#omg black lagoon on my feed
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years ago
Oct 19 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Monster AU - Creature from the Black Lagoon
Instead of a normal stream, we did an AU stream where everyone’s a monster. Prowl was a shadow person. A very shy shadow person.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. Tarantulas changed their nickname to Tara. Kweh: ((holy *** i haven't heard this song in years Kweh changed their nickname to Bevel. E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i love this song. ] Tara: (( my bother thought this song said "fajita, i can't cool down" Tara: (( **brother Bevel: ((I first heard this song on Sabrina the Teenage Witch E x s p i r a v i t: [[ accurate. ]] Bevel: ((fajita pft E x s p i r a v i t: [[ Remember, you can be any monster you like, any size, any shape, any form. ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ Blurr here is a ghostie ]] Ravage: *A sleek, black and red mechanical beast with a feline body, birds' wings, and vaguely humanoid face slinks into the room... and parks itself at the door. None shall pass. Maybe.* E x s p i r a v i t: / is going to just slide along the walls with speed, making monitors turn to static and music morph in and out for a moment. Coils up from the ground.  ghost present / E x s p i r a v i t: / With one good eye and one eye in the pits of blackness that coil out like black smoke. / Bevel: ((I am probably going werewolf for B here but it's literally a new moon Ravage: *Does that thing where cats stare at a wall wide-eyed with blown pupils for no discernable reason. GHOSTS.* E x s p i r a v i t: / just slides out of the wall and drapes over the lamp. Making it flicker / Heeeere kitty kitty. / twists head upside down and grins/ Ravage: *Hisssssss.* E x s p i r a v i t: / wiggles claws at from the lamp/ E x s p i r a v i t: [[ oh my god, my son is the hatbox ghost. A mischevious little shiit. ]] Ravage: =This song is easy. Make it harder.= E x s p i r a v i t: Oooh, that sounds a little tedious. /hangs from the lamp from his coiled legs and swings back and forth/ Tara: *tara slides in, an androgynous incubus. violet wings and tail are playfully flicking* Bevel: *a perfectly normal looking human enters, nothing to see here, ignore the wet dog smell* Tara: If it's so easy, then make it harder yourself, Ravage. Tara: That's generally what I prefer. Tara: *purrs* Ravage: *Ravage smacks a paw on the incubus' tail and the human's foot.* Ravage: =Not so fast.= E x s p i r a v i t: / stops swinging so he can watch. Might be swinging just a little / E x s p i r a v i t: / watching upside down. / Bevel: *stops short of entering the room* Hi? Ravage: =Entry fee, you see. Answer to be free. Fail and feed me.= Bevel: Oh! I have to pay? Tara: *swats at Ravage* Pay with the answer to a riddle, that is. Wing: ((omg what is this song. I love the guitar)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ bat out of hell by meatloaf ]] Ravage: *Hiss at the demon. You first, fiend, if you're so intent upon pestering him.* Tara: Let's have it, then. Bevel: *whines a little but nods, she's not very good at riddles* E x s p i r a v i t: / don't worry, bevel. He might tell you the answer if he knows it / Prowl: *the shadows she's casting shift a bit, then still.* Ravage: =A little house am I, only large enough for one. I have no doors or windows, and if they want to leave, they must break through the walls. What am I?= Prowl: *excited shifting! then still again.* Tara: *looks at claws for a while, grooming them, the flicks hand* An /egg/. Are we done here? Bevel: *Bevel feels like she should really know this for some reason... maybe if it were a box instead of a house, Ravage geez* Ravage: *Ravage huffs and lets the tail go. Fine.* Bevel: Eggs! *laughs* Bevel: *will just go to follow Tara into the room then* Tara: *tara prances off. can't embarrass this incubus as easily as you can his spidery counterpart* Ravage: =And you.= *Glance to the "human". He sneers and sucks in air, smelling that horrible wet dog stench.* =I've lived for millions of years, but am born again every month.= Bevel: *stops short and pouts at Ravage* Bevel: Rude. It is the moon. Ravage: =You would know.= Bevel: *sticks her tongue out at him* Ravage: *Peers around. Any others? No? Just the ghost and these two? All right. He'll creep away from the door.