floyd, the blueballer!" Fanboy cheered and held up his drink to toast, prompting the rest of the group in the room to follow suit. They all clinked their glasses and bottles together in the air as if celebrating something monumental. For the first time (maybe) in his entire life, Bob enjoyed being the butt of the joke. He smiled to himself as he leaned back in his seat, watching as the others made joke after joke about his old band name, and let his hand fall beneath the waist of Y/N's jeans.
Normally, he would feel two pieces of material. Nope. Not today. She raised her hand to the back of his head and gave the back of his head a few scratches before sending a wink Bob's way. That grin alone was enough proof to make Bob whisper in a low, husky voice, "No panties? My love, you are such a tease," right against her ear, causing her to blush and cross her legs.
When the group's laughter subsided, Bob was urged to continue with his story. Hangman seemed to be the most interested in it, which was unusual. "Guys, I want to actually hear the story. Don't interrupt Baby on Board, his voice is only widdle," Jake teased, his joking tone barely masking how curious he was about the whole thing. "Go for it, Bobby-boy."
"Thanks Jake," Bob started as he turned slightly in his seat, leaning against the wall behind him as Y/N sat up straighter in her chair, listening intently as he continued, "The band always used to play at this awful bar, Nailheads. Nailheads was always so gross and sticky and slippery..."
It felt as if he was living the memory again as he told them. The smell of booze that was significantly cheaper and shittier than Penny's, the sound of squelching under his trainers whenever he walked, the feeling of the leather jacket that was too big for him and falling around his shoulders when he stood at attention, he relieved it all in vivid detail.
"Robbie, go and get a round, will you? I'll crack under the pressure if not," Bob's bandmate, Gary, asked as he set up his guitar and began tuning it for their upcoming performance.
Before Bob could agree, he realised who was working behind the bar that night. "Can't, sorry."
"Jesus Christ, stop drooling and go talk to her."
"Nope. No way. No, sir."
"All you have to say is 'Hi Y/N, sorry I've been staring at you before, during and after every one of our gigs here for the last month. Four beers please'."
Bob stared blankly at the girl that was smiling brightly as she served a customer, her hair up in a ponytail and her shirt a little wet as a drunk had spilled their drink over her, yet she still wore that huge, goofy grin that made Bob feel nervous just looking at her. He tried to look anywhere else, but she kept stealing glances in the band's direction every now and again. Her eyes shining with amusement as she watched the set up caused his heart to flutter and he swallowed hard before clearing his throat and trying to focus his eyes elsewhere.
As soon as the customer was dealt with, she disappeared for a minute then returned and scribbled in a notebook 'You want drinks?' to hold up for the band just in case they didn't want to leave their instruments unaccompanied to order.
"Rob, just nod and put four fingers up," Matt, their bassist, urged impatiently as Bob stood there dumbfounded. He stood there unmoving until his brain came back somewhat online and, instead of doing what he'd been asked to, Bob sheepishly waved at her.
At that moment, Y/N was sure that Bob was the cutest guy she'd ever seen. Even if he was a bit shy; he was definitely cute. She smiled and waved back at him and he couldn't help but stare. This girl was so lovely that he thought he might die right where he stood. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and grab her and never let go. But instead, he simply nodded in response to her previous question and held up four fingers.
With that, Y/N walked over and gave his bandmates their drinks. She left Bob till last and slid his bottle into his hand as she declared, "They're on the house as long as you don't tell my boss that."
Y/N winked at him and turned away quickly before he could respond, leaving with a spring in her step. It wasn't until she was out of sight and hearing range that Bob felt like he could breathe normally again. He lifted the bottle to his lips and took a small sip, trying to keep the smile that was threatening to break out of his face at bay. It was all he could do to keep from yelling out a loud 'Thank you' or 'Oh my God! You are SO FUCKIN' PRETTY' or whatever stupid shit he was thinking at that moment. Instead, he gulped down the rest of the bottle and prepared for The Blue Ballers Magnum's set. As everyone took their places, he grabbed his stool and dragged it closer to his drums, settling down and waiting for Gary to start the show.
"This first song is dedicated to the girl behind the bar that has our drummer drooling all over his snare drum."
Everyone looked towards the bartender to see Y/N wiping some spillage away from the counter while giggling to herself. Bob rolled his eyes, muttering a quiet 'thanks', knowing full well that his friends may have screwed up any chance he had. But, he couldn't think about that then. The song was just about to begin so Bob had to focus on the music and getting through the song, just like he had practised so many times.
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"Were you guys any good?" Fanboy asked, Interrupting the story. He pulled an amused face when Y/N slyly shook her head and mouthed 'Awful' to him. Bob laughed since he agreed and decided to get back to the story.
"We played four songs, all of which sounded so bad, and then..."
Young Bob was slick with sweat, panting from exertion as he stumbled off the stage, wiping his brow with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. Y/N watched from behind the bar as he dropped onto the bar stool in front of her. After several moments passed, she reached forward and gently wiped his forehead clean with a towel before setting a beer before his face.
"Anything else I can get you, Robbie?" She questioned sweetly as she leaned against the bar top, giving him one of those smiles that he adored.
"You know my name?" He asked in shock as he took the beer bottle and brought it to his mouth greedily, drinking down half the beer before placing the bottle back on the bar.
"Course, I do!" She responded with a laugh as she leant on her elbows and stared at him intently, making his stomach flip upside down. "Do you know my name?" She questioned playfully, smirking at him, her eyes twinkled like stars in the darkening sky.
Fucking hell. Of course, he did. No hesitation. "Y/N."
Her lips quivered upwards into a lopsided grin when he pronounced her name. Her eyes sparkled even brighter as he said it and he swore that the stars had fallen right out of the sky just for her.
Their conversation was going smoothly for a while. That was until the old and very unreliable barstool Bob was sitting on decided it was going to have two legs instead of three, toppling over and sending the drummer flying to the ground with a loud thump. Y/N was immediately on alert, rushing forward to check if he was okay. He groaned in pain as she helped him up and when he was standing, they could very clearly see that he'd dislocated his shoulder in the fall. She rushed him to the first aid room and away from the other customers.
Weirdly and very luckily, there was a doctor that had seen the whole thing (who they later found out was a very confident student doctor who was literally only a month into her course) and they knew how to put his arm back in place. She took Y/N aside and whispered, "Distract him. I'll put his arm back into place."
Before Y/N could ask, "Distract him how?" the doctor was holding Bob's arm and gesturing that she was about to begin the re-location. Y/N had less than five seconds to think of a distraction so she did the first thing that came to mind since she'd wanted to do it all night. Bob was definitely distracted as Y/N surged forward and kissed him passionately on the lips, moving her hands to either side of his head to tilt his gaze away from his arm. It was nice for a moment.
"Ow! Fu-uk!" he exclaimed in pain against her mouth as the doctor pushed his shoulder right back into place and she stepped back. When Bob blinked rapidly, his thoughts were jumbled and incoherent. All he could really remember was her lips... her lips felt soft... so... warm.... he felt lightheaded.
"Sorry, Robbie. Needed to distract you," Y/N said apologetically, blushing furiously once she realised that kissing Bob in that way probably made him uncomfortable.
He stared after her, wide eyed and bewildered, wondering if his brain was actually playing games on him because there was no way that Y/N L/N, the hottest woman he'd ever met, had kissed him. That had not been his imagination. Nope. He'd most certainly felt her warm lips against his own, and it felt real! And it felt fantastic too. Due to the shock and the pain, Bob was confused and excited and exhausted and the butterflies in his stomach were flapping violently and he'd had some beers and he was so, so overwhelmed. Yeah, the next thing he knew he was doing was passing out. One minute he was about to apologise (despite the fact it wasn't his fault), the next complete darkness.
Luckily for him, Y/N was close by and caught him before he hit the floor. Quickly, she was bringing him to a chair with the aid of the doctor and slapping his cheeks in an effort to wake him up. "Hey, hey. Hey Robbie, wake up. Come on, open your eyes. Wake up!" She said urgently as she began shaking him by the shoulders. Bob groaned quietly in discomfort as she continued to shake him vigorously until he woke up completely, his head spinning dizzily as he slowly came round.
When he did, the first thing he saw was the beautiful face of the woman he'd fallen hard for (both metaphorically and physically it seems) and she was staring at him with concern and worry etched upon her face as she lightly rubbed circles into his cheeks. "Hi."
"Hi," he breathed out, a goofy yet loving grin taking over his features as he grinned so much, he was sure it hurt. "That was the lamest thing I've ever done." He admitted sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck as he tried to look anywhere except Y/N's pretty face.
She chuckled softly to herself, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she shook her head fondly at his statement. She raised a teasing eyebrow before saying, "I guess so," but then she smiled wider and added, "I don't know why, but I found it quite cute."
"Really?" he said disbelievingly, a grin still plastered across his face as he leaned slightly closer to her. Y/N nodded her head and reached up to run her fingers through his messy hair to make it look somewhat presentable again. Her hands lingered on his face for longer than necessary as she studied every part of his handsome face and smiled again before pulling back.
Bob cleared his throat loudly in an attempt to clear his thoughts and get rid of his dazed state. "Well..." he started awkwardly, looking around the first aid room for something to start a conversation about and his gaze landed on the doctor still standing there, waiting patiently for them to thank her for the help. He smiled weakly and said, "I'll buy you a drink to say thanks?"
The doctor flashed them a grateful smile before excusing herself and leaving the room, leaving Bob and Y/N alone. A deep, hearty chuckle ripped free from both of their throats as they shared another awkward laugh. Bob coughed nervously as he sat down on a nearby table, clearing his throat as he fidgeted with his fingers.
"Soooo... you kissed me."
"I did."
"I don't know, maybe...would you like to do it again? Not right now, unless you want to right now, then yes, right now. I thought, only if you want to of course, I could take you to the movies? The Lego Movie looks fun and Valentine's day is next week and -"
Interrupting him, she cut off his ramble by kissing him again. The second time was more desperate than the first, their lips moulding together as she grabbed the lapels of his leather jacket and pulled him closer towards her, pressing her body against his. His arms wrapped around her waist and he kissed her back fiercely, pouring all of his pining into this kiss, hoping that she would somehow understand what he meant.
"And then we spent Valentine's day watching The Lego Movie," he finished explaining their meeting. "Somehow, it's eight years later and we're still together."
"I also can confirm that Nailheads is significantly less sticky now because I made sure to rip the old flooring out when I took over. None of our barstools have collapsed beneath someone in years."
More and more questions were asked and asked until Bob got sick of them and teasingly announced, "See? This is why I don't tell them anything. They're information vultures."
Payback decided to retort, "Now we can pinpoint what annoys you more efficiently and use it as fuel."
Good. Great. Still, Bob wasn't overly fussed. It was nice that his friends knew him better. It was nice that they cared, which was the complete opposite reaction than he expected. It felt good to be known.
"I'm going to pop outside," Bob declared abruptly, his patience for all the attention wavering a little.
That was code and Y/N knew it, of course.
"I thought you said you were going to quit."
"Only when I'm on a mission."
Not only does Baby on Board have a wife, but he was in a band and smokes!?! The guys couldn't believe it. Who the hell was Robert Floyd and why hadn't they met the true him before today.
Y/N giggled softly at their shocked faces as followed her husband to the smokers area outside and watched silently as he lit up one cigarette, cupping his hand around the flame as he brought it to his mouth and inhaled deeply. When he let the smoke trickle out his mouth, he passed her the cigarette without hesitation, grinning when he noticed how intently she'd been beaming at him.
"You've hoodwinked your colleagues into thinking you're an innocent little farm boy, huh?"
"I didn't do jack shit. They made an assumption because I'm shy sometimes."
Whilst that was true, she suspected he did lean into the church boy association. Did they not see the tattoo's on his back and chest? He never got caught sneaking away for a ciggy? Maybe he kept his pottymouth under wraps. Nevertheless, she was playfully suspicious.
"Got a surprise for you when we're alone later tonight," he told her and waggled his eyebrows at her as he pulled her closer by her ass, his large hand splayed across her jeans clad rear end.
"Oh yeah? What is it?" she purred seductively as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Where's the fun in me just telling you, darlin'?" he replied cockily with a smirk and took the cigarette from her lips to blow smoke into her face. She rolled her eyes in response, a small grin still stretching across her face.
At the sight of her man, Y/N couldn't help but blurt out, "I missed you, baby." His expression changed slightly. It turned serious and he gently caressed her cheekbone with his thumb, tilting her chin upwards so he could see her eyes clearly.
After a moment he lowered his forehead to hers and flicked the ciggy away, exhaling deeply as he gazed at her fondly. Then he spoke, voice low as he brushed some hair away from her eyes with the backs of his fingers. "I always miss you," he said tenderly, brushing his nose against hers. "So.. Do you think... Do you think we can leave now?"
"Please, baby." He tried to sway her by softly kissing her cheek and sliding his hand under the hemline of her shirt and caressing the bare skin of her spine. "Want to be alone with you. Please?" He whispered huskily as his lips trailed from the corner of her mouth to her jawline and neck and back up again, causing shivers to ripple throughout her entire body.
How could she say no? How could she refuse such an enticing offer? So, she gave in, nodding her head slowly in agreement before he leant in to capture her lips again for a kiss full of longing and pent up feelings of being away from so long. All he wanted was more; to feel her underneath him, feeling his every touch, tasting her sweet kisses like they were medicine and he needed every last drop of it to save his life.
"Irish exit?" he suggested hopefully after breaking the kiss for air and smirking as he waited for her reply.
"No. We're saying goodbye to your friends, Bob."
She detangled herself from his grasp and began to walk away, but he caught her arm. "Don't call me that. I'm not Bob to you."
"Come on, Bob. I'm going to tell your colleagues about the last text you sent me if you don't follow in five, four, three -"
"Okay. Okay! You win," he agreed, laughing loudly as he threw up his hands in defeat and reluctantly jogged after her, trying not to stumble over his own two feet. Y/N smiled triumphantly and glanced back at him with a smug look in her eye, happy to have won.
