#one day I'll make a fem V to romance you I promise
elvenbeard · 2 years
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I love their friendship so much.
🌈 wlw and mlm solidarity 🌈
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yelenayena · 3 years
Sweet Candy
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Pairing: Yelena x Fem!reader
Genre: Romance, fluff, modern AU
A/N: This story is a little bit longer, so I suggest you bring your fav beverage, play your fav songs, and enjoy your free time this weekend by fantasizing about Yelena 💕 Suddenly I wanna make a tsundere Yelena, and I think I love every side of Yelena. I gave the title Sweet Candy bc between you and Yelena are really sweet like a candy 🥺 💕 I hope you like it, and I hope you understand my English because I’m poor at grammar hehe.
Summary: Your apartment was on fire, your best friend, Zeke, couldn't help you bc he wanted to fix his relationship with his gf. He insisted you stay in Yelena’s house for a while. After you stayed in Yelena’s house for weeks, on Valentine's Day, Yelena did something that opens up your mind and changed your life forever!
Warning: Explicit Content!
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You just started your first year in university. You decided to study abroad, because your childhood friend, Zeke, had already come and being an international student, and that was inspired you as you saw his student life looked so interesting.
A couple of months ago you came to the same university as Zeke, and only a few days ago you got an unpleasant event when your apartment was on fire. So today, Zeke told you to come to his best friend’s house to stay in their home for a while.
You have just arrived at Zeke's friend's house, and you are standing in front of the door. On the third knock, the door opened. The tall-ass blonde, the one who opened the door, looked at you suspiciously.
By ignoring her expression, you smiled widely. “Hi! You must be Yelena! I’m Y/N, nice to meet ya!”
Before she responded to your words, you stepped into her house. “Wow! Your house is so lovely!”
Yelena’s eyes widened as you came into her house. “I’m sorry, but who the hell are you?” She asked with an annoyed tone.
You turned your body around to look at her, “Ah! Zeke hasn't told you yet?” You threw yourself on the couch, “I’m sorry for coming to your house so suddenly without prior notice, but in my condition, I also have no choice. So he asked me to come to your house, and he will give you further details later.”
She stared at you with a gaze full of confusion. You smiled nervously, “I’m sorry but I’m really bad at explaining.”
She held her index finger to her temple, “just hold a sec!” She brought and placed you in front of the door then she closed it.
You sighed and smiled sadly. You can understand her conduct, however, you are just a stranger to her. You sat on the step in front of her house, waiting and thinking, if she refuses you, maybe you have to find another motel or guest house nearby to campus.
In the house. Yelena grabbed her phone on the desk and called Zeke. On the third ring, Zeke picked up the call.
“ZEKE! What the hell did you do to me?!” She said indignantly.
“I meant to call you. So, she must have arrived at your house?” he asked.
Even though she knew Zeke wouldn’t see her face, she still nodded her head. “Uh-huh! And why the fuck she came to my house?! I mean, who the hell is she??
Yelena can hear Zeke sighed, “Yelena, listen. Y/N is my hometown friend, my grandmother even considered her as her own grandchild and I considered her as my lil’ sister. She studied in the same university as us. But unfortunately, her apartment was on fire the day before yesterday, it was on the news, you knew it, right?
“I immediately brought her to my place when it happened. She only had me in this city because she hasn’t had many friends in her department. She slept in my place last night, but my girlfriend was really upset when she saw Y/N in my apartment.
“You know my relationship was on the rocks, so it’s hard for my girlfriend to believe that Y/N is just my friend. So please, accept her in your house until she finds a new apartment, or until my girlfriend believes me and allows her to stay in my apartment. Okay?” he explained.
“It's so sudden,” Yelena replied.
“Please, I'm begging you. I'm so worried about her, she had no luck in her life, so you're the one I can trust to help her,” Zeke pleaded.
“Does she really have no relatives or friends here?”
“No, she only had me. You know we’re foreign students. She just started her first year in our university. I can’t let her stay in her new friends’ house, I ain’t trusting them. I really want to help her but unfortunately, I can’t help her right now because I wanna fix my relationship with my girlfriend, I’m screwed without her. You owed me so it’s time to repay the favor by allowing Y/N to stay in your house for a while. I promise she won't do such annoying things during her stay. She’s a good girl.”
Yelena sighed, “fine! I’ll allow her to stay in my house JUST for a while.”
“I know I can count on you!” Said Zeke happily.
“I told you, I can’t blame your girlfriend because you fucked every girl you met before you dated her. So take your responsibility and be a good man! I’m out!” Yelena turned off her phone.
