#one like and we'll bulldoze him into concrete
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valentineveils · 3 months ago
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no longer cranky w this . lookie at val :] what do we think of val :3
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echantedtoon · 2 months ago
Hello There ~
BREAKING NEWS: Possessed mask attempts to seduce local female scientist with his egotistical personality!! When interviewing (anomalies-) witnesses they had this to say.
"Reid's tired of his shit", claims fellow scientist. "He's a simp but he keeps denying it."
"I'm going to break him to pieces and bury his retched being in so many places, not even the man claiming to be God in this damned prison can put him back together!," threatened an anomalist bird man whom wishes to remain anonymous.
More news after the break-
(I dunno anymore, I just got lazy with the summery. Once again thank you to @wolveria for giving me permission to write something based on her works. Again please check out her own Scp, Star Wars, and other works. They're all pretty good. He might be ooc because this is like the second ever time writing for him. Now for the obligatory warnings-
Warnings for Dyo possessing a guy, technically the guy he's possessing is dead so warnings for that, Dyo IS his own warning, and some possible innuendos.)
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The clock upon the wall ticked down the seconds of the face to face reaction.
Footsteps thudded down the halls, a reinforced prison of concrete and metal intertwined.  The marching of soldiers towards some unforseen battle yet to take place. The significance of their duty weighed heavily on them all. Heavy battle gear weighing down their steps and weapons in hand as they stood at attention to the ones who would be arriving at the end of their possible lives.
The clock struck midday and the ticks and rocks chimed in time with the footsteps now coming down the hall past the row of armed guards. White Lab coats swayed from bodies as they walked determined down the hall to the very sealed door that awaited them.
"Are you sure you want to do this? We don't know what he's capable of. He's unpredictable!"
"I'll be fine. This has to be done and I'm the only one who was assigned to this task."
"Are you sure you want to go alone in there?"
"It must be this way. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
"*sigh* Alright. But if you feel like you're in any danger at all, just give the word and we'll cut this interview immediately." 
"I know. Open the door."
She stood there and held her head high as the other scientist backed away as an armored guard was shaking as he reached out to typed the code into the side panel. With a heavy clicking sound, the fated gate sealing back the hell within. With a loud screaming creak and push from a guard, it fell open inviting her within before the evil got out. Her breath was shaking as she exchanged one last look with her fellow man before inhaling a shaking breath, steeling her nerves, and slowly starting to make her way into the belly of the beast.
The darkness which was inside was known for his sinister ways and even more evil character. The charming friendly exterior merely a facade for the wolf underneath. Gentle words sweetened by poison. Kind smile hiding sharpened teeth. Kind touches laced with sins gripped in fists. Halo being held up by devil horns. The wolf under sheep's clothing wasn't even a wolf but a monster twisted and exotic hiding within a wolf's fur to disguise itself as a normal menace. A monster who hunts but also feels and desires.
Who preys on innocent humans.
Who sees them as nothing but puppets. Dolls for his amusement.
Who's wicked whims knows no bounds. Who knows what this evil will do next?
"Why HELLO there!~ I've been waiting for you forever.~"
She could only feel her eyelid twitch in irritation from the mere sight of the entity before her. The heavy shutting off the door sealing behind her being the only answer to the voice.
The atmosphere was tense. Always was with this particular entity. The entire cell she stood before was proof of that as well. Reinforced with thick concrete walls so thick it'd stop even a bulldozer in it's tracks, the only none concrete surfaces within the square prison cell of walls were the thick iron door behind her and the reinforced glass window she was looking through in front of her. The only source of light being from a single light illuminated in the very center of the ceiling with just enough shine to let the entity in the center of the room be known.
"No 'honey I'm home'? Oh now that stings."
The man- No. The THING before her. A stolen body sitting at the table like he was as human as she was, however the mask he wore gave him away. Quite literally unfortunately. The bring white smile. The white porcelain mask of death being worn by a man's body long dead and now a sick meat puppet for the mask to control as he pleased. Black liquid oozing from the orifices and staining the skin like a sick canvas.
He had the audacity to sit down at the table placed in the room and clasped those stolen hands together to lay his head upon them. Wide permanent smile on it's face. One hand detached to waggle fingers at her. 
"Good evening, Ried.~ Have you come to perhaps relieve me from my chained despair?~"
Oh you wish. Is what she wanted to say but instead she inhaled and continued on over to the table to take a seat on the other side. "I'll be conducting a mandatory interview with the SCP designated as zero three five also known as 'the possessive mask.'" She did nothing but follow protocol ignoring his less than innocent demeanor and slowly taking her seat across from him. "This interview is taking place at sight twenty on December first twenty twenty four."
