#one bc it has a pic of trump and like. yeah i don't want his face on my blog (btw as a reaction meme or whatever not anything serious)
folklouire · 2 years
i've seen the two most perfect posts here but can't reblog neither. life is sooo unfair
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vettelcore · 5 years
i read your post about opinions on drivers and the tags on that post. i'm shook i don't know anything about spanish politic but i speak spanish so spill the tea on sainz sis, i'm curious 🍵🍵
(I had a bible written here about the political situation in spain because I felt chatty but OF COURSE my laptop had to freeze and I lost everything I had written lol)
Anyways, gonna give a kick summary of spanish politics
- Up until 2015, spanish only had two main political parties: PP (right wingers) and PSOE (started as socialists, now they’re centrists)
- Before the 2015 elections, two other big parties showed up: Ciudadanos/C’s (like I said on the other post, self identified liberals and centrists, actually fascism with a touch of progresism masked up as a cool thing for younger people) and Podemos (sociodemocrats)
- Ciudadanos is lead by Albert Rivera. They were nobodies in Catalonia until the independence thing, and they started to get popular because they defended the unity of Spain, opposed to independentism and anything that isn’t ESPAÑÑÑÑÑOL enough for them, and want to impose the spanish language and culture over all the other cultures and different languages and traditions we have all over the country (which btw there are A LOT bc Spain is super diverse, we have 4 official recognised languages and many more non-recognised ones).
- C’s is basically a fearmongering party, whose main voters are
- All in all, they’re just ultranationalists, closer to fascism than centrism and that have just started using feminism and LGTB as a way to look more “progressive” when literally every body single person knows that they hate women and sexual minorities just as much as any other right wing party
if you have any more questions about spanish politics ask away lol elections are only a few days away so there’s a lot of stuff happening lately
Anyways, about Carlos now:
The only politicians that he follows on Twitter are:
- Albert Rivera and Inés Arrimadas (members of Ciudadanos). He also has liked some tweets from Rivera talking shit about catalonia lol
- Donald Trump. I’ve had people tell me that this doesn’t mean anything, because “he might only want to laugh at him guysssseeee” like… lmao yeah, sure, that’s probably why :)
He also follows some “troll” twitter accounts run by homophobic, mysoginist and racists men
And this might not even make sense since you’re not from spain and familiar with its politics, but even before I decided to check his follow list, he always gave me this “frat boy” type of vibes. Like, for example, how much he uses the spanish flag EVERYWHERE. Using the spanish flag here has always been a taboo thing (except during international football matches lol). If you come to Spain, and see someone with a spanish flag bracelet, or has the spanish flag anywhere on their bodies/cars/wtv, run away from them because they’re fascists. And Carlos even makes his dog wear a spanish flag collar lol
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I also just found this trying to find a pic of his dog, that’s someone asking him if he got that dog because he hunts, or only because he liked the breed, and he answered “both!” (big big big big big big yikes from me dawg)
he also has a huge spanish flag hanged on his room (like who the fuck does that lmaooo) and during the Catalunya GP (two? years ago) when the independence thing was wayy more relevant and things in spain were very rocky politically because of it (and many other things), he posed with the spanish flag, and when people gave him shit about it, he came out saying that “theres nothing wrong with being proud of your country and showing our flag”, months after hundreds of catalans were beaten up by the police, a group of gang rapists got freed from jail, while another group of Vasque people are still on jail after being accused of terrorism for a bar fight. Totally reasons to be proud of this country!! Wow Viva España you guys
this is the post I originally made some months ago, I probably mentioned more shit here that I forgot about so you can give it a read if you feel like it after this wall of text i just wrote hahah
after all, he comes from a rich family. He’s just another posh kid who has never had to face any inconveniences on his entire life, just another privilaged frat tier boy who thinks that leftists = bad because they want to steal my tootbrush and has never set a foot outside of his rich boy bubble and likes murdering animals as a sport. Nothing to be surprised about, but also nothing I want to support
Maybe “fascists” is a word too big for him. In spanish we have the wonderful word “facha”, which is like a pejorative name for right wingers and conservatives but that are not full on “Arriba España, viva Franco, muerte a todos los inmigrantes, moros y sudacas y viva el hombre español” like supporters of parties like VOX. But these fachas are still pretty fucking shitty people who put Spain over everything else and support actual fascists
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