#on the topic of the sacrificial weapons btw
yvtro · 2 years
Random thought, but I've always preferred Jason to be a paramedic rather than a doctor. I guess it's because it's more active? I know doctors can be active as well, but I think a paramedic uses his skills as a vigilante more than a doctor. It's also useful because it still connects him to his former vigilante side; it's a reminder of how he contorted his own image and turned himself into a weapon. I wanted to word this better but my brains fried.
i agree!! i love the concept of jason in the medical field but i find the idea of him being either a paramedic or a nurse much more appealing.
part of the reason for which i am not really a fan of him being a doctor is because, at the end of the day, in the current system doctors are also in a very unique position of power. i'm not saying, by any means, that it's an unethical career, the opposite really, but i'd rather he was in a role that connects him with the people more and doesn't bring that much prestige. it works well with his self-sacrificial tendencies too.
i never made the connection with the vigilantism when it comes to the job of a paramedic, but that's such a good thought (don't say your brain's fried, it's excellent!!) also then it would make sense for him to even be in the field during supervillain emergencies. or follow for team missions as a medic. throwback to new teen titans (1984) #29 (if i remember right. i will sit down and look it up when i’m home but i’m 99% sure that it’s that issue)!! you're giving me so many ideas now!
this is a bit different direction but i have to mention @brutaliakhoa nurse au. something that it brings that wouldn’t necessarily have place in a concept that makes him a paramedic is an idea that he would have to confront both people who he hurt as the red hood and people who he helped as robin.
i could also see him becoming a nurse but then getting roped into more work in field too. so many possibilities.
btw, another career that i like for civilian jason is a teacher. ignore what i said about authority before (no decisions about life and death taken in this position of power at least). this is one of the most optimistic routes for him, given that it’s not the most self-sacrificial (i’m saying optimistic but not necessarily the best for his development nor storytelling). it’s of course a job that is extremely important, but there’s also more of self-indulgence and peace in it. but that’s a topic for another post, i just realised that i never talked about it on here before and wanted to mention it.
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princesseevee06 · 9 months
how would sou's first trial work? would it be something similar to shin's trial? or something different entirely? (also very interested in the violet shin)
anon i’m extremely sorry to disappoint you but sou doesn’t have a first trial. he very literally just slapped a collar on himself, went suspiciously close to shin’s first trial room, and. waited. what can i say. he’s on that grind
buuuuuuut i can tell you more about violet shin! (tysm for asking about him btw he’s my favorite little bleeby)
so i’ve talked a liiiiiiittle about him before, but violet shin is the shadsou equivalent for ytr. i envision that the “opening sequence” of the story would take place as sou is mentally preparing himself for the death game, and vishin (im just gonna call him that for shorthand lmao) would appear to him. i guess i would consider him a hallucination of shin? but he still LOOKS like sou. just ourple
instead of prattling on about majority votes, though, i thought it would be interesting if the topic vishin brought up was the butterfly effect. i only came up with this recently, but i think the butterfly effect thematically fits ytr very well— it shows how one small action can lead to a myriad of different consequences. in this case, i thought ryoko represented the “butterfly;” her small choice of walking sara home ends up massively altering the death game and leading to outcomes that even asunaro couldn’t predict (the “hurricane”).
although i think sou could easily represent the butterfly as well (perks of being the protagonist’s foil, i guess)! i haven’t gotten much into it yet, but one of the big reasons sou chooses to participate in the death game is that he wants to alter shin’s 0.0% win rate (i know i know this is sou “i wish i could’ve killed him with my own hands” hiyori we’re talking about here but he’s a little Different in ytr). so in that way…he’s also trying to use his presence to make waves, so to speak (doesn’t do a very good job at it on the violet route though-)
anyways sorry back to violet shin 😭 i like to think of him as…encouraging the parts sou doesn’t like about himself. unlike shadsou who encourages shin’s self-serving survival instinct, vishin encourages sou’s deeply suppressed self-sacrificial tendencies! (this is also not a good thing) he is very much about doing things for “the greater good,” and this mentality definitely ends up influencing sou in the violet route, where he starts to. weaponize himself (using his own life to try and end the death game)
so yeah! vishin may seem cute and meek, but in reality he can be just as sinister as shadsou, and he’ll say deeply concerning things in the most polite tone possible :)
^ also wait ok i did sort of imply it above but vishin is a more prevalent presence than shadsou. i think shadsou appears 2(?) times in the whole game…but in my Personal Headcanon (which i guess is just canon because this is my au) sou gets really really bad hallucinations in chapter 3 and so vishin shows up a lot more then.
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windblooms · 3 years
answering meta/build asks i got over the past week below!
