#omehow. yes i'm a giant nerd. shut up. shut up
lonepower · 10 months
for shits and giggles (and also just because i kind of hate the official steam version lmao) i am slowly working my way through my own translation of noel the mortal fate (even though i can BARELY read japanese. like i can read hiragana and approximately four(4) kanji. and that's. it asdf) and man. it is SO interesting from a source/target perspective
obviously there's the fact that japanese grammar is NOTHING like english grammar and its... information density?... is a lot higher, so a lot more connotation can fit into a much smaller amount of sentence and there just... Is Not a way to translate it without taking pretty significant liberties
but also i'm learning so many fun idioms. cybilla says that stella stage "entered the competition with their shoes on" when she's talking about them tampering with the results, which is just. a very japanese idiom. (I suppose the English equivalent would be "dragging it through the mud" which isn't That different conceptually?)
anyway tl;dr i love translation theory
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