* E x s p i r a v i t: /swings on the lamp again, humming obnoxiously / Tara: *wanders over to the lamp and ghostie to say hullo* Bevel: *she'll finally make her way into the room and settle as far from the weird cat as she can* Prowl: *rides on in on bevel's shadow* Bevel: *it's a pretty good sized shadow, enjoy* E x s p i r a v i t: / twists body around like a twizler and blinks at Tara / Ravage: *Flops to the ground, crosses his front paws, and flares his wings out. Most comfortable. Though a snack would make things better.* Prowl: *it is indeed. lots of room to stretch around.* Tara: *leans on table* What's your name again, love? I /know/ I've met you somewhere before. E x s p i r a v i t: [[ lemme know when yall are ready ]] Ravage: ((ready whenevers)) Bevel: ((ready! Tara: (( o7 Tara: (( also i am admiring the demure color scheme E x s p i r a v i t: Meeee? /stretches arms out and hangs down from the lamp. Staring upside down at/ Many names, many names. /tugs head off with claws and giggles/ Tara: (( our names E x s p i r a v i t: They call me lots of names! Ravage: =Rumplestiltskin.= E x s p i r a v i t: That guy? He's a sham. Bevel: *giggles* Tara: But what do you want ME to call you, that's the thing. Tara: Oh, and that goes for you too, lovely lady in the corner ~ E x s p i r a v i t: / puts head back on and hums / Exspiravit, they say. E x s p i r a v i t: Spira works for me. Ravage: *Mutter mutter.* Make sure you like to hear it screamed. Bevel: *her?* E x s p i r a v i t: [[ just lemme know when we can start~! ] Tara: *the teeniest snicker. tara heard that and is proud. and you, yes, you* Bevel: ((i'm ready whenever Ravage: ((we're all ready whenever)) Prowl: ((ready whenever)) E x s p i r a v i t: / blinking at Tara upside down / E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i actually got dinner for once so ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i am ready. ]] Tara: (( food! yes! good! let's go :3 Bevel: Everyone calls me Bev. Tara: Spira and Bev ~ A pleasure to meet you. E x s p i r a v i t: And who are you? Prowl: *meanders away from bevel's shadow and to a shady patch of floor from which the screen is visible* Tara: *trails a claw down chest* I was just /getting/ to that. The name is Tara. Bevel: Hi, Tara! It is nice to meet you. Tara: *settles into a chair near the lamp* Prowl: *from the right angle and the corner of one's eye, a personlike silhouette hovers on the wall.* E x s p i r a v i t: Tara... huh. /coils onto the lamp and looks at the screen / Prowl: ((good to know that creature from the black lagoon is pro-evolution)) E x s p i r a v i t: / flicks head around and bends over the lamp, looking to said silhouette. Another ghostie? / E x s p i r a v i t: [[ yes ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ "Ive never seen like this ever before." E x s p i r a v i t: Me: A hand??? ]] Prowl: *... caught* Prowl: *disappears back down into the shadows* Ravage: *Ravage looks up and around, but is too late to see this other ghost. Hmm.* Ravage: ((MY BOY)) Prowl: ((THERE HE IS)) Ravage: ((also. y'all be appreciative of the dude in the suit plz cuz he had to hold his breath underwater for up to 4 minutes at a time)) Prowl: ((goddamn)) E x s p i r a v i t: ... /hmmms and goes back to watching screen / Tara: (( daaaang E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i would die ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ also please appreciate the creature's costuming because the make up artist never got credit for it. She was never credited, or so I read. ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ someone else was. ]] Ravage: ((she wasn't)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ * was posting about it jfc LS ]] Ravage: =I could do with a fish.= E x s p i r a v i t: To eat? Ravage: =To wear.= Ravage: =Yes, to eat.= E x s p i r a v i t: / reaches into the ceiling and fumbles around. Holds out the literal full skeleton of a fish. Very amusing / Tara: Oh, /ick/ Ravage: *Turns his nose up.* Prowl: *shifts a bit to look. hmm.* Prowl: *yep. those are bones.* E x s p i r a v i t: Kitty wants fishy fishy? /wiggling it / Ravage: =Ghost wants salt?= E x s p i r a v i t: / HISSSS / You throw salt at me and I blow out the entire room! Prowl: *sinks back to the floor.* Ravage: *Flicks his wings. Then it's settled. No fish, no salt.