#on the other hand this means their TFS fic is gonna have so much angst
brittleskyblue · 3 months
I will never be normal about these two again. I almost started crying my eyes out because of them.
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brb gonna go lay down in the rain
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if we had 5 more minutes — f. w.
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Summary: You thought you could save Fred from the rumbles of falling stones; you did your best, only to be in the rumbles with him instead.
Words: 2,160 words
Warnings ⚠ : ANGST, TW: Death, TW: Battle of Hogwarts, TW: war, TW: injuries, Fred died, you died, big Pain™, I strongly suggest tissues and a dozen of comfort chocolates, I cried so you will too, Basically An Emotional Rollercoaster, Read At Your Own Risk
Disclaimer: inspired by Billie Eilish's cover of The End of The World, so... ya'll know this is going to be a painful ride. Buckle up your seatbelts and enjoy. Reblogs and Comments are Highly Appreciated! <3 p/s: reading this with the song at the background really helps with the tear pouring effect ;)
Disclaimer 2.0: i know what yall are thinking... what tf is syaf doing, posting a fic when she’s in a hiatus she just posted yesterday? Also where is mad hatter chap 5 and epilogue? well, my brain likes to conjure up ideas at very inappropriate times (like rn) so bare with me and uh i’ve been really physically and mentally exhausted from work (retail is bathshit crazy) to write the mad hatter series so idk when will i update the two chapters but i’m working on it! thank you for being patient, and im sorry for causing you guys to wait for so long, ilysm don’t kill me <3 
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The end of the world.
The Battle of Hogwarts looked like the end of the world. Curses and spells thrown left to right, different kinds of bodies found at each corner and crook, walls here and there crumbling as down as hope for freedom. And blood.
At that point of time, the pools of blood on the floor look the same; pureblood or not. Because they bleed the same anguish red.
You didn't need to see the apocalypse of the world anymore. Screw the end of Mother Earth; this battle in front of your eyes was more than enough — sadly — to be your end of the world.
“Hey,” You called, causing Fred to turn his head around to your direction, his lips etched up a smile before replying with another hey. You sat next to him, the place where George had sat before he got up and left to speak with Professor Lupin.
Evil is winning, and good is losing. But then again, what difference would it make; if good kills as many as evil? At the end of the world, there is no good and evil alone. There are desperation, madness, and hunger for power, lust for victory brought along with them.
So, at the end of the world, you chose to be side by side with your lover, Fred Weasley. The red-headed dork you’ve taught yourself to pour your love into had become the very source of your life. He is your elixir, he is your soul, heart, and happiness.
It was silent for a while, none of you had anything to say. Yet the silence was comforting, with only the presence of each other as calming as it is. “Y/N,” Fred suddenly turned his head to you, biting his lower lip in contemplation. “Hm?” “Can you just stay at the Burrow?” 
You blinked, “What?” Fred sighed, “Can you just stay at the Burrow right now and not join the war? I- I don’t want you to join in-” “Fred-” “I-It’s dangerous and it’s literally a war a-and I don’t want you to get hurt I would- I would rather die than have you hurt-” 
“Fred!” You raised your voice, your hand clasping onto his securely, an effort to calm his frenzied thoughts. He stopped rambling and stared at you with those doe eyes you adored so much, “You know I can’t do that.”
“We need everyone on board for this war. I am no exception- bloody hell, even your parents are joining in, Freddie!” You tried to explain slowly, and Fred closed his eyes in denial of defeat. 
“I love you,” he suddenly blurted out. He noticed the slight fluster you had, your eyebrows were raised for a millisecond before they furrowed upon a realization, “Wait, why are you saying this now? I-“ “I love you, Y/N,” he repeated himself and you shook your head, realizing what he was doing, “Wait, hold on a minute, no-“
He was saying it in case anything happens.
“Y/N, I love you-” “Don’t you dare say it one more time like you’re not gonna make it, Fred Weasley, I swear to Merlin,” You cut him off, your jaw clenching at his absurdness. “… Aren’t you gonna say it back?” Fred asked, his voice was small.
“I-” You sighed, “No, I won’t because I don’t want to say it right now, given the circumstances,” You paused, your voice quieting down, “It felt like a goodbye when you say it like that.” “Then when will you say it? We’ve been dating for almost a year and you'd never say it before,” He said.
“Really? This is the time to argue about this?” You gave him a pointed look, but your expression softened as you understood the meaning behind his actions. “Look, Freddie, I- You know how I feel about us,” You sighed, looking down at your hands on your lap, “You know I’m not that expressive with my words but- but I’m trying and- okay, let’s make a deal,” Fred’s ears perked up the mention of a deal. "I'm listening," he drawled.
“I’ll say the words when the war is over,” Fred gave you a sour look that clearly said ‘really?’ and it caused you to huff a smile, “Once everything is over, and everything is okay again, I’ll say them as many times as you want me to, okay?” Fred leaned into your touch as you cupped his cheek with your hand, kissing his forehead.
“Even if I made you say it a thousand times?” He asked and you chuckled, your heart warming at his childlike question, “I’ll say it for an hour if you asked me to.”
It happened so fast.
One second you were fighting off the Death Eaters with Percy and Fred, and then the other, you find your body aching at the major pressure from the rocks and debris that used to be Hogwarts’ protective wall from the outside world.
It was dark, and it was dusty, but you were too unconscious to notice. That was until you felt your cheek being patted a few times. As you gained consciousness with a cough or two, you also gained the pending pain spreading all across your whole body. You couldn’t feel your legs, or safe to say your whole lower body part. 
Memories of you a few moments ago trying to push Fred away from the rumbles but ended up facing the falling stones head-on with him instead began to flow back into your mind. How foolish could you be to act like a hero, as if you could sacrifice yourself for him to live.
“… Y-Y/N…”
You turned your head with a silent grunt, and your eyes fixate at the body beside you, a few feet away, Fred. 
He had blood leaking from his nose and ears, probably from the impact, and his face was dusty with debris from the stones. As he looked at you, he threw you a smile; a weak, hiding the fact that he’s in immense pain kind of smile.
“F-fancy seeing you here,” he grunted with a wince, a smile nevertheless rested on his lips. “Fred…” you could only mutter his name, closing your eyes for a brief second at the growing pain on your thighs. The pressure from the rumbles had slowly increased, and you felt yourself losing consciousness again. Only to be brought back to open your eyes as Fred poked your cheeks a few more times, “Hey, hey, s-stay with me, love.”
“We’ll… We’ll be okay.”
You winced at the trickling sensation on your skin as you tried to move your fingers towards him, “It’s… It’s impossible, Fred…” You voiced out, your voice cracking up. You saw Fred’s lips quivered before he threw you another comforting smile, “Don’t… Don’t say that. We’ll make it… I-I know we will.”
“We… We will?”
Groaning from the injuries on his body as he tried to move closer to you, he nodded, “We will.”
You felt his fingers trying to reach for yours, and you handed him assistance as you hooked your fingers with his. His hand was cold, trembling. But it was Fred’s. And Fred’s hand is always warm.
“It’s… It’s so heavy,” You whimpered in pain, looking at Fred for comfort. All Fred wished to do at the moment was to be strong enough. Strong enough to push off these rumbles pressing onto his body. Strong enough to pull you out from the pain. All he wished for was for you to not be in pain anymore. But he knew he couldn’t do anything. The rumbles were too big, too heavy, and it would take a while for anyone to find them at the bottom of everything. 
Fred breathed out heavily through his mouth, slowly finding it difficult to breathe through his nose anymore, trying his best to look strong for you, “Stay with me, love. S-stay with me. Five more minutes. F-five more minutes and they’ll- they’ll save us…”
“Five more minutes, I promise…”
You saw the desperation in his eyes, trying his best to somehow keep you afloat until you two are saved. You heard muffles from the other side, Percy screaming for Fred and you. His screams were sad and painful to hear; you would’ve cried for him if it wasn’t for the constant high-pitched ringing in your ears.
“Fred, h-hold my hand. P-please,” You whispered, finding no more strength to say anything louder than a whisper. He instantly intertwined your fingers with his, stretching as far as he could to reach you; no matter how screeching the pain in his lower body was.