The goodbyes went smoothly. Especially since Jake teased, "Bob's going to leave early to fuck his hot wife," and Bob couldn't help but smugly shrug in return. Hangman was correct. He walked away whistling happily as he waved at his friends over his shoulder with the one hand and holding his wife's hand with the other.
Seconds after they'd made it into the Airbnb she rented, Y/N was hoisted like she weighed nothing over Bob's shoulder and carried into the bedroom, the occasional spank occurring as she giggled in his arms. He kicked the door shut behind them, dropped her gently on the bed, immediately straddling her hips. "Do you want to see the surprise?" he asked her, smirking as his lips travelled from her jaw to the curve of her neck and the tip of her ear.
"I'd love to."
He pulled away to yank his shirt over his head to reveal all the tattoos on his chest and stomach that Y/N had come to love so much. Bob grinned broadly as she ran her finger along the new one. The one he'd gotten whilst being in Fightertown. Right above his heart was a very familiar lip print forever etched upon the skin. Her fingertips lingered against the red ink, tracing its outline gently before she met his eyes again.
"I got the tattoo man to copy the lipstick print from the note you left and, yeah, even up in the sky I have a piece of you near me. With this mission, I needed constant good luck and this was the easiest compromise."
"Oh baby..." Y/N breathed, reaching out to pull him towards her chest for a hug and placing gentle kisses on his temple, his cheeks, his jawline and the rest of his face as she murmured soft words of adoration into his skin. "Why are you always so perfect?"
"Cause I'm a real charmer, darlin'," he replied dryly, pulling back and gazing lovingly at her.
Y/N shook her head in faux disbelief and laughed softly, leaning up to meet his lips again for another kiss, her fingers tangling through his hair as his hands slipped lower down the curves of her back, resting lightly over the top of her butt as her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.
Hands soon wandered to undress each other, tugging at clothes while lips explored and caressed. "I'm surprised you lasted so long at the bar," she teased as she worked on undoing his belt buckle with practised ease.
"Me too, thought I was going to crumble when I realised you had no panties on."
Sensually, he slid off the bed to throw the rest of his clothes onto the floor before crawling in the gap in her legs, spreading her thighs to situate himself firmly between them. His hands settled on her hips, thumbs rubbing circles in soothing strokes as he kissed the soft skin of her thighs, his lips moving upwards until they found her clit. A gasp escaped Y/N's lips as he started to tease her, his tongue working deliciously against her sensitive folds until she writhed beneath him. His movements were slow, deliberate, as he lapped at her wetness, savouring every sound and wriggle that he saw reflected.
"I love how your cunt reacts to my mouth."
His voice was rough, deep, possessive and Y/N moaned softly. As his tongue circled her slit he began to lick and suck and tease, and finally, he thrust his tongue into her. Her breathing became ragged and she arched her back as she let out soft gasps, her head thrown back as pleasure shot through her veins, tingling like fire wherever he touched her. She grasped onto the sheets beneath her, fingernails digging crescents into the cloth as his tongue moved in and out of her, the feeling intoxicating. "Can't believe I almost forgot what this pussy tastes like."
"Ye-ah, you've tasted me, uh, tasted me enough times."
"Never enough, baby. Need you twenty four seven."
It was true. Whenever Bob was home and I'm Y/N's presence, he couldn't keep his hands off her. He'd claim he was 'making up for lost time', and while that was the truth, she suspected that it was also because he was needy and touch starved whenever he returned to her.
As he continued to taste and lap at her clit, his tongue teasing, licking and swirling, his teeth grazing the swollen nub, Y/N bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes as she reached for the back of his head and threaded her fingers through his soft sandy hair. When her nails scraped along his scalp, his whole body seemed to shudder with arousal.
"You're so good to me, Robbie," she whimpered out, arching back off the bed as Bob continued to torment her with his talented tongue. He hummed in approval and slithered his hand up her body to firmly squeeze her breast, his thumb massaging her nipple as his tongue assaulted her clit.
"Make a mess on my face, beautiful."
When Y/N felt a wave of release wash over her, she gripped the edge of the duvet with white knuckles, her nails digging into the fabric as she cried out loud in ecstasy. Bob watched her, completely mesmerised by every single twitch of her legs, the way her hips trembled with each orgasmic cry, and the sweat glistening on her brow. She was beautiful. And he would spend eternity worshipping her beauty if she allowed it.
After a couple of minutes, Y/N opened her eyes to find that Bob had removed himself from within her and sat propped up against the side of the bed with a satisfied smile stretched across his face. He looked absolutely glorious, his skin glowing in the golden light of the setting sun that streamed through the windows and fell perfectly onto his torso, accentuating his broad shoulders and muscular build, while his hair framed his tanned face.
"Got your breath back yet?"
"Your friends are lucky that they don't have to deal with how cocky you really are, Floyd," she taunted, sliding onto his lap and running her hands over his shoulders and down his sides, stopping to rub her nose against his jaw.
"Oh, I'm cocky?" he said sarcastically, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her cheek. "Well, you better do something about it, Floyd."
Over the years, he'd become way more confident in the bedroom; the need to please and be pleasing to his wife increased as he became increasingly sure of his success with their relationship. But despite that confidence, there was still a small part of him that still feared rejection.
That tiny part of him was scared that one day Y/N wouldn't feel as passionately or as deeply for him anymore. That he'd be replaced in her life, and it was something he didn't want to go through. So he treasured every moment they spent together, no matter how trivial it might be. Yet, there was no way that was going to happen.
"You know what we spoke of before you left?" she asked casually, running her finger over his abs absentmindedly as she waited for him to answer her question.
"Have to be more specific than that, sweetheart."
"Birth control, or rather, a lack of it. Do you remember?"
Yeah. He did. Very vividly. They'd talked about it quite a few times in passing, but the night before he left he'd brought it up again. He wanted to talk about it with Y/N for a while, but hadn't been able to say the words out loud. Instead he'd mentioned the possibility of them trying when he came home and then suggested they could discuss it further after he returned.
At the time, Y/N had been a little hesitant yet she'd had time to think in the time he'd been away, and after some intense debating she'd eventually decided that having a baby with Bob was worth the risk.
His face lit up with excitement and joy as he took her right hand in his own, placing a tender kiss on her palm. She smiled widely up at him, unable to contain herself as her arms snaked around his neck and he held her close. They remained like that for a while, simply giggling and holding each other, contentment filling their hearts as they basked in the love they felt for each other.
"So what's the verdict?" Y/N asked, her lips brushing against her tattoo lips on his chest, causing a shiver of delight to run up his spine at the sensation. "Want me to make you a daddy?"
A smirk grew on his lips and he raised an eyebrow at her, looking down at her as his gaze traced her features and he leaned down, capturing her plump lips with his own and pushing his tongue past them, seeking entrance as he pulled back to murmur huskily, "I definitely want you to make me a daddy."
Y/N grinned as his warm hand cupped one of her ass cheeks to hover her over cock whilst his other slid took himself and lined them up, both groaning in unison as she sunk down on him slowly, enjoying the feel of his cock stretching her inner walls.
"How could I forget how fucking big you are?" she grunted as she adjusted to accommodate him fully inside of her, her hands clutching onto his shoulders, her body shuddering against his as she felt every inch of their bodies pressed tightly together.
He chuckled, tightening his hold on her hips in a desperate attempt to not come yet, and stroked her back as he stared deep into her eyes, admiring her beauty and the love and passion that sparkled in her eyes. With a mental picture of how she currently looked, Bob whipped off his glasses and placed them neatly on the bedside table before slowly moving her against him with long, slow strokes, making it impossible for either of them to concentrate on anything else.
With each stroke, he felt her slick glide up and down the length of him, a low moan escaping her lips and a pleased smile appeared on his own lips. Her moans turned into whines of pleasure and she threw her head back, eyes fluttering shut as she rode him with abandon, her hands fisting his hair as he pumped his shaft into her over and over again, relishing in the sounds she made.
"That's it, babe," he murmured, tugging gently on a lock of hair between his fingers and pressing his lips against hers, swallowing her soft cries as he continued to pound into her with all of the pent up frustration that he kept pent up inside of him. "Haven't come since I left and now it feels damn amazing having you back in my arms again."
Two rough spanks was all it took for her to come undone. Her cries of pleasure mixed with her cries of pain rang in the air, bouncing off the walls and ceiling as she clutched at his shoulders and threw her head back, baring her throat to Bob that he took as an invitation to rake his teeth down and bite it.
Every time he fucked her she felt as though she were floating above the clouds, her insides soaring up to heaven while her body was engulfed by molten lava, her mind blissfully blank. Each time his mouth left bruises behind, the feeling was indescribable.
Just before Bob entered her once again, he flipped them over so that he was on top, straddling her and pressing hard kisses along her collarbones as placed a cushion under her waist and buried his throbbing cock inside of her. He could feel her clench around his dick as the aftershocks of her orgasm had yet to quieten and he ground into her.
A short moment later, his hand moved to her thigh to open her up even more for him, and he further plunged inside of her, his breathing ragged and laboured as he thrust forcefully into her. His thrusts grew faster and deeper until he was moaning and growling with desire, and Y/N's screams filled the apartment as waves of intense bliss coursed through them."Gotta get deep, darlin'. I'll bury myself inside you as deep as I can, y'hear?" He demanded between deep breaths as he slammed his hips into her, the muscles of his torso tightening with every hit. "Ya hear, baby? Gonna fuck a baby into you."
She bit her bottom lip at his words and nodded frantically as another wave of bliss washed over her, taking away her ability to speak properly. She was drowning in him. She felt so full, so complete, so full of love and warmth and contentment. All because of Bob.
"Good girl. Good girl, baby. You take me so well ," he panted, his voice laced with lust and need as he buried himself into her once again with one last powerful thrust before he finally let himself go.
Y/N felt him come, the familiar warmth spreading throughout her body as he released his seed inside of her. The muscles of his abdomen tensed up, his chest rising and falling rapidly, sweat dripping down his forehead and soaking into his hair, his eyes closed tightly as he rode out the last moments of his pleasure inside of her.
After a few minutes of just laying there in a sweaty mess, panting heavily and staring at each other, he broke the silence. "You good?"
"Never been better."
He rolled his eyes playfully, kissing her shoulder before resting his palm against her stomach, smiling as he rubbed his thumb in circles across her skin, eliciting a small giggle from her. "Gonna call him Emmett."
"We are not calling my child after a Chris Pratt character."
Despite her initial reaction, nine months later baby Emmett Floyd was brought into the world with his father's shit eyesight and his mother's lips.
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4, 7, 9, 14, 16, 18, and 21 for the OC ship ask game with Four and Aces (because Your Honor I love them) <3
ahhh thank you so much!! Love these two, this will be fun!
answers under the cut :D
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
Okay, Billy just radiates confidence, and he's basically a golden retriever in human form. Definitely him. But they're both comfortable with physical affection and both initiate it pretty often - as you've seen in Desert Song, they're really comfortable around one another even before they get into an official relationship. Affection is usually more reserved for private moments, but it's abundant in those moments.
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
Relationships are a little taboo among the Ghosts, even if One has loosened the reins a bit after the events of the movie itself. Neither of them say it very much in public. But they make up for it in private
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
Billy hates how Quinn refuses to accept her limits. She'll push herself too hard (usually because she's afraid she won't match up to the others), end up hurt, and he hates to see her hurt. She knows her limits, but still forces herself past them, and he wishes she'd take care of herself better than that.
Billy throws himself 150% into everything he does, and Quinn worries that it'll end up biting him in the ass. Think about chapter 3 of Desert Song: he offers to leave the Ghosts for her if One decides to kick her off the team, and she hates how willing he is to throw everything away just for her. She worries that one day, one of his leap-before-you-look decisions is going to end with him hurt, or destroying his future, or whatever else.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
Pretty private. Like I said before, relationships aren't quite allowed in the Ghosts. Everyone knows they're together and nobody really has a problem with it, but they're still a little cautious all the same. For some, it can be hard to tell whether they're in a relationship or are just especially-close friends (to be fair, they're kinda both). The one time Billy gets especially affectionate in public is if someone acts like an asshole towards Quinn (ESPECIALLY if they're a transphobic asshole), he'd jump to her defense so fast.
16. Would they ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would these look like?
Actually, that would be really cool. They both have a fair amount of tattoos (though Quinn has more than Billy), so I think they'd be in favor of the idea. As far as the design, they'd probably get designs based on each others' rooftop names: Billy would get an ace of spades, Quinn would get a set of wings (or something along those lines). They definitely wouldn't be the type to get each others' names tattooed, they'd go for something more subtle.
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
...wait and see. It'll pop up a few good times in Desert Song. Hurt/comfort is one of my favorites to write.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
In moderation. They both have this inescapable need for excitement and adventure, so fully settling down isn't something that either of them would really enjoy. That chronic sticky-finger syndrome, as Quinn says, they need thrill in their lives. But in between missions, recovering, absolutely. The quiet moments are few and far between sometimes, but they'd definitely spend those moments with each other
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jameui · 3 years
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PAIRING: Kang Yeosang x M!Reader
GENRE: Angst, Fluff
WARNINGS: M!reader bullying sweet baby Yeosang, bad friends
SUMMARY: You've made a huge mistake once when you were a child and it's been in your head for the rest of your life, haunting you unless you've done something about it.
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Just last month, you had turned six years old and you couldn't be more happier. For some unknown reasons, you liked how you grew older after every year, mostly because you receive gifts from your mom and dad and, of course, your friends who were about a year older than you.
Every year, on your birthday, you'd get expensive items and presents that you have been wanting for so long and foods that you get to eat with your family and friends. Loud music booming through the speakers, giggling while you made jokes with your friends laughing at almost everything due to the excitement and adrenaline that rushed through your bodies.
But, once everything was over and you know that everyone had to leave, you just keep on wishing that it was your birthday everyday. That way, everyone could still have fun and be happy with you, but then again, where's the thrill in that? They'd probably grow tired of it.