* E x s p i r a v i t: / tosses bones and lets them sort of float orb like into the floor / E x s p i r a v i t: / 4 u prowl / Prowl: *not fresh enough for this shadow* Prowl: ((let it be noted here for the record that the humans attacked first)) E x s p i r a v i t: / swings on lamp again./ E x s p i r a v i t: [[ it is true ]] Tara: *twirls finger around one of the ghost bits trailing off of spira. can tara curl it or make it move?* Prowl: ((... it looks like the jungle cruise boats)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ DOESNT IT 8) ]] Bevel: ((pft E x s p i r a v i t: / Tara can, yes / Prowl: ((where are the bad puns)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ that's my favorite part about that ride. ]] Ravage: =What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?= E x s p i r a v i t: / twitches a little and crawls over the lamp, looking down at Tara / Prowl: *... more excited shadow fidgets.* Tara: You're making these too contextually easy, Ravage. Ravage: =If you WANT to be eaten...= Ravage: *Forgets what he was saying and squints at the floor. He could have sworn he saw movement.* Prowl: *... goes still again.* Tara: Depending on how you mean that... *wink wonk* Bevel: *checks over her shoulder nervously before telling herself she's imagining things* E x s p i r a v i t: / is trying to find the other ghostie, though he isn't sure if it is a ghostie or not / Ravage: *Flashes those jaguar-claws-that-rip-like this at Tara. How do they think he means.* Tara: *you're just inviting him to give a little clawed rawr back, c'mon* Prowl: *shadowy silhouette slides up onto the wall again. better view of the screen up here.* Tara: *giggles* Ravage: *Grunts and gets onto his paws. Going to move to a couch away from the tailed one. Not enough room for two sets of wings.* Tara: *awww* Prowl: *new couchmate?* Ravage: *Quite possibly. Though he probably doesn't know just yet.* Bevel: *quietly to herself* noooooo Prowl: *will be a very still silhouette on the wall by the couch* Tara: *tara'll settle with toying with spira's smokey shifty parts while he watches* E x s p i r a v i t: / twists around and swings down, dangling beside Tara / E x s p i r a v i t: / trying to spy this shadow he sees flicker, but he is missing it . Hmmm / Ravage: =Wet.= E x s p i r a v i t: Is water wet? I didn't know. Ravage: =Explains your stink.= Prowl: *the shadow's better camouflaged now. easy to pretend to be the sphinx's shadow, as long as no one realizes that's not the angle where the shadow should be cast* Prowl: ((this is it. the scene that got us our fishfucker movie.)) Tara: (( dfgdfds E x s p i r a v i t: [[ yeP ]] E x s p i r a v i t: Pardon? Bevel: Is it gonna eat her? E x s p i r a v i t: Maybe. Ravage: =You. Smell.= All ghosts do. E x s p i r a v i t: / twists around by Tara and levels with them to watch the screen / I do not smell. E x s p i r a v i t: / lifts claws and makes a ouija board out of smokey bits  / Do I smell? / it flares up a NO / See? Bevel: What do ghosts smell like? Tara: *sniffs spira, shakes head, shrugs* E x s p i r a v i t: See? No smell. E x s p i r a v i t: / twists around and scans the room a few times/ Hmm... Tara: What are you /looking/ at? Ravage: =Must. Light rot. Sulfur.= E x s p i r a v i t: That's just my natural allure. Tara: Everyone keeps eyeing something, and it's not me. *huffs* E x s p i r a v i t: / blinks/ Oh... I'm planning something. /pats Tara's head and sinks into the ground. / E x s p i r a v i t: / He's going to try and scare the kitty / Bevel: Sorry, Tara E x s p i r a v i t: / which means he sort of needs to be in the general vicinity of behind Ravage / Ravage: *There's plenty of general vicinity back there.* E x s p i r a v i t: [[ furious kicking ]] Ravage: *...Do you ever get the feeling that you're being shadowed by someone? He can't smell anything, but...* Prowl: *can't relate.* E x s p i r a v i t: / good. He's going to attempt to scale the wall here/ Ravage: *Wiggles a little to get himself prepared for movement. Wiggle. Wiggle. Scrunch.* E x s p i r a v i t: / pauses for a moment. Looks around the wall. Then Ravage. Then the wall. Tilts head to the side and then upside down / Tara: *mutters something about how merpeople are overrated and demons are where it's at* E x s p i r a v i t: / That is not the right angle the shadow should be / E x s p i r a v i t: ... / SCREECHES at Ravage / Ravage: *SPRINGS off the couch with an unholy yowl and rustling feathers* Bevel: *jumps a little from across the room at the sudden screech of noise* Prowl: *watching the movie too intently to notice th— DIVES into the shadows under the couch* Ravage: *Lands in the incubus' lap* E x s p i r a v i t: AHA!! E x s p i r a v i t: /swings up over the couch and leans over it, peeking under it upside down / I knew I saw a thing! Tara: *jumps but is smothered in sphinx* Tara: *good* Prowl: *there's shadows, and then there's darker shadows. and in the middle of the darkest, two faintly glowing eyes.