“Fred,” You called him again. He chuckled a bit, “You’re… you’re saying my name a lot of times right now, darling.” You huffed a smile, the corner of your lips twitched, “… I want to ask you something.”
“… Anything.”
Your eyes met his, even in the darkness, his eyes still managed to look so beautiful. So earthly beautiful. “… Are you happy, Freddie?”
There was something about the way you say it, Fred couldn’t get a touch of what it was but… it felt like a goodbye. As much as Fred hated to admit, he wasn’t holding on much longer either. He was bleeding heavily from everywhere, his wand was out of his reach, and his body was starting to numb. His vision began to blur by itself, hence he blinked his eyes repeatedly. Trying his best to see your features clearly, one last time, if the worst happens.
This is it, he thought. This is the end of my line. 
Finding an urge to cry, but didn’t have enough strength to sob, Fred let out a tear or two onto the dusty surface he laid his head on, his eyes closing after the content stare of your beautiful— though bloody and dusty— face. How ironic, he’s slipping away first even though he was the one who said five more minutes.
If only you had five more minutes.
“W-with… With you? Heh, always… “ The whisper coming out from his mouth caused you to narrow your eyes at him. It felt strange, it felt wrong. Was he saying goodbye? Watching Fred close his eyes was alarming, so you gained all your strength to pat his hand a few times, “H-hey, Freddie… Five more minutes. Hang… Hang on for five more minutes, please.”
You squeezed his hand, and he naturally squeezed back, only this time it was weaker than usual. His grip on your hand started to soften, but you tightened yours desperately. The pain all over your body was partially forgotten, your only focus was on keeping Fred breathing and alive, as well as yourself. 
“I’m… I’m trying, my love… but I’m sleepy… and tired…” he mumbled, his words became slurred by time. He was on the edge, you realized that. Upon the sad realization, you bit your tongue, trying your best to prepare for the worst. “L-look at me, darling,” Your voice quivered, feeling the sandy surface on your temple as you tried to force your eyes open, to properly look at him, “Look at me.”
You knew it. He was slipping away from your fingers, and you were slipping too. It didn’t matter anymore even if Percy bulldozed his way to you now, it was too late. Simply too late. And that’s none of his faults. It’s none of his and none of yours.
Some things are just meant to be.
You took your other hand and placed it onto his cold, dirty cheek. Caressing his cheekbone gently, you gave him a comforting smile, “Fred.”
He looked at you, a faint smile on his lips. He’s at the end, you acknowledged. You widen your smile to assure him, although the tears escaping your eyes say otherwise, “… You make me happy. You make me so so happy. And I… I love you.”
“I love you, Freddie.”
With a big smile, Fred widened his eyes weakly, letting out a sigh of content as he looked at you with gentle eyes,“… Now that wasn’t so hard, now was it?“
Gentle eyes that soon hollowed empty.
“Yeah,” the dam of your tears broke down, “Took me a long time...” You squeezed his now lifeless hand, trying to find comfort and warmth from him for the last time. You smiled at Fred, whilst tears rolling down your temple slowly as if mourning the passing of your lover for you. You inched closer to him, careful not to graze your injuries, and met your nose with his.
You caressed his cheek, finally feeling yourself lose consciousness. This is it, you thought, I won’t wake up ever again. “You said we’ll be okay,” You whispered weakly, huffing a content smile on your lips. Staring into his eyes that had held so much love and pure unadulterated affection for you all these years, now empty with no trace of life, had sent you into pain more powerful than the injuries present on and in your body.
“I guess we will be, after this.”
“… You spent your last five minutes with me, huh?” You felt yourself going in and out of consciousness, and your vision blurring continuously, “Aren’t you a sappy git,” the mere whisper escaped your mouth with a sigh. The warm smile never left your lips, and the only thing in your mind was how peaceful he looked as of that moment, and you wondered if you’ll ever be in that state of peace, with him.  
“No- no- no!” someone was shouting. “No! Fred! no!” And Percy was shaking his brother, and Ron was kneeling beside them with his hand on Y/N’s head, and the pair of lovers stared at each other without seeing, the ghost of their last smile still etched upon their faces.
On our last few drags of air, we agree
I was, and you were
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@multifandom-but​ @sirenswhispers​ @lilac-skies-xd​ @obsessedunicorn24​ @foggyturtleknightangel​​ @evewithluv​ @softlyqoos​ @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13​ @lilypad-55449​ @fiantomartell​ @hopemalfoyweasley​ @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​ @bucketandpotato​ @klausdatprettyboi​ @adoregin​ @littlechillies​ @phuvioqhile​ @sweetnspicysimp​ @wand3ringr0s3​ @harrypotter289​ @emptyporsche​ @tallyovie​  @potters-heart​ @amourtentiaa​ @lunalovecroft​ @loveboyhalo @lupinsclassroom​ @breadqueen95 @iwritesiriusly @rcwenaclaw​ @sevsbitxh​ @freds-slut​ @acosmis-t​ @colorfulprofessornickelangel​ @vote4weasleys​ @anchoeritic​​ @alluringshawn​ @cute-sidney​ @anna-banana-13​ @lostaurorax​ @emrysts​ @rosietoesy @lilgeorgie78 @prismarts @an2402lths
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seshatsdomain · 3 years
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Here lives my favorite fics! These are the stories that I find myself returning to over and over again. I hope you all get as much enjoyment out of them as I do. Thank you to the authors of these fics for bringing them to the world. As always mind the warnings and respect the boundaries that the authors have set! Ok, on to the list!
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magic city
This fic was the first one I read from Brittany and it made me an instant fan. Not only am I a fan of Black stripper readers but I am a huge fan of the whole ‘Steve returns to the past and immediately regrets it’ trope.
with the weight of the world as the tips of my fingers
What can I say? I love domesticity!
california king
The magic of this fic is the combination of a period piece and my favorites from Lovecraft Country! Plus who doesn't love Chubby Bucky?
the forest
Ahhhh! The worldbuilding! The Worldbuilding!!!
leave out all the rest
Ok so funny story. When I first read this, I had never seen The Martian. But the relationship between the reader and Chris caught me. I might return to read this like....once a week.
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No seriously, I really suggest that you follow Star (and all the other authors on this list) so you don’t miss her wonderful drabbles and one-shots! You’re not gonna want to miss any of her news reports.
Let me give you a hand
I don’t know how I came across this fic, but it was my first introduction to the wonderful world of Star, lol. As a girl with a little fluff myself, this one hits me right in the feels.
The Beefy Biker Verse
This universe has made me soft for tough bikers who adore their girls! I highly recommend reading this and then coming back here to tell me if you are more of a Gorgeous or a Dove or both!
My absolute fave is Coming Home to You!
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Pace is the Trick
This was the fic that made me get a tumblr. Now, I have an attachment to A/B/O and combined with the beautifully written angst in this fic. *Muah* Chefs kiss! Also multiple endings? Synth truly does spoil us, y’all.
Time to Run
I love mob bosses who will burn down the world for their girl, ok? Sue me!
New Rules
Fun fact about me, I love learning about monarchies. I spend my free time learning about them all over the world. So when I heard Synth was writing a modern royalty au? Chile, I put the fic into my faves, sight unseen. Love it!
Honorable mention to Mr. July! Because remember when I said I had an...attachment to A/B/O? Yeah...
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Not only is Jen our Black Author Masterlist Queen, she is also a phenomenal writer. I never knew that I needed Sam Wilson loving on Okoye in my life until I read this. Anytime I need a pick me up, this is my go-to.
For the World
Guys. I don’t know what it is about this fic. It’s dark, which isn’t something that I'm normally drawn to, but the premise of this is amazing and it will hook you!
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And here is one of my fave fics that I read off Tumblr. Though it might be on here too, I just haven't checked. It’s a Thor Dothroki!AU which honestly means nothing to me since I’ve never seen Game of Thrones... But it’s beautifully written and I’ve read it like once a month!
*There is some white coding in this fic, so be aware*
all there's left to do is run
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Non Marvel:
And this is just a @charnelhouse fan girl right quick.
Mando/ Din Djarin
I occasionally indulge in some Mando fics and these are some of the best. What can I say I love domestic Din!