Right now, you were playing with your toys that you received creating specific sounds that corresponds to the action you controlled them to do, when you heard the doorbell ring making you gasp with joy at the thought of having a guest paying a visit.
You stood up from your position, your short legs running towards the door as you reached for the knob and turned it to open the door for the person behind it. The door moves wide open and reveals a woman who didn't look quite older than your mother, while you smiled and looked up at her. "Good morning!" You greeted her.
The woman's eyes fell down to you, beaming with glee at your politeness. "A very good morning to you, too, deary." She replied. "Is your mom or dad around? We're actually new to the neighborhood. We just moved from Busan."
You nod your head to answer her as you walked up to your mother who was in the kitchen cooking lunch. "Mom, someone's at the door for you."
"Really? Who is it?" Your mother asked you, wiping her newly washed hands on her apron.
You shrugged your shoulder, holding onto your mom's hand. "Neighbor said she was new." You and your mom was now in front of the door and the two women greeted each other as the other woman handed out a basket to your mom while you waited patiently for your mom to give it to you.
As soon as she did, you waggled your small feet towards the table before you caught a glimpse of a kid, not much taller than you, peeking from behind his mother's pants. He looked scared and shy, but it seemed to you that he wanted to approach you, but he was just too timid to do so.
You gave him your million dollar smile that made the small boy giggle at your friendliness, you jumping down from where you sat with a small groan when you hit the floor. You ran back towards the door, now seeing the chubby boy whose tummy was curving like a small hill on his stomach.
He wore a blue tiny jumper that fit perfectly onto his body, with a striped long sleeves under his jumper, white socks and shoes that almost looked worn out. You approached the boy a comfortable distance away and looked behind the woman that looked to be like his mother, a wide smile still present on your face as you waved a hand at him hello.
The boy bashfully hid, only leaving his arm to be left seen while waving back at you hesitantly. You could see how much the boy struggled to make friends with you so you decided to close in on the distance leading your feet towards the boy and poked your head out that made the boy flinch. "Heya there!" You said, now standing in front of him as the little boy hid his eyes away from you. "Don't be scared. People tell me I'm kind." You giggled softly, the other boy glancing up at you before quickly looking away once again. "I'm M/n, by the way. How about you? What's your name?"
He looked up at you shyly and stammered. "I-I'm Yeothang."
"Yeothang? What a unique name." You beamed, but he shook his head to correct you.
"No, no. Yeothang."
"Oh, you got a lisp." You said at the sudden realization and he nodded his head. "So, Yeosang?" He nodded again. "Yeosang. You have a pretty name." You said, finally noticing the birth mark that decorated the side of his left eye. You gasped and pointed at it. "Wowza! You have a cool looking tattoo!"
"It'th... It'th not a tattoo, M/n." Small Yeosang said, hesitating to call you by your name. "Mommy told me it'th a birth mark."
"Ooh, a birth mark. I wish I had one just like yours." You pouted. "I've got nothing."
Yeosang giggles at you making you smile. "That'th okay, M/n." He said and looks at you with his small brown orbs. "You look great even without them." He said, before he sniffed due to his runny nose that caused a snot to fall from his nose.
You were able to see this and pulled the hem of your shirt to wipe it from his nose and smiled brightly at him, which in turn, earned you a face of shock from Yeosang. "There."
"But, I dirtied your shirt." He furrowed his brows.
You waved it off and gave him assurance. "Don't you worry. My clothes get cleaned pretty well, so it's alright." You told him. "Oh, hey, wanna eat the snack your mom gave us? I saw cookies there. I bet you love cookies."
He nods his head once and immediately, you took his wrist into your small hands that barely closed around it as you pulled him inside and to your kitchen table. You let Yeosang take a seat first, since he needed a little help from his small size. You were next to take seat, settling on the seat beside him. You opened the basket that was wrapped with a cling wrap to secure it properly.
You let yourself drool at the sight of all the delicious delicacies that was inside the basket. "That is a lot." You chuckled cutely, unable to decide which baked goods to eat first. Throughout your process of thinking, your mother and Yeosang's mother had finished their conversation and the latter was called over. Yeosang gave his mother a small 'coming', before climbing down the seat as you pouted. "You're leaving already."
"I'm afraid tho, M/n." Yeosang replied sadly as you thought.
You pondered for a moment before you hastily took a bunch of the delicacies from the basket and went down to give it to Yeosang. "Here. I want you to take this with you. Eat them, or else."
Yeosang nodded and gave you a look of delight at your kind and cute gesture. "I will, M/n." He said before he jogged off to his mother showing her what you gave to him.
"Bye, Sangie!"
"Bye, M/n."
The following day, you were with your friends by the children's playground playing a round of tag, you being the tagger. "Tag, you're it!" You yelled on top of your lungs once you were able to catch up with the smallest of your group of friends, who whined in protest and stomped his foot.
"I'm always 'it'! Why can't it be—"
"Can I play, too?" That all too familiar sweet, honey like voice came from behind him, taking all of your attentions as your head all turned to him and revealed the very shy Yeosang. "I know how to play the game. We uthed to play that back at home."
"Yeosang, of cour—" You were about to reply, but your friends' rejection to his action of joining cut you off.
"Ew, no way. We don't want your boogers and sticky green nose liquid on us. Get away!"
"Yeah, go away! We don't want you playing with us."
"Booger boy!"
"Go play in another playground!"
Those were the words that your friends threw at him that got you shocked from hearing what your friends were saying to Yeosang. Your eyes had widened in shock while you could clearly see the hurt in his eyes that was now glossy with his forming tears from the mean comments he received from your friends. You clearly didn't know there was something going on with your friends and Yeosang.
Yeosang's pleading eyes was placed onto you as he waited for your answer, fiddling with his fingers. Your friends were the best people you could ever have and losing them never crossed your thought, so to avoid this situation from happening, you did what you thought was going to keep them as your friends. "Sure. You can play with us." You said, which made Yeosang hopefully smile, but he immediately took it back from what he heard next from you. "If you weren't so disgusting."
At that, you smirked and all your friends bursted out laughing giving you a clap at the back, the dejected Yeosang hanging his head low, feeling embarrassed. Although he was shamed upon, he still knew you had that kindness inside you and guessed you might have done that for a reason, so he gleamed and looked back at you. "Alright. Maybe next time? When I'm not snot booger rocket anymore." He snorted while laughing that made you all look at him like he's a weirdo.
"Go away! We never want to play with you, again."
And what you thought was just a one time thing, became a permanent bullying towards the poor little boy who only wanted to make friends and play with you. Before they left Busan, he had promised his mom that he wouldn't be the shy boy his parents knew him as, and become friends with the children at their new home, but it looked it was 'friends' that didn't want him.
Their first day, the day he met you, he was so excited and happy that he was able to make a friend, even if it were you who was the first one to approach him. He admired how you were so brave to befriend him and your politeness was one of the things he praised you for. He also thought you were a really kind and friendly kid, but looking at it now, it looked like he was wrong as he was once again rejected to play with you, seating on one of the swings that were a far distance away from where you and your friends played tag.
He sighed, but he didn't want to give up that easily so he ran to you while giggling repeating the words, 'I wanna play' over and over again which got to your friends' nerves, to the point where one of them pushed Yeosang to the ground which got your mouth gaping at the shock, while Yeosang stared up the person who pushed him, eyes starting to swell with tears. As though the fact that he was pushed to the ground wasn't enough, the same person kicked him by the leg which got Yeosang shouting in pain, before standing back up crying and ran home.
You made your way to your friends and glared at them. "Hey, that was too much."
"Why do you care so much?" He sassed at you. "He deserved it."
Your glare didn't falter, but softened when your eyes caught sight of a crying Yeosang. While your friends started to pile up in the middle of the place, you were still caught up in your thoughts, wishing you had just been nice to Yeosang and left your friends for treating Yeosang like that.
Yeosang didn't deserve it. He was a sweet, innocent and kind-hearted boy. He was too pure for this world. He didn't even give up once on trying to be friends with you, but all you ever did was tease him and mock him, call him names like 'booger boy' as you all called him as, 'weirdo', and all sorts of things. Finally realizing your fault, you sighed and regretted the treatment you gave Yeosang. "Sangie..."
A month or so after, you heard about the Kang family moving to another neighborhood which made you feel so bad and hate yourself totally. You didn't even get to say your sorry to Yeosang properly. The little boy never again showed up at the playground and only did when he was asked to throw the trash, all bundled up under so much clothings, since it was winter. That was the only moment you could ever see him.
You rushed out of your house and saw that they were now entering their car, you zoomed across the street and called Yeosang. "Yeosag, Yeosang! Wait!"
This got his attention, snapping his head towards you with a big smile. "M/n! You came to thee me off?" He giggled, making you feel guilty.
You shook your head and knitted your brows. "Why are you leaving? Where are you going?" You asked all in one go.
"We're moving back to Buthan, thince mom wath able to find a plathe there where it'th rent free and could all fit uth in." Then, he leaned in close to your ear to whisper. "Don't worry. I never told mom that your friendth hated me." He giggled secretly.
"Sangie... I also did bad things to you.." You told him sadly.
"I know." Yeosang smiled. "But, I know you didn't do it on purpothe."
"Yeosang, the car's about to leave."
"Oh, I gotta go now. Bye, M/n." He said and waved you goodbye while entering the cab and rolled the windows down while he smiled up at you. "Hope to thee you thoon again, M/n." He said one last time before the car drove off to their destination.
And there it goes. Your last chance to say sorry. Lost. Now, you're left with a lingering feeling of pure guilt and regret.
Years after and you have disbanded with your friends, you are still living with the regret that you made from when you were young. You had just turned 18 years old last month and you were even sadder than the last. Instead of wishing gifts and presents from your new found friends and families, you were only wishing for Yeosang to come back so you could just tell him how much you were sorry and hug him so tightly that he wouldn't be able to breathe.
Your sullen look was noticed by your mother, who by the way, already knew your sin towards Yeosang since you had told her about it already. The first time you told her, she was aggravated with you for not being the child she had raised you to be. You told her the purpose of your action, thus the reason why you left your friend group and boy was your mom right to have let you leave them. What once was playful, turned harsh and violent and you didn't want to be a part of that. "What's wrong, honey? Don't you like your gifts?" Your mother asked you in concern.
You shook your head and sighed. "It's not that. I'm just... feeling like a total jerk."
Your mother sighed at you sadly and sat down beside you, patting you lightly on the back. "Honey, what you've done was wrong, but trust me when I say that Yeosang has a kind heart and if you ever tell him you're sorry, he'd forgive you right away."
"Thanks, mom." You said. "But, people change as they grow."
"Not Yeosang."
You rolled your eyes at your mom with a smirk. "Sure mom. Not Yeosang." You shook your head in disbelief. "I just wish you're right, mom."
You stood up from your seat, as your mother did and walked your way out the door taking in the fresh air of the morning during spring season, when all the trees stood straight and tall, the flowers blooming with all their beauty. You smiled at the sight and took the camera that was hanging by your neck, over a sling and took a picture of the ethereal scenery.
You walked past your porch and started heading to the park to get some takes on your camera to post on your Instagram to entertain your million followers. As you did, you were able to pass by an ice cream stall, so you took a quick stop and bought three scoops of (favorite ice cream flavor) with chocolate syrup and sprinkles to top it off.
You were wearing a smile, happily licking your ice cream away. You let your eyes explore the world around you, finding everything interesting. All these years, the place had been making a lot of changes. From buildings to parks and work towers, everything just felt new, as if you never got to spend time, at least once visiting these places throughout you're whole eighteen years of existence.
You finally arrived at the park, everything from your childhood flashing back through your head. The once only a children's playground is now a family park, but rather than being reminded by the joyous memories, you were able to remember the memory that's been haunting you for life.
You couldn't believe yourself that you had the ability to bully such an innocent kid, while you kept blaming yourself for their sudden moving away. If you had the power to turn back time, you'd make things right with Yeosang and be a better friend to him, which you couldn't do because you wanted to be with the 'cool kids' when all they ever did was make a person's life miserable.
You found a bench to seat on and checked through the pictures you took on your camera, laughing at a video of Mingi getting drunk with Yunho, carrying him like he was a puppy. You just missed those two so bad. You never got another chance to meet them, not even once, since they're both now busy with their job and you're still here trying to find a way to pass the college entrance examination.
Whenever they're around, you three would always be loud as fuck and wouldn't care a thing about the world, just as long as you three are happy. Of course, you didn't go too far just to be happy, unlike the friends you once had.
You still had the smile on as you sighed satisfied and rested your camera back down to let it hang on your neck. You looked around you and saw children playing by the fountain, their parents watching with glee at the sight of their children playing happily. You grabbed your camera and took a picture of the wonderful scene.
You took a few more shots, satisfied, you were finally about to leave with not much else to do, when in a distance you heard a gruff voice call out to you. "M/n? Didn't expect to see you here."
You looked behind you to see Mingi who was in his suit holding a case, his golden wrist watch shining brightly under the sun's light. You smirked and scoffed. "I could tell you the same thing." You said all the while crossing your arms over your chest. "Mingi, are you slacking off?"
Mingi rolled his eyes at your teasing. "I take my job seriously, M/n. I'm not the same person who cuts classes."
"Sure. Sure." You mocked him, while he glared at you. "Anyways, how are you and Yunho doing?"
The brown haired male smiled at the thought of the taller male and sighed. "Oh, you know. The usual. Us missing you and wanting to baby you."
This time, it was you who rolled your eyes, the smirk on your face growing wider, if possible. "You both still on that?"
"Well, you're pretty much the reason how we got together. So, it's just a way of us showing our gratitude for having you in our life." Mingi patted your head making you giggle at the simple contact.
"I just hated how you two were so dense with all the signs you both tried so hard to make the other notice. I had to do something, at least." You said.
