#on the other hand Thancred's naked Dravanian adventures does make him most likely to grill in just an apron
I stand by what I said about Thancred's ability to grill. He's got serious survival skills, but he'd cook everything half to death because he is more used to charring whatever unfamilliar meat he could find with the hope he killed any worms and stuff. Great skill for not shitting himself to death in the wilderness but he's over protective and commanding and experienced in cooking for himself so put him in front of a barbecue and you're activating a Thancred Mode that last was flaring up when he was making Ryne cry.
Estinien on the other hand genuinely loves food, and probably has some survival skills of his own but much more tuned to one region he could have been taught about in advance and was part of a military order so presumably shared meals with other Dragoons on longer away missions AND had all the creativity of trying to make terrible rations good and group morale moments of finding a stray karakul to cook up. He WOULD ask you how you like your meat grilled and then get it right and probably flavour and prepare it well beforehand.
Anyway these are super important Mandatory Scion Beach Party headcanons.
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