Bloom Universe/ TF Poly Vibes
Again, I have never seen Triple Frontier and I honestly can’t say that I plan to. But these boys have me wide open for them, and I’m perfectly content with that, thank you.
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hoebii · 3 years
Found and Lost
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Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre : Angst, slight fluff, e2l, soulmate!au
Rating : nc-17 
Warnings : Swearing, major character death, mentions of attempted sexual harassment, mentions of being in an accident, jjk is a good boi
Wc : 2.3k
A/N : Thank you @joheunsaram​ for making such a pretty banner for me in such a short notice!!! Also thank you @taegularities​ and @heejinnien​ for being my amazing and adorable betas~ NOW LISTEN I GOT THIS FIC IDEA FROM A DRABBLE RID ASKED FOR guess who tf beta’d it? that’s right! the one this fic was for 🤡  My clown shit aside, I hope you guys like this one~ Also please let me know if there’s any correction to the warnings, I still struggle with wording shit right. As always, feedback is always welcome!! <3 
Jungkook stood there, staring at you, hands fiddling with the flowers in his hand. He felt numb, no more tears left to shed - or so he thought. He couldn’t help but think back to happier days, when things had been good. 
Jungkook walked down the corridor, casually chatting with Jimin while avoiding the students scattered about. He let out a yelp in surprise when someone bumped into him, causing him to stumble back as the other person fell to the floor. 
“I’m sorr- Oh, it’s you,” Jungkook muttered in distaste, when he saw it was none other than you on the floor. “I’d offer help but I don’t want to.”
“Fuck off, Jeon, I don’t need your help,” you hissed at him, standing after gathering your things from the floor, “just watch where you’re going, asshole.”
Jungkook watched in silence as you stomped away after that, annoyed beyond words at having to have interacted with you. 
“She’s cute,” Jimin spoke up, watching your retreating figure.
Jungkook could only scoff at the elder’s words, “How? I honestly feel sorry for her soulmate, dude.”
“Why do you two even hate each other so much?” Jimin asked, curious eyes staring at him.
He opened his mouth to answer before closing it again - why did you two hate each other? You two used to be best friends when you were younger, what had happened? Feeling Jimin’s gaze on him, Jungkook huffed and started walking away, “I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s go.”
“You have no idea, do you?”
“Shut up.”
It was like any other day, Jungkook was walking home when he saw one of his classmates walking inside an alley. Usually he would have minded his own business - guys like that were bad news but when he heard someone calling for help, he decided to intervene. 
“What’s going on there, buddy?” he called out, stepping closer to inspect the situation. 
Whipping to face him, Sung-ho scowled, “Mind your own business, punk.”
Now having a clearer view inside the alley, Jungkook noticed a girl trying to fight him off, “Sorry dude, can’t do that. Now why don’t you let the girl go?” 
Sung-ho growled and walked towards him, grabbing Jungkook by the collar. “Didn’t you hear what I said? Mind your own business before you regret it.”
Sighing, Jungkook rolled his eyes and grabbed his hands, “Come on man, I don’t want trouble, just let her go.”
Growling, he pulled his hand back before throwing a punch at Jungkook, making him stumble back a few steps. Wiping at his nose, Jungkook’s hand came back stained with blood. “So that’s how you wanna play, alright then.”
He stepped away, shrugging his backpack off before turning and punching Sung-ho, making him fall to the ground at the impact. Jungkook heard the girl gasp, but he paid no mind to her for now; he had a douche to teach a lesson to. Sung-ho grunted, shaking his head to gather his senses before getting back up and rushing towards Jungkook. 
Jungkook merely side stepped, causing him to miss and stumble forward and Jungkook grabbed Sung-ho by his collar before he could fall. Raising his leg, he kicked Sung-ho’s back, making the said man shout in pain as he crumbled to the ground yet again. 
Walking towards the man, Jungkook stepped on him, looking down at him with raised brows. “Is that all? For someone who acts so tough, that was the easiest fight I’ve won. I don’t think that even counts a fight, dude.” 
Saying nothing, Sung-ho laid there on the ground, panting heavily as Jungkook moved away, watching in amusement as he pushed himself off the ground and rushed away, shouting,“You’re gonna regret this, Jeon!”
Scoffing, Jungkook turned to face the girl who had walked out of the alley now. “You alrigh- you? How do you always get in trouble?”
You said nothing, just stood there and tried not to cry as he went on. Jungkook noticed the tears in your eyes and snapped his mouth shut, his eyes softening. 
“Hey… It’s okay, he’s gone now.”
You finally broke at that, tears streaming down your face as you stepped forward and hugged him tight. “H-he cornered me out of nowhere. I didn’t even see him coming.”
Hesitating a little, Jungkook softly pat your head, hugging you back. He couldn’t help but think how good it felt to have you in his arms, how it felt as if you were the missing puzzle piece that would complete him. 
The two of you stood there for a while, enjoying the feeling of being in each other’s embrace before you finally moved away while sniffling. 
“Thank you…”
“Don’t mention it. Do you want me to walk you home?” he asked, heart sinking at how small you looked at that moment. 
“N-no.. It’s alright, you’ve done enough for me as it is,” you answered, starting to walk away when you felt him grab your hand. 
“Wait,” Jungkook called, grabbing your wrist before you heard him gasp, making you turn around, “it’s you!”
He pulled you close - you exclaiming in surprise - and tugged your sleeve higher, exposing your soulmate symbol, a beautiful tattoo of a lily adorning the expanse of the side of your forearm. 
Tugging to free your hand, you felt his grip get stronger. He kept a firm hold on your hand as his other hand rolled the sleeve of his jacket up to show his own soulmate tattoo. It was you who gasped this time - there sat the exact same tattoo as yours on his forearm.
“Same tattoos, you know what that means, right?” he asked, still looking at your hand.
“You’re my soulmate…” you said, “wait, you’re my soulmate? Oh my god, you’re a jerk!” 
Jungkook sputtered at your words, looking at you with wide eyes, “Jerk? JERK? You’re the jerk here!”
“Real mature.”
“You’re the one who-” he started to fight back, only to be cut off when you kissed him. 
Pulling away, you couldn’t help but smile at the lovestruck look on his face, you didn’t know why you kissed him out of nowhere but you liked it. A lot.
Your heart felt like it would jump out of your chest, your cheeks hurt from how hard you were smiling. You never thought Jeon Jungkook would be your soulmate but here he was, looking adorable as ever. 
“I-I’m not cute,” he grumbled, blushing furiously.
Chuckling, you stepped away, “I’ll see you in class tomorrow, soulmate.”
“Yeah…” Jungkook answered, still not over the kiss before snapping out of his thoughts when you walked away, “Wait! Let me walk you to your house!”
You only laughed as you heard him running behind you. “Dork.”
Once the two of you reached your house, you lingered in front of the entrance, “So that’s my house… ha..”
Jungkook chuckled at your words, looking at you with a raised brow, “I know, I’m your neighbour.”
“Right! Yeah. Obviously,” you exclaimed, face flushing in embarrassment as he stepped closer to you. 
“Why’re you acting so shy? You’re the one who kissed me back there,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows when you looked up to face him. 
“Jesus, you’re such a dork.”
“But now I’m your dork,” he sang childishly. 
“Go home you idiot, I’ll see you in school tomorrow.” 
“Aww, no goodbye kiss?”
You huff out a laugh before grabbing his collar and pulling him down for a kiss. Your eyes slipped shut as his hands came up to cup your face, deepening the kiss. The two of you stood there kissing in front of your door till the need of oxygen became too much. 
Jungkook pulled away slowly, hands still holding your face gently, as if you were a delicate flower. In that moment you felt as if you were in a fairytale, stars twinkling in the sky and heart beating happily as you two stared at each other. 
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked softly, feeling as if speaking any louder would shatter the serene atmosphere.
“Yeah,” he repeated before leaning down and pressing another soft kiss on your lips. He stepped away after that, eyes never leaving your form as he started walking backwards towards his own house.
 “Watch out for the” you started, concerned as he bumped into a roadside lamp, “lamp…”
“I’m okay! Goodnight,” he called out, smiling sheepishly.
You shook your head at how endearing he was before entering your own house, you couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
Jungkook waited impatiently at the entrance of the university, Jimin standing by his side and smiling in amusement. “So you two don’t hate each other anymore?”