"But, weren't you the one who told me you had feelings for Yunho?" He teasingly wiggled his brows at you, making you blush profusely.
"Shut up. There are pasts that should be forgotten and it includes that." You huffed, puffing up your cheeks making you look like a little squirrel. "And you promised we would never speak of this ever again." You pulled your brows in disappointment, looking up at him. "All you do is lie."
"Hey, hey. I don't go that far." Mingi defended himself, before pulling you into his arms to hug you. "But, if you're so embarrassed about it, it'll be just our little secret."
"Don't even promise me if you're just going to break them in the end." You deadpanned making Mingi let out a deep voiced chuckle.
Soon, the two of you parted ways, waving your hands to each other to say goodbye. You were making your way back home, when you noticed a moving truck from the house next door. A new neighbor? You walked up to the truck driver to greet her and do some important interview. "Good morning, ma'am. Did someone just move in?"
"Oh, nice to see friendly faces up in here." She chuckled. "It's not everyday you get the luck to meet one." She sighs from her aching back, before exhaling deeply. "Yeah. Rich families, to be exact. Paid me a good tip." She said making you giggle.
"I see." You laughed lightly. "Well, have a great day, ma'am. Hope to see you, again." You waved her goodbye, the woman doing the same to you.
You hummed to a song as you finished your walk, now in front of your porch, your mom tending with her flowers. "Had a good day, honey?"
"Better than great." You replied. "I met Mingi on his way to his job. Thought he was slacking off like he usually does." You chortled, earning a playful slap on the back from your mom.
"Oh, you." She told you before she led you inside and went straight to the kitchen. "Oh, by the way, have you met the new neighbors next door?"
"Nope." You answered, popping the 'p' with a purse of your lips at the end, then sat down on a seat excited to eat the apple pie your mother made while you were away. Once, it got placed down on the table, you hurriedly dug in with your barehands, but before you could, your mother slapped your hand making you pout as she folded her gardening apron.
"That's for the neighbors." She informed you, your mouth opening in understanding while nodding your head. "And I'm letting you do the honors to give this to them, since I believe, the new neighbors' son was a friend of yours."
"A friend? Who?" You asked with a raised brow, but your mother only gave you a wink and carefully hands you the apple pie. With no other choice, you stood up and wore your bunny slippers, too lazy to put your shoes back on, as you headed to the house next door.
You walked up the small stairs that led up to the house's front door and knocked three times. You waited for a reply, but you received nothing, so you waited before knocking on the door, once again just in case they didn't hear you.
Alas, a male's voice was heard, shouting a loud 'coming' to inform you that someone was finally coming for the door. You stood there patiently with a smile, practicing in your head what you will have to say to the male. The door soon flew open and appeared a tall man, who looked freakishly handsome, his features flawless that it's making it hard for you to look away. He was so surreal. Like a character pulled straight out from a comic.
You tried to utter a word, but the lines you prepared in your head was long forgotten. "Uh..." Was the only word you could ever stable.
"Er.. Is that for us?" The male asked you, snapping you from your thoughts and nodding your head, taking notice of the small lisp he had with the letter 's'.
"Uh, yeah, yeah. It's for you and your family." You said. "It's actually a tradition, so we make the new neighbors feel welcome." You added and slowly gave it to the male infront of you, a smile gracing upon his features. Goodness, his smile is so stunning.
He accepted the gift and took it into his hands. You bowed curtly and had decided to make your way back, when the male had caught your attention. "Wait, don't go just yet. Why don't you come inside and have a bite?"
And who were you to turn down an offer from a cute guy? "Uhm, er, sure. Yeah, I'd love to." He lets you walk inside first as he closes the door, a small creak and click coming from it.
"Hol'up, you're not a pedophile, are you?" You suddenly asked out of fear. "There's been a lot of news going on around the world and I've prepared my whole life, so I can fight you."
"No, no. For sure, I'm not." He said as he walked by past you, leading the way to the kitchen to guide you. Once you two made it to the kitchen, the things on the table were cleared, the car keys hiding it in his pockets. "Take a seat. I'll go grab some plates."
"Your mom and dad?" You asked out of the blue, making him chuckle.
"You're so full of questions." He told you. "They're buying groceries."
"Oh." You let out silently, sitting down while fiddling with your fingers since you got nothing else to do.
The male came back with what he intended to get and placed one on your side, then one on his, moving to the kitchen isle to get a knife to cut the pie. "So, how's your life going?"
You thought for while taking a long deep breathe. "Well, I guess you could pretty much say, complicated." You answered and when he didn't speak back to let you keep on talking, you continued. "There's days where I feel so happy, then there are days where I feel miserable." You looked up at him while he cuts the pie. "I just wish... I..." You trailed off once you were able to catch a glimpse of the discoloration of a certain area on the side of his head. Wait a minute. That birthmark...
The moment you were able to figure it out, you jumped up from your seat and widened your eyes in shock. "Yeo.. Yeosang..?"
He let out a small chuckle, before stopping his actions and looking up at you. "So, you saw my tattoo, huh?"
You couldn't believe it. He was back, but different. He's no longer the chubby little boy with snot running down his nose, he's now a total hottie and he's even taller than you already. "O-oh my gosh.. Yeosang.. You look so.. different."
"Well, I wanted to be your friend badly, I decided to change for you, but it was also a self-decision, so don't feel so bad, M/n." Yeosang said. He did change, but his personality is still the same old Yeosang.
"Yeosang, I was your friend. I was just a coward." You sadly said, your guilt even growing bigger. "I'm so sorry."
Yeosang moved to your side and pulled you into his arms, the strong scent of something sweet and musky all at the same time, tickling your nose. His embrace was so warm and caring that you never wanted him to pull away. "M/n, I have forgiven you a long time ago, already. You don't have to say sorry, anymore."
"Just let me do it, Sang. The thought of not being able to see you again keeps plaguing me for days." You admitted. "I kept on blaming myself that I was the reason why you moved away."
"No, M/n, you're not. Please, don't be hard on yourself." He said, caressing your hair. "It was a family business, so we had to move to a place near dad's work place."
You gave him a light punch and stifled a laugh. "You should have told me sooner."
You both got into a comfortable silence, before Yeosang decided to break it. "Well, how about we eat and catch up on each others' lives, yeah?"
"That sounds lovely."
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mshomestyle · 3 years
Ok this is gonna sound odd. But how would Kaminari and Shinsou (either separate or together would work tbh) react if their teenage daughter brought home her boyfriend but they don't trust him. Like he looks like a total fuck boy, but they wanna trust their daughter. So later on they would stealthily follow said boyfriend to make sure that he wouldn't hurt the daughter. While hiding Kami and/or Shin overhear him completely just bashing his friends words and shit because his so called 'friends' were disrespecting his girl/their daughter, and he wasn't having that. They then decide that he's alright. They'll leave baby girl in his hands. He looks like a bad boy, tattoos and piercings and the whole shebang. But clearly he drinks his "Respect Women" juice.
Bonus if the boyfriends favorite hero is Red Riot, so of course he's gonna be drinking that "women are queens" juice daily lol.
I never see any dad things for Kami or Shinsou and I hope to start something here. I think they'd be great dads tbh
Definitely not odd!
Thing their Daughter’s Boyfriend is bad when He really isn’t [Head Canons]:
(Kaminari, Shinsou)
-Kaminari watched with an eyebrow raised as you buzzed around the dining room, setting the table and such. “Come on, he’ll be here soon,” you spoke.
-The hero only shrugged and casually picked up a dish, “He’s our daughter’s boyfriend. He has to impress us, not the other way around.” You just rolled your eyes at that.
-”Yes, and we’re trying not to embarrass her,” you said. Speaking of which, your daughter rushed into the dining room.
-”Thank you, mom,” she said before giving her father a pout. Kaminari sighed, but he relented.
-”Fine, fine,” he said, giving his baby girl’s head a rub, “I’ll be good.”
-About an hour later, the door bell rang, and since he was the closest, Kaminari went to answer it. Upon doing so, however, he was greeted by a teenage boy with several piercings and tattoos. “Uh...We’re not looking to buy anything,” he said.
-The boy just laughed “[Daughter Name] said you were funny!”
-Needless to say, Kaminari thought that something was up with this teen. There was no way his daughter could like some punk like this! He was in no way good enough for his daughter and Kaminari was gong to prove that.
-”He’s a nice kid, leave it alone,” you merely told him when he asked for your opinion.
-That went into one ear and out the other as soon enough Kaminari came up with the idea to see if this guy was legit or not.
-This guy came off as a fuck boy, after all, as the kids would say, and the last thing Kaminari wanted was for his daughter to get hurt. Make no mistake, however, as he did trust his baby girl, he just ultimately wanted to protect her.
-So, when the day finally came, Kaminari decided to misuse his hero training and follow after his daughter’s boyfriend.
-The guy wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary so far. He just met up with some friends and they went to hang out at a coffee shop. Typical of teens, but Kaminari remembered his days at that age and how he did similar.
-Making sure to sit at a table right behind the group, Kaminari listened intently. For some reason the teens seemed fire up, and he wondered why.
-”So, have you figured out if Charge Bolt’s daughter is as electrifying as her daddy.” Kaminari raised an eyebrow at this, feeling curious as the boys giggled. It took him awhile, but he finally figured out what they were saying, which caused him to nearly shoot out of his seat, intending to blow his cover and confront them on the spot. But then...
-”What are you talking about?” He heard his daughter’s boyfriend and his question seemed to make the others laugh louder.
-”You know, if she’s good in bed? Puts good use of her quirk there? She’s got such a nice body and such a smackable-”
-”Hey, you can’t disrespect women like that! And certainly not my girlfriend.” At the defense, Kaminari listened intently, not believing what he was hearing. “Besides, the first thing that shouldn’t come to mind when you think about a woman is sex and her looks. She’s a person and very sweet, so I better not hear you talking about women like that again, especially her.” The way your boyfriend defended you sounded so sincere and passionate that Kaminari was awestruck.
-There was just no way this guy was that respectful...What he was saying was also sounding familiar, too, “I mean, what would Red Riot say? Everyone deserves respect, right?” Ah, there it was-But wait a second!
-”Red Riot, really?!” Kaminari completely blew his cover as he got up and approached the teens, who were looking at him rather shocked, “Charge Bolt! Charge Bolt should be your favorite hero!” Then in that moment, Kaminari quickly covered his mouth, realizing his mistake.
“Mr. Kaminari what are you doing here?”
-Needless to say, Kaminari now approves of his daughter’s boyfriend.
-It got to a point in most relationships where parents were met with and got involved.
-Now, Shinsou’s daughter was definitely spoiled and loved by him. He wouldn’t do much things in fear of looking stupid, but when it came to his daughter, he would do anything and more.
-So, when she told him about her boyfriend, of course he wanted to meet the guy who got his daughter so interested.
-He and you had not met the teen yet, and this would be the first time your kid brought someone home, so this was rather exciting.
-”I told him all about you, dad, and he thinks you’re a cool hero and can’t wait to meet you,” The teen girl smiled. Shinsou returned her smile and rubbed at her head.
-”Well, I can’t wait to meet him.”
-Those were words that Shinsou certainly wanted to take back once he met the guy in question.
-The doorbell had rang without warning, and you rushed to open it, greeting what Shinsou knew to be known as a typical fuckboy.
-This guy showed up with his phone in hand, tattoos, piercings, and also wearing a leather jacket. Nope, Shinsou was not approving.
-He remained civil, however, not saying much during the dinner that the family ate together with their guest, but as soon as the boy left, he made his disdain known.
-”No, I don’t like him,” he told his daughter without delay once she asked, “You’re going to get your heart broken, and I won’t allow that.”
-”But daddy! You haven’t even gotten to know him yet!” Shinsou didn’t agree with that, which led to his daughter slamming her bedroom door on her way up. You just sighed and looked at your husband.
-”Come on, the boy is nice and makes good grades,” you said, though your words sailed right out the window.
-”I’ll prove it to her,” was all Shinsou said before turning in for the night.
-It was about a week later before he put his plan in motion. It was simple, he was going to follow the boy and record him cheating on his daughter. It was just bound to happen at some point, and he would use this as leverage to expose the boy and get you on his side for preventing his daughter from dating him. He’d spare her the broken heart, however by not telling her the truth.
-So, Shinsou found out where the teen was and began discreetly following him and his group of friends. Nothing was seeming out of the ordinary for now...
-”Oh, Red Riot!” Shinsou ducked, wondering if Kirishima were actually there, but all that could be seen was the hero appearing on a TV that his daughter’s boyfriend seemed to zero in on.
-’He likes Red Riot?’
-”Come on, dude,” his friends seemed to call him back, chuckling all the while.
-”I’m coming, I’m coming,” he said, only to receive more laughter.
-”I bet that’s what your girlfriend said last night!” The teen stopped dead in his tracks, and Shinsou felt as if he might end up getting his hero license revoked for beating some kids.
-”Hey, don’t make jokes like that, about any woman ever, okay? It’s not cool or funny.” That murderous feeling seemed pass as Shinsou’s eyes widened in surprise at what he was hearing.
-”Come on, it’s just a joke dude. I mean, your girlfriend’s hot! Be grateful we don’t think she’s gros-”
-The other teens immediately shut up as they were being glared at. “Just because she’s beautiful doesn’t give you a free pass to talk about her like that. So you better not ever.”
-Shinsou let out a sigh. He started to feel a bit sorry for his preconceived notions. He hated to think that his baby girl was all grown up and dating, but he knew that he should be grateful it was with such a good guy.
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I Think I'll Love You Too III
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Chapter: 3/?
Rating: U
Summary: George and Ringo have been going out officially for a couple of months. Ringo anticipated that dating a stripper would be complicated, but he didn't understand exactly how complicated it would be.