When Yelena opened the door, she saw you walk through the yard to leave her house. “Hey! Wait!” She shouted.
You turned your head immediately when you heard her voice.
“I just called Zeke and- you can stay here for a while,” she said.
You smiled happily, “really?!” She nodded. You’re walking toward her and hugging her. “Thank you!”
Yelena looked awkward, “whoa- whoa- what is it for?”
“It’s my habit to hug someone when I’m happy,” you answered. “And- this is the reason why Zeke’s girlfriend was upset when she came to his place and she saw me hug him,” you continued, speaking more to yourself than to Yelena.
But Yelena can still hear your voice, she let out a long sigh, “the two of you really are weirdos! Come in!”
This time, Yelena lets you come to her house. And since today, you’ll stay in her house together. You told your story about the fire in your apartment and when Zeke brought you to his apartment until his girlfriend came over. You convinced her that you won’t stay long in her house until you find a new apartment. You believed Zeke so much, so when he insisted that you have to stay in Yelena’s house, you obeyed him without question. If Zeke believes Yelena, so you believe her as well.
She lets you sleep in the guest room. You asked her how much you have to pay for the room, but she refused it and told you it was just for a while so you don’t have to pay her except you paid yourself for a meal.
You stayed in Yelena’s house for almost a week. You thought she was a little bit cocky with an unfriendly attitude, but she is just a straightforward person with an expressionless face. She's nice actually, at least she still lets you stay in her house until now because you discovered difficulties to find a new apartment. People might consider her as a male because of her masculine figure, and she is a very tall woman with a height of six feet three inches. For you, she’s the perfect figure for the androgynous look, she look pretty and handsome at the same time. Her hair is blonde in a short bob with straight bangs, and it suits her well. You bet she’s pretty famous among girls or boys.
Even so, you found that her friends are just Zeke and Onyankopon, a cool and nice black guy. You found out quickly because she rarely hangs out with other friends except for Zeke and Onyankopon, but she's good at negotiating with others. You often see her talking on the phone with her business partner, and in the end, she smiled with satisfaction and told you that she reached an advantageous deal. She’s also an ambitious person.
Yeah, she’s a third-year business student just like Zeke, so she often gets the assignments for making a brand or a start-up from her lecturers. Well, maybe now you can be her new good friend, you’re a friendly and funny person, so it’s not hard for you to get along with her.
“What the hell are you doing in the kitchen for hours??” Yelena asked you on the phone. You can hear the class ambiance behind her voice.
“How did you know?” you asked.
“You didn't realize? I’ve been watching you from the CCTV in every corner of my house. Even when you did some silly movements in front of the TV to workout,” she explained.
You turned your head to the upper corner where the CCTV hangs. You looked at that with surprise. How can you not realize that there are many CCTVs in her house, and she's been watching you all the time!
“You! You're a sly peeper!”
She chuckled, “my house, my rule. So what are you up to?”
“I’m making chocolate. Valentine's Day is almost coming, so I wanna make delicious chocolate for my crush. Don't worry, I'll clean up the kitchen when I’m done.”
“Chocolate? That sucks! Why are you in such a hurry? It's still a week 'till Valentine's Day.”
You rolled your eyes, “as you know, I suck at cooking, so I need to learn to make un chocolat parfait.”
“Ah! And I still remember how horrible an omelet you made!” her tone was almost mocking.
“I know you're really good at cooking, but please don't be so mean to me.”
She laughed slightly, “okay. Do what you want. Bye.”
You thought you would be able to make perfect chocolate for your crush instantly, but it’s not that easy! Luckily, Yelena was kind enough to permit you to use her kitchen often. Although she’s good at cooking, she can't help you to give you some advice to make chocolate because she hates sweets. You practice almost every day until the V day comes, and efforts won’t betray you, you did your best to make beautiful and delicious chocolate.
“Finally-” you said while straightening your back and stretching your aching muscles, feeling incredibly relieved. Today is Valentine’s day, now you can go to college before the morning class starts, and give this beautiful chocolate you made to a Mister Perfect.
“You did it?” asked Yelena, you saw her standing on the stairway in the kitchen, still wearing her pajamas. And she stepped down to the floor.
“I did it!” you said happily. You looked at the wristwatches, “and I can go to the morning class on time. How could I've been awesome with that! Ah, I bought savory croissants you like and made hot coffee on the dining table. It's just a little reward for letting me use your kitchen, and as a valentine's gift.” You smiled and winked at her.
For the first time, she looked at you with eyes that sparkled. She smiled slightly, “thanks- So, when are you going to give that chocolate to the unlucky guy?”