"Are you really going to give me this boring speech again?," he inquired tilting his head to a degree that was absolutely inhumanly possibly. Perhaps a shock factor? 
"Due to the nature of containment and history of said subject, your cooperation in these proceedings is required under penalty for any and all privileges-"
"Can we just skip to get the good part already?" The interruption was followed by a splay of hands gesturing everywhere. "It's always this boring front you all repeat like a broken record. Why don't you at least mix it up a little bit? Ask me something engaging like do I know what I'm actually doing when I get a body." She resisted the urge to fake puke as he leaned forward. "That's a yes for the record.~"
Her scowl must've been slipping through but she decided to take a breath and continue. Just remember to remain calm. A reaction was what he was looking for. "Any and all privileges revoked. Does the subject understand what the terms are?"
A sigh left him. "You're not even going to try to not be boring?"
"This isn't about having fun," her deadpanned voice bluntly stated scowling at him. "It's about having a serious talk with you. If your recent good behavior persists then you might be able to get more privileges. More interviews."
Like she expected his demeanor was anything but cooperative. "That's all you pills want to do is talk. Not that I don't mind telling my life story but you all don't seem to appreciate the efforts I make."
"It's because most of the time you throw tantrums until you get your way or you try to steer the conversation away from the actual subject." Like he was once again doing now. "If your good behavior persists then you'll be able to get out more which would require more ...host's for you to continue talking to you."
She knew access to humans was one thing this degenerate would want and when his head perked up in interest, she knew he was at least listening to what she was saying. Her hands held up the papers for him to see. It was just a few test questions to gauge to see if his recent 'good behavior' deserved to be looked into more or more specifically to see if it'd be worth endangering staff to try and get more information on him. The choice to let him out of the glass box he was usually contained in and dangle a D Class personnel like tempting a dog with a bone was insane. But she wasn't paid to question the mental stability of her higher ups.
"More? Real people too?!"
With a small sigh through her nose she nodded. "Yes. But only if the higher ups approve."
"HA! Deal! But remember I'll be holding you to it."
Her deadpanned look couldn't have been more obvious. "Right. Well before that I need you to confirm that you understand the terms of this."
"Fine. Whatever."
"Then let us begin." It was uneasy to sit down so close to an anomalist entity even if he's still in a cell and on the other side of the glass. Things always had the potential of going wrong, that's why precautions were made but even then she hoped he would mess up so they'd have an excuse to put him back in that glass box. "Alright. First question. What are your thoughts on your current host body?"
"Oh. This old thing?" A hand outstretched when an arm extended out, rolling the wrist and flexing the digits allowing a few black droplets to drop onto the table provided to him. Their splits ending in small burn sounds as the black sludge age away at the wooden exterior before he simply shrugged it's temporary shoulders. "What can I say? He's sturdy and strong enough to last at least..Oh. I don't know. Four maybe five hours if I take good care of him before he completely melts away."
"That's it? Nothing else to say about him?"
A hand grabbed the color of the orange, now stained black and slowly disintegrating along with the flesh and bone underneath. "Well a little change in wardrobe might be nice. I mean come on. After a while orange gets redundant. Why not spice it up a little bit? Let me express myself!" His hands mimicked ones actions of adjusting and invisible tie. "A suit perhaps. I think I'd look quite charming in a bowtie wouldn't you agree?~"
Her eyes slowly blinked. "Out of all the things you find discomforting about the bodies you take is the fashion? Nothing else?"
"Hey. You guys don't care about these guys anymore than I supposedly do if you use them for things like giving them ol' Doc a new toy to play with. At least with me they don't feel pain."
"Fascinating. Anything else to say about it before we move into the next question?"
The head nodded. "Yes!"
"What is it?"
"This dear fellow was of French decent. You know what that means?"
"No..What does it mean?"
Instead of answering normally, in one swooping motion he leaned himself halfway off the chair 'dramatically' pressing a hand to his forehead while together kicking up a leg.
"It means you can interview me like one of your French girls!~"
She sat there staring at him before sighing and pressing her forehead to the papers she held with a groan knowing fully well that everything was being seen by others through the security camera in the corner of the room. 
"Why can't you just be normal around me?"
To which he laughed. "Y'know this technically means I can French kiss now too.~"
"Fat chance."
"I have a chance then! And it's a fat one! What luck on my part today!"