Tags: Modern AU, Established Relationship
Pairing: George Harrison/Ringo Starr (Background McLennon)
AO3 link here / Fic masterlist here
Ringo hadn't been back to The Helter Skelter since he and George had started dating, much to the disappointment of John who had been begging constantly. However there cane a point where George began to grow suspicious, evidently he was worried that his relationship history was beginning to repeat itself. Not that he expressed any of these concerns to Ringo, instead he dropped passive aggressive hints and made vague comments which unfortunately reminded Ringo of the potential downsides to dating. Once the clues had been deciphered, Ringo vowed to return to the club the following night which seemed to please both John and George.
"You're not gonna get jealous are you?" George had asked while getting ready for his shift "Because if you are, just don't come."
Ringo certainly wasn't enjoying the harsher side of George but he understood the defensive tactic well "Of course not." He sat behind George who was doing his makeup in the mirror and wrapped his arms around his waist "What have I got to be jealous about?"
"I'm just saying..." George leaned in to the touch "You might think you won't get jealous, but when you see me rubbing my arse on some ugly bloke you might flip."
"George." Ringo said sternly "Stop worrying, please. I'll be just fine."
"Hmm, if you're sure." George sounded distracted as he coated his eyelashes in mascara.
Ringo had headed back home when George had left for work, he saw no use in hanging around the club so early in the evening. He caught up on some much needed sleep, his body was still rather exhausted. When night fell, John was excitedly knocking on Ringo's door. Awakening feeling groggy and disoriented Ringo shuffled over to open it. John burst in immediately, swinging the door so violently that Ringo had to jump backwards to avoid being hit.
"Jesus!" Ringo scolded "Could've taken my nose off."
"I'd be doing you a favour." John joked with a grin, collapsing onto Ringo's sofa "You got anything to drink?"
"Nice to see you too." Ringo scoffed, closing the door.
The two of them shared a few cold beers before heading out to the club, blasting the radio as they drove through the night. John was eager to see Paul, even though they'd spent the last few nights together, it was refreshing for Ringo to see his best friend so happy.
Ringo had forgotten how loud the music had been, the vibrations rattling in his ears as they made their way past the bouncer and into the warmth of the club. It was relatively packed, unsurprisingly for a Saturday night, but luckily their usual seats at the bar were free. John didn't even have to order a drink, as soon as he sat down he was being served without a word. Ringo supposed it would be an impressive sight if they weren't in a strip club, the thought passed his mind that John had paid the bartender prior just to make him look cool.
Ringo didn't recognise the dancer on stage, they had short platinum blonde hair and intricate tattoos dotted across their skin. Neither of them paid much attention, far more invested in their own conversation. Eventually they were shooed away from the bar to make room for other customers, so they sat at the back of the rows of chair and continued their nonsensical discussion as best they could.
"Ey up." John's tone changed as he nodded his head towards the stage "Someone's got their eye on you."
Ringo didn't register the words entirely at first, both his thoughts and visions gradually  blurring as he drank more and more. John nudged Ringo to direct his attention, the dancer was making their way through the throng of customers who were eagerly waving money in the air. Gradually they maneuverered over to Ringo and John, swinging their hips with their eyes glued to Ringo.
"Shit." Ringo breathed with a hint of a laugh.
He looked around the room to see if George was around, but there was no sign of him. As the dancer got closer and closer, Ringo figured there was nothing he could do but humour them and to get the whole thing over with as soon as possible. He could hardly complain, it was the guy's job after all. John seemed ready to burst into a fit of laughter upon witnessing Ringo's dilemma, his face scrunched up in an attempt to keep it in.
It was strange to compare the difference in emotion Ringo felt when being singled out by this new dancer versus how he'd previously felt with George; surprisingly the nerves were still present but were far more of a negative rather than actual excitement. Ringo leaned back in his chair a little in an attempt to gain some distance from the blonde dancer who had begun gyrating in front of him, but the gesture was mistaken for encouragement as he only intensified his lewd movements. John's laughter began pouring from his pursed lips, luckily the music masked the noise so that the dancer took no notice.
Ringo felt a hand on his shoulder, he assumed it was John trying to further his discomfort but then he heard shouting behind him and he knew something was up. Turning his head, Ringo saw an extremely pissed off looking George.
"You trying to be funny?" George was yelling, his hand possessively pressing down on Ringo's skin.
The other dancer seemed unfazed, passing George a momentary glance before reaching his hand forward to caress Ringo's cheek; at least that's where Ringo assumed he was aiming for it never reached it's destination. George gripped the dancer's wrist, the anger in his face melting away into a strange kind of satisfaction.
"Watch it." George spoke in a low voice, Ringo hardly even heard it.
By this point John was unable to restrain his emotions, his mouth agape in shock for a few moments before laughing again; George paid no attention to him, his dark eyes fixed solely on the blonde in front of him. He tried to shake George's hand off, it was causing quite the scene, but couldn't. After a few more moments of struggling, George released his grip and the dancer shuffled sheepishly away and attempted to finish their number with the little dignity they had left.
Ringo started laughing now, mostly because he was nervous, but was silenced when George ordered him to meet him outside. John gave Ringo a look which said 'good luck' with a mixture of both encouragement and worry.
In the cold air of the night Ringo felt himself sobering up a little, he hadn't fully registered the whole situation but it still felt pretty comical to him, though that may have just been the alcohol.
"You alright?" Ringo broke the silence, offering George a cigarette who snatched it.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." George mumbled as he lit it.
"One too many 'yeah's there, I think." Ringo chuckled.
George just looked at him, saying nothing. Ringo knitted his brows together in worry.
"Er- You gonna say anything?" Ringo shifted his weight between his feet awkwardly.
George said nothing for a few more moments then finally said "I'm sorry."
Ringo laughed again "Sorry? For what?"
"I..." George broke off his speech with a huff "That was out of line. On my part, I mean."
Ringo rolled his eyes and moved closer to George, interlacing their fingers together "Don't be daft, George. I get it."
"But- I just..." George sighed, Ringo had never seen him so internally frustrated, he tried to speak again but Ringo silenced him with a kiss.
"You don't have to explain yourself to me." Ringo said firmly, his hands cupping George's cheeks.
"I- Alright..." George huffed, closing his eyes in an attempt to dispel the frustration "I really hate that new prick."
Ringo laughed, breaking whatever tension was laugh "I can tell. What's his deal anyway?"
"Oh, I dunno." George flicked his cigarette away "Think he's jealous of me or something. Can you blame him?"
"Not at all." Ringo hummed happily, planting a short kiss on George's now cold lips.
Ringo could feel the tension leaving George's body: his shoulders lowering, his breath slowing. He wondered whether he'd ever be able to have a drama-free night at this place.
"You wanna go back in?" Ringo offered, rubbing his thumb on George's cheek before pulling the hand away entirely.
"Sure, sure." George still seemed a little distracted, Ringo knew he wasn't being told everything "Let me get you a drink."
"If you're offering." Ringo smiled, leading the way back into the humid club.
"Will you stay until I finish?" George asked, sounding almost shy "Please." He added after a moment.
"Of course." Ringo held the door open for George to walk through.
Inside George led them over to the bar where he ordered another round for both Ringo and John. He placed a brief kiss on Ringo's cheek then vanished into the crowds. Ringo let out a huff of air, managing to find John who had moved to the front of the stage and was hollering even louder than the music. It was no mystery as to why, Paul was currently onstage spinning around the pole in a way Ringo only assumed was incredibly difficult. He was wearing no shirt yet a multicoloured tie was hanging around his neck, his trousers a sheer black material with relatively high platform boots on his feet.
When John realised Ringo had returned, he offered him a cheesy grin which revealed how drunk he really was. His face lit up when Ringo offered him yet another drink, accepting it gladly and downing it almost instantly.
"Everything alright?" John yelled into Ringo's ear, his eyes not moving from Paul.
"Yeah." Ringo shouted back, it was all that needed to be said.
As soon as Paul had finished his number, he sought John out in the crowd instantly and the two disappeared giggling excitedly into one of the private room. This left Ringo alone to think and, more importantly, drink. He spotted the blonde dancer serving drinks later on but avoided eye contact as best he could.
George had been appearing and disappearing throughout the night but Ringo didn't really mind, it wouldn't be too long until the club was closing for the night. Ringo tucked himself away in a distant corner, finishing an array of drinks and scrolling through his phone aimlessly.
Eventually John resurfaced, dark bruises dotting the skin of his neck, with a very satisfied grin. He didn't hang around for too long, helping Ringo finish some of his drinks, before excitedly saying goodbye to head to Paul's for the night. It was a relief to Ringo, he no longer had to worry about getting him home safely.
George appeared only several minutes later, his skin covered in a sheen of sweat from exertion. Ringo smiled at him drunkenly, stumbling up from his seat and banging into the table which knocked a few empty glasses over.
"Ready to go?" Ringo asked "You're sober enough to drive, right? Because I am not."
"Sure thing." George pulled Ringo close to his body "I'm bloody knackered, let's just get to bed."
Ringo made a noise of agreement "Lemme just have a piss, then we'll go."
"You don't wanna go in there, trust me." George scoffed, nodding his head towards the toilet "It gets blocked every night, it's dead grotty."
Ringo curled his lip up in disgust "Really? I don't care, I'll just-"
George stopped Ringo from turning away "No, no, really, it's dreadful. I'll just get us home quick, alright?"
There was a strange tone to George's voice, at least Ringo thought so but his senses were considerably dulled from the alcohol. Ringo gave him a quizzical look but allowed himself to be pulled out of the club all the same, his stomach feeling a little sensitive as the car pulled out onto the road.
George was silent, his hands gripping the wheel tightly as he drove. Ringo wasn't quite sure what was awaiting him when they were fully alone back at George's place, but he knew it was something big.
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bard-llama · 3 years
How did you figure out you were ace?
Oooh, that's a difficult question! I figured it out when I was about 16ish? Though in my head, it's 14, even though I know that's not right, because I was 14 in my freshman year of high school, but I didn't figure things out until my junior or senior year. Part of that is because in my junior year, I discovered that we had a Gay-Straight Alliance at my school and my friend group kinda accidentally took it over. But as you can imagine, no one there knew about asexuality. Hell, bisexuality was still considered kinda "new" in that way where it's not new at all, but it's a scary new concept to consider. (Which is ironic 'cause like, half the group was probably bi).
I cannot remember for sure, because my memory is like swiss cheese, but I think I found the term "asexual" online. I know I found "genderfluid" on a prompt meme on livejournal, so maybe asexual came from somewhere similar for me. But the important thing was, I suddenly realized that like... oh. Other people experience attraction. It's not just that I'm oblivious, it's that I'm literally uninterested.
So of course I immediately ran home to tell my dad, 'cause he had set up a workshop in the garage, so when my friends dropped me off at home, he'd have the garage open and I'd talk to him first and we'd talk politics and shit. And WOW was not expecting that hit of emotion, but for context, my dad died on New Year's Day this year.
Um, anyway. I was lucky. I don't think anyone had ever heard of asexuality before, but I was VERY gungho about coming out and told basically everyone lol. And at first, my definition actually wasn't quite right, because I didn't understand the differences between sexual desire, sex drive, sexual attraction, and having sex. But I actually used to do talks at universities and stuff where I'd be on a panel with other PFLAG folks and I'd share about asexuality. That's one of the reasons I AM so out and proud - 'cause maybe someone else out there has never heard of it before, but now they've SEEN an example of it being real. And if one of their friends comes out to them, they can be all "oh hey, I've heard of that!" And idk, that could mean a lot to someone.
I should probably clarify that my friends and family were all loving and supportive, if in need of education (as I was). And being asexual was really, really important to me for a long time, and it still is, but once I got my tattoos, it almost... idk, settled something in me? And then I started to become disabled, so that kinda took precedence.
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This is my tattoo! (Well, one of them. I have 11 currently)
From left to right: Asexual flag, Genderfluid flag, Queer flag, Polyamorous flag, and Aromantic flag. They're spades because that's a thing in the aspec community, making jokes about card suits and such. The Ace of Spades was supposed to stand for being aroace. But also, they just look cool lol.
For the sake of education, 'cause you never know who is hearing these terms for the first time, I'm gonna put definitions under the cut.
Asexual - does not experience sexual attraction. This is different from having a sex drive or being horny or desiring sex. Attraction is targetted at a person, and when you've never experienced it, it can be kinda hard to figure out. But allosexual people can look at someone aesthetically pleasing and a natural line of thought might be "wow, they're pretty" -> "damn, that's a nice ass" -> "wonder what they'd be like in bed". Now for me, that was pretty foreign, because my thought process was something like "wow, they're pretty! Huh, I wonder if I could find earrings like that!"
Genderfluid - under the trans umbrella (as in, not-cis. That's the only requirement for that umbrella and despite what my internal transphobia said for years, yes, you ARE trans enough to use the label if you want to). Genderfluid literally means your gender changes fluidly. I would usually describe it as "some days I'll wake up a girl (rarely), some days I'll wake up a guy (more common), some days I'll wake up with no gender (decently common), and some days I'll wake up with ALL the genders (probably pretty often lol)". The idea is that it changes from moment to moment and can lie anywhere on the gender spectrum - including not being on it at all!
Queer - okay, y'all probably know this one, but just to be clear: queer is a term inclusive of ALL identities that are not cisheteronormative. Period. To me, it is the most inclusive term for our community and I will never let people try to shame me into stopping use of a term that MANY trans women of color fought and died for. We're here, we're queer, and we're damned proud of it.
Polyamorous - interest in and ability to love and commit to multiple people at the same time. Basically, the opposite of monogamy, though the two are not in conflict. Someone polyamorous can be exclusively committed to someone monogamous and likewise someone monogamous could be commited to someone who is polyamorous and has other relationships. This is an important one to me because, even though I don't really do dating, I do have a queer platonic partner (@professorpineapple my love!) and it's important to me that people KNOW that I am polyamorous, because so few people understand what it means. And I think the real root of it is that love is love. Literally. Whether it's romantic or platonic, friendship or family, love is love and we all need a lot of love in our lives. Seriously, humans were meant to exist in communities. Society holds up romance as this "top tier" relationship type, and not only is that false, it's actively damaging. People are told to put all of their needs into one single person and it doesn't matter who you are - no one can fulfill all your needs all the time. You're supposed to have a COMMUNITY of people who support you in different ways as you need.