You smiled at her, sometimes, she can be an innocent, sarcastic woman. “Perhaps, during lunchtime. He’s a second-year student in the Political Sciences Department, and he’s the coolest guy I’ve ever met on campus. When he puts on his football uniform, he's even cooler!” you said full of joy while imagining your crush’s face.
She rolled her eyes, “I don't give a shit. Besides, giving chocolate to the boys on Valentine’s Day is kinda old fashioned. Why don't you give him a bouquet or a concert ticket?”
“I- I don't know. Isn't that something men always do?”
She clucked her tongue, “it’s women’s emancipation.”
“You're right!” you said eagerly. “Chocolate and flowers! That's cool! I’ll buy flowers for him, too! Thank you, Yelena, you're brilliant!” and you left her to go to campus.
In the late afternoon, it’s a beautiful day at the end of winter, the warmth of the sun is still accompanying people on the outside.
It’s valentine’s day, a day full of love. But all you can feel is the cold wind in your heart, the day gets grey, and pain haunts you. You remembered all the hurtful things he said to you, you feel so rejected by him. It really hurts when you expect so much more from a person you once liked so much. You’ve liked him ever since the first day of college.
Love can sometimes be magic but magic can sometimes just be an illusion. Before you realize it, the tears stream down your face. You walked so slow in Yelena’s neighborhood.
You heard the horn behind you. “Ayo, Taffy! Walking to my house?” That’s Yelena with her car, driving very slowly to follow your steps.
You turned your head to her. She looked at you with a surprise, “Hey, you okay?”
“I- I’m okay,” you said sobbing.
Without asking you first, she scrambled out of the car, and put you in the front passenger seat of the car, and got behind the wheel.
“What happened?” she asked gently.
You cried harder when she asked that. Moments later, you told her your story when you got a raw rejection from your crush. “He even called me fat and I'm not his type. I mean, I’m okay with his ridicule, it's a fact after all. But when he mocked my chocolate, that's when I felt hurt. Anyhow, it was my hard work you even helped me make it,” and you cried again.
“I did nothing, you made it yourself with love,” she said and she turned her vehicle around.
“Where are you going?” you asked.
“I’m going to give that motherfucker a lesson.”
“You- WHAT?”
“Gimme his location!”
“Yelena- No! Turn around your car! Let's just go home.”
She gazed at you in silence for a while, “just shut the fuck up and keep your seat belt fastened!” she spoke firmly.
In the end, you just let her drive to the university yard where your crush and his friends are hanging around. Yelena insisted on giving him a lesson. Your heart raced when you saw her walk through the yard and stepped closer to the table where your crush sat.
Your crush stopped laughing when she stood in front of him, it also gave his friends in silence and looked at her in confusion. “Ayo! Rough guy!” She greeted him with a condescending tone.
“Who the hell are you, tomboy?” he asked her.
“Nobody, just a courier. I delivered a package for you,” she showed him a chocolate box and a bouquet.
“Ah, that’s from Y/N, huh? Take back, I ain't gonna need that. If I take that shit, I’m afraid that fatty would think I will accept her feelings.”
Yelena spat on the ground, “you know I was relieved I never dated a guy, and the guy I hate the most is the guy like you. You're more gay than I am, y’know? Before you mocked her, look at yourself in the mirror whether you're better than her or not! You think you're perfect, huh?”
Yelena threw the flowers and the chocolate on your crush’s face. Her hands in the fluid movement to deliver precisely aimed blows to a startled opponent.
“What the fuck!” He shouted out in shock. Getting rid of the flowers on his face and the chocolate stains off his jacket.
“Take that, you motherfucker! You should've respected her! It shows her love and hard work!” Yelena grunted, “but at least I’m relieved she wouldn't fall for an asshole like you again.” And she left him without waiting for his response.
You watched what Yelena did to him far behind, and it gives you a new perspective that you adore her so much.
“Thank you,” you said gently when you and she sat in the car.
“For what?”
“For everything. Why are you so kind to me? I mean, I am the one who often troubles you, but you still want to add a new enemy, because of me. I’ve seen everything you’ve done to him, and I really appreciate it.” You laughed strangely, “you were very rude to him, but I think he deserved it.
She grunted, “that son of a bitch deserves worse. Why do you think I'm doing this to you?” She looked at you seriously with her deep voice.
You find it difficult to answer. In silence, you looked at each other. You felt an odd feeling when you looked into her big beautiful eyes. You felt captivated by the look in her eyes, so you couldn't move your body when you realized her body moved closer to yours as she tried to kiss you.
As though conscious of what she was about to do, she stopped and sat up straight again. She cleared her throat awkwardly, “and the only one who can make fun of you is me.” She stared at the last small chocolate box on your lap. “Oh, there’s one more.”