“We never hated each other, hate is a strong word, you know,” he answered, trying to act unbothered at being laughed at by his best friend. 
Jimin acted as if he was contemplating the other’s words. “Hmm, you’re right. Though it was pretty obvious that you two would end up together.”
“What do you mean?”
“Please, the sexual tension between you two could have been cut with a knife.”
Jungkook didn’t know how to reply to that, he just stared blankly. Taking a deep breath, he said, “Oookay then, I would fight that but I’m not in the mood to fight.”
“Since when are you not in a mood to fight?”
“Shut up,” he grumbled, “where’s Y/N? She’s never this late.”
“How do you know that?” Jimin asked, smirking.
“...No comment.”
Jimin only laughed, shoving his hands into his jean pockets and turning to look at the gates again. Hoping to catch sight of you and finally put his nearly vibrating best friend at peace.
After a while, Jungkook started worrying; you still hadn’t showed up. He spotted one of your close friends walking by, looking worried, and he decided to approach him. 
“Hey.. umm Namjoon, right? Do you happen to know where Y/N is?”
The said man looked at him, raising one brow in question, “Didn’t you hear? She got into an accident this morning. It was pretty serious.”
It felt as if someone just punched him in the face. “What do you mean she got into an accident? Where is she now?”
“At XXX hospital, I’m going there right now.”
He hesitated a little before finally asking, “Can.. can I come with you?” 
Rushing into the lobby, the trio raced to the reception to find out which room you were in. The receptionist checked her computer before asking for their relationship with the patient. 
“My soulmate,” Jungkook answered, trying to keep a steady voice. He could feel Namjoon’s shocked eyes on him but he paid it no mind, you were more important. The nurse looked up at that, eyes turning sympathetic as she revealed the information.
Ignoring the look of sympathy, he rushed towards your room, Jimin and Namjoon close behind. Arriving in front of the room you were in, he saw the doctor leaving and approached him, “Is she okay?”
The doctor seemed startled at the sudden question but with one quick glance at the worried faces, he cleared his throat, “It’s not looking good, she lost too much blood.” 
“Will she be okay?”
The doctor looked at Jungkook curiously, “what is your relationship with the patient, sir?”
“She’s my soulmate.”
Jungkook hated how his eyes softened at that, hated how dread seemed to settle in his heart from the look of sympathy he got. 
“I’m sorry, she might not make it.”
Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts, blinking away the tears that gathered in his eyes. 
“Huh… what do you know? I’m crying again,” he spoke to himself, chuckling quietly. 
“It’s been a whole year since we figured out that we were each other's soulmates. Actually, a year and one day,” Jungkook started, “today’s the day you promised that you wouldn’t leave me. Ironically it’s also the day when you...” he continued, his voice breaking at the end and he sniffled.
“The day when you said you loved me, I was so happy, over the moon,” he kept talking, his grip on the bouquet in his hand getting stronger, “but you’re selfish, you know? Didn’t even let me say I love you too before you left. Who does that?”
At that point, Jungkook was on his knees, body trembling from how hard he was crying but he went on, “You’re so selfish Y/N… leaving me right after I found you.”
Wiping his tears away, he placed the bouquet down on your grave. “I got your favourite flowers today… black roses. You always were into unique things,” he said, letting out a tearful laugh at the end. Though the laugh didn’t last long when he broke down again. “I miss you so much, Y/N. Why’d you have to leave me? We were supposed to grow old together, make many happy memories… not, not live the rest of my life alone.”
Wiping his eyes, he rolled up his suit’s right sleeve. “Look, I got new tattoos. Aren’t they pretty?” he asked, though he got no reply, just a breeze flowing past him.
It was in that moment that Jungkook felt truly alone, he had been in denial all this time, refusing to mourn for you. He had acted as if everything was fine till now, kept everything bottled up as to not worry anyone around him but now that he had finally come to visit you after all that time, reality hit him. It weighed him down, as if trying to crush him and he sat there as everything around him went on, the birds flew by twittering happily and the trees rustled in the wind. 
It was a beautiful day, honestly; the sun was shining and the sky was clear but Jungkook still couldn’t feel at peace and how could he? It was as if a piece of him was gone, never to return.
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percyjacksonfan3 · 3 years
The Last Olympian Thoughts
So because I have absolutely 0 self-control or restraint when it comes to this series and its characters, and for The Last Olympian in particular, I could not put TLO down. Because of this I figured I couldn’t do the usual photo reaction posts I have been so far, because the spam would just be ridiculous, so I am stealing the idea from @yourstrulytaaay​ to do a masterpost instead. (Adding a Read More cause this got ridiculously long)
Fun fact, TLO came out right after i finished reading the series for the first time so it's the first PJO book i bought  and my only hard cover one for the og series. I checked the year and turns out it was published 2009, which means i was actually 9 when i read the series for the first time. I realize this is not really a fun fact but i thought i was older when I first read the series so it's blowing my mind a little ‘cause now I’m 21 and everything hits different and i still have so much love for this series and the characters Okay onto book thoughts: - i was right that this book is gonna destroy me, the first line alone made me so excited and nostalgic it's ridiculous - I love Rachel and Percy sm tbh. Her being a bit of peace and normalcy in his life without always reminding Percy of who and what he is is so good for him. Just a little escape
- of course by the end of the book that's not the case any more but by the end he's lived his prophecy so he doesn't need it as badly, plus he and Annabeth are solid again - Percy saying Annabeth has been hard to be around lately... Ouch my heart. Luke really is the last thing that keeps them from being together and Percy is so jealous and Annabeth so torn and in pain, i feel so bad for them both
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- Beckendorf 🥺🥺 - the telkhine with the Lil Demon lunchbox!! I forgot about him. Percy: 'i left him alive, partly because his lunchbox was cool' is one of my absolute favourite lines tbh - Paul taking Percy crabbing and being imperative in helping Percy kill the giant crab 💖 Paul Blofis is important and deserves the world, okay? - aw Percy, you can't save every demigod bb
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- 'i had to fight him eventually. Why not now?... What difference would a week make?' Oh Percy you have no idea - real talk tho, the fact Kronos possessed Luke's body would also mess me tf up. Percy keeps forgetting it's not Luke anymore and yeah, that would be so so hard and confusing af, like what another smart little mind game for Kronos to pull on top of everything else - the fact Percy fights Kronos before getting the Achilles Curse and actually doesn't die within seconds is... Astounding. He kicks him in the chest! And yeah Kronos is weaker and still adjusting to Luke's body, but Percy is having trouble fighting Luke cause they used to be friends - Percy breaks Kronos' time magic!! Like?! Boy is POWERFUL.