Aromantic - This is asexuality's romantic cousin. Where asexual = no sexual attraction, aromantic = no romantic attraction. Now, this is difficult to define for me, because I literally only found out last month that like... romance is an actual emotion people feel???? I still don't really get it tbh. But basically, it's a specific kind of desire to be with someone in a romantic sense. And this is tricky, because there's no clear action that is, by definition, romantic. ANY behavior can be romanic if those involved consider it so. Likewise, those same behaviors could be platonic if those involved consider them platonic. So like, kissing + holding hands + cuddling + stuff like that? Does not necessarily mean romance. And that can be hard for people to understand. But I think it's important to note that, while I personally am 100% a spinster, aromantic people, just like asexual people, can and do have romantic and sexual relationships. Being aromantic does not mean you are incapable of love, even though society's emphasis on romance as the "real" love makes it hard to believe.
I wanna expand on asexuality and aromanticism a little bit, because idk, I wish someone had told me this stuff when I was still questioning and figuring things out. If you are aspec (meaning on EITHER/BOTH the aromantic or asexual spectrum), you might experience a lower sex drive/be a "late bloomer". I say this because I was, and it's part of why I mis-defined asexuality for so long. Asexuality does not mean a lack of a sex drive or even lack of interest in sex. All it means is that you do not experience sexual attraction to people. Period. That's it. So now we're gonna go into TMI territory, because I think it's important to talk about. Asexuals can and do have sex. Asexuals can and are kinky. This does not mean that every asexual is interested in sex in any way, shape, or form. There are people who are completely sex-repulsed - and that isn't limited to only asexual people either. But like, I'm aroace and I write romantic porn literally all the fucking time. Kinky romantic porn. I've never had sex with another person and I'm not fully sure I ever want to, though would be nice to experience cunnilingus on both sides of it. I do masturbate all the fucking time. I mean, literally, I write porn! So yeah, I get off to my porn, though I've never actually had an orgasm and I'm told that's a shame. Frankly, sub/dom space seems more appealing than an orgasm, but I've never experienced that either, so what can you do? I like to think it's like when you hit that perfect level of high where you're floaty and nothing matters and you just feel good and vibe.
Anyway, I bring this up because a decade ago, I knew I was aroace, but I didn't know the first thing about kink, except that bdsm was something you could whisper and giggle over without actually knowing what it meant. Now? For never having experienced most of it personally, I'm... kind of a secondhand expert on kink lmao. The point is: lack of sexual attraction (or romantic attraction) means only that - lack of attraction. It does not define behavior. So yes, asexual people can enjoy and seek out sex and aromantic people can date and fall in love and get married and shit. And we've always existed, even before we had the terminology for it.
This is long and rambly, but I hope someone gets something out of it! If nothing else, you can now say that you've met some weirdo on the internet who was queer x4 and also kinky and wordy as fuck lmao
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fallin-flcwer · 3 years
Japan Interview // Georgie Heo
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what’s your star sign? "A gemini!"
what’s your favourite holiday? "Christmas."
what colour are your eyes? "Dark brown, but it's freakishly close to being black."
if i went on to your spotify right now, your most played song would be what? "HIP by Mamamoo."
do you read much? "Not really. I did have a phase when I was younger and read all the popular dystopian books like The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner, etc."
where did you grow up? "I grew up in Seoul, but my family travelled a lot so I only really spent a small majority of my life there."
when it comes to siblings; are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child? "I'm the youngest."
what were you like in high school? "I was a very bubbly student. I wouldn't consider myself popular but I was very well known for being the captain of the dance team at our high school."
if you could be any magical creature, what would you be? "A dragon! Mostly because I've seen a lot of people compare my appearance to Light Fury from How to Train your Dragon 3, but regardless I think it'd be pretty cool."
where is your happy place? "The dance studio."
can you tell us about a hobby you have that has NOTHING to do with your career? "Annoying my brothers."
which academy do you attend? "Blossom Bell in Tokyo."
do you have a routine that gets you in the right frame of mind for work? "Just to go straight to the dance studio as soon as I can."
can you give us some insight into your next big project? "I'm going to be in a girl group! Each of the members are going to have a role in the production of our group, like styling, songwriting, producing, etc. I'm the choreographer of the group, but I'm also going to assist in music production as well."
if you weren’t at a talent academy, what occupation would you be working towards? "I think I'd be a dance teacher, or maybe a producer with the help of my dad instead of a talent academy. He went through it all as a Blossom Bell and St Judes student, so I'd probably get the same tips they'd give me through him. Loopholes."
are you a ‘work hard, play hard’ or a ‘work hard, sleep hard’ type? "Work hard, Play Hard."
what’s your proudest moment in your career so far? "There isn't one moment specifically, but just getting on stage and showing people my choreographies has been such a good experience."
do you remember where you were when you realised you were accepted into your academy? "I was in the studio with my dad and my brothers. Minhyuck and I got the letter around the same time."
did you get rejected from any academies? do you care anymore? "I did apply for Liberty as a second preference and got rejected. I'm not upset about it though."
what is your DREAM achievement? "To become a well known dancer and choreographer. I'd love to work for big names in the industry."
finish the sentence: “when it comes to my career, my goal is to make sure that…” "I have fun, and do things I'm 100% happy with showing off."
are you single or taken? "Single."
what’s your snapchat score? "25,600"
read us your last received text… "i told dad we would meet him in the lobby in 10 min so you better me there"
would you ever date a fan? "I wouldn't be opposed to it."
how could somebody go about getting your attention? "I think in a way, I'd have to see a bit of myself in order for someone to get my attention, so if you like, i don't know, just match my energy you'll probably get my attention."
have you ever stalked an exes socials? "Yeah."
have you ever stalked an exes new partners socials? "Nope."
which song best describes your last crush or relationship? "Slow Dancing In The Dark by Joji... The guy singer, not me."
have you ever used tinder? "Nope."
who on tour would you most like to see naked? "Nobody."
who’s the most annoying person on tour? "Minhyuck."
which person on tour would you NOT let your hypothetical son or daughter date? "Minhyuck, for very obvious reasons."
what’s the grossest thing you’ve ever done? "My oldest brother dared me to eat a worm when I was five, and being the innocent five year old I was, I did it."
have you ever peed in the shower? "Anyone that says no is lying."
who is one person on tour that you trust more than anything? "Dad and Minhyuck."
what kind of drunk are you? "I'm the same as my brother. We definitely become more crazy and hyper but the second I run out of energy I go straight to sleep.."
if you could spend a day inside one movie, which would it be and why? "Step Up because dancing."
if you could have any piece of music play whenever you entered a room, what would it be? "HIP by Mamamoo. I might be a little bit obsessed."
everybody has ONE word tattooed on their head that most describes who they are, what does yours say? "Hyper."
if i came round your house for a dinner date, what would you cook me? "I'm more into making desserts and baking but I can make a bomb cheese tonkatsu, which is like a korean cheese pork cutlet."
do you have any guilty pleasures or weaknesses? "None that I can think of."
say a word that you HATE the sound of… "Oppa.. I'm not sure if it's because I genuinely hate the sound of it or if it's because I've said it so many times to by brothers and guy friends it doesn't sound like a proper word to me anymore."
what is one country you have no desire to visit that other people do? "Australia. Me and heat don't mix well."
if you could rename yourself, what would your name now be? "Technically I've already renamed myself Georgie -not really though because it's just the English version of my actual name, Joji- but I generally like names that end in the -ee sound. So maybe like Lucy or Maisie.. Something like that."
if these were your famous last words, what would you say? "Minhyuck did it."
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China & America
China: [After School] China: Where are you? China: You left your clothes on the bathroom floor and he's threatening to ✂ them up and she's just sitting there nodding America: ✂💳 after buying new 👌 China: Hilarious China: but you'd have to pry his wallet out his tight arse first and he's waving the ✂ about like right now America: 😐 America: terrorist negotiations are a no no China: Oh, believe me, if he knew you were on the 📞 he'd be straight on to shout at you himself America: if he wants me to walk around naked that's his damage America: she's guaranteed not sitting there 😶 when I do China: They're your best jeans China: you already don't have enough decent gear, you're seriously going to risk it? America: they'll be my best denim cut offs America: I don't come running for him China: Because it's not freezing 11 months and a half out of the year, Ricky China: I don't either but like fuck would I let him trash any of my stuff America: move us 🏝🧉 Gaz 👏 China: You want to fake as delusional as her? China: Fine, I'll be the only one living in reality, trying to talk some sense back into the woman and stopping him from ruining literally everything we've got America: back into? America: you've got jokes China: Please China: She was never this bad before China: or at least for this long, it'd be three weeks max of the lovesick bit and then she'd always come back and be mam again America: from your 🏰 that's the view China: There's nothing about this house that's castle like but he's definitely taken the only appeals it had away China: you miss having the parties and the hangs too America: they're still happening America: Gaz doesn't run the 🌏 America: can't roll out of 🛏 onto a dance floor but it's not 😢 China: But it was better when we could throw them China: and there was no rules around here, period China: You're just giving him reason to stay, the man's a raving lunatic, instead of saying no tah it's like his new cause to fix this family and save us both China: Must've been a fucking general in a past life America: there still aren't, his don't count America: & you're not giving him a reason to fucking go so 🤫 China: You say that but any time we have to be here China: and we do, at least some of the time, we can't do what we always did before and he's calling the shots China: I'm trying to figure out what the hell that would look like, what are you doing? America: watch me America: I'll throw a party right now China: Really China: Good luck with that China: Jesus, he'll lock you up, you know he will, if he doesn't do worse beforehand America: What's Daddy Garry gonna do? Hit me? America: They'd lock him up America: & his head'll 🤯 before mine does China: You don't remember some of the boyfriends she's had China: it's not funny, for fuck's sake China: I want my life back America: the trauma hasn't run deep enough to give me memory loss & you're not old enough to play that card America: it can be anything I want, it's my life America: I remember when we had live laugh love on the kitchen wall China: You know what? China: Let him rip up all your sketty clothes China: you're being selfish, why should I help you America: now the 👖 don't know whose side you're on America: they were THE BEST when you wanted me to come back China: I'm on the side of this family China: but you only care about yourself, apparently America: you're on your own side America: you care about having your life back, not what mine looks like China: I'm the one here arguing with him for your stuff right now China: and I just want things back how they were, for all of us China: him gone and her like an actual person with thoughts and emotions about anything that ain't what he wants America: you said yourself he won't leave if I act any kind of way America: he's crusading America: & I don't look old enough to get high enough to do a mam impression America: what do you fucking expect me to do, Chi? China: Help me work this out! China: Together China: you're still here, you don't get to wash your hands of it and ignore it like Zsa does because it doesn't really matter to her China: as long as he isn't hitting any of us and maybe even then, who the fuck knows with her America: don't ! at me America: if it were that simple, togetherness could get fucked China: It ain't, that's the whole problem and what no one else seems to grasp right now China: we act up, he's got more cause to stay and get progressively worse until we can't do anything and go anywhere China: we do what he wants and stay in line, he'll probably get such a boner he'll try to marry her and adopt us America: the audacity of me taking a 🚿 in my own home China: I know China: why is he not telling her to do more washing? America: be a controlling fuckwit but make it useful America: you could be wayyyyyyyy more productive with this, sir China: I'm not saying that's right either but it's all about how WE have no respect China: she's stopped doing anything that isn't doing her 💅💄👗 for him and we're meant to do it all, apparently America: Mam has respect for his 💪🍆🍑 China: 🤮 China: It goes without saying, but he's literally fuck ugly America: but I DEMAND it's said America: he needs to know on the regs China: He's got this one wrinkle on his forehead that's so deep I reckon it could hold a ✎ China: I hate him America: if you put your 💄 in there next time he's 😪💻 , I'll let you use a DIFFERENT ONE on me China: Alright China: I'll use one of hers America: would she end it if he had 0 hair? America: or eyebrows China: His hairline is dead and she acts like she don't notice China: It's like a spell, or something America: I know someone who'd come over for a face tattoo America: or 🍆🍑 if that's all she cares about China: You do not China: and he doesn't have enough of either to cover, shh America: I do TOO China: Who? America: Si is bored enough without your parties he bought a tattoo gun online China: Oh God China: do not do it he'll be so bad, never mind the hepatitis America: & he's dyslexic China: 😂 China: I can't wait to see what bullshit he decides to misspell on himself then America: [sends her some pics because imagine] China: He's so lame China: I can't believe Gary has wrecked my chance with Jake America: his da is a fuckwit too you'd think he'd be more understanding China: like I wanna tell him anything about this China: it's shaming enough we can't throw the parties no more and everyone knows why America: he's part of the everyone, he already knows China: doesn't mean I want to go and cry about it China: I've got some pride, thank you America: he should have some America: never throws a party at his own house China: That was one of the only things we had going for us America: weakkk America: you have things going for you, ask mam when she recovers from this illness China: Okay, the main thing China: but he's going to start going out with Lucie now instead, I know it America: Lucie's been out with half his friends before him America: not a ringing endorsement, like China: Yeah, she's a right slag, and she'll do it anywhere so she don't even need the free house America: get nan out of hers, she'd do it for the sake of your love life China: We have bigger problems China: sort that one and the rest will fall back into place, yeah America: biggest problem that we don't know how to sort it America: I'll get him to hurt me 🚨🚔 we're almost there China: That's not a solution China: and they won't do fuck all about it until it's serious China: too serious to control America: is if it works America: we know he wants to throw me out the window with the 👖 America: & maybe all the boys will think I'm into some hardcore bdsm shit China: Shut up you don't know anything about that America: 👌 Jake's vanilla that's a shame China: You're 12 and that's not the kind of reputation you want or are