“Yup, there is. Don’t worry, I’ll throw away this thing.”
She grabbed the small box immediately, “don’t! I’ll eat it.”
“What? Don't you hate sweets?”
“It’s okay if it's your make,” she eats a piece of chocolate you made. “Umm- not bad, ” she smiled slightly after she finished eating, then she turned the engine on.
After the incident on Valentine’s day, you can't look at her in the same way again, you felt confused about your feelings towards her. You thought she was just your friend, but now you realized you want her more than just a friend. You don't want to ruin your friendship with her, you need to find a new apartment as soon as possible no matter how to keep a distance from her and reset unnecessary feelings.
Luckily, you got a new apartment so you can leave Yelena’s house. Yelena and Zeke helped you pack the stuff and decorate your new room. After those busy days, you can finally enjoy your free time in your new apartment, all alone. And it gives you extra time to prioritize your revenge plan, once you've accepted the insult of the guy you liked. And a wise man said the best revenge is to improve yourself.
On the other hand, you wouldn't believe how much Yelena missed you. She felt empty when she stayed alone, she missed your presence in her house. She once got so annoyed by your noisy existence, but now she really wants to hear all your ridiculous babbling. When she thought of you, she smiled slightly, she didn't believe she could fall for a silly girl like you. Silly but sweet.
Since when did this feeling grow in her heart? She didn't know. Little thing she knew, you're the sweetest, most sincere girl she's ever met. Sometimes she wishes you could open your heart to a girl like her, but she doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable if she expresses any romantic interest in you. To get rid of all her thoughts about you, she occupied herself with the project the lecturer gave her. It is funny, you two are mutually interested in each other, but you two are too afraid to express your feelings.
Time flies so fast. Spring break is over. You are ready to open a new chapter of your life in this warm spring. You were viral by the rejection video of your crush to you, it was a nightmare because everyone recognizes you with something you don't want to be. But now, everyone on campus is amazed by the change you made to yourself. And the best thing is, your crush seems regretful that he has rejected and said something cruel to you. Now, you have some respect from others.
“Wow, I heard an issue that you're now some big news and one of the hotties in this university.”
You heard a familiar voice when you walked alone in the park near your faculty building. You frowned at your face and turned around your body, your eyes widened as you saw a big-beauty blonde standing behind you.
“Long time no see and, look at you, you've changed a lot! Now you've become- a Barbie doll? Eww! You look more ugly than before when you still have those fats in your body,” she continued.
You chuckled, “we’ve lived together under the same roof for almost three weeks, and I got your own dictionary. When you say no, it means yes. So when you say I’m ugly, it means I’m pretty?”
“Jesus, no! I tell the truth, I swear, the new you is ugly.”
“I, I just wanna love myself more by changing my lifestyle to make it healthier,” you said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Whatever. I rather like your old appearance because now you’re a little conscious. Many morons will steal glances at you.”
She sighed heavily, “something that didn’t change in you is you still slow like a sloth! Then, I’m leaving!”
“Hey, wait!” You grabbed her long arm to hold her step, “it’s unfair you come and go like a fart!”
Just one touch from you gives her a magical sensation. She then grabbed your hands and pulled your body to get closer to hers.
“I miss you so much! I can’t even stop thinking about you once you leave my house,” she hoarsely whispered.
She bent over you and kissed you. You were shocked by her sudden act, but her kiss is pure, fresh, and thirst-quenching. You felt her stiffening in surprise when you kissed her back, then she continued to insert her tongue into your mouth and moved wildly to play with yours. You two now are kissing so passionately, feeling the burn by the lust of each other.
“So this means, we’re stepping to the next level” she asked with a broad smile on her face. She looked happy.
You smiled mischievously, “what do you think?”
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I think Yelena is the type who can make a straight girl gay. Who can ignore this big-beauty-badass bae 🥵🥵
My fav quotes from Yelena in this story 💕
Yelena to your crush: “...I was relieved I never dated a guy, and the guy I hate the most is a guy like you. You're gayer than I am, y’know?”
[she acted like a gentleman 🥰]
Sweet moments with Yelena 💕
Yelena to you: “Why do you think I'm doing this to you?”
[and you two were looked at each other until she tried to kiss you but she stopped it 😔]
You to Yelena: “Yup. I’ll throw away this thing.”
Yelena to you: “Don’t! I’ll eat it.”
You to Yelena: “Don’t you hate sweets?”
Yelena to you: “It’s okay if it’s your make.”
[then she ate your chocolate even she hates sweets 🥺]
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