#on that note tho I do like that Wynne clearly has flaws . . . all good characters need them
sage-nebula · 3 years
I love Wynne but ngl her attitude toward the mages being imprisoned by the Chantry has me a little . . . annoyed. Like I just found her in Awakening and she’s like “there’s a group of mages who want to break out of Chantry control” and when I was like “good” she was like, “We can’t be free, they’ll never allow it!”
like, obviously . . . slavers never “allow” their slaves to go free. That’s what makes them slavers. And while I’m not entirely sure the mages are exactly slaves here, they are prisoners of the Chantry and they don’t deserve to be, just because the Chantry is like “they’re the reason we have darkspawn.” First off, where’s your proof, and second, not ALL mages are the reason you have darkspawn. You can’t punish them all for the crimes of a few smh. But more to the point like . . . even if I, personally, didn’t believe that you can’t just wait around for oppressors to agree to stop oppressing you, my Warden is a Dalish elf. I just imagine her looking at Wynne and being like, “Do you think my people waited for the humans to allow us to be free? No. We fought, and fought, and kept fighting. And we always will, for our freedom.” And Wynne’s just like “we’ll have to agree to disagree” but I’m like, this is not something you agree to disagree about smh!!
Anyway, Warden Lyra of the Dalish elves is going to always stand on the side of freedom and freeing the oppressed from their oppressors, because that’s just how the Dalish do. Also she’s going to continue being a rogue even if that means that all the city guard believe that all the Wardens are criminals (Lyra: “Not all Wardens, just me”) and all the smugglers think she’s a narc (Lyra: “was just trying to earn some coin smh”).
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