#once I get some things worked out financially here in FL I'm moving back home
Soft asks! 23, 26 and 30 <3
The start of your answer had me grinning, it's adorable 🥰
23. Favorite piece of clothing?
The sweater I'm currently wearing even though it's far too hot in FL to be wearing long sleeves. My step father gifted me a bunch years ago and this one just really screams "old man" and is super comfy!
26. What movie would you want to live in?
Probably The Fast and Furious lol I just think I'd be able to fit in pretty easy. I learned how to drive before my parents figured out I needed glasses so I'm actually still very good at driving fast and avoiding things without my glasses and even better if I have them 🤣
30. What reminds you of home?
Windy back roads. Gravel. Pine Trees. The smell of rain about to roll in. That moment in the morning when the sky is orange and just peaking out from behind the trees. When I manage to find an empty walking trail through the little bit of woods that's near me and I can just wander off the path and be surrounded by nature for a little while. But the thing that hits the hardest is when I'm driving back home and I can see the flat land turning into hills and then mountains. It does something to my soul lol like something got knocked out of place the day I left and seeing the mountains finally lets it settle back where it belongs and lets everything calm down.
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