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Anonymous said:
okay team comp help,.. I need your advice - I want to use diona, bennett, rosaria and childe on my team but I’m not entirely sure about rosaria’s mechanics... what do you think?
rosaria is meant to deal physical damage - of course she can be a cryo damage dealer, but just like xinyan, physical damage is more convenient with the nature of their skills.  it’s too early to definitively say what rosaria’s mechanics are, so i’ll just comment on your team’s elemental resonance and synergy: two cryo gives +15% crit rate against enemies affected by cryo.  bennett and childe is already a good combo, great for vaporize and big damage.  you also have a freeze comp going on sans bennett.  rosaria could be your dps whenever childe switches back into ranged form!  so i think so far your team is pretty solid :0 
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Anonymous said:
I have a question! Are you familiar with the Genshin yourtuber Zy0x? I really like their videos, but do you know if they’re any good? Thank you!
i have heard of him yes!!  admittedly though i don’t really watch a lot of his content . . . all of the things i’ve heard about his videos, though, have been very positive!  in-depth and explains the nuances between different artifacts, weapons, etc.  i believe he’s (mid)core with how he explains things as well . . . ?  overall someone who i’d trust if i was lost on a genshin topic.
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Anonymous said:
what artifacts/weapons would you suggest for a sub dps/support xingqiu? c5 btw
i would recommend support xingqiiu over (sub)dps xingqiu.
weapons: primordial jade cutter/skyward blade > sacrificial sword > festering desire.
artifact sets: 4piece heart of depth > 2piece heart of depth + 2piece noblesse. 
artifact main stats: hp flower, atk feather, atk% timepiece, hydro damage bonus goblet, crit rate/damage circlet
artifact substat prio: crit rate/damage > atk% > hp% > energy recharge.
weapons: skyward blade > sacrificial sword > festering desire.
artifact sets: 4piece noblesse > 2piece heart of depth + 2piece noblesse.
artifact main stats: hp flower, atk feather, hp% timepiece, hydro damage bonus goblet, hp% circlet
artifact substat prio: hp% > energy recharge > atk%. 
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Anonymous said:
hello!! i’m not sure if you’ve already answered this type of question before but with the fact that childe’s potential is locked behind his constellation is he still worth pulling for a f2p? :0 he’s not really kind in that regard lmao so i’m still trying to decide who to pull between him or venti and which bow would be best for who when i have both stringless and rust sitting around unused ㅠㅠ
yes!  childe is still worth pulling.  let me put this on a scale, hm . . . if diluc is the best dps in the game, a 9/10 on the scale, then childe is like . 7.5/10??? even if he doesn’t have constellations.  his aoe (in my opinion) is actually more than diluc’s due to riptide procs.  he also has amazing synergy with bennett, even when not ulting.  my point with bringing up childe’s constellation lock is that there’s just so much more he can do with them than without - c0 childe and c6 childe are not the same character, unlike c0 vs c6 keqing (hahaha someone fight me over this).  
stringless is currently venti’s best gacha bow, besides skyward harp, but the new 5star weapon elegy for the end is looking to be venti’s own 5star weapon.  so weapon prio for venti would go elegy of the end > stringless > skyward harp > favonius warbow imo. 
for childe, skyward harp > viridescent hunt > rust > stringless, but only stringless if you build bennett!  explanation here. 
hopefully i helped clear any confusion. :0
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Hey! I have a few questions, which is a better healer, Qiqi or Barbara? Also, can I be considered really luck if I get two five stars within thirty pulls (hu tao and qiqi), cause people are talking about getting a good five star in ninety pulls and im like “???”, I barely have enough primogems for a three ten pulls.
Istg, your such a good help when it comes to genshin.
qiqi is the better healer - 5stars have higher base stats than 4stars.  qiqi scales off of atk, while barbara scales off of hp.  qiqi’s skill can also apply the physical debuff superconduct because it’s electro, whereas barbara’s hydro skill cannot apply debuffs. 
same logic kind of applies with their ults, with the addition that qiqi can just quick cast and switch out to have her allies attack enemies who are marked, continuously gaining health until the mark wears off, while barbara’s ult heal value is fixed. 
and yes, you are really lucky if you get a 5star within 70 pulls - much less 30!!  and about the “people are talking about getting a good five star in ninety pulls”, this is true.  90 pulls is hard pity, and there is a chance to get a 5star between 76-80 pulls.  getting a 5star in less than 76 pulls is rare enough already, so the fact that you got 2 within 30 (when the pull rate for a 5star is 0.6% - not even a full percent) is amazing. 
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Anonymous said:
Hi, could I have some Genshin advice please? If not, feel free to ignore! I currently have an r5 white tassel on Hu Tao as her weapon. I like the crit rate stat, but I feel bad having a three star weapon on her. I also have the favonious lance and a dragonspine spear, should I swap the tassel out for one of those? Thank you!
keep white tassel, especially if it’s r5!  don’t use dragonspine spear because the physical damage bonus on hutao is icky.  r5 white tassel beats out favonius lance on all regards imo as well, since the white tassel r5 passive increases normal attack damage by 48%.  yes, even if it’s a 3star weapon, i’ve seen lots of hutao players excel with it.  so it seems as if white tassel r5 is your best option so far!
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Anonymous said:
Catch me looking at childe's complicated af playstyle and thinking "big brain time"
HSADLJFSDFD YEAH?  his playstyle doesn’t take long to get used to though :0 it’s just about counting your seconds or getting a feel for when you should switch him back to ranged form so your skill cd isn’t too long.  he also has a lot of repetitive terminology in his kit LOL thanks mhy ;; but i promise playing him is easier than it sounds :0
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