gonna have China: that's for girls like Lucie who have fuck all else to offer so they have to go hard with that degrading shit America: told you there was more on offer from us than a free house 😛 America: but stop walking into all my traps that easy China: You're such a dick 🙄😏 China: I didn't mean that was all but fucking hell, it was clearly a big draw China: so many people are airing me right now America: you know who doesn't care about parties? America: the people you air China: Who??? America: [a list which obvs includes Bobby and Libi on it and probably Beck as well] China: So you're just going to list every random loser in school for what? America: 😐 America: & you're gonna kid yourself that there's not at least 3 boys on there hotter than Jake America: get out of your fucking ⬛ China: it's not JUST about hot though, is it China: it's all the rest America: what else has Jake got? China: He's cool America: he's not cool enough to throw a party for you America: you're bored China: I am bored right now America: What's the point of Gaz if he doesn't take her anywhere anymore? America: why's she not bored? China: Yeah get this China: they're talking about redecorating America: what.the.fuck. China: I know China: it's looked like this our entire lives because she can't afford it China: now he thinks he can come in and whitewash everything America: remember when that one before offered to put up a roll of wallpaper and she looked at him like he said he wanted to beat you to death with it America: she'd let Gary kill us China: say goodbye to live laugh love China: it'll be RESPECT RESPECT RESPECT America: he needs to fuck off or I am China: Where to China: no one's got a sofa comfy enough or the desire to do any more than offer a night America: I know plenty of people I can get to desire me China: 🖕 China: not falling for it again so soon America: no 🕷🕸 America: they're not people I want, I didn't say that China: That's not a solution, again China: this is our house China: and our mam China: we need to sort it America: I know China: I can't think around them though China: I need to get out America: meet me [wherever the hell she is rn] China: Okay China: as I have nowhere else to be rn America: bring me a jacket China: assuming you've got one left after his tantrum China: that WILL be resumed, when you're relocated 🙄 America: if he's that desperate to text me China: He's that desperate to shout 'til he looks like a 🍅 America: 😋🤤 China: If you liked it or him at all, you'd be here America: I'm waiting here for you America: with ☕ China: I'm on my way America: I'll text Jake to be here & 🏃👌 China: You will not America: you wanna see him & you're not gonna hit send China: Because I have dignity, I don't know why that's a foreign concept to you China: and I don't even want to see him America: you do, you're losing it that he doesn't wanna see you China: Don't be dramatic on my behalf China: and getting my little sister to beg for me, that's hardly going to win anyone over America: I was gonna pretend to be you China: Ha! China: I'd love to see that, not America: party trick America: if we ever have one again China: If anyone wants to come by the time we've worked this out, it'll be a miracle America: it is getting 🥱 China: Seriously China: not getting aired for no reason America: you should listen to me about nan America: have one there China: The only person who would have a party at their nans house is Libi Foley America: it is mint there China: 🙄 America: it is China: Why? She got a trampoline? 👌 America: getting low if you're getting jealous America: [but whatever pics or vids we have from being there however many times we have like] China: I don't know what you reckon is cool in [whatever year they're in] these days America: her 🏠 America: some of her friends America: but I think I scared her off China: Well forget her China: She thinks she's something special but she's so not America: you're not describing her China: Sure China: If she's making you feel shitty she's hardly the 😇 everyone thinks she is America: how did you twist it to be her fault from what I said? America: 🤯 China: You aren't scary, she can't hang America: she didn't have you green lighting her on what cool is America: that's why I can China: She's super immature America: that shit must fly cos she's super well liked too China: With other people on your list, maybe America: you know she's got friends on friends, we don't have to downplay it America: it's not gonna make us feel a new way about any of the 💩 going on China: Literally why are we talking about her China: I've got so much more on my mind America: You brought her up to veto nan's house as a party place America: cos you don't want her to hate you too China: It isn't a party place, she's an old lady China: that would be so lame China: she doesn't have a boyfriend, where are we sending her? America: bingo America: use Zsa's flat then, she has a boyfriend, he's all she ever talks about China: Her tiny one bed China: I could have a few main people, potentially America: Princess and the pea isn't a sexy story America: if you're gonna kick it like that with Jake he will fuck Lucie in the PE block China: That's his prerogative if he wants to catch herpes America: everything doesn't have to be perfect America: you 🔊 like Gary China: If Asia is going to stop talking to me, it needs to at least be worth it America: you could trash the place and she'd think she did it 🔎 for her fake gucci belt China: 🙄 China: at least we don't have to worry about her man lasting America: ✂️💖 China: I don't know why they do it America: what are you doing with Jake? China: I'm not China: not like them America: I don't believe you China: Well first off, he's actually decent looking and cool China: and that's the difference China: Gary isn't, and whatshisname isn't either China: and I'm not throwing myself at him America: he isn't cool to me America: if it was so different you'd care about that China: How is he not? America: 🤡 China: What the hell does that mean? America: he thinks he's funny and he's not China: You don't have to think he is China: you're not interested and he's not interested in you China: that's a bit different to Gary fucking up our lives and taking over our mam America: he doesn't need to talk about me ever then China: I'm sure he won't...? America: 😐 China: He's not talking about either of us right now America: 🎊🎉 China: Happy for you America: I'd be happy for you if you used the Gary situation to get a boyfriend who's less of a dick China: Like who? China: [list boys from that list] China: LOL America: 🖕 America: [because we know the boy she likes is on that list honey] China: Who do you fancy then? America: dream on, shady bitch America: I'm not revealing my secrets now China: 😂 China: Omg go on China: I'll work it out America: if Gaz keeps treating me like a little girl without the choking, spitting in my mouth or giving me euros to spend, it's not gonna matter America: he'll think I'm immature China: You're such a dick China: but he's older then China: narrows it down America: as old as you, not as old as daddy Gary China: Well I can work out who it isn't then America: you've got other shit to prioritise China: You should get a boyfriend your own age America: I'm not getting one China: When you do, then America: when I do I won't be doing a poll of our year America: he's fun that's why I like him America: the 2 years aren't what's making me 🤤 China: What's fun mean America: he can hang China: I know who it is America: happy for you China: He's okay, I guess China: if you like that sort of thing America: what the hell does that mean? China: He's a bit China: but if you like him America: a bit? China: Annoying China: but you don't have to see him around school America: I thought you had a real concern! China: I'm not mam, we've still got one China: I just don't think he's cute but he's not like, the worst China: I don't know why he hangs around with who he does though, maybe he's weird America: Jake is who you think is cute & cool so 🤫 China: He's the hottest boy in my year China: who isn't like, the preppy sporty type America: & he acts like it America: talking down to everyone China: You're dramatic America: 😐 America: he is, behaving like 👑 China: You're acting like I'm married to him, for starters China: we were never even officially going out America: cos he wants to fuck around & find out who else is 🤤 China: He can do what he likes America: with Lucie & you won't care at.all. China: 🖕 America: me getting 🍆 could bring mam out of her coma China: If she finds out before Gary China: that might actually be a decent way to look into it China: 'cos clearly, 👑 has failed to save us all America: 👌 I'll do what I can China: all you have to do is heavily hint you are, in the 0.2 milliseconds he leaves her alone America: I'll stand on the 🚽 while she's 🛁 China: Take a piss test China: that should trigger the fear response America: they're expensive America: be going in Gaz's wallet again China: nah, you can get them for a euro in dealz China: market for the skanky slags like Lucie, duh America: I'll go after school tomorrow, he won't be leaving her alone tonight after ✂👖 China: Ew China: I'm definitely finding somewhere else to be America: seconded China: This is ridiculous China: Nan's going to get fed up of us crashing at hers America: that day came a month in China: but like, fed up to the point he'll talk her out of letting us because we should 'be at home' or whatever the fuck China: 🕠 running out America: What a flirty little game of 🐈 & 🐁 America: game on, Gaz China: 🙄 China: We've got no choice so, yeah America: Where are you gonna go? China: 🤷 China: I don't know America: come with me China: Where are you going? America: When you've got nowhere else, 3rd degree questioning's pointless China: Why is it hard to answer a question? America: I don't have an answer yet China: Right China: well, whatever then America: whatever yes or whatever no? China: So you need a dedicated answer, do you? China: You invited me, shouldn't make any difference if I do or don't come, as you've got no idea where you're going America: & you think my pretend babydaddy is annoying China: He very literally is China: if you wanna talk about thinking you're funny, Jesus America: he has a basis for it America: he's got jokes that aren't about what every girl at school looks like China: He's got adhd China: I think America: When he said he was on 💊s not what I thought he meant China: He must have it bad he's so twitchy still China: and he never shuts up China: which is probably why he's friends with the deaf kid America: I take it back, you and Jake are well suited 🤡 China: What? That's not a joke China: it just makes literal sense China: he's so loud America: You're being a dick China: Oh I am not China: it's not like I'm saying it to his face America: you know I like his face & you're saying it to me China: Well you know I like Jake and you're being a dick about him so in that case, we'd be even America: he can help having a shitty personality, that's not the same as an adhd diagnosis China: okay then China: an excuse to have prescribed speed America: what's your excuse for not calling the deaf kid by his name? China: Why does it matter? China: You knew who I meant America: it matters that you're back in your 🏰 China: 🙄 Shut up China: again, not talking to him, just you America: no shit, you don't talk to anyone outside of your ⬛ America: just me China: We're sisters so China: we have to talk, so sorry America: I know how to do a smoky eye & take a drink, that's your main criteria for what a cool girl is China: You wish America: it's not something I'm prioritising pre or post Gary America: you're stuck with me anyway China: And you're stuck with me China: at the minute, that's basically all we've got China: Zsa is literally not taking it in, no surprise there China: and nan is drinking the kool-aid on him now so America: I'll bring mam back with my 🤰 it'll be fine China: **fake 🤰 America: I assumed that was clear cos of having no real 🍆 inside of me before tomorrow America: Gary probably doesn't want to kiss & make up like that, I'm only 12 China: What do you mean tomorrow? America: assuming I do the test in front of her then China: Don't require you to actually do the deed, idiot China: s'all fake, we don't need you to go have a fake abortion, Jesus America: I'm just saying we don't need to waste time typing out a distinction like **fake when it's obvious China: Don't be a twat, I was just saying China: you're so bloody pedantic today, my God America: Don't be putting some kind of tempting fate 🤰 hex on me before I've even done anything with any boys China: Don't be a little slag and nothing will happen China: not going to be me or fate doing anything about it, you're in control America: right now Gary is America: 🚫🍆 China: It's about more than that America: I know China: You don't get it America: What don't I get? China: I've lost loads of friends China: maybe all of them America: you'll get them back the parties are America: when* China: yeah America: I'm fixing it China: **WE are America: did you save my 👖? China: Yea China: I put a load of washing on China: so now you're gonna owe me a thank you China: didn't know what else to do, he likes pitting us against each other I reckon America: I bought you ☕ ungrateful bitch China: UM, I meant you're going to owe me a grovelling thank you arselick because Gary says so China: I'm behaving and you're not, right now, cheeky cow China: anyway, I'm nearly there so don't fucking bin it America: I'll put washing on when my newborn is sleeping China: Fucking hell 😂 China: It's tragic, isn't it China: I can't think of anything more tragic China: poor mam China: poor nan America: how old do you have to be before they let you get sterilised? China: Oh, so old China: tell 'em you want to live off the state forever and have 14 of 'em and maybe they'll change their fucking mind America: Gary would do it for me if he was any fucking use China: If you ever really get pregnant, the botched abortion would do it America: I'll pitch the idea to my 1st boyfriend China: Good luck America: we're in the right place 🍀 China: Are we? China: Doesn't feel like it America: for a backstreet foetus killing scheme anyway China: Whatever brightside, I guess America: you sound as tired as I feel America: how early did he wake you? I think it was still fully dark out China: I swear, only solid he's done me China: loads of time to do a full hair and make-up routine America: What classes do you even have with Jake? Like 2 China: Oh, so now just 'cos I don't want to look like a bag of shit that's all about him too? China: Are you sure YOU aren't like them? China: Ugh America: you don't look like 💩 America: it's about him if you suddenly think you do China: I don't think that I just China: I'm not winning anyone back 'round if I do America: it's about the lack of parental supervision not your lack of split ends America: on every level you know that China: It is not China: that's a big part of it, but it is not all of it America: if it's not all of it where are they all? China: There's plenty of boys who care about pretty China: even if Jake isn't one of them China: if I have a desirable boyfriend, that's fucking something America: Jake does care about pretty, that's his main priority America: & why he's a dick to me China: You should've said China: you fancy him America: I'd fuck Gary before him, you delusional cow China: Ha, okay China: you're the one who's so hung up on how he treats you China: I'm so sorry he doesn't fancy you back but I'm actually not because you know I like him America: cos I want you to give a shit that your not boyfriend is like bullying me China: Wow, bullying now, really? America: you're asking for me to throw this ☕ at you China: I won't even come if you're going to be this China: melodramatic China: what do you mean bullying you? America: I mean every party you've thrown he's said something unnecessary to me China: Can you be more specific or America: can you not take my fucking word for it? China: Well not really China: like, if he's just made some passing comments it's not really bullying, is it America: 😐 America: 👌 make excuses for him & keep telling me you're doing things different China: For God's sake China: since when are you so sensitive? America: I've kept my mouth shut until literally now China: As you said, literally, he's joking America: I'm tired & I've typed the name Jake more times than I've ever wanted to China: You can't just accuse people of shit they haven't done China: if it was that simple, we'd say Gary was touching us and ta-da, problem solved America: I'll go down that route if the 🤰 fails China: It's not a fucking joke China: fuck this America: it is if you think I'm living like this for the next 6 years minimum China: You think 4 makes it any more palatable? America: telling a lie to get rid of him is the least of what I'm prepared to do China: I can't think straight right now China: save your ☕ I'm gonna go somewhere else America: Chi China: It's fine America: you're basically here China: I'm going China: I've got plans now