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- OUCH - honestly Luke, Thalia and Annabeth's family breaking the way it did... Don't talk to me. Poor Annabeth, Luke betrayed them, Thalia joined the Hunters because of Luke's betrayal so she's pretty much AWOL all the time and then Luke dies. Like Rick wtf, my heart can't take it? -Percy and Tyson having each others backs when talking to Poseidon in the underwater palace is the brother-brother relationship we love to see - Percy trying to stick a sand dollar in the vending machines at school 🤦🏻‍♀🤦🏻‍♀ - the whole underwater interaction at Poseidon's palace? Perfection. Awkward family drama and all - Connor falling out of the tree when he sees Percy because he's so excited 😂😂
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- 😭💖
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- k, ik Clarisse isn't perfect but tbh if i was a child of Ares whose father was disrespected and hated by my fellow campers (ares deserves it but still) and that disrespect trickled down to how the other campers treated ME (which if Percy is reliable here, it obviously does) then i would also be irritated at being used for muscle and nothing else? And just expected to fight with the people who act as if they'd rather not have Ares kids around the rest of the time. Like Clarisse isn't totally wrong - Percy reading the prophecy, seeing he's meant to die and just being like 'i do not see it' and refusing to outright think about it makes me so sad for him - (but it taints every action after and he's super reckless afterwards bc of it- including finally breaking and accepting the Achilles Curse) - (also him taking this as the last straw and finally beginning to show Annabeth how he really feels, cause fuck it, he's dying anyway) - Give me more info about Rachel's backstory and family Rick!! -  how did i forget Percy willingly eats chocolates that taste like cardboard because 'i didnt have anything against cardboard' like sir? Ik Silena didn't want them but still? - 'she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful' STOP, MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT - Percy staring at Annabeth and forgetting what they're talking about cause hes so distracted 👌🏻
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- hmm yeah... For some strange reason.... - i forgot how Percy totally bombs this convo bw them and now want to cry 😭 Annabeth is trying to talk about what's important and Percy, you sweet oblivious man, you're shooting her down without even realizing - love that they're both on the same wavelength tho. Percy two lines before, hmm it's cool to date ppl from other cabins, wonder why im thinking that around Annabeth, my best friend in the world, and then Annabeth a beat later, hmm, let me bring up Silena and Beckendorf and how it's important to be with the people you love when you have the chance, no way Percy will miss this huge hint right? - they're the best - k i honestly forgot Percy full on physically intimidates Leneus like that - luke telling his mom if he ran away the monsters wouldnt get her..i can just imagine luke crying when he says good bye before running away because he thinks it's his fault his mom is like that and he cant take care of and protect her anymore because it's too hard - uh oh now i have angsty pre-lightning thief luke fic inspo... Him, Thalia and Annabeth on the run... The ANGST -  Rick holds absolutely nothing back in this book and i am in pain - HESTIA!! 💖💖🥰 - actual loml - i love that Rick titled this book after her and that he wrote such a great series about the importance of family (biological, found or otherwise) and home, and that he said actually Hestia is the most important bc shes the most humble and keeps the peace and knows when to fight and when to yield and you protect what you love, which is your home - i just... Adore Hestia - Grover! Missed you babes - Hades is so so horrible to Nico, always comparing him to Bianca :/ - but i do love Hades, Persephone and Demeter together they make me laugh - oh god the River Styx - Achilles 🥺 - Annabeth being Percy's lifeline is, and continues to be, A Lot™ - 'my name was Percy Jackson. I reached up and took Annabeth's hand.' LOL Why am i crying? - Like the fact there is no Percy without Annabeth, and that remembering her literally reminded him of who he is in his very soul... It's fine im fine - i won't even get into the parallels of her being his lifeline now and then later when Hera takes his memories but leaves the memory of Annabeth for Percy to fight to get back to (anyone who wants to yell about it with me... Feel free to message) - badass Percy is my fav Percy tbh - him defeating Hades?? Like? Hades is arguably the most powerful god, okay - i feel bad for Nico but if i was Percy I'd do the exact same, Nico, sorry man but this is a high stakes time crunch deal and Nico is literally the only hope of persuading Hades and distracted by his own internal stuff - flashbacks to Luke, Thalia and Annabeth hurt, ow - George and Martha are the best - damn i forgot Hermes full on nearly kills Percy here, yikes - Luke stop cockblocking Percabeth challenge
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- i love!! Percy's love for New York!! So much!! - Percy leaving to live in New Rome in HoO is a lie and this is all the proof i need for why - the fact the entire last half of the book is the battle and aftermath... Such great buildup and pacing. All the tricks and twists and battles in this War of Manhattan? I would not take out a thing, Rick, you legend - of course then the final battle in hoo with the gods is what? Two pages? Ugh, don’t talk to me about my hatred for BoO and HoO - 'no detours you two' is still the cutest thing!!! - THE HUNTERS!! Thalia i missed you - good job Percy, you finally spent your sand dollar - Minotaur!! - 'dont i get a kiss for luck? Its kind of a tradition right?' Percy finds out he's gonna die and is out of fucks to give and honestly I support him - also Michael just standing beside these two while they're flirting like umm 👀 👀 while a monster army marches towards them, nbd - Annabeth taking Ethan's knife meant for Percy!!! Cause she just knows his weak spot without him even telling her! They literally invented love - Feral Percy is so scary omg, i love how well Rick incorporates the Achilles Curse in this novel, with the whole heightened weaknesses and stuff ans the parallels to Achilles arrogance being what killed him and Percy's loyalty, fierceness and protective instinct being his own heightened weakness - the fact that Percy is the one who inadvertantly kills Michael Yew tho, I'll never recover from that - the fact Hades offers Maria di Angelo a golden palace by the Styx like how Poseidon offers Sally a palace under the sea tho. Let's talk about that parallel - the entire talk with Prometheus is so so good - not me picturing young Luke hiding in the closet to get away from his mom when she has an 'episode' -i love callbacks in stories and all of the callbacks to the rest of the series in this book make me very happy (medusa, minotaur, the underworld, Rainbow!! My baby!!, Daedalus and more) - Percy summoning a wholeass hurricane against Hyperion - the Party Ponies! They're so chaotic, i love it - Dionysus! 😁 I can't help it, i love him - Percy absolutely losing it when he sees Sally and Paul asleep in the car 🥺 - Rachel telling Percy he's not the hero screws with him so much :( poor bb - although i really really love how Rick wrote this, it's so refreshing to not have one chosen one save the world, but a combination of people - the drakon, Silena and Clarisse make me cry - the Patrochilles references, im not okay - Annabeth giving up on Luke after hearing what he did to Silena and Percy telling her that doesn't make him happy 😭 that whole interaction makes my heart ache - Percy giving Hestia Pandora's pithos 🥺 - and Hades, Nico and the others coming for a final attack is so badass, i love it - listen im glad the og trio were the ones to confront Luke on Olympus but the fact Thalia got so close and then pinned by a statue of HERA makes me so sad. Ik her and Luke were finished and she coped by cutting him off completely and giving up all hope but i would pay money to know what they would have said to each other to say goodbye - Ethan 🥺 - Poseidon joining the fight against Typhon is so cool, such a great scene - 'PEANUT BUTTER!' - Annabeth you brilliant badass you - RIP Luke, you werent great but you werent the worst either - the gods just rolling up seconds too late, wondering wtf happened in Olympus and who the dead body is - the chapter where the Olympians meet and give out rewards is one of my absolute favourites (again i am incensed we didn't get anything like this in HoO) - will Percy turning down immortality ever not make me scream in glee? No? Alright then - Annabeth being relieved like Percy was relieved at the end of Titan's Curse tho - oh Hermes :/ - its so hard reading all this and knowing what comes in HoO... Like it's such a cathartic, earned and mostly happy and peaceful ending and then HoO comes along and undermines it all - aww Rick let Paul see Olympus somehow pls, he deserves it, he killed a dracanae - (i would also love to see it) - Percy being more upset Rachel took his pegasus than her going to Camp and possibly dying, lol, priorities dude - i honestly think that Rick had other ideas for the second Great Prophecy and how things would go down in BoO, cause the prophecy like... Barely applies to BoO, Doors of Death are in book four, and explabations of it is all so unclear when Rick is usually pretty good with that stuff - PERCABETH - lol Percy complaining about privacy when he and Annabeth are caught kissing literally in the middle of the very open and public dining pavilion, okay - BEST UNDERWATER KISS OF ALL TIME - that's it and im a glass case of emotion - very happy to say that this series remains my favourite of all time 💖
 If anyone ever wants to come gush about anything Riordanverse related feel free, because as you can see I have a lot of thoughts about it all
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secret-engima · 4 years
Oh ancient plunnies, rise from thy graves and taste the air of the living world once more! Reveal to us thine secrets that the one named Enigma hath stashed away! (I mean if you want to share. I'm just curious what kinds of stories/head canons you're hiding in that dusty old attic in the corner of your brain.)
Oh gosh. I’ve been admittedly hoarding this ask because it’s so interesting but I don’t know what to do with it. XD Ummmmm
-Multiple times I have wanted to do a Journey inspired fanfic. Like- Journey the game? Uhhhh
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-I have, many times, for many fandoms, wanted to meet two characters into this- otherworld. A place of ruin and mystery and journey, where the scarf is like their life and the only things they can say are the little notes and chimes of lost songs. And these two characters have no memory of where they came from, or where they are going. They just know they need to get to the mountain. And they go together, and they BOND.
-And then they wake up, in a world that is loud and populated and filled with words that convey so much yet nothing at all compared to the simple intimacy of the song-notes. And they look for each other in that busier, more dangerous, more chaotic world, and maybe fix a few things on the way.
