#once my destiny raid group knocked an afk player's controller off the table
boltlightning · 1 year
thinkin about...digital friendships and how you still learn your friends' mannerisms even if you've never seen their faces or heard their voices. like knowing when someone is on their phone and not their computer based on their capitalization or autocorrect. or being able to tell where someone is based on when they reply. leaving asynchronous messages for a friend to read after work. adopting each other's phrases. forming a secondary language together through emote reacts or tag systems. calling each other screen names even when you've learned their in-person name. slowly learning schedules to make digital plans more efficiently than almost anyone does in real life. idk it's just got me misty-eyed that friends in your phone really are friends in your phone!! they're right there!! they're just right there chillin and they've got their own lives but somehow your paths crossed and changed something about you forever, miles and miles away
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