* E x s p i r a v i t: / amused flick of his smoke coils all over. Blinks back. / Hellooo. Ravage: *Does the rapid cat smack thing at his new seat's noggin. Bappity bappity bap. How dare you be where he lands.* E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i imagined the gif. ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ the bapbap gif. ]] Tara: (( omg Prowl: ......... hello. E x s p i r a v i t: / excited wiggle and slides onto the ground, halfway under the couch / You can talk! Bevel: ((bwahaha Ravage: =What talks.= Tara: Owowow /stoppit/ *grabs at paws* Bevel: Talks? Prowl: ... yes. *very softly, though.* E x s p i r a v i t: I thought you were hiding. / wiggles claws/ Shy? Prowl: *scoots over to see the movie from around the ghost. can't quite see the top of the screen from under the couch.* Prowl: ... yes. *wiggles darkness back at claw.* E x s p i r a v i t: / grins and pokes this wiggle as best he can/ I'm Spira. Ravage: *Scowl. Tries to wiggle his paws free.* Tara: *still pushing at paws, tara leans over to see the shadow* Prowl: *the wiggle is very cold.* prowl. E x s p i r a v i t: Come outside. Watch the movie from different shadows. E x s p i r a v i t: [[ to be honest, I love that suit so much ]] Ravage: ((I KNOW)) Bevel: ((it's so well done like dang E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i can't wait for the sequel we all needed. ]] Prowl: *... glides up to the edge of the couch.* which shadows? E x s p i r a v i t: I can make some! Ravage: *Takes advantage of the distraction to move back to the middle of the floor. Much safer here.* E x s p i r a v i t: /quickly moves from the couch and zooms to the lamp, twisting around it and angling it to make big shadows on the walls / Prowl: all right. E x s p i r a v i t: / hangs down by Tara, letting his coil hold the lamp in place, smokey bits hovering around him/ Tara: *grabs at ravage as they go, but alas. at least now spira's back* Ravage: =...It is darker in here.= Prowl: *glides out, zipping through the half-shadows until he gets up to the deep shadows along the wall.* Tara: A wonderful host, you. How accomodating. *petpet the ghost to see how much he can dissipate the smoke* Prowl: ((gdi i'd gone all night without using a gendered pronoun on the shadow and then i slip up with a he.)) Prowl: ((yall saw nothing)) Bevel: *flinches at the sudden movement and hunches in on herself some* Prowl: *silhouette hovers curled up in one of the shadows on the wall* E x s p i r a v i t: / smoke coils around Tara's hand / E x s p i r a v i t: There. Much better, yes? /to prowl / Prowl: ... yes. E x s p i r a v i t: / grins and hangs back down , watching the movie / How sad. E x s p i r a v i t: I think he wants to eat her. Tara: *...licks the ghost smoke* E x s p i r a v i t: Why can't they let him eat? Ravage: *Ear flick. Who said that. Looks at the wall.* E x s p i r a v i t: / exCUSE. poofs the smoke from the lick / Prowl: they invaded his home. E x s p i r a v i t: Very rude. When someone invades MY home, I make them leave. E x s p i r a v i t: It's very fun. Bevel: Yeah. Bevel: *maybe not the fun part but the first bit for sure* Tara: *keeps trying to lick the smoke, distract distract* E x s p i r a v i t: ... / twits a bit and looks at Tara / I have a riddle for you! Ravage: =That is MY job.= E x s p i r a v i t: *twists E x s p i r a v i t: Yes, but you don't know this riddle. Tara: Have at it, hehe. E x s p i r a v i t: / lifts claws and makes a smokey ouija board/ What blends in with the night, turns out the light, and feeds your monstrous appetite? Ravage: *There's the voice again. The beast twists to look at the wall.* E x s p i r a v i t: / trying not to swing the lamp to keep the shadows steady for new friend / Tara: Oh, I know what feeds /my/ appetite, but I doubt that's the answer to this riddle. Ravage: *...Stands on his hind paws, leans over the back of the couch, and test bops the wall.* E x s p i r a v i t: Do you... give up? /8) / E x s p i r a v i t: [[ the fact that he swims so well in it, too ]] Ravage: ((especially since they couldn't see anything in the damn suit lol)) Prowl: *jolts out of the way. zips up to a dark corner.