#on the cringe part i moreso meant the username but i'm too autistic to change it gbsdkfhskjfh
draw-you-coward · 7 months
man, imagine being upset about a fic about /time travel/. I'm so hyped for this fic tbh, follow your dreams, throw the part that cringes into the wild and deep mississippi, I honestly love your writing style in general and the concept seems Funky in a Cool Way I will for my part continue writing Yet Another Crossover between two entirely unrelated franchises, which will cater to me specifically and maybe 5 other people, bc otherwise the character interactions will start creating a magnetic field from rotating in my head so fast ....it is late and i am bad at brevity- follow the time travel dreams they are cool and i am now Invested
aw thanks! don't worry it was ages ago now and i've since released just as, if not more, indulgent pieces 😅
im ngl i lowkey admire the gw2 fandom for making hyper-specific content and being so confident about it :) it's nice. i guess people get really psyched about their little pixel people! i sometimes wish i had that same energy; think i lost it somewhere along the way after LOTRO.
have a nice night! thank you for the ask, bles, , i've paused once or twice over how i'm explaining plot because of that person almost ten years ago but i won't let them get the better of my story don't worry ;)
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