-I still kinda want to do a fic like that someday, but I’ve never been able to settle on what fandom I would be using and taking characters from. That and I’m never sure I’ll be able to capture the ... the atmosphere of Journey in mere words. It’s a bit intimidating to think about tbh. (not as intimidating as trying to do a fanfic for their other game ... I think it’s called Flower? Like- that one made me *cry*)
-I’ve come up with a lot of Naruto fanfics over the years, just- never finished or posted them. But I still work on a few? Idk if I’ve mentioned them on here before or not. I have an extremely angsty shapeshifter Sasuke AU and a Deaf Itachi fic I’m particularly fond of because it incorporates both time travel and a tiny Fairy Tail crossover. And also I get practice writing a deaf character. Which is fun, if hard.
-So many KHR themed plunnies. So. Many. Mostly in the vein of taking a character from one fandom, giving them Flame powers and possibly trauma, then casually kicking them back into their native Fandom to watch the chaos unfold. I’ve had ones for Naruto (all hail Stormy Cloud Neji), for Final Fantasy VII (all hail tiny angry Cloudy Cloud)- yeah. If it’s a Fandom I’ve been in, I’ve debated a KHR style AU for it at some point.
-SPEAKING OF FF7. Have I ever talked about my shapeshifter Fem!CloudxReno fic? That was a thing I started a while ago. Got pretty far on it too, then got dragged away by other fandoms. But like- it was a whole thing where certain people are able to just- shapeshift into a large animal form, but they were a small percentage. Sort of like how a certain percentage of people have two different colored eyes in RL. You know- a genetics thing considered “normal” but also “rare and cool” so to speak. Most of those who can shift are domestic themed animals or smaller wild animals like ferrets and such, but a few rare ones turn into big preds. Mostly I just wanted cranky Werewolf!Fem!Cloud and muchly snarky Reno to wind up in a ship. I regret nothing. Someday I need to finish that fic tbh.
-I had a SOLDIER!Reno au once. It never went anywhere. I mostly just wanted to cackle over the idea of Reno being the most Ninja of SOLDIERs and the Turks constantly wondering why the heck nobody recruited him before SOLDIER got their hands on him.
-Transformers Prime angst idea where a Decepticon from Shattered Glass wound up in Transformers Prime and all the mind-angst that come from being in a universe where the bad guys are now good and your friends are all evil and crazy and horrible. Fun fact: this idea later mutated into AMOSC. But I still used to debate doing this idea as a separate AU. Then I faceplanted out of the TF fandom and have been struggling too hard to get back into it for AMOSC’s sake to really bother with another TF au.
...Idk I think that’s all I got for now. It’s hard for me to dust off some of the super old plunnies at this point. They’re either in fandoms I’m not in atm or I just- can’t remember what I was gonna do with them. *shrugs* but there you go, a peak into the dustier corners of mine brain.
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shijiujun · 4 years
OOF alright here’s another drama recommendation! I already briefly talked about the show here so you can see that for a tl:dr version. I would still like to repeat that I have a type, and I love detective shows, whichever period they happen in, and this one happens to be WAY BACK IN TIME so the cases aren’t like crazily good or anything but everything else? YES PLS.
Where to watch: iQiyi, iQiyi YouTube, Kissasian. Viki, Duboku.net, Kankanwu.com, Bilibili has it too and unfortunately I do not know when the subs come out for Viki :(
History: It was adopted from a BL novel, so Tang Fan and Sui Zhou are technically supposed to be together. But China censorship, we know that ain’t gonna happen, but one can hope that we get something like The Untamed XD So from the trailer it looks like they might pair Tang Fan with this other girl who’s actually quite pretty and I do like the character she’s playing, but looks like the focus WILL BE on the three main guys
Trailer 1 | Trailer 2
Novel (Chinese) - 150+ chapters + 17 epilogues I think?
Summary: Tang Fan is a sixth rank official working at Shun Tian Fu (like an equivalent of a neighbourhood police office) who’s a deductions specialist, smart genius detective of sorts. He happens to be at the scene of two cases, and is arrested by Sui Zhou, Captain of the guards (like a regional SWAT team of sorts). Wang Zhi is a eunuch working under the Gui Fei (royal concubine) in the palace, and also the head of the Western Depot Xi Chang, which is the equivalent of I guess, a city police headquarters? All three men work for the Emperor, with Wang Zhi having the most power among them three because he has direct access to the Emperor and is a trusted advisor kinda.
*Found out that the ship name from the novel is 饭粥 Fan Zhou, but written (rice + porridge XD)
Anyway the three of them work together for the first two cases and form unlikely friendships and find themselves wrapped up in a larger conspiracy. Do the three of them together make me feel like there should be a polyamory thing going on? And do I kind of ship Tang Fan and Wang Zhi? Oh jesus. Yeah. Then again I’m only 10 eps in and from the trailer there’s a lot of Tang Fan WHUMP!!! And both Wang Zhi and Sui Zhou try to support him in different ways and I’m all for that although the conspiracy seems pretty huge and the angst looks like it might hit the roof.
1. OUR HIMBO IS CALLED TANG FAN (Tang Run Qing): His hobby aside from detective work is writing romance novels under another pen name (I suppose, almost an AO3 fic writer’s equivalent at that time) and eating. He just, eats. Honestly, he checks all the boxes - Needy, whiny, intelligent and smart, pouty, always hungry, tries to laze about all the time, is timid AF, gets bullied all the damn time and cannot fight for shit, is a cheapo and always has food debt, but has a temper etc. No sense of boundaries (uses Sui Zhou’s bath without asking and then invites him in for a bath, together). And like Lu Yao in MRIAD, he threw up at the sight of a body, so yep. But at the first sign of trouble does Tang Fan go save Sui Zhou, all on his own? FUCK YES. Still a himbo tho.
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2. SUI ZHOU (Sui Guang Chuan), OUR SECOND HANDSOME, CAPABLE, FIGHTING MALE LEAD WHO TAKES CARE OF TANG FAN (BUT BULLIES HIM IN THE BEGINNING): This man, he be handsome and his fight moves are all BEAUTIFUL. He’s so calm at all times it’s amazing and when HE BE IN UNIFORM?? OOMPH. He rescues Tang Fan a few times, and then later Tang Fan moves into his house because he got kicked out, and this man BECOMES THE HOUSE COOK. HE HAS TO NEGOTIATE WITH TANG FAN TO NOT TOUCH SHIT IN HIS HOUSE, OR RENOVATE WITHOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE. But he still cooks for Tang Fan, gets him to do work by threatening not to feed him. 
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3. AND OMG WANG ZHI - LIKE, HE BE A SCHEMING BUT VERY COMPETENT & CHARMING LITTLE BIJ. He’s like 17 in this show. Can you tell he’s 17? I can’t. I like that he’s so powerful and he’s the concubine’s right-hand man, plus he seems heartless in the first few eps but when you get to know him you do see that he’s very loyal, and quite fair even if he’s very opportunistic. He also has A LOT of money and power. He has a SHITTY TEMPER when provoked but he quite likes Tang Fan, that’s the thing - basically the very competent sidekick teasing & bullying Tang Fan while Sui Zhou is TF’s SO but i can’t help but ship FanZhouZhi if you get what i mean
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4. Royal Concubine is like apparently, 49 years old - She’s pretty, and she seems to be mean as well, but evil? Not so sure. Gotta see how it goes. But the first few cases are aimed at her, as unseen forces are trying to take her down considering how much power she has. She’s done her fair share of evil things (like the usual, getting rid of other concubines who can dethrone her etc.). Look at her yawn at a serious meeting. She couldn’t give two fucks about propriety. I like that.
