#on one hand that's awesome because jonghyun keeps me afloat
cosmojjong · 2 years
concerned with myself girl get help
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whisperwoofwoof · 7 years
Rating: Mature Pairing: JongKey Chaptered/WIP | 1.2k~ words Warnings: Sexual situations (nothing too explicit), language Prompt: Dish soap, Children climbing a tree, Whistling, A sex scene, Holy water (PENDING)
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Jonghyun and Kibum had been friends for a very long time.
While they had known each other for even longer, they could almost accurately pinpoint the exact moment their friendship occurred. According to Kibum, they became friends when the school bully had Jonghyun cornered while trying to steal his GameBoy. According to Jonghyun, their friendship began when Kibum kicked the guy in the shin and told Jonghyun to run.
They did what many twelve-year-olds did. They got into mischief together and played their games with the innocence and inexperience they shared towards life. However, when they got tired of playing their pranks, they would climb the giant tree in Kibum’s backyard. To a couple of kids, the world seemed so small from up there. The sound of the lawnmower and the song that Kibum’s dad was whistling seemed distant.
It was up there that the two boys would start talking. Sometimes it would be about problems they had, other times it would be about what they saw on TV the other night, but most times it was about the upcoming school year. Jonghyun hated whenever the subject was brought up, but Kibum loved it. He loved the idea of change and growing up, even mentioning revamping his entire image before middle school began.
“It’s going to be awesome, man! I even met this eighth grader who said he could get us into all the cool parties. I can’t wait!” said Kibum, excitedly.
Jonghyun didn’t want to be sour, but he had a feeling what this all was going to lead to. The days were getting shorter as the first day of school drew near. They were spending less time in that tree, and Jonghyun could feel their friendship slipping away. He wanted to cling on to the best friend he ever had, but even as a child, he knew that this would all come to a stop.
“Hey, Kibum?” Jonghyun interrupted.
“Are-Are we always gonna be friends?” Jonghyun asked nervously.
“Of course, Jjong! What makes you ask that?”
“I don’t know, I’m just being weird.”
Kibum chuckled. “Of course you’re weird.”
He pulled the other boy close, watching as fireflies sporadically lit up the yard in front of them.
“We’ll always be friends, Jjong, no matter what. I promise.”
Something in Kibum’s voice made Jonghyun actually believe it.
The inevitable happened once September rolled around. Now going by the name “Key,” Kibum was pulled towards a new friend group with their own interests. Jonghyun found solace in his music, practicing whenever he had the chance. It was not as though their friendship had completely diminished. The boys still greeted each other during passing periods and occasionally spoke on the phone. Still, it didn’t compare to the close companionship they had over the summer.
This dynamic continued through high school, with Jonghyun becoming popular with the girls and Key becoming popular in general. However, their paths didn’t really cross again until after graduation, when Key walked into the coffee shop Jonghyun was playing at.
It was a lowkey affair, with just him and his acoustic guitar. The patrons hardly took notice when Jonghyun stashed his guitar to the side after finishing his song. He hugged the man in front of him, squeezing him as though they never drifted apart.
“Yah, you’re embarrassing me,” Key said as he playfully pushed at Jonghyun’s shoulder.
The two found a couch, sitting with their coffee and attempting to catch up. Jonghyun kept pursuing his musical career, while Key stayed in town to attend a community college.
“I’m getting my core classes out of the way so I can transfer to a bigger college to get my degree.”
“What are you going to major in?” Jonghyun asked him.
“Engineering. I really wanted to go into fashion design, but I know my folks won’t go for it.”
Jonghyun nodded in understanding, taking a sip from his mug.
“So, how’s Minho doing?”
“Ah, we actually broke up,” Key said, eye focused on his drink.
“Dude, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Don’t worry about it, it was more of a mutual thing.”
They continued talking, until Jonghyun mentioned looking for a place to live. Key piped in by saying his roommate had moved out a couple of months before and really needed help with the rent.
“And, you know, your company wouldn’t be so bad either,” Key said as he smirked at his old friend.
They kept each other afloat for the next year.
Key supported Jonghyun when he wanted to put his music aside momentarily to attend college and get a better paying job. Jonghyun stood by Key when he decided he was going to tell his parents about his decision to pursue fashion design instead.
Key was quiet after coming home from a meeting with his parents. Barely speaking a word throughout dinner, he got up and collected their dishes. He got the water started, pulling the dish soap from its place in one of the cupboards. His mind appeared to be elsewhere as he pulled up his sleeves and dug into the warm soapy water.
Jonghyun didn’t want to pry, even though he could pretty much tell how the conversation with Key’s parents went. Still, this was his best friend and he couldn’t just stand by and watch him feel shitty. So Jonghyun did the only thing he could do. He rose from his chair and stood beside him in front of the sink. He grabbed a handful of foam and brought it to his own face, effectively making a beard of soap. When Key turned to look at him, he let out the first smile of the day. He was finally able to laugh a bit, gasping when foam hit his cheek. The boys chuckled amongst themselves in that dimly lit apartment, getting into their soapy fight.
They were still laughing when Jonghyun pulled Key close, hugging him with such intensity that it surprised Key. They both stilled, feeling one another’s heartbeats in the middle of the kitchen floor. Key squeezed Jonghyun tighter, not wanting to ever let go of him. When they were able to look at each other, something profound seem to pass through them. They didn’t know if it was a culmination of old feelings or something completely new, but they didn’t want to wait to find out.
Their mouths met with uncertainty, but soon melted into one. Leaving the soapy sink behind, they moved to Key’s bedroom. Articles of clothing were removed, one by one. They fell against the mattress, naked in front of each other for the very first time. Their warm summer of friendship and the lost years where they hardly knew one another were forgotten. The both shook as they pulled the covers over their bodies. They shook out of excitement and nerves from taking this step in their relationship, but they mostly shook because Key liked to keep his room cold.
Determined to warm themselves up, they put all their energy into discovering one another. There were smooth expanses of skin just begging to be caressed. Erogenous zones that neither of the men knew they had were explored, being sucked and bitten. They lost themselves in the pleasure of their act, groaning with each movement. Their pleasure peaked to the point where both felt every single emotion rush at them. Key finally broke down and cried, nuzzling himself into Jonghyun’s chest. He pressed a small kiss to the man’s beauty mark between his clavicles, feeling comforted by the hand stroking his hair.  
He was so lucky to have him.
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