America: you do not China: I do now America: with who? China: None of your business America: with who China: Who do you think China: happy now? America: what.the.fuck. China: Leave it alone America: Have you been talking to him all along? China: No, actually China: though I'm sure you won't believe me America: can't believe a word any of you say America: I hope he gives you herpes China: Nice America: You're not, why should I? China: You started this China: and for your information, I've never slept with him, or anyone else America: I did NOT China: then you got in my head America: not on purpose China: I've got my own life America: that wasn't in question China: I don't need your pity America: I don't feel sorry for you China: Good America: I'm fine too, thanks for asking China: You've got friends, who don't just use you for parties China: as you've been so keen to rub in America: & you're calling me over sensitive China: Joke all you lie China: k* America: you think Jake's are better China: Yeah, I do America: 👌🍆😗 China: Jealous much America: LOL China: Enjoy pining after Tweak America: 🖕 China: Enjoy your evening, that's my plan America: talk yourself into it harder America: maybe you will China: 👌🍆😗 America: 🤮🤮🤮 China: I'm not faking a pregnancy America: Lucie's not fake swallowing China: Ugly girls have more to prove America: you 🔊 like Jake America: he'll be excited as hell China: yeah he will America: 🎊🎉 he can stop trying to suck his own dick 🥳 China: you're just a kid China: let me know where you end up, Zsa's or nan's China: and I'll take the other 👌 America: you can take either cos I'm doing neither China: You know what, fine China: I shouldn't be the one doing this America: What this do you mean? Whoring yourself out to Jake or pretending you care what I'm going to do China: Looking after you China: are any of them in your messages? doubt it China: he's got no right and he goes too far but at least he'll be giving a shit where you are America: I don't need tabs kept on me, I'm going to MJ's not to 🍆 or 💊💉 China: 👍 America: I had a feeling Gaz wouldn't be stepping up to make 🍝 China: I can thank him for the diet too America: he'll be thrilled to hear about the 🍆😗 part of it China: I'm not planning to regale him with it China: 'cos not tempting an assault tah America: Mam & Zsa will have more useful tips China: I don't need them China: thank God America: just Jake telling you what he likes 💖 China: Piss off America: 🏰👑💖 China: Yeah, really feel it America: he'll make you feel really good about yourself China: What would you know about it, Ricky? America: it's what you want him for, I know that China: Why wouldn't I want that? China: Just because you've not had it ever America: Why can't you get it from someone else? China: Because I like Jake China: end of America: 😐 China: and every girl but you does too America: [lists all the girls that don't aka the lesbians, other girls he has shaded and girls like libi who are shamelessly in love with someone else/have boyfriends they care about even a little bit] China: 🙄🙄 China: You've got too much time on your hands China: not going to list every girl that does China: you know who I meant and that it's true America: I just spent a decade I won't get back waiting for you China: I wasn't about to come to MJ's and beg for food with you so America: I didn't invite you there, it's where I'm going now since you're on a Jake's jizz diet China: Don't be gross America: It's you who likes him 🤢 China: It's you who keeps talking about his dick China: like, stop America: I'm desensitising you America: so you can bear to look at & touch it China: I don't need that America: then this is me 🤫 China: 👍 China: Thanks China: Guess I'll see you in school tomorrow, or just before, pretending we've been 🛏 or purposely showing we're just coming in China: who knows what will be more effective in the AM America: you do one, I'll try the other China: Yeah China: know which one you'd prefer China: I'm not playing nice so you don't have to, like I always have America: you weren't playing when it was just you & mammy America: neither was I China: She was fun China: before America: I know China: What's not to like America: as her favourite, you would say that China: 🙄 America: & it doesn't matter who she was America: she's a zombie now China: we'll get her back America: What's the cure for swallowing Gary's bodily fluids? China: She's had worse China: equally as bad America: built up immunity China: There's no immunity to shitty men America: as you've proven China: pot kettle America: I don't like Jake, you're deluded China: I wasn't talking about him, moron America: 🖕 China: No, he seems like SUCH a cool, chill guy America: you'd be a shady bitch whatever you think he's like cos you're mad I don't wanna hop on Jake's 🍆 China: Yeah, SO mad China: you're twisted China: and delusional if you think it'd be any kind of competition America: you admitted you want me to be jealous & that his appeal is everyone likes him so yeah America: your priorities are twisted China: When did I? America: read any of this chat back China: 👍 Good one China: I really don't care what you think China: your taste is clearly trash America: I'd follow your ☕ into the bin but it'll make me late for 🍝 China: 😱 China: Can't have that China: I'm waiting for my bus, talk later America: 👋
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helvelloides · 2 years
hello and how are you?
We saw the Adventure Themed OC Ask Game, and wanted to send in some of the questions to hear about your precious characters! c:
But maybe, Home, Treasure, Core
The Not Yet Dead Author, @365runesofwriting
Hello, hello! Thank you for sending in an ask! I'll be answering these for my ocs in the Tyrants wip, (Elizabeth, Nadia, Peter, Jay, and Marcus)
[Answers under the cut!~]
Home. Describe their relationship with someone in their family, friend group, with a QPP, a romantic interest, etc.
Eliza: Her relationship with her brother, Casey, is difficult. She loves him dearly, and would do anything to protect him and keep him safe. However, that does mean that she's had to make difficult choices in the past, such as leaving him behind, and now that they're back together again, they need to face the rift that's formed between them not just from these decisions, but also just from time.
Nadia: It's been so long since she's seen her little sister, but she still loves her so much. Similar to Eliza, she's had to make the difficult decision to leave behind her family in pursuit of her own life, though her reasons for doing so are fundamentally different. To her, she needs to prove that she can be successful, make a comfortable living for herself and her family.
Peter: His initial reaction to Eliza is definitely just to brush her off. He's seen girls like her before, and he isn't going to waste his time. But after she beats him in a fight, his views change massively. Think scared, but horny meme. He's desperate to impress her in any way he can, though that turns out to be a harder feat than it may seem.
Jay: He's always been a pretty solitary individual, so I think for him, letting the team in is, on it's own, a very difficult feat. Bad things can happen when you let people into your life, and for Jay, learning that good things can happen too is something he's still struggling to figure out.
Marcus: Nadia is their rock. Their light in the dark. Without her, they'd still be spiraling, or worse. In their eyes, Nadia is their one true friend above everyone else, and they'd do anything for her.
Treasure. What is something they like/love?
Eliza: Her family! Specifically her siblings. To her, protecting her family is the number one thing, and they'll always come before everything else.
Nadia: As cheesy as it may sound, Nadia just really loves love. She's a real girly girl and a real hopeless romantic, and the idea of things like true love or soulmates just tickle her pink.
Peter: Music. It's always been his passion, and he couldn't imagine a life without it. To him, there's no better way to express yourself.
Jay: His alone time. Like I said, he's a very solitary individual, and for him, the best times are the ones where he's alone with his peace and quiet.
Marcus: Their work. They've worked hard to get their radio show to where it is, and they take a lot of pride in it. It's also one of the few things that's stuck with them through the difficult times in their life.
Core. How is their true nature different from (or similar to) how they are portrayed to others?
Eliza: I think she very much likes to put on the front of being the cool girl, the girl who isn't bothered by anything and can do anything. But in reality, she's a sweetheart and a bit of a mother hen. And I think once you start to get close to her, her true nature becomes apparent very quickly.
Nadia: The way others see her and the way she actually is are pretty similar, honestly. She's just genuinely a very sweet person who cares deeply about others, and wants to see the best in everyone.
Peter: Like Eliza, he very much has a kind of bad boy persona. Helped by his tattoos and piercings and dark-colored clothes. People usually look at him and see the impulsive rock-star who they wouldn't want their daughters to hang around. In reality though, he's kind of just a doofus and has major golden retriever boyfriend energy.
Jay: He comes across as very stand-offish to people, and I think many might make the assumption that he just hates the world with the way he acts sometimes. And while their assumptions may not be entirely wrong, he's also kind of a gentle giant. Also very much the tired dad friend to Eliza's concerned mom friend energy.
Marcus: Other people might view them as very stoic, or emotionless. Which probably comes from years of repressing their emotions. But the truth is, Marcus does feel things, a lot of things, they're just not very good at showing it.
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Words written for this ask: 102
Total words written: 801
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
Super late since I wanted to have a lil time to reply but wahh I was rly looking forward to the Belphie rant sjdjfjf it's so interesting! Was mainly curious about the canon divergency part but rly got the whole megillah huh <3 rly appreciate the reply!! Kind of obsessed with the easy bonding through dreams instead of through the door, turning eachother reluctantly into almost comforting or comfortable presences ;;w;; and all to end up...that wrong anyway smfh.
You mentioning he puts in work after the incident to make up to Dola made me think that while he actually would in that obvious way that makes him seem a little desperate like in canon, maybe even time after thee events Dola finds herself resting easy, having specially colorful and vivid dreams, lush tropical landscapes dark and full of flowers, maybe even getting some inspiration from them for her art. She'd surely catch up quick, right? I imagine her frowning n making a little fist like "belphegor...." but with whatever fondness she can manage to have for him sjdjjd
And for Sally!!! Aaaa wasn't expecting such a nice reply cuz as you said it'z all in my head and I never speak about them anyway but....this is so accurate. It's canon, I see it!!
Ty for saying they're fashionable;;-;; in my mind everyone at goetia has to be or u get the one over looks by the rich clients lmaoo </3
I think it'd make for an interesting friendship :O since u say Dola would become a regular once her hair whitens, Sally would lowkey try to convince her to do funky stuff like streaks and such bc the potential!! But other than that I'm having a blast at imagining this not very sociable demon bein extra awkward because this is thee human exchange student AND and accomplished artist AND an insanely powerful sorcerer and she is..just so chill and simple.... I thought they'd meet not quite after Dola's become immortal but when she is already pretty accomplished and in a better place than st the beginning of the exchange, for some reason? (Tho the meeting mid hair chopping and wearing hoodie crisis is SO good too lmao)
So. Kind of like the opposite of Thirteen's first impression of the mc basically... Sally would be like "!!!! Ooo they are dashing" bc of Dola's whole presence and air of power that encompasses her :3
You're so right about their death aura cancelling, also I like to believe they'd get along bc Sally isn't into prying much into anyone's business or actually want to dig into people's psyches and like. they could talk at eye level eventually? No need to "open up" past "man HoL sucks ass I wanna get a little pet and Lucifer won't allow :/" & past all actual small talk that yes,, sally would make but also would be v out of touch bc what even are humans, huh?
I read ur reply for Mammon &&& also wanna add that Sal would sooo want to show them interesting stuff around the devildom anytime as well! Parlors of fx make up, body mods and tattoo artists up but for demons and such? There has to be so many forms of art in there to get into ! (Maybe not even going together but just hitting Dola up like hey there's this cool sculpture garden opening -and it's smth absolutely wretched and gross sjdjdj-)
But before that happens! Rly dig the idea of them starting out by walking home at night after goetia closes! Just thinking smth smth about bus rides at night (its always Night there anw....but u get it) and them taking the last one as they make small chatter but it feels rly comfortable <3
((AND pleaseee I'm Loving Dola being Sal's gateway into human world stuff. Seeing her giving her some obscure band tshirt or like. Both comparing each realm's knock off brands absjdk))
Well....i went off..! But thats abt it sorry for rambling hehe ty for indulging me this is so much fun to think of! I def agree they both need a couple friends even tho they are lone wolves..loners..misfits even 💀 <33 <33
Sorry I held onto this ask for a bit because I loved rereading all the stuff about Sally ;w; In love with the DolaSal friendship like >w<
I really do think that Dola would be like... affectionately annoyed at him for actually doing a good job of making things up to her. I know it's like a common headcanon, but I love thinking that he makes sure to keep nightmares of the Incident™ away even before she was willing to have anything to do with him. But like, in a more subtle way—like just making sure she has dreamless nights instead.
Tbh since writing the stuff for Belphie and Diavolo I sort of started wondering if Dola would ever forgive Diavolo, but then I realized she'd never forgive him for erasing her original timeline because it erased a lot of important moments for her from ever happening int he first place, and now they exist only in her own memory and no one else's. >.>
Anyway!! Sally!! Because I am over the moon than me making shit up has been accurate to any degree sdhkdf Literally was typing stuff up while scrolling through your sally tag and going 'Is this... Does this make sense for them...' then keeping going & hitting post before I could overthink >.>
hdfgjkgh the way you imagine their first meeting tho!! ;w; I didn't think of that... Just thought that after the post-Incident breakdown haircut (that now that I think about, I've never mentioned anywhere..?) Asmo would try to cheer her up by bringing her to Goetia and Dola ends up having a good time because of the cool stylist >w< I can see Dola not becoming a regular immediately since she's like, in and out of the Devildom for the first few years, but I also really like thinking about Dola keeping in touch with Sally even while she's in the human world and showing them everything up there through video call and stuff >.< Streamer but for an audience of one lmao (or 7 sometimes since I bet the brothers would like that too)
In love with Sally taking Dola to places in the Devildom??? ;w; I'm sure there's places where none of the brothers would really think to bring Dola or tell her about because why would they assume that she'd be interested in tattoos when she doesn't have any in her first year? Nor does she have any horns or tails or wings so why would they bring her to the body mod shops >.< Bet Sally would know about the more obscure art shows as well and beats Satan to the punch when it comes to either bringing Dola there or telling her about it, then when he finally gets to invite her she's already gone shdjkdfg
OOH and to add on to Dola showing and telling Sally about the human world... Would Sally be opposed to being summoned to go thirfting or something up there? :0 Or being taken to art and fashion shows...
Also... Since Sally's out of touch with humans & human stuff... Do they have their equivalent of Lucifer's iconic 'I've never cared when humans bred' line dhfjkfg... Just thinking about them dropping whatever their equivalent is like it's so casual and it makes Dola whip her head around to check if they're serious SO fast...
hdjfghfg anyway sorry for also rambling again >.< It's just so nice to think of Dola having friends beyond the brothers and purgatory boys but for some reason it's not as fun for me to make them myself >.>;;
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