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9. No huge bromance moments yet! Just little things here and there, but I like that there hasn’t been any like hint of a token hetero relationship for any of the three main leads just yet, but I may probably have to eat my words. IN ANY CASE. SOME MOMENTS THAT I DO LIKE:
+ classic wall 壁咚 moment between sui zhou and tang fan
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+ wang zhi telling tang fan that whenever he needs him, he’ll turn up right at his side
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tripleaxeldiaz · 4 years
How do you deal with not getting many kudos/comments on a fic you really loved writing? I get a lot of hits but hardly anything else.
i won’t lie anon: it’s not always easy. i’ve got a handful of fics that i remember thinking “oh yeah, people are gonna LOVE this, this is gonna BLOW UP”, and then they just…didn’t. they got hits and some comments, but it just didn’t feel as good as i had hyped it up to be. i’d literally set goals for myself in my head (i still do sometimes) like “okay if this fic doesn’t get at least X amount of comments or kudos then it sucks”, and (shocker!!) be disappointed when that goal wasn’t met
unfortunately, it can hard to get out of that mindset of measuring success by metrics. especially when other writers seem to be constantly getting attention. writing is very personal and makes you very vulnerable, so it’s easy for lack of enthusiasm to feel like a knock against your talent, your passion, and you as a person
with all that, i do have a couple pieces of advice:
find your people. join a writing group to get feedback either during or after the writing process. send your stuff to your friends and ask what they think. there’s not a fic i publish now that doesn’t go through @elisela @extasiswings @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels and @shawnspencers before it gets posted, because i value their input and also know that they’ll hype me tf up when i’m not feeling great about something. honestly, they’re a big reason i haven’t given up on figure skating yet
i’d also advise staying away from your stats page on ao3 as much as you can. it’s HARD, but checking it every 15 minutes and not seeing the numbers move can be worse for you than anything. also, remember that those numbers really don’t mean anything. i’ve tried EVERTHING to figure out the best times to post on ao3 for the most ~engagement~ and at the end of the day, it’s all arbitrary. people will read your stuff and enjoy it, comments or kudos or not
lastly, and most importantly: write for YOU, not for anyone else. write a thing because you want to see how that thing could work out. write fluff because you need it. write angst because it helps you feel better. don’t write just because you think it’s what other people will want to read. write because it’s what YOU want to read. if you’re enthusiastic and earnest about it, it’ll come across in your writing and people will notice THAT
i hope this helps a little bit. and no matter what, people want to hear your voice, even if you don’t think you’re being very loud. and i’m rooting for you 🖤🖤🖤
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kinktae · 5 years
How dare you bitchin!jungkook ?! HOW DARE YOU ?!
very NOT spoiler free bitchin’ 8 asks under the cut
deliciouslydisturbed365 said: I just read chapter 8 and holy fuck I’m nauseous. Poor Y/N 😭
queen-emon said: What the literal FUCK man, I just read Bitchin 08 and like im so broken. I never ever consider Y/n and I to be the same person but this time I felt like we were the same person both getting our hearts crushed by the man we loved so dearly. I AM NOT OKAY WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME! THIS IS SO NOT GROOVY :(
Anonymous said: Me🤝y/n Repressing our emotions
madjammil said: I am legit crying. Poor y/n! I cannot believe Jungkook slept with Kiri! My heart is broken. I thought these two were finally getting together and he goes and does this dumb shit! Smh. Aside from that, your writing was amazing as always! I love this series so much!
Anonymous said: omg i can’t believe jungkook is rly going to get his dickie chopped off 😍😍😍 deserve! can’t wait until yara finds out
Anonymous said: Ignore jk, y/n!!! Gosh she deserve so much better than a fboi who only cares about how he feels physically!! Ahole to the max and I need her to slap him! Yara can join along the slapping game!! But srsly he needs to learn his words alone can’t mend this and I hope y/n doesn’t give in so easily cuz he deserves cold shoulders from her for a very long time and don’t just rely on charms to get his way. Ik he was trouble from the start 😔 y/n dear don’t worry you deserve better
casualxexistence said: So 👉👈 um like is there like ANy chance that we get to see our baby yara’s reaction to this 🥺🥺🥺👼 bc um well I would kinda love to see her hand both jk and kiri there asses bc they aren’t gonna hAVE ANY AFTER SHE FINISHES WITH THEM RIP
Anonymous said: dude, what if y/n hooks up with tae and starts beef between jk and him while yara bitch slaps kiri….. dude bitchin’ has such good drama theories wtf literally anything is possible at this point
Anonymous said: if yara doesn’t punch kook can I punch him? Not as the oc I meant like me BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK
forvever-ddaeng said: I keep rereading this last part like it’s somehow gonna change or it won’t make me sad the more I read it but it’s having the opposite effect and now I want Yara to beat Jungkook’s ass smh
Anonymous said: what the fuck is wrong with bitchin’!jungkook does he think with his dick i wanna kick his ass
Anonymous said: why jungkook would do something like that if he likes y/n? i would be so mad at him too like… isn’t that kind of cheating? he didn’t say if he was back together with his ex but he slept with her so that must mean something, she probably thinks it means something. he was really stupid 
omgtaehyungsmullett said: i know jungkook fucking with me, dammit 😡
ausjeons said: Jungkook what the fuck!!! I could slap you silly after reading part 8 😪😩
Anonymous said: Team make jk suffer for awhile and then be able to patch things up with the oc 🤝
Anonymous said: I read ch8 last night and this weighed heavily on my mind all day like why is jk such a hoe? Like how could he just sleep with Kiri just like that. I think these children are very confuzzled with their feelings. After he slept with Kiri, did he rush to y/n bc he knew this was the end of their “relationship”? One last passionate banger goodbye 😟 my 💔 broken heart
Anonymous said: I ain’t even sad. I’m full on rage mode. WHO TF GAVE JK THE AUDACITY , THE ABSOLUTE BRAWN TO STICK HIS DICK IN KIRI AND THEN , NOT EVEN A FULL DAY LATER ( cuz yk that would be farrr too gracious ) WITHOUT A WARNING , WITHOUT A FRICKING GOOD MORNING EVEN , GOES TO FUCK OC AND THINKS THAT’S OKAY???? Good to know OC and whatever his relationship was with her was worth less than a nut😒
Anonymous said: i’m actually sad… like wow. i really expected him to go back, i really did. but even though i knew it’d happen, it still hurt, y’know? i think that made it worse; knowing that he’d go back to her in the end… shit’s fucked up, really. great job writing it. i could literally feel the emotion from this one.
Anonymous said: Bitchin ch 8…..oh wow the smut was so nice and fluffy but wtf JJK messed up big time. Honestly I don’t think he deserves oc after this. She deserves someone who isn’t so unsure of his feelings that it takes getting back together with and sleeping with someone else to realise it. If he really liked her, he wouldn’t have slept with Kiri.
Anonymous said: “ArE YOu MAd?” Srsly what brand of clown juice is Bitchin JJK drinking?
cchristinnaa said: Jk really did yn like a pocket pussy huh
Anonymous said: HOW COULD JUNGKOOK OH MY GOOODDDDDDDDDDD literally men aint SHIT….. the part where y/n said you got what you wanted from me🥺🥺🥺🥺 I FELT THAT ugh i love the angst
Anonymous said: Hope jk dieS from jealousy next ch. And regrets it skdhdhd :( jk. Hope they get their sht 2gether soon or im gon 😷😖😭
diortae said: me: *explaining to bitchin 8 jk why he’s a dick for calling Y/N his “pretty girl” immediately after fucking her raw the morning after he slept with his ex* 
jk: well, you know what they say. hindsight is 20/20 
Anonymous said: the way i closed the tumblr app when i saw jungkook saying “kiri came over last night”
Anonymous said: alright we beating jk’s ass @ noon 😤
Anonymous said: BITCHIN PART 8 WTFGGGG MY HEART Do be Hurting . i’m going to beat jungkook up !!!!