With a sigh she felt herself rub her temples as he chuckled. Why was this always her luck with these creatures?
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years ago
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 10
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
I hope you guys like this chapter! If you wanna support me further and hang out, check out my Patreon for more of my content and my discord!
Word count: 1,818
Warnings: Minor violence
Chapter 9 Chapter 11
Loud announcement after loud announcement blasted from the speakers as the police spoke. Repeating the same few sentences over and over again. His stomach turned as anxiety took hold of him. Izuku Midoriya stood nearly a block away from the scene as he watched. He and Bakugou were given orders to sit on the perimeter and wait in case they were needed. Having experienced The League before, their assistance was helpful. But everyone was hoping it wouldn't be needed. For now, everyone's top priority was you. Bakugou huffed in frustration, folding his arms across his chest as he watched.
"I don't get it. We should just round them up while we still can. If we don't act fast, they'll slip out of our hands again." He growled.
"Arrest isn't our top priority right now. The hostage's safety is. We can't risk any harm coming to her. You know that." Midoriya answered. The blonde scoffed and spoke again after a long pause.
"I still can't believe it."
"Believe what?"
"That he has a daughter. You'd think he would have mentioned something like that by now. After all these years. Especially one with such a strong quirk."
"Yeah...I don't have kids of my own so, I don't know much about that but...It's odd isn't it? That he never mentioned her. Not even to us." Bakugou thought for a moment.
"Maybe it was the mom. Maybe she kept it that way. We don't know much about her."
"No...that doesn't sit right. Her mom seems intense, sure. But that's his daughter. I don't know about you, but if I had a kid like her, I wouldn't be able to stop talking about her. So, it doesn't make sense why someone like him..."
"They were young, right? About our age?"
"That's right."
"Think about it. If you and Ururaka got pregnant right now, what do you think would happen?"
"Thats different, she's a hero too-"
"No. Really. Think about it. If she told you tomorrow you were gonna have a kid, how would you feel?" Midorya thought for a moment.
"Scared, I guess."
"Would you slow down your hero work? After everything you've done, all the work you've put into this. Would you risk it all to be a proper father? And what about her? Would Ururaka be okay putting her life on hold for that kid? I doubt it."
"I see what you're saying. But that still doesn't explain why we're just finding out about her now."
"I'm sure he was just trying to protect her from shit like this happening. It's clear he still cares for her. It was probably his was of keeping her safe. As messed up as that is."
"I studied All Might my entire life. Became his successor and student. And still...I feel like I never really knew him until now."
"You're still my most valuable player. You're staying right here." Shigaraki's voice purred as his grip tightened around your arm. Pulling you closer to him. You felt your blood quickly rush up to your cheeks. The hot feeling coursing through your veins. You heard the loud squeak of a chair shifting across the floor. Your quirk unwittingly being activated. He ignored the sound, his deep red eyes glaring into yours as his scarred brow bone curved over them in a tight scowl. His eyes, so brilliant and full of passion. You were lost in them. Time always seemed to stop when he did this.
"Boss! We gotta get out of here! We can't fight them all!" Spinner shouted, tearing those eyes away from you. How long had he been starring at you? Was he just as lost as you? You were doubtful. If he was lost in anything, it was probably his rage. His grip on you loosened, slowly dropping your arm almost like he was reluctant to.
"The truck. Is the truck ready?"
"Yes, but I doubt we can get out of here without being caught."
"Of course not. That's why we'll need a distraction. Until then we need time. Toga, the phone, quick." She jumped at the command. Grabbing a smartphone of hers and quickly adjusting it to film. Shigaraki's hands quickly found your body again. But they weren't nearly as harsh as last time, just firm. Man handling you to appear threatening. One hand coming around your neck from behind to display his fingers, and the other around your arm. He pressed you against his body.
"Filming!" Toga shouted.
"You heroes should know better than to just barge into such a delicate situation. The conditions are simple. Make one wrong move, and the girl is dust. I'll even leave her in a pretty little urn for you, hehehe, All Might."
"Cut! Edit and send to the heroes right?"
"And social media, anything to get it on the news. Dabi, Twice, is there a way for you to contact our friends on the outside?"
"But boss! They have us tapped! They'll be prepare for our escape!" Twice shouted.
"They've planned for it already. We've lost the element of surprise. We need results."
"Shigaraki?" You croaked.
"What!?" He shouted in your ear. You winced, holding your free had up to tap at his wrist around your neck.
"Could you, loosen up a bit?" He swiftly pulled his hands away from you. Watching you gently cough and regain your breath.