* Ravage: *!!!* E x s p i r a v i t: [ dude yeah ]] Tara: I give in - what is it? Ravage: *THERE'S SOMEONE IN HERE AND THEY DIDN'T PAY THE TOLL.* E x s p i r a v i t: / poofs the ouija board/ Me, you silly thing! Hee! /laughs and pats Tara's face with claw / E x s p i r a v i t: / would waggle eye brows, but has none. Waggles smokey eye brows / Prowl: *toward spira* is it--? oh. Ravage: *Scrambles over the back of the couch with a thud, jumps back onto his hind paws, and starts trying to catch the thing in the dark corner.* Prowl: *didn't answer the riddle in time. had a different answer anyw— !!!* Tara: *snickers and looks over* Did someone pull out the laser pointer again? E x s p i r a v i t: / uh oh. / Run, Prowl. E x s p i r a v i t: /grabs lamp and twists it to make a path of shadows / E x s p i r a v i t: / run forrest run / Prowl: *shoots along the path* Ravage: *Chase chase.* Bevel: *distracted from the movie by the chase scene in the room* E x s p i r a v i t: / swinging lamp around and trying to make as many shadows as possible to hide in / Ravage: =They did not pass the test!= Tara: At least give the shadow a chance, Ravage. What's your riddle, then? Prowl: *dives back down to the floor and hides under another couch* E x s p i r a v i t: Then play fair, kitty ! E x s p i r a v i t: Give him a riddle. Ravage: *Flops onto his side right by the couch and closes one eye, trying to see the intruder.* Ravage: =...You agree to play?= Prowl: *there's darkness, and darker darkness.* ... yes. E x s p i r a v i t: / swings down to relax by Tara again/ I hope the monster lives. I rather like him. E x s p i r a v i t: He's got a funny face. Ravage: *Tappity tappity claws. He's thinking.* Tara: I hope he does too, but as far as faces go, I quite like yours better. *claw traces ghost jaw* E x s p i r a v i t: Awww, ain't you sweet. /wiggles a little / E x s p i r a v i t: not much of a face, though. Missing half. /sticks claw under his floating red eye / E x s p i r a v i t: Nothing here. Tara: Half's plenty to land a kiss on. *quick smorch teh ghost* Ravage: =I am a solitary word, 5 letters long. Behead me once and I remain the same. Behead me again and I still do not change.= E x s p i r a v i t: / aaaAAH! bursts into smoke. Poof. / Tara: *pouts* Tara: *mumbles* Just when I thought I was getting somewhere. E x s p i r a v i t: / reforms by Bevel / Did you see that? /giddy wiggly. Pause. / ... You smell like a wet dog. Bevel: *jumps a little* So? E x s p i r a v i t: / shove face in hair and SNIFF/ Kidding. I can't smell! /poofs again and forms by Tara/ E x s p i r a v i t: Howdy. Come here often? /waggle smokey brows / E x s p i r a v i t: [[ this is the longest "on my way to steal your girl" ive ever seen ]] Bevel: *jerks away at the sudden face in her hair. and falls off the chair* E x s p i r a v i t: / cackles at Bevel / Prowl: *... shifts nervously. knew the riddles the other two got. but this one is about words.* Prowl: *... solitary word. is the word itself solitary?* Bevel: *just gonna.... stay here on the floor yep* Prowl: ... alone. Tara: Not yet, but I plan on it. *boops ghost nose* E x s p i r a v i t: Haha. I usually scare away visitors. E x s p i r a v i t: Nasty people with cameras. Ravage: *Big smile. Many sharp teeth.* =Good.= Ravage: *Backs up and nods. The toll is paid.* E x s p i r a v i t: / oh no!! / Prowl: *glides up to the edge of the couch again. at least it isn't over yet.* Ravage: *Aha. So that's what the stranger is.* Tara: *turns head* See, Ravage, all you had to do was give them a chance. You can't eat a shadow, anyhow. Prowl: *finds a shadow next to the couch to hover in* E x s p i r a v i t: Yeah. E x s p i r a v i t: Bad kitty. Ravage: *Flicks his wings at them both.* =Rules are rules.= Bevel: *laughs* E x s p i r a v i t: Break the rules! Tara: *flicks wings back at* Prowl: rules are rules. Ravage: *Growls and rests his head on his paws. Unruly pair. At least the shadow and the... whatever they are... behave well.* Ravage: *Slow blink* =Yes. Thank you.= E x s p i r a v i t: I didn't have to answe.r. E x s p i r a v i t: But, this is my house. Tara: Does anyone ever have to give /you/ a riddle, Ravage? E x s p i r a v i t: / swings down from the lamp and coils up from the ground / Tara: *can still play with ghost smoke with his tail, good* Ravage: =That is why.= Those who own a place need not earn entry to it. =Other sphinxes. Clever creatures playing games.