betysotelo18 said: It’s been a few minutes since I read part 8 and I can’t stop thinking about what could happen next… the meanwhile F U jeon Jungkook, you did wrong
Anonymous said: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I CANT 😭 WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THIS CHAPTER HUUUU JUNGKOOK WTFF BRO…….. my heart is breaking for them. Why can’t they just date already wkxbdbbdjdjdjdjdjdj this is onky misunderstanding right? and thankyou for the new chapter sis hihuhihih💕💕
Anonymous said: im shocked i dunno who i hate more rn you or jungkook. my heart is literally SHATTERED he better fix this or else im traveling to the 80s just to kick his ass 😭🤬
Anonymous said: never want to punch jungkook in the face like i wanna do right now
Anonymous said: JUNGKOOK WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK 🤬 for the love of god rose why do u did that to me i wanna die
Anonymous said: ROSE WTF WAS THAT MAN !!! my heart it hurts and like wtf jungpuke!! Why would he do that to reader !! why would he sleep with kiri and then sleep with reader ?!? Like go siekkeksjdjejjejdbehhe i wish i can put in reaction pictures in here
Anonymous said: Omggg thank you so so much for this chapter, for the whole fic. Thank you for sharing it with us. You are a great writter. Seriously! I just love how every chapter is so intense. Not only the smut is amazing but every detail, every action, the whole plot, all of the dialogues. I actually cried at the end I love how I can really feel everything. All the emotions. Ah and they’re so cute!!! But why was JK so weak? Even if that’s what you wanted since the beginning… I thought- BOY WTF??? :’( But seriously this is the type of thing I love, I am WEAK for this. The slow burn, the oblivious idiots that love each other but keep suffering thing. And you write it so well. Your mind!!! Your talent!!! I love it. Thank you, for real ♥♥♥ I’m antecipating the next chapter, but already sad that it’s almost ending :((( I’m gonna miss this a lot. Anyways, take your time, baby. And have a nice day! ♥♥♥ (Sorry for bad english btw)
tinievmin said: ROSE. IM IN PAIN. I FELT THE BREAKUP BETWEEN YN AND JUNGKOOK. IM SO SADDD. But not related to the plot, your writing is ART. You always make it flow so well aND WOW!!! I don’t have enough words to express how much I love your works
Anonymous said: kiri is a bitch i said what i said
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crossovereddie · 5 years
Thoughts on S10xE8
I just wanna get this over with so here we go. It’s gonna be a roller coaster so don’t read if you’re just gonna come for me after.
Who actually says flap jacks?
I’m from Texas and say pancakes? Where are y’all from and what do you call them?
Mickey is so fucking dramatic and Ian is unfazed
Plot twist I pushed Paula
I can just imagine Ian rolling his eyes before going to find his dramatic boyfriend
Mickey is a comedic genius I LOVE HIM
“You kidding that’s extremely funny”
That whole exchange is one of my favorite scenes I think
I wanna keep Mickey safe and away from his fucking “dad”
Tami looked so offended that she couldn’t stay for the convo BITCH GET TF OVER IT
“He’s a psychopath” stfu man gosh
Lip not so secretly loves Mickey I’m crying
And I don’t mean romantically so fuck right off okay?
Ian why are you even questioning if you should lie for Mickey wtf just do it
A show about the Milkovich family would’ve been a lot more interesting than this show
I fucking hate this scene because tbh I actually enjoyed it and I hate myself for it
“Who’s Ian?” Literally me in every episode he’s in without Mickey
My Mickey is so brave IM SO PROUD OF YOU MY SWEET BOY
Okay thank you sandy for standing up for him you’re okay now I guess
Have I mentioned how much I FUCKING HATE TERRY
But Mickey talking about marrying Ian in front of him almost had me in tears thinking about how much he’s grown IM THE PROUDEST MOTHER
I want a proud mom bumper sticker and not even for the baby I’m actually pregnant with why does my husband love me?
I asked my husband this question and he said “honestly I don’t know” BITCH LMAO
He’s kidding obvs he loves me because I’m hilarious
Little lunch date 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ian just blurting it out because he’s so nervous
“We fucking love each other that’s why we’re gonna get married” AM I OKAY??? NOPE
Thumbs :((((
But like never stop
I died when Mickey said “proposing” it’s the little things that kill me
Am I gonna survive the actual “I do”? Probably not
They both looked genuinely happy
Despite everything this scene was so cute I’m in actual pain
Sweetest public kiss ever
Thumb again 🥺🥺🥺🥺
And the sweetest smiles after
We deserved that before things go to shit
The bickering 😂
Cam and Noel are so funny! Their chemistry amazes me
And now it’s all downhill from here
I don’t wanna talk about this
But Ian does say there’s plenty of reasons but like my heart still hurts
Mickey wants to cry ugh I hate this
Mickey still wanted to get married 😭😭
I can’t even look at mickeys face because it literally breaks my heart
Noel is that fucking good wow
I actually feel bad for Ian when Mickey walks away but I’m also like KEEP WALKING BABY
I wanna hold Mickey so bad
Another I love you and it’s so important
I don’t wanna watch anymore
I’m so frustrated
Like I get why Mickey is trying to run but baby please
Now I’m only gonna talk about this once and them I’m gonna pretend it didn’t happen
S10 Mickey would never hit Ian no matter how much he was hurting
I fucking hate the writers so much
Need a way to write in Cam’s broken leg?
Here’s an idea: Mickey walks away, Ian goes to chase him and slips on one of the stairs
Wanna add some comedy to it? He barrels into Mickey and knocks him down too
Jesus Christ
Who fucking thought that was a good idea?
Okay I’m done talking about it
Sneak peak of next week
Ian calling Mickey a punk because he’s dating was so childish but cute and I actually giggled because he’s so jealous
And hey Ian has called him worse so this is nothing
Oh gosh this Byron guy? Really Mickey?
Okay so I actually really enjoyed the episode and don’t mind the angst one bit. The only reason I’m was so angry is because of the thing that I said I would never mention again. Everything else was so good. I’ve read fics with worse angst than that. We all know they get married so don’t let the angst get to you too much.
I always like to end these on a positive note so let me just say Noel and Cam were phenomenal! I mean they always are but this episode was a stand out to me. I’m proud. I’ve never seen my husband this into the show before and for him to enjoy it with me? I’m shook
Alright I’m done. Like always let me know your thoughts if you want. I know some of you have no one to really talk about the show with so I’m my asks are open.
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gukooky · 6 years
Anonymous said: awwwwww ion like the angst 😖🥺
sorry bb i love my fluff too but we need some suffering every now and then asdljasd
Anonymous said: I woke up to cry at the update and now I can’t go to sleep because I keep thinking about it 😂😭
ngl i feel so honored to make someone feel so emotional rn??? IM SORRY SDLASJD
Anonymous said: :(
Anonymous said: "May" be about to throw hands with a specific someone 👊🏼😤👊🏼
Anonymous said: I'M RIPPING MY HAIR OUT OMG -reference to part 39 btw ;)
ooooh i see what you did there ;)))))))
Anonymous said: WTF NO Y/N BAD Y/N STOP
Anonymous said: I need this photo of taehyung from part 40🙏
which one bb??
Anonymous said: A BITCH IS GONNA FITE MINA AND WHOEVER THIS IRRELEVANT HOE IS IM GONNA FITE. on a real note tho i really hope she’s not gonna believe this random ass number bc she knows they’re are crazies out there who would do anything for attention cough mina cough
yeah damn mina be digging herself into a hate circle oof,,,,i mean,,,if this person had proof to,,,that’s kinda hard not to believe o.o
Anonymous said: will jungkook find out about tae and mina hooking up behind his back?
good question!!! i dont wanna give too much away but i’ll just tell you this, IF he finds out,,,there wont be any angst as a result :) bros before hoes
Anonymous said: Don't get me wrong I love this au and some angst but please I beg you don't make Y/N fall for this bullshit. Everyone would see through this suspicious messages, especially that she knows Mina is after Tae. Just don't make her one of this naive stupid girls like in every other au/fic 🙏🙏🙏
okay rip o.o i get your point anon but honestly if i were in this situation and some girl who’s the dude i love’s ex girlfriend came @ me telling me all this stuff WITH proof i’d be hella sus of the dude...esp if he NEVER mentioned the ex (it’d kinda seem like he’s hiding something from me?) and she approached me in a sweet kinda regretful kind of way like may did. maybe if she gave a more mina approach i’d be like “okay back tf up bitch im calling my mans” sO we’ll just have to see how she’ll take it 0.0 also, y/n also has mina’s number so she has no reason to believe this is actually mina or someone mina knows shes talking to
Anonymous said: So how long is this angst gonna last because i want to prepare my poor heart for heart ache
uhhhh idk a few parts?
Anonymous said: i feel like y/n knows -the girl- is lying??? weren't y/n and tae together before he left because y/n has to come over and take care of tannie??
perhaps...it’s a plot hole 0.0
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