"We're not, really going to kill her, are we?" Toga pulled her attention away from her phone and shuffled closer to you. Turning to be in-between you and Shigaraki, almost to protect you from being grabbed again.
"No. Not if we plan to get out of here." He and turned sat down on the couch, his hands coming up to rub against his sore neck. Toga patted your back.
"You alright there? You're burning up. You're not sick are you?"
"No...No Im fine."
"You sure?"
"I'm fine. Thank you, Toga." It made her smile to hear you say that.
"Don't worry. Tomura's smart. He'll get us out safe, you'll see." You smiled back at her.
"I'm sure. But somehow I doubt I'll see you again. So, if this is goodbye-"
"Don't say that!" Toga shouted. "We're gonna stick together. Remember? I promised you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you!" You starred at her with wide eyes as your heart raced in your chest. A loud flutter.
"But, Toga."
"But nothing, friends stick together, right?" You nodded. "Then that settles it! We're taking her with us, aren't we guys?" Confused faces looked up at the two of you. "Well?"
"Uh- Sure." Spinner shrugged.
"Hell No - Alright!" Twice shouted.
"Heh, alright." Dabi chuckled.
"Tomura?" Toga called the absent-minded man.
"We're taking her with us, right? She's one of us now!" Toga reached for your hand and curled her fingers between yours. Shigaraki looked up at her, his eyes lost in thought. "Tomura!" She scolded him like a little sister. He blinked a few times, shaking his attention to you.
"Are you, Y/L/N? Are you one of us?" You froze for a moment. No. Of course not. You're not a villain. You're not like these people! You're a heroes' kid! You're not evil! You're a good person!
You opened your mouth to speak, an overwhelming cacophony of thoughts keeping you from answering. For the first time in your entire life, you had been cared for in a way you never had before. No longer reliant on a bottle of pills to function properly. No longer forced to be productive. No pressure to be anything special. You could grow here. You could be yourself here. The room buzzed with energy at the activation of your quirk. Your emotional state boiling to a head, you opened your mouth to answer but before you could speak-
The building began to shake underneath you. You were thrown to the floor, eyes darting everywhere in search for the cause. The sound of explosions blasted above you, while what sounded like a bulldozer echoed below.
"Damn it! They're coming from both ends!" Dabi announced, gaining his balance to perform a ready stance before his blue flames emerged.
"C'mon Shigaraki! What do we do!" Twice shouted as he clung onto the man's forearm. The rest of you inching closer and closer to each other.
The blasts above became louder and louder until it became evident it was right above. Your stomach turned as you came to the realization. Before the order left his lips you had reached for a table across the room and brought it up above your small group for protection.
"Y/L/N!" Just in time for it to deflect the shrapnel of drywall that burst from the explosion above. Suddenly the floor below gave way, sending the six of you falling through the open air. There were supposed to be several floor to the building, but thanks to the hero, Deku, flimsy walls of the already rotting building had been quickly demolished within seconds.
You watched yourself fall, your hand desperately reaching for anything to hold on to. Failing and plummeting down with the rest of them. You watched as the DynaMight emerged from the smoke above to watch you with a satisfied grin plastered over his face.
The cries of the others behind you filled your ears. Why wasn't this hero doing something? Why wasn't he jumping to catch you? To catch the others? Is going to let you fall to your deaths? You can't let him do that! Quick- Quick- your quirk- catch them!
After a few attempts at activation in your panic, you were able to catch the others in the air. Just before their bodies hit the concrete of the building basement. Dropping them down from a safe few feet. The fall was uncomfortable, but a relief to you and the others that you could work so quickly.
But your success was short-lived as the building trembled and quaked with another explosion. You looked up just in time to watch what was left of the old hide out to come crashing down around you. Leaving you trapped in the basement, in complete darkness.
"THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" A familiar shriek echoed in Bakugou and Midoriya's ear pieces. They both jolted at the painful intrusion. Your mother, having just stolen a police walky talky huffed on the other end.
"Our apologies ma'am but they're fine. I saw it with my own eyes. They're just trapped under debris. Everything is going according to plan." Midoriya reassured.
"Ac- ACCORDING TO PLAN!? You mean to tell me, young man, that you intended to trap my daughter in with her KIDNAPPERS, WHO THREATENED TO KILL HER!?" She spat, understandably.
"If they wanted her dead by now, she would be. Shigaraki doesn't play games unless it's necessary. Trust me." Bakugou barked.
"So now what? We just wait until this psychopath decays his way loose?"
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
@witch-o-memes @lolilith
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