= E x s p i r a v i t: So, when you have meetings, you have to all answer a riddle? E x s p i r a v i t: / smoke will play around the tail too / Ravage: *Nod.* =The one who asks the best riddle is honored.= E x s p i r a v i t: ... Oh,  you really have meetings? E x s p i r a v i t: What's that like? E x s p i r a v i t: Do you all have meetings with your groupings? Prowl: *... slides under couches and through half-shadows to get next to the one with the lamp where everyone is gathered. stays on the opposite side from the lamp, pressed up under the shade of the arm rest Ravage: =A diamond plate, a glowing grate, a place you never leave.= E x s p i r a v i t: / wiggles claws at shadow!/ Ravage: *Tracks the shadow and offers it a small nod for the earlier defense.* Prowl: *stretches out something spindly and vaguely hand-shaped to return the wiggle. it quickly wilts and vanishes under the lamp light.* E x s p i r a v i t: / grins. / E x s p i r a v i t: Do you have meetings, Tara? /leans over on / E x s p i r a v i t: A bunch of you heart eaters in a room? E x s p i r a v i t: What about you, wet dog? Bevel: Glowing grate? Bevel: *grumbles* Ravage: *Makes a lazy circle motion with one paw.* =Fireplace.= Bevel: Like in a house! Oh is it home? Ravage: *Nod.* Tara: *is curious, makes a hand-shaped shadow where the spindly hand was to see if anything'll happen* Hmm... We tend to steer clear of each other, heh. Bevel: *fist pump* Prowl: i leave fireplaces as fast as possible. Ravage: =Present company excepted.= E x s p i r a v i t: Prowl, do you have meetings with other shadows? Prowl: *... sinks into the offered hand-shadow.* Prowl: not on purpose. E x s p i r a v i t: Aah. Prowl: *warning: having a shadow in your shadow is cold.* E x s p i r a v i t: ... I can't leave my house. E x s p i r a v i t: / 8( / Ravage: *Rasping chuckle. He did say "a place you never leave".* Bevel: Meetings are kind of like family reunions. Or something. Everyone either knows someone else or is related to them. Tara: *hums and wiggles fingers, trying to pinch the shadow* E x s p i r a v i t: Aaah. You all have interesting lives. /coils into the air / Prowl: vampires leave their homes by taking a little of it with them. E x s p i r a v i t: I can play ticks. Can scare the visitors away. E x s p i r a v i t: But I'm tied to my person. E x s p i r a v i t: / twists in the air to hover upside down / Tara: Your person? You mean you're taken? *pout* Prowl: *curls up into the grabbing fingers* E x s p i r a v i t: Aah... /pats Tara's cheek/ Not really. Ravage: *Nods to Bevel. He knows what that's like.* E x s p i r a v i t: He doesn't see me. But he's afraid. Everywhere he moves, I move. I follow him. E x s p i r a v i t: Heplayed with a ouija board once. Opened the door. E x s p i r a v i t: But tsk tsk, foolish mortals. They never know when to burn the board! Ravage: =Eat him.= E x s p i r a v i t: Nooo... he's too fun to play with . Prowl: i follow people, too. E x s p i r a v i t: You do?! /grins/ Are they assigned? Ravage: =Why?= Tara: *makes prowl follow his hand, then* E x s p i r a v i t: [[ okay imma be real. I'm gonna switch to my other playlist to wind down. So you guys can enjoy my ugly music dsjkfs ]] Ravage: ((roger)) Tara: (( :3 i wanna hear! Prowl: no, i choose who to follow. E x s p i r a v i t: ... Lucky. Prowl: to eat their souls, a little bit at a time. E x s p i r a v i t: That sounds fun. /pout / Ravage: *Perk.* Bevel: *shudders* E x s p i r a v i t: I just get left forgotten in the house. Tara: *mutters, licks lips* All this talk of eating is making me /hungry/ Prowl: it's a living. E x s p i r a v i t: / licks Tara's cheek / E x s p i r a v i t: I tear souls from people when they make me mad. I can be playful... until I'm not. Prowl: i have to wait as it leaks out of them. Prowl: it's hard to speed it up, even when they deserve it. E x s p i r a v i t: i bet you're real good at it. Bevel: ...I only hurt people when they hurt me first. Tara: *licks spira back* Tara: I know the feeling, Prowl ~ Prowl: that's why i didn't choose you. E x s p i r a v i t: I hurt anyone who comes in the house uninvited. E x s p i r a v i t: Sometimes they break the windows. Tara: Rude. E x s p i r a v i t: Very. Ravage: =Who DID you choose? If not the... 'human'.= Ravage: *Watching the shadow curl around Tara's fingers.* Prowl: *follows the shadows up the underside of tara's arm.* what is it you feed on? E x s p i r a v i t: / sinks into the ground and slinks back up. throws skeleton fish at Ravage. For fun. / Ravage: *All these soul eaters. He prefers to stick to the meat. Souls are messy, complicated business. Too much for him.* Prowl: no one, right now. thought i'd stop in for the movie. Ravage: *Ravage ducks the fish bones and snarls* E x s p i r a v i t: / cackles and hovers by Tara and Prowl / Prowl: *buddy, have you ever seen a shadow eat a steak* E x s p i r a v i t: / do they use their shadow utensils / Tara: *purrs at the chill running up his arm* What do you think I feed on? Prowl: ... i think you must feed on souls, too. but only a small part of them. something regenerable. Bevel: *eats meat, frest as she can get it, souls sound... not very filling* E x s p i r a v i t: You all feed on such interesting things... E x s p i r a v i t: My diet seems so basic. Bevel: I eat meat. What do you eat? E x s p i r a v i t: ... Fear. E x s p i r a v i t: the more people are afraid of me, the stronger I get. E x s p i r a v i t: The anger between people.Negative emotions. They're filling. Bevel: ...Oh. Ravage: *Growls again.* =I protected your home and you fed from me?= Tara: Each to their own, yes. Personally I find pleasure in consuming lust. A much richer flavor than fear. E x s p i r a v i t: ... A little snack /smile innocently / Bevel: How do you eat fear? Prowl: slowly, then all at once. E x s p i r a v i t: Exactly. Ravage: *Bares fangs and sits up straight, no longer comfortable in this place. Tucks his serpent's tail around himself and pulls his wings close.* E x s p i r a v i t: Oh, don't be such a spoil sport! / poofs his head into his claws and twists it with a grin/ Turn that frown upside down! Ravage: *Swipes at the head* E x s p i r a v i t: / poofs head back and pouts / E x s p i r a v i t: I've never had so many visitors without scaring most of them. E x s p i r a v i t: I'm new to company. Bevel: It just seems... um, *holds her hands up and tries to make a ball before "exploding them outward* is it heat or microwaves or something? Or is it like a pheromone? Tara: *is still playing with his own shadow. where does the chill reside now?* E x s p i r a v i t: ... Eh? Ravage: ((I LOVE THIS SONG)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ same ]] Bevel: *fear is pheremones to her but maybe other creatures eat something different* E x s p i r a v i t: Fear? To me it's... it's like an energy Bevel: ((*WHEEZES* I LOVE THIS SONG AND HATE IT AND I LOVE IT E x s p i r a v i t: Negative energy makes me feel better. E x s p i r a v i t: But, I'm also rather mischevious in my own ways. E x s p i r a v i t: [[ yEP ]] Prowl: *finished moving up the arm. moving down the side of his ribcage by now, slowly* Prowl: it is like heat, yes. it radiates off them. you must be close to absorb it before they pull it back in. Tara: *probably looks like he's just petting himself by now, then. hee, it tickles* E x s p i r a v i t: / twists self back up and settles on top of the lamp / E x s p i r a v i t: / just draped over it. Droopy. / Ravage: *Watching that ghost. You stay over there.* E x s p i r a v i t: / glances at Ravage. Might just scare u / E x s p i r a v i t: / droops anyway / Bevel: *side-eyes the shadow some before nodding* That kinda makes sense being energy. E x s p i r a v i t: / flicking his shadowy coils to and fro / E x s p i r a v i t: *smokey E x s p i r a v i t: [[ excuse i am fire and brimstone, not shadow ]] Tara: *is that a sad droop or a comfy droop? tara's checking by leaning over to lick at the smoke again* E x s p i r a v i t: / smoke is going to swipe up that lick like a counter lick / E x s p i r a v i t: / it is an in between droop / Tara: *smiles and purrs. good. this is turning out to be a lovely evening* E x s p i r a v i t: Halloween is soon. That means so many broken windows. E x s p i r a v i t: / side glances at Ravage./ E x s p i r a v i t: / is waiting to scare / Bevel: *gets up finally* I have to go now. Ravage: =So soon.= E x s p i r a v i t: Well, come by and visit again. I'll ask the human to install a doggy door. E x s p i r a v i t: / smug upside down grin / Prowl: *is gradually slinking down tara's side* where is the human tonight? Bevel: I have to be home. *sticks her tongue out at Spira before leaving* E x s p i r a v i t: / mimics this / Eh? Oh... he went out for something. E x s p i r a v i t: / props chin in claw/ He's not very fond of me. Ravage: =I will eat him.= E x s p i r a v i t: / sulking/ He keeps me locked in the house and everything. E x s p i r a v i t: Eh? But, he's my main food source. Ravage: =I know.= Tara: Someone's feeling catty, hmm E x s p i r a v i t: ... /disappears into a poof / E x s p i r a v i t: / reappears and just breaks the light. Welcome to dark / Tara: *tara's eyes glow tho! just a teeny bit* Ravage: *Got them glowing eyes.* Prowl: *has glowy-but-the-least-glowy lights in the room* Tara: *all the glowy* E x s p i r a v i t: / sliding around. Okaaay. Coils up from the ground and jups at Ravage with a screech/ Ravage: *Whips around and snaps at the air* Ravage: *Was expecting that.* E x s p i r a v i t: / AH! yanks down and swats at / E x s p i r a v i t: / will do it. Will pull the tail./ Tara: Please take care not to harm the corporeals in here!!! *ducks down* Prowl: *... takes the opportunity to slink freely around the room for a moment, before settling on the couch next to tara--more heavily and solidly, now.* Ravage: *Flaps into the air. He can take a hint.* E x s p i r a v i t: Don't threaten my food source. Ravage: =You betrayed me first.= E x s p i r a v i t: Ah ah ah. I never said I WASNT going to eat your fear. Ravage: =I leave for places my services are appreciated. Pray your human does not find me.= E x s p i r a v i t: He's not going to actively look for any of you. Ravage: *Snarls and zips out of the room* E x s p i r a v i t: Awww. Kitty got his tongue tied. HAHAHA! E x s p i r a v i t: Or is it fur fluffed? What's the phrase these days? I'm a hundred and tired. Tara: I miss you already, Ravage. *waves but it doesn't matter in the dark orz* E x s p i r a v i t: / pats Tara's head and Prowl's shoulder maybe / E x s p i r a v i t: / or prowl's face . what is this / E x s p i r a v i t: / pat / Tara: *arm comes down near where tara can feel the shadow* I'd love to stay and get acquainted, but... Tara: *hee, nudges horns up into spira's touch* E x s p i r a v i t: / pat pat / Prowl: *shadow is a proper person at the moment. touches the arm.* you're leaving? E x s p i r a v i t: I should be getting back to my usual mischief as well... E x s p i r a v i t: I haven't littered the kitchen with dishes in a while. Tara: I ought to go, yes. I haven't had dinner yet. You're more than welcome to come along, though. E x s p i r a v i t: ... / little pout / Tara: *can't see it, gotta pout louder, spira* E x s p i r a v i t: / LOUD SAD SIGH / E x s p i r a v i t: / BREAKS A SCREEN / E x s p i r a v i t: / SUCH POUT / Tara: I'd invite you along too, but you /know/ you can't, dear. E x s p i r a v i t: He surrounded the place with salt. E x s p i r a v i t: I can't go outside. Prowl: ... i rarely get to taste other cuisines. E x s p i r a v i t: / hUFF / Tara: I'll fix you up something lovely, then. But we ought to be leaving, it'd be rude to tease Spira with details to a dinner he can't attend... E x s p i r a v i t: .. /just breaks something else and crawls up the ceiling and into the corner.on the ceiling. where he pouts. endlessly. / Prowl: mm. E x s p i r a v i t: / will be here when dodge gets home. / E x s p i r a v i t: / i can't believe my human boyfriend doesn't let his ghost bae leave the house / E x s p i r a v i t: / he is pouting upside down, for fun imagery / Tara: *takes prowl's shadowy arm and makes for the door* Prowl: *follows* Tara: *just don't step on the tail, pls* E x s p i r a v i t: / will throw something at the tail. B( / Tara: *rude* E x s p i r a v i t: / u cant tease me and then bail. U RUDE FIRST / Tara: *he'll come back and have ghost makeouts with you another time, shh* Tara: *he's hungry and you're not alive anymore* Prowl: *it hit prowl. ;;* E x s p i r a v i t: /oh. Sorry Prowl/ E x s p i r a v i t: / quick pat spot it hit / E x s p i r a v i t: / then back to pouting. / Prowl: *thanks.* E x s p i r a v i t: / prowl is a good. / E x s p i r a v i t: / he likes prowl / Tara: ...How about I kick the salt on the way out, hmm? Tara: Blow a bit of it away. E x s p i r a v i t: Oh, go ahead. E x s p i r a v i t: I need to wait for him anyway. He said he's buying a new ouija board so we can talk. /this is a lie. / Tara: If you insist... E x s p i r a v i t: ... but you could. E x s p i r a v i t: maybe break just part of the ring. E x s p i r a v i t: if it's broken, I can work on the rest. Tara: *winks* Done deal. Tara: *is outie* Prowl: *follows in tara's shadow*
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